Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Nov 1913, p. 3

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Wl~~ flrwleiu ' t Dmt Orgil auIbVe 3 i ml.r akIn ' o*~ f 145 z0w10311 S Yii l& !vz. fe , - '!tis . la 'ie 00iD i-1010lu we n Hoet4. ad hvu za ]ic. te Tiean"Thea oowatthe . teE I LBffteepan a eoi.d b w k-e g a " a o t cuaa" w r)v r k eL T o eo in rade. .B e n an. - oii e tclace tri: Tl'1 dau htiu,- M rs tfW r4 hj A t I' r s ç scf l . m rl potw nr e a cIb cfmlk, e 'q be uoln IYf y lb ru t c i o woonthoJh -s Carut S. theI w e r e t al i n b y --', y m ffi t r u à ,ftI-n I t h -U sla eà ti >riL e a r n î n g v hepi t th el m<gçl rio& o !ba -m mr m6 h e a s k o Prom te Unetd Staee- on P-11rla.lytawth gainio Sslteim' Aongfte, no nly fr pAae luatmsh tle, Yerth rlhthe-ilSEoN , FheE En tytl:r --due remorloadLord uasxhjbj, medrbyv W."GY.. tasal atteint et the__"mie_________amettee olniÇrnea Oe 1 1i-ih1*h 1,5, Lu f Wic n i, Gard eto f t t = ej W estonSa e 9Ibo ofn kt.tIg e ýn o nb- esp U mc f bts.À eê a _threOtawa - ay : .n etfaoa<of e u aetlo n on ay ev ni g to:Sjf lW lt m -Shorthlry," ,oders'ethey afl2e lo Kofsleudlan (L3913Te5 Dr. s Iu. aàoI t h ineTa me . .GsdIdietr fLma-ea -ài ~ n at~ n n - -,A.am a.tou c ~Qasbo wuld u.peav(4,16) cui, Dutir Caisan -'-va,<~ Ett cnîro ci~a.~ Fumi, an oun- frr ~ Y ctii - rrjeon lule u ~ i d pit. o m c n otj dn M h e ~ n ~ ~ i ». D'ô 1 <617); ExpérimentalM0nMtMr cf Agii t?" dl taJâh. use e . Pb ineet lqrou audpeet ecidti lc n - to Ju~6îi.e surfac .e U e l ia -f or andtJw tii - a 1 f s e . nitd, b e n capý mef ly d, nr y 2. J. W.Gaîhoer. ieseru, oy- ol t >uier iit oflnmapl o'taIa: ianfrnr. Te ape o ut'i, jIcain ilntten mdefeThom 850)o; . Bolton & Soln. S 5, T Dr. -4atda l.psJfo. hm el . açinflG wet(end) ht a cp~h h r y ppar ecivd.t -à, oaJ nTh a rio io Ap. aruthr Adm atonCbo:urg,65)D aIur aUa f cQ Lébc wundsapparr( tund>,4ind erncwiL '1w.yeb.gien <-'t e -ouldthatif-brevd ahe fhe e (14,1 d b e sai<» e 91 - -< -ion w a pr m t t u .m ~ . g n t T hese will m o111 , a no n t ia <1p o h!int d . e t t e. k o l d e .. a t a ! i . te 3 s h lydeud, ttio n, fvou*a t- 'Au* Furad oe -lu taue . pi 'f-es) wiI beearmed o oro mèreb. oo lte. bengo i, pnonta'is e'su netii.î C'c e on ý (617).;2. a pi eitu <>e tte~so;oo e a f Agrie ultrel armisti - e ail 'ýs'pICeain ifol gai 1'an- har ws Igtm ta h. n h wr -sfe ,Tn«Vpîryln teapppSt, i.u.rasud p vr I t e Proin e f ead rveth ope nmnin uta ea 49,553 43. - T d amtoàl urei& 9ô uâéItti.Te irrooon. hoe- ibf aeio o Br.,P Qe'ae 1rs t-l uadns a>.a* fa inan d ycoîiÙ sn t.fr'the fakWt ti tasnia sn it hos c 10,0,b% ider dayb ptt i. Imral laour l y rôiic&o!iadtrlo Ohý atami4he "'Qt ' fat ' era e'n . ae ht - Ga&' a »em 1,81> , îan y-le ty. a idheell. manext. er ug tu 4IoiS«. fmee bytma.i ion ce Canadianbred Clytsdaie mre, toMMother, fr profit -Experimegotala, eqaIai'ntg V'twithantii.i sot, samç, ode-rci.-théa.nd J,., Fisl Daer& aiel. Dllywlitofbut, Atof lt de.uen la wbposon &1-' iantsmu v priculare Farm appi6n Wilica0tin y Ierla' - 8v. t fiftcenhad bic ae n (7) . ' 7 . B - ar. O . c C n d '. f r m e Sn > gt t r" îu vûl. dalu sud cou- gin r ard isotreib u on thi r co d f-ar a r iuy" ne "o n t 'e xac therwîsc aer u log iht fioulfo àESon;pt.i, ehumas,<46); . lofaud Ther, - aIde a -i tef uupeulo ,ere-to lb. "tomae -ns in . accote t po! i r xei drse ely sd dspon, ifeec. P eaains.fr4ewy'o NO); 4P AtoN, ar' on on,(41)St. Thomas, n'~ o Induc' '*1o s.ure IÇufle S Tc~rim ôfBro 4Mogten , icelenoh 12) a mtl e ttothel. m"'do er." e oilgypsy ,iYrey( udsad 'ý'Ï C 5'-,: &]w'i; egvn te-o coS15Jbu -une921-b.Jth"W. Althunue. rughifcua.4msegypiylt je. knowledgeagityatà Io el t o "(6Q2). fl .by's Ow able- ar c e Itnkbyl, taméfdn meicn' 1rte;andm tb.eThe y he.p eae4bruchExemme-alPaiae rsn-mcea - eteam 19;a, Willinmn;. 4 , Moras, ' urgsil m yn u uumanl'co muutints In ofesaile d aryfuneral.a Caýýaia.re, i reos9 Tap# eeing citheew a nokatte noono Geebra e Eubvil- J. P.'Clam a'. eplie auaTrampscwe.,brak -' liflbl'S 1ietth ae&. $ ,'! To Oh1 Tcwsrieta lrsth iljé rain clohar, w 1 a wet eanwr ae 5'tr Pa ILOge ary Q rus - Dan 1'a Ounra l am .tOtdtn wae ter su ,., -v go>Id - à rap te ie rothwr o'ndon stc i h i. cloor op.nd sn'liwdkds. noe 0 1534; , (éo."ilae B &r o n, a oeda pr thmenthcf suppliebcf te ctapscof -P uladel. Lthé rovne&wc Oar io and l '1f usea sd 'tii.e' '-caSld stae- on hi e-s * th î l e; 2, BcItI (1,41);4.Wn.Elit at ae& uefo gli rads, -th ofes ii t tota ivsu bssaa C 810,-i am lsseiso. l b adese e-te ônîý'yrgtJhenlatter (t .,, ay r -a (I Oiî 5,Horm'D - v osey, d h et en h T"edoeut&ti-U b m f ai o. ______________________ ~~' 'e . . Wlsa, Eret ~fel abo->uel- a! n'th m erbs,"g g essd to p, y . a veu epus t theme ia ouqa lu bco lgrwl lm ea cwrdinrnab n stiionfic.8130 'flb ll liisrs ayrcIyiem l. lscfa plcton îit r .cn'-- - 'rm 4.0 W ne Tra1m bmrsed y. - Bull, te hrov emnshiProe or â î ofy<ar. gn. -sU u i dartmnsas on wibuptues i pwl ieLo on M us ivart i cul irs àLoo n ïr.st c EOoy t i faIS ol1erthe bc osJan. 1r--; ae >aà ae-I W atecLb gv m .n aiiy1t is 'dyl fulia greve t tve hmti 4a ihaileanaIICou .e'reali tse u ru cf a .2.er eàematîn WIwJ rd,82o'aà*2.1- 'Reli fo. Bsrr Mon a, rt he , , 'MsIovaiAvenue'n-IfeOtr wieeLrri ogm Brmtn ewk(3),3 oadwb;e- adht4 Mr imifb. abi tw he by 9ndam âeut ftei xpr- ade I ea' n di ao- *d b. -A ~M0., cil;1 bdtm ly fr. -nSeaulIess. fr ueoduu f ieim eta Wlnl. 'eMBrn.$2; --il- J a n 1. 19JJ 1, J . W ; fth urew esatarno. as3 1-2ind t.dý re r k, Tîg.,n1oIes outadiija t c.mcthiu 'vanty tisa euAtld-b. a e me a tueel mitnt« a. (.b3,x.fiW.cmrThuq &Dr.léWilliam-as' tfier s Mprte . fo mul hatlise us, sbewag s nsac pg id;- GuephPcry (M. "temhgtrappamr I lef doteae, n Éustbe iga,.,y he-Frnareth ra4h Epta enai a; ~~~ m e G~~âb la O .,TaBoc otth y ry il bl e r o m n e lul li r o u i u q ir 8 t S- e e 4«ue1,R.On Fsez. Irerr47lN.m9ul den Di ~ "-"---ne . alisue. its sdmiu&les ttsrafo t deoa seo Presr urdh omua wt'-i "o a- frsis, ti iite n ia rSst h eji 1aoe.3 a AvneGaa;it, a me 'Oold; 4 Hug oàmlM- AC AetB S ROei ol arprsustvgonspaer n ae àu plistns ftapu udti seecfl.mudrcfti o betugail, TvU-tca , , Ti .t Darr el h, M. fOiai cf 014 kind cmantii-mc lon oruieeaatdtes-Pe, bag, sae t e b w l , u d L n o n b e a.. f e r s u î ~ e p i ~ e l l -l e s r a L . - b U ' a s u f 'Flakow aiy - ue- ('7) lii. bu rek iness e- s- ity ic udrovon itl sdr arana ~oe 9 titri .'te peut. ie lablofet Tnt , o , s.-îou-utro wletUîe e i >1îi [t«daqleli, ts c C namaresdaron 1ioma ss ud i'5.i e oicet' ma sii m rk i4 spt8,11th ir boo-, rrf usofpe ethe345 ea ou d, s d t-MinaOpe, o sn rtier umo.nec ny ds Fr oelg hC aslftlon. jep Hen poondfrgtta vr48 -o.Kn ng ft utbew e rwil ht e T mu'l cred ovn te 3 'J t oah nt. 7%,0aiobs8 -l'ls',8 . Cate>1. 2 , nfette r cr o up osîloi a commiergotogrgve. i e smayof$0, ogRon , h Ccifra arma> Grosnudseeteu c BrinhsIt*ýa Mn-tbe gare of asivOe. Otu Bridglase! Olsm býo ard i '- u e Thaed commth e d 041<jî sudtrîg ivthen l iu l meUî' O Isu l i m a one obcmn elte-lalTw.d gbébnai h bailk, Fynny mie in , iogalëenJ teFoemeri, ' mb.ocitr' eucnisuiedta langei- for ni" uancuniNoand otaatplay licene WhitutX, oov. A lnrardr6 . N G.-ei . B l, 11 'ulflîiti sl ae murhi'bihle:pesrm.nmbrc o idfor tii. O1,bonuisrI«w ctade p.atou or, pon j~wl ~.srwb<e>r d ' 'p orkag e n . ns w ta hold i0pat e . O n boinrol u,-os T he ingsxsma uéd lb. selec lan l Guard., ofiantilr' i.cvi>.sdle -Ot-c ual se '~. >I - o o on H'arc d are î , t rong i.obhle 31-4bc 3*411 Siièlaned n>' uallioanpnge e éuh leeands w iio u 1 e înstee i gg im wcth ai ltoî a theIli n o ak4 " p<, sriklin mg.onbu.mnc ol , u S 6te3co'trc omno 5 -2;Dee P. -B r" En e T roo. D, a pl e' r'eli-2 tim e uicatnprofttit.. ofi e -al e lie - lu te c amler cf h hoitis esoing iga reaC 6 jn e nirc . I 3ro- cd zatlg bre.5 e8e ie - Fa Calle. - ' 'age ar rea bin deéi.,utiigurse s liet Pnt i n> id u oo Ii.a iatrioutnci o . lar gse psyeth d oiemaoiionnsiolin sen.l-oya is ,darg.ed ondtis ~tubat â lNob« g eeed ua il eup sa net e. u liT b.persona. a te tottuesu:a 0aoOmteiilîcmedeffsurs u rvI. enN. 714mncncn TocitMnteI o. pr od b eu riva3I,. bsnobAn W en u o igegac fJgit-alelua ahas ale u ov ii-ug a dta wlkMpradiberen ete , 4,J. . Onta rle r S d, Gop en s ar 'nng se t 't te lti a alatia b e s.1h Iq Ungs fa orie BObev rag ornd the rex o n lssn gea m a "'and1 .11 ot 1> B C WiN7e, o tt e wî o e 1pi, la' * în ub;.,tI,ý w ton u bGuTerone fegiî ie **6t 5,T film rtiouier, eOero sud udbeo îo r Ic1na dlapcer s r 4by alre t Ïo ul cfre iing Imo nawd ea sd honh.taes a ase lh daîtgsk iea-y Uapir .a 01,c, o n Fueral le u me. ra-Mnlobourat 2 tthé.0 oud o t'l centaJeu. atone. r. SaIeitte havf- eldamW0Mprtui;y ais r.iig t. bo m mhalcii. c:lolu ay e son gad -1, Jo nBrm-n & SoieéMl, G t at lin-1 o! ufceubte gh e sfly 1C pniu pt u n dl ti. ute y aWh ngîlh nc Fr th Uarldm F nri lme a biss i-v eie 82te 82.0 arnothenot, N., Wm. Ma ruhu & S pon zni, Ot. Ma e , t.erefre,2e.nR,otfejtê lisetslglb i.lvn olig. mred r i-ay logînit 6,pne yes. n ç 0 te le i an cf it el>' 10A n iate, entyPrco.*.5;ctae. i-g adi I hQ Provlcher,. 86.75 tr *1 -' ~ ~ Xir ShrieuJee.ndree ycmî haeo wadte n e.; &tWin..y ô oa. geri i croagt lU pne bile,7 ud tii.'tthes .eclcltdta -t.Iaichbu oud beinesîwigatîo tint §fo LiAnimaIs sud meate, butter ai4 Rush.-- oonaidershly. lu eBE au cf lied, tien au- hem use ofteuî eona"asplutfcning sudrel,. Buhter-'-applicadionsfor forland iîfheior 'CUofLthe *7.75 of t4e Sttie Nnntfd. 11<aý.; 3. Fae Wlaketho businss, bTa =uantf, wieiitheivc *10;attcamtiai, 84.75n Tirlet f aa &cà anthemn u> .md u e u i od e d teihs be timU4tkr a -bnlet M> teC5eIt fîa-Ii,3 oOc w hedns'tee 1 O- lf - 4-Ueadcceudranys o Mdpcet ht e coppl ar e boots ur d vari, etiu, salir da- g. Tm r ortdanatio i a ln li, mastel pw beu d eno i r ue u oe ro.3bo3e u saao 9t <"< uli' ,~-l. L. O-, Clif ord. 0e- aut. Ont ; 1.11li , 0per d en t, lee<}. staliiea-, theMd J urbe; ,Jr fa y ih ti qiemna ' itoei~ f4 l or ti u aum e m li- a 4v»-nl , bc-lohe e a u uncait u . Whteezatenu, 400 vo 63540 lcalpoits uge-, TyJohn-ehlont.d' ,an eî « - Ay"*spe iauns r tC aifica ~ tio. ' -umiaut. d Aig ciasomlalsud h er lmmouai e atKingh oet ti biges it. enmd t 15 alti od le oclti' soia n. imte'. l2etn lre u 434t : aih- ,'m .B ne-fr Ugorclet, oTi -e o cnito r lim ietn ti at BPdm er: 'u c tse hoaou l bre.. lti150for tnti pil« n. Keti , fil aainU e 'idîte r t oe e ie ta- e. e t, ulierho À certavinpmole oet eoom otivd e 'O- e cin '1 o! lime pmy ucctr.cfse'biuii ' 0 1. ' j -8. tenet ht@en eb lyw" esirak is laid ven lme brid cha. Inml"at e c uigr.ui ig pnay OtrioNe. 1; c o. 8 e8- n- dmn fcis an'Ucro eeesu % PO ID e bg awoagents hle a eo r I -ed1 h rstmn uteruoti -a KO NE TO LÂBramptonstrial ection gezbefollowbéhrd ap'on ti liOe, unleee il Tut tGuSt.ds1?the9(ardicllI r ' the Ca-a, j3 onearold nd 'rtre-î ae Le&- 8. 1(1 ms ae u s tro nuh it-trefuse sulich sie l wrt f T ii. adirthor e a raage-Id fe r - iick»Iei u n£îmnt, boh nac 0moa, thenaqili, f all-oeuabCmmisin.khi leResu mifuititsechit;%loahve- en a4.7e teper paitgeotosbridgeCaadaoy Shelad on, salio, ar lre t clousb c nt ntla pW td em.i n dP05.oA nta 40frNu, 9e »~ bg c~ Ite Wr.vJ. & "-asn. #gbar.Ot.kti; arii iutOo.Xctftet rou-ba, ledWre Cte iaI e t s i nIn ofl.ed rouble' t, thnkc n ig- ou'widew bea ce daedlegidenit Rusl.ITrnoD ht- Ui Oo-hul ete rs t namatro fc h Xn ahaeet D are3Gol=ij flt-tiî~ rerre~ ~,î.. Bane>', -lii altesraS i i am Aroin In e., e tçeti ucieîhmta lIeimpc RolmFat, g a 1 <rtortl Pie a g ço; . .. . .. , ' taer Wcxfomd. Linatioangow. j ci et ei m e u soer i (Jrn No-2 Pr isi n.'cA ~ p t Grréad ree a î' reds o d "LeSScnto n B E v rCa ,N dONE." lgiot, t i l l luesîîamsed tihat 2,50letn u!cmau- fi te li Bliue ai. n - a u ne cmn m îid erlt- t", - John Louete n I an udr hre1,JonBrwnàBosa A dsýrle adb ttc h e ein Zriçih, vr o -., bu eal cresa-t e tmequir altonler19 - Neit lu u c e n, fo r adeàboug e bus- 10e-o . 2 t -en 68 tu<..l- is ay : W e Short o.ri ete r, on yei and under two ail wac in pik a lihet a e, p1m u-Mest fuLiv ngolhCan da..B a19M n1-2a te Dain Stinw, Siut. h tild; , M eel easkilquhur.nle eu itaticl es f oodan tie nd tre -bige;o in Fort bri ai. dl F e nt ental pums fre eîmt a golag 022 cru$2-50,eoroot & o w Jr e wOtk , lmIf DRing; 4, o tr aso r th , cntthe Hon.1 c e r î tof oCteli a-lgtt f i« ilreau otl ilcol o- lip e 4in oHé epRll "I a il mev,1 rlg 51-te1:bek. M ionw Vr Br . a rqu& is,& S.Uni u- F rI e . a-t.,rk W ent he, Fobn thdg rl e only 750 en. i .n igtedi a e t o., o o n 9 1 s c a h .2 o 2e t~7I Gat ~a it ri. n'beda1 A'de sather for, m M otr t dtes s term igi ntok e uro ngdcidontshw.1th carnf[nefd ony oc Aim le moee yeur-t-1,tJo neLae*r, ara. the laaiciacountrg h orth'k D n a; 2 Jal ci- e auo n e y h eSons, - hu m o e n e pl y e i T Ud . r t115ilucres »o n aa t brm u ue enth . s d l ii rop se ne A v dctha n f cc I vet e i a ty n - t a w taet'lh- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nml an-pak;3 yeBoDubOmttc rn yî hp o ntd thetae, but tha ià& as n d. ltetrati raffidscala wekd fy , tmed1ha.tnt Bte- Uteao SAlI. St Cha-les 4 af oc't d lmy au o - set o! P ovieuee. rol l. e v e n a i SundIii e e f uh ee ton>' a- Ctb iri Cse eUr ieoo f r sv n d L if. Lee da-N .t i 81r 5 e 15 sl ________________ -fi Theeret b2rave>rfuse;toamea ohpd t ofomuplistecd4uiol, ng r andotboreod- ume.aip2oquoeforadlog-tri81 bu tefoTh, 2rtu ar.Crtwor , " oTI . , M rvfftb Se: the a2,aJae.lWtesoke respecte.er notIce tii lia A SOrn~n.Das;4,W . 6dble- b.fro9730 tomu ber- IJth V N OU H D tbeilto; 3, John o i-kingheu -----The-saine_______-- of- - -- -- - ris u d if4 e grltAssociaton îrnt -M 1 ay, lgeIst-Ca n -ta , cx nim. mont ply ky girl lereUnsnWethela-ho at- d theNuehaneng, a.t -$4c r eîsi-îîîe, r ne>' tii 430pacmkages aIdne tcm ar obosand s-Iras textilestede lme ily s e n u road asdocrCeu nd>' Wlnnlpsg Ct-ste -1. Lb. 0- CGrape % - nh a e om u. Tir o,- encl sce L i i-ie Jme bon pe- wau>ag ovtheCs ;W oa--N . cn ierth e cil Cola _elgenrist. ous he peBdoen - nu',<î,î ant erceeî c au> bred boîer ~Ch~ isu o fiv botia. pr wee. a ~ ur--lset- itslihamven nepcan brecli b' t certimuou 1-l ; as 2 onthea, 8a1-2 --ed M. ù org , e-g.on S on aIs 3 . Jem T e s <lYîýà' e , otwrk 'o' Sntanudy Fouidn odaetl adéhr e h ernt o rdge l- oier ed,Incydntieisathar' Sccoat acce -no 3 heese -142e; a.4or712e N. Pà,ue, $aiqneln. , agg ie se leack e-!t.iý&heon srTii. ded- inathe ayn- mortlian ts'a al y T is o! (Lrah e Cui- H IR R ST RE dree r -tb o lnive r edsa-sm 15C for tWintor 434;No c tienrdeead lb.mue-yen çf OAudstin-lu sroJansîthe d;rem. 'of t 79 ForththBridgeeCom- e go thé w, brungo.on, but raitkerathe 4,vTylomBrt., gfnehe focomtiueex.en.atioect!oNùtf As4.bein teàshow the rea1,75 imjur <ay e'- i, a , Cliasrd, twL anîm s w re.gn e n t eo or tp r ftetour. ,-mcieion. - 3 C.W*. 32 nfctin, Rôe Elt.4 itas lno. 1 fe. 3 -c F" m n e: . J nie L e sk. roo ibs k, i n t tii. a ua ned , 1 r o m -Vh ln wpe r. « thex p e rt 51 s et îmla ni m l g ai , - omime 4 - 9e r e 1 ,,o'l , 9 - e; f cd 5 ; e ilei&. eo In. snded e;4,aip a s o! sucght aof20. Freoy nce.c sli oe h rda afnl' N. .ai 25 NÂrUR.AdColo," màA cplangedlaand ie metuescfercflienginlwNon.O.t«entS3 haveNono C.W.. 1.11n7 ' h8.8'aaile .UeuF:a eot- ct-cri, tirofce ee t er, 1 o N Xïaracterih ralscto , ob llow a -hona-aus an.elaues. ' -Nt . 3n ., 81019 7-5. " Bt-o n iet, . Ga.iL;, Jes' tOmouhly -andue eui era . Ui.abc saui.pr!clybl- g ro<tuto rm ed t nrc b einLi 1I asodJh acsn hot lutre.«,fe brige.Thediectrs avearangd fr w s ii. gini'u a mimg @dr ëinm i né iiccemet&rc B r - o it,, a ît: 3. ha s. lOnt. ig. 3, ailà-îl y I t h re k o h h a r i g u f t e w r y t e la. abi s n 1dow a W cof e e telîg ier dî t rackmnrs.M t h la C n e net On,,4, he. Hueeor;i , Pritvc hardut- soeis f any1reed a e le-idIoffsforased tha, 2b5t ton@ ofthmoughlng .o stranuiueutiineolear.'- simia,, a1isam- t- Iber tlo fs- a- st 1<> a ndho u g ht o tt e n t.enhot-ten tib anhe u s tIvtemIlie" b u $* lo tola 'rco m fo t i sCu l Wluor, ,Bla-ikJohn R a e . Russll, Th . . ai15fat-it soi. eh, A IP ..te.....,..-.di. e-, &,àïi -1 'I ""- - 1' ' - -i -- -1; - s.u ame, Bro d n O. W. (dut.- ------e CIIICAÇO STOCK 5110$1V,40;de. o ndq4g snagbkoe, rzete l ' itm, sd soe, Prfi. s- -- ' For two yeare I u ae îsed In Oxfrdé, oth' b=>onâipe___éce ERLMA'NY. Groipe-Nuts a wtiinik a.nd a littie CT wzin b>'P. At-keil anîd 4r.eAnkeil. Ã" rw cre- __'forudglng C mpet1$lon Tests ô'BProm tht-wnri@m o te -1 me w 0 .Laes S atfiim Sh w n r eam ràb1 n, forreakfast, i am er a b-j s C'. AnhelL. <IcaWr . .Marýqisa-a 1s09, .~o nE~r.!raiy Wntaloî e Tta n b> .Mîung Sn avje u .dcao ru eln hUxbridge. sud P. Syivestne. Clairva#z. 1- ordlnary Rit." n oon. frm inra A de8pat h 'f rom Guelph 1say*s 1her 7 Jut e "] s -wak taie, 't)h Tn (ie hmpo»b,1aa h,-h ' ,I ,it ,&, îat ifThe stock-jiidgiag team te er-o00W7t~ thje champkiu soW b>' J. Pca#,herstouo and ablsandu-i t, iasensea, for tth.Oatsent Atheu-tie1 4 m mort, Stretstillle. Iinmingo e ul-ee ide b> ' &rl, for hJr me ime pitlege ini the. stockiudgim>ig coïniPti- n~aimial, aid' if tired- at tes tite, the.tfime 'alo.In heceoa a, ha& been exprésiniogalarm at the takioGâpe.Nut aDiouetaid f. !alllng t1ne âd ee tion e-t the Intei 0 ienl t& tl thSp e ii. nimmq Say J;J , 4tIem wr:U. Bnc fflwsud'Kep toe4 fllin b th ate, ho. discovered'a Nuihd.Show -4n Ch ogo pneualun-t ioe ld ' - e 1.L» - iu ndw jéér W- 1ewêln fsefa dûa.ee Iyj ner ad ba- ee .n "ax onhhn bo ao~nes au e and' bi>à apeweJlandr-wu O'Peter For- rï i- O 515AL0 $ -e m oinory6,are $2u0h AtmmrevedeUere oreset cm - - lu $he. nuù bercf divorces oyts.iiied ah ,w i l..-'y o .d Wot rieves :. 'llau2saytaof, pr.. . -lu ierunne Clork o n mvil 0Is ygo n Ë ' etae,169,780 ýhbànuncl Ë.in bw I had iiprove4 Isdn -Cak u~p~~~c ~fqpeto buag diVoec s were obtai-aed, in1911, 'Or-are aow- usinGrape-.ts ' . ~ ~ " ~ ~ 1~ m .PCN1 ' 2 pe l000, inhabitanto, &gain# - "My son, 'Mhio if a travein~,c, ~ 1i rn JAi b' of D.eputiÙ ______________________ ýQ pe 100 trar# ' ý . The r' c 1210 r 0prl0,OOLý in 190.6,It .ute b-, prs *pt ,bi8vd ha r e p« ex st iotiing ,kr,breakastu . , vill -begin 4discusion of,.bIl ' Rior egi eivdthtwe*0etutGrape-Nuts tad &a glassof ndik i-A r -miss by ue Snte, te, Overwt « If iS h h t of tatiftica la püb1ih ed a furtii r ' er 0 e o s f l y~ o r i i i . n e>' of bars, î1 o ns iac 1ha. ..T~ '~îsao rpNusadcei.--fp~and :ther utbliamuentà -for the _________ - s>a.rn5$p.*~ reuK ictd. a ae i~marrs.ge "Teres a eison."lsleo d ctildspirite, The mes.- ' hle ~ ciai al ti.wo s 'thate i ti. .N Ibs> aais Pew y "~ ~~ sure fWee thé nuiiiber eof)bars et 1 H eti1Oà»ssà-voler mond iaiafPrI4.j - ibe umeMoOiorM rpdlit - q. Windsor, - Ont. _Read "The e r i hna. tants, isid untIlthiu s~>ETm>hcauan4aaU..I ' I ' reasin the iï. nuber o! >marri gs~ ig.figui.nef 5031w bars. mây. ,, o~2~ei0 uqcp sk in__ hZdSon to Walivolte, Bin pf511 18 decr.alng.Thé numbei- of ir- it ý j« insdk,,_Sboy* u à %M&îîy fne w' 1460 'Il3bre to 4AI - 'nae.yr O~OODg I5II4»W i -' -s- b mi.o. Tieffeet willAc eNAL SEcti1'COPU&I - lu 8480~ i l1l~7,8 G~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ wisLoe199Moo - C EUD RAION LIi E.LDNe . . tm*up ighab tg m0 ualy), uce .2-.- - MU 9 um"-- t W arst- M YM ý51q# In191 7#90, 8000 gn#ýàmtsfýr the fun" &Bsüired th4f f rs we. gélftto ýtbe rèakýýhè &* iéÀ" '.imeore ' . o W pn 'môth.i'. In the ýcorps. of the 1.Unf- «ief àla1. . n4h. cas- rklér lof tIit~i4e >home. ýker ' was '.ubnnonéd,, lie re.ains baek to lId, pfflDs &tory -j 'He. Ieftbere on Nov. nQot goonth8 jameui ý ýswa'd 1 pecte'd. H-.1 - 'be,.Me.rW-ants Mt em4ap1e 8<n,1'wcit f Re vwaýstbçre.at-.thé orin, .dWas totallyi 4 the e.rs s iiaàm ne onIihisa À!e l'- rrivýed in Tor-û -a i it.hereaiiw K,50 tô0 4.60;.,j 4e cate-Ba-rtic,z-. 40O t aO,8, 210 te $2.12-1,2 XMil ,8iiarte. 823;mdl4g te 030. Hay-àne. 2 pnom, 4-a 115. Citeee.-ine PO 13 -Beç; do.. outer uu ndi*a 27 1.2 te 27 &,4,. ' B g s elee ted, 35 ta l6i Nro. 2, do..'26 to -2.Pc. cin lots, 75: e 9NO. .- St-tes0 Mat-ksl& t; 7c. Flrou86; N"4, 85 te k t51ic No. 2 dé.- . 7 . -riu r u May, sue .Nc I ier, $L3 1-2;~ M>' fay;o tok oÈsqkie1 i-5--Tluý-re'wmre no primes ýrket Piîd ix Dsud a hait w.ge ýa bout t iii.ligesi r m t h a l t 'O 3 O P ta 4 $v. 3.60 to $7 ohie $7 te) $7.50,- lies. 09 ffoci muediumi, $6.75 to, te $4,50; ouneme mdi Ma; fat ceas, $4.60 'te 86 0 te $4; buteliers' bullII%- 'es-eeSn veai, $8.75 ý' itÏ ,i5;10. Sitekers aii~ t e 1 0 5 0 Ib . . l i t O8 6 2 5 -1-i. t6 te $6.26, i14Mi b,., $4.60 te 8$5.25; liglIn _n<i lamube-Ligbv ca-e 'Y'43 te $3.50; biteai. m'hi&. 68 te 5.25, but mvilb "ted for ali lth buck, m~d Satered, *5,9ý IN 1I'AR VESSEI q Unjted st..'Sh1p4 ltiean Coat froni WaahRon 13 Èiti-.&li aid jpav- ou thoir way bcIN, tfie tereign Pa.ef ited thhere b3; iweI3N clii tlie IXnte4; has fifteen ' hs 0o s off thO 'wo 4.sS Ge 'man c ri" is On twlera ik -wick sudt,'I ,- !LnJan stmeteh !l Frinoe bs.""Ut ende,;-o Vers: Cru , eCriliser Idzumo ?d MIlk s'tory. ,.. asoteurized V-1 s~. itytp ýaaîd the" i414 td ci graâzing cung 6 8,:a m m ' d o V i ,~ i - -~ T. n. 24 y,? 1-- - - lins,~ 'r 90 3e- t i 'i /~ i. - 1-' -r'

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