Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Nov 1913, p. 8

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oa- fir amit, Mn. .Jecrey7, mOyen o'cloôk, wen thelr only daugh- -M. and, Mr. J.E., JefUrey, of Tè-, ter,1 Anale, beesme thé' bride of, Mn. routo,. vMteld hie parnts over Sun ~Arthur Héath, Eaa$tWhttby., flv, day Mr. -Bell, pastor or "tii. Mtbodlst Mis Pierrlll, wbo hbu ha.. nuit- obhurcii, Brookliin, performod the. cere-1 iagwl.th Mrs. oBrion, ban returned mony. Masa Clara Woodward acted %QtOç Ci ty. as brlde.na1ad, and 1Mr. Albert Obap- Neoî w cuITanto,, 11 rasi;nw pelow as groomiman. Àfter the wed- ponis, freuh .lfel.dnuts, best'stOCi dig was over the guests at dovit oni the market. Prices. thé very béat, to a -table ladea wlth good hhingo. A. C. i1io#. The. brlde',s pesents were beautifu ri. Mbot Maniîng, of Toronto, and tisefu!. i vislted wlth Mrn..Mannlng,or., ov.r Slo ae u ais1!t~W. suaday. Slo ae",,b aiso teW- Ms.W. M. Lawrence isitedwît rmen's For elgaMisionaryScey jgin. W. A: Holiday at Whuuby', one enjoyed a grester- treat febm a is- day lu e.sionaryaddrezs thau neas iven by 'Wnthed--Ono ton good bngtdi M1r.. Needhami ergW;ling Secretary, a~bs, rie. pld or ~~. iToronto, auth e uniï 'meeting, ýon - elo kw..Thunsdày last.ý,Thi.seaker beld the foloest, atent on'ýf the gathering ML1dfor nome thno TuInpresenting thei Woodwar4 on Sunday last. wr o.b heWne' liont Mn.an~ 1r..Jon Wod a nd ary fSocety, she told- at some length two chil drn, visitedf Mr. and Mné. tii.ood fliat was belng doue axnong BYOR, fuiilU, O~ SU1dY iat Indiana, loreigners (the. latler pnin-i ~Fneng 'f n.Benamn- cQaycipally those from the Connet ofi 1who lifed bers ormay'yers Europe), the Orientais aud -.Mor- ,p. sorry to learu of the. deathbf mons.. Whf le everybody fs..1%filer lru.-McQuy, wblcb occurred ln To-wih okduea ngt. rttr. rol~o reenty. FeinncliKirc, ianed, very' few are acquallited wl tii the work doue among thie Mrmons.j Mr. and >115. Irèh I c Of They are better organlzed thsu eny( Biookl1n,.ont., ainounce thej enz!age- reltgl ous sect lu modern liMes. 'nheird ment cIOz , eide a tr Mr en fwfnnlng couverte fIs very2 m7uli- e - Sduey Stanistreot Phillipe, sublte. ln England .there are one son of tie làto John D. lhullps, D. bhdred and slxty Mormon mission- L, .., of! Colonmel, Treland. The.1 antes, mapy cf whiom s1tandi at the manrriage 30 Il tae. place ln 'St Mat- coygates o! th. deu*e17 popu-ý thewu church, Wlinlpeg, eaiýy- lu De lated fowns and begulle vo4uný girls cemnber.-Wltnlpeg Fre. Press. wh tfeofbaiulonses ', Ony fur eek t Chlotas.,Yo 1work and langer pay, lIi fair Canadàa.- areltblnkIng alout your fruits. WeEvery vessel salllng ou the ocesu bave a' fui! stock cf n.w fruit uow and eeyprt, hasI represen- ~TI$EBAR~AIN. 8HOE S R Fr ;r ls' Boys', Mgn'sanad Womeu'u Hocey Boots sud SkatÇeS. Automobile Skates ouncem ýlighter aud stronger. ~BROCK. ST. NORTH, Skates pût o»new boots re. A cAL L oiiciTrED. successor te F. -N. Burns - - WHITBY, ONTARIO e. They are extra look them over. - ,.vw~q M7Of~t W. have just; ho hund a ilew stock cf broom value atthie Price aeked.. -Baetter cal! u Bel aud Inidependea nt phone@ "m"m"m"mrn 'iSIMPSON' & Ci FOR FALLý AND WJNI W. are offering gpoeieal laueÏ Hats --VBLVBT RATS PBLT RATS VELOUR RATS -Thesie hats are ail beautifully trimmed and sty We have ýon sale la goodly numbçr of beautiful mountu. These are greatl-y reduce l in prIce and i Corne to-day and secure one as you can't buy then the samne money. -ON& o0. TER and Mouutir. $4.00 ýye up to 'the miiuute. 1Ostrich and Otter vilt soon be sold eut. mu auywhcre cisc for Co P.ÏCKERINO D.SIM PS -denegr4tlMerchant ~~~~wW.W------rJJ ~ 1r , !,,,I , i . dih-L AArww Do YOÙ WANT A PIANO ON EASY TERMS SIF S0, WE HAVE JU.ST RECEIVED IN STO.CK A FINE WILLSPIN WE C/uN SELL'ON 4TERMS TO SUIT THE PURCHASER. MBJEIA GRAPHOPHONES and RECORDS ) !~ik! a Splendid Xmss Gtft. Cà asd mce tiet.- y ~ - WHJlTBY, _ ONT. MYRTILE. - Mfr. and Ms.P.- Browu speul Son- 'M.W.Keut--was on a business trip hoiM-outreul lagt-.Week. Miss B.* Batemun,, of Ottawa,'-Is speding a week at hle borne of ber, 1f,.: D. G. 'Ross gave a very in- teneshing talki ahtii1.l Bible Clase ou Sundaýr eveufug. Ts;ýMetbodist Sundadr Sciioolpur- os oldlni . hem animal liree Wl!! Off.rlng suad Christmas Tres on Sun- day sud Monday, December 21.1 sud 22ud. Particulans laher. UTAIRRIVE 11)IN !WHTBY. Camadlaii brou! Olyosl lgt Gabha Bros, l Siortiort Ies,,0"oie under Iwc..-Iïd,, Jos. S Shothoýn 5100f,. dén lot, Georg PergusonBl tereel'; Jud, Jés ',cu L.O.ciiord, o« UM wa Grades'o oroses lm mIee, t, ie euMmd maidor lot, Jas. Leauk kSss Grades o« -crosmos cf 1 seer, co our sud andor ie Jas. Leasi & Som, Onsmbi 'Grades and crosses cfrm abter, under' dus ye -m louik &Sons, Oresmiami Stone, Salntfomd. caplalbn.' Grades and rosses' of, amy lot, Jps. Stes attield; Leaak & Sous, Gremank. Grades sud crosses -cf a flfer-Isi. George vergso Dasy Sd, 3Jo..Stoe, i Maggle;w Srd, Jas. LeA»k Grombai, KIit. .Grades and« brosses cf au hdffer, imnder one yean-hnd Louki, Grembiank, Watson; toas -& Sous, Greembaui,' le, sint laksoe, sbrfed my bnooed ,wo-8rd, nk;,Wlte My broed-j lJames 11h, Joi. bneed sud. jas. rbreed, Salem, ai uMfeld, kSous, rbreed. James Ird, Jon. lr'Jas. lb. a- il to im of lie dslly op- di praper by, KILL. TIýE GERM; NOURisa THE M'R ROOTS AND YOU WILL' ý19EVER GrOW BALD Ihw ou lvufauli If pou grow 'balu i-85i ýthousagde, o! meu do - yen sund 'Wq= u'also. If yoù bave 4ddf 1tlbonau ligerme are ilready.,dov1,nîg he 'vay 11f0cfflMO bat n ah Ilfs ~ont$ . il tieo î«eei w ~Puaikjàsaca end, stop 4uidr;uff, llctblag scalp and fallinc bain flnu o o elm Tt's guar uleed, '7ou kuow, Ibis de- llgbtful and~ refrosblug Parnltaî Sas. liatIo lno* solu! il over Canada. and If il dons icI prove betien liah aur othier fiair tonie you ever used. aeldpur m nb.to ul Is fe i TO) l(STRtMCT TEAOH RS. y eu~'lt u!.fddbh Information - tbe up f , q Large boll! aiA.' RT. Allfl's ani ~~ ErZ1so r 1 no drugfflstj ta vrw er. eganp Ieshatbllsbed Tuberculogi Day ID thes sciooîs, On Fnday, Norember NotkÇe to Creditors. :,2 20tb, lu ubown "bythe Ile g srecei,. su! by lie SMoray -cf lbhe Iationai Sasdtanum Associaticoin leaci- In the matteror!the estale of Chas. rs sookng delallu for th. e alks A. amllti, laie cf lie Town oi lie cildren. 'Provision; bas e Whiilby, ? sd 'rie $ageine girl in o be o n lu made fo i edistributt f ý u f en l- N l s's b r y gi n t at al O J. E. Wlllsý drug store sud on every erahure asfI8 bout muhed ts lie ueeds_______________ botlie of Sagelus isîr houte that in cf thé. cildren. T'rie lufouafion lins- genulns and sold under a positive dlsminaWedwill des! wltii lhe dolyT aM taiU oIu u gurne ostop falllng bain, erad- cf tlb. cilld *îlriegardho mls wn o10MU 0f li e V f cat. daudruff sud ho growtie most iealth aud hieesanftanp'reglme wblilbi l lîfelcas, cMarie dry bain ln hhick sud 1a neceSanp lu onde, tint ho mur- seft sud luxuriant, Sagelue la a not coltraet or- transmlt lie dîsesa. .Tis Comp iuy Ie lu a position te 'di clean sclenilflc hair houle cempeued' Stress will aise' b. lai onuthe ne. more f-ou!entian auy other Comupany. o! the most mod!mru bain produclng cesally for bleunuderelandlug thie 'ige question laisow are we able te du sud beautlfyIug agens ; 1h fi fres soiopte misuovement sud 'hlm per- "'? Every auccesiful. Company musi from grease substances, lu net a dye sonal reaPonstblit, as a citizen iu have ezpeeice, streigti aud ecouom. and lu daiutily perfum.d. Sage! ne i.thie maklug, for Its sueCesi, Ical management. lie favorite o! parlicular peorle.und >Tie.Mutual Life is the oldest Con;. lesod n hlbvon .Jt .E..Wlllot psuy on tihe @On" continent. Tmree lu sld u Wltbyonl ahEPWORTN LZAGUE CON'VEN- soevuaat e tLssedtels druc store, Sagelue lo only 50e.sen scoreime sud bus pr't'enftbuod t e escm as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h hobtgI li ee fal r annual icouvoulmon of", te Whlt-I sucesful la payments te polîcyholders, by District 'Eprortb Lag"os was over oue billion dollars. - MYRTL E STATION. ' eid. ah t I-«ibank, N OVOube 14, Trie atroug 1est lu tie world-ausets 'rhe ladies cf lhe ehurci purpose sud conalutsd o! hwc sessions, after- 6ocosuluoecfsr$c. clvlug a pi nk heuah thelr Lsdt'a' nemi sud erenfng. 00,0 ay.r Tiiomayi Aid ou Decemben $rd. 'ris lu noms- 'rie aflernoon seosion was oiee owued and cutrolled by tic policy. titng'new, aud a very pleasaut lime by an addrems fonistheRer, G. W. icîdtsa who r0imp ai1 the benefits. 'rie mnav be expeeled. There will aise be Marvin, foilowed by au addross fnom Pollcyiolders W'ill receive over 060,ooo,. a -'Pi Pond. Ti. rond willibe filed e.M-Rgs ùmt"n pu-o tiyar ývthi 'vàluable sud useful ehs. A poe.ofr.tls, Blbeet, "'I1 Te min 0Tsyer pos o!tif ~Cnvetio." riemaI 're Most éocomical 'management, rood' prognam will alsn b.--»given. 1thougit brougit eut bore vFas liaI wiicii iaswon for tic Company tic Cone al sud have a good tlmw w. are called hogether to look crer reputatien cf ,eini Look for-bils o! Xmae Ires ho he our verk, ho seo wbat vs uns doing, beld 2 ou Deiýember 22. wial vs are leavlng undone, eud boy h nII' m ue .woe an Improve. \' o "VS UV s vutst Me.b.,'. %Imlli 'poire On "Th' Ack QUUCKof thie çomtmuuîîv sud ilow ur Di iindPayer D"n',wttun 1yo 0av smeal. Sesymay respont." Uc ueald tie ment cauued by pour digetin, cali 'WaB lie trainnug cf ou, ýyeung Oe,$87?fo,00i bfgr aid lu divld- biltousuea, or byInactive bovls People for service, sud hmat v May sd i.ya.Tcqe:o o . vici may lead ho a serlou mcknos. respond- bv prarer sud tead*. ion-Sbr Immediato relief loa sfordod 'by est venr for lie cause cf God.' Are Yodi Oeftl ng Your aéP hia bot crnetlo sd pevehiv Ten oilweda isesuIu, ed ivof the annual caSh d1nvideuds tiat ïVe ~~~uaaiS amuel Farmer ; report of Distictlc are paysng.. BizunAm o Executlve sud' sneeli . commtteos ____ na and a roll cul eof Leaques. Rev. S. T. BartIelI, Gon. Soi. cf F. J. DUFF, ME,. A.' E. DONOVÂN,'. EpwrhhLeoues gae aver iep- special Riwp. Queeu & Vistoris st. PILLS Teronto, Mgr. I6Da~rsSaI~ 16 L I.. OSHAWA. Disney flros. have aold euh hlein furnitune business ho Mr. Clua. Lan- der. Tii. tranisfen botk place Tues- day o! this week. Mn.9Landen bai Ieasedthie store sud vil! dispoeso! the furnihure , stock sud put lu a stock, o! bardware-.T'riebusiness vil! be known hencaflen aso hie Landerý Hardware. Mr. Disney ahil! nehains lhe undentaking sud pichur, !naming aud' will conduet lie same ah 44 SimcesSt. .northinluthe uew Even- sen block. Mr. §amuel Barrer recelvsd hiel Bad news' liatis son John, a youug man lu ii 4ti year, iad dled sud- denly In Montreai.. jHi remains *oe birougil ho, Oshawa fer burial. Tii. Oshawa Electrie Lîgit -Co. bave' compltethe s evaddition ho their power plejt,. and bave Inshalled a 650 i.p. -Deiel cilengins. Il 1 thie langeet o! ils iclud lu Canada, sud a unique as wsll as a moe »I'pece of ONTARIO 1COUNTY WINNERS AT NATIONAL LIV9 STOCK SHOW IN TORONTO. AI the. National Live Stock Show lielu! lu "Trnenhlait week some o! 'hie j festhohrses sud cahhlo ever o«- hlblhed là Canada vers on shov. 'rie orbibîors Included many uoted stock breedens frorn lie United States, sud competitien lu every css wag rèry Among the. wlmera vere many. well-kucwn Ontario Couuty mon, sud inure ,yAu.. *,. soic . -w.sjiy ojEsou LIAIJA~L i> VUl.C5WVKl.hst w11 oie~ aUbi0stckof, Myî'tles, Dry Goods, Groceorios, Boots, Sho.s ýnd Rubbert at greetIY reduced prices, Fra Nmovombor 28 te Doc'iubsr. 19 Boots and ahoes reduced 15 per cent.,f Rubbers 10- per cent.. ,Other gooda ton propé rtion. Set ~g buis for fulhei ~'icuiart Greatest values everoee ir tP GIVE US A GALL MYRTLE. Lii e 'f 4 ,HAIVDSOME UN'GLASSWARE N~WFJUi TNEW PEELS NEW NUTS. rEor our Christnias- cake. ~w;M. LAWRENCIE soim iaving any daims or demanda againsi tb.ié estato o1thée, lut. ts. A. Sutdh, wbo dled on or about lie 28th day of October, A.D., 1918, are roqulredho sun d-.by peut, prepaid, or dolîvon ho the uuderslgned admis- latràtnlx 'cof 'said estate ut Whitby, Ont., thm names. sud addreseu and full particulans lu wrihfng -of tisir laImo "aud s'ksments of them ase- count, sua tlb. mature O! te ~secur- lly (if snyy. beld by them. - Aid tub. nohiJe ttIafterthe.27th day, cf Decémb0r. 'A.D.,-1918, li sait! admlnlstrýhfrixwill preceed hoi distributbe1ltee-assets of th. sald es- tuto amcmg lhe pensons' enhiild tierelo, baviug, regard enily ho the dlaims of wic 'the said! administra- tnix .511 timâh bave iad sfell ansd Abait lb. salu! admnstirnll!!net ha lable fer lie assetu of!thi'saitd estate or amy part tbereef ho any perog o f vione aim sshial! net lbiu bave rwesvel notice. Dated 'at Whitby, ti.. SIi day of NeMbenA.D.,111. SIH AGAdmnuRET . MTTH b' A dmE nSrtnLr.DI - ber Sollitor.-,28. Livery, Cartage, and, Teaming;. I have reoeutly added te My weill equipped iivcn stable a heavy teain and dray for ail kiuds cf cartage snd teaming work, and will be pleased te roceive ordeis, wbich will have prompt sud carefal attention. DUNDAS ST., WEST,. WHI TBY OUARANTEEO ABVANTAGES Thc advautages guaranteed 'te its pollcyielderm. man for man, threugbout uts entire business by Thc Equity Life Assurance Company are muci greater for tie premniumu 'paid than lhcy arc in any other Company doiug business in Canada. Thii. is stated as a fact wi ch cannet be successfuily dimputcd. E.XAMPLE- At age cof tweuty-tiree, next birtiday Tic Equity Life charges $43.2o for $2,ooc.oo insurance en tic 'rvcuty Paymcnt Life Plan witi every. thing defiùitely guaranteed. -Meut other Canadian Companies charge exachly thc saute amount sud similar teruts fer a Twenty.five Paymcut Lifc Poiicy. ' At tic end cf tweuty years tic Equity policy i. fully paid for and iam a Cash va uc of1 '$898 oe, wiile the. usual cash value f or &40 other pfflic>i at tic saute time is $720. rhe mnwho studitehie own tutereses iii petronlse The. Rqnlty tif- Assurance Conspany -*heu b. vanU r1 ife hnurance. L. W. DUDflY. n SLITHBRLAND, I IM. HILL SIGEINO £ ENERA L DLAKSUITNING TERMB MODERATrE.L- 'U W RATESi-1T-P Chcgo and,;R.turn Prom à lationa Ifiagetea, ne nre w and west la Ontario Good gol.g Nv . 30; Dec. lit md.n Aicouai o! haternitioaiil Lire ýStock exposition RETUAN- LIMIT-AIi tickets valid te returu t e ach original 'startiug point' mot later tasmiuigb: of Decomber 8, Fr.quemt and Fast Train Seic~e IONLY DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE w9- visi te açr4qa:u'théicpeeple -of ? anibysd mrrudiug Cot nIýry viti tic fac: ythat orhave epe,u >afirt- clama lauudry ou .Br'ci st., Whitiiy, lu Hevis Brou.' eldiutore.. W. arc Prepared te do all klunds cf laundry vewrtk. Family orders'ivu special attention. Ail worIgearanteed.. Charles iar - Whitby, Ont.- Winter Term OeS Jan.- ~ne eceol th t storeugh courses.' e oe1nt equlpwent, c'apable teacheriand e1OYs a wlde.sPrea.I patronage: le ;thé Toronto, ont., This InOttutiOn bai a Clean ct record fer succesil work. We asalet eut stu.- dent. to obtaIn employment. Iryou in. tend getthna a1'Fdilnes equca len-.t th:e bet-not thie cheap, ordlinal o j 7radekhnd, rite to-day for )utc"ta. ce.ýntalicomplet. lut(ruaton. cor. Yonge and 1 W. J. 1illioït Alezader Bs. Principal F-OUR LEADFgS, "Sorapton Coal."1 "&Youghlogheny Stean Coul. Blue Grass Cannel Coi."- t ""George Croojc smlthing Céal.j.-v- ,No Ceai îe equal these. Scranton for ranges, heaterM anid f u~ aces. The best- clean-, brigit an4 ýdry. - Cannel for fire -places sud grates. YdUghiogheny fr seam., Noue ny better. George Creek for ail kindal of arith. :ug work, Fresh mined. J We lead in quality sud q antity. ER. BLOW, O~ Bell Tel. 9. Hmrs HAVE YOu 1made provision for eenploymient during tii.- PaJi and Winter mnonthe or dé yen wish- et.eady remiinerittive* work- the. year througlî. Write us sudseoure oui'Agentli terme We offer the beat ini the business.,- Pity weekly, free out9t, exclusive terri. tory.( over 600 A"es under cultivation. Estabeiished'oever' 33iÇ years. À repu tation for high grade stock ' snd fait dealing. A salesman -ca-n xakê-, money selling for'us. We want an euer getie reliable man for Whitbyandvieinity. ,I For termi, wite Pelham Nursery Co,, Toroato, oat., N. B.-Free catalogue on reque3t.-25. Our Bifecal' Leuses. are rcally two, buses wéided into euene oiîd Jeu.. nrice per pair, $S;oG Special greund, 75 t;K0' 69Tonge Sir.-TO RONTO OCYRACTI14G Ir DI[tF 131105 Successorp tu, Cody nroa. CbatrgtoimoderAte, E. W. VANS Pun'ip ManUftoUrr Shop -i Isul9denos, Daudas 3 m Tbroe 'dooro weut of Wbi4by Boum We ar' *prepa'red ho 1iuil 'weo dor'~ lmn pumlpson sborltbe a0 tho teail klndof r..' Brile k' Oarris:M s;'.- cesTh 3" ..-- 0 better. Georgeý iug werk. We 1 Bell Te Madte pro t FaIland- in tory. 0 1 linder aul - years. A anfirde' mouey self' - 051135 g e c re lia b Or lanfor M lviLbyà 'Foi ternis, wlite Huraqry . U . o &b.B .-F re e 4 aéu n r OrBifocal ralty twO enfses one selid Ieus. Preper pair, 169 Yonge st. O g scceur tCoty ,, Chr~moi !l4~ump anýüfÉLtur ShOtl5,d AOoco, DUndai WItBY, f21Mesdoots ruet n of Iby We re npared ho Instal w 11 puluji o bot notice, Sahttend hoail kfia cf .or. Pano fn il I .J 1waà;îuo an n d thi.e oou&r U1qb1 1 b3 e 5i 5 S s-I ç - - - -- - - - -- yjkj 2 t' -~ -4 IMIM" . . . . . . . . . . 1 We h.av'i 1

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