Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Nov 1913, p. 1

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L' ahol Mot Roliable. Sottié.Vit Pregglât, ana Vpt&Cel th ic Tpm!cigsug id Nortieb O- MEleICAL HALL jtarie itailFay (owusd ytceoi' ~,,ueWhIt~II. Io! ,lie Province),7 t0-in!o5m. the resi- St1 dents o!faod4 Ontarioo e! tic voudon21 1"fui hentago'ýthey POSSegg lu ýthe great ' Norti 'Laud, *a8 at Whitb~ uc1n "OeB onal Carde on Tueida>.' Mr-. Young, viw e, ,* _______________ ouctd-iti thc Governuseut Ex-. MED&ALperimetal' -Fruit Station, and lMr. G. E. Palmner e!Englobant, bof W. WIU.mi Po he icColonlzatlon l DeIartmen, ,. W.filon o ~Railwav' erslu ire sT*Oue of Disoa#e Reosoed by tic tic car, sdt iiostc"ufi-~ Addim4estso the8pi. e b lblts mars they -of tr not wrpoc1slly, gnow are, 1bU 7 . -ejOarîi. Wh.naT4 eau e 1%0f «;U4,coma, potabto fonipiue,-' lunupu, i ' FASEWELLî ILC. a 'ppîci, ,and a, iout, o!otier: fsrm ut> CownAtorny udproduots vere on viev, sud tue>" u>yolilte. , voeeo!f t'hc finst quailly. .sampes ~Cpiit ~loec Wh t o voialsa, sud o! ni ckle, silvor O Y~ snd gold besrnug:or> greeted ticeye: -monte, huneug itich U5 ud' NOWYP*bllk,. Etc. ioe v ' pil àdve Ilsement 't # p. Standard Winki, &o ileat1yauprdtvfy ! eaytean.tine *t ovland, vhlci msuY. 8 ieýeloo- uon5 5>etlé i~are- 1>6E u'lstr, tic hole.11 nctaLoan bu easy terme-ý But the ieai iouot 'and- i ly ý souti .Royal H-MteI, tic men ilu charge reveal ta a ý,reat.ý Whitby Ont. or sud botter ertent viat 0 lu lmouti e~ UN SITa sfaIr>" taie.. lite railroadi h ave a barely jI~ ther - illïmitablo ri Ipuen ,of > utretchos 1o! landI sud tbat lu evi>" a ARIGELICENSES -_,tic country la ealidaiystor>", n ~'"ir rnepart or tic DominIOn t ÈNTAL o! Canada,"' said 'Mn. Young, "tiat W.AMS, Detiet, Officq, Dundaslu offring oppotuullticu' le a Young proii!elduc N. 4 tc eraoman vîthi limitèd ,cataI 1k. tiose t 13yros i, Whllby N. 4P h ITo. UZ o fferod lu Nov Ontaio. 1And, ho pro- _______________________ceoded te oexplain ut why ha could. - .6UOlOEER male Ïtiustatement sao,oufldotly. t - J S.EIHansd silvor, sand copper, sud nlckle; Dehvs, Licensed Auclloniet u-getr tlIrôtli-acsbî cesur t L.Jalbsns. or.~ . iti 'auares cf lwen$y-!our million cemor i L.Fairbnks. obb te acres. This cia>"boit le covered viti ~ad'sleappi" teselfor pie, ~spmuce, balsam, blich insd pop- - I an, liai provIde 'capital for tic set- w t ier, for s start. .100: acres. o!tifs wM. ÉAWsou pOan bc isd for,$80. or.50c. an LICBNSBI> AUCTIONSEER - rej tmd vili -tirêe yers,- settinment AND VALUATOR.-' dtc perfornied l.tt.dcl - Ail kinds of sales prompil"1ttnd ait tic ýsettler. Ouh-oaci'100 acres ed ta. 'Arrangements csu le maide utrm$.00'a,500 onio for sales ât lhe Gazette .office. - limber. Sprucese 0s àt $4.50 a cord. Terme nefsonalfe. aud ,lsam at $3. (î.Tue saileho! Bell sud IndgleàiM5t phonos tpoidd caace.Tic '_aversage. WIIITBY, ONT. yilld*o!: icat lu 85! tg 45 busiels ---~~-- - ---Ver acre, but Mmr.'ug receutlir 00TACTORB -' itnesseli swomn affid avil o! a ~OO TITfaner via thresied 88 muids a o! j. H WJ~L J2îES veattla tie acre. Thiti, o! course, sere#ta,,show ,Capenel Bulier and Contracter lu10 xceu>tlonal. but serve Ca Bulçihov, fertile theicsli o! tie daYbel Plan rana nd! AIestimate ur lsad .. The sailiextendi dovu la a dctbti ~lou an Jobîng o!frei 50 ta 100 foot. Ibx 467 WHt Y Phone 149 *jose i's Islaud, aud lu tih ditrc ega.1 ît Ste. bMarte. fIg 'o! splendId uIrig L exss Iqartt iso. Cieared lanid eau -l1e 1)urebamed ai froni $8 t $7 an acre, *11. 4414landtI tat 1fi turung out oaci yjean toser of Marnlage Lt ie Corner drugstore. Wbttb crove tiat,,,put 'le uliame tioseofo 'io ltaesem eqilèd -Olt Ontario. St. Jaiepi'. Island bas an'area o! -90,000 square molies. -Ttlafi sttled hv â'~most- prozresuivo dlaso! men.-,90 os pet ent. o! these fanonrs have. telo- S 1-I A AJ ~ nnne coiection, sud could coll up W ToronTo aI an>" lime. Tuescshools aro stuated aI canvenient pointi,"ud 0-M O Ocannection cmneasil le pmade wt '~ -utic-,ra1lvays. GWOi. orse ln alllIu uub utIsd.. Ticland. Ilu Is country luai_'alg tmg te positoss u ssl-kééesmor Sten. dri:lu ,mlneral.bsarlno: rock.- Tni'thii &M lsi, u Ci Ovil Skivios snd Cou'-Conuectf on i . t e,,teresti anote umissI sII~s'~iUI5tlL T ti lat, ne1 etir «cenfth !le 'woild's ~~ sumnt !nickel cames tram Sudbur>". té~< Izew;Ontario aud sý houlO- stoUd larm" Il 0tÉe anuvwer. No- oue nWd starve lu New Ontaxio,, aud no oe n eds tobo 1die if holea ale. and -w*lllng" to work. ,Tie great interland, of _9utsrio' sbould be botter luiova. If fi .ere l'e woul4, not vitueas the yearlyex odus Ao the- Westi o! our. owu people.- Our youmg ,moen would realize thât )ntariphau yet, untouohed, as fl 1 i taots,'oland as evor lprouglbt>mieu ýôrtiàos i-l te'West. À rioit to the. demouutratlon car s a <ced cure fer _.the western forer. 'tic eghlblts point out lu an cloquent way -tint thore lu ýa 11great Wést" $lu- Kew Qutaro, .where tih eltler iand ruieî'oa lways fluA a diversion. hilchi li' muck, more pieferàble to mamy ibaïupeluiga lftime on a b(oak,.wlud-swept prairie.- AiditIàÎ to Street Ljght-. In a short- timeDundas sud Brook- utrcets,' for a distanmce of, two ,blooko aà va>" frem thé '"Four Corners,"y wM be as w'01l ligited asà any'o! tic main sîreets lu *.Trorouto. This, se- .ordlng'wto $6soe .rtics o! lhe Tot«- nWe llghtlug systeii, vould notf:e adifficuitft t~tain,- but tiche i romains .that A stgrt has bei made on ;a projool vMciýwll liglit up , the maii tborouglifsres, of_ Wbltby lu a nanêr tiat *i a l sgroatoredît to- the town. This wesi a staýt vas made, -sud and a two-llglit brackot vas attacliod to tiree polos on -Brook itréet sauti. Tie 'globes are about tiirtoen feet above tic sidewalk. Thoy oaci con- tain'a strong tungiten Ilght, and tic effect wien these are lit i splendid. The: ligits are sitea-ted aI Intervals of abo~ut a'hundred fret. The>" are ver>" poverful, sund vii niako tue s'treots au Ugbt as day.- Tie nov systom vill beo mn souti on Brook street tô Dunlop, aud:uorth tÃ" Mary- -Ou Dundas tic iystem viii extout from Centre street at All salûta' churcli, corner, to Ash St., at -Mr. Harry Wilion's residence. Lfgbts vili ho put along both aides of. tic stroot, and 'wien the viole le ln opération tioro yull b. no botter lightod stroots'lunOntario. Auyono who bas seen tic beautiful effect îated' at ni gît ini Toronto by* tic Flydro-PElectrie, ligits wlll appre- if aie wiat tic nov proiect means for Wiftby.,, This li a moît coimoendable step on tic part o! the Ligit andI Watem Commision. Tic bituineî( section o! li ovun it iIc.elIil lumin- ated- There 'atre -tnose -i7&o -thuni Ïbat t~ liglts- have been vlacod too higi on tic polos, buthi te, afi ade. M' tà -n couid be -reînedied ' iti op aratrve'case, if-lt proves to- le roqufred, viici fa not vet apparet. IISJ ni uJIUU. -IveAAep ~aUYy asxe i a lètter from tb&týý- wag ftlièm authorlty to offer ,p behialf' of Wh1it- by,, induocemntw o,--tbgo Industries. q The To~wn Couuolý"was also asked to share In the expeubsof adverti f1 the oii ttçmi0the àLand. The task, o! intexviewing manufacturors in au expenîlvo one,-ad .às tic tevu voild > groatly. bonofit - by -any Industries 1ý-, calghere, .the zeqUesi was miado for oiitbbrity ýto use a oubsiantl anieunt, on b.bsI!f the toWn c 1i:e Council vas lnumu uf Wr- C odrlng the lirot pT4é)ositl0fl. tic giiv ïug of autbority 13~.t ykos ta Toe-s presout Wh1jtby, Inoferng f re sllA's, 7 - e 4Fb The maay inondset !Miss elen Fotierlngbam, 'dnughter, of'Di.sud C lIns. potiorlugham of Torouto, viii C b. pleased tô e car of tie aciieve- c mneut recently accomplisied, by that *youug lady lu, London, Eugland. She bas. boni awardOd aîoarsi fc £0: pez annum for. outrance to tihe Royal College 0f Munie,* London, This Iu one, of thé moqi; - oA'grefed prîzês c sougit by musians, -Md le especlal- ly notable for Miss Fotherlinyn,c Muce elie Iuo nly uluotecu yoars ocf, ag. Miss Èotlioringlam's musical edi- tion bogan at Toronto, Conserva-C tor of Mso weeshe' studied or- Q gan und q=Mis eePerry. o C the last two. and, a hlai years sho il her sistor Ruth have been at St.C T.Mnardls sehool for girls lun St.C Aldrew's, Seotland. They we e at dais ichool prinnariiy for the regular academic course., but Miss Helen tnif addition vent'on- wtth orgain work, <aider Mi i Kitching. o! tho -regular scliool staff. Lait Easter she ton k tic organ cxamination, advan'ced j graide, held 1 Vthe Associatod Boards of he Royal Academy of Music, and tihe'Royal Collège o!f Mui, London, at the Igcal centre exa-ination couductod lu St. Adre s by thee- amners -sent tbere. Plunlcet Greeéne, the woil-lcuown Irishi musIian, a4nt sir Charles Stanford. Their. report unon lier =9as ot favnrable,,andI sic vwas given 182 out o! 150 possible .marks,« so tliat wien tlie returusj reaclied the authoritiés, In -London. §Ir Hubert Parry, the President o tic Royal Celoe. ,wrote thpe edioni authérittes. asklng thein to ti. tot indue#t ber f.n erblvpin tflhpfrlonw- Iug November for the scbple>shiP .ad- ,1l'igibn to ttý yrt" Coieï. Exhibition, o! £60 per annuni, ten-1 able for two andI ln sanie cases tbree0 1vears, she bas ,tnc'ceeded in winnlng.% Ahe, wIll remain to cbmplete her GCRAND OCR To be heidinthe under the Auspie, of th.e PARISH'OtIlLDO0F AIL SAINTS' OHUROH i --ON- WTEVGu, D. x 4, -101 at whlch the. foilowing artiste wiil appear- ,me- le Mar - Vocalisj a Gran!i for'Pu'bik'i fy aý.Yth- r NGLAND SHOeTLY. ",E* bas thé uniq etc., to 7liIef price dRuir1ne 297018oud -question thqre was exaely oe lacussion. A =nw1iber'of! tue yOo nec ent lors, were ln favor' oi making We wIll for publiity wý>Vc;- but tl*e planning the wau not statelL Mr. Amies ssly ops4h rp.iln 1 that the towu coul4d nofr a!- 4l would not stand Inr 4n un- expenditure'.o! tihis kind, cm, rPelse thbat was r.ot,.cer1tain________ g resuÊts. He 1ia7orel bearung oun o! ,théeexpeaïe' if regults El HA ]I. tatned,', .but çould., not favor ffe requeit. ýAfkid4 whatý'amount would be T'e- 1f.Dykes -suggested at Iit Oý00.ÃŽ Ho sad tic coit o! tiýi pb- city work-,,ls' very.,h"av, and astie wusyte, 'be Orl aÏilY boeflttod, Was ony air tint parto!f.tlie it lay sionid ,be bornie by*'It. Semé thetie Councillèrs were ilunfavor o!f ýmted gxautk , butio deflulite ac1fou ~as takeu. A, plan of ahather subivision o! ,wn lots wais aubmltted by tlie lud Ce-, Tl ulioved liat nov 4 reetu, lied ben ualed Wilis Ave., Q, tàr- Ave. sud' Palmerston. - ¶nl)'rsoat-tie -Royal Caliege ýfor tvo -rs or probabl>" longer.- IMiss . Fotbrnuibamnýi s' a nut c a! br. O. IF. su1d -'Judgo ,Tico. ,MalGi- [jvtary 'aOftitslovuow. Shé bas ,I'îted i à ftequeni>" viti ion! aint, Mis, oirenoe NlicOllvra". »OQ0000O00000O 000o- ÀFINAL APPEAL TO. THE O rA CITIZENS. apel0- Iù rouponse othe ae l Imàade lu lasI veek's lusue'o! O li paper, Mayor Wiilis bas O Dr ecelved contributions amouit- O hýig te, $11.50, fan Vi-e Lakdi O tisauter FuntI. The fund closes O on December lot, aud ail those O interesteil are .requestcd taO0 c-sendtI t Mayor, W1118 at once O :tic amount tic>" vi eh ta do- O Cnate. Susallsum*ill ho glad- O C1ly recelved. Help ta iveil thec O 1!und, .wiichl s nov $7111.501 - O DO TT NOW. O ýttrÀlal Metiq of orti-. cultural Socide. The aunuai meeting o! the Whltby e!orticultural Sociot" vas held laut rook. Thc report oe thc y'eam's vomk ihoved au lncreased Intemest ln lm- rored honticulture. The distribution of secd, plants andI buibi-as pertich option list o! tic .îmgauIzatIou--crcates an tuteroît lu beautl>"lngaur tovu. The eleclian a!- 'affcers mesulted ,au oilovi: Presïdent, E. Edmund Star Vice-President, James Rutiedge; 2nd Vice-Pres., Gea Pave>"; Treasurer, less M. N.7 Povelli; DlrsOttsý-Mos- l -Sames, Sart, Borrevussu, C..Pav- [i,,Meusrs. Tipper, R. N. Bassett,- Robti Tuompseu, . B. Smt,'W Ftos~ -~4b-~-toa~er.Auditari '-Meusrs.-J'op."Whbtansd Goa. Roil. Tich Secret ar"- lefi behoaipointed, Ire President aud Vîce-President weme named ta cttend lie Provincil- Covention lu Toronto. Bosîdès lie appoînted ýdelezates rom aur Soclét" b Ontario Provin- lal 'Iloricultural Soc4ety heid lu Tarante, tic falovwiniz memiberiat- teuded-Mri. Starm. Miss Ml.V. Pov- 1h aud Rev. .los. Fletcher. A Mr adicussion on ail malIens.pertain- Ine tthle emok o! ticsocteties vas icluful ta all. >Mnr. R. iB. Potls gave a paper on "Seh;éool Cildren and Tlorticiittre."9 xiich vas e 1dm full o! valuabie gutgestfonq liatItfIsfita be prnted li -hookiet fan. Thc round* table lalk aI thé, lunch- Oan bout irouzit forîli Ithe succes- fiul vavs and ineani no!- "Makinz tie cice>" heliful la lie niembens. lie 0osheul -lsu leAsiociation ucccss!ui.". -Tie, diieusston '*as led y> loal Presidents- sud, district re- rousenttl vos.. - Tue Whltby, Women's InutItute vas »~clrsprescie.aI liedProvincial ~on vention lun Taranta.Jasteek. U*iss Mx V. Poveli vas a mu>" -mezn- ber M lte reptiàen cmmîtîe, help- ~.AD OPp~9~ TORONTQ home. 4 1-i WHIT 1BY BRANCUH C. Àx MaCiliha, Manager. ~~zoo &~~~(~~ C. k.mcChiIa.Aner~twat The duratoî0fh eion for cadi- kind of fruit ies hort. Cannintit--. mrethod adopted to. perpetuate deliciou.s fruits' throùghout. the year,ý-, e ob.iBcher ries and berrnes are past, but Peaches, Plums'andlPearsDO demand the atten- tion di the good .bousç-wffe. We have provicd-d abundlance of thei iprov.ed jars for canning' tie fruit and we are no w offering tiec Choiceat varieties of Peaclies, Pluins and Penn sat vtry close prices.p Cali and inspect the~ fruit and ieave your ôrders foryour entire Wýants. s For, PiCklingý Aiso, we supply Gberki.ns, White Pickl1ing Onions, ,Peppers, Spîces aW tt'~" higlicat grades of Vinegar. j We seli thc boit Butter sud bout Eggu in towu ut close pnices. lan NBaiPRINGLE &0 0<- -Fiee Wi -They ý L&st - It 1 Three Alu', given-a*ay JelIy Powdet There is for dessert,; as -true fruit-.a:vors a-ns.. -LI uraicnary kinds. serve You get the il. more expensive than Price 10 cents or 3. for 25'cents math 3 jelly Moulds FREE.. Alu4minum: Au Ti LAWVLER WHITBY, OÃ"NT.- Phoneb:.Bell, No. 47;1.Jndepenckent, No. 47 BOUGHT AT - 1~ b4b~

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