Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1913, p. 3

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-maI11 J.'ocke. rif --'-nly lîr But Gait c( Iany senerationue feM'Um .am ,,by th -e' lke 0yai c , te iii tohiself 4 "No -Y as no~ Iam uelfti iong the worst of the, make- and 1oiged for. tI puerilitie. -QI the "Aliman»- eari Vo iiave-itj lotha" and $ive éven; th* I can't pive it up wornn a totowj2 witii fatier *~~~ w'a . iit to, morning, and neie .and-roui iiavpp1mness5. non." Thkat7 night 1 breatbleâs. CasP *anything reaIý. 110w un-leyadhdr sun 1 ModeiÃŽn elence- and: littie Nie Ceroni. iýeem Vo compel an, 8.. .ade Vo aide <n ,hi BXiuwê îsn t si.airws stfing., wi I.not . aSo- èemed gatiirIn BtWei that màny ithu w iuoCc mca-O. - Ad, stat-ioximaster cir station 1 - bas etii year lu the gow aud -South- Loch Lèven bas a çlisappoiuting urber cf tirout weighlng 17,eGB 'ed witb 49,044 -514 lb. '12 oz.,_of. ph e Anstruiier, - d tiie Pife Batta- screation cf Vue- iClause. should the. c ity- le Vodispoe cf 1lfl Vie Ugher j, puieiasem may hbotsOopcr- ouira-ffected i-g' left th Vivil- xg -about- -four .id 'mneasum7ing 1 41teew Liche - d inl Aberdeen. halibut ever ,te City - ýes thai; be IÎÏ& ivernese TciWMON 500 towards the, inea to do auy- action witii thé - - eing buit in- iriah chai-ch 1: )een ita-ited ta e-Vie la-e Dýukep. repre,àentativo- orv.,as, iinr]eÃŽ;' ýeedone. CI i4çill, waa,/ rom c0 ii has broody sua-is t'O .and oui hu-inmlity eearcbin -pnide wi LU)19 -Qi-intlty Tiers ber enti ~-quantity fPet, -boî *t &P 1.m. * teh ee > measa--p -1-apearu, Was.- di ar1Vii. ta-nt -1 an9ibnt Egypt. A Speaker lAnd Caspar whispsr r8es5t Meeting cf thViiilt- vays kneiý -Via-t yen ýiatiOli steted ViaV incuba- derful'k -Ai -hatching out--chickens wsrs -H~e aiie -. 0ooU 1Eg3Ëin luthe days cf the -ing; ioftly'- iiough:1 ~u. - - xitiiing *tirret a-boy4 - Vien--he roallzed Viii erfui,I wpmoderful. -- e -noV t- Vifan, but t] 'nder*ul ta Vhs assertion Ia.wilhdon er Egyptiah --henu la difiereni t i.beift Ira as V hs res'uIt cf tii-mcmniug Caspa--8 unue of Vie Inicuba-tam.. tiugitfuül.- Wien - ibout the. habit; c -f uitting u edy tVo go luto Vo, 3it- dinsutinct'of feeling you- Lorgctt;.u-:youm t i." Sie a-pipecites , s airpar*ma-nfor -ils the. labor-sa-vingdevicasd Vbey were cf. ba ik h -IVwa-salrnost oue: - Mm&.. Locki- booked, o mrse a--redisëovery ma-yte, diow. --- - "Bow la-te ortant and ereéiitabie tluugt - Be 1so : f- Èback an heur ago!" -as a discovéjWy. tilI, Vo tii. door, ni sep tht orne or. ma-ny cf our pati. --lu the diutauc nga- are noft new under- Vhé litti. son iurmying i krwhuinuier sud quieter, She expected, Vo eu gra'wné package, but ho wa ge48eea a-littie Imore ed. 8h. walked t( rand alittît more iieart- "Why, I was 1grio g. A ew bows V curabout You,"iii. sa-id. Ig. ew lôw' toouryeo 0long?1 And i ,li d us e baim. . package î Didn't yen "BER ;PRODUOTS, -1912. -par'. reply. "But i way-hoe. V--ta-kIti 4, Value a-nd Chama-ter o and, O motiier, that' - man wic mak-ubmusl - theCn.- belcw Nie lu, goinig t' was t.» per cent. lesa lm. lfrom ibs -siiop' up tbrci n Canada during 1912 than« dowj And, ictiier, preceding- yea-r, theVota-Io-ver tiié-re. tua -fterr alneuntÃŽug-to Oo be -ail set up by tiiaV' - i-r -eiunb "aleci- -tca-n watchii 1 whlzà S4., Tii.eueie éand - &b puýr "-Youtb's os produc tion amnU-ntd to $5,239,941 ,nisq-uare Viimber netted 81,82b,- 154,! making the total value cf. mm-. ber 'an-dalied producti in -1912 -equsî 'Vo *7o,540879. - - Sprnce la -*(lanada's Inomtimpor- - ~ ~ ete~»f~, r"oftwoo, for, it made np 'over one-tiid Vie amountý AIs& -coustituted - cvêr- 1tieequar_. sm': cf -hepu péd'rd.In -for-, t6 e-sme y 1 ér-c' -ucDedlg t -on, thç list a-me'white pi-ne, Dýoùgla" -fir,-jelckcea ub-i. iardwc<kl, -anti -takea "precedenoe -ovenr - uy conifens,* -- cm oft-_ ,~woods, as weli. 1V was- sa-wn li er72Owomille,, and formned -28.5 --per -cent. of the. square tixuber cut ila- -Canada. To VMis large percen- -t- ag. of bhdi was due ilu som* mea- -ouroe'Vhsepienomenal inçrease o'i1 89.9 per cent. in the cnt of àuquans' imiber dur-xug i1912,tVils bsng> Vii. Obier ',ha-ywod"-j Araini of whiei -m almo commen inluths - iarme' woodiot. Alt4ough -tii. - pèr, pent. of Vie 'total lunmber eut,,-: the eu;i.sppiy of tree' abys- cu rerhiiaVe,1fo, unlike4xiie-conifèrs, ---there --w" -n lucres.. in Vhes- *mouzùV cf Auch -wocds -dnt lu 19121 1* Semetnieo la. wiose, father- was a- ca-nil- office, rau - jute Il' use màd ,xcli-med-:ý MI-ma Mr. -Smitii maya Ps- the nomdaation. la t A ROYAL MID& Prince Albert ta Rei On Ba-ttieshlp Col] Prince Albrt,. Vie s KigGoge,'- îwio mec -à full fledged midsip foi- tho'llrat tue tch sa ôicewr Iu ie B-riti vYalcolleg-ee ut abo>n omi ui thecadets'. Cumberland. Prince Ahiiert aas he Vo tho baVlehip 091 dmeadnought cof 19,2501 Colliugwood fle-athe AdmIrai Vie Bon.-,Sir vIlle K.CB., i wau iu tiie old corvette, Ci Nom-tii Anemican uta *ben King; Georgo -.wa mýanl int -vesse. -George- suBi'-.8tanlt liutenaut. lu in . Vii. M]editoérmanean ut Prince Albert 'wiU ma-lu about twelve -,S Colinwoda-nd m&3- a ÃŽ nonthin, u-a de la l' ueisi an d _Mu ceourse wiil b. promiol Lieutenant ini two, yî "Wby,-T-ommy," exg Sýuaday, achiooi Vea-cier, ma-y your prayers .-very you go Vo bedf ' Noi neplied Tommy; Ui yestercay. Ion a womnbheis/ - and sat a long Ie ~was saying 3.Joseph Oawroa.-- Caut do it! i1 1 I. have leng.ed erlbhr members of Vhe - House Nf.n, an l h idmade <ont ailbut the. Word r MYowfl. inqeto. t lic oi i- ooke.tbsletter,, n hi f-t ti .'.Ilxgi ainiokda n ýring it homeat thon ut the. congressmân, and tber agan s1t1.11tr helace mean- scity- aeemed. wýhiie aking .on.aàpèculirexr- r. Wênt td bed-eaon,. FinallY -h.lookedatthe con- ned~ tht i.1 smg nd with mlngled anger Re t6oed: fr« an ughter said: I"Wy, you fool, ai;~ ~ ~~ mateu htWordîlu 'oonfidelatial." erywiierie -o .rising, ,calling 1- -Where s the l,000 TONS 0F SODA A DAY. acdi~V *~Great:I)epoèlts oI Aufricýa àSO -ýTe dQa h. hd >, Be, Opened Up. fan; and tiatit Lynntesuem pato .toer -iib' B ritisi Est ýAfrica lj>a1, ait aea E8 ~swepft over 15- va >sitsé hing -sweet an d a nw uLk a - cion ai i,îpl-of soda lea1.4 one. voie. ove .r great as Vo -offer an almost, inexÇ- ourr. haustible soure of wealth. -ýT1hii 1 arn tbe -fan!" tatement becomes the ,more - evi- *.dbse, < ~. d.V nview oci. f a-ct th&t -when would be won-a :-,ox.io-ofi ie depositgJsa remkov- .dthre la a replacemfent Virough ffas very dark the asoda ,-epring, r- n - iji cys - i as blow- ta I cf soda-are ce natantly formixig.. the room ; but .In rdt o previde' transporta- 'e the. b.d. -And1 tien, for .'thée out]ýut <of th.om 6t it" had boeen, iany's developments. it--Was noces;- àie, great, co -oL1 carY -tà huilida ban railroad - mrgi -f thlke. Acordingly ini tal hl e th .lttrpart cf 1910 work on the asm qItand ninety-five mile lin. wa.u begun-and wr. LoT 2e éwau- continitudtbrougiigreat elimatic )wn, he called and engineering difficulties tiii the- r,>boy!1-7 Rave early part of May,.j 913, when tii. rip with mel", laying- cf 7the -rails was eomplete d. hat,,-sud acconThug an cutfet.for Vii. produci; Was - made to tidewater at Kilindini Har- o 'dock wiien bor, 'where aw pier iluin process cf ut cf.-the Win-i-construction for the. exclusive hand- b.i ia V" ah-ling cf tii.portion destined for sea 4d hâve beeà borné. traffie. 5h.~ ~ I wn Vo Is estimated- that 160,000 tons edonCtInto the a -fthe. worked produci;- will pass de ahe sa-w her annually over the, railroad Vo the omêwrd.ahipsa at seaboard wth'ifaciiti,jo*r' le hlm carrying. handling the. foreigu consiganments. is exnptY-iand- To prepa-e Vthe soda deposits for -0 muet him. sipment a faetory wiil soon be wing anxieixs huit at the. lakèe terminal cf the . "What kepi; Magadi Railroad. wiiere is yOUr The. details as Vo the method of buy Viie fan?" mining the. soa are noV ye-t avail- .iCame- C as- ibl, but the, soda company. is fully stopped on tii' convinced tint Viiere will b. ne "oNceOn'** troublein working the, depositsal kind little cld the year round, even lithe. rainy lies, in the fla-t w run a- <r-» ~sea-son -Mucii interest, la given to1 mhNic's Win- Vthe fa-ct that wien soda is shovelled4 ugb out fresh crystals form fro:in the. dolet us go liquid t mc!- It i tua-t remainu li t-be hi, and Lime, su1 tiiese replenish the. supply. But tie* nd ear tVils need noV b. d.epended u :-_ni, for the -soda in sigiit la enough to work Lp8aioI. upon for many years te corne, and tiiere may b. deposits heneath wbat HRIPMAN. lu upon the surface. It le hoped to get daiiy 1,000 tonsE am On. Yea of soda away Vo Magadi Junétion ilngwood after a yea-r or t:wo, and opersVions wlll probably begin in April next. second son of Tii. soda laie covers tiiirty ently becaune- square miles-ý and- the, concession 1 mau, -sud- zo are.%S, u ighty square miles,'-tVii.e - il plce .l Tase- extendîng -oveef ninýety-t-izie iii uavy, .hàs years. - .Tii.plant -andniaéhi'neýy rougb Vii naà new u- teix' way- ont -Wsigb- '.0m~f neand suh6t-tn, n atehe ý-ti.cnsign- à -eurmo mosnts Wll oa OOQ os: u tr&îing- ship tgvsa l f- tii ea-t 'whîs lxe i-e apoîne<~about- eue-ha-i f cf-thesoa lfb.1 aen ased iter fi llingwood- a' seinrening cilfor produin f os m petrol (gasoiene), -the rest will b. fia-g cf Vice-nsdwmkn opnduvron T *StaleyCol-~thr_ direct-Ions.Thr-ae t aVeth 1 -e s e aest i- l niitdos ~êynwant, 1to bocom"ys ajny moôre, i--s,-ehI" demys Y- sier~whe- I - e's, uiasThIis, f -ùe aun yý tua a-ford I. ~ - ,hes tIiatélhere need. b point, an4 t 'hat re- ion rasiould g -on tonàtant~ly, -lBdd', 1 and -W*it This tiieqry -is etpeoiàly imp6ri ant in the schiooroom.4Tii.eulit oif wvork thatpupils of -aIl agès 'Pe -for2n wil ý>imprýove -if tey have ,quarter of'every hourl or rest a reueration. -Théi. theory .. ic 'vlu o hejiusineas man also; a none need(iV>-mor,ý4 the hswoma Wn tii. 1.bàÎn;- who- goes on wearil3 heur after ii.purabout lber, endies * tasirs. Shi, qughttoudrta *that ah. can:aoctuadlyedo more wori *and dO it a great d,7el letter, if'eh r will only1ie d own for ,flfteen m1'n iites in .each hour, quit;. regardies -of the. aniount .of W-Orl aiiead c ber. A- quatter-of e"h-<oiiispený in thus way ii semn-like'a-shame lui waste of time- Vo- manïyeri.rgeti 'tht ii s eonmicl.-Youh 'co mau on. - Rot' Baths.z The. usuai o<bjeti-on Vo hot,,batha XasDr uelcove, lu thg- at peppl ta 91cod unlesa they go"' ah b.d s, -soon?'as tiey ; ayée. 'di.< tiselves. - Otbeýrwisë, sQ t, he3 -gay, they go on petspiring and takt a chili. Now thi,& la due, noet t their iiaving hdahot bath, buÙ -because- the.water wisfoth 'enough wien they gpVt _fit. M -water bas ,thei.same' .fect as ooicl in bracing-up the. sweat pores, and .preventingYthem frei~n - in4iinÈ 'to peut out- unnece"uary.-perapira- ýtion. Lukewarm!,,wter- î j Von th fother band, 1ae ti kin mX and moisi, and it la. Vihen. that people aàre liable Vo chilis. H.eVii, pop. ulir idea of rulnning izý some.oold w*ater before 'Vthe batbhi fmxisbeýd'ia a mistalce, as* it bringà abo>ut thé Very onditions*we are spxiouis te avok*. The. béat temperatuîè at whicb to take a bot bath ia 1Ow deg. Fahr., or just beiow that. If more bot water i8 added afterwards it sbould be hot, -not. o old, so as Vo maintain the. temperature ab; tbe smre level. -'Witb the aid cf theze precaution ut wil b. foXind .tàat drying la a simple process, and the, ýkîn is lef t in a delightful state 'witbout any undue perspiration Vo follow. VICTI3I 0FDEV1L'S MILES. Extrieated From Living Tomb AM- ter Hours of Effort. A "'victim cf Vthe Devi!," a mid- dle-aged Northern Chines, bas been taken to the Governinent hos- pital ab Hong Kong, China, after bein.g extricàted with great diffi- culty f rom a livi.ngtomb among the rocky heights that guard the. ap- proa-cies to the. city.- Tiie man's legs and arme were ohs.rved by some grass cutters th-rougb fissures in the ýrock. 1l'he police who were aummdned 6earcb- ed &il day, but- faiied "to find aaiy exit, the widest opening in tiie rock net exceeding six inches. The man'& invariable aznswer Vo Vthe r.- peated inquiries of aný interpreter were - tne levil- put me liere. " ]Beyond this reniank, nothing could b. gleaned from hini. Sub- ,equently fir.emený and police -work. ed for hours with-chiselsa nd crow- bars to remove part- cf the. boulder bxiniith -wlýhichVhe maùSvas ptismed,- but the rock proved. too bard.; A x~umberc viletnnthbtid i-ut at miianight lthey w'ere marched back to the, barr&cks,.- avieg se- bmpliihed ncthîing. Soin. hne.qarlnenwr ýoeh'ftî. boculder' owixxg to their uLperatit'icus feurs àcf ,th. dvl fhoý-bad- imprisouedVii. man. 'Thé ext day . party of 8.ailors frc!m a « ' ' Stts '--rhpsu ' -n xaldxý È an openng -larqeenougii tç 0low of thei. aicrijng ont.,Tii. nan, wbo lu: a cemplete strang.rii. ;h-4lo liy, 1*is -not- oe rkeusy 1 Ur., -thIou#bhâ lsM2nind.paie o O aff<ite:byf right Ibn-~ok [low h. fouüd himself » ha araz- àg situation remains a mystéry. Surpr-lsed. waiin hu wen .SOt bhore last Dyer-Wiiat wae -id RobIns«-.ws wif e ýwas, aslep TJnneeessary -'You eugiit.Vo brýce.up and - show our wife 'ýio, is ruànintiiings st aur bouse;". , 1y- j 3 n'tme -e "'ry. fh aisJ ;Aisî~ c ti, ncent oity, is knonam ' JUSoe Ain Kad - xfn "l ntioe attitudi 't- Brougiit ba.ck word unto, Vh.em the8gmetim( ty Unl>o 'MàoWà s-and- Aaron a nd t h rh i r- representatives of thi e p~ fa.itiileas to B R g Tld lm-oue. 8liity. almoat> d -S7. l1Vflowed w*itb =clk ,and iioney has been ýa. )f-nepression -n.ed rqeti wr<1ea" td the .011 Teâtazén Ao dÀsàgnat.. with endless el n 'extremàe ertility _and .poductive- future Vo theî ý 7; 13. 5;,33. 3,, er..U._q, 2.22l'su~v, 2> Il ~~ ~j-=fme-or1 -£-né achi-m',6n cx --Aaa-cýe 5rave s te negilctf teir Wei- 1do ILtrsttht f we crily maki-the -e not îe on Verse33XlId-. - £are on tii~s.aide cfi Jhé grave. IVmos; f th:ehfiifehtat olà .wean L- M9 Amalek -;he-Amalekites'baus.tIIiièd-forzûâ and ceréý- safely ev nBsbnati 1. s-~ ~ ~ ~~ý Meenmd soi oef olus,; orni4kied - -iturgies and thlit la ta b.. i-f. quently witii tii. ,doser;- oo'uxitry ceedz,. ocelebated masses, hud me- IL is old tiiat-wiien Henry Daiid ,t;~~~~~ ~ vatirt h oubc ali I v ialu, Bougiît confessionsac o hreanlydigh.fouka- but .-4-oUbtleus -wa-ndering. exton- ;vorions-and ail that mon migbt ker- Pilla-b ry sa-Ii o hlm cA"~r c svey'frm plceVople- -bsaved i' Vii, wold-to comelae, nIf ca-n you se aný-Vling beyoiffd?" >è Thete --Ri r19o-8-mitîc peo- lives hAv&- been streng-hni6d - AndMd Thoreau replied - výiÏii-ijatèli apie, very powéxfui ýat --pn'e tîme.--Thé fEuniobled Uh-eo aud uÃ"'-y - ieè.e le>si spiritual wlsdoain-: "0u, *rld -Hittites'apperV ae oe-rnm:roks frlon, -Weiî-anda-t 'a Vîmeo -Parker-; oee wo a- app ,4ocia. T yre- reu- lrgood f uts- h r-esult'hà~- bèejï Vîme RvJohn 11.gHo0 es-. 'pentieuèd in an inernte;- - thon1s d Vlnif- roin tlhe ic-i. ______________________________ Sninieteenth, - ddtwen'tletii 'a-s- - - - - - - - - dat-theie-tilla sa-efor 'ad,- tes tha, Iseuring-- Il ai-' tenh *--iezncràxida pad,, etc. Sand -f-tethcnuisB".,C.---- Menionilu also miade cf -tiieran- ENGURNOUS8 WOOD WASTE. rAssyrian inscriptions cf severaMn, U ts11 - e we tis l t r..-~Treme nott of Paie- 145,000 Corda etof Pupood , -L st- , sinea-nd -ironi' horé- thiyseiV UiAxu- Siavpeeredfar Vthie, oun the manufacture of chemical Tii Jeuzi,-Alocl tibe~ Fda -a-l Fncis. ood-pulp by the. sulphite process, Spossession of Viie ancieut strog eta-îl1aýes- are -tN .more. one-hialfcfever,-èord. so tréVe i IiodofJerusalèem sud uta ýenvirons. 'bii u-i,,thanà vmViswluter, 'disgolred by Viiliquor lu wbiob the. Ti. morte-î-n'Bible usýage me- s nakyortuk uly.à o f h-air- w o u eleau dischuamged C ferring pirluczpally to thàùyombnssd nat -ypieces, bit-juiita the a-dj a--ent rier as**te cfQgan Bion', 88 c i, 0orditble;a-ye ay.pseu.o lqo Acoording-',tp-the. lateBt, ta.liseea laehwevem, igoid or silver-la-c,.'On. use for 'bulletin on PulpweodIszcb i tii. na-m.of tVii.people la conneet- xveiy emaîlpieces cf iiae l V orestj randih-Ottawa, --the - e wtithohIi ouurycf-Fale ~aie bows for Vue- Vtoeu cf satin- amcunt cf puljrwood aubject Vo tVils Th stine. -h 'a e -as el' ppers >wlth tiiem. ýThe ah.ppers iciemlca-l treatm,â nV l1812 was ab- Tii.tauabaanif.ZTier ua-meinmeautàii osttw udda .neyhn-- lîterally, 'lIowlander.'> The na:CZ mriee l etilms;Vo humdadunt hn na-uiesenlu-ua-haft th Vread Vo- match; Vie lace, if I add Cods. - *One-iaîf -cftVils 'naanites, <Irlg~i "I awioli-Vo have them elaborate. 'zon.,a bouewse h Maritime -aao the western Jtaon a bouewse u oa-st cf Palestine, snd appear alsoi o rmelu itaiug trmpopul r udave .ragEWprice, of a cord cf, pulpwcod. 1"forma K fttiug tmimmng fer - lasix dollars,. so t,tiià. vb'!aaste,: <~-ia-vedwet luEsda-ein'Id <veliret. IV le lîavy eueugh ta Up-trncdtiVm eyquvet. PeJordan va-l1.y. -- hoai ts own charactor èen ln tii. dûe-tois oe 33 Npblim, tii. sons of Anak,'péecof ntigfchaiadrpéet& cst,,aaeofve Whio corne cf VtheNephlini-In their 'pesenecfauyltiin 0iev -drpeota&-osV-Cnd fo anxletyVimrstippowtîloig'avevt Moreover i; elght 1undm.d thousand d""lra yii vo -"resthepof ith pulis the velvet down, a-nd no mauylNon-s this -Vie onlybas, - for h-y th ntveq snastature" l-fdthe be satisfa-ctorily used litii. form of 1tuas processe 140 pounda of. sulpiur naepis, it V neeto of he oubuat- fringe on velvet sai exidt. No more a-mo required- Vo>disslv e the Waste aud Caleb, compare thes. lubabit- -trking gown could b. ma-de Vian î s~thecf es i cortd -f wothe a-uts with gia-uts or demigodp. eue of- black velvet, trî ued Witii ýmeof ae eertd i Thee l bu eu oiio reerece xigllmmemlng, ýcuV jet filge. and cor- prces are recov.red, but most cf,- thii. bu1 eta-meuot Vo Vie epeinm.sage orla-menta. the-anphurpaisses- off in Vthe waste the occuestment G en. , ii. t Whiite ratine la uow >used for,.lit- liquor, 8aud no Imethod b as yet been Tsm uswia in tmam.lly eint-ieboys' ÇRussian blouse suits. found Vo recover it-for use aà-second dned lu-omwatuarbrai wir-Tiere is a good deal cf warmtb in time. Suiphur ecotd-thventy-five- ref«e renée ha-a littI,, if auything in'tbis materlal--as the i>ossessors of dollars a Von, and Viie losis lu Vils common, beinij ratier a-n expla.- -ratine oaVsuita or onepiece particular -le equlivaient Vo & money atory note timown iu by tiie Au. rocku found Vo their scmrow Vhis Js Ao ier Ïha-If a million dollars tho-r cf the passage. In boti Vils summer-and ratine suite can- be on the Votai amount wssâted. --- and tiie Geneas rémference ta tuis 'used uxitila-Item froat. 0f course ', In vlew cf the-fa-ct tbat eacii yeux stra-uge and superhumaxi people 'they eau -b. womn lu the house ail more and more pulp-wood 15 b.ing we a-me doubtiesa brougii; in o0n- winter. Tiiey bave a big a-diraut- mauuîaotured into puIp by Vlhipýo-' tacet witi ancieut Bebre-w allusions age over linen suite, s tiey do tiot cesa in Canada, -tii.Ïitiiiation.-Gfl Vo a portion of ea-rîy mytboîogy show wrinklesand creuses as linen hsatélqobený a'mr wiiichin thVi.e acr.d legends cf etiier de.-- tuate liquor .oomn'tes ' mtpr- peoples reoavea mmci more copi- Vheiie is:anew Spauisiuieel in ~ u. Be h-lotre ou reti1 nna ey, h ois t he n ho s ti sa e l o V riabeècer io ugo-Ii -vîabe dpo- eldemigodusud .:lets.; We arie like a- creacout, sud Vie two point- o ebe'eog aubepo doutieu ut t V~uk f a sear-ed tipe- bend lu Voward ea-ci otier. duots Vo nma-k. iV xa.'.- . ste anud distinct pecple,' but ma-Vier Pe beel la acooped ori; t V80 ma--te1ii. wshaste liqur 0coVids mUny- cf meni of unusuai size a-nd la across betweeu a greuoh And - ' atias cbsoxl cdan strengtii found ber, -sund the-e. Cuba-n ii.l, so fa-r ai its proffle ls vn extraoVe, dyestuffs asud aiàcohol among the different- tnibes inha bit- concerued. IV la -shown on eveun g conatitueDUts - - -ifhey could be mug tii- lanud. and a.fternoon elippors. eaalqovr ed w<d a ;e The womau Whoolbas old fohe iquo 1cfgreat -ominercia -valu; Vo a-. cre can thl rjole u inte- bult fl aPite of Vi. eme-zidoýus -N Dffrece -at mat oer a ilconrasc -in n la-amont cf Wok which ias beeu -Neaa wa Dofer-eng . d laa hton ae uerai, ot - hédoe u heGUOC ma.-,lt h Ys- ilal st, ik u1ppi El uope-, he,~ --evnuapro aa i- pone- inHové "mi-tà l'y -chrmussu ,m-n -iie r wna <hleVot-n rbe r 0- ~ -foi, *r---------eAh,-comornels.el e - forfthrlng- part unoltloim-cf thé ~~9W' doyen-.amemb. Th trouble--inAMexico haa Vued ro leis sud lcontai - ta 'be-ti plantsý1 i ^renyn-wlèfe ji teto fdesakr and îb' d touldoî bdpossible -wll 18 ~ YI m-a dcr-ost u- cntr frPn-etaiod"LaorVoisbi»g. tuber ssofr-xkl aknwldg.1Vlei t&buiibed-6 b iaDiln b <icmn Butla t Ri-xnln to WateI 'tht -is uteeatug n tie ne ,dubteri thay suiotn-, c tu rnices"- -y. Ge, og -ou Donalde, T-Se-ny one whoinaMexMcxca uned - Vobu.d and.ive hambel>,aUna 4- "t; Wte 1bh aiàd- witi out -, .fl Phesatt session10- dsmaill f aindo-GadMrQe., vsIte la a erailyl- n m eselo ca morsudp erP s ta-n a-d &nuLi*, coris#tbin" ié' Bcf i- powor muet-waite ba-tiials a-xiTheliaiansdresna- a l ixaino, V adhg bmod ntio. --- - - t~es *ll-p~; heiios~'ni;11ftVig erI- luithe'own 'nGV.> n- - - - - ers aleVosevya- ackgrôndS for c-lu i epUg-onderzit t ~hc eel ,~-. Paxniepures-'re o- aled .-hitme n V, abo&'i ahcsWdesdwmn la, t .Vs etion'i ' .13,L O-acýay we -are-.À "otiier- are w. etiie sons. of ~ ed itsf aa I believe "iu etexnà bout the, ly -do -I belleve tihat present himnself for the. futiL ut. ias Mostabundantly anc< prepar-, tiis present'. And - --i yen suLytbing,-dear?' --- wbtly. -sot.- Mnare juet a-s sympatiietie as -wOxuen, but -tVley iiave'tthe -kuack Te Ti.average- mamm-ldwibWaa la ARCHIVEfF flUmADIri n A, ùg4t -Of,

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