Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Oct 1913, p. 7

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ou do it" cried Eie nothinxeM.tir."l 1f 01lbis wif e el fPtkéw WM#j in ere. withi makiug gU .th&t-dis-' ah, -who was f3" 'Xidiýxiiàtunbas>ce.'> IY. -~2;.3 >or- a Kenitâ s; finde- its rchief- iaupport --in- ?FÂmiLtun IftkSES.- Babylonianiiuacripine lu - ïome of -the Niorth Araibiau lfêw8 Fomùéof, èt& K-iIiwi OIes are- referied îu-as - Xirsi *p00 '1- ; fenwhieh faet somne uerpraeevy ribes that the. nieapplhes l Af MnAkmn.i viethe but1 wa' esntire id aroll- id thon- Wîthoub Ie Toml~ Lulate yen. ;ce 1I -ver- ne yoiigOizlg% -business col- e.s; 11 walît th more mottey onu# rie Of thal, -tu ýd*a tn iakn he, to healthyvital!, Qyspoppfa Tablai tout thôs"plcclnga. ouia Tableti r sulfurers tram~ Made by thé bernical Ce. Ç; TÉE- GREATLÂF8 t. Which Are NotGon. erally Kaown. know in a' -general -w'ay t.n$perior ia the largeat Ontario thea sma.les't ôf :eakolsbut the. relative éoarcely kuown o tei ir on -While Lake, Miehi dn1 61ze, -beixng Éhorter- thin Lake wce as deep at its he1iê figure en -.;S'pen~or and 1,-8W0 -ê h~n,~o'thàt in -reaouîes mipenaor.-- -±Lakèe- .frou's greste«t .depth -aliso ilaai -ndred feet more thauf that- o! Lake r Super- 1er, 60o that the-greatest la net su- verlor to ev.rtjxling after a&R.- L&Wre nld Lake -Ontartoolare comparatirely shallow, - with 3m~-,. ,mxum depth of 204,feet and 412 feetl- -4dyét - e a.lild net 1k. 1 faMl -overboard in -either o! ý'hem. -Th. width-niaximumË figures-Lake Sui- penior oomçs first with 160 mniles Huron second witii 105,- Michig&n, --third with 84, Erie fourth with 60, an d Ont&rio last with only p2 nmiles ofe! grnetet breudth. - -- r 1,4 eoi)aioitiiits anrea, On- 'tariaea1e with a drainage e! 29,-. r 769 E(juBir0 ulles for its area , A 6,700,- tx hierm eiug -trie,, draiu- -6W Jféot alsore- ea-Ie-vel, - Michigan - ~7 fOo, Hùe~ b4 ~e 4e564 feee, aud thep inoesa g. r~p e - Usea- o!Seaweed. - Net useles' *ien east upon the atrand- are tii. dark masses«'e!f sea- - ~w~ wliii S'naj héseen- at, lew tide. On 4h.- coxtre.ry, tLese-* -erts o! the, wavea. have: many uses., The b read, -thick .stein 7e.nd flat b-av-eso!the oarwee6d, wiien thon- ong-h1y. drieýd, are -uaed- for nM&fing kn if e-haudles. Tii. green and 'pur- le 1'rlyera, etter known, as ses. let- - -tuce.,are lu parts used 1fer fond ai-, ter being boiled down te a elly So ii, tee, another -sit âlant-o! a.à -,deep, dark,> reddil hueeidth duls. Froni another, kuowu -as é which laus u,-nthe. process of cal- ioo.makring. - Farmersalaio use, -it for - attening._ calrqs and tick-eniaig nieal 'énd potatoea fer piefeeding: ,ch. *..vision colleetive se nsae. Thé. the. vrndenote cuS- peited acti-on. The e; isets forth -Jeho-; ., maýno.sr o! reveal-. - ordinary prohetsB. Lnt Môsesj-Mses, is r .yprophet, . but.,.hor ik.. and -immeôdiate A great nuxuber of such hd reqW IW'W3~- -now carefully preserved at the2 ô-«p Ã"&-isea'âm.t~ fice- e!ftthe agent ou the Sarcee ne- serve. 'a scneiu s a The youtii--of this tribe rely for family overi' 1ch 6e.a hmh tIi.ir history upon th. Caixuýfire pilaced as thii xedilt4h repret. strories and.-a well-tauned. steer atire o! Jehorali. hide- oorered witii queer .Indian .Month -to--iuuth-Or, -"face charact>erî,- cruidely .,-painitiè by te face,"- as- in E~.33. 1il; Dent. -means -of!à a piment_ eonc0ted from 34. 10. Both-expressions empha- '.the juices o! -her.bs and ,plants. size 4h.,- immêëdiatenie-s co! Moscé's While tiiese- records. are 'by .no#q inspiration aùdglve us ý4h highest, meansof - a . haphazard. oýharacter, interpr~to !ti oko tiiey are- not-altoge the r reîular orý prophet--au the immediate- -spokes- ciironologically arrauged; - mn r onbiece'o! God. Com- '14seeus hatwhé aéera chefspare thé prominence giron te -the -andmedicine-rnfn ettain a certain consecration o! mduth and lips lui advanced iag;e there ià ealed& an as- the. record of the.. cail of Moses! sembly, at, which, one >Iyy Orie, the (Kzc>d. 4. 12, 15), Isaiah Isa. 6. 7),, old me n stand .forth before"the -peo- (and-'Jeremiah (Jer. 1. 9). pie"and recount -the atoni;es of their 1 10. Tii. cloud remored f rom lires.. . These embrace . thrillin"g over the Tent-Thýe syiubol o! je- tales o! 1ýattes fonght,, griat deeds horah's depanture.- por!ormed, and, sud 40 r. elate, of Miriam, was, leprous-She- alonê hors eà stolen. i l punished-as the leader in the Sometiesan assembly co~ntinuesi fýO 1 évral- da.Thei- younger complaint against Moses. for e-~eral- dye.As snow-Referring apparently rmembera o!f the tribe, sitting-about,toamlefomodsaechr Isîten,,eaerly te the recitals, which toa mle omo îe hr theyi lu turu, w'il some, day re- acteized by tiie discoIoraion and count to their own sono, until fin- whiteness o! t.he skln. aLly tii. stonies becorne tthe tribal il. O, my loÏd-Aaron humbly trition !te;atA ti acknowlerdges Moses as the repre- men oldforh, wit mnh dain- sentat-ive o! Jehovah, having the tic fire, the painter sits upon t4h. authority ýand power of interýe»- gý,rnihii~ steen hide-, spread ont sen with Jehovah. Re feels that- bae hm, and upen tuis h. int upon 4the dfposition o! Moses te, witlr-;his 'rude. pigment pictu'res to ward Miniin m mst now depend illusts'ate-.the-. incidents 11,-haz us thi.eutcome. heaï- -- , '4.- If her father habd but spit in - <irCIe, IçrýinstýnCe, represents 'her face-An indignity recognized7 a biidé, or' çnqý ixat. ~Awk- by Jéwslw'a nlclgtels -w.rl3? b _F.ego an' a éo .ersouhnhce .eW -arer49xIý4t- endth en lamp aua a mark i'al And anpublic overccpmer. Cona1qraD.À ig eyincediu the. gron cratsau d- esléhia 'its way, :&*key tô the- t winlutime boecomes Flower With a Hil On- the. core o! -4ge- peony should écommand.-- to "ry- whichi began man. ed in ii-wlpnea comment e! 'h,- na-r- baek tâô veeqë e 12 .! d li lnserted me ely kg -linl teC"-,fixtiith Vente wlih r, h baveý -4he lange r comptas Ire. - th. ,1r -âtde Mene .tie îa>ii1iaî -.Èii Goiàg t-te-.~o ooeotis-freon- the. faT 'earst, wbée ag- th ie -aCa'eigt '-' ' teti istrb6tà -and 'amre ally 'iiôto4i' b f $ouéh. iThe'expreusidu "Tell, it tu- ~li inrina," usd, te , how- iebWe- li.f'in,.thietruth- of a' a4rjy' aroe from the. £set, .that,'wheu tii, ma- ratjuer. gro1en&FQrcernîug -nautic6al fairs, and' n -1e'Who related" W' large'ye a 8 : teld te 1 1'el i 4te t thé ma&rines," ýthé, ideà beiuhg that, thj ould be morè ea'ily 'ýëlled. > The expressio . "1f'obaônà's *choce" arosè' from hefar iia f:b9l:anýted-cfr r in Cai* biWige, wouldý let ont hie>hertes -4-oa 16-fr hure' onlynrta hundcrêds e! yea-rig &go -when the. Ring o! Sw4en, approaching a hostile town, exclted the -contempt o! the inhabitant6 by-,tii. mallie:s o!- his armny. To expiress tuis tey fhungeu t a geoàe- for - hlm .to shoot at,- w-iherenpou lie set- fire' to the. tewu to "eiook'their goee.e) "Eating humble pie,"- is a. phrase which really airose from tiiecorrup- tien - o! th. word "mls, -the coanser . parte..o! a deer kiliect iu hunting -and W.hieh formnerl y were reserved for-the 1,wen hu'nt sen- ranta. eIt is a'cur!ýou-s fac-tthat the. ex-* pression "bald as a badger" owés lits origin.te 'kntJiors of!-thé pa.st *ho had nuo exacthkowlce..o nuturàl hit)yand-w-ho, bec-anse 4h. forç- hed of the badgeër is»»coverèd"with suooth' white 'hairs, came te thé conclusion 14 was bl' rYéaris aga,--,tiieàti'icàl- --manager o!-',the-cheap type îfad lu- hia con-- pany -an acte-r whos.e, best part- waa' his GhQst*ilu "Hainlet." Ifhasl ury wai not fortheoming hIoweverj eveny .-SatuvdÏ? ulght this - act>ori would exclalim, "Then the ghost wen't- walk to-night,"'Ia_ phrase '*whili is 'tilI used by Actors lu re- feence iôtdtllir - payday and which prt*ridè4la gt triking.- illustration of, how mm, aeouon oark'can -heconi., - -FactanUi?àùeay. - - Gogasip -puàiwo and-..two,2 16-1 gétmir and iakes -mine.;-- Aý good 'déd'la i ti' 4an gld but not as !negotiableè.'-- 'Tii. rDùît,lc-onàumb thé. meat 4- Bore -popeple uevcrýgeta .9iih erthan a. tewe*ring rae - - aked,,bânâuas -mis--e ~good Airing oiirpeopie's au.lts nover ýmatietthem Bamell ajuy 7sweeter.., True - peals-are- oftef-ndl ,thecooaonut jalhu. - -Eveny mani harhis owu peenliar -beit, and t>iat 28 why e many o us areerooked..- -- ~réan-coin--nare f-eature o! Siam; Be particuîlanly carefut o! a deid these, prodùéê ýthe. twIst or - kiâk 'which la frequfitly .tiihe BgnniIng of an attack of &pé.ndieiýiS.-A' Ph y4iciane a1%se.rt that reàdi-i' aIpud i8 oe-eof the best i éxer- Biittermnilk is 'y&lùéd lu some partoof4.uoinry:a hdbn asv~lasa diuLk -biteabit With&mnia. û i ire* ]anUitéS the. itch !Soýnýe.- A -Liverp9o1--okuiiï spéciàaiet s fthat thé. <aue of, lwldne-sâ ameget, iflen'. iâ tooýlauch haroutting.. A sufficiencyyef eleep by. niglt'i& matt.r whe or, wh&t, the lundividual na-be.-4Dr. rlçrx Muagropve. Mot ionUÇ one el, the ,béat Tomeies u tLdr1d lfor a cold. It4 aotsromt~y nd ff. tvèy, n han DéÃ" 'uî plesant after-effet. 'Tea cnotbrng oun'tubérciuloais,' but~ -it. oay.produce smcii.phýéàoa debüity a.to make aùy oné' au easy Prey to infection-. Loss,éf:ppétîite, gastrioc ctàhrh;' ,,p&ipitatiiu' dors- peËkà, are a411,inéIucýdby exces- nive- indulgence inW tea, an'd lsuffer- ers frorAx any 0ýf these symptomsIl [I~iddo weIl 40 eut down- their I d.lZy show byAe. least one ýiKar hat, us> oà1pd ir. wtr Populationi Requires 8j54 On. 'eporet,--thé lBoy. e w &afy ont I £5 quitUSa epttSSalkr nua c ive <ind tiie' bam *"!th t44 fine' 01d, I I0hib ù., I a4Peý oldpipe of Èalea.- iojjThée' articles tluemselves -thé- macuad oePhg 4obatkcd hé- oonfbs -aiïdothër pie« éé-,orý f thé trad' borr«wed f rom,>thé -paterna1 l nw JmttOh~1~3 ià!'k- 4rohives., Thon the-3%y samokedý a- -0d 4p2 'hUÏthétfxxh1 ir 'bit. 8 g 8uÃ"rner." So iaporýt -ws wont te partilzipate 'i'-tùÉes . thOY 01,Ï' te~id sÃ"û aI~iaiaàers ple asures, iu4i. iOteY a à, gtitevear&e pleu?'re fthe pipe -1 .-ietêivith twinkIiig nhiWDesttUitilï-- lumn. Yet Sport -1ciiW -someting inset.. And-,this ia ýuO% v s l'Fa t- tt;,and-whuau'd - -the ;ie~aggé he, ié lyairkéd in 1 pýre, sympat1iy, - Thé blnt -reallY quit. -petty *hin~:th _ooate. l11k, vheckered iar -withail mannçr of atrocious. mis- Other, uèti, ha/ve - attractive .,de-* ohie audheinus wcl nsa, osesigus inlaid in, gold (or goldpl4e) ùp béloïe hluMin ii. acierand these' are - particularly pretty, aund'iàfiit-é détail- axid lie t not being:--so ,elaborate -as, the. aisS-a s -o-.rely injuréd. &. érhineston'e - etacoessories. anid, et ~poruke 1me~ u~~ more suita.ble for bâter wear ithan- T beafhr-e'hou4 ýli tthe 'plain oncs. telnso heé sdee t, would -f'n Some o! thç P lue have qPaintIy 'and<okaihe p&sýedi'nd aik--whb curyo ru?& nda tallow that Môd6lBoy inikh, be. ' them te esipo'er 4thé coils- o! hair. e Yet boýys are. forgetfld. [t was4 i oéé t , s>etmsa- net~~~~ ~~~ Fog~o. hi-oia t-Ut Vthéy' may ho- used. ing wili. 'cgartte. Q t~~ di*n'inàtead 'of --straight j i the more usual cus- -As a ireher in n countbry -l - -%.rnamnetsfor the Rafr. la~ wa waldxg khuépasorae ]aJntYhair ornaments' which. thérgt udymrnn eea odl proc1aim tbeir~Pgianr- th'séi of-eue o!fis pariiloners-gn qu ut4 hp ! fhgreg] su in' a reek. iseiýh hpoflge.od 'N;wl:-Dh,'-.said témnt r si-4r bütterflfs and btws. Tiiey thé OUYs9r are attached,: tehair-pins --match- inÈ m-etnl y; A may bo sduyour latter say ilh. Iow Yeu wer m Z& -'w -l nay'b tuc an lir"'- ere iu the -coiffure. - ~ .a.~~~ fairpiu .pa of rouùde square or Head repikd,<4' ~ '-duamondt shâpe are of platiuum- set - ilnear nwlu Bazl ,56field, digging ,m,,e - t. - 0-xihnietue r.fYnta TlWr'-.Àé no'in-'BràziI ,546shïeiL M uÏdé,éaîe- iorwed.. of iprimitIve --silgur factenies "and-- 1-0 lieKnew - - -sàn&- , ýtring more or less -we'l equipped- faeteor- - o! rimé ôùys4pr ýýïs ÃŽes. Together'-tiieso-produce zoo,.. -"Daughiter," called the. fathen tls ýoiÉ,1 h - 000 -to ý3i2Ur00;tos- o! zugar anual- froin us -position at- the. t2p o! the -there a-e ovIjkii t-- Iy. But ini order te keep the. -minr-fi- ',1V at tiie 'el-known -hour,- of ire-njLj . 'innin price-o! angar. in our intern al 1-1.55 p.-r., "doesn't---thut youn mnarket abore, a prk.a-below wihich man lcnow ffow te - Bay good-- our llttle mann!aotnne'rs say wonld nil;hti" SAFETYI ALUMIINUMO b. utter ruin. te theni 14 s uecei- "Dees h. 2" echoed fie yound U s ~ n tuisl saytput'oua *prohibitive dnty> ady ln the. darkene-d hall; "well, It U efr coigUeîsl. bywïÜw. su#iferan expoà-logis .1 shonldsamy he does." - pprove<d by Scieuce. ef 90,000<toas o1 sngar which shonùld -Wt eiimn aebe nke ho rodrce..-Tiie population'o! uf1 eia e 2v eumkn 'Brazil. reqvin.» about eight :and The. docton hud spent fifteen min- tests ef alulninu in cooking vessels one-half kilos sugan -a head an- utes examining the.patient.- Then under the va;ried working condi- nually, while- lu other countries the the ne-diecsut down witii a algh o! tions o! th. kitchén, and -have cane- -conÉüumptiobn 'vaies, fron 15. to 40 relief.- fully deterinied the. amouts.o!f kilos à head,- as-iu England, Ans- Tlil fix yon np lu good shape," this element talken np by tii. differ- tra'lii7*sud Ne'w Zealand. 4.8.r. sidte otoashppeprd leeut materin iicontact 'Wlth the -.dent'that a.gocd number o! sma write a prescription' "Ail you ves2l.- producers, would disapan efr eed is a gond nervetonie-. By the. Froxu lthe, r6àults 4,emt u the. great maunarctnrr.Bt-watWay, wiat is yonn occupationMr., n eoesany te -give. warniniagainst diffeinence shou-ld salt, make? Tus 'Br, I "-only crb-ae tsdswanunum - - la -a 'fatal law of- modt-n- industry e " maoo gn,-ep9dt ndth ogstnigo pure w.. wiiich one ila oblid tà sWbnbi atet.tr -Gmmnsat ù4ïak e Brazil -as elsewliére. Bui v --atoes', SOUPS, bmusf Isel jlua,- deulywolda so.profit babaànCorec. - ad apples Ceu~e ~~is d9ning her béebt o >inarThe- toucher -waa explaining th. obtetr triées~ ho - r ~ten sea; "No", Willie,"- .si;o lmna-aret ênotZ euppose 1 shonld ~Y Ihve -a deemed .snmfcuè eM Valué -fptaGood iXame. iillion dollars'.' -Wfiat tense wonld -Wi'th aei rcatr . -gond nuxue la rather te be ch- tlt .2" -- --was no daflnxh-or 'otIr- lu iw.- su-n than greât .;rkhLes. -Bot6à a r e That'd'be pretence," ansWêrned tien o!f Yte traasuiraand bot! & -,o reisma hWi]e sod, &l a.'t-e:- u-nq eual- thlngto be well tbonght Butto le..tn oniecd' o& Reputation May be"regùinc, ltitý May ntb iii h b~ yeats o! 1f. are -ast an-cl eppoitnitieade partredforever. I-la 141 Korêe- rDriFketw- The consaumption o! te ii Eùgi7 i. yean beid6re.. t.le, 'niw> 6,4 - Praotieal.,I Min. W.-Odd inyitations Mrs. Pei4.-issned fon-rthe coming -nuptialE t o! hirdaughtr-just"written af- fairs, witii tii. fist lîin. ýread4ing,t "Mme. L. WL Reid'reque sta tii ion-j cf. o!your presents," etc. *Mrs. W.-=Trnthfnl, at 'any rate.ý - M. -- ettngBusy.- CM4-ràbshaw-'Il thonght yen! were,,goInàg to sp-e4k t4o that- youngî mm- wiio ,iius - en calling on k .dauxhiter:sol-l' - - ARnCHIVEÈ; OF n 'pa&wa.KI l.w08' Cei so al

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