Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Oct 1913, p. 8

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day witi ber parents, Dr. saiê EEs -Starr. -MsMliam Red, 'ô! Oshaw4 open% af ev days at the homeo f Mr. A. Kctchoil.- Mr. Delcos McNcly, o! Toronto,. l18 SviuMtbg is parents, Dr. and MrB, The minutes of, the Council p_'1 'ceedIngs heid ou Moiday will be pu:,- 11,îhed ln-cils neit issu.-- %Xiua Emily Cooper, Who uaderweat &0 OperatloJi ln'Oshawa Hos1it I4 lew weeks ago. for1 appendicitls, 18a a -ble to be about agala. - Mr. John Warren and Mr. -and Mr.' W. J. Moody sud daughters nmotored !tora Toronto on Sunday -aud spent' the day wltb Mr. .P. Campbeil. Miss Edua, Spencer and Tir. l.iarr Spencer bave rcturaed bom 1 r m *Ctevetaudt,,where they výere atteatIing the fnimea!o their aunt,- Misa , 17eb- to't forget the HarveatRoMi eu>' Pet sud lecture in the Bapti st chutr Whitby, Mohdiy eveuhi, Oct. 13 ..Adt- -mission 25 cents. , The Brooklln Quartette toolc part at the -narvest Home- Festival at Myrtle on Mondaynlgbt..Tbeiraura- . bers were well eudered and bihty appreccated.. GC 0F THE Fi AND THE J. E., ty of 96 mne Ar.A. -iawrence wB5 08.1184 to Wor croup there ifa-nothi biu iat ex- Plckeing on Monday' Iàst te attend cela Wt." For sale by ail dealers.--;17., the tuneral o! bei granidaugliter. In- -- termeut was made aiGroi'eside cern- YTE Mrs. Agups Spencer anddaugbisr, MiSS Mas Chîsholan, e! Toronto, Mise E., A. Spencer, -b-ave -let- for vited at her homebore last week. Davenport, Iowa, wliere -Miss Speâcer Mr- ýôgeL awIrO5ce- left Iast week, will1 côpnnUe lber studiî ln Cllege !0 ,r -ToroDto, where ho will taire a' thd~, lotea o!Phildeihia course lii College. they have been for .the. pat 1ore Mms. Id rno! Brookil, ils years. 1> ted at herImotb eg., Mrs. Carmich- Su oetÈnday. The regular meeting o! the Brtook- Mr. Henry Derby bfad a very sué» lin branch o! ibe Womeu's Institute csiisl uTedyo atwec wllb,çldon Thursday, Oct. loth, Auctioneer Maw-wielded--the hammeti ln tbe Masonic Hall at tbree o'clock. lu bhis usual persusive- manuer. Stdijtct-,-MPreparatiýon of Meats" y Rev. ,Mr. Yrlnk, o!, the Methodist Mrs. Hayerafif. Roll call, Us huesK Me,-adrsed-heSn olive 01. cucKnal,-adesd-h u- Mr. Jas. Scott and !riend, o! M - day Scheel - o! thil place lasi; Sunday. trea, M. Fruk- Scot, ! BanisA vcry large crowd heard him inaa treaI, r. ran- Sott 'o Batleshort address' on '"When is a CIi~là Creek, Mich, anddMis Bessie Scott 1 Ar-contable." BHe irpresscd ail, es- '7,fL Ohawa, speIL- iÉtlw eek end witb Tir sd. ir. rau Sot~. « pecialiy parents, te beglui eariy. -te Mr neMrs. r i a e Sco tilt #an theïr cbPldren, to'seek the one beeld teUIcPrvest Fstial1 etbnÏ eefu that thcy migbt in,~ Mouday, Oct. 2tb..(Thankns fig Ietrnllle even1%g). Fuller: particulars oesricswr ed wek.-,- todst.church lastiSunday Y Momlayy c'vcnfug.- The. services on -Te- hêannual-,Haivest Hbrnc. FËmel unday were well attièùded,, Rev. 'Mr. f' the Methodit' ,.churcli,, Broôkdin,ý- ,1iikomo0latingý. Tbe chicircu pie will bc e dI on-Suaday ,and,,Monday, social on Monday, evening, excelle4 - October l2th and l3th. OnSua hto rvon em."oewo sermonis wil) bc prcacbed ai -"1030 tooir part-in the progmam ":*eîd"Mrs. %.m. and .7 'p.m.,-by Rev. M.E. Sex- TJ.nk, 'Miss Grills, Rev.W.M. XIlaig, smnith, ý of Whtby. On Monday -a e-v-. Mr. Tink, Brookla nQuartette, chle ken ple supper ýwfll'te, served i n nd the rcsiding_ pastor. Proceeds of - ie bserentô! ic hurb,-fr-n ening amounted to-8127. 'o'clock until B; afte wlilch a spleui- Weuyu av;ba-, yuwn Mi proÏram willl begiven consisting tbc e u hvedte baiale -50 a t o! ddesss y Rva Tiirand st irf~ Witb as itule dciay as possi- solos by Miss. Ina Tod, of Osbwà,r hIe. 14ere is a drugt's opinion: i-91 Tira TIl~,o! reewoo,=4nd th- jhave-sold -Cbamberlai's Cougb Ro-Ëm- ers îI&i1Phel Purdy-, of'Port Pcrry.I edyfritencas"aa osL- eIo'cutVIni&tP,, -rooklin Quartette, and lar, of Saratojaý lad, "sud-conuslderj churc, chor>-Admissiozn 35c.; child j-t tbcebbut on týiemait.Foral mo 1c.by aIl dealers.-1~7ý. Otustomfoed goinding and Gat Cruaghing Thtis depaittent Of our business is in operatiocn evety day. All Gtinding anid Ro)liingo,5c pet 100 Jbs. W. I. EVIS~ . Brooklin 7,js ~ _______________________________ )OKLIN HARDWARI ESTORE- Il ERPIOW-s aiefor themselves. We are stili trial, and we would like you! to. try field. Positiveiy guaranteed to plow 1plow it right offering'ail kinds of farni implements- - t 20 att -per -foot uP tO 32ft' river-; Harold H-orpneibaw, reenriver.. ( c) -Came, o! plot.-Eddie Micheli,'] Greenriver ; Harold Wright, Green-, river-; Lomue Bell,, - udl'y ; Lloyd -Johnson, Brougham--; Alred'-Micheli, GOroeuiver-,; Thos. PsiI re, river, Lewis Jones,. Baliam-;. Walter% Mddleton, Brougham. * CLASS 1.-BARLET. la) Tbresheul grain -froi plot.-1 Lloyd Johnson, _Broughamn ; IlarcO!d Homushaw, Gre-eriver ; Walter- Mid- dicton, -Brougbarn:; Harold- Wright, Greenriver ; T.W. Posiîl> Greeniver; Hazel Middleton, Brougharn. - ?()- Shea! o! Barley-Lloyd John- ston,- Brougham;«,Gpv.i, Macoia,. Greenriver. ' - (c) Gare- t -plot-H1arold Horn- sbàw, - GreeniAver; Hareld Wright, Greenriver; Thomas, ,Postill, 'Green- river;-Lloyd .1Johnson, Broughamn Lewi JoesBalsarn Walter Middle-- toBrougham. GL ASS IIfl.-CORN.. a)Bsitweive oars.-Editb Widdi- ,lod, Greenwood; Geo:ý Gray', Green- river; Em,Énest Joncs, Balsani; Mabel 11004, -Brougb 'n1, Elmâ: Booth, Grecum-ivr ; W e Postilf , ,Green- river; Ililda Middleton , Brioughamn; Gladys PostXIl, Grecenriver.- - - (b) Three'stalts -o! cor» witb cars (frein.. Y,4ot).-Elma Booth, Green-- river; Rlayniond, Pilkey, Brougbani r Jack Ferrier, Greenriver;-Frank Bamclay,- Brougharn.L . <c> Came o! plot.-Susie Barton,« -Grecaiver;- Edna Kayes, WhitevaIc ý Oco. Gray, ,Greenriver; Hazel Turner Geerivcr Raymond Pilkey, Broughamnrmnest Jones, Balsarn ; Mabel Hood, fBrougham -John HIlt- bïy; Audley. '-CLAgS,:îv.-POTATOES. - o.5, 6, 9 and -10, Piv-kcming.- (a) Bs peek potatoes.-Edna KCayes, Wbtevale; Mildred Kayes, Whtevale - Lorne Bcil, Âudley ;- Ross Tiaidal, Audley; Walter Jackson, Brook IRoad ; Clifford Hubbard, Broci Road; Granb Widdiflif, Greenwood 4, 1 eci1f a:Cowan, Brokok d (b) Best 24 potatoes.-Edna Kayes, Brook Road; John Brignaîl,- Brook, Rond ; Mldrcd ]Kayes, Brook Road;- Mutdred. Rayes, Brook Road ;, Willle Bell, Audley ; Rosa Ti.udall, Audley;- Clifford -llubbard, Brook Rond; Wal- ter- Jackson, B3rook Rond. (c) Care o! Plot.-Allen Joues, Bal-. sa nm; John Long, Klasale - Stanley Da!oe, Greenriver; feo. Burton, Brougbam r, Harold Horn8baw, Green- river - Chantie - Russell, Broiigbani Clifford Wright. Grecuriver, Geo. Gray, Greenriver. Nos. 11, 12, 13 sud 16, Pickering. (a)* Best peck Potatoc.- Stanley Da!oe, Greeariver; Ingram, Perey, Greenriver; David Hueson, Brough- arn; Gwendolvu Devitit, Brougham,;~ Geo. Burton, Brougkarn ç Clifford Wright,,- Greenriver ; -Harold , Hoiu- shaw, Greenriver. (b) Bst- 24 Potatoes.-Sfailey -Da- be, .Geeuxlvefl ; David ,Ilueson, Brough~am ; Harold HornËbaw, Green.. river; IHoward IHoover, Greeniver; Lester, Fermier, Greenriver r Gweul- dolyn Dcvitt, Brougbam; Frank Car-- tee-, .Greeniver; Clifford Wright, Gzreenriverî - LASS V,-f'AtlL W1EAT. C -<a),Sheaf o! wheat.-Ed418ie Miebeil, AggiO Cewn,j AND JNSFLLT f Siîffnpsn icgaa (b) Çollectâou of! weed seedes, named -Mldred<-Kayes, Whtevlêý;,Olive Gaacoyne; WhMVevale sBesaEM1 oover, Greelurl'ei; Erueât, Jones, ;Bàlàm~ Allan -Joues, Balsarn ; Erle _Betté, Greeuwood; Wi.- Pegg, Greeûwood. , (C) olto f- InËecto, narlmned,- Bessie - ovr, Greennîver; 1Howard- Hooyer, r 'nrver; Audrey Phillipa Brýougham Lloyd Johnson, B rougb anJnleDuncan, Broughamn;, Evah MoLean, Pickering; ladyýs Middleton Brougham, 7 GLASS X.-ESSAYS AND DRAW- INGS; (c) Plan o! poultry bouse. to a- Mcj modate ,Wbrc-Es9im Gascoyne, -Brock Rond; Cecillia (1owan, Brook Rodd. (d) Drawlng of schooltbuilding. Jr. I and under.-. Gwcndblyn Devitt,. Brougham. GL&SS XI.-GIRLS' CLASSES. (a) Beet loaf- om re-rnade bread.- Eva Wilson, Brougarn; :Mabel Hood, Brougham ; Ruby Hubbard, Brough- arn,; Winnie Wilson, Clarejnont ; Mil- drcd Kayes, Whitevale; Gladys Hogle Brougharn. 1(b) Best dozea borne:rnade buns.- Mi-Idred'Kayes, Brook Rond r, Hazel Mlddleton, Brougharn;* Eva Wilson, Brou gbarn; Ruby Hubbae-d, Brough- arn; -Dora Michel, -Greenriver ; Jen- nie'Duncan, Brougham. (e) Beat specîrnao! hand sewing.- Âudrey Phillips,. BrouüEharn r, Esther Gascoyne,_Brook Rond; Mabel Hutch- tnsoa,Kinsale ; Eva Hood, Brougharn. (d) flesi specirnen o! patch work.- Elsie Carter, Gzeenriver ; Audrey Pbillips,, Brougam; Esther Gascoyne Brook Rond; Mabel bcod, Brougharn; Marie Cowan, Brook Rond ; Mabel- Ilutohinson, Greeuwcod. CLASS XII.-SPECI-AL,. Collection to be put up by achool. lst.-S. S. No. 12, 'Pilcering. thi8 Univorially popular homeý remdyatt"es,-wlen there.. is-e.darspared many hours of ,UnneceOsary Ouffering--; Sou s,.uewhoeo. lb .25et& Important P4rction Sale, ehn and ,;Liver y aPp easy sId mild ýaud,,-gej by 4i1eaca -.18 ,Court of Revision..- tice la bereby--iven, that a-court be beldt, puesuant to the Onatario p' Liste Act, by His Hoao, the se cf. the -Couaty Court oc!'the ivoOntarlo i énil romi ib J Whib_-j 1 14_ba X"re 4, April 3, )May 1, Juas 61 Clrk-Jas. 14, lob. 6, Mar.. 5, ý!>. 4, May 6, .Jun 7, Jul>' 4,18%9. 4, 2, OUMV4.Glemon, Geau-. Wood, Clrk- Jan, -là, -Mas. 6, Xii f, Jul 7, St. 5, Nov.- 110 Jas. #p 3. PORT PZRRY -J. W. Brba Port Porr-, lrk- Jan. 17, Mîas. :7 X&y 7, July 8, Sept. 6, Nov. il,, Dec. 17, 1914. 1. UXBRIDGE-R. J. zoome, _Uzbà4idg ClaJa. 10, larcdal, 14, My 18& July là. Sept. 9, Nov. 21, Jan- 16, 1914. 5. CÂNINGON- Tho& .. . oster Caningtoa, Clerk -Jas. 9piMas. 13, May. 14, July 16, Sept. 10, Nov. 20, Ja.115, 1914. 6. BEÂITERON-. Jas. MIL Goïdon, Beavertos, Clrk-Jas. 8, me. 12P May 15, July 17, sept. 11, Nov. 19, Jas. 14, 1914. 7. UPTERQOVE - DasilLeoard, Atherley, lerk- Jas. 7, Mar. il, Nay 16, July 18, Sept. 12, Nov. 18, Jas.l1, 1914. By OeJe, i . iE. FAREwELL, Clark of tb. PoaS. Dated etWltyNov. Ith. 1912. WHITBY MARKETS'. Aiieelovar, pot bu..811.00to $1200 Wheibai. ... ......,0.00 t"4.95 Wheat, goomo... .......0 .85 k00.0 Wkeat, 1.1..... ... ...... 0.80 ho 0.85 Barley ... ........... .0.50 to 4.55 Ry. ...... ......... 0.6 t<>o. 65 1I4u,... .. .. . 0.8.t... aBukwheat...... . 050 b0. Oat..,........,.. ,... ..0.3à ho 0.38 B.d ~ ~ ~ ~~~7 Cl r.......0te 9.00 cpped. Med:_cvi. ..1.t i. W Sors pr 'ion... .... .20 o190 of fruit and ornsrn< delivery, 1913, and S -Start a t once ai territory. We sup culfit and pay highi Write for full pax A-TONE 1 TORONTOP, realiy two lenses welded into ose solîd.lens.- IL Prcoepa ir,,$ c Speci.al ground,-7.0 F. E.'LUKE, SRATN 169, Tonue St.. T053NT0 -- -R"-àIL COLON I181_EXCURSIONS sept. 2Sth .to ot.lOth inclusiveo From ail station aOntailo t at very low vratesI to Vancouver, B.,C. Victoria, B.C. N4elson, B.,C. - Prince Rupert, B.C.1 Portland, Ore. Spokane, ONE-.WAV SIC George Cr ing work F We lead i E, R, 1il PBell Tel. 9, Les Angel San-Dieg4 San'Franic Mtexico Cii .35 make ON WILL ýBE ISSUEID Proportion ate low, rates teo o! in Arizona, Britisb Columibia, f Colomado, Idaho, -Moatana, Me, Mexico , Oregon,-Nevad, Teî Washington aand Wyoming. Tickets no W-oh sale at al Te-unir Ticket Ofices-and eos -.E. STEPHENS(C I.,-. OHIR où re-cf itby Mo ~ /o~ce County /fieSouth wing C -:~ ~ ~ A Barlta. oCI, Office, Brocir St., e inmediatelj G. YOUNG- MARRIIG Court House, Wi ByroDn s, li" rJAS".1E to' o L. 1rebaul dato. apply-toi-elu ?~*bT. -LICENSEDi AND VAI -AiU inds or lales te. Arrangement& Bell andipd CONTLÀ J.~ HOWEI _£arpenter, Bugld Plans dmawa.-aad e S Repairzi, Alterati Agent fer -Bra BOX 46.7 WUI ]Herriage- uro Mrri T ELEG' sud Îli dutleief ai UF iyIoawu.me, inau ute writ assmpla lossosa. ' u i t a 1 m t h ,o MOIJ ofal Deggns and la& HIVES 0F ONTARIC

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