Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1913, p. 7

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B mix1aire and -cook ha eggs Are firm as twoý tablespoonfula bie m&zd seryve on hot beuide of te yh ies. Wl 1i-d ina. thult .'a - a bai, Lt ha-ny-slnipbeCt*' atter i' >4m, ca'.Vo Mal -i ma type, ,nuine tour- wheel, Iendfi doorsi VCAR T. WEST.Y dootor. lit. >awill b. eres., but l'e auge Iutentw. e were iseing as if ae. nd - orneinedîcîne. d- b.epthe ban&. Il ai.kes, hli 'IbbyvrLent u»te bed-Mbio hé 401 -ler; ..ad Let eson; fer 'aie nt. ime. sire 100e. - 1 giornlng -sunllgl't. 'ibo bidlilde wl Ch Once abb 'ad 111,0r w1u &M %iln 79UUmpt . tot&kolt &W.7ai-t e emiga-t - Mina?"reaoh tii. basin. bùt his hand l'ad unr. îeai.n YOs.e i.whfu- yod 'on hors. and MEllae nrved Cthe ating .agraînet lier ow-n, -bandage ne hat aseshould net have ta surprioed If lie pnlêd "About his fiende?" lie whlapei-la.Cr -' e' syirng n t wt.h , on. -I dont kno w wlire ho livea. ho-w i. Hemastong~ t fnd themi" t- - 'a bien lu*,the fithttln roesIo -tel - akissi b'-îi'ute bIs- bqin' met a oxfm01 no gentl4man with alsathnw - l w '~o en hbave Ellheei'. room " saliýwtli a Mina absetl. "fho-wold,--ni-. open 012 bis' erea oi-Gr' aPeaki" -ie -sbliéi -euta-o a.galn. -- - '.Justi-on b. qulèt." - O<> 1adiied Tibbi- ai "flecornes ta and catches- siglt e' hatSA tl a2ndertakei-'s face o' i-ous, I vIl sen 'Lm cog aiii. Yuen ime tle -I'l ob at -oui- dres---clean spolftl" - - he 85- S Bût, Mina 'ibool lier' hxeai. a4duncdn.Iý« i 'aclouoly ýpressed hlm clouer to lier. il 0mn hluhlm for h reoî te- .for an mang er I short .louruey. -tn'ybrli It was indicative of thç chai-acter of e"Fathi the Rente and the' fre4uenôy -ci cc-la *'He d iT dents" te itO eisdents hat the eival of!nlee the Parti- creatcd very liCte- surprise-or theadeo even dirioit-and hey caried lve01 *h1 to *Elioha's amali and, noorE-*,frn - vo bte -eOu ce: OcruvnloualY - cdean,-eomi n., -nldai- -'ý Thon Tibby saniâuone - C.- anlai- ' Yo -bler assistance. and. whule. Màina .rail for thi 9 be'& - - v.- * Mina i-a~n tô-tho e net 8iet, and -qulckb "thîig. c0 1* ieturned wlth a doctor. who hlise m te:ià I-t o et homo. and, fer Che fi-st time fortmImad thi-e '7nightga waa maut bng-tôbed. li1e ot Jslghed'. "giave- ui)p.h -attempt te ia ae o-mn Information fromýMin.as b eail - -- gt&tieocmnnt e! Ce-dces &bd,, 1 Iûnt arived at Che conclusien,,baaed Unn ,is -bis emponience of tii. aet.frbenïhod. ri iu Cho inJnred man liai met wtl,.ihu 11et , durnie a, Street, flght,, <was conslderabiywy.a siurpriasi ai findint ;a gentlemnan with "'-'i-x, concussion e!f thé 'brain cauaod by a rew Ifor-,.wlCh ai a pelitîcai meeting. ei ., i -Tibbui would have lojit Mine, frein the- miedilci room; bnt wih.a displai- of fi-maos and to :ad " rieot n- wblch waa net, te' b. tbw*rtdo m. .1 --S'grlsiate the -bedslileei, rgrsai ci-es wanderinc from Clve's acetOe h. -'.Re Ji -docto's. -tin ho mii ade lii -egaainaneiln."Dm ]afin ànm - --,no; -I think iat. Touc wn tto 1 heurg.'à ye eXu muai kcep hlm quiet. I1 shAl wîe%ý -w'vnt ime bot watei-and 'orne lêe.. Ou. la-tori-fi et i-eu go tte Ch. oint.-Jlie, l'11give ,lieco vou en eor for hlm/' - -lE MineXJA &Mo' O Mfli Cite- nàa a m i-nàt..ta, à eeodni - age if <lie - wero about Co i'ht abs lai eonOclive orns~ a n -hus i Eieigl i troot; but *e os4egi t,,htly. .Thi. lenging-tCe Br.. an dE1u1 r;i-bbing Ida heisa 1 ali rwli. 'vent eut. Tliby «- bonnet on. and zle, ekn 'bleit o CetCe feori," she a, wiaper. "We'ro sahort o' yenk W, and Id joie mi-place -il I'stop- ri', ll send up te.lanilady- Bhow*eibei-self -a good aoit--whis taId Mina aILnýet fierol' I can e. Oh. leume. - Tib-by Ii.fI'vent send Elis&efor, ber.", er's gaitat go te hig Ceaching.'- sa Co bo kepi quiet; she will Cal.," Mineacrnestîr. 'l'Il -knock en ror i-un down. Oh. do i-eu Chink L't trust hlm te mePI,]know what 11 - ho in,," seld T-bby griunly. -"o Bd1 i--lips minceý,- ester- - W.blte - a . -Itboot." -' tea - put soiuefôo4, any. ahi.." br oXela Mixna wlCb é&imnateie. .-Oh.. bave ag t e, ýl'il dba ve the me~ f-I i-u vii-lot -me rrom, one te theeothîr yul'h en bise to tue,-loi 0276 S-aved Bodl Stop byE coma te ireg element in ove-y» tuac Obhristian IJ cf the Fre ciao, hie $i experiments noua, every may-be kept Ina- other -i without ,It wbhch ha the .Recently ment was si which-for1 would' in f% jerity eaadi the Iite ofà artificiali3 > utei after a] pai-ently ce the. min1 -duiig the. the-meebani uinautoinati- gçee .eyond S -work, - - - -- e dulgo la ti.ad Fôrty-sewe t@'er hei--«lt i-yl 1,- rather o'ihis t. - oil s akuo'wn as lîuelo e - e toe bin eoeme ln ont Gentral, saai. Tihe Bhani )b.4 us m indi L-h I- oii'puied itýa i remov IfUTBE your - e6a .rmn~rt .op~ eon iêneaf mu stx,!rmco.-- i ~ *of sugar' and ci .o uî Brueli a. dusty hat wf'th ' bit O <,me beUno", do-,jumiý Iec&use a-woman wa a ~ ~ î. m n~ ~ r~ ~ Coôk ntiî'thé -miÏture' tllîken' iblack velvet dipjed ini alcho i m rried. A wo !Da 3I ought vo es im etaingmd at thethen iadd .two -table p oscfgan: .To' rrevent m1où'he k~ ot dress asimu h--or more-fr her be don. id stoo& b.twemn2me and tbem. ulated- gelaýtin- soaked inone-forththe 'cheese thilyk with butter. husbýi4 a &I Lor her -,eweetheart; LO, t. 00 IU s7011.. nchip.cold 'water. Assoon as the, er:aeIDS'dadae btufru~ey !a wi-wa - m yure n go elatix i dissolved remoye frombits cf Orange peel when baking. ,wivei fai to realize' , h. fore-iî not Most WOU~ ilkn anbt"o :,r 0UaD etan hnthe mixture begiùs Soda and'wa'têrmake agood an-'won i earth who"&n-net SPreý ton uinutm idstyand hie unnaturally to thîeken add ôüe;-half cup whîp>, tzseptiro waîli for bruises . nd cuti. q quarter-of , an hour every' day té andi an cmc s b«àne un 1, br ,pathr ith ped cream,- whites of thre egsTurpentiê ýaùd olive nil mixod ke'eping thos.'hair:glousy, ber handi reading of betné1 wai defle. h eaen p îlicody tiff and two- iike an' excellent f urniture polish. trimn,' aùé ther "êlé ' et' li. if'the 'cdd'ir he ba on.thri u -lçe'pne-,apploe ut in Veetables shouldl.always be angiN When -a-min bas, beon ac tomed fully---suffici oeoù,uw beirrst' Be xYpao u,.h~ uitabe d aàquickly a posible i-fâ tex this, fia-nce I'aiwyîbeing- rtly ý such & grasi .11f eobatle micht lokb Ml.Wh--râî sretr they are.picked. and frehi>' dressed, ho can, hardly toe' listen in e~~~:'.~ -.&.ié . tubut erving diah':-and giniiù i h hol h ipped i-white al -to dra* invidious compý.r1sûns,,husbands -ta Tbey-wem,.'fzad ,f wt glace cherries aùd slicedcVpine- of eg'g béforefrying if Yeu -would hcwevor,-muo]i le may bc bn love boredom an' eet ,herh tékit carsp. thes nâ roken It &neeesý aré, Tlier&de iki theýdot' Bbie à .-Dry l arp OY- . An cordinareo- Wth hie owkenfel Jikthihedî .te iled? Optera à excellenrt.for s 'pn u ho Pffeinds Out. tebeagoc ki ther lwou't,'Ua n to r soulteri, dip ini olive eih and brèadsrpn out -* Whe cmo -nig o,1frlbtw ke a bord o!. wild.'anmalwf, crumb. .Put a ablspon -copkinig C es~--I ete dcomme n tieree ferl3T bu wo ou like on'e uwst he-awa il heyio SaIt.wifl tày drier. ia humid wea- wmat rpalitra n'e,. le 42r rhf-Olmoir i n - cafn ds we vr h hesarsaire: oove red bo--terow-axx4 their hueband's -ra h irt ina . tamtee. ipo> put' ha ýthe oysterî -an4-fry te a-go:- e 'fte saer. hýarýmr'e..-I gy l rb mmte be Ibere. laa7P '- when ît nu4 I~~~ ~~ weeue d~h~-' dan bprôwu. Serve. <w.a toist wth n s. '-fo h> r nrid ilpoa 1 lwe valut Cad I et e t eo.mddcrteiihA pnlic aking sdaadded te be al riglit for the first oix- pienthe happT r a arîe.Inll tand -iste be, bo led wili -ore -;cf wedded1if"- tr-_ n it 'wil "< to !r seeoul Dt a,*,vent ifs cuvëüdlinïg. -be dedeeédly telrve-A tact-, tay d , ~ i g is ~ ne- hh d ~ m b p te - d u t g lass c a n be " h sed isfi w l l n a m a n a g e t e k - e u h u d n . ~~ ~ ~ ng e-h a 'ë cli third, ec ve11holtished d àid drul. 1ié n anibis wteù lun o eai tomnet th 'in 'Tcen keep rugi firom rolhing -up it mc cflejim.Wt brc woman OWe pride, ct -the- womau -ir tb. aé àdrmoetahtihIi -té corners se*w: a heavybe -îl«hbiu ts ts ere"ôon.,thiat 'the man she iieyi j~ye jpeat until suffiient ,apples - reo ah onio~t~dr5d:wcman canno- t givet hoseiuciabove this,- thedih ~ elimad: e'jut s yýit mae - 'My U ailgbut self sand ber n ha-a ish&4' aen ft «e m d ui oidr t ýn e -1 . d't w te, -t 'bs'u, f e j ell , olusin rut as ysod teet a hr e h byùa d ofè acr C. ~~ applês md-serve.ac- - gazad hI~ot"utad siighéil id a reat eief e . be vo soS ur1 m-aaei ie." - On--,<<ek re pye aî uuîhsrao fb i 'g frui t h poue nte tr e datora-brifuecld Agic. ~~c 'b. eonUhued.) rice; I "aih 8 yelk>wer than th e edmacrons srea tickinevo dy. rspet nrdnare admdcenain - he -top.byan ft a prtin hvhh woeomla- U-mt -ci ole rencutrreeyyitelligence. -t wr n y .e Two J[oundrslici-s uddigrisquant Sett equlmnte t itWhppd crËem; recpe. - dn-it o aier tek aay '- et yha cognze iatther isan e , worh stewe figi -spo tse wbsich inotî prei its cnktsy ve w oes h mtes. o h .awr a-l tie~ lnn nvdulridtesoe dcokdwth e tp i asroety en ccurrence Sdmli thé gaphde-aa 'ut R »STîntAnd sat fror'dinatle- wa' te a -piste - ented. - ar - gle-boncutr-eeyayitllgne.- Ant o n otie of- lfeemy th Cnwy cookis. - Oneàoegg in ep a bit cf eut lemon noir tci - - - - - T tire-our)sccpsu.ron-hloinnd ib isue o ra il e Hý, erid.Doctrs CAlrour tiiasiinallyaif Oy wiwculdihave tlien rPalsc le-tk:e--té irr aae Acadmy o MO coc-'kr S rigt i- nL-&eY ait. itl uattO funtinefeoscius - hm-ig nt o wi-e lth m Ifntheeovenùhittoo:hof ilter pim1-cu A <d7 Atr enn cae.it, seta Sparcf 'wteres - ete UPh ly sintilo -moinPtfourramothsl i, - he s ver tah-esid tnsakeeI wll eet1 bres.dsz thrat -cein a -ueop, whtch he was unorn theus[Mr. . rowrnc ing. - iýj t otn- n,-W^nv-bosi-matr-*flcl.Sedyuo ~hat unde6y abo thhag Humphry, for tiiibeine'Ss'onetAnshotanfdb1otttngpaper laid un --th- iiiniida tedae, tn ndertked i helinn8ov-a ! ureuss miietnmif pri-o npa io utwter, to-ate. s-cuo beswaîlitsao ctheo d fromhe ato 0 rakale tamite-ki mdy ook-s.tainens. uceessflly , teptodCarrel, grene egg, one eup cf on-h Commeknd f terSaîxerabbe othe e -sae o a o etw ad one-ofoutb -e u ý_ -pso lur coal fyu*u ae te fouroteaspeonfulsnbakingt Ifder the of a srtcohot able whii - wo -heursBave oinschou-a- An oer- i teaspoon if sat M' -m ake inoek letnw.pnofater 7 an aed ýn-obltean Was erv-oer ,t aucest fipe 'aY .esAei- te keIill ee mt )at iind- oi 12 mi- tr berrhs,> et ý. fw ne a a1i a sfihn lwwa saètisfi .e;bu no-uî.- uf - otWtr fomurains rer.ul withn~ cosciesuee co-hit c uplul sý c ngi.o îk thr.E.-huibfiewsig hysol ha ubefithte-hnsnto un~~~~~~~~~~ cfhh liYeudheikp b~igcfe n uars dOnen emdoteli oidfra uttat-oc fetac c ation, finae irthSi gelatiahrçy, vd-aran Sre rtholn red hro ugh auhan- -m h - OénB<sa.In-->de -0teables or - houxthen -doubleoinr - - a juicy, tnerropt o4f irdslerv wtrem -tlg s ~~dIWa Bu.'-cok-emm-ii rouanigtmeo r'i.wabt xé bdywîh t jitasn . theSW «UJ7 - - - elIn .ven. la thý Waut tOe fioVrsuface of seatchechaesth tablerm te *ekfat-oo athembae of a sonribe our emme' ir themea b-in deteder:haarigr-rubngwtvse tohte-os te Bhisaand on e- *woeaBpcon ouf rt iifik ii hçutemic -Isîdja. , -; - - and bael Lase. Y ew-grda n cake hwt~n.o~zl dsrn-'o.m tsa~zWmI as,& heoe atan g ~:a.Servuo! iauce' ofd wae e sîittleboined off te I 1u' ne mngi-e foe-12Ã" nain-y- tr---b ata saiths 4yetoc. ie w di-pi f até ai- utonure r ' p-l-eold WaterI-*WaU itsr bears. - iig Tbo soid etîie 'ntira.'- ilJJlaini îe -oI -cOtr,ýdi te teM PRFCIO Séelss b"Suocesa', 4ý' - a, -Pl id laek-of matereet-.- 7 Esary for a. vife: te ntri-ve- id -housekeèýer -certain L_ len Wheo sarifice al out-t st' te thei- - luse --xake' stake-s, inistalie wbiIV iyý lead te yoears- ef un-: [gr 'whti they can give. man, married or single, ei- rte make tie very, seIf asi slimple.duty te. geneèrai but a iiiar-rièd es a particular duty te i l a s ni i-i le , v e r a n di b9-make the bstC et lier- S abilities' in overy way tho ceet oif some litti, tan ..entered, a baiirieso--' Ahtod the barber toeuct a mod. Te; barber set d oempiet-ly cnt ali lis te gentemmïi looked- un- ""Why on eartb did your l1k. that?"ihe demand- it aa you ordered -it,)' àe bai-ber.- ~ u d r S c sy- 'eu wiit-ed it li does Krcihé ~ ýoudW"-ie-n uuufr leie biid ,T,4o s burt blm! Thov aren't fit te hi-esChe th@ -but ne *âme air vitii hlm 1 -. Oh, Mine.. wla.n - i-ue - 'ent in,il nunprobsrod il.. sd aw lier ]ter hulm, 1 thonit I 1ahouid cche! And-ila- Clive * b a igoed. se kind! There. th4ere, dou'i -ery eatleus en gIJrrl." iThere were ne tears C in r <ai on t -eye, theuglib is 'vore runnlni aver- end lm. niu lie ied te -urnaawyý, "le'bi 1 il hrougl, i: <1gb5le1 i' -se!qg aadi brave 1" oi la br Whenêever yen bel a içu NAu.DRUuÇ9COÇ Vsiop-'namcapies prorxnply> plýuni. morphin, phenactIn., NAT5ONAL hUUANDONCIS MC remove' A ilice' MCHER zi

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