rtrèd to a miani ithout roSard te - ptealpreference. The' ri -i.of moman iu indue7. iy l à w,à ulâmy puttin',g au n ed te: 1~I4Ies r~sg,tVhe imrriage! -i-th ske oe1 any kid oe !&ahomo. ~op -th Ve wmen o! Europeý ~ Ài~Ie4t~ lU Id or Vhs e-! Ma of t4be %ent. The -9uorme ïkt'h h le-Japanessmýo!nau isi e-bing ahemu by-her humbaud iis t -the for-runner o! meyi>'moe pison to an sd figurca irhichi. me-ý - XdQ'ý %4 ysnea'"epoch-makng" # u1ins volume publlshed by hyrtý,.,,bevelume-is saidV-e;over- 1iu'n4the Vis.eteacea o!crimiuiai ty~.peýjid-the- relation betmeen crirjM ydertau physicà l traits or peculiij-ikc ýsiiort *nouses, âs~s~ y loiw forees, etc. Dr. . Qriig'u- - masurements, whxis4' beg'gn'in 1901, are isaid tV- jh~~ thO5 hndindex- iuaiý, do _not vary miùù, exept ilu -~ - -eue~~epect~ em Vh genea cpi lation ;tliat -perW c!yrespetbl ismnates- of hapitiresebe i --n'ai-iy thé u !mifoes ad PaaiiPt îr1mliere net -n 4 -hêrèxiViý wmcked, or Irutal or per- versé. - T--crmna n su4edmarkedly iuforxQjra heighV ndweight, !but Dr, -Gron * in, p&Oe4to thiUk tliat ~- por " , q4 Y" e1!- ý Unfsvýomab!e1 ap- parano&, make - for orifmiin&ity, r: principally -by loging Vths avenueo -- -ho boat,,,employmeut. - uIon c --wordis, the-punymnufids iV liard'. er --o o- ea job than thi, taXi, etro - - man Id ýtiâ i. raks oftic uneni pioyed ud nemployabi. upply reoruita toe ii&o-csllod ,criminsi types.,- -- What, thei. rd calis criminllty, 2».Goiing seneludes, -la tgesraIly a ix!burg4l"i à ani - tiugaeire defsci-1 - - lv. u motaI apacty -s a nis ÃM udiV folloms thae a proper train- -i a igind disiplin- nc l eisnentary ,aud-vocationà l sehools mould save -f - - m&ny frein crîminai careers. - It la-sas! Vo geneaiize on insà m- .fÊcienit data. Lombromo went to !a,-0,dQýubtedi, bu-t >i-b-lposible to-go- Voê-fami i . eopposite direa- s~ amprimons ma-dehy Drý. Gem- imi7 manntspasitive -conclusions lay "hie s±teudcd 0o"er- uu - Dn'let fuet. Don't "tY up - tole 4ih.Don't put tebae- -S iiiy<>ux-ars 1» stop peisi Don't - orget t» tak6 your Vecoth-,pls.Ve out e-ry iaght aind mas i lt. Dn-n'V -si-e-p mlfà your min-dem shut, send -- ,ôln'tbreathe mliii pur mou4xi op6en. Don't use for youzeslf a ;pe*,ciption wuhctheisdoebor rroiLe --- -f0M soane-bcdy ds.-Dom'-t- h4ve- -f&e li tecti Put -uoo ot -eLtump. ; h4ve thé èiiumps taken out - firti% ,Dou'V haIve th'Lii.cuda esrp - jFezwd ithle hope Via- tiiUlin- - - - - y4~veecye; it i. a ullty super- »tbbirm.Don't spsudon wiomVless' - "cum-e*x.IIW-lf' oiey minci. m4glt be - - fi t o h.elp toma-rds a aummer Doxa'V meoi s pextecl"c -w -J o reeordcred--for aomebiddy - -dés! btha-ve your oy¶es properiy -- -- ~t.4d 1%0h two oye.,are -uldonî o! -we-muat ,not b e %£raid ofd4hmg- - - - thîga sdy, lor mtitout ailume ire - budnover du Auithius u e!î liclien Le the matter 7" whig- P.ered Baby-,Bear. IXpeide-5owxî3at, who lias wo:i-, Iderful. icars, :ofutiened. -him -te -W quiet.. u" ad-e Ther. y5D~ lni,,& boatto the,~ .V "Wby,Upy",lam4 i. ,Iear, 'laie ou awake in the d,%y-' fime " -HR spoke like tha4 to- Up- ujide-Iown Bat. because they. vere "Rush, Outbby, I tell you- The bat caled, Little Bear "Ocub- by" te tesse hiu; Dut in thé, *pathx daneed ,-Baby -Bear, rayfrapesu uawt hi. Mreud,. ' " Oh,- ho, hot What haveire- lier 1" xiclainied thé, youug maxi, when liepairLittle Bear. - i4ttle cair stood. stili aud à tared. îiras not airaid, sw e- bers, air," aid'ý,the, YOuIg Max,-a e stepped on shore,. "you 11-lyour. fatheýr'sud your 'Mo- ther thât Iar a ùtterfly-collector, and I do flot irant y-au. Busir- donlt yiou go near my boat 1" Baby Bear;»-i ât, aliswr., Aler being told xiotto go n'earthat'boat, lie sehould ha've kept eut of iit; Lut aiter the; youug unan vira gone, a babUr Red-ïHeacl few 4e tlxewnl6ws adbeega taciu w ecrnç]#,7 lieuse teLttie Beýir-8uddénulythie wmvnd u.nafched a featlier frQm Rd down the river..- ',Don't cry, Baby ,Red-HeadI"' called Little.Bear.' il g et.yourî featheër " that boat, jumped in, and awsy - li sailed. One oar feU overboard,, but Little Bear tried to paddlê with the'other. H hultta i kuew al _about. ,boatâ- beeauie le, li&lý héard, Fathor. e"Bear, teli. tii., ]ýeiver- cliildreiamsny ~otols -Lttle Bear could not turntintý iboatia The mcwsb1mndwx ira ýs usles osotorle. -ituie ' * ar ,4ecanie tri fightened, but h. remembered. 'a- ths-rj tBer's .s-dvioe : "fIf - eyer , you au -oure.lçf. ýriWt in an opeu ,bôatb kèepyour hçad,,'>:. SoLit.tle Bear kept. Ida-.hesd,. 1bd s ure, euough help ç,&,mç...Father Kiugffsl.ier, searchiug the. river for 6.sh,,. air Little Bear sitting exact- !Y Wn the M04ddle1 of the boat, licil- iug aun unraîsdc oar. Father 'Kin'- 'fiéher kueir atia-a litýtle";wa y beyomid ir*as the *ïwi,.,wide, ocetnu, suad. tii -river, travelled' .fast-:edesues FathrKigfiher fiw aloug, u told al thé. wild-irood, foîka lie meét that dear - Little *Bear iras -fioatiug out-to s&inita romboat. Immediately ou learuiug auch dreadful nemi, ail the. best swm- mner,%s long the. rivritarted in pur- suit of Vhos driftiug boat> Father Beavx" aud allhMe bretiirs, Father Otter sud'hii folks, the. Mink fam- ily sud -tii Muskr 't tribe, left their -work aà 4 smam'into thes:Middle of thé *ztreamcaught the boat, turu- cd t anw sd tied a gr&p-vine ropet te boirand t<msd im up the. river.- Severai houri pgssod before Fs- ther' Bear sudMowtbsr'Beà r sai the. unusu4al pOCiO. WhaV do yon, suppose irere the1 firirords Little Bear said te hi, Mother Bear - "Here's rthe. feather -I veut after --it is for - :uùVo give VÃ" -Mrs. Red-ý Head." - -What do you suppose Mother woumld. Aaloir it Vo b. rlodu koo Iur-Ulve send, aotive. :A oele-i batdob&anter, w-c> m ssur-1 x'<çuncld wiit enemnis, usd t» re-1 mark "TiePe re sae*s -mmcli, if you do Ût blm*, wiUgoo-utwby bhemueives. " liei tibe y<ur f..!- b*n- while edeavor <to':live dow- the ecanà dal. of thoas 4» i0t; s-ge.ui.V you. If yu.o edispisis ~'ouildo bik ý& .he =< na.opeu thbe w&ay for more abuee. Lt t4.2 -rie felloir aJk-; thoes malb. s - S--action if you perlonn but-yor dutyj,- sud hundreds iïe-o»were once aiiena±ed froem Yeu sial tck Vo you anmd ao>wledge Uieir errer. s dsaue-knoewninmedlièieashr p.eu zester 7-an impreaive'name'-that pIcréep, sud zester, a7 irdle., Hà rpesis -an -eruption thiat MAY 4ap-, pear on almost -any. parb .o! -Vhs body; it lu propsriy caiied uingies oriiherpen zester ouiy uiien it cornes reoxnd-AVii.-trunk. - ýShixigles ^generail3r begin mwith- pan,e unlike tint ôf ucurigia," mcis uoften quite Severe iW Vhs - parts uiiere tbç eruption is Vo - p-. ,poar.- Afier a :time,_varying -from'. ,'z -éw heurs Vo scierai days,- groupe: il large pimpies appear, and - thIs ukin ail about tii. eruptionbecomeS inflamed snd alighliweolien. The' pimpla do et- apearail Vonce, but lu. a-- succession ofilitti. cropo, and Vhey go on Vo forin umali vyesi- cles tiat are'filled mith à iraxspar- eut fluid. As the - 'cruption , Coee :dmnmn4h. - - - . ilnis,1kê fttac' ks c'f'herpe.a lun o herpartsfa othe lod, ou- Vhs mme cfsu uflamed nerve1É -iï,very unusual-for the girdle to ar round-tii. bd,,complètely, but, -thore isuoo~m bu or ien-ý mon bliert1hat -ïcii a200nùdition leads -Vo fatal resulItaý. Tihé disease orîdinarily ruse a course of from Von da:ysto Vu-o meeks, xlthôugh mis;h jedty persona it issocimsmore [.porés aet. - Tii.- pain 'o! an, attaek la.so ilikely Vo i. more seivere mitli -fI old than mithi Vhs youing, -but- Qu Vhs etiher hand, old persona arle is-H ael tQ suffer frem Vhs dis- - -~ny con<~tientliat can gr -u Vo 'th ii. inlammation o!" a nerve May cau.is aingies. lunznany cases,' iV seern--tVo be the resuit o! an infec- tion. lUeurnatism aud Vheso-call- cd :goutydiatheasis predispose Vo it. It, may a-ooorpaýny influenz4 or ma- laria, sud.sornetimes i-appsars te b.- Vhe reault of an ernoti'onai dis- turbance. The treatmeut which a physician should direct aima Vo re- 'im e i.pain, sud proteottVhs pim-1 lies or, veucicicu fmom -rupture. 'IV lisaiing olntmjeuts3, snd to build up tIi. ~ ~ t1e srnho!Vspatient -wt nouürlshii sud essily digested tQod. -_Youtis Comnpanioxi. Realthgrams. - Exercise aida in securing good sp- petite, good- digestion, good sleep. Walking, Vhs meut naturai exer- c Vè -ho b o! henefit, muet be prac- ied regularly. Tii. béat o! ahi exorcise is mork. Eoth mork sud exercise uhenid be per!ommed mher. an abunda nce of freeliair la available. Plain, srmfpie sud eaisily digested feod coustitutes Vhe Lest nourieli- Frequent bathing ad-dm Vo heaith as 'reli au appeamance and co-M!ort. Neglected teeth miii eve-itually- put Vhs -entirs hurnan syutern out o! The tceVh ahouhd b. 1brushed aud cieansd on ariaiug and at bedtims, sa ire!as afber sach meal. Sileep je Vhs natural means o! se- euring'rest for Vths body sud tvhe mmid. A ps-on sufferiug from insomnia ehbuià conuut a physician sud noV rebsert te sleeping dope~ nC.A- clear conscience is the beat hyp.- uetic.- - -t -"Do6n't yen hink pace motild b. prmoted, if nations ceid.be per-t suaded -te Vtlk hk Vkga eveér dLr atciy lefors gogte ma ri" *Toa- .sibly. But sometuïà ssthe mnore y-bu _tlk thinpgsôver Vhs m<Qrc you find' 'orfità abeu 8us-picion usuaily fnds whititis Ileking -forif 1V J ookalong euougSb. t m e n e I . E e d 2 . 1 - 1 Golden Text, ýLuke 1027. Verse 12 ouer ýthy father and Vhth er- e 1* 1 e~,4~- gustine thse1Roman Ç#holieCOhureli sud. subsequentiy 8154y s&orne.Pro- testant -churches, have egýrdedI the. fi!th ce auM*dMept - se- hedi thesaecoudý' teable. Thoeaso fr tîs lias béeen'ehiefly Vl 4t',tuis'divi- sion. seemed b -maké, ýi srnouuït ot mriting on-t1 twel- abes more nearly equaL t im~s send- ed à lo on Vhs groluhdi*'t9the corn- maudmnent itesi gi rather- than religious, referix t a duty torrd ethiers- rather than- tomard Godý.. xI n 'cieunt timües'respect for Parents iras more a -tuatt4ïr of re- igos obligation, - Hezce the ear1Iest grouping cf the' à omrnand-- jIÂMuns iras,'4I o Le gqus du- tiéS à '- sn "'VI t& ý X, niea T%'4t thy days mnsybe-long in the laux' d mWhcl Jehovali Vhy God gi-veth thes,-If ir e îe t'tinkof a -aimà - pler original 'om1~,.hscorn- maudment, Vhis--ttaohed ;eaaon for aipliâiationi. -, 1%Tha ording, of the. commnaudment:-in--in Deuteronomy i~èas: Honr Ty Ifather, and thy mo tr s-hovali thy e. e b. -long,* and that î i ay g *eIl with thee, in. the, lançi;Which Jeho- vah-thy God givctbhlee '(Daut. 5. 16). Her e hs oriil, coimand 'f Jehôvali udj hs at rsaýon.cf, ke~diée--ié- b: the~ intcrvening -cxpl1 "1 4 C . "as 1,,hov4ltthy -Ood - commauded- thes," wmmch nsemut pinsie flcally -»o-an earlîer c-more- succinct comrnand te, filial o4i4dience. là , Thou -shaît -flOi -kilt-Ân-< apç preclition ettheaactity. o tii human 1hf. uecessarily ýprecedes a seuse o! other--dtieà and. obliga- tions -toeour,- cllow ,men. Ronce- the. mordl precept- -of hs corn- mndment le, as ire ébuld exp't incorporatediiiltha oce mWhich-n i as pu't ,into 7perman- cent, writton -ýform. - 14, 15.' Not commit,- aduItry Nxeit to oneTu ri@grd'for the, i if. of hie neiigiboFer istb-srespect for famiiy tise, sud -thi: in turu ustu- i1ly ieads Vo sà --rèooguitiouniof tbq th nibelen'ging Le à - Iâmily b4us ho-cl. T h, urt commaud--:' meënt itirfr,~autsei ing. - -- 10: /BCsr fais. witnee.-The eom-% maudmeut as hi-tsanidsreerapri- mWrili *Vo outright Thikehohod : and- perjury. - It dcci nxic4, ho webv' er, -x-- clud. pri*Ëte caluiu rthe.more subti-. 'habit -o! le 11iaspoaking- againet one's neighbor. -Later ou' iri -tho detailea: Iegus'âVion givon by Xà ses te Israe- Vii.latter-ie speci- ficaliy forbidden iu theé - mords: "Thoushit net taire up a fI&s. re- port: put noV t ty haud- with - the iikedr-'to hoan .unrigliteous wut- nemi- (Eod.23. 1). 17. Thon ahait net covet-In un- demtslcig to, rogulater- a mansa in- uer thouglit life as 'ssii as liii enter life, e4 action -Vhe Mosmie li plaçee itsel!; on -a higiier levei Vian auy other systein o!; laws nin or -modern. The. Decalopgue, - and es&peaçlythia cema.nd ment, -pro- osed& o n the-,ss4m -jptlou tatman ie *ctùaily, freç- teo çntro1 hlm deieVy -neighbôr'i -bouse,- hlm feld, or ha ra~ e3iiV or ils mid-servat,- us e;,opr 1li aaus,,or Wae - Liylïg Do* probably. Qmitty Ocorge--T-iipape r aeys thnt prosperity.lY, a asuin' by grayed'PIn ipIfdtso siV- muet, o!ý jumpcd dean o-rer -me. 'It was-Qeorge EliOt rixe sai.d tint politee.islike am- aircul-; ti e r. ma -be -noth i gm'initl: bu-t je That 'Mors banka are ,nom beng eutabished lu i eastcrn Cà ý dà , m1ùh mnîâte-VhMaritiiPo leiüces, tihan lu Vhs-,moïV;t.*s-.,tii. utâtemeènt ef:a financial pape. - --Tic,' Ol-'tizens' ImÉpt6vemeut Lýeague cf- Hall! ax have, Vaken sÃtepso Poee, 'rixelaid eut thejieutfu ppblic, grdonsi-of hat-o't~ Ezra: D. 6miVii, o!fP1 n F Cors, N.S., is- dead. -,He mas i4 hia day on«.cfe! i. -bet knoemun ahi'phuul-dere, hf .thè -Msrttmo-s. Ris&iccstor& came ovor -iù tii. Mayfomv'.- -Policemen - u à t. John'% Nifd - are ,paid a dollar -aday. - One o- thsm liajuit quit as es-toew~e York HRe ,saidl hie irà ýs aly, tarv- ing~V doaWou-tie ilary tdxm - 2d'ard- iingan, f Feeland P.E., lest 20 iâlua;ble> fox.,- front pternaine -poislouiug. .Th-ey aýlethé cideutally killed. '-'Tii.foxea mers, morth moe hn 8000 a piece.. Au organized gang o! burglir are operatiug in Nom Brunswick, and. ttei- police, o! al VheMaritime Provincües arsmwarned te, -o,.on, tue- lookontfor tiern. Many utèrssnd Fox breeders o! Prince' Edmard- Island have formed au aà sciation.- Tboy -ant-Vhs pemiod o!qua% iine eitenclsdfroni tirrechu Vs o six. liçysi l"black. fox-es, nom beinÈ -bréd lun', I. si as higb as81,0 per pair. Thé body o! B. F. Atkinson mas found. on-the roa-d near Sydney, N.B., sud ha iras believed te have been- aocldenVal]y 'killed. 8ince tiien tlie -policehave !ound a hloeod- stained atone in Vie busheâ uçar by, and h4ve come Vo- the coniclusion tint Mr-. .tkinsn ina murdcmed. At ýt. John'e, Nlfd. , s gang' o! men mb me at mork excavating -for a semer mheu tiiey unearthed a lot o! uýkuhls aud bones. It Vurned eut that the. placewma fermerly- a 'miii- tary ceretemy, bût the. oldeat iu- habitant did net - rememà ber mien. Thé6 boues ii i âl be celhectedsd deccutiyit rred. Police c ommissionc .ru o! Sydey aapeBreteon, are net -satisfLed mith. the police fojre of-that toiu, but the Mayor 'aid it masùimosible te gSeV better men unies. tiiey msmpý paid moe. Iu North Sydney, tee, there has becu trouble, snd . Vie chie! o! police iad another member o! tic force fired hocause lie said he Waa druuk on duty. Lewis Dame, o! Fisbing Slip Ham- ber, Nlfd., had rcad in a book that a bear canuot bite s. man il the lat- ter puts is finger sud thumb into each extromity o! the anima'* mouth, tiers beiug ne teeti there. Whisn s bear tackied him ths other day lie saved his lif! by remembsr- lngembat lie hd rcad. Whihs h. heid -Vis hoar another man kiilcd it. - Mma. James Bymu., o! Bymne lioad, usar Charlottetomn, P.E.L., sair s littie black animai walkimig off wiVii one!o hem goahinga in îLmi mouth. -She Vold hem husband, %..-bo- st a tmap sud caugit IV. IV turncd -eut te ho a beautiful black min;:. Au offer ! -boaad ola bas been refused- fer, tii.-duck s tealer. The oi and -x;=ur ùig greatne.zý_ o!~ ~ ~~ v a'VouhuiIIt sou-ce-'n Litle, Minnie: -"Oh, Mammaï. Wh' flt4 -r),yl nose"ma>n- iÃina'iuh, darling, ,papa'a tryinâg Vo, save,,Vhs price o! a shavc." K Honeusty me-ns what a man ViiiWkÈ'au ms eil ae ihat h,--er.AIÇ amnl snoting short e! a fool now-a-dayslmo lu - noV abjaolutely 'honest. - -Brownu- 'Stout. people, - Viy gay) rare' rrély guity of' unéannees 'or crimeë.", Jo0--Wlh o ue it's a ediMRcuit!ôor Vem th ,ttgop teo' nwyt-9ng l"- "eaedon'V bothgr-/toseo n»e Vti.door !" pieà ded- tue'depsqrt- îi- vli "Ral ly it's ne bothe at al," Vhc--he es asured her., Thèe--is no rioyalmad't Vhing. One thing- ,At ,a-..-un -in i £uccebin. --That fmeu ast'wltlé'a mal-d wiiki g*thé-, ,wly utudure-- amy- ne, ali -,é TeGgiaà -the, Seul. to fu4l hthd'asI'i spixit, -te b.' pefc esiiu beings êen as -'eu-r Fthé'mii-aii e-e -i-perfc. And _yet har e m6 are mholy beme wt a iundrcd sudd one tlnia ! sriiich ha-ve lit- teor nifihiý, V7oe wliiVhs faith- fiprformance ï9f Us- duty. -W'.V arc anxxous,,aboutit me ahaéiýl est à dv a à sll,'drink-*sud îliéemiiia ~shallhoW- loà t-hcd W sekmoniey -asdnmre mepney sVili! W. a- taken -Up m-ti busi- -neis whichleads eny t mrc besi ness, sud lose coursé i'vés1ià eupicar. for- mo6re ý-p leasure;,, ,W. accumulate houssâansd landesu nd sçrvan .to ,sud sud homda, emoofnsor mad~a am P 15 I- perli miüu?-'Thlmortaatthiyg in ife, after all,' motnet odo, but te- ho, or better tji. tdo ini order te b..c To -d à ufMothing more is Vo w:ilk [nrad~i,à dh -xowhere. ' Th do' for -h-îak !-bnito -march upen tie?~in 'i bgli*ay Vo- the -heaýveuly èi'ty. shining'-in lthe dis- tance. ,"The, -beet- ed; o1a4ma-n'a irok, -esy 3rnsà Méî artinesu - "la wV hi us w'rat'he' w. -7Th -noiei -irreronî beqÃœoqkth us -no<ting s great as thi iage o! themselvcs..?ý daity lingerie cohlar ,Iis- ov-er sud haif c'onceis ti i4 yoke. Plaid. Aipular. Plaidfabiksa -,uring to fer-. or. -Que- o! 'thile uaret ulaide lu. ma-de upli 'ciffonu à hied-fo r- bodices. It sla imred- mut4 ;red sud i -ld o-n a iluu ia!1!und. anrd- hôws sý PAVeuV kIa-her shoes, almays a ln tgeh'enlùeo te ' This boon to iman Or wmmnnkUd, -be- plaid chiffon iî&ovéeibyt-f-~m cause Vhey are so easii3rkept -dcean makers -tii ser blue-cÙËfÉeiyîVhe and bight, are made up *iaî klcolor o! Vhe background, asud 50 Vie sud- çloth ln many styles., One. t colora are softeued sud -nergodin- eut ioathi i ihelbas cloth uppers in' harmnony - lm !edrm if, nttac4ç4dý apata -mith. strapu goiug uindeir the. arci o!-Vhse 'c7 PE foot mheiée they are 'fastened 'iln- Vhi-sois. - Ths'ie hoos -are made mith--spats or purpie, -tan, gray sud s the Flfth Marquis et Water- -black. ford- Was .fa fther. Tiers à aaneir 8panisii ieel in Ge-orge Tootii, 4-jIýbhinËgà rdes- Vhé alie shepu. IV i.- shaped almeat or oa Nor-à ed a Lôn-dio- (Eng- ike a creucent, aud ths tire ointý- lammd) suburb, teMia mopmenVlc etory ed littie ipa bend lu teirarcaç-h oJbs itr, dpriesem- other. Tiie heel las wooped eut'-5 that îV is- a cross beircen a' French tl - uti.Li or. hre h and a Cuban isel, so far as its pro-- ».~V i fils je concerncd. IV lasomu n-on "eag i~Wtro d - h e svening sund a!temnoon alippers. -V-eu olpiii blt6,0 The iroran, iho can soir or iho îa&OSn 4 e5S fr fl kucîs s'-capable and iuexpeuuîivc oii a engeeigfrft semteican have mi dantyteen lyears, sind dünËgi. hole undernmear at a 1r easona.bie price. e!hà at ii .bslti aiNb~e Wide ahado'w lace i ii nw om e O avitccetoe Sflfporti prlce.,Va'ying born 40 centsVo a <iSli Iederstd -tfhsk; h6 dollar.' IV la eédgcd on oaci aide rectiving flaai5 s- uppont-ii fn-n' miti iois Viiough ihici ibiion la La4y ivIlo thuika atat tlemtîltin Vo be run, sud it lu designcd for a case for inqul-ry. undcibodice.' 1Que ibbo mn Tooti eýays-h-ie bedIevëýs ÉIminei tiïrough Vue lo*er edgs, Vo g'xtier Ibo t-Lii.-t Éau M o 'ý&-tu f t -ut lu about Vhs maist. - Marqu;s o!f atrc~,-**,l Anotuher is -run 1thr-ough the top 18951, abat himslf:foLlcmlng- an .lu- edg.. Thie suds o!, ths ri bboem a re j.ury t-Le-hsopinie thwpough £aaing tièd -in front sud ibb!na aré fa2t- rom hIe io. Aspirse.bei-n Vo ené acreo's Vhesh(oufders.. thc marquis VOeamPu.o Othez ide- lace, ml-tiibue st aig4hV March 9 1873aiacnd-gt sud- eue scaliopedc-dg. u kId at thefrmi anuoe 0 nl a samnsl price, for ruffles -on wmite Ti-nies, it was ,blllora. Tbui cu or ligiit-colom'ed china silk or cre pe tends that -tie child 'as bomusk-e de-cëhine pttficoats. Týe tops o! Vie andt"ait V as he.- pettioisu are scaut sud-are fii- i ,. VI sha-nmlybeoen ed- at-Viee botteni- with 1à littie hem. lu-faei, ho- *3spa7 1 lth. # o Tii. lac.e usi-îde pleated 'sud appied . Dnu-'r oûi Im under or over ths littie. hembéni, mmd h etéimo il aa4à VhW joining'ia covemed *!th a nr- u i l uxn.o lè nrus The rnîax'cioncs died on 'Aéýpri1 4- ro'w bias baud o! ths petti-coat mn- 1873, sudticr 2Sano .reworded ilas tsriai. ~of ie I2rl-'o Very o!ten, an oid evsning. fmock ~ i.mu-et h u a c9w hoeimade Vo serve as Vthe 1founda- aoôeit tiln' for sucii-, a péitéVDica._.satinli eostoU.at t-Ma iud mhegoahine asud soft .11k ct il Upa ie-if wda.ld For littîs gizlst-fgured ,dimit>' Ps-A_ r i! .emsauTex c raslu rsattactve - ie ar lu -rouiuth ter- i é nM a- u ~èxlesie n&duaesud ealyiiytyrt 'iél siinjl&à id moe chldlle - innmquIB, se- i -adjl m~ cess ! ILk menti' -for: hi.eril~gs.lx --Cretonne Slipsq. ffhmru~hu,~itx ~< Ctonne slipste put -cirer frocks deura Dunam .iué t. ar aging in Ve set ' Te1e iorini~4 *ùmx wardro-be are convenient. They are TOoths ie iwi» Of ases made o! two pieces c! Ç,ereVnti, cutal<mefrt ue nuhe mss- lussrni-t.ircuhar eutlin', a little big-- -cluAiaet-a-ofes gerthan a dreas hfaner. they are i ti bym.cld.ouht scamed ogether abo~t the curved tonrkà fore' bo- 'living. - Ugh - edge, witii a littie op u incw ieft for -w Vie neck o! the hanger. In187ben1à d _ To--h -Vs traigit odge tmo ý longB.aiOe u1to o% L ,. _---ukeo!Be.! iy*bP_ h gatiored, loug euogh V-o corne Vo ths -bottom o! - -the fhock. Tiese ~iraigi icueub eamed -Vo- gether or fantsned mith tapes er, 1mwhô su* -about tu CreperNegligees. Whit e cre -pe. neglige-esà , srè d withi fle irool hroid -.ýcolors, are - vsmy becminge Froa 1,oe o~é Crpe ehoi lý,araigedbuncli of Lb .>i tre ofront e tésirt -nd a trailiniz Idt f - te y no vuv ~ TORO I '--f var-y iOW1 -ar Army Reéemv ked at uukance. The meadon ton The t.)wfliiiSn anmd London eed 1 i wimi imani (rom thme juratè -anud the >1 o0uum con-. yeur -wouia su- iew. 'lbc mon t4 titi'- ConcIgW- Les are l1Im4e4, Ete? uiroid,. ýIn 91 tbij police à u unIday, oiviri; te and lir-Tmufal- t been eiT~ )ne day_ ii 0Yi ied. - Men are t theme gatber-~: ra payî while nUV. 'Ihereig- tits Men, bUtk m are .great1ly 4oûn,- fot neyer - ta-ko into C-e 1 uD to- a higI good trade haï, wIllh art. vhrai-e of ro altyý ÃOay'fte là % deatroyers ma e rcdns are - b>' iîr' Philimi ler waa for six,_ it-ed rnre offid. te- r I t imei. 4Th* feoir jropel. A-U ý l,-- rOLE N - -Laid or it an&- A! Dr. G.-I* - 4 1