a, plotptoh dà a'k. The cab;ïan 1a1<. ItW84e w-nu ueunt ne iw d the ' mu m'- azdiIner v oya 1$ ve, oU&d a low, lhelf.rufned shed I vsblwoalaIo ee'4 *'OUI tte u e mdai 10k nifI adben 4 oM a.nd bound me vheiono,-çf the. otter mon "la"e haie, and-the. knowledge add.d t, b . Omo bankrupt blookinaber or maet- brougltitmeinto thie plage. 1 knev hate11anwz1uiah.- If b. could b. frea for only balider. goyhad -mustie,- me. te .ult Yeand 1iQue mcmeut--o save Mina flr0t1, ud thon "They vent In thora'" . ésald grffl v ae térËifedi but 1 vii £là d, glad. Clive, te deal out the. justice et an Outrggod "Quee kindo' plce;j julttai I did Izot lesTe Word viiee i beaven to th-,t. pufiend, fibuman The. young l . o« §dflft - ±m te faner' t ionglithtbI -b.d -net doe îri ItRn'190 duîrbak lke bu Ib gtle o snd ub..t yen'.aould net follow me, belp- Sara vag miXet for a timeý-1ý éo 'Man . dz.'camekoutonie bert , hW ge e dme to fightmy 27feer.-1111d n*ov aare 7«MU te the' tla 'rictimuO-wtii.v -,rose oolmt&Iinto erIdidn' a"tc a4h ,"t iberi1 lutheir baudet,," Wie auoed -for hi .r«pidly. ,nov. Preenèlye' Bra,. wa-aa<ither vent in. togeuber. Re come breatb. -HOv did YFou coae e? wW gerOYUsd bee1i wanderiuw -fram Vii out agld"« jave me a driukr-two or It thzeugh oame-ome folly or miue thlat dark rvrta -the, *0bowid fguru. be' threê drink. it;., for the Iattesr 0-1thatlYen traced meP"gntolul, oknly rupl-ty -an' I di'ov. sway. An' ibat.swot fm! "I fonnd ithe asb. Mina.." ho uaIl. '9nbere 'II;t-coi. 1tooca r, Ie.W ii roona. "ut going -te DO N. Da't catch me Mw vp af os l oouor pan;4,' t là ivii orn0=08tedo, raebi«dig, te cornlete * i1¶t. tigv'noM aytig 1iêT for 1did net le4ve iord wbero 1 vue fol; gill hb.Ipyoi!" ar ""li gve you anotêher 'iýflvêpo notd loviug yen; sà d no e lly enucoaeto us, She Picked ber, Wayta Mine-,-aud plac. 10 romain," eaid Olive burriedly. 1 telli von t, Mina, becanes Iknov Yeu; lng lier mkinny bufnd nthe gizl'ea houl- But the. cabmajïn ied end tZ-à bis mcv thaa brave beart and goul 0f vours deri pushed ber mia the Vide Oh. ve ould. Jheâd "Onue i1vèr iu- the 'and fa vorth two isud th«',you venld turu vtth 6coru froun bave hoeurd tii. deep soob that broke f ram In thé . itnh, sir,"' lie said; "espeiallv!1 any affectation et encouragement, a f de- Minala lips, but a@ ber vietlrn flôated Sara wben thera might hb & heak sud q~a t I insve lio3e. .uttered .a ebrili laugh. TMen the vent thie end oai t'c." ho il.dvez linauWIiwL. J"T. h.e aid, vith a touei of leving, back ta Olive. Ho vauld bave opoken then, M be h., drave- off.. e- J p1deruer voice,.'Il vonld fnot bave you vanld -bave eusyed prayeré, extreatie- Olive wsftt ta tbeýruined ahed. and fannd 1 bl eant iugbt $ha ti'ith. It wanld for MIus's lUfe, but the. counterfeft of a a. 4oor. ît'eeemed i e the.onîy mésno! make It barder. And, indeed, it vould atBOoon lb.d Paesed lmia reality. aud ho vag of eptmene; for b. eýarnlned tii. aide of: ha bard ta die bore 60 near yon, aimauIt uconolouiOI. the'ik#m1~g .t.rau dovu tothe lie ter;;close by yeur side, if I caulddie alone. for * O ad bb veà b~î Athéore <rand mxiki. life fi net 60 preciaus ta me.,,ive minutes-leau-after Clive lied ed. The41D~ aa£ profound that it A dry, »oh burat from Olive -and lie daehed cg, Tlbby realiaedý'-lie mistake Oene m z>seî,iîL St &Dy living tuîug' vritiied ia h!. bands. lie ad made the avful mietake, ln not qold Wit 7i ut lie knockeit aain, " Thm hogt itb a chance for us, givinir ber the addres cf the. place te sud hie beart lepias he- isard footetepe Mina., b. eaid. "If I eould make myself vbici ho lid sone. --Witii a cry, eh. rush- ~~roebngti dr. A voicefram b.- bleaz-tbe Tiamneà Police iait b. pass- ed-ont of the. zomnaud dovu the staire. i"d S,4oîet muttweobed la Ml:g lu,--" But -Olive bat, etarted, and the. bava vho i "lob thfati Fou?" I"Ir, deat," ea isaid, -and eh. spolie etillbnng about canit giler no Inform- a. the isw0vet. Word unheltotlngly; for viii &tien, and, anly Jeered et ber d&res».. Oh. - ideatb 00 near tiiere vas no longer any ran out letteVthe etreet lu searoli of_& po' k*i '-),I noed-te couceal theïr love; aud iheurt ta liceman; thon, uit fiudlug aeesud ocnrce. 17- bXU. eart cdUld opeak freely, "The.'police ly kuoviug viat,.@o. vs doÃig, oie ranr Clive k Wev vOce: It vas Kehki's. beat 1h04 p00md uv'tii.river; 1 lieard the baci te the. bousm.OShée-bad scazeeiy, Aimait by a, sU.pga» on live ibanahI tW nvftb -ýXohki say sa; sud If yen rcaced the o oomvon. -ohé boad some cf .Ssra,;and, littffg ber voice, replied, èglleriOut lbut encoih ta hé licagrd One comiug np tue star.tva a t a time, "equickl" Me .dkar Waq 0penet, aedthe man miglit coaeback. I think they the. dooz vie Siang open, and .Qni.taon en- Olive sprang lu, thruét it t te b "ii. oot, ave bu ulie cause iiey thuinglt vo eré tered. a end mie ohi.Teevge d l eddorinu todeep as gvoon te alla»for Thougli ho blacrme b urriedly, he burnIng someviiere, uInithe bmttered bul iielp, O, lt la bitter ta lie hère, amut te vag Outvardly quite caim, sud lie spoie' lirW; andOlive caught the gleam ofa r& knmcv Yeu are icoin, vaour Ille for mv ove» mare olovly ant impmselely ibmu voilver lu Koshklo baud. Re truck inalmeaiet And snob a lue! oSga t - se gaod, iuni. 1 a1 blov an Vthe arm, eiud Lie> gripped ilin-Of onoh'value I-thtic vole country, -,ArnI Inlu Ure, Tibby? Ah, apparently bY tii. throat; but hlie vietnaz uik fPCj<>yîé, lut" .almeut rnoekîugîy a1"OeoetnoV!"as Tibby flung bceelf-un n m cri'. euough te préveut NKoshklcalliug ot ogit, int. There came a respone ridvram i deliriauolr. "Puet laStbought avay fram "5.'.o~uetfVin. lslot -csrl'ied avav i rolcee sud the iiurrying ai fooleleps; ansu, X1 Mna." ho midi "da't barbert for Ant lie ne followed lier. AutI 1don't 'Villaew ucv t etwo~vuld have tae afi met B. Mr life 1 It la 1TWhvba"ae nov vlore tbey are. I'm versothan a ad. Ris grin on the. ecoundrel'afoleWi aY. 1 Ihvlaye Juggled viti vretcbet idiot-I let 'im go vithaut sekin'4 th r lt i na %eh . ebi , nêarly, ch ki aL Ly l ¶11 k e ,and 7anM . Your s! 14I DUtn inal Oh, the 'Ilib onirderodl" bugged ; gtzth tonnd. Kcehkug hu f001 vteau imbeoile rve bien. -But DO her noue toc geutiy, IV vas tho best thing muet bave falin on atone.; for ho gap.maeaitiatý-aclf-teproach Je useloos. I. hocouid have dos; for, aatiig vrda cd, su bcam nuauçi -c.live sprsug ceui rkou t tafOrgive me3, Mina, te- sud phrae. vould have beau lait en Tib' taIe feét, -As av v wo figures comn ot" ove,..yau, bave nover cerne- by lu ber frautie condition. *tovads blm framntue opeutng of tue pao.ea- te love yen duc. love Aprang nuptu (To b. continue&.) ge; Ia portion ai the zeugb boardlulg -aat my besomn for van. .1 bat ail uuvittinely lie IIue t ! Afllen awsy. and Olive prou-' compromiet Lady Editb, tbiuking Yeu edaimoM iita t.i;e pace tins matel, sd didnoV care forme. 1 I vInl lonor One ac i e menboit sîoft & $N f . viiohn thé truthaf ber blrth brie upan à' ER oiGOW I tm, sund- Olive oetvthat tue tvoasppzoah. me., the, chaîna vbh Ih1vouit have sun- ÃŽ ' ERSO RW H -k tg allant a ves oreignero; they look- dared ver. vount more cloeely round me."- et lie Polos or balf.blred Iueiani, and "1 iuaw, I kmcv, Oie!*e * DO ~ ~ a asà ouurel4 eyt, eve -lavez cla«ie lanent let Un tinik af ber, oai-auythiug but 'Organs and Belles@ row UnIiIliNe "Meiki, 'Oue.etf them bjad esugh Up M oI ur love. Are yen lu pain. deareat? I .Iru br, iudlbbed te ra~yaet~tofur, I four tiiey lhave treated yen cruel- In Forty Yeairs 014. an' ho ruée ofrwo.rd. Muha&it-peoso 1lII" -h l lic ysinit h Clive befozetiey haugbht igut a oflosk HR oaert the tobsa abs tried o ta if., eu t a e aied tuy sof te exubefi g urby' lie 4do0r; asudà thé aetoppet. ho aneveretcaesetly:hv md - td i h ujc , U:,oan ~t the man wii ti-te bar, .. ia lu ne ]Pan vh&tever If they goi that a man's organe and the. Lonea k~ii veu teeyo, ut areVhsename antas leyave. tlaat are net Bubjeeted ta pressure ba, and . Ut*t1I ililtiéni vuin 1î he Startlet. by lia audddn onslanûbt, bath chance? P-ool e atl 1"grow colâtiuuously until 1w fl forty -meu drev beci, ant Olive, oeiiug tue mc- "No; yon vould netdo taS. Olive."l éah *meut af hoitation, 1.11.4 eou@ of thé, men *ald. "Yon coult Sot" Thero va&t a years ai ; that la te Bay that the. vith lis eov eaon.Tii. ot.her bacot s pus.; thon eh. e ide "Willit-vUl S14 haheart lahaulgrgw' _@trouger, the fromzrigbt ta lbt ike a rat athay î sud long?"-t Cliv, itii the bar raieed,- sa it tiicil: 1 e a ue zord ber lu the spiatI *y o aP aatY Of the' lungs furase and eRut baci J Let me puat; Tiare Io a ber, "Net long., darling. esm hud oco taily hd ere-stalteme ta. b or, and I'fl. g ivelde,, sud riscs quIckly;'ýItfià untihe ii. n hudeoti. optdade l'a menr ancre moucy than yau'vé gaI 1"Yen, I enu ioel it ivieiug," me satilvery ut'o te n&of1h1f..h ecd Tii. man iiuitatcd a marnent, tien -he I suppose. Perbape vo shah b. nos.- oaci î * sidlubrkýl Engliali, sud eflot Unn. tber, nuite l. cl."i Dfceesogrwza,16 leiligubly: * "Oh. Mina., MinaI"I brahe fromt lie parcb- !ever, eit the begiuuing if the third "Ino undoratand. Are va zée e pr.leelet ilip.-dcdbcuaalr ta ln veMint m aen-uo lady bore," -"Ah,*don't-1" ah. bratiet. "Dau't' pre surd, be - eatr.wlha t t e ïhotet Clive. vey, Clive. -'I n eauranyting bat 1lIe ssreexerted by tewih 9 There waeag moment or tva cf silence; Lit ne face ut togetiier s on vnA ae r4loiywil u h eet oito1 Uih bo ard a feint cry, a cry tuaitar Svn ie. f-dve.-it heriv. odyprese nthe erbroositioniif - bis 'lffl lai Waln, J$ stopped suddeblY, -lutif out 1. opelstevrâ s fail tbrubtly-'iaI&s mad with dzead sud fury. j.1-T , r- îfno vornan ln tue world 11k. boues tIn the mpn.. thé dimaksofe I&utruckilt.be d ln tep#ithe ,*à I d"4 I 'l'in Ã,:' b". * rave, -M à inon' rtilSgo between thémnthe pOlVl in It opoued lut-> a blockmalçor'a ehop alop- examplo- sud 1'11 ry Vo fo it. de- sud the thigh-bones, a.nd tie t] Iug 4,0 the vater'g edge, a shop long ince If 1 could only kltes you, if I could ani resr oecms ho naue denerted sud enapty @sae for a few rottnIngtatuch your lient!"pfl r oecmste ýtrli pieco et ai mber. broken spara, sund onde Oh. iigbcddeely Tiat vantemaleé I.astieity oi the. disks aud the . Cf rOpe; sud tuera, lying in a corner. vith deatu oveoet, eaetp" ah. @&id. "Hluolgot !tebns lier arma baundteta ler altos, vos Mina. son ute e a'oningi"gowhc tebne.t Mugiing vii tte Oor of rotting waod - A British sceOntiat contonds thst and hilieo vatez vas.a Moeavy -mientk, vhieh.elngta tii. bethicl, danik aUnoe- CHAPTER IZEIT vire a man a qu.mdruped, and ploer.. Cliva kucw ni meaI one i-t 'w , (llitened; but the héavy tlirohbing therefore lfreed from lthe dow.nwsurd ho eran taber idenu kuît aen er. lc hi. ltet for a Urne préventefi hie hesi. pressure produced by hlm voight ti chloo arnj tl ler d u nelto lib. lut h opato asid Xn ec< 'Mne MnaJ"ia 'eîe to bler, trvin« ite audltooh sIt tie-he spinal ooluinn, ho would (4) ieep thée riez from hie roio..T"V i au hekr IL t. id îa wvanaalPI 1 --re-aequt.mIl -stp.Mn"a, eare saved 1", He iiard -ber continue to -graw lini'agit for ton I--Clive! Muae ae uieff!thene'igh 0f dioappolutnaont,.- P ,e knew ifia ibée vas uneciona. H ItrvoOa-t. years longer than ha does at pros- baar.,er nh kuifet th e ropa tuat "It istue wwa-hî ndoo vann1ont, ince it has beeu fouud that ~ eod brau h . ctualiy ge0tii. - Lad y Edt'a servant-she came ta me- -afI hr anl i ie olwdh odge aeoitb life oagaineit the rope viien -h IvmhIbad toidt-aeethrestened bona n ot eubjeeted ta compreuionc by salhenvy blov ou tie bak fais»a.-'cansd yen. It Io me vho lias pîs-une inecase, up to tha fourth decade. ' Ie naxageid te rirne, aud awuug 'round thia with Komiki, sud belped bina. het j1jo Xýobk, wio rlped imand Ife comiug toa fnish the vonli.- Min bealiite he ou tna, e lCie'ru hieteelli. "Kep quite-4'------ Wht livcae4 twi i o e.sl-ltberviiy grount. ae t.et, l n ow4tnm'h ,. lve ame te S ol t v is onfaa afalut," i. vilaperet. - EXPE.NSIVE TO RUN bLONDON.,P' 1-Il ec;one' 1114iemet hiclt etndled .lse hinasei letlihie. oves by. mn alut i abon i.aut nemory returnot viii ailounrhumaneffort. a et bis lmme 14 Aea~ute o 'io tnulh.Th dm Jeh wi ttl uM ,t Ieuee.IV vsuSara,.hacame slavly, Immienise Suo Ae teqie o lngad ugi, The natlh vas ili huii'ii' kneaôrnetliîug 1k. a cat or a laorart et, d b o i hé aïstho h"o toulo.i<'n aver -,ne .rottingtimber end the liy Varions Purnosuin. kc f in a g, aund a e b.d lest geen fte buè', it a ola W a r4. m frosi hlm, o he1lfthathé ln.ntern. vibiIn their it CMôts *120,000,000-a year- ta mun -tIl ahae berr. . *triet d ta mv. hetthe scoundreW ' at loft bebintd Lendon, Englând. Tu' coot lu re- 'ud ""; ,bu l. ont nl ncr h e iad em, sud approaching Mina, bout and3 and fff; end cuez ounlmoe hiber. .' ive vateliet ber wfti a vealed in a, returu whf ch tii. Lon- t7 a yn anctprblivi i~ tuxmaîî oi omoîuonm vifich m erpudo>n Ccunty Counuil han issued. The. sud tho vater tiat vae lappiug at bscnnisttonoIemvb r aena atîrEs Ia' fl :,UY nén, Mri-ewcs atuage, And diipite thi e 600inile forîtuo- INomfe erv pna.tised durinq rmI pws t, la- a~ i i ?A41pape 14 WS. * tbig verv ob wus" 1«41 geVf apered the us ~ ea~. Qamie, dut f. 0 it. ott4yenome beetvii~for Vie th.'t-0«vlr Aëb be ryvtzmore in future, St.!Il thero s à fou t& in"f 4 t et ae-oneep'von' preV"w Mt. 1idti~ tl r lin rulm$ * iaugtetIahsd L.Iis b ifougict lu 'ain, Viiel ho vweaIlydellei îanli a viy por-@&,fotsud t ' IN' < Ha' voic- d*uo'htem ioss f 5o1mhe.,.Iw«rýe llbo eoI*ha - ta 1hir oc' ,mfsieont'Pso yk a4 he o "'lndn IJedahe"ad as' h Wa~trs fizo n<tei-"Pts1 a lu nnivr, 44h.did"'tpait al Morphîine, OPIUMor, auy etiasr dangereus drurt-btte-akd ht'l1ebu _ fh. a tboxhsippeued- long befom 25cs, asaOtUSiC~ faAIU5T<,j~ e ab m "- Jake zC-k, -i wYork, ila building a houa. on Upper Fifth À&vÇneùthibe, Izain -the.catage pointý ol vie,looks 11ke a cross betweezn a. t'sineg!Oliuzary sian umm e ur pannas of bi mgar aqu hotel. . -land coolFrick prelîy f tr c--apounti of bitter almond C ase ta 03,000,0wo. TI\ e ii. d blanchet sud cnt np veryt fine, t] t clar away the olI<Lnox libi'r, Il rnd gratéd, and the juice strai 1-0 cii va aw ite mari,!. structure , et !-oi l' a..Ti.ia th6l looked : lly s. copileratle anti mons are net te b. atidet lor.- mesitential puriposes as the the Ca ret, pulp antisgr ael Frick house la ashaplng intco-belore cld up thor<>ughly aud simmeret Iý lie cuiti begin ta builci. ' te or twenty minutes,; .tiien;r Iu the. mididle ai thiefront yardi a move fron t he.fire,'anti Wheuc' pool la ta be createti, fiflten feet stir lu hfrui Allow he susi ide by s$ty l eet loug. liie land anud pulp to bail contiujaously4 acculed.-by that pool cost F'rick the juan- vii hurm, Just fore pi éomeluhinig lice *90,000. By the time tiug fthe jam fats,- jârs AUttl a basin oý impôrtod merl, la ar- abave quâantity à îx,.tà bliespoonf ve-d out wl-ti diamond-paiuted tools 0of brandy to,-makU ti. -jani kee sud peà rldust, if viiice rc Stir thoroughly. - Cover 'i.l 00 ut *soo. iat xp rts saycanefully and fie aven 101! ta ei fliat »o'more than one thousand clutie air. tva hundrlet and flltv goltifis couldi Grapefruit Marmalade. - si Iive and remain biealtiiy in éuch a grapefruit, sugar an-J voter. Wm Pool. - f il Frick isn't considening fnuit, remove ski» antic'ut il lut thc feeling. af the, fiai, short tin stripa or run, it throug The -Frick boume is ta h. tth. mont the chopper. Cnt thc fruit lu' expensive,-dveiling -ever seen lu staal pieceo, dfscardià g seeti New York. It vilI'cosî, with landi, Wcnigii the, sun ant îipupendti about 85,500,00, as ageinet $4,500,- each paunti atici tva pnta i ciwate 000 for the Chariey Selieab pagada Lot stand ai-cm night, andi bail th aun Rfi4nurite Drive, $3,500,000 fan fruit in the. saine vaterii ttil th t-hej Morgan home, on Madison ski» is tender. Remove Irom, th avenue, -84,500,000ý for Senatar stove, measure carefully, andti Clark'& bronze anti manie city hall eaci plut o! fruit andi juice udt! on ou Fifth avenue, $4,000,000fan the andi one-foiirth paunds -o! sugai Vantierbilt place à t Fifty-eight Returu ta tiie slave anti bil t street, anti 82,000,000 for Cemuegae's. fthe- fruit la tranepareul andtihI cemparafively inconspidcune houe juice is a rich syrup. « fartiiez north on the. avenue. Amber Marmelade. - No. 1. Wash, wipe 'andti uf uo quarter oue orange, one lemon..- anti ai PLAN TO SAVE ST. PAUL'$. grapefruit. 81f ce each quarte tfhrougi peel anti puip,- rejeetir, Proposai t. Immerse Site la Tank seeda. Atitineveu pinto! colti v ofai .esît i, hton, let stanti-ovomnis*---and inutfi naoinîug Cck unfil thî'ipeel in ten A Board o!.,Architects which ha&tdër, vhich viii take seïeral haure beaun conslderiug fie preservaflan:?,et amidie overnighat. Amdi ten ciii -o 01. Paul'i Cathodralin diseuse- (five pountis) of sug.%ansd c mug a remamicable echeine. Theiecasfmin nce a vile, unfil .Ãœ is the. immersion of the. foundations rmyn tcen slgIyoa iu a huge tank o! moisf-ea-zti. piste. Expert buiiermbave founti thaf Pîneapple-Orange Marmalade. the ýsen nd -utgMreJiut vhfci fie Tiree voîl-ripeneti'p.néapples, as becfierouad ationestand havnd, six oranges. -RemoVe -'the care reome arcetiant untabe, udfroni the.pineapple, andth fe whit Ovlne g te lta foDne o» onmembrane -otepae, ,,.,O Ifuihe *oranges. Pi the Oummit ociiicia the Luda- tiirough chopper, anti for eveî -lana reet thon. fsa teniecy for cpo uptk'n fýÉgr -ý tle fuucLioni to-epread. -Unfilvcnp o p ulitil eue a ur ii recentl? the gravel on whicuih vn lvyulf 1.j..Pu Pan!'. is poiti h" been b-oùnd-týi- Amber Marnalade -Na. 2. - ether by tbLç natursi moisture fil- suce cone orange, one lemon au( teing through rom thé, surtace, one grapefruit tin vfth a sitari counbuting ta tie .fabiity o!fie 4kuifo, removiug seedusuad , core '4ifioe. Tb. paving- iu the. encloo- Msueat , tn vzug ires fi mubfittfn cf aucetewitli fieame qusutity. oai vateia- i for kidney pebbhe rond andthVe sur-, fruit,,- u Ic theorning put on tht fiés.dr!&inage @y*î ~ihat deprir- fineand letIail iar tv-o minute, noidture. Other cases &rée itedlu tveu-ty-toituz bouma. Thon ixeauré h . &odu itit vtn inlragaiu andti f each pfut of jirice add injury bas be'en causedti d buildings uepn-t o! sugar. 11ai until it by the. drainage-o!fite sal in Which >easinu uya eas le fOundaioný are huriet!. Put inýtii g lyas nti es wiy. To'preserve Et. Paul's tilis Pro- colt.t el lsssadOIwt 'oad t rvotr licsubai su jCandled Grapefruit Peel. - Bc hferehy set up a uew cohesive sm- gr ri i fc adfeh Ian amomag tiie p'tcles. A i-ast -sr ri spretat ra entainer vouIt have t.0 o cen- Weash. reutove ekin iu quartera and iructet! belov the sur-face. Tii<se eut il i>nto strîps about an inch raposinq tih. scuieme su.ge*ft tat. wide. Wcigii fthe peel. Measaîtr le Landanuie day shonît e ... ont an equal veighl o! augar. Let sa the, floaning, viti s ferra-con- - theiPeel stand avernuliu lu frealh ,rte enclosure. This container coltis ate.iPuthif onintaai kol iclate the wviole of the ca-m-isatrnfuem nu aiî 'ourl te anti f ta i- vould be a flat. sh-allow pan socas nùt 1-n orera iter titrast"lhcrowd the peel sud let simmer uintit )erforafeti eines, snk vertically th.e trips eau b. piercet ca-silv- ttc licsubsil.with a etraw. Take from fine and ]et standntiI uexf morniug. Drain -off the water, edding more if tiere ia not ncungi ta caver the peel. Cook thei liquid -to a svrup with the, augar. The» augan abonfd vel.gi Ivice as muci as the water. Wh-on a rather thfck, but nof fao, ethick, synup laformeti, adth e pr~el, sud Jet the mass s;iumen nlowiv unti the syrnp la ucarlv absoprb-clanti Vie pc.1 loaks cIe-an. Lot tie pc.1 .î '~ i - cool, nemove it ai-st rail iu graulaf- cd fengar. Lay it on waxeti parer To ourpoude >2 ths pulp shlow clearnesashows its purity Hold: this soap Vto the Iight-you .canscC yourm«, thgriough the. per- tcty cicar vakc -But amcl i tiAs9sean a eotdo '.HretIiz. eh.mogt lw«>d«ftl CMM f tis seap -Its r-rai v*lotifrgrance. ams a otit = dnenrsuwft sui lcuowfel otse theplaire 01 aunluf, VIOLET Cilycerite Soap i s s"Muis da, Md k Sg te Ever Tries! These Sandichéel Any bit of le! l.oveoe ve-a, etek, chicken on ismI ny Ihé utilizet f-or sandwiches, e.pecasly' if every scrap cf gravy left là thé. eokinlg fa savet and thi e t"put butafia. This kepa the meu4fron> dring upp, Snot bëe o ising Mina. fie meat, sud fihere vii!b. Aineet cal-, atà nldflhfig sv&èdo = 1n «imadedtoý helin e " e s pxusnc fi itigg5 DaVes anti nufs- rus thnougIithe mnt 'Cho'per and i rned' wlth c roima make a fAlnisiiat I& heart~y suýd 49W.yA daâh cisait improves hob4-dtm ud out mix- titre lequilt. chang.d lai flavai IY itilsi molsteneti wituh l.mon or Ài- A tangy cheene, -gratied -sd mix. ida edto ta aPeSt0 with chili sauce - or tii! tomatto catsup, will, be found excel- iii.. lent 'for -sandwich filliug., for Another good--cheeoe 1filug Io thie i-e- grated, cheese mixed with chopped DId celery or -Watercmess clives and a ar litte uelted butte.y 1 or Miuce~d crispcd hem or bacon sud ut- minced ehicken, - with a, littié, let- ~~~ 5he tua. leaf -or shredded 1etinx., il ils bc found good with whole wheb or p. white bzead.- Lady AAelaidè :Spcneer,- nr Chpapped anchovies or sardines, x nixed -wth ha.rd-boiled oggî aud Daughtem -o! Eezl Spencer, who willl made the coniitency >lput b mearry the, Ho. Sydey- Peel, br-4 ;,X zng muayonnaibe or cresam, are good the f eounIt Peel. ah wfth anv kind of bréed. ___ taShredded or miuced swee-î green FINDING,,BUDDHA'S BONES. gh peppers, cresan cheege aud niayou- t-t naise are deliclous with nul bmcad. Arebseo.lodiste Unéas-thed Trhen Ãi s. A t«e'ted sandwich,.iiaving forj -Peshawar, India.- to a filing r;craped maw bee!, viiall fen _'The r eceut dlscovery lu a moç4 -.tempot the appetite'when ajther 1i11-,- noar, Peawar,, India, af a cir'î1. li iuge f&fl, 'roiiquery Au 'which there vere --Iofw le Twioe an much 61iopped chicken- fragmentes -,that archaeoboglsts declà rc he as; uinoed hem, ièasoned wituh curry are thé charred bancs cf Vihe.lhrb#het ta powder, makes7anu nusuai. saud- Buddha, has docply stirited hiE foliow- ne wich filling, f tii... sandwiches rs from the Hiralayas -Vi Japa. Ain -r. ccunt ai thèe eXtrëemlY itereà tlug krare scmved -with a spiklihg -of affalr appears lun the WIde WorIt bui Parmesan chcese- -or with balls oE magazine. ha the. cheese inixed'with buttez, they Wheu Bnddlia diet, lu the f fti cen- vil iri fn avar. tryB.C., lits earthly emalus ,pwere A Auy- ind o! baked, coki eoi>kcd conaigne totatue lurnes by thii ' hal n I l dlh, m xe witlî a sweet* -r Saur ai Malva. A tervard is chà rred ne ailee pckle aunaamyonuaise- or bncs vere caréfully cllected,- -i- r m a i k d r s e n u a , r v i h m a e ~ g O < c~ v i d e t I n t o e g h t p o r t i o n s , a n îl ' d i e t r L sanoiedch tsing. -il aea odbuted, umong iavored disciples. ag sadih flinThe records kcpt by Buddhist monks - Miuced celemv sud,-olives, miked showthut more- Vian Èive iuudred îee oagacit consîsteucv vith- mix-eà l'cars laVer Vhe boucs vero atil 'lit -n- pickle aud eatsup, will make a tuaty tîcîr possession, la tic. >ear 40 A.D, filling, with or without thé. addition Kaitishia, king ai -northient.- ludia,' ofa miuced nuts, bulît e great memrnoial over- some -of - -thena. Legoude sald that >;the frag- îe one ho d l ste - m nte vere put Into a- eyiita i reli-, h e R o u eh old i nt s .q u a ry - -w ich , lu tu ru ,' v a s e u clo scd ,Ipdamw.hwhpe c mli a bronze casket ai vondorful woirk- on l aa am el sud pedessert. maneip. Ovcy tls tic king buhît o n t s n v el a n p et y d e . a ta w e rc d s h rlh e th a t pl " t ota h a-v o Id Vemy Sour fruits- can _ prtlY beon 470' foot igh, es sweetened by a, piuch-of sait while 1 Iluthe ceuturies tiat followed, all to ooking. - traces af the monument. disappeargd.- ut Tii. livig-room tâble hould Even tbc site ai Kanshkas capital' rrnev'er b. crowdcd y-tii books. A wam lu- touit, sKo thonougbly had tic k lew arle enough. ages cvred Vhe rutinaeofite'ancent -uWheu woen blaketa are city., Much exploration, howevr; ed in i el ae wh iklu u arohacologlsta-tuo the conclusion thatIt, t h e r b s t , c o v T i t h si l o l i e a d v a s s i t u a t e d , nt P e s ha w a r , a nd t i n t -tack lik.ea quilt. va imnaese mounus ucar the towu Id IndiMiuai têrts are. alwaYa at- reprAnted , the debrie of 'the huge- ýtractive,-antimalie an, egree.able1 memorial.- e. scage for tie luncheon table, 1Inl 1908 lie excavators beg'gh ta dit SThe womau who mean-s to ecncj1 5v. trenches, each six led .wlde -sad iseonLbo ierl , nenahundrat icet long, tieccenti-à 1 on.e 1s i" on litti. ,n he meaup leatiug ironthticbase of tiié main hav 'aI..-6 as moud, sud - éth hoff rg radlatlug tt 'differout agle. Ounehiantned ' _d If a ruu curie, moIsien it ejid twerty coolles >wero set at work, bMt it wrapiarund à hbzoom stck Ain It vas more -than two veans before- &the opposite vay f rom its deuizes, thcy unoarthcd lie fourý corners af Sthon tie sud let it dry.*- a huge building. -Meat pat'tiee for'luncheon dia ees The excuvatore spout a goot <leal are ~ ~ ~ ý« ec n nl a e an athey ca » be ai ime lu digging o e icfoundation n iet ~ , walls sud- lie numùeroausi faléen towena. -macle of o eu'emy sort of coin Flualli' a pi t, Vvènt3-foun tact square,, teat. - 55Iw n Ith le very centre of the Anybody who has a, hunter in ihc-! min. For daya the coollca dug with-- j family ca#rake a v'ery nice ifttIe 'ont au' resubts. Thon snddenly tiey r ug of! bbit skins sewu together reached thé chamber that coïtained -ou a piece o! carpet. - thte sacrOt boucs. Keeplu fe cllara fw onaus Thc exiuiorers found a. round métal which yon aîîow ta seu p siioti. ;casket, 5fv. luchea -lu tiameter and h luIches hîgi, on 'tii f1ool-, cm- UThey are delicions in wanter Md- bedded lu a 11111e moun-d af lime, The - 9ads or to rub the salad bowl wiiuh. Iid bore thrée motal figures - ranget 1! Breead seuce shouit neyer ho round un Image, ai Buddha tiat was served stiff and sticky,'but smoahh sealdd lu tic centre. muInod. was an, a nud free front lumps. The. sauce hexagonal cr*ÃŽata1 reilquari tat eau-, sho'uld net lhou alter adding the, talned lirce small fragtnents ai boue. menti - -The excavators alro found2 a copper coin oai Kanishka, vIlci"gave ussur- « *If lime in the mater fori a coaI- suce that they hsd actually-ýfond tic ing inside the teakettle it mav bs farnoue, monument, and, that the three neniovcd wiiji vinegar or oîîlphuric -aniali, fragMents, of bone,clsy sac-kl. P. careful fo wazh thc kettle paciet lunte crysiai rellquanv wer afterward. ljtdeed the relics af Buddha. - fi flacre - hat been auy toubt ou thé subjeoct,' tié Inscriptions ou ticeamctal, caskel tsel1 would havé proved the genulue- ANOTIJER--soiUDAN SH I.ne sai the lud, for tic -lottoriug was - sOtîli readable, sudthVislle "Kaullih-- Té Bulld Dam on White and Blue ka", could le défntëy traed. - Nue , jluth. cf Khartoum. esaket vas iound ho lie antallay cf Womkliasbeencameucei onsu-copper, In, Iead, zinc,- sud ibon. Tic w o r k L u b e n c m m e n ý ',d ,o van 0 k m a u m h i p _ s h o w s c le a r l y t hc l- n -. othe.r p est fueme to recl.aim IýY fuccw c <ria t IVlauppased' irraatiou vat tret# i Jeert ueiat H fhIenlc arte uelavfun ire.îon - âThe$iuwclfatb.wezdT'tflo5-- - pnciclyaan thé. final haSoeee- ~Ul41e-ueater Âfersveral veare 'Of errusri-t 3.£b2~ or 4 - h t'J-, ar- dg, the