Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1913, p. 4

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mal de LI Fridl&ay 1*51 1& W avu io porti<aonciAltiioiig h ly poss.. Iis Powt omutry through Whlcb they Pag e , zeCoumoll i mgbt'cousldoer 14bettér Ibm _equaI of this so-U-tà ur t fl te onsut -the - epopk IboGý# y Qitarlo OoitaI .Aïd, ebd OaCk could, go ahead witb tbe koïk iveï vile -là an attractive lova for sbm- lIn ub"th-face cf 'a sajolty y'ote mer résidence, and la being nuw. be :agalat, a by-law, should .tbe, ProvIa. home o many -Torqnto people, of Cie'Board of Health demam 1t. weallh, jyet lt - dosa aot'compareýfav- e' -or4bly vlth Whtby as tb maturai_ Thos. who have travtyd.oer the bWltty and otheÏ ativaatages 469'atonroadPJJ trouLnbaivs. place of reuidmeço. W.hav'e IMmciiteor a distaa~ !sixormye0il. b. proud o! here, and our teva and have es, what a go0 o aîar ra county ca& held li a i*Itk thb. i iuP,_aid' bave- aPPreClo,. is besai. mohsaad'â»n.appearsap is 5la.the or t.of.road thatboUld Ob- 'Eaglmeer Murr"s,1 la taklug -th.e,&" between - Wbtby .aid Oshawa; Whttlby Couaic» on a Es pille Jaunt to, Tii.Kgaton Road belmeen .theue nspect bis ?:dewag'e dispsai planté, two Importint *ewns-4nîdeed frein dldî ~d al ar4flMag bit',f Kigeton ta Toroato, -.ihoWd, be as 'work. Yk « knë býe ics. lt. oud ood'as the Estm n road.e-1$ wyould bear 'Inspecton,, aud that theyfouly coït several Ibèusand_ dollars pei Mequred t« ho seen te b. appreclated. ÃŽmile te nk hablba go Tâ golng toths trouble aid expense 'rad, for Itl la Inalvea y ba& coiél.. of takiq g ýthoCoUncil tesethese lion to-ay. . Iien oCe Properly, dispoiud plants, -Mr. Murray bas von made, hfoweve, ý'tho aui repaire U ! flemdshl p e! the members and es-- requlred are mot great. The*wear sud lbllisd a.,bond cf confidence b. tsar on vebicles traversing Ibis rough. tween bilef andthie Counc.il whlch therougb! are la çousld.rable, aid if shOUld b. Moat uisse n t h. event o! tbls could b. a'Volded It would b. jIr. liurray beigg emgage as engin- well Worth !1hlle. 'The*spend4 a a -eer. -Mr. Murray jea a maft o! un- few hundred dollars on ise miles o! doublet abtlity lu-bis profession, and roadway, as le now bolmg dose, byý céheuld b. 'able -t& gfve good service to the municlie s !Wfb'a4Oh tRio ~?Wis I a an d Eutant dWet Whihy s *Towàsblp,'la buts a lDA- 'Iisd. It wculd <appear as -if the. Town vil l orve ymWte teniporarly reoair. Councîl- would bu dolmg 9100 business 8Om6S cf the worat defeots.- Wbat la te apare -mo effort or reasonable ex. wauted lu a sclcutlflc plan of! road pomse, io encourage oEmgllah man. buildiug - carrled eut te lelt- MuactI, , r who las lop&tng for- a 1 Oa- ýtor and at such a cost as te 'provido 1to~uQuad"to corne te- Whitby fer a permanent and first-ê1ms job. The. prospectsfor, bis comlng ueem Itis to liC hoped- that- the.Dominon te b' éCài' 'otaoaby favral btGcvrnmetm scbeie.o! road-makmg sbould t6ure b. anytblnýg elào gthe~ may soon mature, and that the Klng- Couoipicil liai toe nCoura. the shon Rcad yl hbeonee o et ti rat e Ormi, Il b bo ldoue. Afler f uller hlpred InveaîLel b m ot g e cok cfbun dreâ dollâs l denaa Wlb' advalges- a nlibJoun4naIS. It ene-one Adustry couit ho attaclet, It voulil Pa te adirertise..-If 'manu- factqres areieoking, or lcations in - tis .country,, ltby ,oSons, more. ad- vailagos thâan maBy ethen piafe,amd If té mnufaclurem. bad *Our a&! 'viauti 'e0s'madte iàn o te ioi,- hey înlgbt lacte. home. It in by rcachlng e-1ut "tte e.industrIes that they ar e *cured. W*W'bolleve lie Coquncl mlghý sa!ely fié 20O b Brtlsb adverllslng. -The bila ueed sot b. paNtuti aller,-the aivmrtmniets havhee ru~ iosno rlàk wouit b. IO.kuo! MiuappXoprlted funts Ho tdoaIis appeal te Witby ralepayora? Let your Counclllors IMcV vhat ,You-thJtk about 16. snci=te rétuara-o;,l.the counl !rom- -h* nlnpewto!faie -dli- Posal1 plante C4*iverb bhesi boit wti qùle Ji e prominent busina Mea f'the town Tht *opinion express- edS oem to svýir golag on wtIh 'a. severage syutem lahie near futurew, If thieconcil aminuit decl.e Upon havlug a mflrvy 0! hie hgvnazd "THE LITTLE' GREY HOME IN jTHE WEST." ILooklmg for the key te lb. expan- sion ycar o! the exhiblition, and at thic samo lime sometblng Ibal would typlfy thie marvelona expansion, wicicblubasc o!mot oely lb. Can- adîsu National Exhibition but the. nation ilucîf ai veli, lb.vrIter vas struck wlth the !aucy irbile iltenlng plmost estnance t te b.mhc'e! lb.th vorît-fameus Irish Guards Bandthlat a pleco they playod th tbéb.tille ilveu te the beadlng of Ibis para- grapi, might very ve il bÉe pickod out fon titIpukpou. Il vwas- a cornet solob hla> mâter o! the instru- ment, Sergeaul Hunt, acompanled by an obligateo! subtuet but sympa- lhehic uuppoe' tfrom thé band liaI vas lovely ho the last hlngerng iveetles. o!fIthefinalnoIe. Il. ap- pea thei. en-hhousand peoplo -wo v" o stenlug tethie - prograi vas Instant and estalnedt! Irougbout. Tii. two hbundret -million bushel vbeaal iivest nov asauredt tei vat wilh 1hs Immense Importane te the eust, the coulînuaice o! lhe pros- perbly. Canada has becs csjoylng, If i indee&th le.very existnce o! tbe D.SiýMP8ON & CO. - ID - ID nge -This vili b. thiegrandest of its kind ie tie county.*We -are houed ho éxcel snd we extend a cordial invitation ho ail îuUeé ho attend our openin g .ad sectic nov creations for fa3l. Wo have thé *bëemillinens, bighy recommejidth 'hie wiolesalo trade.' Our hais are Paris -and New V' ork. - - ulyls. 1 Ladies, yenu well know indiviiditalityiis thec pnsciple tbleg ln.-bat;- -n>' from us and -your--iat 'will lie made to suit you- sud uo paies vÏili he sparedrto get you.afiyhing yen -wauh.-Our Millinery uins.s edi ë very year-this - a aguarantc e sgive satisfaction. PleàÎse corne cari>' and give us yoir order asvs e ow we cansàstisfy. you len ever>' v'-Youn llI fiuîd our pnices ngt P~r leMrchant - -- PICKER1NUý ure tm o te J.E."Wilhs, -drt a6r. as otherf"stores camnot 'suJpIT 4 HOLOCATJST- VElITED. ilustratlng orw o!thé i-y n tus 'Wmea cealgN lb ioat ~*t o! Dr. t".L ilumr, o 0sara al "Etil not bom'1for lie Pal PerfS e Ii.'lCeIlains mtalla in la b baeýmt ,o! îj h die.îory, blQ& t4 Tu. room vaw"pied s ýouiw fot a &dr lnig esttbibniet, &ad t l ga«ofirneslltlng-lii âe . orner. - WbeM tib.ahvy sim smêu p tbo. ater Io~ddtb basinntover lurmlag tda ca n e " teko-ine. slebtrl lgta bslng oit !clm- asiad tii. reulntg art V.rY- dorce, but owilug to e b. god vonkoïf IM ilre' dqWrttmt, ittè,oai t9 - thie bassinent, ýbut ý*t ortail y wouldbave upreil h t e upstirs bofore ',hei riva*i, b.d-lt mot bee Tii. artistt, ont f 'Pedï!ol" m 'el cings, Made-by- tht Pedlà;r people, o? Osbawa. *ans weiÏ hovu', but thus emphaalzes 'sinus .wblclu anenlOrgOncyent<rolly oveedaowis ail other. emulte bisexampie, mr. b apearanoe o! their iptrooMi . causes alinesa.if you a&e losl. liaittrY eue rsMnoy atour risi. - PXoemor 'Umms, cf, Cermsy, s Dr.-Ssourad, ti. Ie.,ïeMd Doematoloast-e"M ta ,a mi. crob.cause LIs.. n b theeY ba Cgndbyelsc @don"& mincrobe dsry the.har fein - - .11 scalp porSto dose Mid thescàp t beceôn hlsy. et ilabeiéved nohnwlrevfre growtju if =ay be overoome. W. know cf' nothlng thàt 'ba given auch univerai satisacdon ln tratWghosalpnd h* sas Rezal 93ManTome. 1h hua bS< ed. sgSed sites, long studytô' ovecomje byPWoLUnABr. .Sabouraud and Other 'L"n ecisl«iutean d vs belloe lu *M1 do morethan any- tUm'" ascam to remové d.ndruff and stop Jaing bain; sud If any hunian un pomoe a newgrow~th W. wntYou te make us prove 1h. WewilpaYýfor&ameuîb'sea teutn et Rcsl93"' Main Tonle sed dur-,. ,Ag aral,1@ou il-O -M fise. c soe1te dlretions, and are not *thoouhlysat«Lsfe Whea we WinJ do hhls;you wrelysould not hestste to ah leashtry 1h. ahth t6 ttnt toda. Your mere requat Win get your money back Uyezwat itTiogjms,50e s»d 8LUM. mai buyResU 9g" Har Tenie ccmmualv onl.vet. s'v store: lea. l LI or= for- P*ns Ontas -VISITING OUR SCHOOLS%. 'Eioaazelte and Chrontel&. The irriter badthle.pnivilege ef vie Iting the ucheole, 'viienopen fer 'ln- *apection, aud fouietIhèt th. Heny Street Scisool vaSseomevhat hrlght- enet 4 a coul o! freSh paiAl, butthe lighiulg la ruinous te 'h e e'e. 'TIht shade o! Paint above tie blackbeard fs nob of a shade -to bep the. studenul ivile vorklng aI the blsck-hourd. Th ieat4ng la Inadequ:te; the. mats aould ho intividual meats, mate te suit the. PUPIi nstea oo!the double deeks uset. epî !dlkn Wae l oticeably absent , to aay, -ot 6ge!the saMitany <élôset se- cosunmoduhiou liaI abouid meetli meuiremIIetî o!the -district -.heal ofilcer. - I vouid' dav -the atènttoù eut Board' of, E ducation tétehe fact liaI a obool' room -for children (i6 , .thie age Ã"? tes yenrs> sboulad. ýoi- - lg te.-medical -opinion, b. IIlt exclusively irom lie sortit. The 1iead mas-ter'sncm since nilserable school noom v ili lié eaii - wlndo-W lnelosed lu lie atalet wbflo ýventaUi sulli~lclg Tiie absence ýo! arÇdecoratiou luitu làg lelamentable. At lie so-callet ,bighsebool 1I notlcod Ibat, in some respects-lie hchool lus omeWhal better han lHn ry steo, t4ouikhbe ligltii lewretci-J edo, the-,wlmows. beinglrouted, vil 1a Ires 'aI the -eaot requires -te be "cut ~hadiè t Or toeAT ANY TIME 'and'for ayg 19 1.re 'and,-wiIl be ac ccpted.the same-iaýs',cas'hon cshpurchâ& f SURE ,A ND -E NQUIEV A BOUT -THE TR4DING;,. pREE W.-M PINGL- . -$ IRE, - -WHITtV4 oIýT I CORI~IR AIDWi ~~iC2~ q-mo w ~ w. ~ w w w w W w dci e lt theigluto teupper ap"lelern.»Only. one gentlemnIâ ,o! ,bis r6onis', aid - -Èe6uld recmnieudt h professon waa. _doisg business. AI> thlnln o -bc t thea , b. orbb te Isaut, h. VU as akng. Wb.olber b. *givsbte _gi~m eoair. Ti. asdolng aybsns rntv priclala oo~(li dearî, dùkn outda't secfor ýh croird, ,Ho:sut.- _hygteie-,dr nk- y bad se mny dozew room- fl u 'comIs m- uIam haolem~etZro liusg oteorb* ~ilt t~abo imas- cures snd.inrdo for al4.11 ter- p<é pup»l m -to vhlcb the, humai fLeabshenI 'Tho p ouhhuîdlagie 'locf tlb.-ziot very gféal at a-tain viieropeople eust -ancient- tyle, admlttlng no BXaelsg -te lorget .'their. w"ýornie sunIght purifiditlgtieaù ~d lacking su! snd alimenta.. Hovev eImgonte- Sient accotmmatlon. man referred tle posted lu bs spel- 7Thainlug ou, rMr. Editor, for this ing. W. admlred hlm for bis opti- 'asPace. 1 am mism' and hopedaà entipede vili _A RATEPAYER. cornu on every foot. vould >bappen s- long te htlp -bigi eut. lu -he" mainbuilding the' Ontario. Oshawa akF Flavor'ed.,With Crounty branch of lb. Dopartmet o! FiýîneWçathetr. - Agriculture 'bdat ai exhbit o! motel WAS ASUCCEMr. ýUogarth 'vas An charge. Euh-> WA ASUCESAS USUÂL. Uts eL vegetabled, fruit- and coeklng é apùl xbillon o! theiout diint h sa ocsin 0 OtroAgriclu iSociety, ohr uidb saabieslrs Qi sia Fafr, in againa hg Th t,éanpolrwe Jde o!th past.-.-.For Ibres days luis on Tuesday ailemnoon,..aid also lthe week there.7' ~get busti. and herss -lu anneas.- hurrysmrount .4ia. townu o! Oshawa. Woesaday Provo&to te a. blgger Exhlbtona came.jlu sarly on Mondayo dur, sud- assunedthte greatest - suc- aid thcday *on pet bytheminluces of the Pair. puttlng the-. biile~gw ndbooths is proper shape 1àB, erYthlng badt e h ANNUAL WESTÉN EXCUJR- doue oun M he mcxt Ivo days SIONS SEPTEMBER 111h, l2tii, belug devotN' 'le entertalumoue-nth of the0 publke. - Wuesday bois1 lie fr81 -day the. at- tendance vas not, as.large us on Wed- nesday, but Il vas quit. encouraglng, iheln.blg probably Wo IboSit on the groundu.: -Evldeully 1he ma- jonrlty o! those prosont bat! boum ual- latet wili luWeivon o! exhibils at Toronto Exhibblin,' sinc e .main building, vornea'k-buiding aid -po- 117 building aid 'stock ubedu vero lit. le palmonlzat. Tii. blg attraction vas lie -sPeetlug,-ln tht ring id lb. vaudovIlle perforb"kce. The.-'2.18 aud 2.50beatswere run off, and. lu ticlnlrva Mmber '!con u.peQrIed,' bo?>on lb. plàtrorin f aln Ie grand jtand. - Tii.mdway 'cenulstei-e! a site sihow aid aà b oIi'ieeon. for A tedfbar.hootlng arrovs for suudry valuaible <-b articles o! jevel- ry, lbrowIug baseails fer cigèrs, or, ln otier 'Words;, viser. cnte1colt spendt hielargest amont o& monsyl vwith 'the Saalest poasble returu. A merry-go-rount - provided' mIwo for the younger <Mes, and a.,lUe- -o! refreomaient ande dida ýblg busins ln be creani cones? Coiiey' 'siand mcd there' vas Ibterefere' .no lack of muiç Oi eaue-cf a lall fam liaIt "WU. ualymssed on Tueàday wa li inucc thefèent b f d lleuè~- a , tscanset. by deCtfi, irregular, action of -.ie, ïàean cf digestion îand eiil-- altnd -.csto -preÈt lsufféring' su t Iprt>yl!e ers! h.slth- ~E~Itrr fie frm Si tatlonsin0a *ta BCSIGÂ)USN Qrad Truk .awîy at: very Iqv 'A crt-àla cittin et Qehavabhm rates te. Port 'Huron, Mlh. Dtritbeom. considerable of. a nuisance te MihChcgIll.-Bay City, Mlcb., people -of Whitby. -Thé pe -rson -ruem! Clvlm, OhM i-,Gand. RAads-red t nugs onwa frell. lcth.,alnaw, l ch ,ie&poils th tbt cù in ebl iesé, id- whffe ho Rauafor tom, dpersfiftela'tàiua. bollerbg. reuuto rech oigina aàtrtlng busy ppe.Why lbc aBJects Whutby oitmot later thaà September -,a2,_ for bis stampln5g gouci ~1da, 1918.. ,meah fnsu tub b iag" goaL Full -partk>ularsag&aiLtckets at aulbers.'At ail eévOit -ite I II mon Graid Trunk Ticket Offices or wrthe iecessary 'for -the long nam ca the C. E. ,Hormlng, District Passenger lwto noeeeILI.mai4do" Dot, Agent, .ToZonto.« te b. tii. vaucý' hoe ow la. TW OTTWANT ÂuQ GOO INDERSTANDN WIEAR SHIOES FRpOM- PEU Round trip tickets wli b i. lsued WIANTED.- G00» LOCAL AGENT-At once ho -represurtb. the- 4ad Eelablo Fontblil Nur»rie. SplencRd lis of fruit and! ornamental stock for Fail, deiiveny,1913, aidSPnlngdelivery, :14. Sit at ah o n zdscumeexlsv tenritocry. WNe supply bAndsome, froe, outfit id PSY igbest comimissions., Write for fid uullulars.ýa STORE à WELLINOTON TORONITQ, - ONTARIO. BIJARANTEEI policy~oldc~sma~~ 'I Irock IL, LIS SHOE STOR!E AOÙ Plasreto Sho iood &'ICKLED To mnake good -Pickles YOI&,Must hâve 'goo&-l Spices andgo pure Vînegar. . Here is where ýwe can- _gi'eyutêey.bi pOre Sp ces.;, alsoVinegar at 40C, Soc 'and;6ot per Friiy tani Saturiay Spocil -Ta.ible Glasses, 43c doz Buy early before i spce'p Prompt delivery., E. WATIEeRHOUSE WHITBY We would 11k.hte haition, if YOD are lin W. arry the>la~ nangin lprice o Specildisconatso - - on arficlejs of -Wi AW88 ir But tie supreme mu lng Êms Itheliquo? ,hiÉ oef hiehard-éarni --gvphlm -nothlpg Well May il ho asked thie prophet--"Wlhenefo your, money for that -bread .- ad your laà Wbihsatisfieth sot' -of ech and every kil rosi ned of!-food as i busgry men. -c -Wheh -the -leaders e lons '-opetheir eyes t tho carye, they -wili grampig avarice of- h bînatieus is uot to. bé the injury wrough4t up minainant trafic lu h veli b. conceded-that:, fer distau,l fien erai deunnzd the-conà ni~t cation,. lhe exterminai -quor trafie i.sd -May- dl N -cal f&Np l.W. Colins' big- i shoes will be hel Sho -- watch forA hbblls. The Womeu's. 'tusti in the. Agnicuihural 1rc ~"~~den; MIaF.Bate« Alplane votes Ilu pianjo contest. mut ib Wednda. - Cocert su7d chiches sept. 15. -Read R. B. Hoar-4 f'Iis paper. M.'iM great bargalus iu bt for iii. nekt thinty-da for]W. W.OG dl boots sud ahoes. E Ar e i u nestedj *Be spre teo bear Mn. H picttre sbow ah he - FË~y, I.Sephem ber. M2 Ver colewoi. Evéry new teanly 9 'Me Gkette andl Chrft lionsand votes in W pian. couteet. Mrs. Abramsns esiri -l i :1.- i E p- NileB3 à -ee 1

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