Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1913, p. 7

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le pla< u ti the s f-roili the firn eciiiug itie lm a sautd prn- ullial mon wh*, 'rite P. 0. ie ulors.' Mention UNDRED DIF Ps' - Cataingrie. Marks Biaurs MrED - liEs- I TEACI bofouglily and Iv. peu actueil for Ire. tc. àus.. St. ls.- 4ITED - cIment. Write eliman iiîi ont, - i IWU BLAD roube. -Gravýel. - rma reurody, or nov rernetti . s ure cure. la., rieé $2.00 tram' ;anal Manuta&- - tda,- Limitai. lcee, Luired of tire -~ as getting ou '0h,- weil, - - Link il any. ' let har-bave- noe neod teO or cnyt 'iring,<- calie - . . uyw s ............. Kay7 eer J t lb'lafmozeix. gomtimex - thé #Cd ô,rm the- peama. doe uid jýnroceas turns --it ,-smooth »lric MW>-ta the, peachei are' often .. -dd e te est of thié mixture - To 4p're Péach pUIp, pare ripe, peair 1-dut Ahem -,in mmi pieces, thenu throUgh s, vegetaSble PreemtI'thèv are ve - ,ripe. andc JcY.ercu . naectéopulp v-ith a silver-lor'k,, buttire vege. - -- table preO',iàithod ià -eaier. Peach '3heàbet, is.,nade frem the eanned peacheae, îMlà s- nicli andful - dc ,~.car 7W- ubtituted for - jaae ad~a'ginl the following re- cpe : 1. ,.- 1 .- ---Bail- a quaàrL cf vater and' a pound c4t granuulated',sivg&r together,- -- . adt quar-tof-pe&cli -juice and tire, iuice>Ol aàlémon, afid fréeee.' When tiremi:àuiéis,.tff ï0-enve tire dacir- - r - r idmdd thé. stiffly beston whites- -f two eggis, Pàck and dlov ht to melIow 'for two 'hlus.- Keep this &4---aerbofi. likq aU ether sherbets, veli paàckMdin .ice.- Sbeliais, Sherýbet.-'Sicilian sher- bet is iohand hold ho made of ripe. and - juicy 1peaebes. .Tô make it 'pare>,a do zen big peaches, stone r them -sud- cut them lans-mall aices "w<ith àca ilvp r Spoon.. Add ivo cup- - - ff- grannl.tC4, ougar aud -two Cuptuls of o raïàge. julce, snd .stir - .-until tht> sý&r 'la thoroughly dis- -iolve4. - Tireurturà into 'a- freezer -and freeze. When. you remove the -daesher s ad,. rigue mae.7 o! a - beaten egg -yolk ant a tableIspoon- f-trI of powdered augar veli mixed. Pack andI stand in a cool place for' twe hojirs. ---For peach pudding maire t-loi va- nille 'lcs cresw. Ma-de a.ocrding to ô Tefllowing recipe IV villi be of tire right consistncy anrd flavor: *-' $ald a quart of! thia ct-ern and e cupful of, granulaled sugar n a double boilerad cool themn. Add -a tablepo,6nful of vanille. antI fraste hard. Lina a'rnuld with'-n .1inchf-a-nd-a-half layer of the vanilla -w lmUav Rouee ldIfnts. - hol a -hild fanion tire-beaci r e e las#hêre, 'a rag uàteePÏàd uMra'w 'egg 'and placed on t h bruss vii ease threpain. lmoùst 'immelliately. SWhen waghinge 'uddiixg clths, -ho see opme 'age peeiags m i'tewtr; thus collecâ. the- grease tu elu41 helps te make thre cl6tïis irte k and "ciean. id To hýkeÊ» mosquitoes ut a-distance, ~-" -dssove orait-pice ! lum lai 'vaterand spenge the * an- cd D., fraud d -il cu-ýà ilow tOdry. -Yen ïdwiIl nt be *lrôubled -with.Ïd7 »,uring h-et, eather' oimall bag dl muslila illé 1 dwith charceali' hould ho n ug thre pântry ou é itiëb ide4 <cf - 9'e I -n,",* i ket f>frs Very hni lngQSuqedn-e re. etarcheâi'ft ironecfiïeiolei vet. IThey will 1 okJ equally weil, b. quit.- titenougli, and wîear.mch- ionger- Pthan if fitarched.Stcld ed whep- very thin are .apt -te - tear aaily. For gatting, rid of black heet1els in tire kthnmxtoog e gether oqulai parte. 0oE! sited ugàrý antI 1picot er of PaisPtae"10 powder ùu utie heapa-'ôn the--doorý a shlort lime *s -i-,W1 h ave dis-1 appe ared, Iasteodft.plungin*g geu e tables iu coul - vater, te vwIiPIr arI qias-been added. to remove -lucecti,, Sbettei,?'way,ia' touse, van 'vale insecte' fulywhig'in, 00Iwa ter.Wàirg vegetables inu -cld 1-ater màke-B insectsâtick oun.-' , Salt. a 'good for,- lustielese -iraii. Rub it weIl-ihto tiere tos o!tire hir- aIt niglil, thon tiè'-lirÉ hat- n ua large -haudkerchi.efôrt- vax- a iigit;- cap. Et-usir eut thre.atitnutire rnor'ning. Baverai applications cf thiis t-alment will brîng ab>out a great. improvement lu tire appear- auceloi tireirait-. 1Washing blankets -le easily sud weli doue in tis way: Pour intoa tu-b hall a piut of *household - am- monia; covar' lmmediataiy vitir iukevcarm watar. This sentIs tire fumas tirrougir the biaukat sud I1005- eus thre dix-t. Stir the blanket w'itir a stick until tire dittimin'the- va- ber. Rinse lu & tub of-clear 'wate r, thira me tempenature as thre first. Run lightly lirrouigh-a vringar andI iraug eut t d-y. DUNNOW BACON AWARDED. Two Couple@, IHappily-Married, Ob. . tain Fanions Filehir, -crenm andI quickly fil tire centre The hi&torle flicli'o! bacon which with peacirese ut iu cubes. Cover ia gi'ven every yeeêr at Dunnmov, thie top witîr a layer 'of cream antI EuglntI, te niarrieci couples tiat pa-ek ia bce andI sait fa;os o heurs. caun couviace a jurý of six bacehelors if me a ela-borate pudding is de- andti six rn.sidens tirat th-y- have aider, mnix the fr'uit witir wiipped' lived togethet- witirout a eitees word 'réamlcfore pîîtting it in 'tlie for the v-irole'o! tireyea previens - 1was-ciaimec[ reSrdly b>' two hap- -- -Ipily mated pars-audAociboth il vas - Favoî'iIe Repe.awartled. « In tihe.case of William NUlt Bîcadt Witircîit Veiat. --Que a-ad Agner Havi-bt, o!fYcirk, ceun-sel -ûn egeecup suigar, -uaa anti ane- for' t-ie filchirt-ed . a4ý.rdbpt-avent ball cups pilk, -eue teaspocn saît, thé a-a-rd. tyl" -7 tirrea andI ee-ual! cupes ifted fleur, "Hos-cornes it, tir," làetirunder- three -heapiug teaspoons- baklag e4, " t.iakt.hu ryn a been' p__tIar, oneecup chopped auts. Mix marîied tven-ty-flve er, rt wi, rn order'. given. Pour' mb Ivwo od tftIIba.oo we-outea-Spnc_ breid b5ans. Lat stand t.wenty min- 1 o>und before putdng Wi&td your- uIes lina a'w-arrn place aud ba-ke-in, cla-ia1"- -hot oven thiirty or' forty Minutes. TIfe. York&hire ma.n adiitcd that It îisthe best nut bread'made u,ýih ire arne frorn a Virifty couxity-. wir;eAlur, j '1'n rakia5 ýhe cai-m no,"lire' Utp ,Duwpllngs.---Tvo*cupa ai! t- Raid,, "becekl'm igoing tn ea -elfleur, tva .levai leapos -br'&Výe -ru>'mâver wc&in i ai îng - .,powder, _ona-fburtl te-aàpoon aie-bcn- - ali; one-fotirîli u shortening, you represet. »U se 'appleý., .cinnarnon cutIaugat-. Rol chataüurulîng paeeO iet ' ie 'oor-2 deugr m a asquare se 't Oaa- thir inir brck u-c cu lute our 911 >of. Cabe.piflara and' 'tri thd ~ich L-y a c'orean i t-tto o reptileo V'put-red eounse.. "Wirat,, p L da uc ace i an ctre -I aek you, 'l thre pomsItion o! a vo-- -u - ari iece ,îitio c tenttcesh-ar ÃŽuy~;~ o covor appl hler' îu-sba-nd'- oV1; WiL *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~pe sikmol, nbke"lb'tedpillai'?", 1iI11 ere1?iwitlui liard sauce Tire laji antLmut-muredt tia-t ble ni' creu. - - - wife did-u't riai iî.-' floito Dbughiuîitt.-One- large What fnlua]' wdb ube" filîir for tire clp-'if hot inashled potato erear<ued eitavsir iu-bn' rcp wi-r :ne heapirrg tmpof'gran-uIatedr fkr ararried bilas. uîîigar, two-tirirds cup 4 mswet inil, "Siiiila-rlly o! teatee, - readinen,: andt ive ablespeans, of-'uiited -lard. t(>helip eoh QUer *in UtiItll dif- -Add- two vel habe ega sd thréeeculit-aol nrro -o' À"Jr 1)Insn$7of: fi* a.ilnegpide'a-H it.pue imrsvb>-Yn 7031Tana,1 titlemen luï toue'and ber, ugbt Ibur colo?, ga1,. .I shahl- invlted." lheo ilit of ]anàoi tufan.. A awer for thm."r - very iuturusfed lu bim," -rmarrid 49ý Men ibb." sw I 1*122. , H.¶e ln tfor amomtent. raIY. Mifeyg ea I nh* tciW h~d ~tu or th. o> oatry*h --aud -î atafràala othâît 1-OIW iO br o iat bistereet in Ellaha,.was prompt.> convino. pr-uthat. yoL.are doi13g ,me a ,b? ý inin tuÉrat A MinaP _ 7Wh1, should lnjuatie.' 1 o nt? Put hidM net. 111 ,"h. ne, "Not lu a nnontb o' Sundayao." ehé BaidI lpeate&d- He-. . & ged eatla EUeha. and, -ýaàÉy more -- Iba i bÃ"udpud e bli, la ou. o! ,tbose casse o!goulus hlddew bo mmd your own bualuoso." lit dark one es ôeue --tthoei'cases tirat s h ave ýa tox te bée bonnet, and. bot eugbîio -b., belped%,labo tr igi eyes flxed.-definantwy ou hlm ta0 e ISt 0Is ho se bto cbluê.Yý' ire aeked 7bâ moment, swung a-way. Clive Ïralked ou, sently. - Sire-haît --Wh 4Itonini -to blé' but préently toit A tuf at ies ccc, £and 'y<,ce rather t1'an hie .WôiÀsu, and the volci turnln.li bonetbrcuitfce bl.lt er heart. and wae .eiom Xlwapale and troubled and unçtertaIn there, 49"oc 8W 08ab ».addra'Wing >:m *Yea," li pled,'RlnIgo! ina. amide; -I dideu't mecu talet on o a:rd. "Ho-eau beanch £s*lglg. auahqw; and ll But ,I'm pussled like. -1 se. you wlth tiret azswer for,4 tliat b'd ne. good aIt tei cblid-you oan't b. a bc'd srtt- volr hogrh nfc laot l-m "Tak o -Miss -Tibby-.,.u 1 éortroo=wy I'eto cnd s ",YoWrd -botter hear me outri 1ain't 111' hlm; yn ond b. as i ',çete4 ln hlm labed Vet,". die -sald qulckly And iguhi. as IJaam." cnlly. "W>rct I mean là, yôu cn'I be. ,a SbqeMlled. Im crald uot. Yense- Y~iirLt down -bad lot-you'<t-et*".&"-a goOd' XnÏe a piaItpa.~ 'ear- Bùt - Miua ree-caqtht - ber "- I re.a..yen scy it," b. retorted asuig- breath-"Kiuc'n ail- W*'e got, 'cnd-al4- IY. ' "ut 1 have = deubtâ." sieeol .s :0-011,meà 'I - suppScelié la very a.ahsad bld ~ an tbumi dée~~o u 01 leanlut i kbu twith ir orscon -hi anera uril be putting alsorti o' ideas lace, and -al ber mpthy-gone. lii.e bIer elle. - B&P: h.ab'- ead. Yeu "Very. -80 poor that b. will bc more lu-irenôrletes.SesI' h. h. eg;youthan,,e!eied with bal thé fées the,, wel yeur ee. -as' 1 70U0 waso alainbel' . ,':i. umrd !a elorteroue "tbmuk aie géehl m corne --p"'<.Ib Olv' fc a@êýred, and 1ira lpa .mre 00ouuv hw~ihv tiht e'w tr4 he -d artgllearn. of course; and, tbere are Lady Huïe.- a -ýMoment h.'waes ilent.. thon Standox,'. nieces. Oh, r*Wi;LX tblik I 8e ho z ulI un&denstcndc Yie w».g; , 1 t..Wher. ehbi 5 'rite to -bluirl you have my promise. God.mit" weaott-avih Mes u -6, l iùt- MasIo, holdoieed-maf,*da&. "Oh, write tôÃ" me, il Y611 V' ib. @ô hlM. i6ut ber baudni idlaolAIl 1 o f-ou Et I-ka T ou would, pe aldlaSàoallv; and Tîbbiy's woids. rang torm.ntiugly i-.w>hi qn. e.7184» »ô bUle ferc roefï~ para&aibe mdo' bi& w&y tos-ards 'home;-, iy 'sià-akedr.~ii'vio au tlepthmsfo he laquieltioiral Olv sle. Iat-asgo. rocok. hiad'he taben such an inferest e 0 etiar'"hI~~ týir- Ibis attnze famil-*? ,woulié eh" 4a oo oe10brtr.ad bâgr- toflowed up tireir çultPe a ve-sentv~e hinive u, ual os tirepiano, If-if MiÏÏ-atcd nosbeên Wié1Ù- , b4 beret.it? ._ waZt e a e101hlif aatuevey Ue)cd-"u tbidb.o wa no more 'keeuin lue «e u-à", uq ~eai*lfye a t-be velfar. el tiratpartîelùii' mily tircu me ïv i.. ha was inu m acolhcr WbhÃŽchabelbd ye-u>i. paôron: - Ià~eaut ho," b te belped;- sd hoe amilled, alter a tIn o f tu fa >in10 dfrebot -wc ,ie rackr, liratthe glra beauty, and ber *Dd <u' i _' irreathea. 'Tb UstBia exitraordiacry volce, thre redremnl4 ether forglre7oU.But" dé o« jyï .niche speech, snd mauner. and pr,"". ' citrlfalulost. y u rade',er straugely laroositeut-wit bher surrrouud- Wape *s>er Tirt bfug,b-ell lbTsasrgh uh dti.thei.fp layiug stress upon his promise. *ad,' ci ot Ieoe ts wr.o >s Y"a coulwe ireo would kep It. Why, 'what- dit- par.ogieeI 1culy, weiild trr. cdlu heepinig I11, ra. o<j"ee l."hti di im (Ie&. . l not waut -0Io 110 -h girl tire Ikue'litte me. I 'fauMcYpy irt sre partnceto lbbys aateent lia bi -vs lrelu, - uratever, niy hadj may b.- Do't. ls: would pùt-l'ides" ilato iinae'seadi worithir ile;,,for you'kuow o llttlè aboutý the eyes of a cbild could net'have besueîIe. more pure, moré free' tro mur oouebl'y. than o"I -kno'w 700 have beenso ve ri klnd anrd' tiroso wbichaire irad ll!ted te hlm; -<te gooa &as .tagraut mni eureat." ire -sait. oye ruvircirtie Inocncecf<re mm *i'iivte, warrant Onougi-r tly nlimpertin. sud heart airone ai tirrougb crystal; but - It s-se." a-I tiresanie, Tlbby bad a rîghbta relYT-upe on big promise. &Bd ft 'sas well ibc ad _ýa. .YU tbýhouit ,I poeas tain aou But ber oulepoketrditrust et hlm and Ter'w y ouchbumqred mte' i h1 iei MôtlYla addenied hlm,; cduit w ben' toue t.r as sùi. tier a utm l bern reaciro ie Isroompir e..tprned up tire gas,. ir >e Vialat,r gred cu- 1h ut bc - e u aud seugirite obury tbê"wbole cff air l tiehe4 -aIbe*r toey bt ho nin more tiran rally compliceteit Bine Bock; thatiéztwldb.c ise teiyuthlg n and'Ired dnot ggote bed until ibe vais l en*Yôuaire eleutemit. M Sàwter. tiret tt - enagied itir -ac lrtugh. -Bhe, fusses over my irair ira if-as i, t.vor* e r ovur; and. CHAPTR vmif sire iras berd 7031, ylÃŽvii bave foirnd CHAPER Tll.a direct way te' beieee." Harvey alrollei eut of tl'e Hoe on olUve glajrced. at. liere Ind»au v'omàn. but Mouday af-teruoou $or a litIle air. Hoe ras Ssra'o face 'sas as impaselve and eVres- eue d ethèlse unfertunata meu-ibey' 'ýare aloulesa as - if it were carvedit et ;tulir- not uumdrous--wiro canutoléec» lu tire'any - lReuse; anuua5ly ho isteued Attentive- ,- 'm' gîcit." h. aid -x vaut asol the ly te evea lho praseset speakers. fer.,re. frieuds I eau gel; we a 01' us do. If w. knew tiret in, a busirel or'-irhe verieef- chaef ouly bnew it! Tiren vou',wlll send ine tire tireo l alvaya tie grain or ear' o! ieat aditressee of tbe pupîla. if YOU alOuld gel wlrieh goee_ te dili the grauarY et know- tirent Lady Editlr?" ledge;. but tbis alternoon hbc fôèrruit IL if "l-es. Oh. I airaljel tramn. T aiways deéul te follow tire honorable gentlemen get everytiiu I vaut."'> Wiro were stamrueriug cand falberlug "-Thats eesily underatoit," h. returneit tirrougir a deirate. en Ihal hardy aunual. siniply. thre Deceased Wife's 8ister Bil; tire HOUa.Sire laugbed. "Tirat mens tiret you cou- vas hot sud stuif y. tirough tire. ere aider me lrresisIible, 1 suppose? Thauka. ouiy a score of -memberos aumbertug- or Are you Irish, M~r. Harveyt" fdgeting lunlireir- places; thre voices soesu- --0f course," ire admitteit laugirlngly. cd -ta drone lîke thre iumming ef an ove&r- -We are lirree puri TIr und only oe laden bec, anuit te bot Jans sun @truck part Enghisir." keeuhy tirraugir Lie latt;ced windows. "'l'ieu I am forewarue&t" ire said, amil- lie rose. nodded * reasmuriugrly 10 lire iug Up ai hlm; "andI shall -only belleve Wip, and sauntèred tirrougir, Palace one'fourbir-or your pleeant apeeoirs.- Yard, anuit ate ietreete. t-ir;kiag, ual What nojiseuse vo Are tlkîingl' shebrokc - irBlîl, but eofirow. hot it muai be lu off wîiti a éhrug of ber sireldera; but lier Bcusoui's Pente;, and a pleture of lthe face vas beamiug. and her usuafly cold light it gure, vitir t-le clear' lvory fae' eyee spanl<lig as if &ho fannd hie uon~- beudlug ôyer thre keye ar tire plana, etart- Pesee eeeter tireaolirer meu's wiedani. cd up bc-fore hlm. -Il vas wondertul how --Tell me wiat you-hava.beeru dolug aluce plainly ire etuld scebier. Why vas lt. wlrY wemet-" - could hire-ual farget thre gi-lr Wlt- au un- 'Not ail1" ire relarteit wilb mack alarin. cousclou eture of impatience, ire qulck. " 'Trst me lu ail or net at aIl,' "qÉle. eued iris rr ace anrd valireit"on te Hyde reterteit. "lau sce.17 bocan quebe. I ?Park; and leaniag on tirs railîugs a vacir suppose you have beexr worklflg bard. viei- ed tire never-endiug procession of car- ing tire lumus-It vas la tire lunis YOU niages.- Every nrow aud s<eru a lady boy- founit yeur hbrback diddler? aud speak- ed ta hlm. sud -C(live-ralaed ie bisat; but iug cund wriiug-P" ire vas preoccupied. and thie greetiug cuit "«Anit etingandcitdriu-king andisoep- tire malle tiraI aceompauied il vere nieeh- ing." ie le ieo. amical- "DO you realy ia ni lIme for liras?" il- preetiy tirte coine c bleck, andt a aoked. "If go, corne gd leté i carrýalge etoppeit aimat in front of hl.m. sanie tea. We are gýeins sbrlht, borné If> Waes. lie Chesterleigirs'. cuit Lady Edilir "I'm eorry,' bcire plled. "Bukt tX, mua was à atti-in la lb. $aSra on the seat gel bsick ta tire bauble ShIr-sene, calil <ppqaibe 'ber. Lady XdithIli aw, Oive - tbe tir'abweîs' siop. ru -ýgel do-sn '-bere. fore ho sav >er;- oh. hbit boeu eleauir;Imyrg bacle ralber-laugulithy; but os -ber iras. "T-u futurre,-yearo. -,taa- paret. 1 ïaai reéâteà -on <tira tat Agure. tiré bloitroe i aîtiret Mr. Cié're.tiregra prveacu UvVL ADw R5&gai. -(Te ir e onîuet.> -'s'.-. ~ -p ~ ONE BETTER. V Funnyfaèe-"Th6e conjurers are wojndquI - felkws. I 9&w- one of the -best last night. -He turn.ed a gu'ixea-pig into à caJbbage." "That'e nothinge I can do better myeelf. Every night I turn iny dog Or Behind the Ban, Paraon-D)o you know where lit- tie boyé go to when they emoke-1 Boy-Yes, up the alley. The easiest way to manage a hus- band is to select oneý thcit do.el5n't' need much managing., -but £611 in t Win, and 1 vill leait yonr idroverrirIgot, ýafdiéightý hôrsey alofrye9 eeame-lr fmatkà fr uen Tatton, - -I h Trie jockey dît i,-.andrd I-Tatton, 1 , rit-> we l on the .roa :bhýî,h altei t aIan i115, lord o! over' 30,Q00 acresi - kepi bis for ljIîè favorite' pltcher o ipromise, and led té onmp back toe sooner -ladIt beeri set' i -lire 'Weignghouseë. Tisitt1.l-- hqovvi', tien a teproont -dent- eïtabllshod -ac, pecedent f or -we-antnb>,aig thpne dvoxtvery Ujollkethat. r ode0 flan1 -reechei.- for -tir e x aSaint LIger.wlinér-o)àlmeiLa ahn-Idraluet- tire-contente- -ata liai'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i lae a n ttrerwrse W'atton sait no,-word vICcr'* -- - -, iret -Ire- ve's aunoyed,but, - ut-ag irÈe set m19-fae .againa(t-landlord, ire.orderet anoti aweâiugwhennweniugwasiii.voge.:This aîs( 9 ~s'eV efore I eo-lïr, sternly- dîscounageit derl-kinrg7 tg pn -eenlbuel ràt exeese -n u â ge 'when .,geutienieù, promptet -by tire apparent tught- iodagae a inik aco ttote refirst, -sotu he would -neyer -toucb, and wlne--but>For- H idtim t1e bal rely, r-.,fe !vorite-,-.drIk beiug a ?o i ieier, andi ti i flgaolio)me-breWed* aie. -nwd ofnish St fh* eCl MdIl If iad' t a rmb te mIse pany meànuwliilé eyé'ing bi cI 4'c'ClQek lu summier andidSI lawin. as - hongir awaitiirg -,dei ter,' cuit 'te -walk et: least, four, 'mUnitirS>'bailot long,- t<rmait -e-IUvaniâbly'ýo! c large,«ppleî-ai- t- n- leugedï.liis - aggrsuos,-a a. Jug of nov mllk. lUnch, ut 1 dlsdaipng fi ruleaof fair- jo» dock, s-as,,eqiuaily- fruga-7jirt a both maýdê fo;r hmkt Ono;Eý PursL ofbrýwn bread and' a doýlloR-of-lroùd thuaI thèy bad ý!-e. and L-;, !ay ikey IIIeW Match -ftsoil - o!firis favorite ,'hiroe-brewea uIft hantery, cua, -tbpu fpuS1ît- tbem aie. sinagly,ý turnlug bis attention fromt one Mis Favorite, Exercie. tle t hIer- auir e deemei' mont - - tini, nrtil 1ire- irat thembotfh 4evytely -Tire late Mrý_Gladstone founut hlm-ex. dmbbed.. et-ie le ir:opping itovritreçs. Bir - Tatton,1eund ieIsnl breaking atones. An Equestrian Feat H-e -rarely, if ever,'passedt-a pro)fes- Menton iras -aîready beau, mate ,o! 1 elonal elonobrealter. b>'tire' roadoide somo of Sir Tittons- pedestrian, featg. wttiront stepplng ta vielithtie irammer Hie equesiIa ones. vers, iny ro! .X~&WiiI. -Tho, wirirho lied s-ctktheni,-eqnaiW -ateusimiig. -e imel fir' êa"- t1thir 10v," 116 _For, Instance,,ire once -travelled -on would bhaud.,over Ï sovereiga te tire ho 1akfi uSidee eAeren deligiteit verimair ,.meanwhile. In romrederte -i4e a colt lu'ire Welter rai t ben' iravlng a -welcome rosIt, cntd tksfrirstin irf-rusa iroccd on is va. - Iuutley. Ho van tire race. and. tireur -lu tis v>' ireYokirro iaronetl vaultedto btire seddie of hJaOwn rid-ý. helpeit t:ùru1hlLrocit al for hlf !îug-mare, àirait Lartei t tega4op bkL_- tire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ligraa l uiurfr "a te- Siedméme, .-and tiroucei téDonçester,- an entirusiastie waiker.- -viciirreciictrsi ly'on- Whoeu irewas ieaming tire business tinueus' mlilg, -lu- lime te, wt-tneîw hie of ,a Ïankes' ir.aHul-liis va's, b! eovdSàInt Loger. course, befo'-e -a'ueceeteit' te -tire. Wbbtmakes IbIsromamkabie ride of'- bsrcnçey-ire usaiàt te vairhome t* 720 miles;- tire more ù 19:tiy stiret "Ma latirer's seetL Sledmea, 32'miles Il vas douie o'n tire one mare; aùd -,lti., istirt, every Salut-day n(girt. ani, eut s6~aliringi hr l IrO hlecét;ý, oput- bacir again. on -tire lollovlug Moutay îing -ber ta any' dlscoinforbÉ beyrond ,mornlng, la&kiîg iisseat amioag iris aa lîgirItemperar>' atiffuose. fellcw elet-ks toalal appear-auces as Sirý Tatton" ves bale and hearty to fresir as If h irhait morely att-old tire endt, cuitloolceilgoot fer' a huu-- tire banir - r'om iis odings lanlire tred, ne bis admit-et-s ,put Il <ý-BÙt a, towu. chili, caugrt s-hile lItdulgin; 1 u ii A keen lover' of ail manly sports, ire' favorite.exorcise of stoae-bteaking, T- studied tire art e! seit-defence imiter sîrîttdfatali', cnd a few tey a ler tue tire renowned Jern Belcher. cuitsoan mcd wvitpe-, scarceiy belleveu nI fit-st becamne*-neted as ouae!flire lest arna- ývaut oves' Yctksiire-;"Sir :-TËtlion le leour bolet-s ià Englanil. No man deait." -- breating, irosever. vas o! c legs ______ quat-relsome disposition, and h e nver hâedoccasiaa le prove hie prowes- Tell tireBeY. but -once. Hiehait bought orne valuabie pet!'.f-'Pae, was Jo'b ad'ctor ~ gre. caIlle at Lincoln, aut, t-ne 10 irm "Net tirai t uvo. 4tieong praclice 6t .etliug ail tire',ex- 'Tiren 'why. do, People -have so' St-ciSc irepeàs bli--e ,ir lircfedlo,. ucir b sa-yabout the:cieà-o drive tirem è lome e ménie, - j>"-- - frîEe coçpy o TORON' -s -- f --- -r s For, a farmner9s Iô a c ou nty --road, o railroad- bridge - r CANADA -PortdCN can b~depeded pon i6 makecocreté that will las eratons.-Thre-is only ione grade--.'the best -tisat science andskiI Tisuua elon 'veiy uag r. your guaere"- 01 CaiiaJa Ceruo , Cêi'E Û - eýitCorpayL hnited -Moei li

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