Having.purohased the 1arge stock Dulmadge Co.,, Torontol, at a very low ratec aop1e of Whitby nd surrounding- country, at Wa3hers The only waher îha nakes wash iig a pleas- ure, $10.O EXTRA SI'ECIAL in FOOD CHOPPERS OnlIy 18 on sale,* reg. Special 89c. fgeneral hardware, paînts, etc.,, fror h . the: d ollar,- I have decided to offer'it to the ctual, 'w-bolesale cost. e ~u an o ~1iewi-WIlamsan Mneva paint, haif pints, Pl is, quarts and' haif galons. Wholosale. priv e lv,22, 49v.About 75 sbadeeto ehQoefr Z KA Dr i U LJ. Carpet Tacki 2 for 5 conta Plain Building Paper, Reg. 4&e ______________Spécial 34e pu Pre Linst-ed 011, reg 3oc qi.art, Speciali9 Tea Ketfle, copper and niickel placed -Nu. ~9. Reg. $i.5o - Special $1.29 Wcather'b$trip, Frost King. keg.-r5,.oc ,Special 4,3c D-on't fait to icoi of -Bùceksaws', Axes,, Iide phone 64. Wringers, rez. -$4.50. Special $3.89 Lanterns, regular 75e Lantern Glasses, reg- ôoc ieach Special 4 for 25c Snow Can Openers Reýgu lar . 'oc * Special Be Spec{al 9c S~ecia1 lec Scrub I3rughes Reg. c Metal Polish Reg. 25o ' Tar Pap er Reg ôoc Sneal 49 .5pociaI 17 conte LampR Durners, large, regular ioc, Lamp Burners, Medium, reg. 7c Stick-fast past ie, Iuar i5c Speciïal 5c .Special De' los 4ez AU Mltts and Gloves Greatly Re- duced@. nie to Our sto're du.ring ,this; great sale andû be convince_éd of the wnderful bargis ear lacing before you.- The stock- ael ciiiss File, HndswsManre Foirks, Hay Forks, Cuns, Rifles, Storm Doors and Paint Brushes, al of which are-greatly reduce npîe 'J. Bell phone 60.. *1- uld use a 'e Cansuppîy 01 any kind you miy WATERNAq and IMPERUAL SAF however, are our g ellera, à id the ifffcrence btwëc pens and others,i f, act that they'are ABSOLUTEI -GUARANTE] te give -yoL Pt satisfaction. We have a ver), stock tO seIect.frci WC wouid like yc corne.and- "Try the, Point Re Nu BASSE AND 4 JWITBYION' i. r W. C. T. ParéeJ Post vs., Expresse County Counci and 34th It muet also be remembered that a BROTHERLY L'OVE FORGOTTEN. ""4A'VALUABLEIH?RSE. ilde th aoe edlg h T- Regimentai1 Band. competent musician lae nititIéd t4 To the Editor Gazette-Chronicle. A valuable addition has recently Undr te bov hadig he o-more remuneration than the unskili- Sir,-I have been a ,ie nt o! been made to the Horse Department ïOnto Star publiehes an article, with e d revruit, who shoulders a gun. The Whitby for ten years. pix years ago of Meadowbrook Stock Farme, oit- regard tà the recently inaugurated At the recent meeting of the Courir musician has spent yeare in a* s aridiite o$hl, sutd on teKnrtnRa,8 parçel Pont system, that la very Per- ~ty Council the application _19r a lng his art, and la -eurely . nite many wilI remember. For'years 1 miles west of WhiVby, this flrm hav- was 'n the hen business here. Last ing acquired the Ciydesdaie stallion luoent, and eXpresses a very general grant tor thO 341h' Regiméntal Baud tb somo return for tilose years Of sprîng, I got hurt by a faîl froni a "On Guard" uIp. No. (13409). opinion that bas arises dyrlng the was turned -down by the Council, patient esideavor. wagon, and was eick- 1fo ten months This animal is reognized as beîng "1ý rt time msince thie syst e wag cliefly through the effort8of Mr. H. For yearo the S4th Reégimentâl 1in Toronto. Laut' Saturdaiy I re- one of the best draught horses that q W eItny a at-.Cameron, o! Beavérton. Il has Band bah enaknweggt turned to Whitby, leaving my wite ever crossed the Atlantic. Hê is up om cd I ay a at -.acbwlde and two children in one littie roomt to a great uize, standing l7j hands "Tbée - be Yralad eibénctmaY 1 maea anuaoeottebsinaenaeatNa in Toronto, with only 25c. to live high, and weighing çver a ton. juatified disappoin at the grant, but this year Mr. 'Cameronl gara Camp. 'And this Io the encour- on.. "On' Guard" hnd had a very suc- n*uh beralded percel post, doeg.ý flot had a !"bee in bis bonnet," s80 to agement they' receive at the bande W-hen I came to Whitby I expected cessful caréer as a show horse, hav- o~ve promise o! a gkrêater increa eOf speak, and ho aired his views betore of the County. It may be,, however, my brothérs to help me. My brother ing won irst in thé aged stallion eoiaetiion ith theexpess G>-Isaac said hé did not know me and clas a the Ottawa. Fat Sýock Show pétiion itk théexpess ol'the Councîl. The. Band having only that such statements as those made wudnthl e-Fu er g n11,as rn hmino h panles, 'saVs the Winnipeg Telégram. M esnMrJ.W aeawudnthlme-Foryasaoi11,as G ndC mpnofh' 'TUlel truce. There is Ibis -feel- ~ esn r .W aeato by Mr. Canweron were swallowed I sent hiÉm a ticket to bring him ouI Show ç lot at Ogdéneburg, N. Y., Ing o! dlsappointment everywhere i3peà k for il, suftered, as a conse- without being carefuily weighed. One fromn Russia, gave him board and Faîl Fair. He was Mecond to the auiong thos who looke foriyard 0 cluenoe.thing le certan: If the truc tacts o! clothirig for a yeat, bought hini horse inviileFyeBao"(h ws the, Introduction o! parcel post in The gist,ýo! Mr. Cameron's argu- thé case Èad been presented, the and wagon and. took him into part- sold at a record price te go across Ibo~ expectation that it would prove esi ihM. Nwh eadteboera TonoIUtil Sue ful tý thé average person in daily mente was 4kat the Band when at Band would have received more con- ne rship inthne o help e ards- Ehibitodr). Toono9ndst.a lu.Niagara camp,--âid not perform île sideration, which they honestly d6' need. My brother Louis loanéd me auîimal with such a reco~rd la "It doés not promise to hé of dutiés satisfactority, and did not serve. $200, and I havé been able tZ« starî bound tb hé a valuable assét tb imuch use to thé average person, even even earn the money 'paid il. Lest business again. farmers and horse breédere in- this wIlen, -a!tr th e monthu' deiay, tke a gond ffhany people b tpelcined to Last Monday_ I Wept' to Raglan section, and the Meadowbrook Stock wiunds, Ev e nc hen t expe com- mighî hi w . to Two Home Women Taik and bou,,,t'IDO0-hens. I bought 3o Farms are to be congratulated' for 'paliés.will crry IIte epotiiidsone pont o te M aisgotb oth erA utH i. - lls fron the'Mniller: there, saylng I brlnging such g0od Stock aiong -the panies ill cay fift pound one pint - ut a fw 9 f cte ' wouthdogeer them on. wTue gday.emMondaysdbreeders br o!er thofth locacaitt. -hundred - miles for 35 cents, whilê side -of the argument. - afternoon Isaac 'went té the mlier Thé management Invite à ny parties parcel pont wilI charge 50 cents for Thé writer bas been at Niagara "-T-w;iwomon met In our store the and said that T had sent him !or thé interest ed In stock o! Ibis kind, bo carrying eloyen ýpounds the sanie dis- Camp tQr sevéral years, - and can éther day, when mof c!thém said » hébne. They were.good breedlng fowl,, pay thé farm a visit and look over "tl lyisiehetw tymltéythttanBadcare.vey "My, how pretty your hair lookui n . ae1s $20 by Taaac's ac- 'thé animais stabled In some ýo! thée It is nly Iside te 'twnty mle te8itY tât th ' Ban earn everyWhat ave yuforeheoidido notY bringfothé dbdnos fineute barnunes naOnninrOoario outyy zone that postal service la cheap. cent il ie paid anhà more. Thé dutitéWa eyuben on 1 to me. I want the farmérs to know-- Altogethér-, thé service proves té hé il, connection wth thé average dayis "Why, 1 ,have been using Harniony that when 1 buy lienal from them they MARRIAGES. el such a character that the expres routine are: RllU caîl at 6 a. . Hait Beautifier 1oÉ- the past tWO are nét to, deliv6trîheni 10 my broth- ARI-YE-tte écr, oompaniee wil e ,1wste ele sa.nt find i a serosMRI-YESLAt Èe ecry rivail n teinenoypoel playsng for march 10 drill at.' 8.30 1kws h eî~ r'ao Oshawa, on Saturday, February 7, businesfs théy do." a nd return !rom driilat 11.30, wlth m"hy, lnced 1" eplledt he rt IwIihae amo A ai. by the 11ev. 0.11. éPoncier, Miss woms, *'tha lejue whal an iSAM LEVINE. "TPhé gtar" thinkg that tht' Pout- a rePetition o! this ill tht alterniôtu: uêlg. T19'A ii great, an& donit von WhltbY, b!ar H* 4lI1Py9,s b M. m.ITîr magter Ocrerai han been ' tlmid; Inu atteing 1rmassed band practîcé fer think rny baîr 'shows a lot -or Hrrsbtho!Wity hie desire te do nobody hanm, ho la two hours In thé morning;, a prao>- Prôéaent Vil 1k1~todonooy nygQdan icagain ln the aibernoo;paîg Harmony HaliF Beautifier la bc- " F4nsSTAIRT RIGtTI1 lioy od nbdyRYgod adon la'geOnllng ael he rageamoag both nmnL thle only hopçful featuré of it la that aI 'Meer' mess, eac-h evenng;l and Woznen-:'who aré particular la thée , , q~Yoursucceslnbuoin«ei U dé-pud ao té arélpotsevie anbenaddition té being éalied upon tb act care of! îeïr hait . 1 -J just wha1.4and1DU almetety e u onthe g utarted thé Goverument wlll fin as. duty band Iwo or Ibrelimedur l1 ae-ar »Ibeaulîifier. It l A4 _C-ntconfine ingthé camp. Then, a long macch séeme tb -polish and burnlsh thé hairOd ùbat il cannot ýop-Cn making il isseik-so!t, and - rends it within the absurd limite of a o he miles to target prac- more easy .to pub in ,graceful,- wavy 'res îwmnîy nmilec Zone,. tice lu retuired 'several tumes, dur- foîds that "istay put." Containe no r0MTrno n* Thres14ent.,s o! bis viciait>' have ing which thé band is expected teo oh, énDlwill not changé cuglor et hait r ~ gr o éot.Ot ret.or arW it. imPYmirdnld ili-e0 business taning and for anslating s.te;- -I W1co9ifidentlY exUect- bty nearly énoughb okeép thé bande- béo or-banéc éberotshlng nirî.t a ong d age entlsae god lUSIWîtetodaye e6 thaît uth pareel* post sysem men busy, doesn't il ? buhn t Chamberlain's T. .Arîs tsce woinan's u Large Catalogune and s, mi avan- To keep your hair andscl dan- bcst fricnd-fzc1 the nerves, aid tax e sadioi ffers. Open al 7O&r. -34h an îd adrumfr. aIlle waus Hrmnc1'iZ-etior., stop ý sciskeepthe ~Iter "y tias. would malte thée obipping o1 pancelu Lust summer the"4hBn a ri reaidaueHroy û :cisd~r o elhCr og u W .Sbt bhtween hère'and T~oronto very mu6h déficit o! $40 front- thé annual camp.1 Sharnpoo. This liquid ehanipoo givés - rT:Y*i.j .i. 2--c. a bottle eanrt. IPlspl the ~ ~ ~ Wb cnnayn bnBeen;'iéause it ih pai îoo 1111e. 'ln o,îtnaeue rlchfoaming bath- -Ibis 4Irection, and thé Oood -mueicians h4-ve te hé hired, ~ lieltl eerts l erlvcd 11i1 bo that Oftand more nioney pald theni than 15 suring art ! anthé bai gand ca, a ivl> ilnubr ~received for their se .rvices froni thé sing. It is 'wasled off just as quick- pe ie euh laée aIGovernment. ly,the entire o-peration taking énly a Oshatwa, Brookil.- Plin ht doés thé band gel la return fe oets. Hnrmony Hair Beau- kd 'tats' I wa ex foritsservcesto he rgimnt bifier $1. . Harmony Shampoo 5bc. cd -BIgés b ~as x- or ls ervces b té rgimntBoth guaranteed tb eatisfy you la adefIcýt would résuit Neyer aulastrumn e î asieet evény wny, or your money back. Id Po sil sstem -dunlngo!ms6ltneea o y opfra musictéd ; only thé usé o! a unifonni Sold --only at the more bilan 7,000 ni,00,oé aon bstad: on, spécial occasions, and a paltry Réxraîl stores, and' la this t wn ptopté4lonal' sizemit sum fot thé annual camp. Many ony b .H.An, drugglst:- ned' ii Canada i* 1! 'téreglments are obliged te supply ln- placeif on - a- basile that strumeénts teitheir bande, andý some Oliver -Kilugdon, eue o! Oshawa'e npetitfve with theex- music, tee. Ail thé 341h Band , é- Boy. Scoute, wau operated on for, ap- [es._-Unidr thé exietin g caunot be wondered at oeives 1le what bas bes mentioned pendioltis last week at thé Oshawa fIgpctl ai fuIre. aoé.- Hospital. . ;-.r.. ixt t rd - .-. sorby -ai.-8 C!iuinirla nt! ;cine Co.. eol ,u~, "~.BEST DEATHS. SPINK->~ Tor outo,, on - Frlday, February 13, 1914, Jcibn L. Spink, aged 68 yeans. MOOREr-At,.Grééenwood, on Monday, February 18, '1914, Thés, Moore, -,in hiesO80th yean. ,Mn. John Nott, akéd 59,-and Mn. John Béaie, aged 93, have both un!- fened at--thé hande o! chieken thieves aI Po rt Perr.y. - - - Wanted: fo rDuyors. FÂRLM of flfty tteoeevhènty five acres, with buildings, où Kingà ton -Read. ALSO FARM of about huadr.d acres, with good watéir supply, for stock farm.- .1014NFISHER,- 409 >Lumsden 1Building TORONTO -Il Buy t Bcause, It's a'.Better Car: MODEL T Touning Car f o. b Ford, 0n t a rjo Get particulars from Au. WL -M2RMÀ24L74D9- TIME If you want the bes: resuits buy *4ur Bitter Oranges now. Nice large ones '- Caifornia Oranges Lemons, nice and ripe 25c doz. .20%.; t o 5c doz Use our best sugar to get beat resuits. ~a1ifrnia. @e1ery. Extra large stalks, 2 for 25 cents D ON'T- eRQET IPIS" LYou can buy frozen fish 'nbw tliat you will not be a ble to buy laber, and it is cheap. We have al kins-tà US. Jmo. R VWATEHOSIE - W}IITBy Phpn 1] Prmpt belivery. v. '-.4- r, $650 W. J. Luke & Son, Agents, Whitb. -GOOD ACCOMMODÂT] At a nieéting o1 thée o e! the Gideons -aLondon le aù addres was-'given by M Gregory upon thé. question accommodation. Il1e - rei full of humor an-d interest. -othen thngs ho said : "I 41 places where we get botter uandor local option than 'befi $a14: "A Rodney hotelIn ikg more money than undei Combér le one placé wberé bélIer noom and better -me umder license, sud mjight mames. I- wan wa-rned Ibat moét get accommodation hi * allen Local Option -camé in - We. have sample rooxus 'Store,and gel an excellent i -gôod, private homes. -The à who knôcki local option is who- wants a dink. -Ex. SLocal llappenile Re'member -the auction llobb. Walbérs' on Saturdà sit 7.30 o'clol. lBring any watt solId. Mrs. Powell je piogresE Argnle.- If you bave- any artLicles t by auetlou leue theni at Watr'aCtion ro n, where vil, be fold --for à sthaliémnin -doron omplète witjx hinge ata Mn. Penny Johnsten sle' saoud again af ter - i nen' 11ev. ratb-er- Ryan, whi le *hargeofo the -R. C. church1 eecupying, Mr. -Robt.- Peverell boum. lim~eerve Moad'ay, February 2 'the R.C. social in-t-hé town1 Drap 'labo Robti Walbcrs' %Sae o! clothing oni Saturday Ing and get corne, hargains. Mrs. W. IL .Johnston visit meother, ,rs Luglôin, aI MOIlS, this , *wcek.- Mrs. TLgI thé misfortune tori lu. anti rz boule in ier leg just ahove th Mr . J. T1T. Perrin has-her rt sVMr the Royal Theatre compl -le fltted up with al lflclattý provemnent.aandi convenience, beautilulfly decorated, niaking désirable résîdentie.- - r Re-nu-ali Wash Jos Reg. 50'C -for- 29c Bas*n-; Trapa Reg. 25e fnr 19e 4c each 2 for Se MC...INTYRE.. The HardWare next the Post Office* r 1 m