Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Nov 1913, p. 8

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la-. 58* Ah.. 8'~ Now usea- the. Iu-- iké thoso l - Jzsen and tue- workeros, The es nobî&a cent* out a Loe -rosorves. - Ini Look, in 0ao - hI 1910theo 02 their rooemý Tlicy h~v plows; Thbl Lppeu'ting!asc. lair way tp>1., )ng bforo the. iii bo earilinge Lawrence--wbts- all your' drfed- ap -- ~ pies. Highest prices paid 1er -bih bright st ock. - À rrangements ar:e -beln byd the ladies of St. t.homas' ôhiarch'lte hold- their annual- bazaar on Dèei- *ber 18111. this te expected tlexecell auy befor&.beld. MEss E mmerson bas a*arted te pro-. *pare 'thecoblîdrewr for their annual acheol concert.. No pains 'ivill b. spared te inake Il a' sUeMa.- -This l111 te lime yeu sbould be don- siderins- the matlter e! Chrisîmias carde -îîr - your rinonda. . When -l in Whitby cal aI 1the Gazette ani * (Chronicle office,, and seo oursamples. We have* ail styles sud prices, from~ th1e less expeiýéive te the more olab- Serate, that vo e au supply you witli, your naine sund a greeting -printed. thereon. 'Thi dçath ocç-urred inu Breki i Saturil ,Novembor .15, et Robet Briýt. il ed77 years, 4 ieuhwaâaâ '17- days., Deceased iadeeu -11 for - several weeks -prier te bis' deatà-. *The late Rober ' Britèn, was born l --(?rkhieEng., in 1836, ana came te inda iiý 1850. - Ho first laudodý 'in W1itbr~ and - bas'llved in Wbftby and PickeiunSTe-wnsbips practitcally *ail bis life,'côming te Brooklin sevon-, onyenrs ago. .HMo, wife, .whose- miiden amte- was Anu Reutley, -pro- deéceased hlm doyven years. -Ho was a rnmbeaÊr fteiMetho4iut cburch,aànd .% -&s-,kind sud geulle dspoitien, ai- ways ready te lend a heipinjg baud te a ueîghber ,or!entrie ùne. H r-1a'yes te eira bis- loseue daugh ter, Miss Britton, wbo nursed -and. - ared fer lier -faàthor', during lus 1 neas. Much sYmpgtby l'je tot for ber 19 ber sad-bereavement.. The funoralt deeýk place on Tuesday te St. John's 'Bell cnut h sri ey. I. The daaco lu the Masonie Hall on Kriday evcning by e.memûbers of a - And lbavo been Iliouglu these wed- had- a yery ded-yas iday -of 18.81 Of- happiuesesud -kerrow ýtee; Hueson, -Oet don>..- wlth friea S oow btmae1e nd or 3V.c trust Ithà riendehlps you bave don, et As> - lrmod, - ' î NIr.N. Wil- lroInf lime te limne as -yarsrolled -'by, me rnen;'ýwhe' Have always helped sud ove>. charmed ,inity, make Nor. ove>.causod an anxie'Uîs-oye. î-evenluga lu We meet- aI this'silver wëdd4ln 'With houet o osefonud sud tled in bis truie, - ormerly oc- 'To meet a-t "Yen>. gplden wciddling ,y. -Ere 1the iourney et lite- e hotough,. Mo L. lieu 3d1.eIfAaWMebdhlala eh.WorM) have Plroved themiselves to be the best corrective o1r, pre- ventive of thee roubIe& , They -i nse ,botter feelings and those who> relyupon theniaonfldt Ã"slea5 briak and strong they *re bettr able to wok-~n en»oy life -For that reason alpne, Beecham's pava"i, ThoFaorie aunlyMedicino 'y"anuflvIyboeja..f» ualafine successa.- _Thier-e wers PICKERIING. guetia,»resent from Oshawa, Whitbyl Rev. B., N. de Foo Wagner, bas and 4îlreMont. . rs. Jackson was taken charge of the Anglican chaurch Pl nit, and -'provided abundance -0t aI Alli8ton, ilad moved there asat good musioý The"condition p'eth1e week. rroadsatter, the beavy rains ýrevent-. The Fruit Growers' Association are . a nuuber tram- a dsanebeing 'elipping their apples froin Pickering present. this week. Èrs. Needam.f- ee ,wilU ad- On Wednesday aftrnoon, aWle ~ -metin et111eWo-Stevenson was engaged Mihg the f mn's ForenMisslonarySey on north approach te 'Haight's bridge. T hesday -atterneon lin1the basement ha had san eperience with bis herses erth11e PresbytoFian chUZcb v4'verY Ibat he wiIl net soon torget. A amal pleasaut tUrne: h snticlpa t ed. ternporary bridge connected, the basic witb 1the bridge proper, and the. work- MYITLE STATION. mon irould drive their teams on te Missa Edythe Earie bas returned the bridge te tura around. Oe Ibis -. m bon rom Toronto, wbere she ha. occasion «Mr. Stevenson's, horses,both. spent a mentbi>'. oiidays with ber e! wbilch are bllnd,. turned aroumd on ulster, Mrs.,Haroid. Earle. -the email irdge, with the resuit j Mr. George'- BlIght and, tamily are that lhey stepped ofÈ il and fell -a meving te Whltby tbis woeek. We are distance et ten foot or more, one Berry te loue 1Mr. Bliglil ana family herse -on top et the other, and wedged' froru ou>. village, 'and we wish tbem in belween «éo earth snd the comeut ýhbet abutiment. Tbe poor animale began' MrJbBlrkett1,-of ?alsam, la te slruggle te gel eut, and in their- mevlug, mb1the houdh receitly occu- struggies gel. very badiy brulsed and pléd by _tdr . .. Bilgbt. Wo wel-, cul up by stri1ln againstthe11e ce- corn.e6.1fr. Blrktt te our village.. ment and timber- by'whicb they were Bora-Oàn Monday, Nov. 10, te Mr. surrounded. A. large niunber -or nmen snd MrsB. George Houston, etf Toron- frein the village and surroundlug -te, la Bon. country were mmoned, wbe, alter Mrt. sud Mrs, 5J; M. Beacock spent au heur or, vZiadwark and Suaday lait wlth _Ihir dube, t ' stanccetfres, geot1>th n p*.ontypool - -- - Moili out. One was able te go tb 18. O. . opensag~bJlI .~±eay th1e stables at once, but - the he e veRlug noût. was tee wesk .Jio> ber struggJes 1 What abolkt arranglng for Christ,- eêve for -seme lime. -A veterinary mas ardste snd t yo r innde? was sumrnoned, and t ound Ibat -the TUE. BARGAIN 8110iOE STORE, -.W.bhave on band -a complote-huae 'ofw a'a ' cashinmetto button gaitéra at'bIxgain prices. -- - We are selling mena s~oe and two buckie, over-uhoes -at very close - prices. A CALL SÃ"LICITED' r - R.i IOé«r a R . .Bu ,And ina>' yur healîb -sud happines Last lbrough 111e mauy yeara te May' poe-sd coinfert ever bles And guard your bright sud ha-ppy home. November 14, 1918. KINSALE. The Kinsale Branch et the South Ontario Women's Institute wfil meot lu' the hall aI Kinsale ou Thursda>', Neomber 27, at, hait past two lun1the atternoon: As noverai tepios cf lu- ferest are t e b.dlscuseed 'we- woutd like te sèo a gooid turnout etf'wemen sud girls. -Also a repoe conven- tien wyul begiven. Ire. T. Richard- son, Presidet; Ire. R:' R. Mew- bru>', Secretar>'. I. 1-- -j TrH] graspe býe the and' E>airY -11ow -wbich - ped à -Tor0'on nNvembeçt17, ..the ra'l-- YVaYS bave grante& spëeclî erelen-. ratesata10low--far'-s -for next wëekI. Prom places'-. vberé- tbe,, irst: clàss tare le les. -tban $2.50, 'ai -returh. ticket wlll be issued fer smugie' are- plus_ 25 -cents?- wbkéh-*111 'includë7'ad-. mission A t hie show luTrn. Frein other- pIjgce in th1e. ,proic, encept the. .territory west ef Azilda on th1e C. P. R. round trip tickets lre old fer 'hie_ lowest one-way.. d0Udes admission t te greunIdeo. Mr. ,A. -P. *Weslervet -bânager oet the Natienal -Live 'Stôck, -;Horti- cultural sud Dairy Show, reorts 111e largest nupmber of, entries, roceived for any siÈdlar exhibition.,ove>. held in.,.-anada;. Poultry entries number over-8,500,wth pgencanardes,' bautamu,-peàants, unat*ec ming ýIthe, eathre hcktei 300. Herseswilil be 50; be! cale anddry 'cattie 800 each; sheep suad swiue 60,-while, flewers, fruit' and -An important- -teature is 1the 'nian- ber etf entries that bave, been recelv- ed, frein Un ited Sates breeders:. and erbibiters.- Car' oade e! 'herses, livo stock sËd poltry, are being sonl- for- w~~rd - -frl opening - at. he ju dgeÉu lu ali claý.ses'are'meù ol ac- .kaowledged et1ndlugand experience. -Tho show ie beud-té bbéa great stmlste brcedig ai>d luc-reased, produétien. D)ISTRICT. DOINGSi. Ceunîy Ceuncul ef EsËox declded' recent1y te submit a by-law fôÏo-one million dollars on januar>' 1.t fer concrete roads.- Twe Poterboro-grocers 'have been. Iflned $150 sud cesta each for sollig ,adulterated maplo yrup. - n An Oshawa prape>. calis Bowman- -ville hockey tes-rn- "11e corne!rein lehinds."- Yes, tbey did. corne frein behlnd M!d defeated-- Osbawasssait ted stick handiers twice last s=aon. Watch Ibein repentth11e Irick- again -Ibis soason. i The Vindicater Ibis week woicomes te- the mental energy of Oshawa "<The Oshawa Froc Prese." Il promises te "st*nd fIn bflothe-boul interests et Oshawa and its peàPle in work sud plày." Wecannol-.have tee -inu> tactors such as Ibis, oven If ',t l truc that itlais-a 'tlny acoru" yot, il conviction le backed wp by oxperience sud wiedom n sd 'a traigbtforward "bowlug te thé liue, lot t11e chips tai where - 111e>' mu>." -The 'Vindicater, therefoe, welcemes ils lin>' bretherJ iu the great w,çork of 'ýenllghteng thé' people o! Oshawa.* But lot. Brer~ Celpus remember that the e ed light le eue wbich Iu '<Iupl4ll al l th way."1 -Vudifttor. boldtrï-who reap ail the ienelits. The J policybolders will rèceivêe-r4-t>6,(So? I cee this yean.1 The mpst econemnicaI managemen t, wbîcb. bas wou for the Company' the reputatonof being The World s Oreatesi bivldsnd PayerG ends ti er The question now is----- Aiooftlng -Vour Sharo P of, the anx4uaI- cash',dividends that we, arc paying.-," F. J. DUJFF, MIL A,ýýE. DONOV,&N, Spéeclal Rep. Queen & Victoria St. lfyrtie. Poronto, Mgi. C OUNT! OON AMO.7 I.- WfflBY-Xiaa. E.L. LMaodonnell. Clar, Whtby-Je..13,Féb.-5 Nael4,Ârl',May 2, Jua Jan Je.7. 114. OSHAW- Nis . Nedomi Clork-Jan.14 L b.6, Nar. 5, ,Apr. 4,. Nay 16, Juïie 71 July' 4, Set.41. Out. S, Nov. 8 ec ,Jeu 8 94 wood, Clerk- -Jeum. 15,Mat. 6 a 61 àJul ,Set ,Nov. 1Ijmaup, Port Pa,Clk-J. Ne.7 Due. 17,.1914. * Ns. zdg 4. UIBRTDE.R Ch* kJam lé10 Match14,14 -J&13 1914. I.1CAnnlNGioN , k nm I, Mr. 18 1aY 14, july 1l, Sept. 10, Nov. m B[éavertoz4 Clark-mJau. 8e Mar. 13là Kaylà, JU1y 17, Sept.,Ù, Nov. ,î9O, Jeu.- 14, 1914. % ,1 7.C PTROevzl- Danlel l.mard, ÂlhubIy, (Jlrk- JÙea.7, lai. lie vie CI.ch o t- ue e. h- Gtteedainàty alumnm' Jely oulds FREE 15 chance te gel a complote 'set cf 'Six differoênt - eaabling 'yeu, -to -p rovido, a îvariety of aluminurn- jolI>' moulds froc ýwill- ho eugerly' desserts. Can ho served plain,- witlb ta, by up-te-date lostessos., - Firs : because, wh lpped 'cream, or lu combination 'wfith loulds ar-e imade of altuninumi, recognizied - te-. fresh or canim d fruits. - aworld's best' mstonal :for cookine ésLr . - ----'- Second : -because the rnoulds arc in- the' fashionablo jziàdividual sizes and curer>' one a différent shape. - - 'But this off-or is :-only god for a short timie. It's 'simp>' 'o û quick way- of introducing' Shirtîff!8' Joli7., W. gir ye- théernoulds as,,an inducomont ' Shirr4ff'a jeliyat once.- -- 7roceýr es probably neispîs-ymtg elly - ad&the .moulds in bis Zah1-or ohïon.e him at opce. PHONE . 0i 6mb/et ST., WEST,ý . WHITI .Cor. Vciwze and. -Alexandir $ta. au eut record sist Our ,stu.~ diuary «Tý fow- for Our <èta- the,~ tning ducnitely, guuran>eecu. Canadian -C mpànieScharge saine- amount-4àdnd iiar.1 Tenty7five eFayment Life- theen ftety yýears-theS~ is fully. paid for and bas a- $898 00, wbile, the usual cas the ether poNcy> at thesanie.ît Themmnia bostudieshls owzx pationize'The uquity LT!if4Anmus when, hoeantg, T Ife Insurauc. 1-W, DUDLHYai, nî surOis - è 'Preeldent O Us WhAut. TJ Most otheër -l teris- fôr -a Policy. -At quit>' policy ,h va!ue ef h value 1ero ýMue s $72Ã".' lunteresta s-Il>, mcCompaayr Trono.- M. _H ILL - TERUSMODERATE. Oppo1tê uak~r ChRolngston Road between Toronto -and 'Montreal, and Toronto- and, othe5qrincipb1 cities in Canada. __ "o"- Double Traok and Solid Trains, between MonItreal sd. Chicago ; alo bètween, Ontario points, New York and P 'hiladeiphia, 'via_ Niagara Fs.. SMOOTH - ROADBZD FINEST -EQUIPMENT F.LECT21C LIGHTrPD PULLMAN SLEEPZRS Trckota 4ow on cale at, aI Grand 'Trunk Ticket Offices, and omeclally E.. STEPHENSON Townl.Agent for Expiàw, Ticket- an&- Telegraph Offce,, opposite Standard Baak,' Whltby, OntâI Teephone 8.e- Tuain la ieTb 64-seranton Goal."1* "-,Yougliloghony Steam Goal.", "Blue Grass Canne! GoaV'i "George Creek Smithing GoaL." -No Ceai te equal 'these. Scranton for ranges, ýhenters an u m-* afces. Tie best-clian, bright'anmi dry,- Cannel for firei51aces- and (t~ Youghiogheny for steuin. -Noue àany'-- botter.- - George îCrekfor ail'kiuds ef saith- mng work. Fresb miâed. * - -W. Iead in. qualit>' and quantit>'. Bell Tel. 9'ï HAV.E VOl.> made Proviion for ëmploymnent during the Hall auc Wiuter- -nWnthe or do jon wîsh. te ad y rmnrtve work ,the year, tkog. -Write xi.lami secure ou>. Aeiït'a - tem.We. offer the beest iiithe buEiples Pay weekly, free outfit, exclusîve -terrl*. Over 6W0Arx under cultivation.- Establiihed »over 35 years. A reputationfor high grde.itock- andl fair dealing. A satesmax cen make< rnoney selling for n. -,We'want an:ener-ý getic reliable mailfor Whtbyasnd*vicÏnity.' For tâer mwilte Pelham Nuatsey Co ,ToPronto, Onti' N.Be-Free catalogue -on requoa.-245z i îl Our -Bifocal .Lenses ,re meally t*o le'ses welded Mn~o tSpe cal grIun 7TING on old ions. : E lUNUlE ru E.1.UIIE, 189 longs S..TOBONTO. 5;: I MPRAOTIOAL A 9p. Chage my trains bave -i Au. mad 7.58 ,p.m. waimie atop et wbit Wkitbj Home Tel. 1. 0ÉTICIÂIi. ,iký 19

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