Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Sep 1913, p. 1

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will tt lh M[r. Eveiy atyre confirmE Iliat the price idso Mr. Eve t., and the -0 1, Etc@ pole is.i obb, Whit- AU knde f maes poupty attndod, t.Arr"IgemIt'- m un .ma for' salesat.tlie Gaztte offide. Bl>d ludapndeel plions.. - IIONT.É -~~~ . 0WJaJAMES caipéater, .,milder aid Çentraço plarAdrawu and . atlimatci,furnibeëd. ~epalrs, ItW anud -Jobbing- AgIIepV for Braunt. Oltd Roftln Boxà467 -W 'Y phone 149. Marr4age -Liis KuurfCornier drugstore.. Whltby g0 Witunies required. cive, mm"' ls i.lls84ISl1S ubjctuleaid. 11410 postlsuiriasBoo-keepsl'sOottes- ~semti. md 1er Civl UVYIWmd Qom: 1 on -agam .witv LW7AY. ,ding itnc >ot suat Mr. k'rin- le tm egven a price -of a, heretore, not the t dicvered'the increaaed fyas explaned -by Mr. m reat.al -for the se 91f~ -Holbe il sc port.lor a 65c. ratec géd. '.The Meyor fraucffuse gives thern1 the rlght- bin--'76e. pfr poie:1 UP Doles On any- street,in te Id <>nly et su,)-' talldthat -if they re, not gv on condtl ilitatprivitegeor .using the- on 1t.ýýc1ý à -own Pol, given the use of.I (Oftiluw ou[ page 4) F1111 CHOLWANUAL SPORTS.R "HIarold 3Stainton Wios:Cbampionsbip. The Wiitby 111gb Shiool aunual atblatic sports were heldluhAt- letic Grounds ou Friday lmet under ideal weatiter conditions. The stu- dents were, out 'i ull force, aud a large nwmber of -ladies were present, but it was regretted that more of the metr-of the towu did no t show their interest 4R tiis very necessary part o! theeducation Of the Young. > _e dfîereut. evelits were. keeuly coutested, and resulted mostly in very close filishes. TÉhe senior -haipionsitip w4s .iwon by HËarold- Staintôzi * itit Gordon ,WhitûeId a gbood second.ý The Junior ChampionshZ was won",by Charles Bascoi, *thFred Elvidge a close second. Those la. chaUrge of the spo Friaay were. Starter, 1ev.E XcLean. Judges, . Rev. -R. W.ý Ê~. E.. Stair, G.-.Goodfeilo Da .. Clei f e-c oursei .)ll.Dao.3.A.î 8atormer sl !MIEN TS, ,ý i.toaU s ln wsok- d100 dçagsmta,ouW4 - *......,antIv -W m ls£h .00 r ts ou G. A. t er, Inabel MeG.rotty, Margcry Mo- Glilllvray. 220 Yard Race, Sr.-Harold Stain- ton, Gordon Whitfield. 50 Yard Race (girls)-Maizlo 'Trot- ter, Mabel McGrotty, Ida Jonél. 1Tbrowing Basket-ball (girls)-Car- rie '-La>rence, Minnie Ruttan, Muriel Runnlug, Hop, Step ami Jump,_ Sr. -Harold StainLon, Gordon, Whitflelcl. The sports wer brýought'to a close by, a well eontested boot-bail match between tenins !rom -te Iigit School and the Public Scitool, the forbierÈ' winning by 1i $0O., To Ilàterest Mni AuWILL HOLD CONFERENCE WITH A.R. - - BANQUET. - tdet The Executive o! the Layien'si Mis- suetsionâury Movemeat lu Toronto are b.- C çf hind . -caimpaign, $0 hold a couféecce cd~"o mon ln nearly'every-county lu On- ~ ta4o; ~A]represetative O! thoE - ecu tive, 11e-v. EF.A. Armstrong,- W"" in -town on Wd edy a-, udl the cvenlug. met agaâtherlug o! -men XI, jr. froni lte Pmebytezian, 1!ethodlht.sud- Clvidge, .Baptist, chiuches- Mr. Armestrong-,cx-, - - jined lt e pur poses e! 7 1tblp>e .1çtAve Wbi~~ u tusproposlgcouty cenereoca The ob>et te ointeret >the iew $tsfr u ýtnéouewith the- hope htVgrow-. ir o!1the conferonce auevory Ï"1i'cauvas ight bel made lu lthe pLtt1~h Lech.èfor systematic contributions -/~ .t~mi rop»sd te hoôld t hrses- r 'odéRace- 1Temp1a Procter,' jBroad Jwmp, Potato Rac f) t_ w ênccsày.. ob- 1,lm han, lately arisen, w 4l-h -gir- In-the residente 'on Mary s'teetcon-, ne tle siderable anxlcty. The- cernent 'aid«e- cete alaid wi the lUtsmt !MW - rus,' bas beca- put outoide "te trece. This o!l course, materially, decreïe the wldth 'o! roadbèd availtâble for trafflo. v With Uic location. of tUta electric rail- way along thie. atreet, the -road will be largely- taken Up. with ýthe track,. and it may be necessary to have thec sidewalk movcd back inside the trees . Just wbat willbe doner bas not, as yet been decidcd, but the houseliolders Street. T4e To wn - Councli willdùtlsl deal with thi matr shodtly.. Theý T oronto. suld Ensierushou,0o ~ bus he xpcs~ ! te tau,- !er' o!fUthaé.> Onethiug la certaiu,. however,' the comipany will not make .afly mnore ofers t7o _expeudeý money- ,,#anar absolutcy -necesary, and, if conceÏsions are- derdby Uic town, they mueêt'bi sought by-the towu. The ë iwa ompa ny je out t * m'ùoney>i nôpt to beautily Whitby. If its line destroys the- beauty o! the towu property, thec.citizens ,individûally and collectively, must seek reparation for the damage doue. INITFRFSTING FARM'BOYS (From the Canadian Courier.) How to keep- the lýoy, On the farm lias lately becomie as liye a question, as how to get a lot o! city people back on to -the land. For> a &rezýt many years ambitious Canadian boys have been leaving the tarin $0-. enter business aud Uic professions. The movemonit is- still, going -ou ;'but ilte becomlug lees o! a -probleir than -1$ ,ma twenty years ago. Part of the reason le $0 bo fouud lu the general improvemeuts o!f larm conditions owlug to utalities o!- modem civiliza- tion, sucit as rural telephones, inter- urban trolleys, electrie light and poer,- rural mail delivory, automo- bilessud' phîonographe. But-.there le, a more 'helpful,,suad rpraoclical reaso n àu the tact that quite apait front titese luxprovemaents -boys sud *glrld boru onte farin are beiùlngtaught Vo talceJa-keoner, intereat inithte nôlibot occupation knu$math ! till4g. Wbio',could, 1$ have. been' thât firat, sald: '<Chlldren arc $0 be seen, notV lieard" 9 That person could _not ýbe preud*o! the remari alter Wýituesu ~any oeeç the Township Rural, $chl-oo! Pair Associations,-in session to-duin,>tirc. It ra m privilege recenitly to 'ait in the background. sud wach Vt dt~ he Ui eih. Hope R-ural Scitol Pair -Association :was la se-- Mion at Port Hope, Onit. Threezpe!r--. louce - iecovered Vo me mauy.powers8 quite w ell devýiopedn--*thie ehld min& âueb as wespect Vo fiad' Maihly' oul in in of - ! afnt.e -The movemeut ý_aà&ù4I Iùe usý elg soeefraught with gtmt tbiug'potentlally" i1V la even uowgetten weU under way lu There are now - luontario frt cûuties4 and dMntriat'.SehanoemaÊv. IN THE. .FARM. These men have been left to -their. own, resourcelul initiative ta develop ways-aud means o! jutify-ýRg their positions8 _ and o! helpiug tite farmçrs and titeir f amilles to better thinga and better ways o! doinWg things up- on titeir farne.' Thus ît was that one of them-, F.C. Hart, B.S.A., in "Waterloo culY, some years ago hilt. upon the id ea eScitool Faire& to interest fürst- t e echidrn, and through titem t h' e parbuts, and of course primarily te !atierà' aud -the- eider brothers Peritapa ne got tue îaga frin ,the Boy's Coru Club inevement, ia * te So utitoruStates,. WhiCh linsbrought about almost n revolution ini. thc way o! -crop-productJon there..' -,At -uy' rate the long --rond nrou nd 'seems'$0- -bethe sbiortcst cnit te-thé indifferent. fariner, .sud -uow that Utie rond bas been discovered, it augure wéil ,>foi the 'country- sud the- ndvancenetcutof agricutuegencërally. The district tepresentatives o! -the Departrnt--o! -Agricultu-rebave, o!, co1u rse, maDy 'duties $0' 1perforin. It la- net te be wondered- at that for-, a whie titey overloked Uic opportunity that lai beforethei lu-the .rural sçhools. Li -brie!, their planIlu tiis onneo- tinnow ltesUd the particular requirements o! the distrtict. ,Thit select a list o! crope -moat-suitable, sud, froin, thosethe childin-ute eodîs are pérzitted Vochoose the crop they wlhte grow accrdingto instructionàs given. 'lié -plots o! grain are - afýterards jùdged - betore the- gralzi'is lýzgvèsted7 thý, eholà.rs select :say. twenVy-1Ie representatlve headà f or! a sh:en! -Vo exibit at the, fair, sud the , balance dl the grain le thresed and It, too, is taken te 1 the flir. Pr.izes are1 a- *arded -orflte plot, as il -is - tovu. *Gi Generi Loronto o, Sleptemoerj J 1913. -The durationo! the sea son for eacit kînd 9f fruit, ta short. Cauning is te 'methodcVadopted te perpetuate delicioùs'fru it .s.throughout the yar. Th~ e et- ries and berres. are pas:, but, Peaches, ;Plurns and Pears- now demand the,,a#çn- tien of the gogd house-wife.. ,-We have provided abundancé, of the ihuj>iiwd jars for cauning-the fimait and we 'are no*j offering- the 'choicest' vaieties, -cf Penches, Pluma and- Peurs ut very lfpise..--* CalU-aud, inspect-.the. fruit ;aud-leave your Orderg for your entire wants -7 For Pioklinag A-180, we supply- Gherkinà, -White -Pickling -Onions, PppesSpices and'the îighest grades of inegar.' WÉ Wsell the besti ýB ter and b9 Egs ntow at close -priceg., W.- PRI*NGLE- &'00M ReC£- FIi~EGROSÈIES FRUITS AND- VEIjETABLES -M Au T,37LA.WLER. .WHIT.BYP ONT.ý, Pones;Beji, No 47; Jndependent, .No. 47- wie endeavor flot to b.ei' and that wIecan 8sucoeed can -be dem onstrated by an insp - ctîo - -ofOur, stock Of IItenewest Books and Mai else that goes 1 of stationery in ARCHIVES OF'ONTARIO' antity,. La iet patronne th public, turntur. v'ans for eesoîve. out SONS [4street

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