Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Sep 1913, p. 8

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bis fther bere t1MB week. ( Mr. Wm. ?MaTilrd Aix!cb)da'~M 44 * viuitIng relat,1ves ln the. oiîy>. Mrs, .Normnaii Clwill spent tbW The,"S~*1 wes ed .with frenla ,itae i3itY.' 'Èl1U> bfr _&d k~ ~ Quite a numbor rom eiés altèadôid ~ the Torontoé E Ijontu wck. W ý Miss kate'Lynde statted 1iebospi Dr i 'uti ttrafaing aVOshawa ou 'Sept.uxber iWbWwloa itéet wft the Miàses 'J4adeonc u-~i,~.&àL Mr. Jas. ,Wodwti,~i pent a f#w tlr ui. w das1 aàt oek u 4th finonde no.as,' hhougb ýîia1 outz Mlisses Atdieè, and-i Doxothy VI]jouil qt.r. pb1a wr speta ew ay.lu erct. III a~a end anmade. a,i wé èk.. Mr. A. -C. Ellioti là- - r., Masterman,-,f'of SùmMerltwn, louaI,. repàikat. 11. K er. modellét d l± i -Mr. Frank ýSOot, .of. Batth.- Oreek, -wsput la, wbtcb , wl Midi, leholla!1n*hIkhie wlî; add igréatly t.1he.ý 't. bohre. -"t-th e tr-. The, infant - daâgherof Mr. aid An artWglethat ban Kra.., Fred r4cBrien bas béeW v-Ory -11, aheulti -la tdie-biconit "btut Wslmprovîux1i. such tgtheea., thI± C The yo(ote, p.1 l 1 > - vIÃŽ14 helti Côgh -Remotiy' ms boom * olycri e W r'Vpniba mauy dealers. -1sis wprodu taut we.'H. W. Heudrlckuôn, Ohiô CÈarw Eîl1ltt mehbned teT4' roFh edIohthe 'best .for cougi Mrs.PIiènlxau~Mn Wd~sn e 0alby l'ai tealert.-IS. Nèdat.mot « ea a,,Wad~ ytw patrUong. àTo getit t1mim â :,r lla 'For the'-B6owpl 'Of about 'Rexs = t a be aa ent#ù4U uéaob mommnd ing t~as~~g. Thy, tutlsj s 'i 2ç p*à:y. ,.Taie o n Ma us u to t 10 bhw.I -t ý h e t l L 1 k n e , dP r o t a n i a p o c i lie%; and-" q uiow a m - 'ubro of ud atnoO do caeapu tm oblt"if 0'wi ilo toeUe lq oo t t Ow &I -. d. wolebox Ti., f theg yo e wlI etift £Ioomn, lez. I beu, ebowe~-jnii ~ oflo d ilpofitbin s4dlu otiy uu Oderhs f o 'Chld Oe , u1i~ Baza Qrdohm-dogs q etly a'Dprou . e xal Odeij ~jtJnj~ mpig4orCPumng l" ala, U Pcone -fot em-oke r e xtuosmthe loooriu. Te boe. 7n2re tblet Io; t me O e tN lma ra h4 RxkO rdeties re otmi b -and k Ove Ou (ree1Aon:II ILàrALUïNir 4p~i~d ui l. arlmla li orv~ar t r ~mm faird And________bw_ AiDOlCa5S r iy ÏeoigStsr R*aJ Orders4 -d Soreslle o'hide éiâ --a,, t.'-: - t,.. Y ou , ýO , Who want Dîgnifieti Çlothes which ape d tîtciy different tiim othêr kîndu always wea HOBBERLINS MADE..TO.MAsuRE. eC a toue ai their mwi tiat only thc mot eficient ïe tbem Hobbertli clothes do sot oost any -nior mol.BMter catIno esud irispttei e5co in PâlI aud Wînter. e, Corme LA A-ECE jS tMUIU mta quu e oy ici t he conduct Ï>' ia somii -,eJe phoineDir«i t a one j n , E : M ~ Y I T L E - e c h r s ~ iM a d p u b i é m e t i n g s e lî v el l ' b é y f a n . R e b a s g a i a t- I I T e e h o e i e t r y - o d U i a 4 e T L E bd a nd- a on e ~ I tq b c m ~liaiib ria n~u ~ f<~. C4OsM tM . tc 'e. i y ou g- m là frg - - SOling peàriuhs, 14 PiCntr l ifî @is e nM<>day ho contiaus lhOtý ~lv; The-building. hi, the cap -and -Cent -atpplied t i 'O tenaslvesb teslb h tou mséjah wishcbaag a1t 8l li b i et so oo a. - rs lu h hph . :ý h O t > yf joro a ti th er e a re, each eu r a tvert a ea s f r o s - Pcù w ýe t y o u él p lacé b ei s ýýa, ot tisi. -satn.ad vr Oftcuat besi Pptr rui o ofecti, Hf4gorders with thr. Local Ma'i*ger ýnce l O oug- ' a he an i <>üB-aw a, 18 ,holiday.- u ~t f ~ a s 6 j teo e h e in - v* h fr t I l 1a o~ n a g i e r - ,- 4; il5 -t- Dg a udh r âT iclocation.aa e" ho .aa " htteroh' Miss J. Rosi Spet tc It,, p t wc miues of ansrebt ll nirad 'ouhePns> eu b aý - 01W tet ui s n,à s. "Connectiug.Comparim'ea- efler2' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w lo ! l c w k Te o î .k M O é J w s pr4 etle t r, ur.. T a uhor of. the book Ig W illiam .-' - - Mr- John Bt'urn-. ou,ýi. -rouuiieUY fIowenBwj-thie ucar- -BanLkÈ, jr, t he taff of heisTÃ"ron..Shoudalreport ditos and ehanges day woek 'ti~rew's 'o*Urpj, wmio u n întuet n eecdIngly oen e ry runi aLocal ?Manag r, ordireà to lb. Special M. .Allia anti brde arebl.I -Tc un*bon<i-i frayae j eh epgy- u _<, heni&r o - Agentes DepanÏitn,14ýontâ. - kg aI 'hie p raongewli t ich fer I very... leavy tiurk 0eaý > Tic builti- lice boy. lf 'Y.u are Ioolug fýor a' book- 'e"abr e.RW.Allia. 'iug basbeen conscttieà ntirejy hoinake yeoilaugî anti .cie;r'you up he BIel, Telephoule Coiun' Ml -R. -- Bers, of Columbus, freio c Irpun m taxation anti -a at eigv o i eln îîyu - e aaa --cmct~ aetSuntiay 1hfini e. two- Ofh <fa maill rate has b"een have.net waated your tisse,- but bave - pro id em I. We are sorry - rp r bi .kstruck us ya.fr l pep btieionhig ot ~ î,avé- - th .d at f !% l a J e s -W ilson , br ry board aWo nilliyahu ht ~ f m A à p us urnpfke,oî T c ea a m iwlhocie &Montiuy, -Sephex ui- aaghe nttuln M oo l-r. Teg -y _ . en ber li1 t . ýT h c ýla e M r.-, W ilson,, - u the lbrar4n h A - .H. G lbb îrd i ..- ift o s on n o M e t &--_ _ _ _ bndsm3u1h yoar, atied. dey ,o Hlpg préFra"AugiSt 16, 9s jolg--- I-FOCAL U318' animc epceti.U q asoi Of TiceImplicît confidence thntmn u iou essaeFU~ nemai-service was belti ahbstl SALE'REGISTER. -People have in Chambermann' Colle, elYto ési*lcd reMn Wilsn, ! laemeul Ti fi,- Choiera aid Diarroea Remetiy CIj w ose sddi resdeue bre n Wtinsdy-after- Sahurday, Scptember6... utontudJonie eelenl iesencsiile. -I m'is - 'o i2ococ. Ihretî<ksaso r goi anc)ý" gootS Anti'of tbat rnmedy antithein- #nowegc- Pceprar, So "Yuho - k' jce luAsibun emtcr.lp bti Ale nt W- acsnso! us mIany -remarkable cures 1o! col-Spe*a r i:o Yuho to mais s m a y l ex teidd o t e & b r av . Store, W h tby. A f e rnon u . <. : c i r i ea a t y e h n tt - e" g iundp, 7,50 66" m u e 0 'vijwti tic uuiform shave met and evenlu i 7.80. Tsrms oasai,- ec cd. For- al.by al dcajer. ~~~,u~~a ae s'aes"*t"UtOlct assl un~~~ ~~ up lneleumOof Cbazaberlain's Col- - - <>PT I'm er ' No Co a OaClie antffiDirioca rmd;The bt1 u. 1m»sikabltecUresà o ic-âanddiar- _WA vU cS" Thb rht... TOSONTO st cs. toa-fo amation.. ~ ~ ~ A ni e wi c -t s-,efteot e ai ne an e mono'eghàtôo fiaie5.,ÏýM 'a *4ann1O for-à I t ' a Y o u g h i g i CounuU -mt i,.:5 ay. eeve - esn f e v n g in d a y, W h îb y O s a w a or in er m di & e W iit y, P ho o 9 . E 1BE, Cost JdcMonye"JE-an-P1lihBaealand Fo'tbal Tourn eFre stEstate o! -è . Oeand11 hue Mo n tDa r b otn u , p e rsy n - m .ý loer, moetiforlene t inrodce ta e tr103 -Au tcam ni . - E4 Il phoneo Moeib n ivr eoudeti by'!--tou]0tiwu...pq to'taiWhitb6y-4 u ua Pone 4andun215w., - n. mcLenti 0nt M r e a , M. oilm *- - *5 d~ m tcfc itw aeoiut pa G re u? a ti M oties& il b. p i , G D00 - -A T R C T () Scîn s d f o roc , hit b , 1n co.ýt, ýudÈ JEW.a T ar pe rei -t c i e -e ïa t ini ;t i Mn B ya tseou cut y M . ea--in ip gt R g fi asknoo , arman, a n Roay, Ei oTo n u d lu dyâoât a sl nirs gv n -- p 'c boni , oyet for eUetei r e- S oten in-ét o i-Cngd..n-sith eraRiwys b y - I a w t a- lig e v y atdo l e mby f o e u n i g i î . a . c n ie f a s a l p i t n C N R t n a u u î p e g . P a r c 7i s a l i e i f r n t i - -U M 3Ilnuanu nand Cnadanôowter. QmobeGcao 0allliai-eSWa - - M r.v eti b M n M L c seco utici b Y - A l .T r n o nMr.a a on C ~ O . a i r r t t o s u S u b g t Mn Byut ia te folwlg ac - - Onaloon u snh fGrndTiakmanoioTrot t D ma.W IT Y IA K B S - - o~ Popl, appointT ol 122 as. 40stTootai00 Sar Htal a.!e fBp...,Lae;ml Cntal.081go. W. J. reëvedo 1, aninngla.St Jwom t Hbenma. U Q. ationWVis i sht â h àpe 7.25 Th mas Scôt $95o, Joh O'- SEP. aP.a Tan to e iarro~,ae o Ç O .D 9 ~ U tln T h n s O c 1 1 . 8 ,T i oes s . . cN e m0 . .e , ---B u l a t ... ..... m u ..ha v e0 j . U Sý W't r a m Wm. Michael 9Ha0c-a-Clova-ri..e..&o.m s ..L 1 0 . 4  d g r p Byan t 482, se C . ed bM r.on, elcîto iôpgiot Sas atoon , ,n.,,, 1>59<5 cla l U - k o Sl&6 a.4 9M 16.85,JohnmcGnc oSw12,Wmver, EdmontonliEandXCURSION Giovr, in oe a ib i C o uc -ao porîOatte low ras therm non aniwintermediatey st ations. oi t.- s .89 Oct. 8 o Sept.e vyan oleS-Pnylrromae t atosTrnoan!EsadEu fOisa,êdSài p ecilattenO tIi MS» PR ODC.2 JO GA Jouni to uiect an M ontiaya ile roin al2-p o nson 'C -N.R . ' i n p ega'. a i . lI S uA ft .. . & O».0 * J in 30 a. u nt p. T oCw nsi ,- o c i llageryost speela tain wieg arst or n tatlh e ts b n t A u u is c o e 6 P . 5 P o taat o s T r n o t i rt ay nci g n i i w O t r i a O tro. Beef, per clIkjfr andd..ive5i 1 .5 o d 1m i.. Debentue1 3a'odTi. . PaEde ail a s tso o n.aq*c.,urotepo...*e88. PO T ýy gadtorte uport 1 tC pr. CAADN -AUO sF tON,ArbtLeXIIIB ndEat[Éln ontr u uebe,.r-... W 't. .- On y7 'IaW -ôgirieros201 Ile , n d ,1 _.. n . .._3 4 U o, l 1,C uasa - t hs ote îonga- le8oC .on.Ao.gand qudMSept. ,TB Z-Rï£T-S Ontri01 su 0ut ofGrndT nmilnoXmostlnsn Keeps the Dru gglst lIEDC The OAUMs of Dist At Wbtby Monda f rom ga. LI Bmrister, County ïOff= s outh wing -armAr. SLcir O0ce, Brock S.- Money Money to6 Sw hitb issu MARRIAGI Court House, Wi Byron St, MtL ~datu apply to meu LICENSED A AND VAL AIL kmn fs lu rraneet Termaonabi. WIIITBI r C arpenter. -Builde ,;g aÉ4 drawn, andi es Rýepairs,Al1teratic - Agent for Baran 1Bs67 WHITf of &Il De*nis and-Iati 4 WM llpsy j'onto ~ ' ani iipect 'for youz - anido mBow %ha ag 1per cnt., which V~ ~ caCl*i -office _ant Ipoit tandard BI NICHOLSON * IJNDRTf ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO]

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