Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1913, p. 6

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Medicine 00., Itovle Mê A " P AND 'Nmo ?OISE. ýÀ peeî&ý ormý f ad IJream for. Both lB iismnarck andPéèiys fouaid that lioie ed io~the vaue.-of % à iig}t r6t. Bmazek obnilectla hig çpld agé to anti~br(wet hoé "uil "effier elinBerlinu at >iight. wbou ni. lmquiet, bu, as poon Me honoise been, aJ&out 4 olock in the. oninga, 1' &Woeeep a 114k1 sncF get myr est f or ,tàe 4sy: ,~ep~r.crI~hs~ ls~on "Sud Te*4199 l'and or, * s et'uoy lfe'Inevardidpasa uahLWut ore -.epidu riln cf l"j% tCer. -bMnu(W and tCluOà;e sioià6 of pço plé > 61a .waked -me, ândthon it Was i vîry 1reîny naght,'id ". wao a littlewe*ry, 'mmd tt-. tween waking id -tfien uepg had ionuÜéb con fi inU y 11." The'. probabulLy' b we get wlen we eu4PPÇýOie 'ar8el'veêtô hae Su. naaned cotin - ,lG wake i. aiupporýtMo by .$bï,pioio -- la dreams. Mark Twain amooonteéd for his own "diawpearing -vW~tor"$ by the beief th" th le h uduboonacioué- kyhd very- vhorii lnaû ed MOMY heexp]aned- viu&bn o! ghé,sa. due t0o dreome duriug such ehhort napu. - >For -nobhieug d euo eai~ in e0nneuiýtoeuwith' -dreams 'tAo that aà "à weetl vry l'Dg one can oeur duis uaro mfni long, i~ rmno h WenxOf' Te.rror, iîo»1 *".the, trial os hia-1 ftlf belore th. e roolrtioy Tri- buatamd'i. ýexecumLon;, and -wuai able' to ehow . hab ii, 411 bappeneti durang te moment, of, awakcening1 by the falof &rod from the bed1 * can<py upon. his neck . To itep, peishape to dreeaM. Maos t1uabave o»r special. forn Of -- bad dxiaenbprnofi.Mladvieedaund * jý1 digestied supper, usuan. y. Tie commcne*t of the' enul-er ulghb- marçâsbe .experieneof ecfl* a drawn«-.rSmoor o, publie. thorougli- "we-ýviCout.cloCes. But I sppoanl We all haývé ou iil iioi4r-on thé edge between sleing and'wak- ixugL7My ovu ishe b lf tbmtIl -m in formy finals * Oxford, aaud bave not yet looke'd at Aristofue, anti stpy cx e't 'hum int6c: hefime MtuS ipel Andi when 1- reaJly * iakeW t the eerbAinty- thak I -bure pa.sed all -niy exacinations until the Dayof Jutiguenti, thatit l the moet joyous nmoment of *disillusio. Mer. Gladstone onde coafesseti that, oaI3i twice in the whole couree of- ". onreer 'lid he heen afficteti with .leeplenýess.The -fimb tocca- Mion-was during the formation of hs firît- Cabinet, witen ho iay awake oné- niglt tryiug bt t hink out bow cerainMiuiatrswoud a4ree wit ' o"e "àuàhèr. Ri-s econid sIeepless * night, wa due to a eaio of wind. He had almost çut through the triink of a large cheetnut Chat afternocu, but bail left the. tree standing in order Cht Lord Napier, who was oneuàng next day, ight see it; lteariing thse wind, ho boy * pèecul*mtiug -whst wore the chaaces of the re. remaining stnding. Salore ànd doctor'. are, perhaps, the on3y people who eau alwayus - leep at wil1t. Tisesailor,as ho iil À7 i te ~n so - i __ ___ 1K- .d."_ farmedlnd of vatery pimpieç ikU avec lhegu whlch bocamý itcity and h 1usd ihorrible .J > buraicgsensatIon wich 1S.<1caumed me -a good doal of Pain. XI came ou ouanMy handain the (ai nd remained r ý thore 1111 aftor spring. I ingit. t u1iOn tai I1 bei nmre of My * nSerýnalis by te dimas. During titis lenti f int Iwum utterly uisolee. au i - eqUiil'nèt openn m ads. ,.1 tried eeveral etb1Iep .atnt medIchùi swlthout a bit of Of i. B nto èy fiands advwsd me ta ttCilura iemedIs m1 Isent for mampies M~d 67 'udaa ten t limewua a&rS' nlm- ~rvmn.ThonnIvent bto 'thedruggisà ý,-d bomqgbloae take of C uticura Soaud tbo>rssofOot4euraOPin±ntel;fter uslnc & hainutgladta May I ail 0copletely cue h iad -ivm , up ail hope cf bean c~ ure&. -1 Cas may ta ail hasewho have suffi'* *.I bvenôt t.ô loi. 'ourage but e ieoutium Bmnd fsa ir tria. me o ooaoutfrqst*nàiifor affectiSoef lte'ssi à4 oeIWI-t6rjetou ~ buta,' ame n-"iyjee.,i- vyhm 'nounnana tUree 'uruÈtwortuy Men. '.5 e ravleti'slôwIy- 'for*ard, throgh i t-e dar4k tuaixélunutil sud", -deuly -I ea'w Ctwefierc,green eyes, glowing, and k'iý.v'. hat vo had oomti'>upon. our quarny. Tiie' ext moment-Maro dashed -frward, ant a fearful. flght began.' betweou the lionu anti the-hounti.- Ater atiosperate encouiter, the faitliful dog. came limpiug 'back to me. Ho vas badly -toran, ana, I mil te sent i hm out te have lis iwouads Tii.m en vere makingiall'-.sorts cf ,neibeji, fa tii. hope ef' driviag Ch Iien.toward the' aewer-moôuth; but neither boras, bl'ank cartridge,à e -,oman cantiles would atart hlm. I therefore took off MY heavy top- boats, pulledt hema on.jtver my arma, ant -'advanceti against thé lion. iWben I ýgot up withia reacit I' was luck.y enouÉh te catch him a'bard blew -on ttee- o-%Owith oee cf the boot heels, but ntil hW "diti net move. eo I veut.bav;k to get '-mY head protecteti beforo T rehewetithtii. attaek. - i get -a big ,kettia, and toud a Man ta put it over my heati; but as lie vas trying toi de so, the. kettie slip- peti from hua b anda anti veut cat-, t.ring-dow'i againât tii. atones; That tiid the trick 1 Tiie lieu coulti net stand sucit a racket, anti took to bis hoels ou the spot. We f olloeet liaijaly, and vere sean aimait deafeneti by hlm tre- meudous roans. ' On 't v ruanti fouati that the lion hatjetepped inj- te a no-ose Chat the Mon hati drop- peti from oeeof!thérItn h les. -Ho .was nQw &hag1g haddc "a 'afayb4twéeeath-,tot adi ,beti e!ftthe soer W. quickly lpped other ;roes round bis head and pava; thea we fairly hauleti him nieng into lis cage,- -where be landeti safe and seunti,'after n a tveuture that hati causeti-me plenty of -trouble. and auxioty. THE- DO CTOR' S GLEFT. Food Worth Itn Weight la GoII. We ueual'lyv expeet the doebo'r Cc put.' usÃ"MOuekinti'O! penance sud give us bitter ,netiines. An Eaàteru dotor brought-& ,pa- tient something entirely differeunt anti tise resulteare truiy inteneet- ing. IITwo years ago, " wrsteot"espa- tient, 'II. vas s f requent victiai o! aiuet.indig«eionanti biliouanews bing allowveil tua estvcry Pe thin-ga.- Ono day our family dec- ter brought nme a amusil package, sayiug h. bail fo'unti ometblrugfor me tao em. "Hoe aid ila wae a fod caloti Gr&pe-Nul's amd even as lt. golden colon miglit suggest it wè.s orth its we4;M sin geiti. I waaglck andi tirei, 't-rying one tblng afSter -au- other te ne aveUi-, but coneenteil ta ry Chia new f ood. "Well! It aurpaesed uny tio'cs fondeet-anticipation, and. every day ince.tien I have blessedt de god tiettor andt h inventer o! Grape. III notioe i mipraveaent ait once, ani lu a monthi' tinue my fonneî speUs.-of indigestion Ladd ileppear- eti. In two montiÀs Ifout 1k. a nov aifm. My minti vais mucl ciea.re-r andi kener, ay 'body tock Ou th6 vitiY cf youth, andl Chie condîtioi ha. cooutk.ued."e <'ile.. eso." »Naumo given by Can«dian PombuinOC., Windsor, Ont Rnd"Thé RJjoati ta Well- the farmer put the receiver te his san, sund after tbe-uisural preliian-, -anies lie Sbeouted "Hello, -j7ne." 'Juat thoný a flash -of lightaing stru,'k the vire mati h. fell ta the foor i- "dntbe farce cf thii. ek. -Usa « "Iboft- &<l shP4 is«'-heàdý visoly h. esaiti, "ft's 'ontierfulý 'thàt wa-vs kn"right eouh.> ' the B ace horée'oi -the îmeruno-- anej. In tii.',procesa bré.dS and -Ëtrainatl 'anti types ut diti net' ceforuu tu the. objective 'have been cast avie ,by- tii prQgresoive lu 4h. qneat for bette*r aud better layée. Nàtutrally miauy have met wt sppo-nt- méatnti ontradictory tesué$lta, but Chii has pritAfected ài. general ave6rage l in .frwr u~e. -Chest c C dsW ezing 1 ~ Cured Qvcr NMgl- Ten Can Break Up Cold., Feel fine Nexi liornlng, yFdllovini thé "INerviine" Methôl&. EXPERIEN CE OP A TRAIN!D NURSE. Evey mItiz tnove boy diffculi it, ln ta gt ayeua 01ild ta.tAIrea hmlx.-- tune. Seldont wil one haLp 1unimivea- ~i ariere " d; i.ruulaiisoct plietir upVeel-the stamacli aud" b chutd mict. SpadMa of te pnoeptut cure forebst, troubles aud chfiden'a caldu, Nurse Cmr- umémig I havan't met any pnepanilloa, mo0 aeienda"le us-NrIle 4 l'h ideal h.Ument. Every dru>- 70 ruib on la abuarbed aulokly, aintis tbraugh te pones totaIhecangetot muscles, eass. e- lieeansd -cures quilki,. Espeialiy fAor cheat col&, pain lu tho ea4Id e, etiff ueck. eanache, tooik'a'he, I 'h 1ave - oUnd Neivi- -lue lavaluable; lu tretint* ,thS nulor l Us of oblldteaneXrvine ýbatu eua 1 thiuk lîerviline @»eboefu. everu' home."' -HunddM ! tluOiiaan4.,- of, -botti q o Nervili»ue',umd every y «ar---»roof , hal il lae b. hnluint fiý, e-1uçe.Re- fuse anytNtg y Our deAlelèifa7 dierla. itea,! of lq'eviline. Large'" *famlly i»e botlles, 50c., triai si»., 25c. À11 4îlere. or the Gatarrhozane Ca.. Buff alo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. PAID FOR GOOD WISHES. Hotel-Keeper Takes Neat Bevenge on a Lavyer. A Benne- (Sitzerlahd) hatel. keeper vite recentiy condludeti a laveuit lu' tii. jwisa courts vblch bati asateti for years anti vho recoin-, et' at Ciie close au, exceedhugly leugthy-bil e! Costa has juattaken- a neat rereuge upoýn bis lawyer. Tii.- 'bill 'o! casts,it shoulti h sali, vas paiti vithout demur on présenta&--ý tion. The, etherday the lavyer hati 1occasion ta lunch at has client'a ho- tel antiait the. close a! the meal the folleowing billvas presentedto ithm: Preparng luncheeon.........0.50 Perusing billef fane ..........80 Tvo consultationýs wih the i greengrocer ............... .20 Carrying up the soup........ .20 Blo'wing on the soup .......... .10 .Takiug fly eut et the soup.... 10 Herba for seup .............. .20 Soup ...................... .50 Waiter bowiug anti arapiug . .10 Tva consultations vith the .Cook ..................... .40 Six kinds o! mo-at anti vege- 1tables. ................... 2.50 Saying "I hope lyeu'll enjoy yeur luncheoni"'. .......... .10 Ton visits te the cellar...... 2.001 'Sundry acta cf courteay, etc ..40 Matches .......... ......... .10 Wiue ant i cgara ............. 1.60 Reatiing bilef fane aloud ....10 Servhng dessert ............. .20- Dessert . ............. .56 ûlear1mug the. table............ .30 Batisfaction o! hunger ........ .10 Wear anti teaz anti breakagea .70 Lottlug. tiova vludo.w shutters .40 Clearing avay temains o! luncheon.................. .80 Sait andt Cuching saltapoauu .10 Yerifying present bill of coats .40 Surprise ou receiviug it ...... .40 Acceptance o! bill............. 10o Receiptiug sa me ............. Io Wisbing ge>od-bye ........... .54. Ten per cent. discount. ..15 $ 14.04 a 4f MsI*raka sate aur.ernu, ~ULI~ W' mli druggfsW' aitd £torekeeiers, lic. pur boa ~er 1~vb fo~ $3-00, Seat .posi~44 by Tue 0atanziItos6~o Ca., Bujalo, N.Y., sait Xiugetr&n. Canada. - - FSRMiCE'S GBIE mi-f-IVENTIfONSt Paris Arehiteet gSaysMost liarvegls Uriçinated Thom:: Wat uat,ôbb crtt4mout "cf teé marvels e! moderm science iA thi titisqueâion 'Intheflown Tii. frse pXacthval automobiles 'were buillt'by. 6.pollet and Levas- son, abi>u#>-,i ýboth Freuichmeu. Ti.fxtdirigini aloon able taO' resiÉt ýtie-'vitd-wàa builtby Giffarti -n, 1885-. In,_188 the -brothers -Tia- s and n 1884 Renard anti *Krbsbiltb5lE~Os hleh coulti b. steereti perfeoçtly. All -fine 'vase -Anotiier Freichman, Atier, cen- 'tructotinha 187 tii. Avion, tii. firat -heavier ti au air .miachine,- to ave ,,hé."greund. .,Tis vas -built Ou Ch. ame-principles as the. aeroplane, *hièdfI"was Iàter ' 'tranafenmeti cmn- pletely anti:ù4de prattical 'by- -thé. Wright broChera in l9O4. A ,Frenchmain, Adler, bufit te flrat. practical-su"marine-i 1897. . .The telpphoue, vas inveuiteci by a Caaadiaxi,, iGralhaik-Belle in 1876, anti tii. pli>ugraphfby an' Amer'-- van, Ediien--un 1877. T» . ee~t ô! the. <inemat0- -graplivo-e isonovered hy a Belgian, ,Plate a sjo t 186r,., A Freuxuh- man, >Mâ -,phatbgraphed,'h mevemetoa!living creatures abaut 1877, anti an<,Americaui, Eduson, lu 1895,- luventýd thié; modern meving picture camsra.- Llppýman,'. à citizen o! Luxemburg, discovoreti a preces o! cýoonphoto- gnapby -in 1891, andthte.Lumiore brotheni, twb Frenchaien, inventeti a practical methoti, vhici waa ou-_ tirely different, ia 1904. A German, Roentgen, discovereti tiie X-rays la 1895. -Another Gorman, Hertz, dis- coveredi -i890 the Hentian vaves, -evhicli aLFrenchman, -Branly, a bout .1900; utiliz étiluinveuting vireles telegraphïy. A F'renchmran, Moissan, mauufaoc- 'tureti- diamonde anti, ruhies ln 189?. Tive Frenchli citizens, M. anti Mme. Curie, discavereti radium au1W Fronciiman, Pasteur,- in 1885, tiiscovered aýntiapplieti successfully vaccination Ïgalaît hytirephebi.. SA Gèériatu, - -Belug, - anti a F'rendiman, Roux,. discovereti andi applied an antl-tiiphtheri&aerum anei ether sïruma.. ÀAFrènýchmaa, Carrel, vite aettled lu Amenica, kept animal tiesuf 8 alive after separation frem tii. bodies ln 1912. Tii. uortbpole vas reachet inl 1909 by 'an - Amenican, Peary, anti the. soutli pcf. 'bY a Nerwegian, Amn mùuntien, la 1911. This liat,. drava up býy aFrench- man; therefore mentions thirty-two bnamés (countiiig those meutioneti twlce as-t'*ô), e! vhich nineteen are FrTenCit, seven American ant i hree German. Wbere HRe(lot IL. Teacbr-Now, Willi'e, vitere titi -yau get that vbeviag gum 1 I vaut the truth., ,. Willie-4Yeou don'tvwattlie truth, teacher, au' I't rathern nt tell a lieacier-Hew tare you say 'I don't vaut Ithe truth!1'iell me ait en-ce viiere ' yeu got that chewing gum. - Wille-Untier-yeur desk. a " K-,staeianti -gieveti, 'Ta huave dsb.e me 'agala 1"Hov S-t tei v.:i(c yen n5, te play 'with Chat -naughty Johnsou boy -V' "teIlekasif Ilebeen playu - Maiuy a man' smoess- Je 'due té ___ lis avhlity to obtafù f*-<#ive by atdiag Ce i dtvo togothé'r.1 iion smee-lns.' 6iqç,ainues e flOton have -paid out over'£e00 &ad the baiùks'£,20,0.00 more, and tromü Oldhaiim ;BlackbuznPr'eëton 4D Burry. crnetu sitale é'ý oi 'being. puidout iiy clubs to théep -thye- optmb"e-JVad ooJr t~uarng hQlesttwo. cf -Cre, 1 yea.re, h.6wev'rfilye have, v'ae'ed Éài;.' use oldyat- BIaikp&màl -or-' Douée .by gigfierallmi one fld CeuhJdy-eaiu' sueju places as Folkestope, Deýal ied D~,Torqu4ay, Wémtw-eù er- nu euruiona to Hodlmi, Fraauo B1ckpuZ ,h...v.., l is ML firet fà.orie w4huthe m&jority, a.nd it i.ea"timated Cth&t Chat pplu é sortiê invaded-overy week by et le50,O,>operaivee. Tboure 1.- ùo p - Hlk. BladcpooIlu. threyçi, aaid apparntl.y li theeyeas oi'oth.r people, bey for it isa bati sesoàn for, 'BIakpô6lwheei Itstotal nuiber o! 'vieltors ia f ewe r thaau 4,00,000. 1The nmliigirl is eveu more,ýnhs iàétie ini regard- ta saving >for, holi- deys thon theii.men, atd mV. w-hat &e.masy 4eýa r o "wý lier welakly expens are, sh. ie ways anti meana to put hýy a littlo ,for the. go'_-awa.y club. It --may onlýy- be-, afew pop -rabut W t-al "mo<unte up, " as the~y say, end se ,»enrally finds 'hersaIt wi'tuh £ .£4 for'horsel! "when Che ôia w-ieek cornes round. ]Row Could If. ' Pat andi Mike were walking aloug 'the aide cf &a bog when Mike bail * tii misfortuno tofal inl. On- see-' iug this Pat turuéti andi rau back to .a. houie, and knockiug ait the door, ehoute&out-' For the. love of Hoaven give me a spade ! Mike bas f allen into the. bog!t>"H"ow far lu la ho, FatV "aaked the eccra.nt. "Sure, he's up ta the. an'.cles," an- awered P-at, "If he's only'up to the 'ankles he can, suiroly walk eut.>' "Séure anti how coulti he wbenhe'a iu head firatI" - Plenty of. Tie. "Papa, I want an ice cream eun- dae. "IAil riglit, dear, rominti me o! ht again; titis, i.a only Tueaday." BLIED TO, DEATII Trled ta trim a wart wlth a razor and gevered an artory. The oniy vart cure I& ,putin'o,"' whloh removois vantâ oins,' cailéame ainoeday; ' meut On gettÃŽug iPutnamýs Corn and Wart Eixîract- or, ifse the beet, 25c. ait aU dealers. Only a fool girl believos that eve ry tuamarrieti man site meets -ma looking for a wie.. Minards Liniment Reiiewes N$uralBia. It Did.n't ReIp. "iWhy don't yeu try dieting for your trou'ble" ~I have tnieti it. Ail lait 'Week I never aie' more thantic a day." T"yMurne Eye BemedY ,cIf, 4otlàv,R.d, .eakWatery EBei Mburine Bye-RItmeddy, Liqulù 5,Sc Xuina-y, y-Saiv a luA»eptîC:-Tubese. 25e,ýFfl 5(.BeBôs.rebyMaeil. ié, ferR. An,, Cohina Many goot man a marIed t bicei- nti -n t q 41 le t 1 -UR t F bo Mol& or se swet e, ai 't 24 îbîtSbut 0OR -SALE Plsui PIologouo Ee 2 WodSp 3',Uul.ys12% -M in. 1 Wood SpJiC jPuIIey, 12>à x48 in. "4*r 3 7116 in. .hab. - .f i Wood SpIiê - U 10i% xz36 la. ioï 3 7116 in.aiat Pulley. etf ualer air«. and ,Mhaftuing of varions lengUis afnd pros to b. o"d at vory law figure., Box 28,1 -Wilsou Publilag Co.., Toronto. Angello Influence. Old L4dy (offering policeman a' tract)-I. often, think yeu, poor, po- licemen run sucli a rik cf becom- in ba.1, ebeing 50. .oongtan%~y mixed up, with crime. Policemin-You. needn't .ferar, mum. 'It's the criminals wot runs the risk o' becomin' saints, bein' -mxed UP with us!1 Minàard'a Liniment Co, Limite&. Dear Sir,-I bail a BIeedint Tumoi' on my face for a long urne and trled a nuit- ber of- remedies witbout .any good resuits. I vas, advued10try MINÂRDO LINIl KENT, td fer usln eral boles It made a copeoure, and itl healed up and dmlapeede aitoget.her. . 1 DAID HENDERSON. Beiietle Station, Kinge Go., N.B., Sept. Explained. "Es that your ladder t" «Sure." 'It doesn't. look liko yours. ~ "Well, you se., it', my stepr- ladder." Low Colonie! Rates te Pauifie -COait.. via Chicago a"d North Western-. Rail- way. On mçaie daily- Sept. 251h. to Oct. i0tIllnouie,fomal onta in' Canada ., - fÂ* icri m er.PqrtPold BalteLake, C k. -Seatti,, i tOÏ,ria. van- oowr Non Roseiand, anditmany ailer p~iùs.-Tbrugh. -touim1aleepero- and. Varible routes. - Libéral stop overs. For 1uit 1fr'of'at rateS, rontees and lltr rt o alon. B. I. Bennett, Gtae~a Âgn't 46Yone. Street, Toronto. ~But, the ma1n who singe bis own praise seldom goto a curtain cali. Minardp Liniment Cures DandruiL. Ris Ânnulty. turu over- part cf lis law praet-é.; te- hie "Son'. Shaîtiy aflbrvwrti tii.t' young man entereti the omâç,. and 'witit'a face beaming vith'-:pleauurt,, - exciaineti:' "Fatiter, you kuow Chat, Wilbtur - case yau'vo been tryiag fer the lit Cen years 1" ' nhealtier lawyer amhttod Chati h. ii,,si tilt. i- Wolsahie y ng main tri- - Umphantly, "l.'ettiélb" -"~ejbot. it" 'xolaJne.the fa- I ave you ha cse.,~ un annu- 'elle-,If I'ti lnown you'd. le suh £brxute .to Poor F$do, Idnoyer, ia-Ve 'plesureefkok.l ' that misexiabde. r easii r irpoilgc.. pe mcane uitar. au...' iamsyshe *',lto t7-oms TLwelah is gum*aut vea m .*e qmm#. dmnlaauSh2.. au #. W. DA47SON, N Ineiy cbebrni $trou&_ Teronto.' F SUIT. STOMI GRAÃŽ IL -1JAIX Z IIACTORY SITES. WITB 091 WITEM76 S Railwa7 -tàackage, -la -TOron'tO.ý Rrampton,-and other lava. sud ctieiL Bramjston na dez ioe ber lovas. k cENT WANTýe"." AN ESTÂBflISHRED MONTREAI-ff IN- ..veotment Jopnyielng vidlend paying lSecurities. rere e l* service of- able men. Exclife. teriitory to rit partie.Good profl±s vanb.. *ma4e -ini whole or &are. lime.,.'This l a oud pro>- peaitton btackedý by Anihiential ýmon who for'm the«, directorat. WriteP.- 0. F-.4x 1446. M9ontreal, for -.partieuire.. Mention paper. - STÂMP CLEiOB--UDElDIF. -S-ferOnt Pr gý-Smps Càtalogue, Album,, only, Buron .entiL, -Marks. ilamp CompanY, Toronto. IÏALlE N!-LP WÀNTÉD. MENWANTÇP' yol,ýiliélr c beapk.l. r bVand dici> 4çx~n Witsefor Iras ot.t àru.. -eo nsipb CANCER, TUMORSe, LUMPS, 'é ontpalinby orhome-treatment-Wtah ne efoe to lte.Dr.]WIanMédicai Co.. Limited, Celllngwood, Ont. ÇIALL STONES, KIDNEY 'AND BLA». r -der Stones, Kldùey trouble, rvl Lumbago aud kindred almentq s etivei cured with the 'new.-Germgn r em»dy, "Sanol.," prie $1.50. Another nov remetym for -Diabetes-Mellitue. and - sure- curé., sk. "SBanor»e nti-iDabete.' 'Pricé .2.00 from 2 duIesor direct.-'_ Tii. Banol Kanulas-. tùr ng .Çompan 'Of. .ané,da, Limited, Get If Ât Once. A pompoUs, lady eouquired,cf -the ' taxrh" her girl w a à .getting on repflied t -utçr, ,I'Ttbîik.il, axy- -lag iaùtinî ypýu,ýr daz4tr, it~~~ ~~ i.eniy>. Wy thé 'pureep*roud dame, "let ier have on.-Her fathei does -not need to-- le1t 1iii danglitèr wa*nt0for anything, 8o Yeu can ge ta net UNinaîr<e ,Liniment, for -03e vywhure Pa's SympatRy. "la the. man your.asi is15goino ,t ma - rich 1"' "$àaw; exy timei. Inarriagoi. m entioned pa ,as Por, man.I>'- n-au as eeeuib euueancei. a -Peacues lest -Fr lure is perhap-S wbivii se maný <lli serLs eau be-ecnco c -' Thé. st'râwberry mu vines and - argu e i face trying to prOI te-place given to un strawberry 'sea viiail agree 'withï present let us se fpeacit bas to the frezable fruit. - Tebegin with,- - - peacli ice cream. il ia'this: Boil a p double Ihoiler 'anfd -add 10 'lleapjing sugar. Stir until solveti, take from eCher' 1pint cf cr freezeý- Wh'eu yio 4 cranking ha'ril, ai~. rt of peaeh remaveît, pack th It ripen for t-wo h Anotheur heCr obthierway tt mak- la temix a en wvith a quart-of nu a-quýrt -of peach- tuîrc us net aveet - - uga r.>Freeze, De net bi e crnie peacli mixturp ap before it ia frozen acit from Ilhe pe -' the milk, buq th' freezfng' prod&eas t agaîn. It is becau. process that theý added&"afterthe 1re i9Partly frozen. Té prepare peacl peaches, eut tliemý andi pr&#as theun thr press.- If theý anr - ~ uic, they can-be witlt a .silver fork, table' pres'metb Peaci h hiiet is juice of pea'ches: ecanaed peaches, if * . - -juice anti sugar ini B 'ÃŽl a uart 0'uticf raulai ~ - aid-aquart of ji'e . ~ juive of a lemon,-i thie mlixture is stiff er andatit the Sti >t -otwô egga. -Fac mellow 'for two..h oberbet, like aUI ot yacked ln ice. ket is rich aud ait4 ripe asud juicy-pei it pare a dozen.-' them andi cut thein with' a iliver spoon1 luis 0-f granulated cupfuls of oranga until- the _sug ar -' solveti. Thon -tur] anti--freeze., Wheru -dasber add a--meri beaten egg-yolk a: i Jul cf pbwdered h s Pack anti stand lu two heUrs. For peacli puddi tila ice vream. -W -the fellôwiuig recip right>conSistency -a Scaiti a quart 0i a cupDfuIof gra7nu Fav B or'it- etLIg .one, <tp slig hall clips rnilk, 0o 't tbree -and one-hiahf1 thlree lieapi-ng t1 pu-çdepr, one eup c] ln ordt-r gî'en. hiead "Pans. Letý s ltes' in a ý-warrn P bot b«'cu tiirty - It 1s'the best, nu', 'white-flour. - ungpowder,- one aio t ee-oirt deugh alnto na. eq third încb'thick Sa eces-Lay n cor, ouà eac-h piecee sn4 aa e- lc S"u'~ erve but l'otato DI>.m-lut cîup 'fhot îual- el mith me-lîeaping 1ugar .w-îh'-rs [d wc'-well beat 'fuh1 ,NP 'u-i>fh r h ok.'hà ax!

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