Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Dec 1913, p. 5

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-. - - ma luwe on Your 128fr eachý,ti. E ~~efr b $2050rves , W2r, nor darkec grey bair. 2 0 o & Streét Dud $st 1'He belleved there To keep your, bair and scalp dàil- 9oU g Jéy lol 1e1 rt > efght. Mr. Vick- druif-Ire and dlean, use Hair ijleteSaet (co'ui;ud ýrjù ige j1 )Ig r fth shw C cijve n utaia osrich lather t-vi 0w of 1the fact' liat -land là- footup, bt lt hOtugbt tbey lsbouid part of.,thé. unirandi Scalp, însurlng Peerles seliIng at 12gb pat<ça, 1 that- vicift- 9 wÏ"Pfotofba.eprttjr ~;~ ~ lafe ed5at1v j nn a £~ u d' h at u r. iu t lot l ke t uis i no rella ije - an d operation takes o ly a ewm om ents. $ 1 .'0 0 . h ave been an agreement wl tiithe. valuable, tha" the vlewe uttered by Botb preparations -cocW ln odd- owpers of the land: whun the roadlym. bpd vry rn eta boIm B ry , wa n dvred a'ui as ier oobJection W as ade' by ayone *tii prinikler tops. Harmony ,Hair S ilver Ser i 5 PsIiouId lue ino- exchange Uow,,, *ad the present except Mr.1 Colwjiî, althougbBatlr 1;00, Harmo y hampo 5 o$~ ploht f o ul b o g h -t b y 1f . l c t e req ue st w a j 'niad _b) so ne th a t 5 0 c. B o th g u a ra n te oil to sa tisf7 Y oy n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k n~btulI beons t tb to~ Itlbwob he ld up uit 0111nCua-#n every way, or, your mnfey be.ek. ~ g ~~ ýo~,uld'b. :nsed for q uInàlI park,' Par- cil 012ou14 meet. SOr4 ln Ibis commniaty only ai ou lVerw.Q M W jicularly approPrlàte wbea 1the 110w The whoî, zatt.r. àpparéd te store-the Rexaîl Store--oneofo!the2 subdivli<ton,'Plaza,1 Royal, Io i0ttled. binge upon the. question. .sto, wlilch more than 7,000 leadlng drug itoiés 8et 15 fS~Q gato 1the mattor, illvat.bdte omuinor.1, ou» f the United States,- Canada and 'l'o eein ajorzedacil.1,: bad coutrol of the n~tter. ' The Great, Britain' which own 1the big P Comsioesstt, tbey bave Harmony Laboratoies.;. Toronto,R z rsa d P Smpletî coto«ad tI1t the Town where tthe celebrated Harmony - per- Knives 1'ý_ ý1 SoIJPi$or, busose'Informel thein. Onfume'aan .tdilet preparationu X ~L. L. . a~îflt~. the O t.thbe Couneil meetingmd.A..H ln, DrugËIst, WhAl Pice Wl ui~use IWModay nigit Mayor W Isnd that -by.-. Hc Ç4 Council. omnmisioner Say $No 1 These hwo confllcting ves oeA G The ayorand onie rather confuuîng ho a dlinterested Councjior Saywas ased th te ioltoC nstm uasPrsen t Alushlnum Cokingl day wbat bis opinion Io., Ho replCted i m ke aflrst- çlass Pr The requeit suéd by tue Towa liaIt control o!f$the affair 18 21nthe, CqcucIýon Monday evoning, instruci.. bands of the Commission ; tliey a frarbsne~" fkteWaher.and Light Cgmmlissi:on elected tor Purposè o! managlngte fr-n 'b e tfin to place the Street .1ghts on Dundas denartment of water and lighit, and street ai a heigit o! 12J foopt, wàà bat is their -du4t½', adwnd tei V u1 be a years issued wltli the Intention ofy afiord- authority. an -er hi in à me sor comparigon as te. Up ho Tuesday night no attention sub rnto are~ 11gb. r 'et. us treo bad boon made to .the orders ltc stop r ar to jhýr %. hi uggestion-thie workr. The, Council thorefor. et Gazette t -wau ,made. by îie,,Counci1 on tie be- »asseui a resoIuto1itoîro<uethânt he Y~lie! that It bau -coptrol o! 1he -situa- 'thc lruVs o unastreet b put an drawingî tion. 'The, Commîssibhers.àare as firni Up ah 12J foot, ta affà~d a means o! n W'~thefr 4~n1dctton ,tbaI- tbe Çuncl oznParison.' Rt wau ,alosuggested 11Wno uýhrJt watever hto'inter- that the work on Br ' ck- Street bel hrniir lCe Y fere 'la the niatter.' Out o!f tIis dit-.ý stffpéd intil a decifon was arrivedl leronce, of"opinion as flo- tbje\Iurlsdîc.. aI, but the latter rIalise wns not la- _ fào'* uader ,which Ibo mater Iests, cluded In112e'resolio - lias , rfr'n a sèituatIon wrnch: bas On 'Wdnenday 'nornlnk the work- A neetn i lutae c c4ueç i~sc uplesai~es ~ e o!mm twn -ere Inutruched bO count of hunting the Hair Seal in lihpng12 êjct~f Ia -tet<ontinue putîing uv Ilit» on Brock Nowfoundîand waters 18 gîven as the~ CORN -R HARDWÀAR li~Iagwa tntmot 'sieoStreet north. aàd the Commission png article in the December -issue was drawn up by the Watei and' willlgive no ised b lie Concil's o ROD ANDGUN wlwih has ro Ligt CojAmlSssoners ->'Thsisiheo èôuion. cenîîy. come to Ibis office from 'the _______ travided, fôr a helgît o! 14 bole Juil,' whah w111 transpire next baspuises W J.TyoLmîd bwèn1egrund and th2e iracets mnnv cit.î ens guçàsui. The Couneil Wat lin.varhr rice wr * ".froniý wici the ligits lar spended. levlidetî. believos liaI autiorihy is thy ~o! special 'mention are "A Lone- C At ihe. lime that th2e oas and est n» ît. handui; the Comnissîon 15s urO ly Fur Factor," descriptive of-a dayLe oxte sfions to he water aiystemu vere, 'Ihat l has solo power. The-Super- aI Wakeham Bay on th2e Labrador ~ prjo~î~j, his trae al1hn . a nedanî' lu encaced by the Waer coas ; Caught by a Ifalibut ind Ta mifi * , w as é M b Itt dJ~ to h e oun il s a ~ i igi C m m ssio n ers. an d Iber - A lask à ; l M ukels C Iai ; A s to ry o f dei or the 12e r ot whtch. 8anctioned fnorte accents obis instructions !nom i'East Kootenay, B.C.; A Pion for thé ___ 14 -wn c~ O t n i n. - b e gi b m l u oe viden h rom thes o facto os e, An article on the A bà e o 1 et. -No obJection ti 112e Council ln 'mite--powerloss Moose Hunting by t12e Swampy- Cnee Ibv eety~ddt ~ ei the- recommendatlon unleus an Injunction lo secured. Indian ;;'and a bout of other artcles equup e certy uaieda teanýy teain In the -seanîime t12e ligbts are la keeping wlthh this ropresenhative eupe ieys#eaha eo etiybing put, up, and probâbly by the magazine of outdoor lire. A.pca dd~ oralknso n4can if me any annangomont lu arrlvod at arttcle on Tbe Tnap Shooting Game teaming work, and wili be pâ6sed to F 1' he two bodies, th2e main. streote in Canada appears under the headlng receive onders, which will have prompt 'ly will have their new ilium- o! The Trop and tho othor dopant- and careful attention. i - operation. monts. are as usual woil maintained.POE 5 ArHadach'sJO ~oI usme tiine or anothor suifer from IL-'- .1 -diordered stomach, li.-- !Raz~ NiklTeà Pots SOc 'to $2o25 Bread Boards Bread Knives. 25e, 35e> amui Oc Hockey-ktsf AirCes PearlI.Goods, ~~~LL Ailidlnds a»dPrie On any-ef these Unes we; wiJJTbe llr it1eiaoVoe $210to *6,,00 per doz. for e=Ch'cent Ïof purchasef ead&dI tte ing the lirst.154ays OI -Decem- Kves rese i r Oc,85e and'.1.00 hoacle 1 i É e -a <3et, to clse. Mlie the' best ofihe above opportunity. W. M. PRNGLE. t E , P h o o 2 5W I W I B Y , O N T A R I O TORONTe And Return i S5INOLE PARE (Minimium Rate 2s<.> Stâtions Kingston, Renfrew, 'é1West ln Ontario iEL nfstalled Elion J sot@oc, Ailkznd TR10IDuA et.APPL wIANCE d RÃ"VAL 'THEATRe- Bleu1 GLASS MO VIES PIOTURES. - open e"erOvening. Adultu, loc. Children under'îz yru-.,.S, --REAL EST, F'A iC . jONVES' LSr Sevemail touses nnd'bultdl it o sale la Wit by. dig11fo Fanmsfor sale lau1the Townuzlp of OitydPEies 'Q OPIEIII r "IZE 1* ie or .wv. 5. 1- G \.~ * I I do- 't r Gen~t This y ourselves We have Toba4co R.azors Penu, tcè ask U4to able nien, One-olo0 tisa b large stoc] bât. please AMIè ce.Tebs.'Scranton frj age., i. Youghinber leeentr thé * iesohoolroorx ~1iÇabernacle On Fi er 5-, at 8 o'c O&'tistl'p rogran .wiil- be ,ecerêil an-gayor Wil] m ,enta-Mie IV i»jsi ing-M<Nfss Butler, va- B1so lo-iss E. ~-'fc y Drill-By ieight VcoaPý! -Miss K L. IC. Ixnst. uet-Misse5'RO Readihg-Mýt. Chas.1 ,Vocal, Solo-jMiss 'ZIO - Reading-ýFreddy' Den' Recitatio>n-Master, Ligil refrFesimerv and a good t'imeàctes Admnission .iftabIji-e8 iTihe -non foi hjIIzr Me-àlanfor 1Vi Prterme, Wlit, Our -Bifocai Ln ral7 twO lenSes ve1dî Sonue solid ions. iPrice per pair,5 ClSpecjal ground, :7e -UOUo.tu Cod* Bron. ~'f0TIALUNDERTAKEF -charges m6derate. EVAN ?brOC dooi West c!01 %tby Houg& W.e'are prepared 1b lacntall wood o laspIsO»ùsbort notice, asuc a tte3d t bailkinds of me- oeaafring- Qumln. 1 «ECTRIC* IBELLS on short notice, All kinds CTRICAL APPLIANCES.

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