Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Sep 1913, p. 6

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4o ad I ïveneveýbeýn bthérda-:rîeaeiouly encrt aune. - ' ýowa- ~.i~u4I ~&venevr.b~u otireddayà thé matter la kept before thé with It WUnd. --- - --bat - l nvestg ton-until te StrWillîamns' Pink 1Pîlls are g"k' bias lattaché&d to smm.Party. i -~ i ndicine dealé6re or by. ilAgan, hy-- -ýù, hni at 50 C'enté -a, box Or six boxes for whoýs é. in 1th 1 - tcihé k $' 2.5ô r> 10e.D.,, Wiliam. la placeci are mùcli more competenit tedine Co.,e Brîckvilé,, Ont. -Certiiicateio!-cpeeof and * ~ ' gcod eliaract er are.ne ie nger pd - ,Oqe Wu Enougb. -rlédsreuz>A -the <treet ,and granti- R<.br'bBridgesthe new poet o * téakig"liko they were laureelea fastidicle criti?,, ài"e once; the feelings o! ehip-maister. nce asffl little t6, admire In tiihe nolge pr4w fterea -n =-onpIace versei- o! Alfred any POassibilyef-itîoldîng thhém Vo - accqîunfut negligeuctC. And hast, Ynot Ieast, tii, aies te naviga.;. i are beooming perfeted te auch extent as to make accidents, i f -abaolutély iýmposesible, ea.aily oidable, if evýn a modéerate. - - ount oi diseretion idf .xercis,4. - Last seasoe<1912) tii, number o! accidente ,on the. Inland Béias 'wee emgo s smafl, ilu fact', as te create bnslderable commnent.- lu mIarine.circles théeordover. T-is - erthé tralo has been even lieav- - ~ -, .. - 1r, and yet thé monetary Ioas fol- boôwing wreckg,, groundinge, explo- sions on board ehlp resultant te dé-. fective maehinery.. nd ecollisions has been, te date, evéen legs. T-Iée Beason le no-w ovr'h b'l! over, sud yeonly tavo total basses have ce- ourréd,-both,. agkounting Vto only &bout '$o w0,00.tiï4e steamer Peck t lwh1cli was a otai boss as thé resuft- - o! noxpoin lhler boibors -lu -Milwraukee barbdr, 'sudtiie barge Crête, avich was declared a total lesa as the réesult:O!. 7danagéesus- 1tained ln collision withi the.steamer p ý. B. -Squire'. weré 2both dobd vesseba avè wre valued at $40,000 sud' *25,000 resp etivély. T-le fermer avas insured et $36,000. Damage t. Bettoras. .,UT. lfred Noye6. - opinin tIhe more .IkIci to: b. ae- -éeptod Luy «he Englieli Review" PurMr. Bridges sighed ;~n " à Jed hinÈo]ïf l his ohair, andNoye., in bidâ ioud, liareh voice, read the Éret -odo. It wa-s very losièand at >4t Conclusionz Mr. ,Bridge. leaped v*@buahisfeet and oaid brily: -,Nowp Mny you-ig friend, I ca.n advise you. Send theoibherodi to, * Vii. Roview." The. Sinzer.' Thé Ca-ller--Who le thaï-singing'I' Tii hoetesà-Thafs our new znaî'c. 13he td'wsy sng au t ,her 'work. *- Thé, caèller-What a- haPPY d&a- ýouitjion. Mercy, how 'loud- aiâe The htes-e. We he . I ~ings loud she'a rain oe thing. The rbosti end Crcàin hun bits Of ÇhOiceât, redelicit app etiging,- Daiuage Vo bottomas, apparently, lias been thé main item of expensé tuis séason,, about lte most serlous acci-cknt o! Ibis -nature baiug tal of' tii. steamer D. B. Meachan, avhieh, totalbed in te neigiiborbood of *17,OO. Tii.Meacham touched lu thé no4- LivingtonoJ)Channeb aIý theý foot'o! ýthé Détroit River. -A numbér o! uniusured abips have met witli similar accidenta, but none of! thése lias been as ex- pensive as the. Meacham. Compar- ed aiti bast year, te damages covéred'by insurance are undér those of 1912, sud the uniusuned rigklishavé had comparativehy' littie avork for lie ehiphuildere. - .Among lte récent big cases avas. the steamer Lehigh, avich, besidés, carryiug away a couple'- o! bock gatea lu lie Welland- Canal sud clréating oosiderable expensé for thé Canadian Govèrumeut, avwas damagéd lu a séries ài accidents lu tha-t canal and lu thé Bt. Lawrence River. At thé présent ine saeie havlng soe forty ne-w plates rivet- éd 'n at Asitabula, Ohie.« No Canadia Statisties. -Thé cases eltéd above are al Américan, statistics pértalulng Vo thé Canadisu slhips bcing practical- ly =nobtainable, as noue cf our steamship companies are connected avithéheGréaI Lakes Proléctive. Association. Thé serlous acidents ou titis ide, hovver, bave been confiued te Ithe grounding o! Vie Merebaiita Mutual Line. steamer Péllaît ln lhe St. Lawrence River and tie Wéxford, o! thé Western Btoamahi]p Comupany, avhich * .noav byin g in Ccllingiwood dry-do4 un- dergoiug repairs le the 'damages s«tstained a couple cf -.aeeks ago, wbén ah. stranded on thé rocks lu thte SaultSte. Marie River. Love Miade Hlm Light. aated -,tii U Maclaren telle a saeet story usl - r1s ~ountry -Wla: ene hot aftérnoon, -ho, met a bon- - ni. wee larigle avio aa very red lu the. face f rom thé heat, and -'*ho 'breathed heavlly undei thé burdenl - . o! thh6 ed lb-y-'ycungster tie' Car> «I'-'IBn'hé tee heavy £or yén?", to Sry~, lquired the kindy s ,d a etht ~Tè~ p' hvsr, ar, Wmeti rel ' tLa wie o- t p i -~.Pi,(eooua Talent.- Tommy -was fourteon, and Tom- my'S fatliersud mothéi,--, both - - cue peopl-hàd decided thatý it ýwaas t-- to* fix on .p roesison for m n. l- apla fat thIeologal"bco Qk, and flIls fondparents lied -decide'd tÃ" lea-vé lfmalone . Wiî thie -as9ort-' ment te %i600veî -whiph Ih. likedl favtheyînxtended te make aà clergymaný of hlm ; lt the kÏiffe, 'a aýu 1rgeon ,- if- thé -Lapple, a, farmner; sud -if le, chose the noy, -lie' wa-e Vo- go into à bank. thé tii n4~l4éi~ he inother- uwoe. the* roozn, but réý- $t xbea imme4ately-in teare. 'What'e tiie matter,- dear 1" a édpapa anxiously,. ' "lIt's niagodi" ah. sobbed. "To.mmy le sittiug on the. book, witli thé- kuifo in hie hand. He- he'a eating theé apple, and thé moneyla lu .his p-pockett" "Good 1" sald thé father. "'That- settlos it! HRe'é. evidently eut out for a lawyr!" TRE VIRTUE 0F THE LEAD PAUKET. -1Tie iast prooegȐ tea undergoes at. the gai'dens l ing oeLlas i ,çiute, a 9s laure àifatal ,Vo quxiityr. - Tii. es la l -xen mucii deler tha -thé.'air. t le then qnickly pla'àed lu the.. airtigbt lLad paekets, or le&d.lined chest*, which are eoldered up- and macle a.ruegt. When chests cf tea corne into the posse&ejon of some deaciers, they, uxthnkciugly, cut the kxead open and leavo thé tea exposed Vo the moiet air for aeuls, while aIl* the timne it la fas-t docayin-g. Remesn- ber, tes., ho-wever preserved, de- cays with age, but iV ailil oe, more in a week èxposed to th,'- tian lu rcix months in a lead pa>,tit. T-at la why "BALADA" te& la sold only in sealed lead packete: is nativ'e purlty aud garden f reali- nesa are perfectly preeerved. A Point o!fIResemblance. A wéll-kucwn violiniat adversely criticized bis owu -portrait, wviici had be-eu- paiuted by a celebra.ted artiet. Thi. famlly had agreed. upon this harsh verdict aithout a da±aentug voice, until tiie artist appee-led te tthe youugest cf the. houseiiold, a brlgiit liftle boy. "Who le that, Dici?" lie asked, pointiug Vo the picture. "Papa,. avas the irpmediaate answer. "Se it la, my dear. "You seé, sir, yeur sou ie a better judge cf t-ho lik.e- ness than you. So you tiiink you'd know lt was papa, my boy?1" - " Oh, yes, sir," was tie innocent reply. "It's very mucli like hlm about the flddle." Made Up. Tiie teacher meant to couvey a profound lesson. "Yo-u must-for- givo ycur enemies, boyes," aie said, "and tiien your enemies aili for- gve you. I aant ycu ail to try it." T-ho next morning Johnny Joues came te echol aiti a very black eye. "Wiy, Jorhnny, what's -the mat- ter 1" - "A-w," replied Johnuv, "I've been- folu*Vin' Scrappy Gren, an' makin' hlfm. forgive me." -udt' héaware. -e na amiy ceune-ý tione aud -yet avei*e lanïiier--aitit the characterietle. fogtiires c8 - of~ famous lRoyal Hou-sel, cèuld ïoarvde--. ly f ail te eonnect hlm withit IV-the- -menient they set. ey es: upon hlmi. 1 AUl Vite - Burnpraoticaily- ,rwitho4 _ýphoa -a-e i~leriteâ cli. DouY aquüiine- è_nose Of tiioir-, greatý aucestor, "Henry IV.,- CI France - sud Navarre. T-le ýnoat familiar examplo o! 'thls noèot ' fan as British, -peuple -are -,o - od,- la possesaed- by - that ,popular young ruler, tii, RKing o! Spain. Our cavu Royal family have the ,Guelphi eyea' It ileot tee m-ûcb te say that -if, enly thé -eès o! p)e-, t~og-rapi r' f at. efeved King and hie brotheri tii.-Duke o! of0n- naugit, avère visibl, ieyune péople onùt o! .very lindred woùld recegnize,,te wliomtlé blogd Lt l a large - sd prôtidng- .*ye,- sud al -Queen Victoria'sÈ desed ants possesait. Thé Ring sud-theý rprince cf WAles haveineIVlua-mail aiso lu -tlî4 Germat EIâtdro.7Y I Ev'erybody linoaa tiihe~ fd~ lip, and t-é e remiarkableŽ -ýway 'luii which à hlas persiisted tiirôufgl mauy> generatiolis, but iV inay hot be as geuierâlly kucavu tiat le louse o! Hapsburg, the head cf aviicl isl the Empéror of Austria',1 has a inllar featuré. It la a protusion sud enlargeméent o! tii. baver hp aviici, theugit higt-- iy ciiaracteristie, la far fron grace- ful. IV la a renarkable f sot that the young King o! Spain, already méentioned, net ouly bas thé B6ùr- bon -nose, but ho lias alec -the Hapsburg lip, derlved from hie mnc- tiier, Queén Cliristina, avho 'was. a mnember of tii. Austrian royal family. No More Neuralgia; - Headache Cured A Journaliat Telle of Thé Advan- tages of .Keeping INrviline Handy On the Sheif. PiftI years égo Nevfl!une wae used froni coast to cornet, sud -in thoue<sud of houée. Ibis tÉusty liniment sérmed , the autire famlly, cgxied- ail their iior-- ilas and- képt thé doctor'a billsnil. Today Nerviine et111 holda firet rauk lu Can- ada auxoug pain-reliei-ing remedie-- searcely a borne you eau aud that doese' u't uee it. Prom Port Hope, Ont.. Mr. W. T. Green- away, of the Guide newepaper itafK. arite: "For twenty yeqrs ave have used Nerviline lu our borne. and net for te ,world would ave be withent il. Ag a ré- medy for _al , pain, earache, toothache, cranmpe, beadache. and dlsordered .1cm- ach. I kuow of no Prepaixatipneo euse? ni snd quick te rélleve ase Nervillue." Let every mother give Nerviline a trial; It'a good fer cblldnen, good for old foike --you eau müb il on au a liniment or ta.ké it interualiy.e Wherever thére la pain, Nerviline , ili cure il. Refuse auything but Nerviliné. Large family bottleo. 5k.. trial aize. -25é., aI ail dealers, or Thé Gtarrhosone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., sud Kincet4u. Ont. No Wonder He, Balked. A ,youthfnl afoker avas brougbt beforo the eonmaudiug officer, et thé Dévenport naval barracks. 'l'ne charge avas- insubordination, :âïs an Eug-lish paper; hée d i,!sé Vo enter thé swùnmipg bath. 'Wben. hé avas asked whiat lie lied Vo.sa-y for lbimaelf, tiie youth replied: 1"Bir', I've-only been lui thé navy' tirée days. T-hé ûir'L day the "dec-1 or ra-w'éd sx-! T é th;-té' hide-and--eeek.ý And dont they just ýlove it 1 'Thê littde brain imits excitéenent le workng at iits bighest pïressure. A.n-à the abouts of -wÃŽl11d: -gle. when. thé qu arzy la foýund I Tb- hear them- makéý y ourowl'er beat fater-'particpli;rly -if _-thé - play e reaý-re -yPurt OWn 11141e ne a. *&en a s >and dcos epa the pýopularityAo!hido-and-séek, by the, thieory -ht hdn n êkn are two o! -thé linborn charactîer'le- tics of svery humian being.. -W. get' the. halftt from our gavage. suces- -Me.Thn, thé predatr.y'habiteýo! -i.,epoled wcménùaànd childrea to aiefo f tanigerli foar -of * their luves 1îscoUtraft for ,bp's--,has .devéloped Wton 'sientifié linos. & ý,théenext time yo-u see your kdldies playing liide-anI-s eoffict thai t i lethé o.utNward andvisible'-sign 'o! an ùin- stinct which lias -dweltfrcut TlhtMoey PinchIng- Many.- Thoýuigua mre- rebéieg iiueezed ,b?, ahugcreWhleh c&ný be cureS quickiy witb PntznaW's -Cern Extra4tor.. Seing ftree, from cëanUes, Putnam'u 15 Ispainles. tTsed euccesafnll1y forç ftfty yVears. .lice nO otiheir, 25c. at ail dealeW, . "«Oh!1 iharne, Tommy. You' re too old th cry." "*Yes, an' I bot I'm too 'oung to have whàt I'm crying for." Minasd's Liniment Relilees Nenraigia., The Bendle On a trée grew applei green. Little Wilhlie, seeing. them With a grin, came on the scen. And wa's bent on eating theni. Try Murine Eye-Reiiiiedy If you have Red, Weak, Water-y Eyes or Grauulated Eyelids., Doesn't Smart- -Soothes Eye Pain. Drnggista Seil Murine Eye Remedy, Llquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye 'Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An. Ls Trenta Oed fer Ail Mysu hat Nesd coré Muria* £70 Re medy Co.. Chicago Thôso Tointg. "-Each dog lias hie diay," îs à proverbe'er trite. - So -we' add, if we may, «Eaoh cat lias is niglt." St. Joeepb, Levi@, JuIy 14, 1903. Mluard'o Liniment, Co.. Llmited,. Glentlexen,-I wae badly kleked >by =y horsu iset May and afte.r usinz g everal reparations on miy leg nothing would (9. My leg wai black ae Jet. 1 was laid up iu bed for a fortnlght -aud eoul-d- not waik. After utnthreeboxaies.-ofyour XINARD-8SLIMNTI1Was kerfectly éus~d, go that I eould .nat con thf road. .JOS. DUBES. Comùmercial Travolxr. Ma'dge and Alfred lied juet Iwl a row. In a fit of temper he rcniaik- ed: "I was a fooi when I married yen. '"Ye dear,' -she replied. 'II knew st the Mmire, but I thouglit you wm1d. improve." Alfred now t1inks twice or. hê .a1ýeaks. 4 4' erfaon. - - "'d iLto- have, an X-ray pho- tograiplItaken of Cholly's brain.", "Do y-ou think tho're l'wa'anything4 'tihe matter withit?'"- "No.; but I~d 11ke -tVo le sure' lié liam a brain beforo 1Im'arry'fhlm.". LoW colonlat- Rates - ta Paelfio. Coast.. t VI&a: Chig adNorth ,Western UsiI.' *&y. -on -sale dally -Sept 251h b tOct. llt cluisiye, froni aill poin.te in cana, da to Los Aiieles. 'San Franci&5o, Portland' Sait'JLake CxÇ-ty, Seattie. -Victporia., van- poue ThîràuËlx » tourgt eepgrs ~n 'a 1Ia4baalle route, îberalstopovers. For f*iM foÈrmationne a atea otaau liature, riteorc.aillon' B, H. Dennett. General Agent, 46 Tonge Street. Toronto. "You- want toge married on ûftei dllrsa week. What are yon -thinking of 1" "The- girl." Minard's Liniment -Cures Bu.rns, Etc. ~LXEDOLLARS A DÂr<CA N B MADE 1'by emâart main with $100 to invest. Wzrite Drury, 45 Moutray St., Tojronto. 0ANCEIL. TUMORS, LUMPS,- ETC.. ineralad external, cnred wltb. out jpn by our [ homne ireatxnent. Writ* ie before too7iate. Dr. Blilman .Medical Air STONES, KErBY ANI> ELAID-- Ir der'Stones, Kîdney trouble. Gravel,- Lubago and kindreil ailments poeltively dufured witb the[ n ew German -iemïedi, f6o,>Dic $IL50. Amothier new remedy 1<x )abetns.Melitue.,andd; snre> -cure, le "Banàeya nti-DiabeteG." Price -0.0ô from,1 drnggieor direct.ý The Sanol Manutae.- turing ýCompany o? ýfCanada,Lintd Winln*eg. n the Pçino-Autio [UOTTOIGL FR SALE- Sulteble for ill&I, Menulaeturm- - 2 -Wood Bpllb ïul>oy-&,, 12-x 48 lu.. for- 3 15/1G9 iu. siafti iWood SýpUt il-y2 x 48-f, tor 9 15/10 -ib hft. .1 Wcod Sipflit Pileyi à12Y4 x 28 iii. f,%" q 5>¶e ..;"' ...Z - 1- . 1 iWood Split Pullé5y, 101/ x se In. FOOD THE TEST-.OF'FIA NCES. for 'a 7116:111. sba!. Frepeh-.WNYiter Rids a Girl Wateh 'Iler Inteaded-Eat a Peech. (hafting - ô! va;rioins leugths sad I piea t be aold e v 10 flofures. "If yoU avant te kuoav-thé char- Bx-23 acter o!flte man yen inteud te mar-- Bo23 ry, avatch hlm cat a peacit," la tte. Wilà6n Publlshlng Co., Tor4ilto. adv-ice tendered by Elle Dauttrin, a- well-knoen French ariter. T6 girls lu lové hée givesthte avaru- - ing: "You -should- avatch carefully at table- thé young man on whtxm' your aviobe futur.aili depend. -.If lie bond over hie ku;f e and forli and finish his roast lu tirée guips, be- avare 1 He is not thé man whio aili hé able te submit te tender- syni- pathy, and, lie is careless if 'lie eass wit-hout eujoying aviat lis put bef cre - hlm sud canuot tell yeu the menu te minute after. T Lt meaus dis- appointmént for'you . Héwilb-neyer'Q appreciaté the' bats you avear, . nor- the style'o f yeur- dresses, sud -yen % avillIhock pret4y for notiting; "If ho is immcderately f-ond cf saveets h6 is o! a nérvou's disposi- tien sud will- nag. 'If iV--be cheese- sud rcfast h. preférs, - hé will hé' nus-cular sud placid. If 'he, b. -a cldri bread-.eater eat timés,- lie la fond cf » e& thé country., Ii àa lover cf'fine old Neuà aine, -hé ha« thé seul cf a' landed Pnegase.ytehih propritor. -on ong or.oid.- Good home-macle "Theehest test cf your-futuire huai-- caiay, Augar en porridge, ruit -or baud is to 'w atch -hlm Àt4he moWment lnead-not 9nly pies sés'.but cfdésrt ééh-w lie haiidle-- a, timatàee. - - - peachi. Dûes ietAïktitIVdiis-raeted-- E ýuySt.Lawt c~taGranuIatie& ly.or ike -a man lu a hurry'?Dç7 u ag #d-'beusuire of thé £inast lie Bsýallow -IL hastii iT-len -u oi pure caneaiýr;uutouchedbyhand Bay te yourie11, 'Hé is-uot'tnd'lvis ront factory te o r kitechau- - baud for'-me.' Buit. ït lie takeé' t I lg eie,2 b. 0l. ého1,wly, tendérÏly-,, >ilse - ocnoîsseur, VL HIT URITE» whio apprédiates wliat -leèats ;- f1! iWWH GAMTM licdes nats*'allow it at oneue bt ~ ~ îîît~ aiu peela it -with thé air, cf an - artinst ________________ aud treats iV 'ith- de-votion, -tien -_______________ do't hésita-étQ - q iarrYî_h.i. quicli q.aydu cau." - A Tiý.htwad. À-,-- minards Liniment for aali ewrywh.re. HoIIO -Raye Ha8vesuimproveid. Whe9 tii. X-rays avere first a dopted 'for makiug ýracUographs- for surgical pù-r'posue they w-oiîl.d. show 1only sucit thinigs as tIi. liees> sund bulleta or eôther'foýreign 4ohjects lu Vihe' ody; Nwp~trso ti sort are beipg -macle,-o! neauoy every organ cf thé body. &11àts k1 silver, 'edbismuth or otter melt'- abs whleh àare opaq~ue Vo theé rayfý are fe-d tb thé subjecl ,çr iujectèd- Threé mnoruinps-. roozi wbere Tîbby à their eaiy breakfi ter acroas the tabl4 se lew sud linfre 'wl hbim curios ngrvoualy opened i started when be14 agitated, an& litt ment. r -IWat isit? o tuane, father? eS "Or ia it the rat King çouldnt ge: aistance. Not- a againet 'imrau dI > at oUlécted g9i '1efioni thei gasped Elihs, br "Iles 8gel me sou tbeir umamezansd one t-leum, rea-1-la guinea 1 Phew ' -3~ aud w1ped tee]e as he looked ,froxu of!-stupor.- L roil aiuotwh joie. saine. asE-50: factoi'y are fo nd qungh1teo be; for]1 -inag real Ëwela in 'eathought jc hesenclose"-p Ijear et! sucéh a l Tibby ehook -ie -IlYeu was te --was eue of! those bachueks- the lok aIt te order headmitted gri Eo straiglil to th f ast, aud try an eau show tee lett bery about il>. It 4xrio pouuda--: on*twice a e 'Wby,-wby, -y Ré loked round au. ,mina. Winl both gel sema nl go talebetter Aie the- car] buy teathtis morow? uaid- on, f aller. W, 110w long tbl -1 move for ~ t4quare. -Not b1 th eclases; ber fanyen xi letter. Have - yonil> bavé tO laitbezs name. ]y. Mina had ne lier large eye on wais very She took te iting. tee m the. witUoùt "There in Il -A atuier.! I told-yo1-5O feit chaqUeý. -Ne. ýno; il'9 baatened te <se iemanly WaY sien antI SYMS uer," --sJd ýTU ait nintte the war 1lel n ugo wt der, aud hein t'Il have te b esails-,swell duppOsé." doit topper- ~N.n.Ti, j-& ne aodi bair.- IdessaY lfaid Tibby. e Onegicle. "1'v shop winéere ablé te MuI go te worki bfouid -dropi to callon t] inawbén wal, Yoxi yied to--the-' Fréd-I-shoulci say as mucli. Ho ouVeventul a story atis- ewù o mnyipope pend'Vo-day w*hat-4liy *é te earu t6-!horrcw. Thèe- nuuflp Tablets,- trouble. ]IizaLAr li4e. 1I ïçîthout nine I -- Ther 7 Dr- pepi ally gc wilh zatn. <k- 1

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