Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Nov 1913, p. 4

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Mir;.Ssmgih, tiwacet No. te E ast u bmn laid off dUty tb.rougb iluuand--onaequeutly the ucheol bas benelbMed Fred Celil»,, who- putalutti a frac- turei-e ée,,Iojiea: of 11U1oo0t as Weil as othertinlurIsi, by Ialing3from the rooftofo! ne erthe, Governmnhtbuilît- line aiWhtby, two weekuf ego, .la fléle Z'be ýaround Wltbtbe ald of crh$ch nrested ~lu ibe gas welus aloug the lake 'shore weut o et or vI have great taih lu tbeïr value. Whlle n drilliin habeen done. atelyi* the promoiers are secuxlug a large drill capableof, dillixng ons huntinsti fet a dsy, ,antipeationu wIfl be con- ducted on a tar ,mare, extensive seule ibm beretotore Mr. il-%O. Phllip ha% purchasedithe Logan residence,'1 wblch le ut preseut occupieti by Mr.' John Hiartiing. Mr. --Pbiiip get$> posseossin lb. xuet O W. B. Smith* et Toronto, peut - mre fex a coupe iking arranq e- iliex3r ten 'î heeu 10O, TLL, 'TONAL TION. .trSYuteXn .Ceis ai Te- fil., account ,Ir, Exposition, Pickering, hait Mlle Souh 0f clie- mont.ý Lunch ai 11. Waa 12. WmR; Maw, auciioniex. COLUMBUS, Mir. Robt. Scotbas purchaseiMX. Wray's property ln the village. M±u;. Gar! afttbelti a plowing bee lat weok, Mns. H. Grass wau ln Toronto laut woek attending ber amt's tuneral., Mi. Walter Moere hati an oldtilea hukn Phlllp Prfday nlght. Mr hlpStone has purchamptiMr. Robt. Hqzdgsun's f arm çst 'of the village. -Mr. Haroldi Hae spent Sunday on the BaseLin@-. KoH w's This8,? We bfer One Huudred Dollars Rewer for aycame oi Caterrh tbat cquuet be cur by gaU'a Catarrb Cure. We~ ~ theuudrau y &tCo., Toiedm. 0O We te uderfornd bve u wP . J. Chenev for the aut is yeara, sud beileve hlm perfectly honorable lu ail buolufaa tranaartlou.anddfin. auclallv able to Carryout auy obilgatlons mnade by hiafirm. Whoirsole Drugglats. Toledo, 0 ,Hall'* Catarrh Curoe la taken lnternaliy..actinx directly upon the biood auTd :uucoua audaces (if thea stet.Tetlm oulais eut free rle cents lr hotte.e Sold liv ail druagluta. T&k i al'WIFmlly PVilafor pouatipatlos. TQRONTO EASTERN S'TEEL The Toronto Basteru Railway Io aga il lu azA active stage. Steel la being'laid both ways trosa the Osh- awa oti e th4e' spur 1mie ýthaitewn troms, the Canudian Noriheru. The Nortvembor u29; niamonti ctossing ever the Oshawa stations-Kso, Rentrew andi moro than hait way tewardu -Whithy on, Deceshetr i anti 2., * W ho comnVatedti hreuch the town te R Lun1mIt-AýlI ticets validti te he cuti of Mary street wbere it buts n ter ihan midnight ot December Sisal wiii sborty* toiiow the îles ai - * allasting ho dns mmidael fe Wxqen ai t ast train service. that. A nit haas bien tecurti-,ahout * nTv double trac irouis P7 ull pur- mItiwav heiwepn the twe townq. Tt ttculars., exth resrmvatos etc., ut Is borned thnt t he rmat will he finish- Gratnd Tru ik Ticiret offires, andi es- sd. 4n on fax as the frackiavInz and néecally frni E. Stenhanson. ticket haiis.ihnLr Iso nca-.rnet vexv earlv lu arent;P Whitby, . opposlte Stantiard the new year. What wil ho doue lu Bank. the wav o f #PTn If" i n'*dfer iraf- __________________ lic I. vet an undtermineti aukpîtlon. Tt would inol< gond, thnurh, fer a FIATCH-At Oshawa Hospital, on VHday. Nov. 14, te lîx. anti Mn.. 1 IgC atch, a son.' 4'~TCKRI-nBase LUnsWhibv, on lhîoday', Yvemhelý 24.-1918. te Mr. anti Mxs.. Lý ne Pilkrin. iwin hoys. j- SALE REGTSTER. - ýWednestiay, December .-Big dis- -*pension :sale ,etfhih gtatie cattls, bhorses, Implements, stc., the pxqper- '. tI'-of Johfl Giaham, lot 18, -con.. 8, * 1 oqervi ce fren E'nwmyanvllle to Whuitbv1 tia-era ithe conqtruction'frein PICker' iiig mIntoTerentô f s tndar wuy. Mxi. rredorick w. Frenceh. (nos Cameroen) helti ber fini recapilofn ai bar rreitv' bomea, on lreirStreet. Whiihv, when she was wearnig ler weidiuoeewn ef lynx-duplieq satin. rol. lacs anti nearls. andi diarnnti necklace set Iu clatInuin. Rer motb- ex. Mrs. R. hleudarson Camexen. In box bautisome Paris gown receiveti, andi ensGeorge Camexot, i tbe 'brtde, preideti. A ;iimb6 ronto ladieso as :well as a 1 new Metb finde, salled -dur RARACA OLASS ÂNNUA >L i I ne 1e Baraca Clans lu meclion with tbV Baptiçsi Sunday OcboeI helti taannual. meeting on ;Monday night ai the home -of its .PreMdýnt, Mr. M. 'W. FEvans. 'The attend" oenusa- bexsd betwesn lhlxly anti tony. Thé oMolcsxufer 'the ensuing year wexe- electeti as tolows :' .i nTon. Presitient-ýW. A. iTénderson. President-0. A. Goodtellow. Vlde-PrIÈ.E. W. 'Evans. Se.-Treas.-Harold Lfck. A strong Lookout ,Committee, an Athletlc Commtteë anti a Soci ai ilomltee. wexe almboiiteti, andti a splendlà iwinter's prokrasa ie hefng marked out. Tt loelrs au If thexe mishi be a goond hockey team put in'to the flelti tht. wlnter, If arrange- mente can ho madie for practice anti for raniet. Aftex the bumfness et the evenini wai..cnnelutietia -short uxegrasa was given anti Miss Evans serveti *xe- treshinents. -Teha Bnsrad clans ha.shben lu ýa flnurfi;hing ontt4nn thl. laul. Antithe prospects are eetinély bright fer an Intexeslnm wlntWr'swerlr. 1WONDFIRFPUL VAUM. The bout dllar'. werih effetet <- tiuy le a Tsar'. soubscnfntlon to The Pamlly- Rlati dWeekly Star, oet T4jntreal. Any homo et now recei- !ng that paner lu misufng a treut fer everv -.mouiber et the famfl- frein zrandfttPur or fiher tiown te the vouncesi tot. Trvl for a 'yeax andi you will ho convinceti. The Puhlish- exs will refunti veux monoy If 'von are net uatisfled. Tt Io certainlv Worth your Whiie te try It for oe year. THE T*'ERNÀCLtI. Services, as usual. Monnfneserviecel o'clock. rvgnlnz- sprvice. 7 clock. S;ahhath b ooanti Aduli Classes at -q ".m?. The Missionaxv Auivsrîqarv ser- vices. wil ho helt Inluthe Tahbernaicle an-ti aiAlmordg, qSarmetns will bha urPachaliPd'v gepv. W. 'R. i3nslpv. of Pictn Frst IMeih. ('burch. Cnlecs- tions and sùbscxhofihnswIll ho talcei ai earh service hI àd of Miqlnuarv work of the echnreh. Ton iwIli ho .qorv If rvion anol hear Mr. Emslav. TORONTO FLOWER SHOW. A large number ef Whtbyites took advantage et their preseuce lu To- renie lasi week te attend the Flow- or Show at, ExhibIton Park. The cx- pressions ot dellght ut the beuuty et the floral dtspiay axe sufllcient ovi- douce that they appreciateti what A &4't of Dainty Aluminum Jeily Moulds An p,,pportunitY, like this, to get àdscî of stylish individual aluminum jeiIy moulds free will probably never occur- again in youlgfetime. This Free Offer is Simply a quick ýway w4've adopted ta introduce i You imply purchase thrae packages ef Shirniff's jelly Powder frosa the grecer. -He. wili then give yeu, without aay extra charge, three of t hese jeily mouids. Or ho will give you the comploe set cf six différent shape with si'c packages. 'Six packages miershy provide a nice assertment cf fiavors- fi avers that -are fruity, well-pronounced. Shirriff's jelly la high. cluss, delicious. You'Il serve it often once you've commeaced. And individual joulies-a jeiîy for euch person -mak e su à attractive' and fashinable table :decorations, that -nothing ls than thre comfplote set wiil satisfy yeou. Especially -will'you want thýe s'lt, becauso' the mioulct. are in six different stylish desige,, and -because they are made cf uhuminusa, which evexy, well 'informed woman knows i. 'the world's l best maierial for co*kiug utensilsi Your grocer isiprobabiy oxhibiting tho meuldu and Siriff'sJellyluà is wiadow to-dy. Cati or phone hlm at once# roc. a package. 3 for aqc. 6 fer On. package makes six individual jellos. Especiuliy delicious when sorved i in coqbination with fresh or canned fruit, oÉ with whipped creua. Vbey uawIý The "mrumu"l excelleti anythlng eoser betore sbown, fox ulze,« celer antiftQrm. The roges were mar-. velu of beai y. The woidsrful "ISun- burît," shewn by the DaIs Esiate, was e eofth11e worthy prize wimperonu BUTLER-GREENIZEN. On Tueuday, Nov. 25, ut the Baptisi pursonage, Rer. G.A. hicLean uniteti lu marriageI Miss' Mariha Viola Grosuizen anti Mr. Allun James But- ler, two wel-kniown youue people eft the town. The ceremonyi took place lu the evouitig ut 7.15, an r-Mx anti Mrs. Builer lett on the 7. ý18 traifo Toronto, wbouce they p, oceetied te, Toledo anti Qiner points. The bride wore ber traveÏling suit et navy blue serge wltb bat te match.' Mr. Butler la a popular Young man, ant i lcosely cennected with vax- tous phases et athletic activities lu town, bhaviug serveti us manager et buseboîl anti hockey teas s bre anti elsewhere. This year he le toa ho traîner-et ths Whitby Hockey teasa. Mxi. Butler is a member etf te Bapiist choir, au i. aise «'Al Mr. anti Mxi. Builer w!Il resiteienl tewu. Mlicellaneous Adverts. LOST. Ou Grand Trunk txacks, eaui et Witby Junctien, lady'. mhnk mud. Fîve dollars xeward ti i1, Argyls Si., Toronto, or Daliy Star Office, Tex- onto.-21. STRAX miD. Prom let 81, con. S. one reti ycsor- Jing steex, 05. or about Wedvesday,ý Novembex 19. '- Rswurtifor Informa- tien leading te recovery. John Willis, R. R, No. 2p, Whtby.-21. WANTED. Violin- pupils wanted. Apply te Mr. A . A. Yoing, '208 King St. ia t, Oshawa. £1 you êxpect; ail youi hope for-that ws promise yen in -a, Sem'ni-xeady Suit or Overcoat. Semiady qnality .Ând'.0yle-sd ice- Ind?~epeifi - Thoi e8e guaýçrantes yO will be W wngyqi tb ôom~e-to'om an tlome whether 'Mis b buy - orbut -eee Youl't:bébe ploased -and w.'fl b. glad ,to6 showyou 1h, n.w desigus which mark thé Dxfft of fauhign,' $ 15 te 825 a. $.~ ï Door iou Rloyal , otol *WHITBY O- -J 'UýVF We. choose fror MAID WANTED. hiitfor general housework. Ap- ply t Mns. Thos. ,Cunningham, LAUNDRESS WANTED. Laundroas for Houas of Refuge. Ap- piy at o n ce te Dr. Lavory. 1 ARM TO RENT. 100 acres, south haltloà lot No. 11, Broken Front, Pickering. Sou tliret- clas. Stone stables. Pousesaton tbis tall. Apply to Albert Richardionc Front RÃ"ad, or Mr.. ELA: Richard- son, Brock Street, Whitby.-tt. F, OR SALE OR RENT. 150 acres, lot 8, b.!., andi part of lot 4,n1, Pickering TownshIp. Posesi on November 1. kpply to F., E. Jones, Whltby. or Richard Ricli- ardson, Port Whitby.-tt. FARM FOR SALE. 50 acregu, hait a mlle eust of Brook- lin utatl<rn, lot 20,ý con. 5, Whltby. Gooti two utory .trame houas, barn 70x8O test, stable, driving shed, liog pen, hon hous. Two wellu and oie- toe. About one-half an acre cfor- chard. eood élay soil. Possession' April 1, ý1914. Apply te Wm. llHght, Brookllnw or Wm. H-oar, ,Myrtle, Oit. -tt. HEATE have a large and well assortedStock, of .'stoves jg.nýd ran n. Doe't ficil to get our 'priýes'-w beforebuyng èe whe fe to. ROYAL THEATRE. HIOH CUSSLMOVINÊ PICTURES. open every sevcning. Adulta, îoe. Children under 12yýrs -5c. Saturday nfight, 'c toll BAIN PERRIN, ROY BOOMERe% Manager. - -apbtator. REAL ESTATE F'RANK -E. JONES'. LIST. -ELE.CTRIC BEELLS instulleti on shoit notice,. Ail kinds of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES.' J-1eto DuSt. WeaNWhl Several bouses and * building lote for sale lu- Whitby. Farsas for -sale lu. the Township of Wbitby ant i Pckering. - FRANK E. JONES, WRITBY.- il. E-MN ; DOl YOIJ REALIZE'ý thtf s' here, aiso out coiuplete Jine or Store "Property BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC. Wanted. Twol or three story building with good frontage and base- ment. JOHN PISHEIR 409 Lumsden, Bullding TORONTO A Picasure ta Show Goods. - JOHNý Irock St., South. Whitby. Oat~ PEEL PLOM 151 Now iu the tisas to buy! the BEST GOODS#,âbc as we have to offeiyo AT THESE'PRICES,, EXTA PECALGOOD FRUITS, Nice Raisins, 3 168. for 25C; Extra t4.arge F'af ]Raisinsi lac lb.; Se edless Raisins, the ýbest -i lb package,. î4c; Seeded Raisins, good and cleani' lb. package, 12x5c; Curraýnts, clean anýd rça iy, no dirt, îac lb; English; LÃŽrain e& Drip-Currants, no sgr, ~clb.; New Datesi, large, 1 oc lb.; Large Caoking Fig*eý, 4,ls.fr2C Table Figs, extra fine, 15C-lb.. Our Special Line of Extract- large size. bottle,- lac. ~And-in, have the beýt resuite wiîtl your baking use -our *Bran s of Paitr'- Flour. JIIo. 11.WAl w~i Phoneol OUSE b beIîvtry. thi o Er N 4 READ THIIS., Fer several years thé -1 W....bave given 2 troc utt he Hbuse et Ref u fundu fâ- ibis--purpose m * ng. an entertaimient -in reon ol the.Met.iodist 'Ti FnIday eein Decers I'CIock. / Throughi ts .kindness frieutis, a goetibrogram curetd. 'Mayor Willis-'bis seatetifte presije. -As do tht. workb .the tea j allen *eteoxrtwnspeoýle a biumper bouse. -Ligbt . refresh7menis wil :;dmisÉion 25c.. Pull pxt e d"inu nexi week~~lil e. I Local Hape, * Matiame là Mur, Mric 7toyalite ceai oîh4,-he.1 -20 Sc. per gallon ai Mdli * Nare. ,Txyit. - 'In. ýRebt. Nebie'à n - ear Ing compietion. He tuâo ivo-Into fitnexi weeir. Ses Peei-ol1 the ' * chool shees onîble mat] ffIen. that courh witt peîîind Svrup ef Whie P the roihlablo çeugb m ici bôtite at J.E. Wils' optIcIat. * aestore for, $1.50 ri 4;- Madame le'" _Muter ea t 'Pee - Mr. 9P. .1. -TIneh 1paf ntpf .whijh ptd of. - Mr. anti Mxs. 'yde movet fuie Mx. I - on Fluci9C SI. e .occpiod by ?. . SI l'a fxî 1cm t Remember1 lTh. Lad! a aint.' Chur s. RA4I:ÀA. ATKNSON, SOEE TUE CHAIiPlON- PE-ARL Th o iý ne ad e wthSYPHEN OVE'N FLUjE. Tilegré at improvement in,-years. IA- new principal -,-in k-toô,ve, construction-. T-1hâÈrli*s- n'othing- else like,'It. The heat pours dire't-it teovr, ain 0rm, tod- -teoithe akiogv enspcsl 'fir 1-3 t --z-heoal wýen aig-N'-spetl ýfrérequ ired orb-aking. DURING b-'CTO BER ýAND NOVEMBER j we wl gie TEN PIANO -VOTES for every i-cent ofjUrchase in I -STOVES'AND -RANGES. Wý. NiM. PRNGl LÉ CORNER HARDWARE, Phone, 25 - WHTVONAO il

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