Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Nov 1913, p. 2

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j""" i ' t s- T ~~ W1~r~ $ ~ abuilt a lowYour'ead T y U L E S L & T hem. r e t w» o fl iceýss il O IG deA th e ~ J b r I : v r g f a * 1 .f a o ;ù rr . 9V K- r I & d a r k1 i I n o d a , t i V lv AiIg rt éoRl h R d î ý, , ý * d e he aanc'F d w r M r l g1 1Odl ol o u a v n é CWdBrough the RlchIS DUC To 0Catirii Dr bter tv gU ng9s ' E o o r. W 1 I a ~ ' P D k ? 0 8 iM ' , 1 3 th ig 1h Dag c> ns ,L l U " T h e ro i 't n se l a l i ' A h0i48 <4 w0mz~en 'sufer îromin ritten 0on 1bricks, isoygter Y- > 0à hç_onwds t vrse. baacè, ,diz'zine, shells, boues sund Ï"fIa tofOs, te -Penaps havu'tfor Threeo * s BOuteo Si and ~j ~ ~ ih ô hugte a on Head inScales, Itched anîd " eqo tts o"ai h th~ b~ t6~<~f 'isir lood~leaditon, OOpJ>er ps- onod ýrIug 4thoseufipbeasant smtm htBred.,j.Gtcr oa ak owln r.Bre mat .Iý4 heir isry alilcosne* iv<>rYreaitb.er, prhment, prs fetdorni hat bTo"' n Oint4dIlent Cued 7 aeme-iabutfi Catarrh betsinJrâto. ndhopOa -n gfrt.beir ea-Tiie .&W Tmpw the lame. eO s if',iigfr vdn&o frtii h TenipemacèAct .#to. Wheu the atack. e e'fi~ ou t 4 thir st/l>,I,1lAnd e lam xen .aaeûrd forthe eyes are watery audla<îk iveaL .Your >trneBrook;.14a- l Ye@uÙ"<iCflinedMr.Ba.kr &W W e,-iti vs. ndrt ilpu iiauPe>ue ivi» have, ha,& breath lfei îeusve, duè to,aaMa wa-0 he 4 eeado 4l t /h l 't ~ i pl -t .~r blood -rs than 0uffick àet liquor 1are nd tionAin the no e and-th+oat. a d Or lj orsb t ie yl g ena D i5 h lw y Wed fta rdor SOMree yqi My . ID mtarî d "iJ ila use of ail tetrbub1e. longer -atliberpy1 to ,jk l1At laist science has dlacao.vered areal a Mî, Plughataddrn ytm and ki ié 1 engera ea a wr lg ~ '~nyr er htDccee rail ** P ink rei i u e e , n d m' m *ý,m edy , a ne* , identiflo Imarvel w hicii and Thon ID b ra au ig c~ ~ra k eu e ~ e d d t l a aIp u df r f y j 4 a Pith y acu ll e vi ue lus. n esuodcsts like no oéthe r r eudy on - p W ii uae 4 th d uia y ~kh tcya.tuily ic- flOw, aiia iu ntBucki..earth. "Catarrhozone"k perates on a~,é ndm adj"e& n lci b--eDe'weoIdii. r ad "zi w idu buv einBenh head district et t'la a direct, rme Itcblngand u qvtj uh@ e e e m o v e d b y t h e d e a t h a io fM r . I nIU t a n t l ' t a t h e s o u r e o f t h e t f o u b l e . '* ~ b r I g h t a r t ~ d n , 4 V it îa n w h o U o n , & e s n o & g Nr i c h , fr a g r a n- t , e s s e n c e s a n d h e a l in g '\ \ bI n d e m o r e. a I d i ' .i r a m e u n wA hVw -I r v a l C li o n a a n d ', e w '6t r i g W t h . M rs& n w & t h J h n P t r sm e'ri gu e , l s r s a r e . b r e a t h e d ' lI n v a p r f r m ' m a d e ss" c uti a ndfl y b I i ti c a m e an d w a i t e a i I o ( r , f . d e l W u sud fle eten.th. 1fr» W . B ecsbuM , t *e dv ed ge 0f through -a sPecial nhaer and ve ln- kowwh t a wm& dane tl ed pae rahd mor bl innu Mo et. ti,î -"&s .tf<. x ' Lé8 esr1 1r.b tr6o iasan&- stant relief; - 1'Iwaa treated for a long Dîme and I lii orth e utr i. i i atnan*a i o norm 'D. ~tve amAeden.Ctanhzoeoen'ltal, e8se kPuw:le PrcsidéRt 0< uoto anygoai gavo up my work for ndrc ots mdtVl Uiitu i .lto o th ,teseal w . - l,4h frattim i -the> lief tg -t!osfûke:-k so a-otibuýÀso cf ti. ~ OIII lv- o teng]4bn ie . going tili a cure le effected' a _______ bse-r I-adi îy a s otti. of sud deri Dle an o]k 1ui a. 1. î >ii e n std e a i . ' I .M Y O e * '0 1 b rO u g h r th e fa uB o w n g -l tte r : v e y m e ni n g T e B o t r a . 11 at o n g n . O n of h e . v o 1 r î e d a I - I h ,E U A i Zlr D g h eïkot ca n . t for sixabout- Scra'osp mcdndî0cc-The Âugcand';<pited LIOTT ~~~ t ~~~on n't moes ndihaseen cas ate. M ~Mrs. Hoybe"0yugoruioe--wrkaginn sebnta f boarosr, a16ror rtj"nernapyuwlr htig a -o0ulda ot b. bot Jo i J. wa.sbei-nani WsL huies ith aand Ddeclgodgud Diitr teu. L en or1sap duyÊ e ý ite Mgc Iya IeLn i.irno aaa.P~u Il e~frnt:o oapt ~'Y~ been eleeted- Mayor of Batterisea. by atuffed up feeling lu m i' trils" sYor husband'a ' ockets V" Mrs1 BnciI dedhmDII arDaapeteBusieva1&tLîkCtyud.t.ca Suo.>aiIf.nDta >Wonld p4a miajority of 1 vote, of ire ts R b E, R tlad !' 1 lua. "à Doyle-,,Sure - its the best hi l tching a'ntburnluntco gt bre cae@ or . Frcc. Li te -Dul *rak W. A SN, M iv O l, ivas smplI n ai4fl c Me.et' hronl for hm." -rs. 'Hoyle-l' 'a<,Cuticura Soap and a box o! Cutfcuna o . lÜt ècltri, ia lo n aipoet6n rc al ARU O A wo~~î'ld I Damage* t o ov.rCatarrh. Reilief firot came tramn ca- that 7" Mrs. Do0ele-"'The doeJtaîn T entarney ati' 27m. li, o pîcto.E .Enet Onfl -Y86disugfor, the, deotor, who £50,OW.0 hben doue by fire at'the tarrohozone. I used thit inhaler tiven- By htlems vi xieet1 NtOîao~cmcuMM utrAgt, 6ued tet oatOt o ATT. 9 da me I1usad » bbo< d dt4ut p r mfisesta" 33 amd 35 Endeli Stree-t, ti' times aday aun4 ooliit ta beci wlth mut#vi -ctmn I NtOI re-L=BapadRtt-Ag tE/,46"Y msrn re .- aaWtred, Novwitiu- Long Acre -.Ce of theBI'iüîW nue ot, ulght. 1 am cureçia, sdby th' and 1 think my 1 gethod is beUet miivlal uDe rsmn !tsma ~ iSok rio use of, Catarihezone otay wieli Newthan exci ighî yakn i u terdiromnsupouctsiau oes.d'yu th-n-o ruStTou. tad~ing--i# e ritjénj 1 Idid ntau oliKnemtgaliC. a strmIrtal boattru-fo mn." - mcalp. b ut n he eollti -ayhu n ne vinYOi'.~ ASOIîs. L t'> gthi- hoA.p Luek Wohe or ca-for Plples. bakhea*lmred raUh_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ont i ç i n Y sto mn a h ,- 0 " th e SOM-n va lua Jle film e iw ero ,d e" broy ed . tarrh .,, ; . s a > m s~ . d u r f.d y l ' m arried hig Br w - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ leomt.tlig w'cld make mne si.k. Alfred Rusel Wallaoe, who iwork. Ne Medicine, an earth le' go certain -A skWudIaewn 4ýcapdbndean ahapelsiYes, t of T1hen nmy êrodube W@coupliieated dottemimtil hyo v--ta cure everi' ferm o! esctarrh or "Mratl ieti.~ ha~-ssle, Bor do o10 mcoeurU soldflluY-. 1bCRS I en, t dCa erozoe."Get àdugimtosu deler eveywére Po s ifofdsLinmen D"Sure$Grai la chm&' reis, ir 11, 'rem g ý i o lto yn tm elcincne throt trouble a a izii. e thebosaliatr andde das sinaam. 2i the Iargè'te ue,..j man. - Dwm. oue, snusabe et zePoou bail -d t'w-foh M <> luto& yn u iff seeot ýio n iue- an *l $.00elelens *omonhe1 iberai ffre smmii.et ci wD8-P. book, â,îl-1oRR.saio r a z iu t ~ ,~ 1 . ii t. î . . oiw ec u. I~ w thd 1 i u d i d e n d g u ara tee t; .m edium a î e 5 e ; 'H o m e i as h. i u vk y 1" u nd ipost-card o P ottu e D rg dg C h o u.. If yo u t in th a er g w o a T cj i a y. pp ' a T . W s t4 gii.pan 'W". almost Un- puetIr n i generou'sly maPI ise 26c.; alI storekeepers anci WY, Muni, he.gaI insured for CenP..D*ti D, Bestea. 13- 8.A- is weake' iddta-teae-EtleEoag-'Lmtd a es'e I mca is is "ýdoplorsble eteëa ia de~eyto his drutglîts, or Thq -Catari-hozene Ce., *5,000 sud the. vety nexI day ha.-aemryuaeenildt n s~.- mc ual a oz n-b xs al n te e a.nuc hiOeînwull, ar .--k lA, J eck. atem no mue Tierdrl -id I E V mana a t. me , .'pY' wu h-îL. At Pra~Po*; at, e. itvillage SPIOER-siLK'. iEudo ttw sntusea itoth Imms.-o fris fsuri.U Nsw uaehou .'üse,. r dait, Ef l ally Su tab e F r the N ets A , iaL4 5 ~u~ os. etont'dgo i ont u luuiu piasing Home is'th'lc owihsue '*igLNei ?ils mtl I1ud uedtw~v oxs 9~fot, wu s tti O atey i 5~ Ca se""~ eo &gaLop H reur edintis dsore:o'b, thigs ha pe'do anFd S It-SLVE P TCHE - h y f e t C u s n u e r s . u . t e v u c o t r u - - . b f r e a s r e l a ha e roec tey m crtb nee- t rr 0 nga i »M .Po En- 1%re1muil ue luu n ose prdueet he ar ho1n 41a tau egu. t~ m i. ale o mos rdn I L Ie E, KD E N -wofa. i à wing v e s ci ut fo sutur e ry. hlIetro m r S pidvl rner The ivebt cf lar; p ins shoo hru te eAe a th ae w ap. the o ba e. i,,",1~ *15. Aoie e Yo e u~ e 4uem Plî W"iol h lg i-sa ln elanotr, mnu.Of i and 1ii- <î tn, "anatheui-Dlbete." rI *2-50 fre a u Tie r " W è is y f a t r a-oi ee pI-t &y. m ere p fe rei i - a s e o r veetai n -of en - cam O ff t e l t g t w uu t iiIo:n: d ge tenti' oax up t et T i.-A dh r eu e m o - 'tise) P re bi af ay s pl uie t-aiaE peî -a,.E Ju et r ed '* h at a ppeeU i t as tug t h ai- oug s tu l tIe es , tii o - - i I f f r p a i m ' f b V N r P - g glm . Pe T n benu ta 'wîicr tia se u -gro u dn Malleuxofb elngl i v a s er nt.: ';hm M o d. a t. a s , t S lnB ~ y ~ o ~ u a elm i t ~ 0 a : F PrO të OeF R R Y a n IOlO N Ls i l f l o o t lr s to d inp d r e o galp da- i k h a s s c kyan . M 'w s e i o u si o i s e b d u m y h r m s w r l g . - ç t l m yý' T O u G n- usd 1 t e »M f ri ceiutri e a reii Chi e, f.od fr nueuteiq la i'so tom c , and ni- b T hIe obld n moV e r st ha 5 V ai e m fo y u G t b rt e livng -f'W fct trctue o Indi 'nd,-e ite i- "eyTh eec lr rgu lnsieule -Pila'whe Brne tews-c'le "il i hete taah nc ue evarywisera, $la bottba, 8 Y 1& > _ _ _b xb o è e , l" h a o l eu ist , ren ec letth t i' ti- end h i e ua h b-l Iu d e ni e I a reci e - v ~ M E U L C M â 'e lng,O 117 L iaietry Celt a- lu e a r 178 ,Fre4hrNth roguhlec. 'i xitm ct -ac unhc ous- euViret s I $2 L '"OCJi-8e1, re *-T e asnmr-tha inlng Hlaysr e Aidfe MonsieurlyGsuex»fV npeleu "u.daT ee ensa i s aplett iu t i. b a o Tineit momfet tia lupremesud Anioala. saceededin nuakn senhcralpa- coIne .fHmitionPlî, sud i' ca ë-uee pungul-r-taa cfierecei ID tlc -ea gbae- anestocîtug frin the ommececi. To.da Iihne-a igor - - erai r ld Mncpepe aecuitate I.au' f, gtarden rsiders. The firou-i pe tit, aron he stoaco n sd 8l 'w ayt -re. W emdt B o n is 9,7 O O ~ p e r s a n ~ w e r e lI n I m e t fi t ~ b e at k l n d . c t o .e x pm a e r c Éi n , ' o w - n o s e - i ti n . I f eh eo u u g d v g , ..n a m o t s o p t h n a s h a n ci d e t h t t i c k i e.. p o chic î g o i n î g s th w beo àcPm" fandr, h *u h eaith-*battha pn e e f o Isaac 4n«S o eu«h e a wdhe s e , oiv or> ~S ~ prcadng trele ~ h. :Rccntly a n mber of ase vIlté, named o wict. hey bis rocsa, e Dr ofaUiln Rive pr box o s eae lu wi tiedi ant ion b-etre but plar toL -M E Rr§ fo i e î I p r eu a e a! h r uf l a îc s s d o la u d w a u ci t- o g r h n au i K nt, aada. -aw ea ç' rth itOi y a i s d ece lîful riv e r-aïï Pt suoh frrltatln g foodm iIcalsteaslnmm o ufamth at h o n tis er.u t ca e u -a so u n d' ai f i-b s ave,, e a b ornear s n A~th e thrnat p r o v in c e fbY u n nabr a deu le u tO n c e t h e. q ic k s n. O e nc e -vi i tu i s er s a ou W andes trube.sh'W a wen ob ed i IlhemagIk inl et, ru aiuee dorluiog , and ir Le 'eic 0e Bimigia u a u a doctor waruseryou toquit reod3' 'ta yield hem t lrecre as-ver d.ithi eA rt, -f aor iginal p 'wslh ai ais a d nid obucmsra glk d if ;t heirou efn iD ar Q!e - - remedle muat Myafrianutalv's£ree9,ptom, bEWhydwsopaycrmor çforyi ta cann oe eot Nathan S' ti S hi klstan r ach tic eat !ti ai.naesIll coerd wth a "lc us a rauatdEyl,. osuSnat sie enaeimio r m urf I p an t physnielau ô tP i ,"ne tated ' re led a srrk o i t e ac . he et momenlit RAthe' gçvn o en , à t e o o- erv f ine;fr m a ig ta t entv-fgur ±'Dr. m o b' en .d sPilla, n s eî s ih lresandse mmo~alinmets lu ls thrad dTs fa-brie tisaI thee i-Surn c ed. dy - c. ChcI R m vg aShaveute -md b a2b arn.Ta en axr oi sar pacic i.... Al on cemdmlam cn ep!> - mak a nda R EUP ICrt P o l h v l g.t h o haciutis m eudi si r s. T h e i t o Lt c in i4t u on h ving 1. I IhIp dirai te m. R rnm m ad ' uneaied Ide-tday aurhiar grrecnoyod. sbo nt h» l ml.9 ,a u c 7Tid e - s i k a r e p ef I t n a mn t, M a tila.nf i- a b l m te, t o d no s T a l p i s î I n w r a y r t we, ta rdîarir'reamen- « racf ti îprmnsýlo ieto.Ife o g cu etet e m . he sa e l ll w ei abeîor th r dit sa e - o n t ou thnta gadauîbtdhay co I e- bi cd pe sc ni g. - .NId. M NT rA..- -î m tm heti me ar îs Sa n s u n - l tÏn t e a y n t- n t e k.. v e ,o uem a e b y a nh t tsh a n e tc h i ie a i he r em f o u lti * " o ne h o nî , e r eo r e , al s re - 'H I R N O H n il'~ -ým than 'o-r d-ggiAt r stmokeepeoselle iTge was ai itn a M lof - c -' - M o n N p eiô t co m onth si W 6 s c mnar alimns ervîles ite naer. uot. Y se l r e spide r . a ilo'a- Pilla, 2H5MIOerVAboxAT ea btau licus o ie tî ce r a piItra r etm a, T naaia te a h ies mail ' roin, .ct - Caetirtraget3. I publ c ~ ne ~ l~~ Nerf -ln e - to , ct i -& an e tri ous i gilf ce nsi aer ; nd rted fo r ise hý hMîn arr L n z ne C o., B fl o, Nu.a1 1 1 B 8 UW eaiyfd h hgpreta ofh 1aidadersbÏai aiê,isich yi eld5 nad igso aaa. h piry oatisteeitms. "vr- ýT e il l so W nate aM ý tehoa.» o uti c. o t émcci audtie a endors.- 'mi norm a l d ton . b'nefe-from the n.d ,f M rwAuintense feeling:YRU ,hîbtion.,in London àauEnglisli rail- meut o! tic profession are proof tiat low, bstis 5olorasuntper manenst.i-l ndI IENT vInivreue tpid'ta bet La LiI OS ULHRbnmmaAEUA O .telet -ieyu a Nervîline la thc liniment for tisa home. bw btil abri5sai er a, t. i Ihve t qu ieo nflam in . fSrpbsnesmrosaîn _______ ____ -Yours. Bae; ' LIVE F X i Ne Jb for um. -- WHERE MONEY IS TI(HT. W. A. H«UTCMXNSON.. He---Theyy ki!Ssing .briiugs on WNE rahrst a i I ~~~~~~~~~~~~EvcrËbody sufere. wben liol. are tîit - diseases." She-"Well, a litle ili- -W IE FR F15 ra fa.Wiefr ok V4' ht ar Mik Henussey a hfly ouire-oSuroneufee btteycnli ars cs musî co;epue mbevery Ide."rssascr'dhefrîfr-helycrdb unroCri xrco. --W .CFFT,*CilOt ~WelntnS. OT~A, - sniipaîe erig o- oe tarnte i i25s-c.Ueon'Pu.Mnird's Liniment Curea Diitsmpsr. - years as -oee of thé 'gang." ae i.a i elr.'- -___ Postl t 'lokin;h mor- Fr- An Omaha inventor ias patonted Everv married mau believes that à nr'h-hcanM u' - ';,,-1 orwr n -eÀ -nw;c l-a !lcreafImf' Thisu, iafeori'bits afi chiale - indien Ce0 r-perfI tii' eoked; didsey flsveured.; tle os-sImd to-enenpptiing gold&n. rown, sud packed in .4tigsli'seatac akaes ivitis ouý b4iuug touehecibyi-sand.. -1T'. t., are for break-, l ut or ano bler'mel-oerved Jdirot froçupaka iitis oi-seanor uiLlk, u s piik-' PotTôoÀattsare'conven61. lPles.-.tisepait. imuxpnaeiy I -Pos.t Toastleis Il the gang ta order,. n iranei-as mere'a" jor "Ye ail have la worru'k -o e1 dirigible ba-hua-ns. ha shouted. Worruik I so'! AndRfad Lnmn Crsphhna I waut everi' man ai yezt tounder- Mnr' iietCr$Dptot staud aI wanee tisaI I kmn lick auy More than 300 species aiofiis,. are mau lun tise gang,!"' possessed of vaices tl a re audible All swalle-wed -tise insul except li uman ears. ane giant-bîîilt warri-oi, wiso step.. ped fau'ward and said: LIQIJID 8IJLPHUR esansea and. hels. "But you cant Iick me, Mike Heuxîessey 1"- Otteutimes They Are. 'Oh, I cau't; can't 1"yle cetsedim tisaI eyas furnial Mike. ' an index ta ' chai-acter. Yes; a -]0 yNoli'o can'î," 'corne bock -tise, black one allen shows that. tise det-ermincd answer. -ether fellow lias a rude aund vkWienî "Well, Ihin, go ta lie office and diapoaitt'u. draw your mouey. lil have nO mann lutise gang I cau'I iick.'"i A tourilst cailing at au I-ish ~- toge, nahiceci a glass sisade under misiis mwas! obrick and aafaded, rase. Naturaly h. iuqiired ivis'tise emp- aerofai a hauty'tshou-icichailshtirO sucli dissimilar 1abjects. "Sue soi-, therc's mem~orles atlathed - to 'tii," said tise Irishmau. "Feel -tisa big dm1 lun me haod 7 WelI, ià mas tise brick that made il." "But tise rosa V"sai.tise visiter. "Tise i-osa is cff lise gi-die -cf tise-moui Ii haîtishrew tise- brick," replied-tise ho'st..' Ilitards Liniment CuUeColot, ED.-4. il SU if -s.rio ~rip panls. ;* ri ergi& LIQUIo SULPHUR cures aaY forrn ef ECZEMA. THRIOUGi QUICKS jO. A P>arty «t onIIad a Terrible Fording a river where tiser. la quickad is 8omnething like rusbing horses' out of a buruing stable. lÈ 6Tise Lao th ie PI-saimen" Zone Grey describes hisa oparti'ofai n and herses passed Ilîrougs the Irea, ciserous Little Colorado River. It was a wide, eisaibaw Streamu cf ewif-t- hi' runniug, reddiss-unuddy woIe-r. T-ougli Vie cirannel, cul by floods, little strem'nleta,,txickled and men- dcred lin ,ll directions. The sand seemed firn, but mat er oozcd eut round mi'fao-t; andi ivien I stepped out,, the whoie bar giioak likoe jeily. I pu.ied Mi' foot tisraugh tise cruat, !iuud tise cold, mot sand tok hoid, aud 'tried ta suck me doive. "Hemw can rau ford tisis streamn with herses 7" I aked Fm~auet "Wc -ueust take- oui- cisaceÉ," i-e- plied he. 'We'il hutai two te&m ta oee'wagon, sud i-unhe hoîse,-4 I've forded iéeat worse a tage tiian ts.' Onte a lueam gtsuh aud I-'liedta lýcite W; another hlm., the iiousehld c xpenses could, De eut in two if he only had a chance to tùm his business acumen lousel op the job. asagln -Palsin~e 'i.. Lt ýVj indsor. -OntarWo -f - I - foin 11 v, oL-L ?21. o Torn obull 'I lan Wo -ocsoi -. W-IL¶ pie, re jie --m4e red e- -J o J s r \~ ; k, M MOVINO PICTUIAE -W. *111 give : hies Élondid 1érge Movlug',Plcture Machine -'Andci MagIe Lauterucln ef-e ta'ani' -boy* wha wlll salI 40 iosts of -oui-ý beautl. fui embossec-Xmua pasteards B-,t' le- contes aset (6 .beautîful card4, lu' oaci set). Thise machine le complete mIth 2 films,- 3 -maildeahamàp, chimnai',goo -leuse, sud_ averythlng' aIl readi' fol. glving a slupw.- S Scnd îus your name to-ay sud- we iylli souci you'the -rai-du ta sali.- 'Wbhen oisou i us tli. moue>'anti vol ii senti7-you the miole autfit, mîti ail charges prepsîd. I<dmERiWARIEN tOu fêw cents chepe. I ý have pro ye4 Zai-B alý' 1 s '_o ESi*sPlies,Sia IA s a -m th r, yeu 0 W. Lyfamiy te tseth t sto~M- Buk 1 to',aèsdes - - 'D~PT.i87 TQRONTO, .. - -Y t'- -l .do 74 b: VM.-V

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