Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1913, p. 3

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nêuth. The oye&id lu' 'iUed dwTe.téeiste-al4re'utfibsyI cýn.Vcoi,1c Sio look p a4id bo)sbt ns 4nt, the man who .&ys e hm asbe«Il oU-his pa&iclddr tuinnel he e': - 1 TIhis i8 not all.AnAenia worke hrt, anid wvu e ifP hev- !lIYofthe niountainu:thro, gih whièh if ~~P$~b ~.~VO .1 ~houh e y r; girls ing 'ýrra.nged' the î>jry Tor préattdè'ths posibilitY, ! T 4ý_i aiouode r.4 itv : 0î I a ~ p.infuly weak &4irtbe ae m n- ad wome w o l1 go tO yxje hfs n~ ue. The. PaTiCkGuiey, MP for cork lit,4~~ 4t 1~e r re1hesaxdii~ abe a lot oÀ tr'ouibe to g ig? p~ne unei wi1i ,id in 'theven- 00 - N th.H W II 'TIf Ye! Theyý àIéll ed g frau o!inc e0t~~lwil'eie v-cught " a00 biDr1t doovY lItoo!te alway tunnel dur- 'should be provided, igh wa men who are a1iac complain of or tear ' adre«s, in the hope of! g. inig. its contruction.- Ths borlng of Thom4a'Emery of eortley r.eSni right jip to the limit staxted, 'lenymuenthe aved even injuriegoi * in g"neyer rièally ýel1." ing daen a« .. T he. - »,iv t ede i u p o e r tu n lh . een u ay.ed1i1auo'taild v ry sêrl us Inju ies i Therela n e w4ay Le brightesrtive shadows these PeoPlet an4. of--and the, ftrkt erosé-quts viii b.modela çycing aocldent nomaLrAgblar6m. Iee otsadS better meaui f r ton e1l.ocvers girvsty I~vr-vinhs aebeen drîvenaboutTi.xeyetslshdf m- '- aad einu t.. a ,luto, i!iiai- d the "'idCS. he atume .2,000 fit. .u -utth.end o D -ketI ~ ngai~ a n v be ~ that ~ elanis. iii.part otue opened, n ue very v a nisu- Instead o! littie vr$,0 9Q Gih elh mat reat i tereà t, nd, cmb rO vhi yan hae ee ompetd.Ti. y rih e1âbodthati _ eemr o! Ë"le vmpeeý cea oith- o1 maple auar&d yU, plinant ,fer boring the tnnels lo (n1i4uan age 5 eae ho d - prte rebostt9îc u eten leanIei the . sytenl.61"altak e & InldoMo ure ey* atrng 'pznai * .the >ladyee! U v, e hod pode 8O000wth scpltit vil1 cest Street, , ýte do se it-çviii b. neesrytûgt lmpureit li ofre~rft heiglittrhesio gto or. pep Thous.ànda of lais and r'women teotive e*rns, whait aexe r facturing interesta lu Montres!, To, waë. fi" knov. thai Dr. Wl isasPink mils cations, and if ihe CÃ"re.fç>0t4 -hOCP iieneighood o! burned. ,th h ti ett, go i for Paie P.ople7 -nake this nev, poOTor rthe midde' cl aie h-sy81,0,.Ta ersti iee aafn ulip rhdetive conmes'froma'Il clas#eand tis. ato! a agret mouta heinerA>y-las e uantit eâ ode- nia.- l persons or concwern oye r hé,atI and etrerigh more eurel.y end ls paid* aooordiig ta -hier 1 el rng.Aad p.o npriy vih ti. iiieryliathe n netlie fo tRevenueI~ ,to on tiier medicine knovn. iy, 'e .muest b. ready te o & a in- 4d th dveopnstof theQueen'eCouihfty the IIild , as imrtefapt Ther oudne ca aaiany4 i ndg à >èat (a feat ,wiiclx'held'the. vend breath- c av aidau-sameine&o a Throwoldne b a aaeicxus~an~tuig ndgoaayiisea ess &Te- ectilon o f odi 1 vil hrk Igforf'ltniyliAiatioscat appaleniy e woa rgirl iii theln- -os-amoe _ hak eu meorfette i-ffernînu.f rm tus c 1nti9ll would at Ifeat one laýnguae in addtioli tO lges at thi. wo 'portas o! the %un- jiia , à-een ciuihtonions'rutràt ÂI4l ~v 1 ý av- , %nel at a cestýcf $50000' 'n-nter- f~ut'thiing of! mapiaottebuth k a ber oUrie ofthis * The iV I fair Dr. \WIi»sms Padk Pîcatind he a, igood 1 etueo sani btBn iiti abe fQMay-~ L IXnme"ai"o tepca fatrial.',,That 1 is-vhse nany round Hr IlYf<~îo!te!i~sa aatovn. * Asse yocainlue Such -concernu el!teoc * r'ecommend tiiese plla 4etheire su!- be anYthuig f rm'01po & e i eet f rom the gr Omadfi tTuban Counciil has omcat eceu.siyngcn feîg itr~ n 1. B etiegh ondii per week, quite apante teM b. 'f uumwa.q t- 1 g-, Eteves 8e~ieict, :1., s: !cuufrm preSents given lier wth bridges to onethOeue s p ie fora lSt o f $20,00 0 1)j of tiura Ointment. sugar at Aive cents ih on cleit.witii the vork The undertakiTig !3P ad quip thei. present Coun- A bod "p & O «O. it sio.ling lb, in syrupfoatrun .t te ao o 3 my du ltr b r*fli u!o itrsu osblte~ C O ber aïBs aton 1iaM - Sldn.wok, ins p@osi - r fflOTUIlottODru fi o eV;o a !coy biu* !T EC O C S~ " A t t h e a d a i i s , a ndO f n t1 3e r -'MY . ' .d a Pgiht e' ""t v d v m o t h ' p o a t i n , L i e y .cl i e n t s .p u f g u -Baie egn ~o omp~ain ! cn-- EpolngFrmed. i'i eiî wiii'be poiued in mid air,îD ...ifk;4Ys P wau"-coia f*fordto a w rtuce. .pod#dt' < * ir'eui e aptt. vn riepsthe lady-detetive's ud o tesay. Thie immemorial silesiceiOf t&iiid gu îrge vindie ol ffr oP t a docter and got some mnedtine h&i'destta.uicrb e i te ec behh' !6. LTisi1ghla itbeboke!tieW Ti Pon Pehtein - oybOUm ilti ' le yeny aie!aeui 9.0hl-IwIWlangdlW i. ~utit id ie hep ieran Ahil uaie!or 1epern*~aoi3ooýwho li eh by agret uilitarian organiza- c43ïft"hwere riioui!f brokeri. ocnetthé ~improv- cluding the oistIsuc ae,1n .ÃŽe1og oevn a sritgng o cally atht t i. Gypangapo redf omtieDevmedstit'bgintheinaoutesuen dele fonder t «e oudet ie mgr ?s mu 4~ a 1 t a ypiangd le' 'lam brughtt&bit byjsifg du*n uiz nd out 1 W-e hli.hd te ientinue. going to epr ui eeuio taee invih îhul Lmypft-A sensational occurrence le n-mn nteicnecn lcncdrou rsn as r o fel-i~** acoo.Sh 2 wet~ei ÃŽ_01h vl hso!cr~nenao! tungaten inste&d are less oten prosectduie i. ~,IUWUI wc~ker every day book roun d ho insideof lier uk-irt have ta;ken ni> theé: abdde lu thiee tue houe o! a m n vaà fArewre lm.et cî prt ae "A utaio M " asi san .,bOt.b@ QU oJIY lie <ova ll the time and vould OTIn w - g th6 ee i &artI s o okelisii nthe. dollar, jute, eue .wig<lov being s,"ttered.. s.,ug e l- oeefcetm eali fpoeu'd liy cn py tit~ .m ueggri mk< eotfu&l omplain of being 4ind She.knocks down sosnthing freni a For. tiree er usf o ie Pa ofc fiii .D bi a e fi.in e n Accre Mi tie t li'-e I su d- i t et o hi otg b a l.mt The <locten gave lier anotiier 4ottle s.i rcutrt leAesad o4 okn y-h!L a u 3 eue éaccept parcein cOdon cn1Timesduc«i ,olybdenurn accoi nts! b.aimiiIuSds of mi in,, but vith ne bettet over >t, lovera.;«iiook by mm o!ngttméuntain vi . ir- ann nvppeso ii aii a-supYti.vu. oydeu iti ode uarbuis ae duif-E,,lbAbbi vas t rel cn itherC e ndi&i n it, dlgh ii ce i Iing neh. * f h Geic a Lu s-liedae wâ m eliurW n der hat aIo d tme rshv et3N1D OI refnaid ahe ras inotat0t hepa rgeti.tunelvii b cm- io as be a d eveed I aib! %mha a e l if"eofrbeoe~ n e uL uivain ati. t:fin vovsi o e irhdei hook a. tce n ag n ihs algt ilcepI .altes-a ae111 odrta l T h onr t h e r h es t l a ca L b . b i ggac sta sl e t e t h r ý e t d n i wouid -tic à B- tst or i I)r. heýWOTisi lebigs igl rni Killedy whie digeg inx- mci e; consoequeutiy, filaments o! at all.-ý-,anadian Cutya. gadecidse worLi malyyecmeiid0uiI- werbed iuwe ha tMehu= I veul tae ti. ~ at iec1. tonev et hi& fiILeldshos tht unrcaiziugthorugh , ttheth nur the I-stePik Pllaintme sud fficicncy the comP.R hu stsat ne r fMriM>,wh a ta.tnue.*Ta oi b ih er, s uld e theld try te le a stae it e 8b e o ti e anus e f ilci cerut de vitli lt stopil b. nasse- cen vanta oracornî; but tbey cen b. est voman ah. auidnet das herse!! alune, nominstcd fr10tiOfomonce for the oin-of i. Lemperatitre-orvhicli tiiMrfila->,,em cornePan4 'wang vithut pain-' lu UDUCATION littie. ~~Vhetebegmodtsi.evii en . 50Sther bee shoMa or f baves hisetor a d siufi-m i gts fb. riscd. Mo1f c lUm of e n fu rs or u. 4e ony Pita e oN LO T aan - na C i cite but lnittie bie whbittie.aieliers strengtcianilcurie l mpnlo 7ep n4SIoNEuS. bCOLuLEGE.1 * nomnatedfor ontinuicedorthe <use o!h 'Lbme Pille tthiis the fdls!euf scouu va1tog cie Lm g..e . hn e dric ud stl ia.an -iai i. tubu can ed.Modrawbunm taending at uorw r-Ad h 1so e 0o l e r s hesl.n*a lo cira t a. m iln ery i s t le, ihaelia us le and om aign i i ea t.v r . E p rs a e n v ty n a fr ii .1-u lg i u lg n l bu * 1 ltte e sre î hie etlal os -aud te 2&Latskldele« ever in lice W 4ha i n o ce used l tu e em enisud the ul n vetexs a: éIn'gulic8 !erM a. dns. at Dubli U o Erai t r een rv ieeuui ehveten- H ' tknalaru r~ ~ Baitn: o! bukineeoffw-h u -k t"W eiI a orlg arud t e Arat on ohm ts kin d .ter U0nd abeosborne Pt. TorontO.ed hi Èepilinueothe upses sud f, indtls Itol a8a!w&3 pud tTliy olg.ILl i.ceur bctia eistMldc.Pres 1,theine até-Cae f golayod faiclmCue iy, s mntidicihenrue.'ot ad oredupin t.o Dr. limts' Iiuk Pthe re solnt eti i~P. ttn mlai witei a a ttc 1 _'le s oeil ammatonandvltes M. '.n'. Stop an e raOoughtadig - - ws qnd ctovePortrk M achmonde y lievas wvease for-R ura bas- -.EWWeilFOR ALI loeThis, ~ vDaknLndm waEY.vrW40. BROW« ago and era enthurtht. Proca ri-tor brinSIr siinth"b m a t pgce t oxogirl s eploed i etr on tmtobti-u ue h taproseciv.Ac pie d hveaIl ev vr tels u- d Out iN i Ghave theo terriiab le lm ao b E RÀ O ro ' cucureS ef e bnd thon of eath~hpar- iélie lu P 1 'e" trarn fineeeno' w-rang vth lmy oln e , for I bata deuts direotbl n univ er iiihadi es BaIryvh atenten iioric.a aix boxes for $25eby vniting.Th an iIIIS nin saln. ut amehlg vutotendvo r o! a Clue nte li ited p~ .il lams' Motediioss nd oBrck-On neter occasionthe lady d. saitthorpiiyelo-ai--i--time ofectie&%,a'be rais.lg at cele taahketaur noavn ttrte o tsTVeOr. Rnmdy tat Unitead DrcWlias PndPle-rpsl lwr tY, ad se-pinte 1 y e, ematithn"e s Main. Pudafuueisd IL;lu es Rurtalt fuil n-bt sophard o! ce cre o usu'A.uemo! lo e r.u g y, 1 'logtme u e..nug o w rk d ci have &Il O . we. . MsTaS. T 1 u rnb m i i D e et s a -b x - r o1 a il t e s p n . ta m I n e t in a l < nS !. h e r o t o n f a D u b in a e n v -Â D 8 L I l i E T i flý Wlime e i-i lady <auhono ar ! i.de- e -No thing hepels mefor I yod lu uhelabor dîspt e0.- Itslplyvonerul a tluobf * rn ne t C o U ,-ILuIII- ue r a itn' il. J obeiuby idiY ebaStbrot orcatarb eu g On anothèmoncvolen thecaitldoriihb. cureS tht tmeC My .hofonhe its nlcb ti. a i vich ei~is b iig ? e uting , '4k ip ain anther s a d t ual v a u b lsa ia v por la arne aofg Ith s ur- o i a d fe u, u aydtcil ersympoeo netnlId-te uain fDbi r * - ~ ¶T-E~Af so e n-g ad yw phe gton ose i agueit '- ongetemDitits o rd U Ê ic reath ntu ler mui t n'oss _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ats and ta tioa o ctkeepa. Ur 11V AT EsIEU R '100 e, w mo!nd th-en b in c e d ings, b r znal t e, su at e -- Y o hi the ay on ih seme b igcie" iec te TII ta a tioniai ipo I ariethônéwt RiS R0F SSIa'.S harp e o p1si h ll ffehf r t e p r- ebet, Making It Impossible for- the F t e - " o -RharpOESSIN. eetoof théGibibons germ' of any tilseamo ta !Iv.Thus that my, daugi- daxpe wbo is knowu as a reg ,rokTsionýeye- sunenesu 14 the cheet Id- at once aile- thiug'f rom ,orXa picker-ili> of things.*Sliotid 'l-.llynuigl. vlated-phleKm le loosened anS- eject- Sui tO-" X e pe f" Confid n ces W hi cb lad y ac tualy ge L way witl'ia n i d r m t e t r si odsa dn tlîing O value, tihe worn- have eoughs are removed. to liver Ieorlfls asn 5 WouId Make the-World Gasp or'qi & ond--il "I ufferod fram an Irritable, weak Word to he maidthrat for three years. I had a severe r WIt h. AstoishDlteft. wr otemi '.pain 'over the eyeî. constant 5 IaCrrns 25 B u u y - shrid .a 0. y..m ."*,V î* -- n u th , a n d n o ie s In If y u iusy 1 d Sy s. l as t>i »-. No. or Gr The prhofeteion cùf the pristte de- tective is -une o! the most intpr( ing in the w-pnid. They are tectons -of thie wavering the. wiies <.4 biackina;- *strenigt'h -lies in Cie o- h. la su. -I A m se J -i. ' 'I a1re dae * - .2~ - g. -I

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