tial te Science;lie r.k concentration as a bais. for PUG&loopiiC thugu~~e- wîth Us on the inatrial side," w Re urges a b.- tliat "Iwe nw>ý hope te attain soi nrUity as-*saen- underistariding o! the nature o Bards eoioentific Jarger, penbapse thereal, exieten-c a. inadequate and cf the -conditions 'regulating ii cal g4eializa- terc<»irse acros the1 chaem." TlR. DUCHIEËSS 0FONNAUGUT BRITISH STEEL MIEN WIN.> wlIII Acompaiy HiSRoyal :Righ- 'Sheffild -Firm Gete Contract ,'F1romn -. 1e te Ottawa. lU. S. Government. A cespatch fr«M Ottawa saya: It >A despateli rom Wasigo Étated bere that ber Ro'alHigli- eays: 4n English'butilder on Thuro& netesthe iDuchties -'of Connalýught, day waa award.d the. contrctý fôr IOtwihtafldng reporta to the. con- turbine drumes for.. t i. newest' trry wllacoenpany H.R.H. the American batt1l6ahip-, o. 39,-&t a Governodr-Geeai Canada, on hi is 11W.môr6, than-oneé-third the pri ce r0turn next month, after -tho mar- ofeéred by the. loweýst Amfericain bid-' nrage of hie son, Prince Arthur, to der. The. accept<ed bid, $57',430, ,te-;Duchess 'cf Fife. Gheering re- wae eubritted by -the Cyclops Steel, porte have beeni received bere of the and. Iron Works, -Sheffilk, En«- health c! her R-toyal' ighness, but land. 1t i exceptional for the- is lu understood, that ýeho will not Na.vy Departznent to ëeed aW on- talc. an active part in the social tract abroa>d, but Actinig Secretary 1f. cof the capit,4l ad formerly. IRooseveit held that the, aetion was- Great.ears will, have to be taken in justifieck* By giving -bih. work to guarding'ýagainst anyý over-exertion the foreign builder -'the 'United-- on the. part-o! the Duchees, whoee States savez mèore than .$100,000. - continued gqod health depende s upon rest and, freédoni f rom strain. Itfls understood that Prince«s Pat- FEW NTJMBEU 0ONE APPLES. ricia will neodssariIy talc, a'moreD W lrominent pWt in thésocal ide of Baclcward Spring an ii4 17 cat or, viç9eogal functions, -the caaie. -STEA31ER TO COST $173,»99. For Lighthouse Service on Lake- Ontitrio andi St. Lawirene,.-. A aeepatch ,fterhon±ttâaag ays: T.elb)ertfiint -o! Marine andi ---Fliieis bas let a otra-et te tthe Poleon mon Wonka,. Tononte,, for -', the construction cf 'a iteamler to b. used o>n the St. L&aWrence River - . above Motreai, anti on Lake On- - i n -uthe lihtbouse :service. Thé contract pnice la *17e,39. !iis i. the fluet, sbip let under the ncw condition, 'n*mely, - that -construc- tienon uettake'place lu Canada. -CANADA BORROWS OFFICIAL. J. 0. Penybacker to- Aid lu lm.- provis g ighways. 'A despatch froinm -Waah in-gton says: Canada has called,,upon the Unitedi States for aid lu impnevi-.g *its lighways, and J. O. - Penny- badker, chief statisetician -o! the Joint- Oongressiouai Çkoinmittee on FeeralAid lu the, oonstruétlon -of - post- roade, 'han býeen loanèdti t ~te R-oade Commission o! the Do- minion- Mr. Pennybaoker, who le Secretà ny e! the Amraican aHlgh- -ways' Association, villi organize a statisticai bureau 1cr tire Canadian POIPEII'8 HARBORi. lRas - Been Found 15250 Yards In- iand Prom the Beach. A despatoli !rom Naples gays: The. exact site c! thie haibor cf Pom- peii, for which seerch has been made' for couturies, has been, dis- eoyered by thie scuiptor, Lorenzo Coz, h la fryears continued th« investigations cf lis lat;e fà '- ther.ý The harbor le 1,250 yards in- land from, the -beach, &s lt at pre-_ set-x &s nd 700 yards f rom the gate oPompeil. A teopatcb f rôm Guel-ph says : Promu reporte 'whÃŽcii have rea.ched bhc city durnig' the. pat feir day42 tharewil be--a, scarcityof',good ap- piî1es duning tii,ý comiug vinten. Dealens psiîd a viait- te the farina lu the Township of Puslinch and lias-' sagaweys -duning the week, andi-re- port tii. apples a poor crop- * There' are vr féew rumbe n ee applês aI al,$ ath«t .numabér w!711 be ligbtt This eppîles bôbh to f al aud vinter apples. Th. cause ot thi î&attni-. buted -te a backward sprng anti exceptionally dry veatiien. NEW MILKN RECORD. A Miçhigaa Jersey Cow Bas Dou. Big Thinge, A dembatch frein Heughten, Michlgan, says%: A ne-w world'sîmlk rêcord for Jersey cows vas record- ed by Emineht'e Bess, ow-ned lu Hloughton County, Mich. Honr year- iy recoid, under the supervision o! the Michilgan Agricultunal Collège, shows a production o! 18,783 ibe. o! nimilk, tes-tinlg 1,132 ibe. 9 ounces of' butter. The feDrmer Jersey record, belti by-Jacoba Irene, wu -a17,258 bs. -o! mik. Ile. uw record ase, exceede tith. Guenaey breeti record helti by Spotswood Daisy Pearl by 170 lii..-of miik- A NOTED BOTANIST. Miss Ethel $argent Addressed the British Association. . A despateh frein Birmingham, Euglaud, says: Much intereet ira. displayed at tire British Association on Thursday lu the atidresa e! Miss Ethel Sargent, tire noteti botanist, as ishe vas thie finst voman fe pro-, aide -cover a section lu the-history.o! 'tue association. S-re expressd ber gratitude for the genenosity ýshowu to hem, andi thereby te aIl vomuen, adding that the higbeet fonin e! genemosiby vas that which darèd Vo do an &et o! justice iu the. faSof o C.ustosu andi prejù'dlce.- Big -Iacrease Ihi_,the--Golcl, But aF1i~OfI h - AmOut-tof Silver--Minied Just as the production of silver 1e 11912 by $96,e,6, whule nick-el in the Province has- comnsenced to crýeaSed $347,519. i- show a decrease the gold Mines The. Production of iron ore -gai-, - have stepped into the. breaeh and $108,264, and pig iron si,1ole,o' more- than made up for the deSi- The increase iu the -utput o! p' cinc.irOn le one of the striking features Forr the firât six niomths -of 1913 of the minerai record o! -t1j pro- the production of gold juxnped $1,- vince in- the pasL decade. In 1902 035,949 CoMparcd withi the curres- the production amiounited to but poudingperiod -oo! last year, the - 112,687 tons: In 1907 it wa.s up to chief producçre bein-g thé Holiînger 286,216 tons, and in 1912 to 589,583 amiD 1om. Mines o! Porcupine. The tons., The hal! -yesr reeord'is 369,- Porcupine Cap oontributed a.11 450 touns, indicating an output'or but $150,000 o! -the output. - the yea.r of ne&rly three-quarter4s o! The produictién- o! siler-decreas- a million tone. - ed by $242,8812. TÉhe. raturne te the The following statisties o! pro- Bureau of Miues show ý'consklerable! duction foio the,-six inontha- are * pregreez toward the complote treat- ýgiven'by thé- Bureau o! Min.s,: 0 ment o! orea on the spot, the - pro- Gold, $2J171,147;* silver, $,9~ portiont of èoncentrafee and bullion 713; cupper, $892,645; nickel, ?$91 showing a big increase. -514,414j iron ore, 8141,324;!pi The Sudbury' nickel a.nd copper iroli, 5,051,840; cobalt or, 7871 in ns.-are stiU 'increasirig their Ou.t- cobalt and -nickel oxidos, $186,247. puY r-the value, of thie eopperpro- The only' dereae lu-additi-on,,te, *dRcled',ditring -the baîf, year 'out- silven was an unîmportant one of doing the oô6rrespoiidIing halie f 5,726 in cobalt in ýnickel oxide. les," 1I4 -. ~ 4;1mr ~1-e ie > Saled -Hay ai trar. -- Sa144 by-N. , *13;50 -te * 14.50 on brack.T-To'nle. and No. 2 at *12 te Sf123à . No. a. $10 7te *10.50. Montreal, $set 4Ot, Canadien Western, No. 2, 40 1.4 te 41cr Canadian Western, -Ne. Si 39 34-eextra Ne. 1 feeci, 40 te 40 hu.Banle>'. lau,. !eed. 50 t,e ic maliing. 62»te '63ë. Eùc>nlbeat, No, 2.,'à t te 6O.', Fur,. Man. Sprint inheat uSubets, Lmras, * 5.60;'seconds., *5.10.; eti'otg bai- ers' - 8490- Wiuter patenta, clice, -$5.25 le -.5M; :'sîrsîlt relier. . *5te 55.10; stralgit, reliera, 'las ga. *230 te $2.40. Roll- ed'it st' bitianais416:-baga90 lbo...*2.26. -Bran-1822-Shorts.- ,84., iddlinga. - $W. Meut lI, P -$ 32. Ea",Ne. 2L per' ton. cair iota. *12$Ãœt. 413 - e' ,'ô ee-vet erna. -,13 1.4, te , 13 1-2e; finesl -eastomne. 12 78 to 13-1-8. 'Biltton, clioleëoit cenery, 2514 toi 251-Su; seconda, 24 34te 5c.' Egge. .1resit.32cr electeci, Z90; No. i tck, Me; 'No i stok, 2Oc. Pobstoeo, per bag, cau, lote. 70 te 90e. -WlnnIpesGrain. 'Winipet, Sept. -16.-Caasi viest-Ne. tL Wertien,7r-i No. 2'Wonthergn87q; Ne. 3 Nortitern, *4c; No. 1 rejected ,useoa.-83 1-bc; No. 2 rejecleciOeseda, * -S;No.'i1 mcd -inter,490-;' No. 2 red Wîaten, 86e' No 3 mcrd Wi Ãr 134c. Ost-NeX. 210.*$., 36cr Ne. 30W,34 14cr -extra :No. 1i'feci 1-Sa; 'No., 1i bcd, 34 1-gu' No. -Z.feed.' '38 1-2u. Banieèy, -Ne.3 49v; ko. 4,.46 1-c; reJocted, 43'-Su; -food, 43 12c.. Fiai-No. 1-N.W.O..$*.31, No. 2 C.W.. SUS; No. 3 0.W., *.51S Unltod statu, Mar-kets. bar, 8565-80,, December, 68 54o,' May, 93 5-&. No. 1liard'59 4-0q; -No. i Nonilweru,87 *5-8u leô 89't-80; fIe.2 Nenlibern. 85 5-8 te 87 1-3u. No. £, rye, 61 le 6' r-S.- PFleur 'aud 'bran unobarlgec. Ne.. 1 yellov corns.73e. No. & W, tg"al, 40-12 te 40 3-4o. I>uiuti.sep t. 16.-Litieedcash, *1.50.-4; elmbr, *A.9,1-4- b14-, .Ocîbern, *1.49,3.4; Nevember.,-*S-60 3-4 bld: ,Deomber. $1.473- bld.' Wtsat. No.' 1 liard. 89 1-Su; Ne. i1itortheru. 8e 1-Su; No. 2Z Netrn, 86 1-2- te 87c; Boptember, 87 14e bld; De- comber. 89c; May', 94 14o.. Live Stock Markets, -Montreai. Sept. 16-Prime beevea. 6 to 61-Su; oters, SZ34e; small bulle, 3 1-4 te 3 34c; stockons, 3 1-S te 4 14c. (lowu $35 leý $65; osîves, 2 3-4 te 6 1-2c; sieep, 4 te 4 1-4e; Iambe. 6'l-4 te 6 1-Su; -hoga, 10 to 10 1-4c. Toronto, Se pt. 1.-fatle-Chitee s- prt. *50 te $7- cholce bitcitensiU.26 te 86.71; gooci mediu-m, $5.65 te $6;comn 04l 5; canneo, $2 te $2.50; cuiters, *3 te*.rfat -ceve. $4.50 to $525; commen coins, $SM50te 84. (Jalves-Qood veal. $5 te. *7.26; cimice. $8.25 te $10; com;non, $,3 te 83.50 Stockersansd feedere-Steers. 700 te le 660 punde, $2.50 te *3.25; light bulle. te 65 Opoundae, $2.50 to' 84.25, li t bu11ts, M*2.75 te $3. Sitoep sud lambe-Lfgbb ový,es, A31 te *5 : teavy, 83 le $3.50, buck, *3 iii r 350 ping limbe. $6d25 te 86.60.He. $965 f.. o drovera *10 fed sud valor- ed. and $10.26 off cars. GhOWING 'STRONGER. Apparontly, wlth Advancing Âge. "At tire age of 50 years I col- lapEeti f melu excessive coffee drink- ing," writes a Western mnu. Tea la juet as injurious, beca&ne, it Cen- taine caffeine, the sanme drug fount in coftée. "I-'or four yeans 1 airain- bled about witir th. aid o! crutches or cane, meo L te lime unable te dr"ss mysel! vithont belp. "'My- feet wera greatly svollen, my right arm vas ahunuken anti twisted inwand, the fingens o!fruy right hant ver. clenchfd and cotuld netbe extended except mit-h great effônt and pain". Nothiing ecemeti te giva me m6re ttan teniporary relia!. "Nem, durning ail Vhis tie. anti for about- 30 yeaa previously, I dnank daily au average ef 6 cnips o! atrong coffte- rarely miasing a musal. - "My mife ait la-t took my cae into bar oevu iands and bougbt sorne Pestum.'-8h. made it accord- ing te directions sud I liked i t ftîlly as val as the best bigb-gnade coffýe.. "Inipro-vcîueut set iu at once. 'In. about 6 meonthe I1 began -te work a little, and iu-leRs han a, year i mas vory inuclibetr, irnpreving rap'td- 1ý",£romî -day te day. I -ar nucw in fanbeserbelth-tanmost men o! rDsy yeare ýandc aipparentiy gr<owing, strorjgèr with ativaincing age. - 4"i - mi busy every day at eSoe ký#d '-f work sud arn able to'keep up with -tIre pro-ession w*itbhoÃœ cane. Tiie arm and.,~ ' vr alihaeâà ;apiy o! movýeent sud ,_b;a«ty' o! pémansiiip." Najnie given by Osuadiaa PoýStuin CO, Windsor, Ont. Write .for coépy o! -tlii.littIe bock, "Thc Road te p PO tuni - must be, mou Instant 'POstîiun is - ot poi#4em. A teas-peenfu issle quickly ln a-C#,p-o!, hitwm atensd, witir the addition - 'o!, cream nt Su1gAir, MakeS.,a deliciona-beverage "Tboere'sf'areazson" for Po8,m. Canada, 'the Empire and the Woni In General Before Tour. -Eyes. Canada,. À Canadian icnnigration office:i to b. opened lu Copenhagen. Tiie Ontario Government ha made ùm-portat-amendments te il bilingual achool negulations. An expedition fltted -ont by Si William -Maokenzie bas sta.rted oi an explpration tri~p te Hudson Bay Five hnndred Toronto-,Ohiname- h~.-reéerdéed their (,biographie wfhte iiratio.n aîuthori ties'. John A. -K. flrummond o! Kings ton, -a fariner member o! the Ma" tobal Legisiature, - was !a.tal'ly man g]ed by:a C.P.U. train. 'A epeciai ýNorthwest MountK Police patrol is being sent te inves tigate the nder o! H. V. Radfo4 o!ý New York and* George' Stree. o!: Ottawa, b~y Eskirnes at Bat.bur.s ne. Ixpexator, -o! the'Hamburg. American Line, whlch * ailed ki Ne-w Yenk on -Thur.sday, carrnef 5,000 passenger., wmmciibreaks aII trans-Atlantîc records. U'nited States. MaYor W. J. Gayndr o! Ne-w York dieti on bue Baltie crossing the At- laublo. There la, a collection&o! 4,500 dolls in the National Museumi, at Wash- ington. - John B. Gleason, -of! counsel for Harry K. Thaw at the Pittsburger's fmst tnilal fer the. murder o! Stan- ford White, bas filict a suit in the Unitedi States District Couni against Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw vtec nècever $53,0W0 wbioh, b. alleges, le due hlm fer services nenderet inl the. defence o! ber son. G eneral, Two men vene killed lu another accident te a Gveminu dinigible air-, ship. An <'arti:ficiel ment" has been de- vised o! grain hby a Belgian chemist. O! 1",000 o^en&hrpe in France 'ýing mre tan lJiO0 inhabitants,' aboutg6,00amp mtithu'any public lighting. O!fIthe nemainder there are 1,249 llghted'by gas, 2,76U lght- ed by electnicit:y and 172 by acety- lene. BLOCRADE -OF'GAN shipnts At Port -Wià iam -Are ComparativelyLlgiV. A deÈkpatch from Font. Williamr, Ont., saya: Gin limovemnent te theu head et tithe iakes 50 far haz ibeen comparatively ligbt, about: twýo huudred cansas day being received. AUl arriviug se fan.lias coee f rom Seutheru Ma-nitoba and hbas becor gradeti No. 1 or No. 2 Nortiioru. So fan noue han beaun ecaived' f nom Alberta or Saskatchewran. Tire blookade o! grain for the Momtreal elevaters hmbas bth ie eff ecb ofýmak- iug shipînents light, and vary. !ew boatshave:tà keu cangoes douýRntire lakea during the- pastf fv days.- At present ther6 are abo>ut five million busirele lu storagèetahFont Wiiliam-, Xi3dERICAýNLEA FVI«NG MEXICO' -1Ii*Jets, Are":Furnimhed By the' A deepateir -frein . !exico it à aysý: Seveizal irided An4as for the-most pût resitientein 4?,exi-' ce, wlie h-ave -been imnpovè&ia1ed by the revolutionnmy conditionis,l have passed hhmodgh Mon-tere i~th" laet tvo w'ieeks. ,AUl 4r- trailél1ing on- fir"at-elsatickets- funnlshd byý the- Consuls. Lu aà 'ddition tirey thavýe- received- f-undcs.,suffiint to-caTr themthbreugirte îhei inmes. - - " shnld'tmimd reseif if they closed té 'pýbis' a, couple"o- ý -hourà soonen, - lyct:2f sez is, if 'sa - insuýj alî-t full by 'alf-past -temi, 'e ain't -' - -n- - - Turks. conylcte' w1o -are 'ùow jcod -cîtîzeüsef su- -Whoue exiStence- they, are: no- doulit - oyintliýefte met' tblu' -felow.nen. £WaTe, and viioeeuismaW lse 'veîr-dl nab sapper. ep eade for &acipe for the, minu wii l-answb adortll, desop thOr l's once mmde' a miuutep but Who #now wsùte n 'epTus ai<éria mv frie 1 d ex.convict uowadsys le uftenrb. Roli -Th to erm. ' ummer HU0 U.day.p, .The - ranc duî deued'net Only by.h.iu own.ain' but siso all EuropesIl capitale are'ow lms bo.tlio, tôôegreat seal o! prison reformnera. PtyT. Amituteru and gincialsar ct T a r f r e a r e ép 1onl inlsting ,ýtlatt- ar d , the " ar1iainen ts are net ,sftting ¶t Most, 'prisons ar-'hôoo-fr mBii,-.,"ud 'a nOS tt lw international dtp. even an lionest man wlien conlued lu lomacy, that tii. summier vacation saliiil thent tu sure, t, turn criminal. This de- be sawroà anct, sud at the. premet xu,0 uiroys ,wbatever -confidence s broad ind. ment that unwvIttéu lamw-là workiug 'te es d employer ,might be willlug te repose the benelit of - the Tuxke. But liad the. lu lite 'ez-coonvlt-. In their eageruese te - Tunkîilireoocupation-eof, rrace., taken lielptos. e i h-prisons te reformera Place wo meontbs sanier -or later,- %va 3aunwittengly blacken tii. character cf BlOuld -have. ýhaît -the, Va ers- ful of 1. ta - 10ercnIt.Ti aisc l e rnations miglit mrm. Boothe pies -for a chance fer the. have e",n oAa. _Wa*foUgmbs ex.piriaoner wrho wante te refcrm-a plea d40o would have. been- bney makingr- r n o r d n t b y m o r e e n t im e t u i t y b u t r s e t a'à o s o p r e n t n." o t i by corde sud ligures, ehoving that - a Reuter: and ,Jatao" and ,Wolffasd the, n mste oneaosuot make a mnua crin. thierOne agenctswouid hà lve'been publl$h- Inai for liUe-honld do mûch teward d4W-lung"Ommnuniques" dà ilThei. moveffents poing emplo ors -more favoraibly to lte of ,Our ýaisi h M Tafa Ol mmanW li record fighting for hon. bave' beon .a, natter of'-, wonld.wad n -portantce. -le. the ,long mun the.reà mît Theçra, fr uxyius -mlgrbtb'ave been just- The. crase feOr itie es or i. PiTe --but- diplomacy would lis,. dons- its beot >- vailiug Ileietf the 'limes. Itla sperfeotiyl u a e,.o de ustural'foib sneùn d :womsn. te ya tle PuOU ry oed. good thinga cf lufe, -but it l ihybd LOrd Stratheena, Ced the iligh pelc erhenhoIteèmpb' te- set bo. sem, 1 thlutawheu liey have _net 1gct-hei, mens. - -Miesleonshlp.: - Tii ftact le. omphanlzed -by a report 'Theole' .gôod 'rea son -te beleý levo t a- d fron s certain' cihy wlrld sasis ltaI mmny sttemeut-,that- Lard Setralicona iuiteu residento bhave eacnlaced, theirnbornes lu c,rougn 'lie Ulgi ommiçslcner-hilp t of Sorder, te inditin luhe -luury cef ntr Oud acm-le héN «.a a .~l d lug, Theii. et ocf a-iman oseling le ouuded. i,e'-"ouncemel2t--le an nter- hom-e' or lie purpoe. o!purcitasing an esllng., if aomowhst peet-e,-dice bautomobile wss fërmol-ly regsrdeds a -sure o! whsit lIbave gouud"fer bellstg tgeod joke 'ferlte, vaudeville,.arti"tebutare hie LonditiPa-i'itoenn'».In1uhe laiat- SOw1h ~ boom- at act 501, ter. Nousgenatrian -.thoagi-'ho e : LaJïg- Tereport ursy- be erggr& dbt .rlboi n oinu5bwlbTI<îsC ter. la -ne readon te doubt that tbèus- hO0à . datts, devotion' te wbricitbà s'î anda of pensons go te te valiove" Yosr - hfim lb. titise 'fthlitsrand Old MariMcf ln a. valu suîd' feolisi ýattornpL te lire beà - Osnîas.- Poe soremeaieba 4fitde yend7 their moano. 'The. desire te , jmta esirnocf glyIng place te a yonn 'ian, -tos. -vite are riciter titan titemedlvea-t aud te only Question bas beenbte clipc &r lii. rock'dnuwhich maury- an otierwiaing é! s _convenient date for traùeleriS liappy -bome. lewrecked.- 'Luxury once leristlle lad.Wiee uc' 5q tsted osema h te le&inte, bleed, sud 'Ibe ceeda'tte ieofce wlll ftd ituhard te ive Il Only remedY la s detormined- effort te gel 'up te Lord-- Stnatbcona's' standard of, luI. back -te thie simple lite.-- dùetrT. Desplte hie advanced- yeara. hé Hudson Bay Comnpany. me a sa gutton fer 'Woik, sud hb. le Inte er 60 hrlsII.ratd IndefatigableluinsMgalteudance at the chiarter tes-rn6e O Git an I egrnteC olffce'., Victoria- street. Landau, - er.ý cter nolelmen sud.gentlernen, lucerpor.'wvi itai l'iereoughuteas -niliha@ mark. atiug. thei as te "Governor sud 'Comi en-h le p erso no sueion. oal- o -pauy of Adventures cf Englaud Trading (idepr sovealspvien, fcurs . Ie lte udson Bay." Tiroir prnicpal fore SîathOvnsa arrivai lutitiscoutr trade wasini the frraoethe animale cf[fr taholg*aiainhgouty, tittImmense and at that,-'tlme untspped aa-ving lie lias UÃ" intention cf reuignlug. country. Shrevd dealera lu fure were sent- to theii varions peste which vers ctablisi heEbss !Vina ed at differeul Pointe sud-tins te pnin. h Ebsya ina rdpI.e of barternig sund hbiallu vas lu. The 'drvlomatio changea rrow ofcill trdcdjte Canada. 1%e aboniglues of aunounced have. ofi course. bean fullyi dia- the. nertit baadte b. sharp indsed te beal counted lu adva aTereieeto thlie keen-eyed Soate h were sent out Sir PaIfax CarTitg-ubî l eb- m:%In l.-vol -te handîs thie-end o! the. business of the 01 lte' dlinatio - movement. ThaI hoi company. had te go econer or lster if Anglo-Ger. Unsmtploymont Insurance. msn relations voue te be iaed on s t The. great ]British scital ineranmea ot @*on&rdfeeling vas patent ta everyouewia >v'as inu part -au sot gainst destitution liad fIliowed is cancer lu Vienus. -He lhrougit uuemplemeuî. Thia part 1 agvaesoeveral limesg UlIllYo! ludlscretions puwely linited te a few BkIIed aud Cf a dstiuctly at-e-a bnltr elpadtrades; it vas f eîli tat em and lie ouce permftted himes-f 'te pro. Ployment irisurauce bsd te be carefuiy ; aIm liaI lite Eseleru Question- -,conid ý tnied. Thte tradea covcred vore building, ODIV. o lved' if Eugland verse te ohlain engineeringsud ieiîcle construction. * Suds Ba- 0# 'relations -t l Inna Thte finlranuai re urt on thie feature _have aiwsa.uiti lte elception o! irie ef lie bill vas publis"d a few daysaggr. feif menthe et- the Beanis n crisissufn Hov lias lte soiteme vonked?1 Remani'- of a cordial nature, but 14 obvbouafr vwas rably. scconding te all-letimour. Empley. a dlsadvautage te he ropreeente<j liens ers sud einployesalie -are -pleased i vis b-y- a dlplomatiut'wlie. vould- ne or écold1 il. Tien. le nov a balance cf about $9,_ net coucéal île stroug diallie'fer Vien,- 000.000 lu-inte pecial fund. About 400000 l usea1. 80 longs our- reiatli>oa-witî meu received lueurauce money, out o! a Germany weye s ail t a1i'doùb ni .,m- total numben o! 2,500.000 orolleci; but t ver, vs couid cnfntomeie a! la explîiec ltaI lte periode cf idlenesu lis-rted dleavowais ., o W ambsao' itave beau veny -short. Great Enitain. l u tlersnces. Thé,ii.m nt hon-ever,-a fact, lias been eujoylrrg Ozrardiuary Foreign Offce declded l-asdnlt >proserity c! late, sud titae'lias beau lit, former plcbleneovabao!in Pair ilsIenesessud littie paupenlein. fax Cantuvnlthelu Viens' bas bèe airs Tus e cor-e r pleslat lie.uem- handic-ap. HiO ucessOr, :srMamçe de eployrnent insurance fealure hae net been - Bunsen. le. en lte conlrary, no"nSaa seeeytosed. Wliat. il le sekedi wyul advecate <of Anglo-Qermà n -allsnoeý.b.- happen Iflihard limes corne. viihmuc nèh il imselfaurrbnfIeget l. persistent unnmpoyment sud ieavy de- sou eamily. dipiornatists sud eeieqt.jets. mand on the. fnnd? One anaver in that Ilie tuppoîmrlment vil. éâd doubt;- id :,deap- the. longer pneSpslty .laste the larget, 'vil Iv nsguetted luMadrid. vitere hé 'Imew ls lte surplus available for relief duriug t-h prosent King ea a b& abnsd w'es a lean perledi tÈeskvcsh redrd eSau ulg At any rate. lhe extension cf uuemplcy- th-ej'rsnc-Srranlshillitraliou ^Owe, 4ed1 mont Inaurauce lu generally favoreci, sud Tfinttion. 'e! heIn nespetIiph eea 'arel- lrsdss *it -1b. lUided ieèforelx. M<-zî oroo'yulloue.- h. emoneej ' Thte adinisltration.cf titojund blis given' eldfermie- ow secune wvo are o! 'lie fnlend. ' VnnÈy -uitIle troubyle, limone being courtes sud sblp o-f 'MNp-id we csh n:l r'Jieif- he referees te paasou docLbtfulclaima, .nov Iransfrafonhisereat diplommtetc Cod- Masnr. te Vienn ti tc Lard R4oeery uecenhly addreaeed lte ZT-'haka and tha Cyroupi. bey& M' hel l i mllfcd-Gicmnmar citol on -- lte subjeot o! maneanx nd- lu li-the course ) -WgXsas o ,g J e e- ch leMeut illlumnaint rei.rks uitîred run -London, ar or s', mu#,t enloyable tônr some Dregnanît-utha. He Iciid psrtcu- u. varUions&èarte etland aud gPont. l t is nthe fat tiat hinlte mere ad~e ase a z tria vodit ,ta Glas- malter or ences in lite, goo-l ruannena --v TJpirisiil. he sda "r-il n An Masy coltt'fou mono titan eltier abilily M ý - u t 'l urkhopo o! ln-su as or uiowlege.Ever3ubody. values good itrea.Lnor elseltr o v manre' lu other. people -aud when- il ocoe f-Tir. Ge saprr1t.4 to vn.k comtes te lteé bostowai o! 'lavons, or te ho îr=Qdele. As a me'ner~ f ltiiiviel ti0" gîfi o! appoiuhrnenta, tleie meviable tolit; Glippnw Twvegt -ie Cb i spre- dency le te prefer, lie- a-plicanî zwh 4iéi;ÃŽM ted vihtas snodel -'o! a wvran-<pemc -m re stirebeat. If a manis -ô() tet',-car.- o kbemeinien".c', cas, ires fraim aelf-con scoieUpnes; - ,sud - t-ýnivce wi-h murs- aon lino whee l i inetinctlvely preduces theie mpeiu ltat t'rn#ls" jnluploes- if f l nl f#our. - "e lain le wiat la callei "a*tra, ,-Igt ie.as- Ai4fflcu1fv --A- sia-b<uitv la solved bv 1s,' tonlehing itat a very vital -aseet 'iho ~ef"p, , nvmasroTe;'h lgo seteuq'ed possessea. 1 - e tertit s' uerngsnm dart God-manuee l ndlcate ' -ôbtcée spect '-ens 'gealY Utêreztèd' ,unlt.e invention, à for oneseif sud eonoeidiirsIiou- fer ehers, '- - sud itlà leDnt eate namd duny -olbîarIvo qualities- vhlèh 'arem-,' piaéatl met wiîb. --'Thon are lt e dlmt Qtîlii T" locto he- ei is vonul -il 'or., ncthilg -n'lu -0 .- V nsallty,. beever vide sud: accuratl i ay '- ,ppear, tô' be*. ,This 10 -a tinuth w-bierii here -- -" la -some danger'c! forôgettlng juet' ov,- -, sud I le a vo»hh~h ard oeer - 'a mit sion tU i -a&y-car q o . A nd," ' ' saiy tb. officiais: at- the Labor, De- tir partii'tmo-omiethe a4nage C( io prices eveny montbr- <tue ai n-cet et UICI - At-gen tint:). k - » o-aus cnr ro-frel5 Sffmeoenly. fouty-.1mtt- n-héeas cOur factoriel. -es machines lu tast lIme."» li8 vIil 11t lb.ahlufled ordeus hhat 'numnier. Ey ever,' tae teroplane lirâ be ible'te hum e ut 1.00 chines. Tien tite clamer, London, Sept. 10. 192.- TUIE ASSUANREEVOq Great DaM ,SavedEgp'et, Crop. The Assuan reze'rvoir 15 110W asar- Iy empýty, .bût it has don. grand -ser- vice '- this year. -Between 'hpril î, w*hen, lt -beigan - tehehlp the. river, and' Aug. i the water contnibutedi by tii.reservîoir bas hleeii 'eq,îai- t 40 -per icent. -cf thetrwholeuca»g of the Nile, ab&ve Assuan déring the - same periold. --' Put iround, figures, 'dunlng Ibis: period 5W tonso!. watr arrived at Azsuazeneveny- seaônd and 71» tons, went down the r.rwpr every second, thanks t-o thêjloutrýbutiea of thle e . May liee Ãlie Nie abo -'Aziuw was at it's 'W'est, 1the. par st' added b the rese voir irs ucî higiier.. < The meterological servie. od the Egy.ptian Sur-vêy - Departineùt,. which' concerns 4tseif with tiel;lev- e sud discharge o! th&. Nil. h-as been :quite at -sea- thus yeesrluite- ,prophecies of' the flood. Anlate a Jue'8,:,it was expected that the flood would be -rà ther eanly liban otherwise,yet it-is laten thami shas been for 50 years, and >has not- yet fairly- arrived atý Rose ires, :4£0 miles aà bove Khartoum on tse Bine_ Nile, thia beiug' the first point wbere 'ti. heigbt o! ýthe- river -is bak- en, daily andà -tiegraphed te Cairo..- Fortunately the - extra water which -the heightened -dam .allows to be stëred'this year hlas. been used- very sparingly with the resnlt'-thât scarcely any inconvenience lhas ieen' e x p e rie n c e d ii t h e. fie ld s ,. -T ii e l a t reporit' cf tbe, cotton crop -issues by the Agrieultunal- Départment, On Augut > lit, je very-favoréable. The. plants almos everywhere- look healthy aud -Well grownü, the eotton le velry llttlê in.'evidence and' the- number o! blssoms and poda de" veloped np tb date le above thé -. average.. -- The -quanti.ty :of water stored'-by,- , bie, enla-rged reservoir- -tis-. _ .wa S.two, and a half times the.qu~aim 7- 7tty-S, stored in 'previous years. L ut year the river was.exÃeedingly 1-o*ý .froin January to June, ad the.io was 'labo. The. reservoir wà ter waS,ý use ag-ýgýýWIyas,,posèubei, ye ]Zhis y~~ier Lower -aa a Bine- and Whitêil dre'n' in you cisa, Mise-,Peda, .og-uel 'School teachen-Yes>on oftheibas, gùod mauners.- Thon. liasi been a.erions out- break o!, choiera in Huagary o;nd - Bosnia. Accordlng ,teO:, tuse-4j~ there haveé'already been 167 o.,> it Budapee. - :NG OFSUP~ )irt Increasobo.In'AUgust. rzth of Last Year-f tis -la-sified under th -t of, ntceasiles of! life are noe ery- bright." -c' r ra m an, 1 b tr5îr rftheî.. 'O! reeià es ezô!ti ww l or Word. varqaMent and the ~ iUal ntesC ei eail but 0 -flessea dtli more te fer -vro zing las h Oe retenc .tnsated pri gerý,- e la ndsca ýt 4 e 4 r t v a in . Rlateful t jme the Pasti lY 9épiced by t] MiXý_Oi -the see, thJ4w" t o!th W4 ~ awo -ugthi (- OtWon-ees ho itiJ0tten , eve n - Repars a Zlt S-l'i 1 tp ~f e1lai but b. esn ,ed.bnyingb, Mid bis eett Aïss a me9 bhe fellh - à miue .-,- 's -on.thi theffir te me dovu tc su -tcks' have, t ta ip u la tUg h ley thcey touche< 1