Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1913, p. 2

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lqAsig <ifI O -w0ftt4Ie L iondon 1wi'the q: "t - %4"Mt fr . $-l W ik~ f a~ - t- - ad! 'pj~~ Érft <ralied-liQots f m New York to M . W _ w r, i*tt hCanadanee, t fro _ S an i i. 21 fCanada. inn4 itO th ' aea d i sonI lýthe the la t-Od a*, 9 8,fr N.4 Th CAhac~~a O ~1 geney, ~due EW ÂJTOMATIC GUN. r yo î ufr4 dit Jun ed ] ~ *TJVC onceutkm nves e zit. g for a usa .ul t n *30in il.Dn;telashe fical 701* auaaîisR dsinuhte. ffta roulroi Tea and eracanlift i 76111918,adaalt 0e8 W ..t ea a.nd offee. lluP orted into d <>/Jof e g 0 e U ditd St te 75 l A deip atch -,from L ond on eysl: - lat b b~ ~ h * # p t î a 4 lu tii. t lait yea il.i-for w *1.6 1I Pe ple, p lorThe new au t iit for o , are air-avrrd on 1 nhig nter- ing mil-s the ecr aoui aUM of ra, I7 l. ner rtied tnitcied taeuCOntyfori... - ar In'lz gô 4 r*-~~ 4t~_fctv pro- lion dellars at w ol.ea jeî i pot * S mnfa 'prido., iaslide s te wihàÉh:04ws av r fCUogr ah t zorm eg atShtates item fd has aneoiiten in 'have bten t erce.Oaedof4 3i4ini> tlw«atàd for < e cf certaî o r ie bhng à thl atbfr oym ~d a c nlerabl Thh oi 'af 1ev. F an ute, 1< attDi oe3 z s whraîh rtus lb. fg veae o 89 or o1 cel ls o.0 h pn,~ n a e n Amrcaura ehCanaslf4p h a lcr ne *rou ofYateti ty-sern punci . H ny an ufferifuf heM .rsartd.foe i we",-eau anal ' u laborvc ontngit - wlôito>t ha av rnch rendered mnurd te rx- ln wef.fti. eliyar Doçoe th 1eri eztS--'s e. W 'otexst Lat elew. ýtr ata he. her e 'iand, ng t' ope. wlongure ti n ds- n ts lo u eee WluI leîî Y a çdbft OudsIrau r tance,. 9015er ar I Oe c -d W t ,b t i t e a ute - a'su c ag b a e , i plng -ings~~~~~wae theh i 5 i« eri o-e, s m ê4tisi SUN ... ucarrican, e wnetolucmebfoI~ p concernti."tO ii o <eandu tcf whje ea. t euny fcet squre.T20e1lieav litabae?. the.2 <r sldsI F. H. oCaIlum Ma uftct 0 ý e tiFrankd l et O' c Cea o de ter, eDt hatti ru hs peet w r naly ii at so 9ak 2a4. ti prmua rr o hs&o, W.à Zle euksd witiitei t eoeran *ad,~ ~ dPOest î Ho ty haeat ho nI. Eal i thd Hfuydlsn theStra native' o! Esex dims iig of &iicls by the ci ,ieuldThec 4 raw avn 1<.t p1ý uom te a l. 1 4 -c 414; t , 1 .c sourcetantt,:a,436,. wit te.,tho he.,ôr, tan."diàl"ou t r ack 68 w r SietaC àeLaloeeu ty orge çauie FUIWOf _ A sud lt s- a Beku. tan sa reznaury ri fueltiifermer@ro-Pol porii C, I hr.l.ti pheDotChie, an mariai!0 cw mudienthelald.lticu V But ltkuownaumilutFo il.so'cî)i îeig onle -n tJceot1-hn& ed Cifind 9 wih le2elt Meteadlic ë ' ly dei%"nd Wanahp DeingBket luBWled sraw-.- +1heýf0r6,rZ th 9141 mouitedtn ahe* art- or fre~ c iE wr aetPrîne falfoosîl, u Luanjte M aoa Lae it t as uet î or a I l s p. fa ctor Wl ëuen nt St malynta. g ni ur.wou brood, Riibut Id'lutÎ'ladoipa îtal" 1eh th o siton Procout sea <hoyens num e s 51 tmeu I!t f o talhe u oihat îue, o te ort he iaten and' ii. A d pat h ame red aorge' Muet co nti sn e t ho ercans onu atls.tue stae,, day, avug mîsiugOferCamailsys 1ui rîbruIf5 ofa NtheNothee, ive gn R udrus è4ve b asore on re pcma, o r e v n l f u t e l ih t r m ' tl ded ta "aal__ or offie ~wer bond bow~ a r sd 1explcal~ he or hceui~ymuetieoEfwik eîpyrdî 6, 1 12e; feda56 .2ergio.'î t1 1011 O ur i . f r n i 3S a n k t c i i wnl .u çall u u t î o e k î i u t I fr t e s " e n 13 oflwhitaboutet Mar. n. Iln c ~Iu 6843. ! te ota ppu. ~ he nlteer nc nîug, en fein b e r te8n uvewoei le and Croyd nre wasn lau o.r&L3 Narty -ienu reu, at the-o ai gYiee, sudre. oses 357,6ut ig 01 landstantheauity> eatse79u7-ueethNa.therejeldti.d n ct d *htni theebemàoyebaudiof lereç h u ____M____________ 7nir, ansud I aven $5370,e00OI Me-dateNot.e t-brode arkible fueltadoparmentheii. eotnacthauforaptte* accia 11gt4ile 'Mny, eidi Porion î nl Lononor hasrtee Ain'& e ow au Grl q Ac ,1e l tjt curs, u lcsko... -J.R B ftlirA e- a .pEed o.-dr.î~skî saide 1mi-t, cf tho new vesheseRvu. cou- -,ity-licwte82y t Ta83sph. le Bai ]BtI ate akbeh nm o fAtecdC rso hw S w ,0 orset, a nt là ton, 0~ ,~t ,~ec~ î,in, <sM iatsd. bavela GULondon han 8teALIiTh t t! F eral la esgfiresIn ipy w neal a-np a m m n Io r a, 1131 w rea tî $00,xdseurge yen frin uiklq ensna sstno to 4iuh un plco l One na2tional,-.CandinOiseCain ana!tChTis ne. u ba tlth cor uttern- ume Go1d3,12r9 m the lndLondon 000,000. AforrinsedncenWghfreyn iie ueîuowie1mout. usual percen o h rtflapeed vtsh Clb n C~ eress air s u tnes o ie c nr u uk ba.~o t- 111 wttl i>~ flOau King b et pat -aehgrDu l n l abor>iect cr, -adycroûan ax~ ir a- SPîg Wet ptnt, fes shx cbîrb bd aMlns ue. suhe1hdnA t enl siteliass tîe trnanet ~ o t e wen Afroi Win ir $1750 . iIl pelt W Ise, n r beor t r a ie bads e h$2te 11. RlNewcastlerai, rd li e 1augb r soete R peou npud. i by aeshr ,h v -h m ut î u lin H e uamn t o 47ic us aeteac 4< <c keep ber Bay C@11,9bien mpssigbî 000ober . râcel bOs m lye fth o rter,.0l 0; sri~ rUrba,. P n aaa onde, *4.90; rong bakurs',BI.7a;remnwinl ounebe dtp I lu netlu he oueb BuL . n d Sner, J. $SoOooooo wll beaon capihave ho achlng woThe lb eooîhlug aeeurau, "' leInetincfa s. fronrt!.3,94 Almr Ki e c r th e , b a ue " o tte r " a b u t ' ' f c r r y i oi a t o r a s l u c e o N r h _Qe, e ~ ti - r w . u p f a p = 'tlay. t 6 8.hf h e t ta f n etn eehi n gu b lo kn g r m u e t hi 2Ttu go.ted $20 Sho y, $2 ta $d3ilBrNO.pi3ta Hudson' flay Cin-huosractice thelî'Etherto ha, pro mmd 6, 611.1t thun ia = dea ge@wî lnP reardni. auy v e n d este » 3,,0h 0,4920va i ith oe rn e n temwauld be por~t t olandyu l cuclue a n ye o e e nse Fgt Bticn Plc 2pndi srlt,$4ta*5 Ue adýen t ývojUo th cSt easborec thO yeinuharnrvQ talesa hondi B t iot r ght y t rr ageaya .Urst westrn9, 13nt. taà1ma-S&p lueit Srikee oi abject the cl ffcB e- co. ith th, o v.ieft cf ,52 sifed im e oes, ut hieatsdliante dvetbf iecu olales, cu. and ind aus lu e tet o Afnica . 43tr134c1l4. Butr. Th Y u ee valen sti4DOye keph rpobardds adt -ledeunt Gl t cur ent e a t W Y og ren appte. he m atirefrnin 8à D h à se ow r Mir p ric s he ames e qmenttî git t&ig ,m5rl te .evenuehe rvenuThoetseh t l ues l sj, p n d 1 toe. Yum Y cuse aceAlexendrYeuvhoegty woreereni s. T h is ..~aiesa deep n o<iibandiHapyasugar asLaU, iUekusha Paazce I . theondayerflic fourth n WaC re- n e arl ou arng conosehquexîceelco eo.i toco4r No 2sre'ksoeiv unesVbutonfse an 11,1eeei th May rmistel38c;etw r b lt $20 - dsorg e rot - ltne el' II br aë i SOI Thýqueniandcj wiîi9uîPr e ing. dsore 0000 feýodicigf te koerets uspae n reS -1 J U M AI eh o th f cey to k ep b r P oz ftenuM a thst arrostaas ongne a ye Cexpect.d Im eno, Commece, bodi cf urt eon tpole WS a-UI. 8ss ak 2m, s heicarths aunkiughIlu Palace Bilbliîb l;s hefycne ,n ndof hortly ntes Te86 Nonîberu 84 1 i.p in os idthietere 0ors lu benu by A<lie c c f recevîg sin g îp arys y a 15ten wil be nB ritisi m a s h 'o"wil crrboayd icîsugr ane ilia . lu ytbat- Spri Iri il t o n s ude a ilu tt ict f aeu oe Y s :' c a n a le i w e n e 8 5 3ve n N w!sit t iatIr bes. r y' an du'augIARR R. gusar BuP , pea ng at nan takn t chr nds kle d of t i t y wvîunded, Bns,<f weî 014t i34. Cr- 0 8yî ti w I o su14t hC e îa< i d t iat heber oud 8 r W to , .So ' -J. ' s Eny lSiente. nle mot 'hae ince uvt lu ,d r -te' aflIc' shoid be trnthegUred ront Il. l e s t a t l t m a k e i b e r l, B a l e y6 4d tas6 8 e.e y es L e e d s d eh e w t bc o n i e a r l t h e rae d l v i - ruoub . r - 'on t -e h w $ . 5 0 lî' dlY ab erly Vlc'toiau g <1 anier, novkhve ibee Psiedoh ree 'aon of ineion luthe ritjs-h a - pe n ei asndt lie tla reod <ote year carwere woundleedl@nd- a Eu 86the tIlixîî. Dectheuber 2 -Wbeat- -No. î t to t1erotli percluloris:a$2nttei -br tuie. e No.tntinig &Nortieru ed in e heNe Yok erl. -ber us ui t an se tlg , Smokingenllatnetmenly farbiddte Atnesd et iete ikent affi teheolce eu: cn d 1 dejoûis by therial eitr ho tulton wntgeaIrpo toncm er orqe , , io 1go f ty sdtie, nin.Dcme 3î4; irn !i :duto Wiret ueOn Alxanra whh e"l 1,2 ot f f ilb àd f u rl .gre ape iguvebe nsham arî e Im. 1old. A d ca .Tche for h in ttu w J0 H r ow b y , b t b n oT ogrea l akin es carry mo rey' h t i at r 3-4 o t tne'Rasrreis rentîcîng ai WorodesigRa 1hoe-iake Halonfax 111e 41s~plojr,2~ etcetal d ud n st quipe~ pots n p1en l gait l i . aiao are cfnastoreesa "cari' e cf gartestat showTTOES 1bat y oo !I th h e steî'îîm n i tshp. A mcnicsa ren moecfyt uh lizeo n gli i schol. bs ofpnethbrogi le ',o Caal. ANA a oldjIan d chrmntef f, bouin bthleobden toshaehe faCu Immtat e sen of re . an t s noes ontj, 2po- tlaldsfOInat o rs "i f 4it;gaz -f ecivng stie ' j thety Sa h palace. 1 liraem;> iiou' c h ags8 ficThesul se.MaieoaaPiblry alitiesaie hndec IdinasVnTa 't -bîLduell' hJcîî tg Lad tlen t e Ipar bor rvi j frluh u e.re '%'il] ar sp B itish k * Pra tegr o " wi a ymoreu arsst.Wil e Exe uge rc n te Uni e gi iL41- u.u, 2" !ýul' ,iOhtai l tappi e ares feu geaa'hîl a hus~~ 8 an cia ec t Dnvn at l 915 f r eighapanhig , si bo tha suez.i Make. I rs,2't5-8 Ou e iitloul d o îsmutided btO, wreds.tîme CaAX 1JJJ b i- lad. blp wa'sJtf n, t '..ndia l dn fi 1 ir l i-a an d th<Ç at lier Londo.infini t i l f,idie<Jwadimig- l ettitl- ,n e tne t a i-l ot to cen n<tiriD iiu ' hrolt inurieliai fa . 1 uut ehiv o ' 550873.me o terh merie ueti n I nf o es th n 5 0000 tn Fc.1 iv a as stbb d nd lft un 861--:N Ufedin he nteror. A d spach fom tta a sys: mokng g nâ ony f rbiden hes mae taineOn the wî conci't' 1- Li S18&-totamtb L#'atnce, 1.,2'0'0 Wene eur~ed,, azid alUonts, 27i8 were à; 25 hip diseuse, k2ioek-kzn.,s,4 tautile panily»lg, b @Pcularc d4"ao 8'. ]p Mnufaot ,ed 'tients ad"t O 'braces,a i7 IOW.let iig s r Jacket.; etc.- 2 38 Years near, ave been-treat -650 ce "eçt J 1hi1dnen *f.i tei th an îdIe- that lie1ps la às <o have thte 18 -ar rng blîid toee~ e aneS, Upan affliction lIas ia doll ar, or lt, ta Douglas0 *Trea.urer o! MTON, teeg, -Toroei~o tet-ar c'[h. an rr' ia cai EZao J' -i ci - j a s é

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