Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1913, p. 8

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.1Mr. BASE ,INil 81e-pssttwE.ê* . KStorl'amars!, for duck buntlug. 01, WeWIes W Pm8OI. Mr. W. Johni A*llng, of-M DGodoeRynld, ! orx, ,Doit foôrget tf aàtes Of fhe iiii mihwas tbhé guost Ã":ýMS unIsspeitdliga !C'W da a witb .iisui sale Methodis at Ilsot Bomoe, e and SUit; Mr -and Mci. . Lawrence, enta. temtber 14 and 15. Go mseand Brooklia. -»4r. Aslisg bast b lWt.Lorne Puckrin hi prcsd ~progrm ar ith days. Monday itca a_ tO e e isfriends for upw as of 25Miss Vait arin, aldbas taen ol. concert 306. ,ald20a. SS bills., yeârs, - o there was sotie hand-shak- sssion. -Armte! ha a si meii . ipe. Wiliât, fomail -ppea.-leances, -r. as icadsad.lam1lyi ïjg sbou]' t4 iejý5pbc4na--ppuiar*'1*j5i bsdonc Weill 4 Uncle Sat'a dol--tend mv>h, sàw téjl u Ob 4a.Igzhecm. tti abei~ Main. adslOcoe .Cougit RoMedy 4as belezaïtsted b M cas.. So mo v i is r'ne Thé' M igme MVittie, !Toronto nm al a dos ler. ee o . ! ho R ra red 1home on Tuesday a optl pn 'Ual- 1fa t M.:j.4R.W. lHendiçksȔ OhCFllotFuisld.ë, tera atwo ýwe*s, Viol it 'lth innde ReyinoIds', idreturuetiModa ites, '4*( beralj'sOug0 Bm la Whltby , Elleýsmere sud-Scarborobilât tbthe city. _ _ edy iliàe besbfor uhcies~ Miss PeI 1who la1îtigrot 1Er. W. Vipondof Brokioria copad a ybeis 1r. old n aiter,'M s. Chas. Spencer, ~rented the !ý'arm to b Soaedbysaby aàl"'deaiers-I8 - j 1Er.Jas, ~le ardu, Shoal Pit KI2SSALE. MEr. WLawrence' azr sens vislted at KM. E. 1orneetâ Fos Ms. TbcIIIRdd ls vsfting t M.ý Fr st &W od -O p BInd rs MISS -L. Graham,. who bas I>OOUI1J foW mè M ay e i J ap 0ý 9 Ârce bulit'to stand UP to theifr work, the carrier -fS.Mon, ! Habqrton,~l It chaine -extend nml tih c>ns f h ,gersh -,: . 1 -divider boardisoa bpckuneaiawhnW . ai' RrheooTrao lyin alnos fa. W.iitueheigbt' o!fcerniàa.vebeen visltgat 1Mr., W. Boit- t varie@, the ,bottôm la hebidig ttchsni 0Y e aui b. inatsntly rail rIwrilb ee- <cn tulatiou te 1E. it!M thia featare sures tuebnisbig ie oH aknupon ithadiàlo oý, Éni id otiterbol, tbl.1niy. ~ -lie7 catiotfalI apant. -- v Dntore h Hsea1oi o CIaIetshlowroom and inspect-,tis he -0Cioe pea4godm chine 11~ cary a omplote stock of Riding cliorbal eee wttMs anawalking Plowie, icludlng Cocksh t-in fak y uChargée. A good attend- kînon 'lèry and Frost &Wood' ron uce' greeted bher. Gangi.- al -irt Laders -Ois,,GeasMr., Wz. Mayue la golng te, moe Gangs HareseExt.LaddrsOisGesetc. from Our Vitigeasbe farm i a teased for years là sold te Mt. Park- W IN ~ , - W hitby, Ont Aônut.those Whoô attehded .lite Iudep dg and Bell pitonc. 1fr. and'Mrs..Redman, E.sdMp C. J. tovensnud some others. :Reniember the Harrest Hîome on l I l -1 -É -eptembobr, 14 and 15. Cbickîen aupper O oe aid ail. Excellent rOI an ad la goo t ime guarantooti M 1r. Denny, of Pikerlng, pasod th1rough our village buylîg stc;èk, M 3 tog reýenwoqd Iluh ýtoar future, »_-A41o thôse, frôlu bore who attend-, 'd! the ExhbitiUon Ibis year were Mr,. and 7,]I. ý,Wellâ sud famlly, 1Mr. (C. a Mjsdsn sd 8MissWlnle, Mr. C. ý 1>ackîî sud Master Everett and! Misa<frttaRapit Mowbray, Mr. H. MfeBrien -aind.!mlMs.W tru son, J. n~issd' -Grrpp oo rf 'lme wlth hrparents, bore fbing ber duties. !9hé-bas - juat lned -from su Ojbeided trip S. houghlie British TIes, IL . ýpauwI hnurses, * h uneral otMXr *19î. ogr E ~~was-veryIigeiy atie! IGoe - nid cenitéryon Wcdnesday upon ti ezrvà1 .oflte .NR. train from Te. route. Mn. Rogers, was Miss Ptee Rodd, ivod' lu Kîneale until 'hermarriage t 'yasgo.Sh was It o z-te chrchchoir' for sorde lIme, ad aans e! a ci- ive part I clurch and Suilday School - wOrk. Uer a quit sd kudydspi pd aùd~4t , è ie leal tôl. Mouria bier .IOBS-'a.'usbiàd. nd yi>r-e1cht. ren, i ~péat --,l r. dMn J Rodd, aniY~ ~ ~ v con nd FI0. Lt 0. e ll i eî e wn hv to escf th e i w n t ly dtberémo a t hnete i plt Ã"fee o ua DI 9masehwcan t retto. Hbelî lhsd ntcataymoe Pole het -hOdmb r erî0hi5 -f Il coner ed ' md. heli alkn1wdu 1ew - f t e a y r r . ? r . y - B. OAR. - 8Iaceisi -@ to F. Ne Durns- -2 Doù ouif th'tadaàd Onk,- W I B O w. wii .DGHIROP The Caus-a of Dise Adjustmnent Consultation free. At-Whitby Monday, trom 9 a.m. -PhOnC 344 JNO. E. FAM Barrister, CountyC CÇouuty< Ofrie South fWing Coi A.E. CH~ Oeëie, Brock St., 01 Money t 'JANMS RUtrLEOGE ïeney to Loan Office immediately 5 -W tiw Go. YOUJNG I.-' seau nimaage manager0f l Ët-ya:ikbraidiai Km- tedertey, -.Sask; $2ïtis ethe sait! , Rhy OnldatIM, tWly oa upon ite- out itoltation, - R% y dra 82 00 la buisIeavng $OOiolitscrodil> 01 bis nely openeif-accout. H. wma ner seen -boarding bite il a.m. -train. Ray is deecribed, as a mau *of about middle age, - itabbllydrssdand, m-tit- sererai daye' greirti o! beard, bis, mitolo aPPesaf.oe .beiug -fat ne- lnoyed hem titat.of ltç tYPIcAl baak -swlndler. Police Chie! Silteî thlnkslte mai may bave gon1oe- ta Peterboro, aid a geeral waralng te lt e baitek bas beei Advlo aou StOuMch Troubles and h ow to roflvýe t! . Dmt ziSt lcûgsdofor it msyêadto i nrci ui aaidoom- plielion. Ai .mietphysicien once ïaïd th4 nt 4epercent oi- al11haethekr~ii nda *ciderC1 untomaohiè "thortobeonocithoSfdepenaie known lorIn»ieInable ~ ~ tIvo' a i on ano eà"eleftaord the vesYpromes. ttued Pem' ently and me ùaly<is îihort tiiùe, ýte nd tu raLvePaincaused by..stomach Boxa ~ p ~ aia T ablete help inite liol tte nid diges YOu to ty heat oljrisk. If they do not pve entjre satisfaction', we ,*I return the' money1youl paid us withot queston or formâlity. Three Yot& eptu. qý teand 81.00. Tueubuy P." lù»spepia Tabita Inti ommunity ônly st. our store: - A. M« ALLUN. 'qL IM roKE,75 I JQRDWF 8flO~ Suces. ors t. Ccdy BICS. - PRAOTIOAL UNDERTAKERS Charges modpatje.' EIOO~~.i~ . DEATHS .l' PHILP-Ât' lot 4,.Plcketlîg, on Wed- uesday, Sept,. 10, 1913, Richard Thoma6 Pitilp, agM.x78 years aid Don'b fo1tget te dates o! bte.Kin- sale 'Metitodist Harvest Homýe, Sep- tomber 14 and 15. Goot! nuteasd prôgrarn bolih days"., Moday tC-àa ni concert SOc. sud'SOC.- Ses-bills. ANNUAL WESTERN *SEPTEMBER 1, 12, 13 *RoundTrip Rates froti Whitbyîot F'ort Huron, Micit.......$6.1o. Detroit, Micit............ -7.6o Ciicago, II........-340. Bay City,.bMich ......... . o Cleveland, via Buffalo .7.65 Cleveland, viaDetroit.0.95, Grand- Rapidop, Midi . 0.35 Saginaw, Mich .......... .4o Minneapolis or St. Paul AUl -Rail. ;...... 29.40 * Rail and Steamship...3 3340. RETURN LIMIT-Ail tickets v3ii for' returu te reacir original tartiû point not later than-Soptember a2,109', 3 - .LONDOX AND RETURN---ý from Whiîby> - - ept-9'"' 12-. . o Sept- 5 , ,Se Jpt. ;3. Rettuu lI'mlt) Se-pt. -15, 1913.- --- -Tickete now---OX sale- at aUwýn W, -are prtpared te do'-ail, ici.s eof lauDdrY - work. Fanziiy -oen, givon bpeOwtotet ii -wbrk guarateet!. Parcels calild for a4d delivered. harlsW rWebO t l Ct wi hep yuito die .t . uhooaI a o.cgeaud J W. .Ietil' Newe T. eplin r'he-i efi ei eephotnie tompan y of Canada is-soon t0 print a ýnew; Issue'Oif its Officiai Telephone 1Direcýtory for te Disâtrict Of 1Centrai Ontario, includiug Wititby. -.Partieï wito coutemplate- becoming Subscribers, or thoso iho wish changes. Lu titeir preeotry should place titeir erders withthtte-, Local, Manager at once to insurc insertion in, tus issue. Connécing9,ÇýornPIuiies f SIoid aiso report âdditions sud changes, iu thteir &liât0i ofuubibersîï, eiter te tite' Local Manage,'or direct -te -te ca Agent'tepartment, Moùtreal. The' BellTelephone Compaffy CHEDILE.--- JUNCTIO.m Byront St., Witby. - - ÂUCT 1 JAS.B Mhava, lioue- -à« -té, L. FairbanI datis appiy bsl L1CI3NSED A AND VAL Ail hindi of- mIes t.Arrangements mie. at te Ga zette Terme neamonableoQ Bell anid pn& WIIITB' - CONTR Carpeuter, Builde Plans drawn aid ReparsAlterati Alget fer Brai .-/',BOx467i WIIII SMarriago -SCH< ie.purdeaangthe 1 Urp. wiauiJlur,0 inrorot! wfth -a,-ver>ilag aod servie.. M Ail odersfer Iwi plauePartieet., ' ver>' bout;attiàntiona. lstoamliver>'i]u ce £W.-EV- - i a MO iLJ mspelfory mot employiliuý, mddo anowtb5a setaiiu -I a SURE TO B & .F Kýeeps the the C George C tg work 9. HA~ -UNI -.-i jugimllU :IIUIIIý,SYSTEM 7- share' -yQur. trade. b_àrg-ainS or

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