Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Jan 1914, p. 3

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-N~o. 2 'Oitarlo oato, - 4 1-2 t. sV s o :ýaLn4 a 3 Io 38 1.20, on -traek, To- f5M3; Iambe, per ow., Ç.o 48ÏS; Citnsaaoste, 401.àfor salekeat$n,9M $i, î 1 773 * fo N.3.By porto. let $5 to $SM-, do- .westens, ver owt.. 1. malting tg SU. 54 t m e l1t7-, S3 te *15. 9, Arnrlean. 71e i ',outoldo. LATE LORD, STBÂTKCOXA. 7&c outeldé. 'r, 4taCareer Wtwthy of lmulati1Y the elvilized Wor<1. A deapatol f rom, Lon-don, Eng- 24ýq land; says: Uca. LewiS Hameurt, (le, :27 Colonial se.ret&ary, s-pe.&*kilg at R astingden on Wedxuesda.y niglit, per said Ljord 'Strathcoù&-a, 'waa gr at 34 pioncer in ail that was best. in r Northi Ameriéa. Dur-ing the three yeai-s Hon. Mr.-Harcourt *a been uth'. colonial office it, lad been, bis privilège Vo woirk offcially -with Lord; Strathoona.' Many years lie- eore î1that it was- bis privilege -te ouint him'among hie friendis. His Ïiité gchorosity snd-,'ýbllclbene- ctions had been beyond record or inined by personal affectionýanàd t, c'ehonors anda c4ieer «orthy 'vy and emaulation by the -civi- world. rPREVENT FRAUD. -AdButter to Be Uionestly eh f rom Ottav a says: An ne~asure Vo eliminat lise f fraud in con'nectron 'sg of clîcse and but- rt cf Montreal will be 'îortly by Ilon, Martin 'iter cf agriculture. 3,rs tiera have been es by farar, who v have noV received rding Vo Vthe termd ill, a goverrament tppointed, wilosc udicate cases in will b. applied tory conditions- 'ge in Montrcal. Salada Tea tdrsalcs £n ot.ler words to) their alrcady Ile-tenILIh J the ecadre, con5umption ia the uTP.,IN. WRECK. 'from Pembroke Baye: .-ain No, 19, which lef t 10.30 Wcdnesday night, cd by the spfeading of a feath ten miles ea.st of early Thuréda7T morn- ilo passenger was killed and filteen injured, seven of .1 have been removed to Pem- ~c Hospital. The dead passe»- is Mrs. J. J. Sanimon, of Sud-' ary, who with ber liusband and two-earq14cbid, '~4been visit,- leig at goiieola, and bloardéd the A15. train a few stations. fr6m where dirthe -,rcck ocre.H husband 85 6.25 and ehild escaped. ~3SONOF CONSTABLE pesnll aeRope anid Revýolver to Mîirdere r to 'Aidls Escapc Freinx prieon ,teh from Winnipeg ianys: bers in, the window, Le said, 1usd Rolbert Reid1j, o! the city been tampered witlihilRyan, -of the tweo olearU' *@nard- the day gtard, ;vas as1oep in tise Krafchenko .wlieni hae s- ceÎl. TIse constable stated further afull confession on thâ,althtIe arrangements- for tise y 0oethie Royal Cern- escape -ere ma-de la théoffice of mmi :iplkated Perey Ea- Perey Hagel, KrafclenkO'& caun- awyr3 ohin-Buxton a-nd ml, 'whOfOre nk hd oût hlm tlalce. . Constable Ylow- tIo oB.gel. 'H. sai<l'hle <3jJnot ýlw gui-rd,'ho le ana o! know;Whàt Lad induced hlm (Bed) ,o. ReidI lad !ornerly 1jte help Xrafeiienko. Buxtoa Kad a. «07nhu i-iill*1iffÎh- 'iafl v-te 09111 t Atei 4n RHaz-A1' 4 Cure Your Coldl 'rh.~ 8@theotf arrho- zone cring Instantanoous Thotbn soeuol ,Testin lt Iqp r.9vethit- ,~tarh6zoe u1e slwêa mantly. Whlen germs attack the . ling of the nose, makeyopi ineeze-ândegag,-when Iatýe. o teyInfest .tihe branchial tubs,-bw aayou fallow them with You can't do lt-that's a&l. Cough sya o tathe atoànch-that's,-wh7y they fail1.ý But 'Catarniiozone gees everywhere -gets r1ght atter the germs-ills- thern-heaIs the sorenes-cures the "Nothing I have ever used -glis the warm, soothlng sensation of 'Catarrhe- zone," wrItes Isabel FYY- oo!-Seguin Falls, Ont. j'I was lu .afnlghtful' way with catarrh of tIhe noie and titret- ha4 droppIngs, hard breathIng, bad breath and tiud1gestloý'., Catarrhozone relieved at once and: cured mie fhor- oughly. 1 ulnauIe uclaar titroat and broneëhial troüble." NeXt difficult fer Catarrhozovne, to -cure, be- cause It contains the essences of pine balmamas and' other antisepticu that utmply inean deati tot catarrh. Large size Costa, $1.00, and Contains -two months treatment; smaller sizes 26c., and 50c., aIl drugglots and . store- keepers or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, M.Y, and Kingston, Canada. $126,000,000 SPENT. Annual ]Report of Tranrn-Continental Rlailway Commission. A despatch f rom Ottawa says: Thse annual nèport-f VIse Tranàcon- tinental Railway Commission, brought down in Vhe Rouie on ThurEday, show,% a otai eipendi- turc cf $120,000,000. Thse amount spent. -last year was $14,000,000, as againset $20,000,000 the year befere. The New Brunswick section was un. der operation duning the 'year, and produced a'revenue cf $32,OOQ. Thc cost -of' operation cf thfiâ iection was $36.000. MITROGEN FR01NI IR. ('oflerysion Graulcd by the New- foundland Governmcnf. A despateli from St. - J(ehn'q, NfId, Bays: The extraction of ni- trogen frein the atmosphere -on a large scale for use as fertilizer la thse purposo cf a- concession just granted by thse Colonial Govera- meuk for Vhe cmployment cf Grand -Falls- iii Labrador, TIse plans cal for tIse development cf one million horse-power from the fails te gen- e rate clectriceity..1 WEAENESS' D LBOIER. Cause of the Disastrous Explosion at Ottawa. A despatdli from Ottawa ays: 01sf E. Granbcrg, chie! Inspecter cf tIse Bfler Inspection and Insur- anc. Gompany cf Canada, who came here f rom Montreal and mnade an officiai. inspection of the bolier wliiçls ca.u5Qd the Ilowick Hall 4is, aster, 13rôsounced the expulosion due te a wceaknianliole frame ne 1ÉVS boiler. H-e ids there was plenty of water in it, and absolves the est- girseers from lblame. NO SIGNN 0F FOUL PLAY. Mlan Found Frozen' te Deatis Neas, Liimbcr Camp. A despatch from Port Arthur, says; Apparently overoome by a fit while wvalking f rom the Russel Cornpany's camp at Pearl tc the station, William ILownsbôough, agedl thirty-one, wsfound -frozen to deatis-on Thursday. The bcd>' was- lying undiMturbed,1- with no sigus c foul play., - ,AGBICULTUEAL COLLEGE. Attendanee at the Institution This --wiffter Ila 8"9 A 4epa"e1 fr-ens. '4 splaav- Iri %gliqly'5j &M A Canada, the EmpI)'r@a aid th& W buid The 'Ontarîo LeÙislaure will probably meet,on February 17. May'or W. J. Barrett of Thessalon was unseated as-lie upwed the town $57.4« for taxes. Gliùe1ph lBoard oi Trade ,wantq lu. S. conulr gent here'-and fa- Mail -servkceby Atlantic. steamers will very ahortly b. Impi-oved, the Postmaster-Gcneral annoôunced. .Fire whicls 8utted thse-Canadien Athietie Club gymnasium 'at Mont-: real, res5ulted in ý10Q,000 property LORS. Twcenty-six new detachments of the Royal Northlwest Mounted Po- lice were added Vo the force last yea P. James Taylor paid thc deatli peu- aity at, Brantford on, Friday for murder cf Charlie Dawsoo ,thir- teen ye&ra ie1d, lait 0»,pý_mber. An ice bridge lias for med acrofs the St. Lawrencenear Morrit*burg, causing grave anxiety througli feasr cf a. jam and consequent flood. Major C. Frederick Htamilton, an-" Ottawa newsjapermian, f-oirmerly' <f Troronto. la to be appointed Assis- tant Comptroller . of thse tiLoya1 Northwest Mounted Police. The Great Water-,vays Union urges thse completion of the Wcl-. ]and Canal, and a confoience cf Provinces on the feasibility -of thse Qeorgian B3ay Canal. Hon. Rodolphie Lemieux ha-. gh-cn notice cof a resolution in the Comcn5 providi'g for ]?ed'ral en- dorsation of thse proposc World' A Fair at Montreal in 1915.- Angus and W. Mackenzie have heen arrested at New Wat-erford, N.f9., in Conncction wilh the death' -of Jack McDonald, found dead af- ter beiilE mifwe acvertL wcek5, At tise Hamilton I>arks lloard mceting Inspector W. E, BJiggar anhounced that the city shade treer, wero threatened with extinction by reason cf VIse ravages -ofVIse San Jose scale and the tus-sock moth. The Belleville Board cf Trade is tiaking the City Council te liold an investigation into thp recent fire in Blelleville wlierein $àM,ooo worth of propertLy was destroycd, aud into thie general organization and nman- agemnent cf the fine department. That there are several 'chikiren arouuid Englehart" "Igrowing up practically wild" hecause- cf 'lacIt of teacisers, was a statement, made at a meeting of the Associated Boards cf Trade of Timiskaming and Northern Board whidh resolved Vo ask VIseDepartunent of Educa- tion for larger grants for rural pehools in Nothera Ontario; Great Britgin. The criais la -te Britishi Cabinet over the naval expenditure& Is over. Militant suffragists intcndý,a dcam- paign wiiich will include a--demen- stration' at Buckingham Palace, raids on, the homes o!fVtse mernbens cf the Cabinet, and violent di'stur- bancos. st _acciety ' functions antd 'Unîted States. Edlwin Ginà, -thse noted Amenlea» promoter o! peace, dic'd in Massa- chutet Vs. Aman lW New York eonfessed complicity -in -tIe nmurder cf Mianti, 1h. milliner, cf. Toronto. .The United,,Statés proposes Vo erect -strong lad fortifications' lIn ti.he .ainIinu Paaègé,azono a n ý> Detroit and Olsicago- were rolibeci br a- bandit -arise inde the portera aid -hif. - 'rt Lakea trafe.icin, 1913 broke all1'imvas reconrds. aeMbrdinoi COL D WEATHEU DIFRIANCE. still Frorn Ten -'to Twenty Degreeei A d&spatch from Paris says: ne 1 extraordinary cold -exfprienced 1e.durini- the past foùr weks, and which stili Shows _no'signs of aliating, Las caissed,,tise ,pnices cf1 foodd 'in Pri t i.erom'fifty te' ix, hutsdrcd pr cent.à abe .the ordinary. 1 Potatoes- bring nearly do'uble thir suaýl pride, whieeli vegetaliles 'cost f rom nfour Vo 1six- times their regular prices. The Old inhabitants recal the siege >pnices. initerrupted'by nc, Lbeing frein two tà foU'r feet 'ýdeep in; iamre pî1z,-es. -In' central 4end southern Franco the tempera ture, ranges from 10 Wo 20 dlegrees below freez- STRATICO NA'S. DUGHTER. -Hon. Mr&.- Margaret Charlotte IloWard Beeomes Baronlessà. A despatçh from 'London, Eng- ,l -ad, inys: Hoen. Mr&. Msagaret ~ ialotte Howard, 'only *child. cf Lrd Stratiscona, is now the Baron-: cas Stratheona and MIount Rloyal, of Glencoe, in the Count>' of Ar- gyll, Scotland, and cof Môntreal, Canada. Wlien the late Lord 8trathcLona ivas raiscd- te the peer- age in 1897 ne provition' was ma-de for tIse-succession, but by a'special re-hainder in a new patent granted Lord Strathcona, in 1900 tIse suc- cession was securcd Vo his daugli- ter ausd t-o ber maile heirs following. Tihe Iaroncîs Stratheona was mnar- *,ied ut Montreal, ils Februar>', 1883, to Dr. llobert Jared Illiss Howard, only dhild cf VIse laVe Dr. R. P. Howard, dean cf the medical facul- ty of MeGsll University. SERIOUS STRI1RE IN LO'NDON_'. 10,000 Ceai Porters Ou1ft and No Fuel BIl ng DeIivredo A der>pàteb from Liondon, Eng- land, says.r Ten tboueanJ coal porters in London Went on stsike for higher psy on- Wcdncsday. Practicall'y no coal was delivered iu tIse City, whicli is in thse iidst cf thse longest and wcrst coîd. snap cf many years.e' It wiiî take only a couple cf days te cause great mis- ery in thousands of homes ivhere coalisl bouglit daiiy, oniy àa buckept- f ui at a Vume. Porters who are paid 18 cents a ton for 'handling coal, are denianàing an in crease cf Vwo cents a te» and other cencessions, wEieh it is estimàted, will practi- cally raise tIse pay seven cent's Me to. FATAL ACCIDENT AT COJIALT. Cobalt Lakte 3linfing ÎCom~pany's Fomran IUlled. 'W -A despateh from Cobalt saYês, William E. Janes, 40, was instantly lillkd her'e by a falJing der* striking hhsi On *thsehead. 3Unes was tIse foremaneuployed by Vhes Cobalt Lake Mining Compasy te superintend the work o! deepening thé' rock eut, through whic h Ve rwater from the lakit ý l ow when' the draining Io comçwenced. .l¶iç a.ccident was caus'ed b>' one ci thse guy rope& giving a.way. Jançu wae a ,,natîve -of Newloundland. .le: leavés a wife, who, ib pt, présent -on a visit to Nova Scotia. TWO MEN $HOT, IN CILICAýGO. Tise Itallan iQuarter In That CItY 'I a Jd JaOC A despatch ' (rom C1isage Saya" A leud Ini the Italia-» quarter on thei.1 North- Bide ciainied two more lives on, Thuraday Dight. Wbile the. police were searehing for the asas sina cf joseph Portueuese, who was $hot dowù ai-VM4tWàn.Avenue anad Ho-biie Street, VII'.>' were. startled by two gunshot wounds. Eurrying It la earaclae, 'wto 1 eiosa on ,te cbost, sexe throat, '2evlilne sJOaI'w4ys miy standby. My 1husand once cued. hlmn'elf aiof à'frIghtful attaek of In-. bago by NervIliner, and 'for a hun-dred ai inenta' that"turn Up 'Ina élarge fans. lIy NervlUlne lu b>' far the best thing te, have about you." OLD AGE AN~D CUFID. Bridai Copl Ages Total Cen-, - ar>' and -a Hall.- A degpatch frein ,Brantford says': Âge cuts no flsi'ure wlien Oupid lets bi s rrows go I This, is 'show» nby, Vhe nanae at Milo.n on Janua-ry el by liev, W. LMartin, o! Manse- wood, Ont., ofMi4iss Elizab)eth-1H. C.hishoi, -of '"Milton,-a.ged '72, to George Haddlesy, aged 18, cf -Vh GRAIN' TRUNR PACIFIC.' Gap ia thse Moùuntains Redueed te - 142 Mlles. A despatch f rom Ottawa ayia: Thse gap in the Grand Trunk Paciflo Rail-way in tise mountainshias been reduced t-o 142 ,miles. Forty iles werc cempletcd'laist nonth. At tIse present rate co- progress Vhe rail- way wiil be comùpleted by Juste next. EU~ DAllA E .Vree, I lilother Knoll Ii~Boy Soine peopfe alWaye have a god "Jenny, go fixxl J<hnny, 'ee what L'ime because theytaite it along with lie is doing. and teil i i IVo, stop i6 them , rg tw a . CANADA'S DEBTIJO .BRIJAIN, A Trade Balance in the. Mother Country'.4 Favar, 01ol 4290009000 A despatch f rom London says: year -amounted. Vo about £8oO,~0, Sir. Edward Hokien, the famou.s 000, therefore after paying for her banking autbhrty, mnade an impor- ixports ith ber- cxportes sie had to tant speech -on Thursday on inter-, provide .the sum of about £72*000,-, national finance a nd curreney. Af- 000. As Ier borrowiflgs in this mar- ter de.aling with the positioýn of ket, h ave aniounted to &bout £4-4,- F3rance Sýr ¶Edivrd referred A-t 004000 the b-alance of her indebt-> sorne length Vo Canada, the United edness for which provision li as been State, ýand India.* 'de'on oa bout £50), Canada, lie said, has borrowed sterling. Judeng fi-om the-e -mets froin London du-rinig-the last, Vhree Itv *oul appear, in Sir E-dw'ard'5 ycars about £120,O000,000. During 'opinion, fo be_-ùbviously the duty of 1913 she. ,orrowed, about £44,000,- Canada to go slowlyv.'spend leses and. 000. Hqr impql-ts during 1913 borrow less, but it would be a ný amounte to about £137,000,000, LaIon. policy fku* investors in this sterling, anïd the.intcrest whicli she cou.ntry to buttkon Up.thcir plxcets lias to pay in respect to theéinoney a gainet - furtlier- Can adjan lbans, -so borrowed approximates at least -long as the securitieî are, oia ûfrst- 21be,00OQ.Hrexotafrthe class character. - ~woI1en Pands tand 'Feet mea n-1;ida.>' rouble. I in b1aoc1lisnifero are useless. 0ise kad 'tsanmd* i4- ".5 WFLUËNZA, 0f ilI bora> 1

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