Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Nov 1913, p. 3

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iwere rom IustalU&OCthe U ufflp- o., fIewf o.nis gn-ai.. fTha U 2 l ' ea hs Z i p.1 - lot .-O! k-Shren d~ e . ca tin 10 rerBn t & gnuiter gorai e d e leu4 & u be n is. T n ný~~i f~At doJn~~wthillegiýtima.te .diarrhoea tha: ijp -1911, the rate Poo0r aiwuaflltgPe tar4-TIerC0, - 4a; , 145 -Y rai l eii ste él ade eo iv sv Iiith -, sh w m n in reaae )o . 16 , 'from t hs d an gro u e i nfa t trou b k e b e r in th e h , b o l o t e 1 h e v . 1 o lh4 jao I> 1 4 1> î , e o m u a l n m d ' e iiý~M y ' 3 I~ u ll O êl I I & l 5 as s n 1eir n l g j 1 . r t p t 1 e e ng t e l w s n s~ y a s u x o t t a~c ubo r "nr "o . t h e hbea kf t t y, 19 t 9 4 1ï ,o ba ke 2Z ,to 240. recomnvt o e ý sMe ~ a 1ue~r f G~8 ea 1 .,r ' hs rèkatbal. m u tB . Ue !ti. rfu er.h&S1PY tze eatha -.nm eo do & proince g thetrsbted-- to21.per ent. taknhiehld e1faiir i yIn edue- ing. re-o, - -ero o,1 4i4; -s eeatdrvnlntekmn fcle,- ,78ý cft h .us a g itmh yatng ygr m t es te r,','ein c oun rye6 G re t B ritaàin jeEaedbÏ4 1.2c.1 4-0 f t n, o t o r a l. ; t, le b. i n at ed a 9OO,O are Ti. eors nhw ea aryng itelgeutcre o the >hlre. eleuàlx oeqi.iin the nited Sta pi.uu pounda. _Tja0 ciTO-smendathlofle.rlelyrmo ' 'the te _4«reamore le di ÀiA cIIlT province contrThe largeet purin ceio! *radium à , mixein à. p . -g. whie f t.buclvés wore lowIed o reoomie qnsi iii WaB CfOCted a iti1 a47 ikO *8 r OU cthe s-ge o lu eeofor mleds.theairinlng p.M IY Be i lsy StOIla Ii lw a s B lIog, * er a4e Brmainrene - - - jo t$4t'fl at n o e -eo!cnnnId gbe ir eaed Str ng om itee 0r e4 a Io Rad eonstaiteliennt Poftharchdde. reat wo-hiaionfr-wnhlutan. -Eaer.<ahal ooreI pi Indigestion lTbe l ag esnt p caaLo of d ium anert W ined . Nov. 4?1ah r , i -U051 eeem o ldompro , tieakp reyjuf t Fgh o çv.r 1- Bcin No. i cieo- atte iaU dg y ;intor ied aooneat Lcndn sy Billons Two Daje a Week. ~~ilan in teq a lp.g a concebt- i Jooted aseda, 7T 1-2e; No, , do.75 id No.geeato b~ewma t, gom Ibte oou , nt f orn: tie cf sigti rts U uiot prees !or denages.- No. 3.-do.. 3isc. No- - 2, o.,.40 3346; - ase ag a C[vi zliiSgGoernmhte reoonlder is dci- i »rd-Winterý 83341;No. 2., do.. 0,' C beef cattl '2 .D . Ha :i o l P11 .Quee-n M ary qsprung a;au r'prt se o nl No. . do., 12 1-2e: extra NÈO. kLoê D rnit e Am ro n JEpto o u o f r r t ari i a i n n B t t e e Inàum s c a Cured by pblcDr.tt"_ h o 1f am3 4o-NoI 3ton's Pille.li méqan-ýSxýtci r u se e~~~~~e~~~~eflCO ~~~~~ 4c é4, 39e; oeJel, 37 1 e eolphilippines eondftoal i lin aethe Panama-POfC-x.etoia znWlhae f*h pub1ial.-oN r. Furthest Recesses ofan Fràn Brw Olmmn. . .... yetl be muahit gcompllub.. Nibxbere o! a Fax 95,a - lun uinsal. owadys por tomalifi-* m .rkt raes. er appsrtXo t %..enx Q iN.WO. *.1; o. l rat mrvW d ontlo a flie ia l. ciý e oetic -rul ta i xeto--the ra4e course hi"hthro >enOW.$1.1 4; No. 3. do., $1.034 1,ntie ~ af-w yer 3,govers i, omitehe en-£re ue malie - ure. ca - ~ Monres' Maktoff- - living au savas.> now build houses 'd'ahere - co01--E! b ekao -.- - maea q1c,ulc ' You a always ýèc cùAoteiMres cultîVate plots or grond&. - The- physique dpu- on D,.r. H m loisihte-asState visitau te A cot ad <Jooc otraNo.4-O r AmevicSU No. o! tie 9'onni nmen -sud boys-'4au -bcomue great uteaubpoD nr01 sd -E ey uf er rm cog , reach tic trouble at once, go riglit t2*ode- yllw. 80 -to SMe. Oaso.Canadia-West- more tobust. Dsease ha& .oën l1ssened. mauaitrn onp.Ie h rnitî n i tra n andtranoS. i 2, 40e. Bsrey N . f el. e; Iy, e a leysu@ pyecf ,viccmioenutsi.t-aimns ed auoiig business, work witle you leep and K ing Geoýrge, being disuat-ified erî10.2 01.e o 3 91 3 -e e.Tee elo vcospatmsu'oa - h a1 v e you feelng bptter if not cured --_ - itdtlc i gr ph eoo ' g m- o . nstngt 6 0 0 . sek be 66o 2 bt-b n fiet i"u0.ia , -- W atGq, n ne t nu u oe ia n g - rerin rg nn e nt i éMy fomord se ed t dcnioBO' -- - s ef at u la e ,lis-oen- 55U1 56. F10111. Mani. Silg -wioat s - brougit, abouti the.improveen t -i.;ece7n--Picioane ae ug tacsfi ro bea eu- odaenid'oýeeM16A1 te firots. *5.40;- seconda,5.0 io- iilu oîr.dcor.ist fles my stomaci," - wrteu - Mr. Raîpièd te t-be preparatio>n o! -an -author-bera,5.0 ttr-paeteoo,5;teaciers? Â111have- belped,, of courgse; butchanged conideal u uu t-ipre 1egrS !ds Éa sonc, t rtsýM ;ized biography - frein St8t41 -pa e traight roller,$4.60 tod $4.1;o; bg. irat ,&nong tliieiv ig atoru, ,,t-elr,àaufcurr av e cueo teaUmnrtiogIl. Ciemmeona, o NW-lde LPO. "I B.1 ollOII osto, barrelo, 5$4.40 rdetivk Ohamib«elain -the authon or - ewadge PO'a - i «ollectiofl on-hIù--c '480- o. b$2»9 iata,0 0.52121-."Ti.Pilîpîe -b1m,"TavhbenbaePhtet-lippine-g Ptli -it, e1cnelbaCserh.oi general r- 8.5ran, 4.Hidciig. 5$W. ballud, .t-er athetijo oport. ip< vd tnn~ atc~ . --n~ dle aîn't tht-fled luane 'l fniendu, un ys h xuie ut-h. 1 . ~, y.No. 2. ;. ton - Comparlet, Budgets. way -t.--oerules wnDgstion visioar lots, $13M t0 10 sis; se ftneset West- e -eeLauretibas rècei iven -sUnifte0dStStCen edehbtat iog tetxot oi-11 ree tin m e lo l e are u s.Thded I - - e-. ~ ~K ing'a secretAry. Lord BeseberY oernesi 13 to t 14 0;-,*ftnt eauterflD, 12 , % - cst n omparisons botween tiQ8 U w Sari Frauci s(. T i o m tc s c la u e , s d fn ly r 5 etmah-ea edseddad mrt6tebb a- Otionsi ez endituraso ofFrance. snd 'Ger- non. liia.- - - dep tarcoslu-te:Ifl stomac ---beamei dutcnde and m-- . . - ~ ~ - ~ -- - ii ho invit&I t-o -writ2th7hi1r- 4 to 271-2 -.second», L2&4 te lic ýEggeystm, ae.ie ae.~aesote idujlbV -peded Yapparefltly tie actIon of the ---- :~ - sèb,4 e t~etd. io , nNo. i stock.mtshav-. No Ssoctaxation, per hbaud of tihepopulation _pad-_ _______ oul- omt "No. t, 0 ?. P-tntoas, pe baS 10 aSCut 5athévorasounllu- icuareue9o wer00lt hret- for te-At igeit twuddo - v, olaltOY 1 aeI josbo1 a, - gres matnso,-t imes I wuld vo mitslt. 01 . aicthrVt. mbe, li rSUlS i té- -a&-îrmwul esi t - A zaucous mass, ddDatkthese i mes- - - United cStatus Markets. th -'wîîhoüttreuerve. M.Y, . M*Gob- UBRIl RWE. nmigti tmc?1hd - My bea& -ached moat terribly. A !rlend e rr4 u&Izl.. Asmt nece il uoi S----who haît- been cured or a stimllar cou- Ti é.Aitneyttae !t-i aa caugte in t-lsh ato m-SS1 o.4.-Wheai~o<i-mbar 1.1ute -il ati 165 francs -1n, Germaunsd - Td e 4st-pte May ye8 No. n barthe -p-Irauee was. Fragce.in.the es ut 4>1 14- -a-c' 'Inharence.nMa- hrÛllc2 Roche, dition, ad iled m e te -take Dr. H am - . -816-8,tol t- us i . ea ti .- uo N . i orb rU 4l Ns;*Oo.1 i a g in, e uSilIat es liaItliobptum auian pa s F eil From m ikt a e o a t a a r t t e n m n -h Ã" t Theesut l my cas wa slÃœtl - ...C --4--e ---- - . - Eofu Mco',age 6-, aarm r- No e. 34t o leN .3 ;bat, -59 france anst 9francs lu France. The hul dd IaSty g1 ygtr -mI l o u s . - Dre lr. y h ch I d d H . I tO J s reG E T S u E .- e l t y ar - I th n h a e s -The No. 3 . Ult In.myompsres ma ss tic amonute»sid- byaagli 64, Nônt-IrnEr- Sa.ystl-ehaveSip3,4 -uto 84 1-2o . Non 363ed.tô ;8 34 tdcorn movod the cause, 'trengthened %, tie -havé aliot he - Çwie, aged 71, tire Bran- 52Q te 0.0. Inine. esci periotelu Gormaur 51 fau. sud- havetii. 8a01, De511. rlte fach ha havet f be eble utoniaci, exlted tithel r - te ner ov. 4.-LiiilGLord9 ()ctber, irrite liiuàtlie I ttwo estImi-es na* d %oo the Oayefeil overboad frein a oeneand haveosephcbn&Iè actIon, the lddueyu or aiautors IvsIsIU e eweu o u ehv .tt-h.36 1-2 Noes'e,513;-2; ee Mu, rtch tndo c&thea n tato!M.goblet m ex oessi-ve wO1'. -Eeaiti eoon grew Antiseie -Surgery. bd n uried. I vasu !eund on apîîasîo; My,5140 Nse. VNoth- mouixe]'depndou iïe lu wh.ý iph IC.Xlb&t a Lkand-sig d "Wcaari zoerl wih iv-ê. 1 can n- 1heattst-liend Lord efully ureaç. -Wi..6et-o 1brh, 4; o"itor1_80- andute li reckouared, e mn e CÉe.sdws rwe h nlswymdcn aebe st Woutan. tho.t oardd owys to»eLordrcountrny. uanüways lu Germuûl', for,.- 'witli- pari3 ftwev batmnwol o nygv epr 4v e ie a.! otaa . ad.8 .Ec, eeüýr stance, fornu alimos ti tate zmon0luint-o work in alme apo -obtwI la5cr pr Pthe -OMtOW&e & sane01 84 -6ciMsY. 890.- -Fr o tubacco les' a ionooy De - vsed--wsê* Dz . Hamilten's Lister for th o pdiês.eyo For absoluto, . per*anent p6. er box, fliv-.for- 1.$' I'00,, bi dirale-"Ie :d The loreign diplomats l e-teLV k rs. France, 'but. compared- with -the'populoc W5aot3 er !ae u ti AABokIIOt drglet-an tre e peu o b iai W rk o oL r L ser" s art-h e u rgingint erven tio n ,ad c n- M ure k Nov. 4-IL U b lle sold sItlou. - 9it Ifs. Germ ny speud nd m rs net k néwn wl re l s îi v e r- Ca ri ZO O. T O m n l drugeâw ànd storXeepe6ý, ô byý naa. Wsk. ouordListe the han France. où'forelgn - r;but ion 1s r m The (Jatar riozolle Co , Iu f l , L n o x p e s i e k e - sure t hle U it.ed St-at-es po Uo.iyabout 4 c nt e.l , pf u i11 and t o n o ionioe Pu iea po wrs1sadand li - aide, but il u & p e e -i i h l.O m ie î e 0 r Bufflo, ý0ndonFIÇP ié -bokbae- Theohekeeperss, ta deadhn colnits. in. .gpun,-oit-i né. e58. ' tc fsria- TeAUStIlSI' Pecl1iommit-tee 4 o 51.6. 1 -Lheeabout. 4 140. Iraton,, justice; etc.; cSti mnr Iu Ger- catme- from Mnrel heb Â~F¶ÂI1 TO CR06 T E OC KN att11185t-Ot-hoI.ay mnai un m practics.lly exonerated -ihe Lanbe about 6 12«. Ho, 9 iie;10 94 ny. 0orat .511J rate, u iin ils. han - ,APRD ýO C"S TE 0MY.t.obe i th e=gr'aao cff.4; Ali,emun pretty canal In bothb ounties. -- dKutoiCada -peu ndot-il, gri w ith lia re- 8M t 77..4 -ý &70m r lebl.fom . -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ti - isvln8niI.tutKrigh<ir !-ilec vrdécb u dauheTB of t-h. e u&eaiuL. .75 tc 656; common $4 Faies0ii~ oeo eslo o det9- fat ows $4.60 te $6; comlmon e0w!, $3.50 for agniculIi ÀA~W ~ E ENER OB \ -f~riiYear te Year. "ice . -i hdw !dab<pted. 5 compl'Oùlike offerd by t-lie 1014; butcheiý' bulls. $3 75 to $6.60. Oives Food Faddiste. .cDse" istheahaow f dathGokvertifleat t-oset-tle their !at-lir's -eood-veai, $8.75 W 10. 0;oomiuou. $4.75 Thepublie who eat, sud tiey are isngely Aibpth fo,.Mnr 5Y- htcod y 6tt n j ec oev 6 t56.60. Veget ntltyr 00 theitml Termi. fldlels an ,- te 1.010 eiqgaged fur forY Dr.lieecalpainuhie-tintroddction.,tY'sud . ailIbo., n of Dhe a 400,000. t 8 o bo... $6 10 $M.25;ligil EstrIn, .400 have corne le regard viti suspicion the aw - hurbis. inarticles o y e & N M I S E C lY l S ith r, W h end L i s t e r w a s b o n i t h o e aa oY O6 WO OI b o ., 4 . 0 t o 5 .5 0 , ig it b u lle , 3. -w a m i u rt c e s o ie t , A b u lle t-A d e p -s 10 ~t.4-4. flheelp andIA amb-LIghit ewee, $4.50 L rceayisudby the Uuited St-ates de-ephus -76, of Glangc, bindCiedto ar e pobalydepo thn h -n 4mpbllof the ti"o uios POPES 3. o$6; o .4-#10 5P7.60. -but w b nlevins sa-waning COnaç4ene- "Soxue of jry h rfiâà,, J. E. OC p el, o te 1ii-ode 111infadetba t A.FI C RI U >R E S I 1 0.500 s iie a m ci t8-0 uke farcutr il i u re~ (J h nti n f.. . rd ae A d eg g 8.Ms mte&tevrexsecofi--760 per liead dEdUc-OW for ail the buck the sdvSe8ofe!freftkdiets are snrclua1CheeN edrs~wlpcbh~ ilP -Iorge-48-8aaLO.b. 10 dreveris.- 9-15 bat are themeGelye deIUded. gasys lhe in thia 1012 dehsbe .pit ecJeirtenwIt rrived- here on Thurédae nrning dustrial populatione." Supply of -IgumiaEdito'sLiklY afaifded-aeecýaa wnn. 'tesadfkr loee o rvn g, aý f ystemS o! dieti. Neither clas eau offer table.grown, ewpaiin ra ro-uter-Winnieg,11,61etheuer Veni», o ThtwuLu 18er; 33- year ter ofe RaeShoot de rust-wontbY bdVice. la Mosti o!1h by t-leOnatGveun fret-01Stud.ylst-1 roue fr Wnniegwlirc -li cee- 1oepl~Llmr, fte giingprinnie AdePatchi from St. Pet-eraburg .cmed'.01 fteeal~s5 ýny -isto-takàplace. Hitherteo ofa brliant ý careerby bi ea.rly coyu:Te oaîmRbo-hoeGndAGODIEAa lê U brlyasbdwo!te peofgo!abetrknwedehehtnoeo!th Th oasRbth rk DE.eaa.thougtbrele bthoy a iasble. ýof t-s rade !arclue'ot .lterqiee Xi- ~ fs mters, who hecuane ,on- wcork s-t- ollege Hospital, waa ap- eta ew isi plausible.uingri o! et MÃŽ Çxpblistence,- eWPrfmr-f hiclSu-One of their imethde 01reasoniui l 5 cro th ocanger intheweeks oliisene eeen sMx cOfWeétera Provinces te Tahe- Care Ue lesuad often unnelated isole of rubse araid tocosth cgr ntho Umiveraity of Gsi.sgow, its dito- eent twprison.It h dliaia hirpcllrBB bnd put thbe marri.sgeoffil fom year and a year later t-he directors o! h ebé-idd mj r ae.Teopeeyinr ~,.1~ ~~ fr am- lMo Il~If&~ "pplltd -o~ published its 39th iguounder th Febe.lilad". .scion-lie.Ti Who lu-a grocer- -iWinnipeg, their bospital thle yonng e Augo t-he editorship of a. saventh. Jour- A despa.tch f romn Winnipeg S&ye : liatewîtei i could ngutiveeir ~~ II esTewoowr i -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~DIs wolhaeeogimoe eta h a t aeiovr&~ aS1-vsb 30.1.asprcari- It is undertoôd that negotiatiffle conentions. ___ t8se nov - tein sold for a p ie ntla r.aly ii- F rW a D ce a d Medce wou lis rketrnog oh moned oju- for as o cii. o!th., waithe r- n )!!8iOlli Rumia sad thle are fan advainced between thle Gk)v- Muh f i solfrpiceil entil aUt- or tii r ut ! ua a.s. s t- amtri- o! m wusu."p rofeï o - hk ly te run erninent s of t-h e three prarie îloe moe titan folklore. A great anY o!r th es ihi as.A M.Oin-uipaofialid"short in a countr-wLi<3h "'ues provinces whereby each IVili Vs-ke meuîtteshave beau traccdby th£- goveri- Duterîn, N1S.,wie:" a ruldF'AN'&- KI ;-!uh»snoyer beèn able to do t-is, "lBefo~re.Lister t-he doctor pai4 no ýthem up 00 fast. charge, for t-le three, o! on& of t-hement speclalists and !ound .te come îmwthKdnEyDeaeorevalya.- -UsSuit-bers at aacnquered lier mo<re eed t-c <anlinen th=__________rat- nbhes o! feeeminded < ia n it rtn longago as-wtth Ob__________bbe iLO longer oui&eiBd of value exfepi MY bacliwswar idtribe Nw Fiue non lexo h e t-ber inau. * Before an eper- SER TSL. bid and dea! and dumb, inatitu- to lie atudolit o!tthehbistorr et diets. Tic headaches sdwss eleulstIHSJlîîite g. ~ -bu tbe srge o Vuld t-urniup thle* t-tonal work. Alberta,- will Ic atortnîl ! atrMansb ch1.'ances or idnotsle IngtAtita- blee k o h n M n t e f e l - î d i s a em e t ata m nso nce e ab t G I P LS9I - A d sp t h f O r a BRE IRJSTI! ÂUTRÂJ.A eeec!h ot-esve-.caInd wodc nd en uot trouble toiwa-ub Experleace of a Sou htilS.the fble-m ndedM asathce&id eaîti d aebeti viiof 10ee vi t-i-b1d.d aitb1tle ededraiihd i veli- prepared iu the themn, I tit etratrtkn ic i is1enrnw imBnmaRs__A las alwse!U a 55 r opod oigaaIbe oe s ue. nswr noue Tu o m n s lb H a A Ple8jb!3 kje, n low stained *'Pes h w me te thank thbe as d duuub. Tie old Manitob a Gev- smu nl waBl7 !0po ooig oieRs o es ý'Wwer t. Figit 1* t-lioy swon would be. , . . The - erhgutor Of Post-um, wbioh i nu MY erumeut Agioutural ollege, on f>e .if the dductionsi o! many fod 50 .al silk >or hread usd for atioheoand'cmalmks orciaaeboxthe fors2.5the Si-mpliifree RivrbMiti1 s. eevera Ifbano ____ . R n- 3operative, it vould b. difflti t rii fyi rt aInlDu n hm A dsac rm M tozel Ans-1*o r hraduud orstteeracecas si.ksfe ue1.' Te nan t-s au so tli A aiibte Rve fddatm &OGPCo.sfaa or tr~~-~ say : Tii.Governinent l -liga turesW & - iulig over the butten w ites.suth!w " -of the. City, cemplmlng l ie b>11 ras.iadk r vi vel"T[b l e fCnda mtd ern ee docded,.t-o makejol euiquiries 'vit-h b -àUrgof'ca,È at, s ad a con- «I !orm.n],y drank seImcl ofne buiidingî4, rected en1y17,ew dprmit d5~ ann giii gel' of alle!0- i f15 cures aold bY refeence t-ot-beBoofTrut-'sn place for tii kiffe tô rett tat my zi.rveuas yteDi Waa aluK>sil etabijeda- insc efx - fria renvbin t reernS oi tiQu eef .T ii. a - a- etween bis- lips." ao wreàk." <Tees is juât &aab iu Us. olee rte dus! -asu id duiub. Fx em nAb t in Qy-G ueealmsrld ,Th- t-i ~t only iutrodueed a. new bcls t-cetibs cfene l g vforuaAiSY esl xsenoeme________ o m m o u e alb b as am le p w o s r m o ie u in a l t- th eu- d ug f un U 15 t e. ' y h s -i - l  bel't . T erO la one near 'FA =Om o ni lie bi ne are y beiug mn iezme f ceýaliu» -nito, hý in-dru fond-n bl«e ieh.86, ire b- e oi in t e ilt tho trust if American Ineth- rmx H Ee ,refgeed.t-o hoieewtht cian toldM6met-o aidi u tbt --tb- 1ý 5e, dýU ~ d r - r p o u e .camp foliow er ô! t-ie k ife, sud, P -ostum .ad t .- i a is in rc oh L wt- Psen' epnietst pit-"o ygra- uprs Isw'Bo>y Use4 the Bt-fu eRia an u1. nc. thevlil -h baye bi 11t-be ben Isllii for 'a 00129 cou, '-iet diVaâ s'bA ' w j._MI Dur- lation orderingtraàmway carsngbl~ thi ie-e o-nisatpg - -# '5it !th- atlad9,9 o.eto nto i une Nc wrmsa al- s-A- eaoohddîw8Leon trough tbe a;- et at ot4 ,.via netadtb o wy w ialpin, io edhable gt e a n bhinnd .s a - *,ehtple er-. -in~ omlte n i ote~ ei-npasd !rom-$5 in-&*10 "Thexêo's ô rthefl" fetPoatd'1. ,Vi '-- k 01 cup o hot atýr.and. - to the! inchial " ci Sure - olds4 -chest teallng to tà st ani le, amili -~, -An escendet e brom jeatih. fo. ov- d let foucsi Carrh- Weil -for, the only ftnd t-ha - ýry relie~ tanently !ILLIAMI ,une, usé N. have t-q Dep rb but, it r, ' ,1ow ton- iNDIA. atta says; 'est-on lf- itli heavy ' ce auffene4 ERNi 1Tirains now, -i ,ments' mnade,,, spre .de .Wick, -Msy and.j ain steel Li mte P aes rnerelY-- iselves. , when' ise ex. ha no, wht., easant ittie. PONTRAL j

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