Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1913, p. 8

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'To ulori am cuga&uuLn1 tu-,m .. rorme uxs r«xoejuSpte SniIth, of Oshawaî were receut vis-1th .hous1 they labor la ttor:e .ivth Mv. and Mrs. A. 0. E>* bulld IV' jla part ho'e W llott. le a bulider. A building lu Mrs. ýGrills, we are sorry to report,- toM purpose-beaut-Y, u13111 bas bepa ilagala. duransd .1 eil *eQ *e ee ...ran.Se e *eap... -ALUt! SAlUT! We have-just roce -ivto cars ofinsd .putý up in cloenw barrols and -bIge. 'OP, if yen reuire sait. W. i-H. ELViSS,1 coarseo salit il Botter leek us Brooklin Are. making a name for themselves. We, are stilf placing- them on trial, and we would like yu- to try one ini that hard fieid. Positivçly guaranteed to plow haid ground anid -We also are- at 'lowest ,prices. eiof aal e» MIchals,. and,,AU Afls1' ouren, >4 Kelow"saÉBC., in 'whlch the mar- Ilriage-took--place. The happy couple spe 1 t tbeir heuo ou l inVernon, B. J'~. W. 'Copelauti, o!, Dayton,Oho ýpurchiiieda bottle oe, Chambçrlals's ýÇoehRemedy for.h'ieboy who' hadia I I. plow it"right. offrng'all kinds of farrn implemien t& Bixten iUj@f L addrs ýai 20 1ct t grfoot Any Iength up to- 32 ft -Beaty Litter Carriers Gwmraey -Oxford stovfes, Etc.. Etc@ Give us a calI. iID. PHONE.B ION SALE J3îosesBu~ esCutters, Robes, ar1mess, Etc. the Property of xaÀI àù fie-Prgl Go. (LIVERY STABLE) B3ROCK8-TREET NORTH, WIIITB3Y Snuet-beSOd Maokey, -X-athleea -Bentley. J. HfARVEY, Teacher. Township CounciL.ý Council met Gou mondïi, oct.-6. Ai modmbers pre et.Rev inthe chair. Minutes of the Iset4eelting reati ani omuncation frein .F.Wilson,- Markhamre. Meeting on, Wednesdsy, 8th _ most, to hear te report -of!Hy- 1-&0. Electrie Commission on survey Usdte ô a cI.Wa~54s- guV@ ola j a e edl usedtheboys cod 'as ene.la hat A numûber o! -accounts were psst net better tfian- to _pay a :qve dellav'asel doctor's bu? F or<-,Sale bhy aIldeal- rPaymçut. ers-17. uthre-Rwemoveti that- the clerk- -' le 'ud s heebyautorized tÃ"wtite enine7Cale, !th'C.P.Ry. that 'MVRTLE STATIONý :,- tjgConcl - rpae1 t belt Mms. F. E.'Harrison, e! Toronto,> uecessary.-etops a e gemett vlste atlIe hme<>tlia. TDrdi(U,.have that -portiofe.tQ -rsd --. -andi csfléeàon"mauy friendsa who were tween- lots 32 .u 3,con. 3,'- ex1tend-, anJ glati t<; e her.,-' $nç ro hcrsu .gWthe third MisJessie Diolceen .bau returned, concession, sud that portione!-o It home atter viiting finonde -lu Cli- tbir.,& concession- ,'betweeu their rgt cagQ. o etway .anti divýertet road,.closeti- We [Mms. eorge Sinilli, oet Mchlgau, aise ýdenire'. yoX- company te LraIîîfer ,-vlsited ber nphwMr. L. ToriftoVh unicipaity thàt pýortion 'et lait week.. 'lot- 31,* ô c n é ucessary-lor, dÏiriion,, *The prOceede o! the récent Harvest oet Bailey!s aside - réati. e aIse ý.- H-omae feéstival -amounteti te -8130. f ireý the -P4yMeut ot -$IO.,'00;-belng9 lits. G ,Gr 'ftrie ant . i Mmý. J-. Quinn Istipulation agreedti tefor permissionw ,motord oTor one'ou day Iat 'of 'certain CItanteàof abutments, aS 1week. - fper resolutien oftIisCouncil, autho: Jsick headache is causeti by a, di*- lZlItg tWo saine., We further requèst' ,ordered ntomqIt. Tube Obamberlaisnyen te !nrisb-' u 's .withnecessary cep-. 1Tablets u corc ItIaaitels tb- ansd notices for the' Iteadacl1es 'wildisapea.Fersale elosing. " by IldeaSr-17 ' Guthrie-Rowe-moved that the clerk, be authorizedtot write the G.T.R. Ce. ln regard te arrangement et said $100 IN GOLD. companv itaving their cressing be- - --' ' - 'tween loti 20'and 21, con. 1, -madie satisfactory fer-public tramei accord- 'j lg te rnling o! Dominion Railway Commission.- ]Guthr-ie-Brown-moved- that a grant et $25 be erpendeti lu repairlng Mîl- nerth ot Pherrlis Pend, work te lie doue under supervision et ?Reève and Councillor Hall. Iw <eyl gi've one Itundreti dollars in gold-ti- le sy 'man, woman or chIld that, canot lie hueetetihy -Slaie 1bair tente. W. are anxlous -te have everyene try Sageine fer we kew 4t' !î eestnthair tonteltaIlias {ever beau' discovleet. Sagaelueyl posltively cue su tcby scalp,bliing -l t to du11 Sadeti har ,Êan d t ncheW t o Ut s , l e n g t . , S a g e u e l n w - l*talable lii Witby, asud la seltiunder i.a gurauce te pl4as e. A large hottie et , Sagelne coule but 50.coe.. Be c ure- te go te J.E.WWs drug store *for' otber stores dou't have Sageino. MYRTtE. At ime o! writing Mn. Richard Bligit Ia lu a very eitical -condition. AIl hope fer a speody recovory. *MisDoris 'Ostertog, o! Toronto, Io visitllg aI Vthe Bkileoue., Mr. F.W. Hotigson returneti romaný extendeti tnIp te 'teé,West las eek. A unihebrA'frni lboreattended '»-the, suivrareer'vices lu Brookliàu o Sunday anti Monday.' -Mr. Oliver Lane returued. frein Man- 4Iotba last veëk. Mr.7 'ana -repote*i West te lie a fine- couubi ry, buýt its net l lie compared wlth fait-OnDtano.- Hlem. is a vwoman wItv speaks -'frein peusenal kndw dge 'andlbtg epr P~n a., wli o p ys'" 'kno# tou, - expo j1an e that Cbam horlafi's Congh , Bemnety l s ar, superlor te suy Cther: PFor croup ltéea la not 9ngthat elir cls lt. For -sale by- al dealers.-1') AUDLFIY.1 Farin sales are lte order co ethe leas moevet i nto t~ iorth ofthe oe ITED-0 FontlU -*î AGE-s S-eAdit c of fruit and Ornemenital stock, for Eaul delivey, 1913, and Springideliver, 1914. Start St '-Once"- sud secure -eiêlusive territory. We supply handsomne frec ouift ansd pay highest commissions. 'Write for fuJil particulars. STONE & WEWNBSTON TORONTpï -ONTARIO TakeNalFj¶?roslao PétrsonW Mention.ý m&r. C. Selden, left ou Saturdaiy'1as -forlà ViinluColdwatcr._ Mv. T. >HILý -Ciy ton,, et.. Teroate was -lu- tewu ,on. Satilrday lsV ýMisAr 4!;ttansn petSuudayý sund MôndaX at her'home here. Mis i)isyJones, ot Toronto, spent the'week ei With ber parenti ,Mr. J.H. James- aud -son, .How.Ufý were iu St. 'Catherihà n es ound -R eV. '.A. McLean .l n eterboro bhis week attènding -te Baptfist! Con- -vention of Ontario aud Quebec.f' Mr. lIra.H.H. BIaÃ"k and 'çb$dýen, 6V [Toronto, bhave been vis[tlng with Mn. Mr. and Mrs. E. . Grander - ad hiýldreu, vime have beenviàting in town, left ou Monday for, a trip te Ncw York., Mms. McXLeod (nec, Ruby StepW- ensn) o!EdontnAlta., iS' on a, visit 1 w.ititr b- parent4, Mt. -and- Mm., E. Stèphengon;' ' lit aid, Ms O. ) if Fner!eflun lonville, metoretiteWhty sud spent a- day with Mr. and')Mm. W-.. Hlenderson, recently. Mr. W.- A. -Hfflday -was luCobxF couk. recnty, ai dreporte, that ôouý bis return trip to Whiby, a distance- e! seveuty *ies,hh atite ride."on iive dilferent trains, chauglug f-our tÛmes., This -certalnly scèma 'te be a record for short distance, traveling.". x~uuuîiuujorue 'omeewou ou- The receut announcement by'-Pest- F day, November 3rd, at eue o'ciock. master General Ptileiier tht wftb G cthe New Year the parcel Pont 'would Retun flatofho begun lu Canada makes of' the tween ntii e ' inmins te 34 -reates intret'linfeoratibn vo- Ani nth century. -gar4,te lte way the stem in la ork- Mich., Our 'ferefathoie ,weve ias 1lutbe Unitet tates,,,where. 'itFaIls enions- aucelaborsteoe1eheit~t afc an~s~e,.js,~ Mi M as they wer.i rlht sort le avaalei nateo It's your ewn tanît If Yeu grew lte United St9tes,~aperiug' lu Tau Octc 'bald, 'at 35 as thousands o! men do- .Country Genteman o! October dth. Albert yeï! sud >wenieli aise. If you have Given the place-o!, houer- lu the Mest 'PaulaÈ dandruiff t i. hecanne the germs are excellent tarin paper _cailngtb ai 'already deveuiring lte very life etflte te oldeal agrlcuitural journal lu the Wlm hum ..at its reets. wenîd-tbe wrtter dtaim It- ine*d Kil these-gerns with Parisian Sage j'the origin ef loer pstg otig pr sud stop- daudruif, itcbing scalp sud compares in tremendous pessibilitesu Returi !al'iing hair in two weeks. Of tsocial anti .eneio developinent Tiro It's guaranteeti, yeu know, tItis de- ote h.parel .post.- '. Especially valtu.Carýs a lgilLul -sud r*.rIlng Parisisu Sage able wiil It lie .te -the fariner. Ho pute charge, tihaî is u"W sold alilever Canada, It tinls trongly-"'The - mallerder aboved su i lt dees net prove better MahÃ"buse tat, slps its thous4ncltet r. The anty other hait toute yen evr useti, tons receles' ne rebate; andi enjoys h h get youv ,mouey baek. 1V puts lite ne advanlage ltatIs aneshared nlywinni] sud-bany nto dull, fadeti haIr. by, the.- p-toda t tame !ïwIt m v li LargZe bettle aC A. H. AlJin's and kets bis -produce by Parcel poat." -, Mru drnÉggsts everYwrhere. Regular price Se - ,auoesf4l,. a1ready--lsîAtiu l te" 50 cents. n_______uighborlnç -,râpublie ltai tic '<we'ght ToWnL îilowed te ie cë"'arii lias bien in - 30 DÂYS' CAMPAIGN. * cresed ifrelèv en te twety pond - elegu sud lte rate p o! çtae lowere_ -olt Th amuly Heraldi and Weekly eiderahly. Over' ther ewataf Star, o!. Moutrea, are making an ur-.:eaÛ,seti ,fer fit bon cents î hall-bush- gent' appeal tc tIteir presentiunbscn(b.. el' 0et potatebes -or otar- vegetables, -rs -tesud, lu renewal snbscriptlm sas welî sfuts !aLusg1 e 4urlng Oetober sud relieve the. enor- ly consmr ,1.lu - t, aer frier1 mous msI ,uh t-lte close etlIte year. Practlcaliy becomes hbis o*n -mail-or- ' 'I na raouberègnentt. roin ader .hoe. No snc b beneficefit reve- - ewpptlà', ucIt'great demani, -anti lution 'as parcol' peasit han cc$me lute sbobeshave itethlng te o l ye nv ýurciviuzatiou uluoée-ýpeny - postage i3O1ngwe complYing.--TIte, FaMlI-Ierald and i vas :glven to, the wvend; ' Week1yStar, lu lookiug--rfor_ a"n ge season 'lbhii 'étfore . ~~ fgr- - ,,~,, -"". - ItdId Tte'wst idéî etfB=rs' nink -hàs, J' big~ douar s, wonn.- --f No ' e of heebyio Not cela >.vhygiven that a 'couir-- wilib heeld ,pursuant t t-fiioh -Voîersl-Lists Adt, -1WHls-'Hiouôi, lt4 jutige etf the, CenuùMty Cour t ,o- te Coun'tv ni .Ontau-in_ ..#' INVISIBLE ~Our BifOa Len ses -are ~reallY, two le1ses tvetded into' on Of&le dios. pn*ce per pair, 5o Special grouùnd, 7.5a F. Et LUXE R,"l 19 longe St... TORONTO -SINGLE FARIE' Godgig. October 2oth. Returu ARE AND ONE-THURDI >od geing Octeber.1.7, 18, 19, 20. rn Limit October 2Znd, 1913-.-Be- rail stgtions in Canada east of Port iv, alVp te Detroit andi Port Huron, _dBqiftalo, Black. Rock, - Niagara su' npension rigel . )u <]hargeN .5)7. iober JL4, 21, 28. To Manitoôba,. .a, askatchewan Via Chic' , t ând'Dufutli or Surn-ia and Northeruf ration Ce. InuIpeg- and Retur., $35.00 Imenton and Retur,,. 43.00- ?ortionate* lew rates'te other points.' i -lisait twe0 monitbs.- rnih P ulîman Tourist Sleepn te operated -te Winnipeg witliont e,, leaving. Toronto 1.0pn.o dites Grand Trunk Paciflo R'aii#ay la irtestanid quickest roùte between [pet, Saskaýeop,,'Edr4tonto.,r dIs nov 0où eales't ail Grand icket ýOices, sud especlally E. ý STEIP-HENSON i - for aT ATIGRI OIn SOnth- -7-18.I - --1.15 P.m p.:» )r- Oshawa at 10 Tom. Holdei, pro - ai ipro, ait .- W. wish to acquint the p. rWhtby and surroundiug couiitr th fac1 that we have opened up Claselaundry on' Brock St., Whi ,Heiris Br s.'o4tre. We are prepared to do ail ki I andrywor. Family orders a e i atenio . Ai 1Cr guay. Parelsa1~<j orand delivered. CalsWar - W iltbyt riu IL Write to.day for the C ataio1iue c they It-wMl help you to decide.- Thiai whol is- Me are prout, ità srecrd. Studenta7 admltted at any tiiue. 'cor. Yonge @Md i-W. J-.Bllont, FOURLEES "Soranton Goal,." "Youghlogheny Steam Goal." "Bin3le' Grass Camiel,*Goal."' "George Creek Smlthng.Coai."p No- Coal- to eqùal -hese. Scranton for ranges, heatersand furn- aces. The best-clean, bright and ýdty. Cannel for fire places and grates. -Youghiogheny -for steam.' None aIr~ better George Creèk for aU. kini of sniith- ing work. Fresh nm141ý. We lead in qualityýandquantity. Bell Tel. 9. HAVE_ YOU made proývision for emnploymgent during the' Fail sud WMuter monthe or- do' yon wiah eteadY remunerative work'lrthe yeaarf« thrugJi, Write un andi secure ont Agenç's- terme.- We offer the beet i the business..-- Psy'weekly, free ontfit, excluive terri-. - Over 0U0 Acres under otiltvation. Establishei over 35- years. A reputation for high gradt stock, sud lairdeahng.A siesman ceaumake moeyr e , fo u.We wsnt an ener- g Oelabe for W hxàbyandvicinîty; orteirms, wiite P>elham Nurer Co., torot o nt. NB-eecatalofg n equeat.-5. Itoard's 8Bus -Lino C forag eademin g. a r eo!frfeigit, vans fou, pl«easopartie., etc., wil reoie.O= rery bout attention. Jlu-salivey iu conneotien. 'Phone No. 89 - Pu mp - Manufacturer Sho» suqd Reaieénce, Dundaa Street 5r.. doÃŽes woaê .1wbbytpus W. am repupsud 1>lsg1io frm po uebont uls h t" 0F TH AND T Draggq Brock 8 lprofès Dr. W, The Case o * consultation At W]htby 'uef JNO.1 -Barristeri office south Ofrie, Broc JAMES a _11ouey -Office hnunt Rtreet, e ýdates ppl LICE Ai- kindi gales- at tii Bell sud Garpente Reprs Aeut! Box 467ý mot empio sud do i l perm saVe jby RIGIn ,Phst 1 I 1r»0 à F U@LRm -M "4 '4 '4 &-ROTIOA L UNDERTAKERS, *Cb~rge. mode:ete r : 1 : -MÀk]RKETING'BY'MAIL. - iio-m'e Tel. i4. -;

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