Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Nov 1913, p. 8

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jr, 'bas &iuwue ntvouw a oa gaz, omaiern 1 an I ad iche« is 'we ring8er Cent o~i. abead üef-Ocët0- 1_ Ca titorefo as otherthat itÃ"re t e l unot s p lw e<~ ~ P Y ~ 0T 11~ M te bi' _ k n~ oî -b ee lj g f c ly on F id y, afbe a tw w ek k N ' an eI . A a ge s ak r M o- - Id -yd oU rs w ilh beyoa d i doubt no t - f B rook i la H e of sO t obi h r I îaOure - to b u e ou a . L M F »-d s r e ils hm ei se r cu a i n - - - ou e T h s d a b er rec e nt a eta k o! ly p h ol d tl ev 1 r. F9 -Da e a s r n e d t s W a y , A . S y, l l o, D 1o vg - e !ni dolAlb'srwërto been'd, doubt VaCW, M. ýL torea ohrsôe ant upy ýago>X oroîto.dy atr wowe(' equL)o, , M. AJuv. , la temde ftteett !Br A u io it Saestaf.flar e-aia er W~ y ar id ba lc n. ta p o p lite I it A y um 0 yolda, S. t arr. CI nheà nd e ersfge it s i i rtors ihere n r f nl rl W me 's In tl ut , l l il sv er s llgh rodske r. am enset T ro t w t and- ColumbodSodttaed Preabyt.Frl tnbr oter, cler JrtIsarod lctadunMr-.liabyhoe-th Et'eai o treec ueTr' ga~bEdaadon'fl dIo G.' aid t P rusty erseid lie witlatril M-1 *11mo't ithé P-neetngbÃŽ t eriae e'e vgrel u Sudy] Te aesl ltR.wmhPar -RBekbîeyni,.utdBrbrdIsinIbi amsAi hme , Fof rs Di ar, on T hursd ay M . F e o e, r p e itl o e I i e r e a e p e se h u o d e J&aldter-eB AaEdUfEiWE STrtforlars l November l~ -aI' 3 p.G.A damon-sen g th xc t e commite'foJ to re Il.MJr h- a. . ni, Frd J b, Wlla ! tti lam i tt. be lcicitakofýt eer rdsôi traper -as. thé Wéta Sr . -Rbale lowel, - Geý org" ueo it euiy f ahl Mr adMr.Wm aweceweein Mss-arî,,- boplac ilfo eaerbfr te iiérJIw, ran oaNotice. theai. -r f Thé onrley markatte-ralngerhd-i- -Jr._. Wlmt 4f- ' B adbuT om idtkentcetlitale hé3 * -W b v o b u a c mp c e e il eaq es a~le la F uta-l. r. ord n R yno dsWas itby. Cli r dt w É 1I Br- , B rc ---. E i aie h Ei aorS a r il prcé Warr l nte r o ot t a g in P i es IM ra.tJasmesvedArmM stron gPr m erurgYenl ? . d v l î t i t i i t h s é s e h s W. ar sllng ai 'ina ! ubigaidnbe oosatvry ow c bs bénpTorsoby ~ ontoéeuli, GM.dys *aYon-. decpas I tedama g r. th peos tltldar ofA, thetermedlatstarfean- Eigar Bon--bitereto, toolaglacero oiey1 0 th - C LL SO ICTe Dinn W . Ja kso . lo, Ew - A r- d le ma n -do, J v a S ur. d itoU w ley of a th on ~ of - I C arkB .th I O ARrj of G as"-M p. l b e r newB r n ent w l a oS r r1 e .-_.Coi én e t hle rso rL vn ,l a r n d El z b t nesTy ONORTH9 a hetoe F- y~ O T R o f wth hiAuylum work:E will about el. itad notice, aid thILatai.tite salit James. go, ctad, -"r rsrn I.a:h Anies uohr ofSel ay, relttéKaemLpé h1 ~r.'PrVer -Wohso. E>rStrr 11 ýt b Ib nçpewofeeicLarecemak loa ddite mr f a dsn or OQ RLI ENYSRET t e s -sa. r y gvpat aleré t - iaghé fMr.GogeLù fr C. oof b, ite c keing.sls'we ': V-L a-R X Qu . snt hnave rcelednotce aigo lbeoldl fracasdr og. - *Dte ITr atiis o251 hdo numbrablber ime.s oSr.id11.-K. E. Wtgotoon, H.atd.CorssrciGe, Got an H.é'u r- AiDs.die9 0 e Mn t a Hà Ioe I1 a ty.FAR M E S' enSevrM a ehek 'cotage Wiesy- . it. M Sn o ab*StA-Rth - PEE,o - ~~ U ~ - O luxa ara about ready for R ogers dildgatiteeJr - ûe. -H. J c s n . N w a , S h l o u f r t e E e u o e- n. on t. .insidehwbitai Vtitere wlII h,19a l' a H. Ricitarineoth homofofoerk aaa e dotedrI th SO -A-..Ëiowln,- . o riin, E Poic 1ott Tho John Watsan Wareose ln yrmo la.- . CGrotb.Loe-H.MoeM.Sarsnypt rpidorodevrt- ber 65h -ear dnobae.enW n- osrtheanthoinedfooliciors. efe all premoved helt fr evrl easbaig ha -is daStry îsenrdinsabua feH. FR OwLL- RDERN oWetSara Ontalo Wjens-Int Jr.e,çIV1.-Pass marke 27ie-an-WrelytleanSoi-. CRIPPLan ESrut-ee ANer teEFORME th thévua iotl eting are he W 1itabot twera ff-d',e cTeo!'tasinithe u are' a Srh1Paumr27RoDigW K hm. Ms eat nTusl 'ornis. Betterget t etad have 294, AnaitlelewO'Conaor 292, Grace-peasè requireoliefor lampu and ffl ,a ndS full aLty. lrs i freebe î,,- tro pm u mo - r odor theMAexç-cuiveLEoHAVtteA SIMPLErport.nnorg h266, Eh Pasanoe 2at. pes1Jr. II -Ps Mark 240-elPe Àrk- wR. .QU the____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___Conférence.__ ___ Il..M r. b z Sanc ott s,: o t Pai,Ïey 18, Brie Diagmano 280 Harolds a Th bïeÈ TAXES israh A u],-Jr radeyury0'TLutterAnascoé 121oiceiiBY altr Th V LH Y / F Io w tht'Par-lula i , bith e nsaW-N r a y C rne. citoél1I3 he -oO R E -th.. e M Sli . kduathé - d-off uifi gngrm64c.Prme er B-Alma So.D.-. T o!THE Cut e narlo, Ate helthdy SK EpSteuiGeer, igia coIulaarJluganie he lo and a mple at e U feof l l tg ito re r e o ae it ex p oleoU bu s ou tr b veaandne M ss éi tid B rc e, a i k upîs et S n la r -- c a t e s e e r i n s e f r t ; h r e y i v n t i e h a u l e e u c i r r a r , a d ' o e ~ jW i . .,a c at'a I a r u i f l o V c et â f s- S c i t o o l ( S . S . i N o . 2 , W h l t b y ) , 8 . r ' é - We.aet the houkndsof r o Li a h atrno Sg i no ver garo w bafomeld. PS, ell a ice a tiecolg é rou. t me o! bite he alLiernsentoop TOW SIers0F AMAnde druo tbeGze-Èoaidts1Doembr. tons h it aiaIsofthe-bûlnma.- Part - ' L t C n. cre Tax s C ats Totl P t o Uip t W . Jacks e~î a 0o S o. 2, m dite Pmi . EI g .- r B na Of lt hd n -in sua c n f A $ $, neLL' nrufstp allgiaI ad hé folwArdg lea n, éporlà S. S. on tof *its pliy holderl a e 15 5! 104 25 13 0 Un at ave an m ma ultel ot an cal, N . , P1ckéring,-for moittnoticeo-..and coI.t:ýe d a e s' 19 M îoo 15 7 $z 4 $1 40 Unpt UCofom lchine eeH.Ahways be. r..0péripne.t. req:reCorbdenpren=urne No ls, tiand80,3548 z Pln, -Lo ou cre Tae Cci alPt orN. Brnsat Ocfbt tie wlthe uBastie b ré- S':. IVEerett - acey ,Ea l saire rîum l ione ! 1912 fha' fi, Ué ra res n tlknse air 8, E nf e m n 8, A iSTRËÈ foée6es a tit orlalm a rerée t oi Bluetfi, Lt ..,Tom- ason 1i . -»- -> Il -priôuyer - riitef _rn e A b e t i AI w Il pu t - fe ai d b e y in g t l l -- - - î '* ii-- - - o uat e y s â i bein -pa t 1 5 4 /b 4 ~ - ~ 8 - Fa adé it ir a d c usé il 1 gr w l s- r. hII .- Lck Mcbri , Véraao , . e pio oaly 1 w; - -h- - - 2 I ~ o 2 0 2 50 8 7 - F at r o am i luxurian c tta s lat lik ev. ' u t é r m r c e i-tac lan o t i. 29 T.1vr4b1IP OP BROCK. .it- Cou. Acres Taxes Couts 13 -3 82 27 TOWNSHIP 0F MARA ..ot Cou--Acres"' Taxes ,Cos 45 100 .2461 287 19 9., 4 -2 40 250; gI1 78Si 4 22 6 8 25, 5e4-L.50 7 '2100 34 25-35Il -& 12 - l10 is226a 38.. Il 12 '35,-14 85, 2 62 Pt, ý23, 1913ê -Total -Pat or Unpa 1 - ALMONDS. - 20 93 - Pat -Miss L, Johnson,,-c'? Orilla, lWv-e tIn es-sives horetiiwek Total. Pateor Ifapat lira. E. Atkins Qi aid lirs. R. al 37 48 - Pat Wéré i thé ity J85Iwéek. 4 p0 - at Miss Heléil O'C0Ouar <sEtteachug 83 07 -- Patt4bIiaseliné ucitool Iis é-weekla inte 7 ~ put absence o! Miss Sep P7 J6 - -- at , ýr. Gulilver tas aiovéd -b l oui, 25 37 - Pat Oaid Mr. -Will' Ward, we- ieievl 176 -Pat' &ig ItSplace here. 47 47 P- at'lir. -aid lits. 'R. HFWlIweré a In k- if dCAY, -erlag last week attendlng lte w -% Cuty Trouurer. diiig o! their cousin, miss$II - - - Leng. - 1- Wlius -6, Arcitie Mayne 9.2, Ilérman'. Neaf, Allia Néal, -Rose 'IMU,(absent': Jr. Ib--tara Mackey 100, Illwôod Stevénuén: 100, -Edgar '-Mayne".100.1 Clarence Rédmang"9.x - Prmmea......tffi.,.,..- Nouýe an>. o! slmith-ý "tYý AILWA betwemn -Tronto and Montrêa1' Paroidforemplym ieùuijg I itiosPâl andan da.WAso D o bl m ont u r . ad Toronto and, cibler prm*cipi Weay rlouneativ so, h tiema.Weoff: té iesauthé bueme ['rack andSolid Traibetwi.n Pay ieeklY, freé eutfit, exclusive 1ez lopntréal , and O hicéago; alo "'o*~ between Ontarjo pointsr,, New York under énltivatbu. ,Establiabed 7uver yeare. A reputatioi for high-ïÎde 8i1ou nd Phiadelphia, va Niagara and taà' dealm.Aelsiaacnaa Fails. oe elu oa. We want au ene *For: termes, wite SMOOTH 1IOADD~D Pe1hanm NUrseX1 C.o., TSraO flPsTEQUPMMT N.B.-FecatalWQ on ':equeat.-.2 PL],CTRIC LIGHTED PULLAN S~EP~s - IN VISIBLE 'rnkTicket oiffloe, aid especlafly E. STEPHENSONI 70i -Agenat for E-xpresTIcket and ,ilograpit Ofce, opposte 'Standard iNk Whitbyé, O ù.- ; M.e W HIT B Y U O [ N ingWat...çmam. olngiaat...uos. .7.5 p.. I .... 9.30p!lm I u d a r t i n a \ e à a f o T o o o 52 a.m. and 7.5ip.m. -P rom -To':-, 40 ':trai stop uti" Vhitby.Jun ebleaù 8.15 and- 9.55 -na., *aid "9.80 p.m. UP-'ruWN TTINq ST&Gff. _yv W b b y for O» haw a- a& iLý a - , i d 4 p m o . K l h , p o m o - B wo ugh m a t le0 . m -ýdid -cpruS Hlot Wa«ter-ý Fountain'-i-w Enemi Go 0F TH{E FIN AND THE BE .L E-- Draggis t a MEDICA -Brock-St - Professiol ?MEDI D.W. WIl OKIROP ALWhxth J NO. L fARE jaarister, Countyt Ci County Si south wing Cm A. F.CHI ;Officq, Brock St. Op Money tç "AMES RUTLEDOGf Money to Loan~ ,,ffice immediateiy s! 6. YOIJNG SI * Issue] MARRIAGE A DAMS.,ini "»Umts, Remidemoe Ni BonSt", WMbtbY. JAS,.]B] mhawa, ioonsed Ai @or =to L. Ymirbanks ýdates apply to selfi 1LICENSED AI AUl kinde o! maes 1 »esista tk. Gazette TerMm reesonable Be#,U aidedpedo mGrpner, BWc Repairs, AliIc agentfer Bran B oxAA R A6 W it Wi pay ybIU 10 OM41 nupeot for you Dont h* miied f mLt empio0y -teai, .x mm -do'. SOW Iba 14 le per gent, ;vlà Ã"Seand g*pooho IStendair1 the' shi- IL SPcigroud, 7 E. LOKE, ~ i 169 !Tonge St-. TORONTO Scuesteo ody ires. PRAOTIOAL UNDERTMCU -Chargeasinodîr*te. E- W. EVANS Pump Manufacturer skop ýait d. ld..en; -Dundào Street lbmo o..u dWhIUy Hmm. We apup.nd Io utaj woador krm penqpa«Msmhort oe, im a$tmd i. .1auMmd. of u-, U3ND]

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