Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Nov 1913, p. 4

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For gift ofi wife, 1 Priei - WHÈ ss~ wJ tbeol at the ntxt Municipal elec.lin feus.titan flv years. This in oane,"aüd the, '1ff4 Pros'peçtus,.- Màln,- Atter careful exainination. oi.example out o!' ËY ýthat. so aptly ËHIE YOUT14WS COMPANION.- ii PetitiAon, At was- "voeà and re, tlliI.tates the 61d' Sctch -proïerb, 1,-4 Ber > ey St., 1Boston, Man., OQDMDCded that thre anme 1e la-id ou '1Moù' n-fmikies mair a muckU,"thre .- tiie-Mble. gattliertig .o9fcon>paratiyely snaI EatW doucl adjourned to, meet on Mon- 'xount.s- rom many peope inalcs egb-C ula day, December lut. - splendi-I total'. . ____________Cuolmttsdy i eb present. Uer. Gifford lu the chir. AJJL SAINTS" CHURCIX. Evéry WO n iCommuncations 'were read fron , J. The, annuaI>atronal Festival and H.~. Valleau, J. B. Pazewell, K. C. Thanksglving su~vces of! Ml SaC ats' tfO D. Conant, Chua. -RôbsoÏt 'and C ,ciiurCh were iield- on Saturday and P. - ~Ry.- Sunday,.,Nov. -lut and 2nd. - Tbp tes- XI of sallow a8km f8S - Moved hy- Mr.. Bryant, aeconded' by 'tival- began- by -a ceîslrat#G1of<<- ri, blemnishes she ouglit-top'oeg [r.cML a, 7tht.the MéInnis Hloly Conim"nln at 8 aJ.Ï oa- saî t h ~e clear compleidon anid thie-- couirt te nt rtaU»te<lby r this U~ urday (Ail SAints' Day). On Sund&y "Utýyofntead good cil. ,Caricd.- thre services were of a specaciar -ac- 1health. nywoan ;ailcte oc yM.Byascne.b ter. Thiey were taken by Rev. R.W. or suffeing aàt times f.romý Mr. D)earbora, t- tn onl'a Alleu, rector, assfed by Rev. Jos. headacéhe, -backa1 h. nervous- .for sheep kiIledý by dg-CE Ban F1etcherko0f Whltby. Rev. Dr. Byle, lens, languor anidéer"sOn 413.30, 41eo. Hepburn :$8.00, Cawkéer Dean, o! Dlvini'ty >o! Toronto Univer- of spirits-ought to f ry & Clemens $20.83, Carried. sity, who - was thre special preacherMvdb rByad eoddb delieredtwo ver, scolary an elmr. Gover, that -tis Coupe#-, pay delve re two v.ytgchary amone- QbyG.Bradseoned qurtadres6 t lrg cngeg- Mr.. Alex. McKenzie $8.00,, beiag S-3, t4ons. Thie speclal muskêl by the&<éhoir value of one - ueep kllled hy dogs. was ezcepl>lônally well, rendcred, and PILL Carried7. tire ThanloegMnig- collections among - Mr. Dearboru, seconded'by Mr. Glo- tire, largeat evor taken Up in -thre< the st at W4 5,Most con-. ver, moved that thre Clerk be insÉtruott- -chlic. Theday- was an Inspiration veen -and ýino8t economijcal ed te. inert James A. Drew's name te il, -and, clearly siiowed thre pros' mýý-remedY known; ,Beechamù's on tre Coleetor's role for lots 14 and, perity of thre church. -1½'Pil1s remnove impurties, ue5 o.NBFfr$,0,an te ---better digesion refreshing naibe of R. J.' Robertson for lot 16, -R01 AND GUN IDi CANADA for -sleeP, anud bave an excellent con. 1,. for- 49 acres for $3.000, these' - gner Ï onieeffe upon .t.he - properties havlng -been omitted - from. November, Fblae,. J. Taylor,'ý wholebodilyiyÈe1h., Th Yhave tire'Asseasment Roil. - - Lt.'Wood9tock, Oént.) sustains a-Indrfspwe o nroe Mo-edbyMr. McLean, seconded; by repulatiiou as -the leading Canadian the geeM elh wfeb ~r.- Bryant, that -tire'Reeve, Clerir maazn~deotd etie ntretsof-purif initheblood Beecbam's -. and -Assessor, be -paid $4" each for sportsmen. BigL game hntngéà ýcla the ai n their servi '~ selevtlng jurors.Ca- Britishr Columbia la described 'in s* ie d Ca .,woq wittn aiflllutrled rtiles Mr. Dearbern, seconded by Mr. Bry- '&A, Labrador Roomi" is'descriptive of mant.,*oedthat W .MeG-il be Labrador flsbing village; 'ý1My VIS- IO OlpIXIn a d c rod on 200 rods wire1 ift to, an Aliberta 'Frapper,"1 details a S<,Id ;ýÎ in ,la ozcu, 25 cents. fence. Carried. suceugtul day on tire trap. une;, No womoaa mould ifail to d the vauJble Moved" by Mr. -Dearborn, secended e'How-tô KeeP Gamne From Spoiling"l directom w~itbmc>' bcb= by Mr. Glover, that Messrs. McCon-i contaixis some valuable information '------neli, Greene and Motheril be paidi for -thre iunter of big ami small game; HINTS FOR THE POST OFFICE. $1600 on bridge contract. Carried. 1 4'WenRily lie ianln"la y ay The following set o! rules have been Moved by Mr. Glover, seconded bl of varlety and reminiscent o! the fa- contributed. by a United States Post- Mr. Bryant, that George. Hepburn mou lamieReatt wen al hemaster, who doubtleus was the v ir and John T. Guy be paid 2c a rodj toe C's bi ucuil.e ra md ar.ou fotini of mucir misdirected abuse. Tirey for 80 rods each for wire fence when1 tir Chmpinshp. irereglar de-mgt be applicable In some cases erected. Carried'. patments are well maintained. nearer home, according to the report of local authorities. PRESBYTERIAN CHIURCH. "«Poýitlvely no letters will be-gl'ven On Sunday mornl!ng thre congrega- out until they are received. tion li ti churcir listened to an li- "If you don't get a- letter or a pa- tcresting address from Mr'. G. Tower per on the day yen expeet ii, have t--Y<11 cet na;10in1- IL %0 & 0 # 0 pA A AJt a Because Your Liver is- Lazy You get a billous- attack when your liver refuses ta do Its ok.Thîe bile dcts flot flow. You become constipated. Food sours instead of digesting. You haveW that " bitter as Ial ase he stomach becoxnes inflarbed'Und inflated- turna slck-vo.nitixl,, nd vicient headacbe.-The best preventaive and curé for biliousfless- la Chamberlains Tà%!--s. h'yi- heLcEe-d t wrý'Srntc h digtl1 # 1ra4s etor i - 1 11-1 Z 11118 hcat. 5r. t t it D. SIMPSON& %00. M.1LJFR Our standard le higher than ever before in quality and nbwnesu. There, i. great, dexnand for Misses' and Young ;-Women'a Rats in Soft Velvets and iPlush. Toronto prices -for these $7.50 to $10.- Our prics-forbeat Plush $7.40, Velvets 34.60--yu and e5.OO. We give aoj «& etter grade of *goods,"-tJrimmingy, equal to anything in, Canada; ý- See the hata we tnrn ut sd save dollars. 'Yen will 'flnd our rniIllnery departrnent up-to-date in everythîi'g oreearl ras weare r.ushed. -- MPSO N,&C ant P Thre Old Bacirelor says: Il"Buy wben thre weaîirer's only another way of saying while thre iron- l bot."l cold"Il i Warm winter over coats... Tire bes -t Semi-ready Tailoring serv iceable severatseasonis Top conta and ulsters' Coats with beltéd backs Shaggy, woolly couta Motor conta Ulsters.- This is the Urne when tirey'thnko new Overcoats.thro ,And yyou've never- heard of lbete ha *Semi-ready. -'te ia The ptice-savipgs wiIl alone-make yeni feel warxu i cold weather.-- MAURE MUnPHY~ TAILOR iDoor Soui af- Royal Hotel' WHITBY -- - ONTARIO 7- ST s CORNER NARDWAI .1 'I NoticewesterlY lirait' of tii, aide road be- betwoen lots 12- and 13 Ç thience south-, IN.THE COUNTY COURT 0F THIE erly along sld. westerly limit forty- C0OJNTY 0F ONTrARIO. oi (44) teet, more or leass, to the., 1laMeo!felnig -Tu the -M~ .th Railway Act, adtrpolndadecrbdoL 'U~ lathe né<r !tii, takin b , tti b y adxànofeasdumntforybe , té Toronto, admer RaiwayCom ýpgny- O! -CertakIn andisi'being part o!f nrth O4 ceMo re -or less, lt13 ÎL . the son cues .no the and pbg siiowa colore pink-on plan, TownhWip-.o! Es Wtby, zôw-intb attached heàreto'. town -o! Osbawa and-County -O! on-- Toronto, September 23, .193. tario. -F. FP. CLAItKE,ý Taire notlcè that application wil be Ont. Land- .Surveyor. Madue ou, Dehl.f 0f thte Toronto East- ern Ra11WRaY', Company before tire Couu'ty Judge0f tire County o!fOn tarie, at iris -harbers, li thotoi*n o! Wirtb, -oný thé 25th day cl No- vember, 191 . at thre hour of teà ' cdock lu thre Jorestoon, or se seon thereaffer as te application can b* heard, fer a warrant for immediate possession o! tire lands referred te ln tire notice ef exprepitation hereto an- nexed.,, And taire notice that upon sucir application will be rend tire notice of expropriation hereunto,' an- nexed, tire affiAvit of Jesse Calhoun Rothery, a copy o! wiric Ir l hereto annexed, and sucir otirer material as tire applicant niay be advised. Dated at Toronto tris seventi- day of October, 19i3. - YOUNG & McEVOY, Solicitors for Tire Toronto Eastern Railway Company. IN THE COUNTY -COURT 0F THE In tire matter-ot tire lailway Act, nndý in tire ntter o! -tir. taklng by tire Toronto Eastern Railway Company o! certain lands, being part of lot 13, in tire second concession oi tire Town- sip o! East Whitby, now la the Town ol Oshawa and County'o! Oit- tario. Taire notice tint tire To.ronto East- era Railway Comnpany requires as:d wll taire from. you under-tire. provis-. ions of Tire Rallway Act for tire pur- poses e!f ts rallway, all yens right, bîtle and - intereet lutire lands set- forth lu tire description ou<aned zerein la Sciredule '<#A."0 Aud taire -nolétês tt the iaid Conr-. PanY ta- ready and willing to psy P'ifty Dollars (M5) -as compensatio for such lan~dsuad for any damnages mauses! by tire exercice o! its poweru thereon.1 -Dated at Toronto titis 3Oth day of Septem>er, 1913..- YOUNG,& MeEVOYf,- Solicitor .1er Tire, Toronto1E-a'stera lÉa1way' Conxpauy. el pI ti 'J TO1RONTO EAgTE R Ë,AILýWAY Descition- o! tend'required for r 0t o! 'way tirougir-Wp1rtlot la,- 1101. 2 -2,Tôwnshipo! Eat Witby, Co ny o! Ontarto.- - - A strip of laud used aé,a rosi! and 4elng-derle, fasl1w11 .1 - - to preserve the changung like- nesa of your grewing boy or girl. Memory plays strange -.tricks e tms 8- 00g! Plioerapif- or 80 every year will keep an accurate record of thre subtie changes ini their development. Un Wtf illdlo that littie collection wil be te you and to tiem ini after yeArs. - Make an appointment now. -Wilsons Studio Lowr Pricos Ic-msorn :2 8 ta Tmas- : i Ail New P10 it yo buy-càrrieo ~ilI JSever4, houses ànd buiding -lots for Ssale la Witby. inds of Farina !or'uafr lu 4the Towaxlp of, ES. - Whl.tby and- Pickering. -~ j FRANK E. JONES, bjy - ý ITBY. ae aDtilm - 4 ROYAL TH TE -Open everyr eveni. Adulis, ioc.' ÇhiIdr'en under-12yRs. Saturday nght, i oc toàU.Y - BAIN PERRIN, - ROY -BOOMER, Manager.. Operator. REAL ESTATE j la one who attention to t] fully reaJize You see otire sxght with goo -, yourself if yoi- service. We c linequal aigh, 1 -JEWELER-At OPPýOSJT5NEW POST OFICE o' that fal is here, also our .complefejinée or BOOTS UOES,- RUJBREC A Pleasuire to Show Cloods.. rok., ot iheWhithy,O. 'EEL PLoa< I'5f~ We have the icest lot-of 'Bulbai to' o«er you thîs ear ,at-,ver-yreasonable 'prices.,Dn-i4of planting. them but,- do- it now whilée you- can get-'the best.selections. -TU-ilp ir siûgle I u.Tlips, do6uble 10 J -crocus, mixed Narcissus Cehin«ese acrcd Lily, doubleal 5 c -each, 5oc doz. 25c doz. 30Cdoz. 40c doz. ~ee - ottoe, in~ -Haddie, Ciscoes, -Tr' Ur Special BIend Tos- 13 w E this.beai Seî --COLD- LookI Coal-tHoc Coal Furnacel- Lante ns Axes.- -A Rat Trap Mouf i;WA '.41 .11 1,,~ c RE, Phone 2~ WITBY? ONTAIl I- JR * f 1, ý ý--. l ýH aà* cint-h sinÉlé Digby _D0 "Vojý Ru., 'l AIM('-UIVIZC nIC e%&19MA rlà%

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