Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Oct 1913, p. 2

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aîlesnd OiIat1al\itlr ab!e Il e1y ïe6d lai-t vs ifjn -Esquinat, the IÏitcric swlttly pasaing te that stage viiere' naval bas n'b rtty ltobr lIeryOu*hnfl.ssends-and -inianityrbe berabu tr. ie roi ti.ber- :9 tus;' wiep lby chance. I resa P 4jB et Victoria, Mr. Bowser, viio své Lisement e6f Dr. Wi4liams' vaws- t to l nimotnta - Pln ~ilh.- Icoiý10âs I wu rkep me. ininn vaùoouvýr ii. sasine 4eening, Cal <el them d.oing *wbe,t clctors had haÃŽt.ne.-intmb * a taxipàb and in- -14l.4. te do, but" ccncluded tint structeci the chauffeur 'edrive hlm th Wca âvs ial nipeié-hap, te the. C.p.R. vbart iii Victoria - thie csnà hérfiver, and "0Hnbr decd~dtory ttht!M omi»nTi..I -ut'ie to catch the. thetoeWvasoson an Impi'Ovementisteamer ifyou hurry," àaid the. At-. and a coentinuahce et1tthe treat- -terno-twr met ffol ~Ã"zpltecure.I Hon.\W. J. Bowmer. WU nov ae fit an ealthy as an7 "ýyeï, si-.~ ms. aj tagraefi ~hat ii -Hat ay teÙiewharf Mr' Boy- l hcky peruisal 'et suadvërtiSeen, f et'Ieôed '&15iijtc.e bogtte myà-otiý,, the. onderful. isl sai I 1'Wented t0 catch the -curatIve rpriso!D.Wl.steamer to Vanoliver," Maid Mr. iaise Pin'k Pill." - Bo» iacislvely. Soid by all'4medicine deaiers, or 'Tes, ir," the.ohauffeur replle<l, by nýail a e50cnte a - boit or six but ho negleoted te do anytbing te boxes for $2.50 from The.-Dr. WiI-.ý accelerate the apeed of the tai. liama' Medcie Ce.,'- Brc-'kvlleo, A .î ttl later Mr. Bowaeera* i - - ' onaulted Ils vatch. - 1 "'Them. 'are- juet tbree minutes ý VUUOU ROELCUSOI. eftt," h ehoutecl, able te oonts.ia Straag uic - la imsel! ne longer. "Why den't yen Stru- te -Prevail BsehurI" nen n tse, Reti fougms "I mnuett drive syfÏe lu &n Bdinburgh hotel the bar coun. ad the. chauffeur. 1I11mi rakini -ter centaine a siot, Into which #each ton miles' au hquit- and-a ti te i drop a penny, snd a notice te!-that "'Oh bother -the speed limit. Ne- effeot la displsyed. These pennies' are idhreuaon.Imte at Interve,1u7 oottected and sent te aid ver mmdtemgltos r i the fundi cof one---o! thé local muâtila- Attorney-G.nral," tiinndered Mr. tiens,, sape L.oqdon 'rit-Bits. - Boveer.- -A curions.. onstem prevai at an'-I"I can't help Qhat, sir; I knov hotel in:Duanfrien. la oanetfthe pub- the l-w"replied the- chauffeur, le roome the e l an armohair. vhich l ig.atabuunfr ash Vas otton occupiod by Robert 'Buras, nig hsbn ntr sh ..h 9c)ttlah national peet.. Auy one ~a e~crner snd rec&.ln a fine Woelîters the réoom snd seats hlm. r spedng a Ïev day. before.' setf la t-him chair is expected te "stand When tàe. obauffeu"-dpo.ited bis tiat" it'presont, vhea the mem- t are aetihevwharf, the àsteamer vas ory o ett. bard la drunk. -tve cable-lengtis out. Thua it At Aberdeen, lu- a tomnperance hotel, camé to pasa that the. speed regu- cacit visIter, on slgnlng bis namel aia fVcel wr ti nat tii. hoQtel bock, la dessled-ala3o te i ainsd-itrl eesIllttt hibft '0i signature te 'a card testltylng but Mr. Soveer mseed an imapor- that he' la a teetotaller and wvli net tant political meeting inu Vanoou- -bring-ay -intoxIcants Into tue hotel. ver, luana8agow noteî it la the custom wýeekly, on Sundays, to go -round the Tarlous roomas andl taRe a- aubacrip. tien on behali of one of the clty char- M tes. , I apother Glasgow hotel the proprietori reliliouly Incllned,- holda divine- service each Suinday, at -upoux, te-which ail the boardera are lnvlted. ÂAt several of the large hotels ln the nerth of Scotland the gueats are b.- guiled froun their alumbera each day by the playing of the bagpipes, whlle- t u an hotel In Inverness a peethorn ta' employed for thia samne purpose. LiQID IULPHUR oleanse* the biood. Those Wivea. * Giriggs--.My -wife bas a habit of epending money before ehe "fta it,. Briggs-Miaïe is worae; ah. spenda iit before 1 get ila myseif. Minard'a Liniment cures Distetaper, SMre. Oabbleigh (nudging her hua-1 *band who lB anoring>--:.Willam- if yp~u kept your inoutli.. shu you'd JINE -Grain Sugar 0'. tpii aeh ont cbolus MEDIUM Grain Ils Ibo bes %Lawm I BABY'S OWN TABLETS- -Baby's Ova Tableto - are the, best medicine a inother oaa give hem little 'ones. They are aibsolutely ente, boiag guarant.ed by a gov- emameat analyst te centain neither epiates, narcotics or other han- tul drugs. Tiiey are goo'd for al cghildmon frin tIi'e nevborn baie te the grovlng cbild. Tbey cure con- stipation, indigestion, expel worma, break up coldi -and make teethiug easy. In fâ<4 -they are a cure for ail the. miner 111, etf111*1.eues and a box should alvays b. kept lu the. houe. as a safeguard against eud!- don attacks et et-omach or bowel troubles. Mme. J. P. Richard, St. -Norbert, N.B., aya: '«I hava fount! Baby's Ovu' Tablets alltht il ciaimcd for tbem. My -baby suifer- ed from-is atomscb sud bowels sud the. Tablets- certainiy di4 him good. P0 They' are sotd by ali zedi- cine dealers or by mail st 25e a box trom l'he Dr. Willams' Medicine Go., Breeckylile, Ont, - TRE SPIRIT 0F TXIE 8RIP.- ýWhen the , Egin. SitÃ"OpuTeme Goece Out AUl Lite. *-Çlnngc toVigoî ThtPisyci -'Out FPelng Was ' 7 Qucl emedieti an&dd Yd Stry .fa M«rchant WVhoAlmqst Lest toms of.Dsaé "My lite ffor yare - basbeeli o f se eatary -characteir," wrltas- T. R ~ ~ (na TitchfleMd, head cf a wel kncw" firm YWVhy Idi'j41 dayI lsent at -office Wârl,""id teck up' î onwa exorcise only on'Suaday. I dire-. ladies ' eiàop gar'ded ^the symptoms Wcf îUlýheaîth, ers-Wrt do yci which were all toc apparent te mwy ntýé btere Igrew thin, thon -pale, vand -hy beamielong 1 as. jaundi. d î-ýdier for a eweethej long yez and skin were yeiow , etrength muet sher do Mbt go, and iierve energy were iowered, and ficer for hers Il' I was quite unfltted fer> busiess. In the mcrning a lightneuis ia the beatu, particularly when I bent over.- made Opor me- very ' wrried. about my health. Meut of 'theo laxative medicines 1 "Wall, dcl h. pai tound weakening,- and knowing that the vife of a dentisi 1 had. th be et business every day I to collect es bill -for a noglected myoeif rather titau rtsk fur. teéth that he had n thor weakness. 0f course I - gr ew 1n ai ya bfr verse, but by a happy chance I began oatayrber te uis Dr. Hamiiteu'a Pîul.. I waggrowled the. dentist.. torcibiy. struck by-'th e tact. that they lie refuse topame netther, caueled griping nor -nausea, had, th0--effrontery Iý and it ueemed Incredible. that pillae-'thmyeeh- couldton.cleanse and regulate the --, -m teh. sYstem without causing any liiapleas- - ant atter effeco. Dr. -- li{Mltons À GoodlnT Pilla acted with meWut as gentie as , nature-taey g4% - nov ,lite te My "You knew old 'D lver, etre'ngellnedMy atemnacli, and vas said to e b. 10We Wo12- meelback te perfect gond heaith. knowbe <ied theic My ama- la1clear, -dissinesa lias dlsapa, nOW the. tory goes Deared. and -MY appetite, strength, .aad only possession npirite are perfec t. rdg-rnfte' lc. Refuse anyt tefrdyou l ganIn-e dok stead of Dr. Hamiltonas Pilla, whih the're's eune god thil are sure te cure. Scia la 25e. bores, Thei. trns riwonlt- Cive jer $LOO. at ail druggists and ficulty iii windiûagu] sterekeepers, or postpaid Jrom the Catarrhozone Ce., Buffalo, NY., andrÀ Mn Kingston, Canada. Lramm, àt di Là A Cool Rejbly. A Young teliow vie drank muoti more tisanvas good tomriiim vas a4- vised by hi. trient!, te sign the. .Ple.dge, but b. mefus.d. "But,"Y protes'bedis frienda, "your phyail- otan says tint if ycu keep on drink- iag ycu viii aureiy go uin<i. Nov, the. queation is simply tuei, Do yen prefer belag cured o! the drink habit and retaining your sight, or do you roter te keep on dmialclng snd .o lid1" l'he young iman paoed the. floor for soe itre, sud vas in & trowa study. Finnally hei tumued to hls-triendsand, with a resignecl expression et coun ten- ance, replied -"-'Well, I've sean about evcrytlng." à Smart 1103. "Daddy, sait! aboy te is ftbler, lI'y. gel eapenoil vbich will 'write green, purple, orlîson, or sny -celer you like."y"Net the same penoil, My son." "-You dàme- n't bot me ton. cents it wo' t, dat!- dy' l' il give vou ton cents if it Willy" saidth le oit! man. Tii. youngater divet! into his pooket, produced tbe atump ot a common eat! poncil, and vrote on a pieco o! paper the vcrds "magenta, green, crimmon, pumple, " &c.ý "-Thare, d.-ddy, eay it won't write any color -you like nov- Fork eut that ten cent." John's Compliment. Mrs. Newved-"Meni are tee ma for aaytingl'" Her Fiend- "What's the trouble nov r' Mrs. Newved-"Wien I, bl-d John that I weuld se much like, if I bat! a me- tory b. iaald tat I muet ventent n ras spen'ctuic-4r1.g IL-,T Ihe,-4~ uuinttiatea- thii. - uaa y sei iti anyetanir re o 9yt1eaglee e0t that nature snystamr ae oiy, îrsoebe. wllderlng. And yet OTan- cinponeat, Minarde LI eveny nnote et that greît hermaouy, ha. la ipe 'eal zmeaalugfori, 'enginàer; t"Dn'î zuoreover, he cia detaot ' 'tii. SisUets-I Pàtu dissonance-at one', Se 1iùly atWnued iepat te the music dees the ear become, de.- varzied the claires tlhe suthoi, ef "Lattons from an termibly fieý Ocea Tramp," that the dmopplug cf a'ready," i1 a hamatmer, la . estoke-hole, tie rat. aia't lai! a tiag of -a'-chain on <eck, the i-ekiu-in luthe city. eof-.4tarrel lu the stores maies the arouîd ber etigineer j-ump, it'la t4hIlm iwth lithe eye, It la- even the same with the hand. 'W. - osaa tella an Instant If a Iuearlng lits -waumued ever.-seo llghty ao4I - legitlzntetltpuDrttlijre, l'O4 seIfi lilieult te knovefwhtcWtLCLIetu »Ottfir and Whlc1 9th ie p9t0"ý Tb MnAsUd thme machine arté.lnextrieabxy ausepit. ced, and'their resaooe U uo -ue other, an. InClte, it te 1145 extra-; ordlnar'y »timacy, tis ceesl"e viil. auce au.d pnexnmtiy, thiioW»t gieii *marine ejnleer st %i ,a4-aëtàge < Mvrai Wter men, 'wIIIIvhe - 'è> 4uri nc~areseurce zmut aeoàimpnnyW Ilmatteï-;ottaft .àpp e ta 4. -thé, slieMV conedriz tIthe-subnrtiï as sultable te'O euch " le , He vas D»$ cQnvluce4 Jabpvels beach, "That's vhere I'd u ke ter sleep, dl 0?ler t ýdo eýt ERD, i. e lias givea me." inment Cures Coids, . ;0 noarltai odlfe4in o."-"I trie4 un e'Out the lad repliod. "HTe. a iere. as an iantemeble Get auy liears or lions ReQuire Proni Agonizlng Pain Prev4 Ing icrvlliae E A Casa la Peint Deadly crarippa-the net te be miataken.- without wamulng tho p ces such agony' la tht ceatort the couatenanci te cry alouti for ltelp. Then It le that the m cf Net-vIla. oaa maki cameSie tîaiQcRty. "Last summer 1 vas frightful attaok of cra the paen la my stomaci "«My eyes butged oul lu my torehond atood corda. "My criées attraotêdi came te- My sistanci ment or twc handed speenful et Nerviline oued vater. "If: aeemed-as If an ai cd awsy the, pain. In vas veil. Nena-line h name lu this locallty, ered beat for crampe, lence, steîach and b, 1 urge ail my frienda tg tMANLEY M. L owl No home- la ste or misa the manifold MMd lng Nerviline on hand dent or omergent ali f amlly ase betties of trial aise, 25c, all deal tarrhozono Ce., Buffe Kingston, Canada- Romance and -jmore. ver .very on. I ule, ahunt '0115 ~in*lSsaI dred- arose toavenge îts d'eathi. - M[Y b anda. -and arnis tingled to the é1- <BPII Wit82.p uwi, my neck 'd ac ere r5wol- to 1Potter brusgndfceW làç". kO à.iame. I 1,buried Myseif in Zf .-blankets, butthat ,only,*Madeý - tienoi of I . emonastill mor 'mer PlA0e. - irritatinpg; besicess, '"It vs~ o ing srtan)-. a ultr'y the. i.lighteat cover- yv ,yur'lai1 '14 vWas as muci as I could bear. r1 udntput So odhet he dietreas f 0 têr-0 aï têIicYung o mt ne; and theré vas a satie-, 1we, Mun,. Mis- faction, hvvr ebe in feln )U Mairî Ser- that I *a net'àuffering lin.solitude., eart, and viiatda.wn, lied nounoed the. sua did and get an cf- -thePest depart.- -At the next, campingeplace there - veene->m.9quitees 'lie epeak cf. StiiI aanot Perinibed te have tunity. the. restiful ni ht I desired, for 'ne ty youn1", askeI sBërend, yiaPIkonti la b who hed been seenddb Layul kitten. k fllýse o LaseWhether it vas the, mero deaire fcôr fuî se c tasecompany tha.brought I.-b.outàý -co nade for a mna-àn e rwhýe --"et nîy~ asevas attract.d by ay4hilry blair but h.acly ket, I mcnent. Bt h sprite .bu gneb acume in dancing about on zny rectimbent,, body, ,sad ,cstciiing -inamaay, mothe, with fore. Pavwe., 4k.a Jug- tglervith bis ball,.1 puther'te. ~K. filght; but the bnly enjoyed -the >ernpster, vho fun, ano re,4umned ,te ber ca.pers as4 eii off?1 As yeu seen salI had tain clown. 8h. toy- i cther day, aiad vith _mY hsir and clawed ai myýî that bis one blanket. 'While th. buggy vhip waa was an old in my bsnd eh. kept e. sale dis-, "Ah, welI, tance,ý only te, returu vith freih' agabout that.vigor just ais I vas passing off to be wùeh jf. sleep. Ultixnstaly, a more desper- Lip hie estate." s.tc determination 'to getrid ofth.' pest -aesed me. Wben- avr amail boy I once, with the, bodi - htuetions ia the worid, a'ttelmpedt6 - pt cmdy at &ea ie nd ýeethetscllta04.-- IChe rnecory of th.episodo ,tirrýed, ,etcd hy Keep. me- te make a final effort te put tila [audy On one to, -fiight with a bucket of cold If, vater. But I could net catch be, he Iliustrated. hâd the. ligbt-heart-ed, *anton symptems are spîrit of a butt.rfly, the ilipperi- Suddealy aad nea eof an eci. At lengtb, however, 'atient experien- after a-,consideralle time spent in B stemacli as t estalking, 1 managed to give ber a ,e ud cause hlmn falrly suceSaaful douche. But b. fore Iha.d got coafrtablysottled wonderful power aai,1 ieva ac# ie itseli telt-i4t dprle on my sheulder, a.ctually began'te stricken -wlth a liok herseit vith her tangue. *I wasi amps. 1 feared besten. She had corne u near te hi vouid kilt me. My ear aKs h. veli could, ta- do her it and the veina toilet; sud a* the. niglIt grew .eoold- eu lkeWhD.er, I drsgged some folde o!famy tent1 a neiptiber, who over my head, and fina.fly vent te a,. and: la a me- sleep to the monotonous tuas of me hait a tea- tba.tsecraping, insistent ton.gue. mgel had charm- cton seconda 1 i55 a voadertial sud la consld- dlarrhoa, Ilatu- evwel disorders. eo use Nerviline. ,EGARDE, illamsburg." r oaattend te rautageBof e4luv- Iu case et acci- Ickfless. Large Nervilîne, 60c., Crs, or The Ca- uic, N.Y.. and Brevaw-"rWiat'a the natter, ei'd man? Ye-bo okworried." Black- "I have cause t4. Hired .,man te trac. my pedligree. " Brown- "W.ll, vhaý's the. matterl. -Haen't ho -been succes9tul 1" Biaek-'Suc- çemiful, I old tiiink .se 1 I'm pay. lng hlm bh mcey.' Oarlyle once- toIt! cf a lavsuit pending luin, ootland affectlug the succession te a, great estateofo vhchie bu bpdkuovascimthing.' The. case déeefd 'upen a family secretIcuova n-oaiy. te cas old ser;- vaqnt, >ý*ho rtùied te - eveal it. ýA kimký minister va--O6nItethtell ber tint ah, muot speak on peril of hem sePu4l, eIoril ci uiy seul 1 " -ohé. aad. ý-ii oi4tcOiJ, o; . O ecreature" biôôd :ugi eleýtIUClSULPNiUt Faî1e'î~tiI: llk ù okno Minaird's Liniment Cures Dlphtherla. lus 0Own. "What's the -biby cryingfo now' asked the headof the house from the depth of his paper. "Re wants hie own way," answered the~ inother. '<Well, if it's his," saA¶ the absent-minded man, "why don't you let him have it 1" -Ws belleve MINAUIYS LINIMEM n the, Matha Folar, cli City 'Ont. Jaýghsaa. Norway.île.. Charie heo-hflen, Mulgrave, N.B. g.B.0. Armmtrong. -Muigrave. NA'. PireLaudere. saur Poeoouche, -<E ThIoMas Wassoa. helàeid, N.B. - the In i, freali Vie sec -giro Man, -sure, tii stamped Your te the l momenty For s drugg w For a Ltd., 6 -8 Ontazie. [mai, mabtt - William," 5aj4 ,the V Wmt owe ft4 .estats.* "And 1i.'s ge ouiy t,vr years old." ~ j O~~ "W1hy, iiow can.you' tel bis agel"V' an aaïked tii. by - -w w AW cBrashme -- - i'Toronto. "<Bylhis borna 1". the, lad repeat- cd, 'i n incr4dùloùi voice. Hjile t ceatinued-,'to..- tare thoughtfully at lame suaps. tii.bul; tiep udde'nly his face aro e brîfghten.èd. "O, aw 1- uder- slr' stand,' -he isaid. "Two horns-tWo am ad years.'l -'- - -M VérY -buey witâ- the gMd work. îbuIne mnore aOÃŽeht tlà thati.e ld retishis--put..<"foetFî naàei-0cm E xtractor, WhICh cr eftAlbum, only se antu wartu -on.da.if ty yeare use Oemnnny. ' it6miî Proves- thé menIt of Putuani«.'L.Uef other. 25c. A4 &U dealers. WP "Thore is ne gout ila 3ir Parcy's a ;0 afor mo% family, ia there 1" "Not ncw; thora was formerly. It was intro- I duoed into tii. faily by Sir Roland go &~- Highliver,' but they bave been no BI darvi miserably poa for the. last twoo i o hundedo yara that they od'tN k e , p i t u . "- A O z u . , T _MRs:' M ý1-SAICIII Of uïnzagton 'Maneor, Saek.-, ,rtes :-"-ýM y brother suf.. ed severëly from eem'a. esoes werc very- exteni- C, and burned liko ci6aI a bEs flesh.- Zatau-Buk took- ai li te fire n., dqulckj ce him case., Withi n-three iks e!f -conmmeçciag ith ïn-Buk. treatment, every fron P!e4lwvie ave prevcd, t eexrma, piles, acres, bumus, c amd'al skia troubles 'there tilng lne'thiswnedtai bal No ohm dfre e houtd be (x idered lueurable until Zam-fl hashca trled. <MaDtqsW#, 50o. 1puBoa. Rey ing 1h. '~ ELIITIGDYNAMO, ta-Ã" OR ENERVORC uk FOR SALE -Why wo Paay r fr your RAW -FURS- eIW arthe Id tet W FO1R HOUSE1 as u sethelargit c""totrs 01 "N DIAN RAW PURS A ýCanada. ThV «Z -nslargl6ex, le e ,are mfanwts and LA ERPRICEtIyo~ Sghlp direct te u& RelWiasmaid@ egunu clay fur* are rmievea, S8hipnetsheu separate an reqiiet, Fai pris* flet now reaçdy. Write for it. MIRAN IIONNSON LIMITEiD, 484 S8k PaujlMSt a e FRANCWLO OS 783£MoIi 1 St.Ws TORONTO. i-N Giiea Qulck, 11 ~Tii at La .t»,I Mueeu Thse ig -Mone "" 'I ahippeda-cief i}tstSouth Omùaù L sothe market tbat day. 1Ibnd'hr-rct .2uÏ6 6 heada. 1 recead 25c. per hundred p llggsa&U arcund my pen soid tt anc. par 1a0 day and yack. Sai, 1 surene lt prou'!.1 Food' -- jo -Llngered. "She told me te kisher on eitherý cheek. '44"A'd yo-" "I hei- tated a long, time between them'" LIQUIO SULPHUR -curuEs A. aunty l 1"N, dn'asi, Iby TrY 'MurtiMneEye, R.medy -If .von bave PR& ýWùaâ. WaU",!,rv I - . I kn¶ v Dist lue emoq e/' - eh n i - X~~~b tae ur uEp ,,,yGoCho* 'Mani, . mlu itzV 84 n et crlv iksti.vn oru »e Iced -heu ei et tho eliglble ytoang man geoun. 4i yj o'ur bil h er4ay."1 atràse Ltaiient Oowe i/I 10 tho S$hoca 1xternatlona; Stocir aFec th* brOOd SOMwelval!sdi more and strongar piga.' 'Wluat the "faIt'ýpiga need tem fat anad vugorou al, anS havaetem raadiy to w-heu pridas e rp. . Sel'!by d,,i.r. avdrywbm ' wrIadtI us oi ahow rasày h" INTERNATIONdAL 'avre! Mina vas 4n mite knew thut beneath hlm" lin ed tatthay ii ta recncy I-we tha-o Ext . i teh a - eaed hem troa he etuega z- ersida, -eu. hepi ýa rasoncèU seut. - folive vke toi lipe ai the fmret "Mai Ive theiat u ]ed a-s bu olinet 4ïr'. -way throuh ti thing otuet ro Cloveback-ext * orica i li t thohem .1e aMirasy me saiYlu a lw' Me fmowad at oryidtrul! vodthaigt la ;me toough tht * lriadto 1 ladba luthaxa osheuidt je'D;akad voi ne h sic ste coule i. Se iivmae and àI rar ccsLx' te foksier. i1 toad hie rer ie tw-Sedunis hyar!det aend daok-eflulbyI an gavieu aaSlU, wa of my aO tll *~ weionta bsiess.-« Vohan edon r- Me go oknt iti-' Nole; hsggou 'i Clie. otat a-e b lu t b e m assue. * bUtWor. a",thora et Icsl." r g "Au'. cornd e t a.na eret 5fô tEmhatla b-rase Saai *~--- -- do. iii . a t' lu Tis sI-el-"e - * - "Yhirecvr ba oufao-01n twhil'. eotar te IWi S le y ioui businssa o' grtidner -w rk a <o 1-Tus F I fl~MI - I - 1- t- -iAR.

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