Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Oct 1913, p. 8

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aarw IiIighté 19 "W -- the. letro.liguie ? power at tbe front,. ý ;walt soIlg to ejq the oity and $hoap Il joyiug the pr'vlo, mia e ir boum e re.' * a strong drluig'eard A . Iaýgt-congregatii at St. -Thomas cliur evun.Thiswau Rer Me~ Pletclier, of" ed the rector, Mr. Mu] tor preached a 'stresà -g al thé speskerfu houl from earliletlta the astrongiiolde at chu cati command effective. learned ta obey. - Those vlsiting- th ti tbe holiday were * -Mr ýMt. and Mrs. W.J.--T-il Leader, Mrs. Balls, IM Ltlve, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. UPrI Bavere, Mr. and' Mr -Lathmare and chldren * - Mrs. Cockburn, al'of. MaÈgge ' Bingjiam, ô f IrvIng Rogers, of!. E *and MWssRu!d, of-' EGiIils, o! tue'O.L.O.; ÎW.E.- Robson and gras r lI, of Annauneerneut --la mae lu asothor part ofet t'pi pporo! tÉe. marriage of Rer .W.M.,I*Aig, pastor- ai the Pres- byterlan churahes at Breolil and -sul piçasai t ,'sake. and mua and ea r Uè Iin-lueffect. For ale by ail'dears. a to MYRTLE. In That Mrs. John Bright bas iield a warm place in tho esteem ad alfe- tbe !t!ens of the. people, was abunda ntly oê t aafiested, when on Friday ' o!' aut to iveek somne ftfty of the ladies of Col- ree.-Imbus, Raglan, .shburn aidMyrtie, bJ-aàembled at-"hek beautiful1 home and, is presented ,her % wlth-a purse omilal- inmig 111ty dollars. SProcisely ut three. o'clock, a! ter t.e ,ids Zuts., had. arrived, Mise Tena Boss, do readý thé, following .,addre, whle- C-olumbus, so XuesMiggs.resGoorth. for tîem. "The je8 la Canada - isa bi rs. ueonge, srnre prrese nte 'pft The marziage took place" ut the home Ilous to beCoine a Can adian, and 1 Tolira. John Brlight; et Mr. and-Mns..W.S.-Morth. the- jqulck te bmate his 'new îelghbors. We oyu vsion'f par oe uier- bnide's parents, on Wednosday' of last Tee ofien 1't ls.the vEeès o! tbose ho i nosinainetyu hm ' week, , the ceremony belng conL-i cornes'la contact wl-th ihat-he learns;tis >lmt o! s poclal stress of wàr, ducted by Rest. Wm. Woce, O! Ami- àndhis adiiereneo tè the religion of' > ;Orevery moet 18 PreclOus andi buru. Mr. Hàlg has won the res#et 'Judah Jin, weakened. Some weni as' hauld' be utlized to'e ifulet 'ex-- and high regardip! al obu asCOrne the Je* believes lathe Cffa t.etnt. lu contact with, la the two years ho edaidlua W moralanaid religion jOur explanation i. -thaït.havliig' ha ee n rrndtad i , u mai, why net love rhlm as ie 'j' heard o! your,,early departure fro oere goad w-lshes of ail are ex«tekded To ihils the. speaker ndo aaswei, IOur neighborhôod, we, your o14 ta hlm and hls bride for applnes. la 'hat"thene migbt be, seme agment nelghbors aid, friends, knowlng, you- theli~ lite tagether. Miss.-Goforth bs 'bu i 1!tweJew wee 51et aloe" 'ifrom nfaec u,and approclatlug y6ur been until reeputly. engnged ln Met- Iu other reppets. Bit- ils ,c-t- t 1 exl eiit quailities o! mlid aid, -hert, stiary and -Hospital werkatSfteî n, 'wth civIlIsation bas net bssii -fer bis your 'womaaly virtuos, am an d in Mai; 'She 18 aniece o! Bey. Jonathan, bebterment lnu mai>'ç'ays. Thore are.ut aàil times .te iilp lu any worthyý Golorth, oeeOf the Pioneeri ssiOn- threeeoutatanding .reasous tortle e-'cause, wbelther it bê W - neighboýr lu ______________________________________________ jtroubl, tii. -abbatIl"'Sebool, cor oran'church-enterprise,yurea- nes uever>' good word, aidwork.; emberlig fr an paet .your la-ý IýTHE 1ARGIAIN 8110ESTO b.i r-ro! love ydlaeshpl a> acdvtes, we your friends coul! ',not We have. ou hand a comnplet. lineo o!al tlat tye n al i permit you tota tke"yurd>,nir WitrBoots ae Bjrgarn Pnices. Item -Our mIdst wi'thoutexpnesing in We ane selling aIl kjnds oi Rubbers and Rubiier Boots ut very some slight *,waWur appreckablon -of Close Fricot. ' AL SLCTD your, wotth an i ract)rý.LA a token A * LSOCTD o! aur regard an! esteern, please- uc- R. B. i-I O R - cept ttus purse, which tua>'b. a souv- enir o! eur happy nelations forn-se Successor ta F. N. Burns t nany years,, and ns you go te the BROCK ST. NORTH, -' WHITBY, ONTAR o ity which la te be your future home ma>' a kim! providence '-graciously pre- - ____________ serve you and your famii'. "Aid wboen .~the evenlng of lite cornet rny your suntet be Édoudiesa, aid then corne Si- i T ]' .e'j tthe reward, sharing thc threne S IaL Eternal. We have just received two cars of lin. and coaresat al lrs. WeIr, -of Port.Penny, wuas put up -in cdean, new barrels and bag. Botter look us guesuatndLe rsonCampell*ad week. up i yeu require sait. r.ndlr.Gnbeladag- W . il ELVIS , _ jroo~u~fl day ai'the borne of lin. O. Downey. W 9,_V r o ln At the. urne o! withng Mn. Rich- ard Blight 18 lmprovlng slowly, ***~ *4** ***~ *!* *~~* . ass' ètleen, Hodgson aid friend, -MI"ss Pugiee>, o! Tenante, apent at week ut Gleniodgaon. - Miss Lulu Downey, o! Tenante, vis-, ited frIenda hon. aven the. holiday. Au Ideal day aid twe- persuasive auctloneer, Wm. 'Mnw aid Capt. Robson, male. Mr. John Bright'a, AýU£ I0N SÀ Ialea splendid success lat week. - F--- Cugh Rerne!> for bis boy who ha! a cold, and belote the bottie wusa91 CatterS uaed the. boy's9 col! was gene. Ilat DU~~1eSnet betten tlian ta puy a lite dollar1 Hor esdocton's bihl? For salebj ail deal- Robes, a'riess, Etc. ers.-17. --- the Property of ~~ lexndr prglGo - (LIVERY STABLE) KR <STETNORTII, -WHI ing from the Livery Bu;sness, m itlung must be so&' 12o 'clock. sar M YTLE STATION. Wihthse -.rernovai o! Mn., an!d1fr.. Harrisan-tram" Our inidst, ithe ciurch loses two o! iii bust members. Afi are torY sor>'to _partntwlh uch_ royal frieuda, fer thelr lc u ti ýCommunlt>' la- han!- te flli.-Befon.: their departureý the:flefg dns was tes! b> ' Ilira. J. Dlckson,'81"d a 'preseutation made b> Mns. 'R. chiii, ToiMns. . larSrlseti:' 'etic memnbera o! tii. Ladies' Aid' et -the lieiiodiat' cucMyrtle, bat- ineg - onni!oo!your ..enni> nemovai !nom- our 'vl age çnot permit 'you te take yaur departuré without xlan in , sorne .;.mal --wn'y oeut preciailea- 0! y-our- chaitabqe -work. W-th ' ýmemlbers and- President, of Sunda>' Schoel and-at ail churci a.e.. vlées >'ou', bave'been lu ypur, place, adi t yOýur' Poe. We -ml -,Ureatlv Ta always notioeabk because o! her hair. Sageine ,la sthe life of 'course, dry_ unattractive hair -and biùgi beauty into the bair by suplAying' the essital, ualtles, 'that, hve , -been robbed !rom the bair'by 'dandruif and other diseasew of tb&'scalp. Sageine -is the only " dresstng of its kind and la fre e m any dlsagreeable oils etc. Bo iwmmon ln haiT tanlcs: We guaratee Sageine, .and- J,. E. -Willis saya : If -Sagene woeu't stop tchi of the -scalp nd stop faUling hie '.or'. wlll net beauify the liair bring 'tbe bottie baeicand get ý-yqur meney. 'Be' sure to go to J., Willls'__for Sae- lime, Other M-, cnnUo t-supply yu Khnate, BrancheZo South Oxtarlo6 Women's Institts, Il meet, ut the hormeof lirs. A. Spears, Balsam,ý on Thursday afternoon, Oct . 80. W hope ,teS a - good 'tuziet of tbe womn of the .neighborhaod. Mrs. T. Richardom, Pres.; Mrs, RR. Mow- bray, Secretary. Be'one o! us and -meet- eurfionds Tiiey'aMU-waàlnt '10 end you -postqcýd aid exchange, letters- wlth -you. We hAve à liSil b! people ail over t, world. Notilng moue-pleaslng aid pina.Seàd ten cents for fulI4par- tiulrd te ICanadiai Cresod leiicê Bureau, 'ýbox 891Il ontea.1. KEEP LT --DLEAN AND PREE 'FROM DISEASE BY USING PARISIAN SAGE. Il you wait your children ta grow tmp. witi strong, beautlful and «'vigon- ous hait, teach tiern ta use Paris"a Sage-tic wenld- rcowned Hain Tonic.1 Parisian Sage is guaçanie! b>' A. H. Alla te cure daiidruff aid stop f alling hait in. twe wceks. Lt gnowa uew .mhir quicily i cases whene the, hair n l thinnlng oui." - It is posltitel>' the moat deligittu!, invigonnting -han dressing on thc market ton fainlly' use. Lt la not stick>' on greas>', aid will make your hain sait lustrous ai! luxuriant. It pute lite and beaut>' Into duIl, Inde! hait. Get n large boutle fram A. H. Allan an! watch Ite rapi! aclton, Rogular pricé 50 cents. )-ands Across the Sea. Not a #olttîe o! Thc Youti'*s Cor- paiein i ~biidthatdees -net contaisnU enof caatntbutlaaa .by B4tisii coutbîtos.- Mn. Gladtne, Klphn, Lt e4son ha eyara pa,' witefor Muis great.,famil>y paper. Dun&n11L4- th-Duke 'of. Argyl'l, Iormerly Govç"nuer.Geueral o! Canada willý have s oM'e hlng te su>'about 'A~re SoV'4êlsoha arnd char- àoterleot; Jýane' Bailow I'tell o! tihe "Big Héss o!' hxciad"; Eanruesi Shaculeten wlli describe 'thc quslies. whieh È a uaa ua explorer ;5-sr, William PRamna>', - the :te great chemit, wl'_-*,Ri.tc 1ýýupon' OWaste, an!d Row'te os, Ë siedy 4ît'; John- lurr#y,'ý wiHi teî-abàout "«Tii. DSipeet Part8sýoLthé ea1ye-"7DÈ. 'C.W.. Saeb',emilinen-,'Enghlishphysicinn, v1il -dectbeiipBeaut>' That,'a dures." Tus teoila Ç .en>' tile o! Whnt 'Tii.- C~OMPanon wl bruug its- tenders in1 WRIte. for %I G1Uýlà Ufl- ILIo U Ua ýy ne, WSfi- V ed te o 'homïe' by auy e ntable or probatin officer or officar of a Chuld-TOO reu'a Aid Society, -aid if -ater - sueh - wa 'nMng tie- chuld la found loitering in a public,-place, such chila ffiay b. taken by tii constable or officen te r #te home, of the Cbuldren's - Shel ter. (3 .4prit .w*h6 Permiti bis child to violaté thIs'seôcn shah for- thse IP ffrst offçn e 'ûuta',penalty of $ fene $2 iu d f o r ,a srd o f u-- sequent offence, $5. 8 Edw. VU. c 59, a. 19, aineuded. Se. 2. (k) "Public Place" shali men a stteet, highway or lune, whether a thonougif are --or net, ýaid a taveri- or other 'place of public t e- sont, aid, genea1qy, aiy plac e t whch the public have. or.are permit-, ted te 'hav acces. JJF . PRAISE FOË: COLONEL HUGHES. URder. he aýo_ e ading -the: o Port ýd m at- recent--Ddminion W.C.T.U. Convention iieldji Lidon., Tii. ne of a Whtby womnan is con'+ nectol prornlne.ntly ,.-thenewlth. The. Itemù le sas -foltows: l' "Areport, that brôught ;forth a great: *deal O! ,tiaictul a-Uod faIvorable carnnendatioi ai 'tic W.C.T.IJ. Dom- iioi< Conývention, yesterday ivas that prlneuid, by- Mis, E. Edmund Starr, Dorniaioxs W.C.T...Supeninteident e! departimet.of militia aiddefenoti lira. Starr -ia a pionéer worken -in til deparirnent aid tic best iioarm- -ed. wonn in Canada on thée needs of "Tommy"*Ilwhea lu camp. Alhiugi workinÉ nlong thse lines a! the W.C. T.U. she le a great beileven iu defence. Sie beIteveÎ tint man makes deteioe, not -de!onoe the mai. "«A resolution wns- adopte! expres s- ing th eartfelt thanks of the. orgai- izatian to 'Hon. Col. Samn. Hughès for al i. ha! donc ilesseaing tie drinking_ habit in garnison, fil!, ei- cnrnpment an! mess, and. urgcd a cou- tinuance ofh us good work for tii. ad- vancernent o! a defence co! houer aid puirit>' ai maihadad anaiapprecia- tien of the milîtar>' offcers. and men o! tIse,-ac aid fie tirougiiout' Cn- 'adafor klnd courtesies aid help. -"Lien report, *ich wns a review. ci! the. work accomplsi.! al aoven 'the Domingon b>' theoeparmemit, sliowed. wondenful progresmade,; ai! ibtis, wa espoclali>' mue lunthe case-o! tint cornlng tem the-prevince e! New Brùnicdk, where lins. Coûitenl ha! work.d wlti muaic cets a ýme the',mon o! tii.' "RC.R.Ail the. pro- vincial reporte Indicated -te what'do- gtee, tIi. work'had been. ntudled.'eut and hardi>' aiuecarn1pment 'but 'ha! telt li-te u se" F'OrDyopepsla 'If yen sifer Stom-iaci Trouble,, and. yùoutm7'our-remuedy, it w'tî - O TpiVe toyobatidjgem.n an l~Dniaea lsth=nulh The Cause OfixDs -ÀAdjustnen fosatic re SMO. e IFA Committy Ocffce soutlh wzg ci Office, Brock st.,Mone yuto Tta Cody, Bras. UNDERTAÀKERI ies moderate., May Sbie ntsm - Our BifocalLé'nsft are -1 ,rtOý11Y twobiens welded ita o '-oun.è oid lis. FO Pricil per.pair,' -Special groa! 75d- "o FARE AND.A) Gload going Octol Returi Lirnit Octobi t Weeu ail stations in( Arthur, alto t'o Detno Fand an!Suspenlio (Minimum. charge 2j) flg rn Tel.14 October 14, 2, 28. To N4 A1bertà, Sashatchewan, Via -thuîl Paul and Duluth or Sarnia and-1 'Navigation-Co. EdmontonaidRetumo, 4 PropoorLnatlow ratels te othe 'Returu limit two inonths. Through Pullman- Tourist I Cars are operated-to W 'imipez charge; leaving- Toronto irî.oo above dates The Grand Trunuc Pacific Ri the shortest. and quickest route, Wintilpe',-Saskatoon. Edmonto Tickets-now-'on àe aU-il Trunkr- Ticket, Offies, ad -upu Town Agent forEprsTc Telegraph Office, opposite'ý Bank, Wbtby, Ont. Teepi gt','v s e rfi % renoui wl IIUa.mifr EyrmSt.,'Whitbyo JA& 1EB mbiva iommd à utr i. L.1Iaht at ap,1' te sMlf WM LICENSBD At 1 AND VALI AUl hindio! mai"s ~ angunsiet.u < OTRAi Carpenter, Bullderý Plans drawn'aid est Repsirs,-Ateraioim 1ex67 WHIT lKarriage - 0 Wltneun m quired- i Y-w ailt MWsf a OU u~ am est. ail te lIm thfse - s Tleump ml YéM.gsULTx&j s lot -. Miii ! té ACall 501 tand Tooih S Hot Wat Fouustais, Ene -GO 0F THE FE AND T 1HE- NDBR WTRUNKSYSTEM Umm

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