- " xced$55Q"99 1u1149" ver andi Above te. tho $i5OOUQOO 50 upplementary La-pt Year To fof A. des"" ,if rom London saya: eSy conscious of the. -grvty of thie ÃŽ Tiie ParliaMnt&Y oorrespoà deult positon. W. do' not uxder-esti- rc o-f thxe aly Chr«uelç,,whs lun matà te gravity of the, ocasion ieualïywebl-inf-ornled on tues. mat- nor- are wo surpried at 'the 'evi- -tors, -un-derstanude -tiit the, na-vy demie of do-ult which ha. be-on ex. n] eiatimateà ifor 'the - pext, financial pressed in . variens quarter. of - the to year -will exteeci $255000000 over Literai pmrty. The First Lord o! anad aborve taie- $1,0oaOOO of I"sthte Adîiralty t.alesa akeen pride in year' supplementary estimates. taie splendid service over which ho Lord Crewep who hua hitherto preaides. He alse haa regar-d -for pri been. somewhat of a clark'hors, on thie effici.ncy cf tRut service, but -1V to the' questiion o increa-se cf arma- le really aitogether unjtist to Mr.i -ments, - spoie, on W.dnesday ight Churchill te say or te hint thant, isec before t&semezobers cft the Eighty regards inerea.sed na-val expendi- -Club 'andi gave unquelifled suppiort ture with a light lîea- or anythin'g to Winstcn Churchil'a caw-se. e approa-ching satisaction, altogether Pet - ntirely apreed that the who1>e to the oontrary I-ca.n certa.inly ain- Ci -buxîl-ene o! armaments w%" a*- ure y-au. When w. present cuir proaohing a, çandal,,an-c n n.o wdeonço edimato& w. hah do go shoulci-he aurprLwdc st the. reacton with anything but a lis-ht heatt. 1I h telt i th Liberal tanks ega-mest hope weé shah b. able to show thxe ha this hm%nse burden. "But I cam Ilouse and the country' tRustwo. are 5 * asure you" Lord Crewe contixi- oing it with an unbt>NIOned con- umo, "thut the Governmeit are science."1 lIAIT .NINGB PROM ALL OYEZ TUE GLODEliq -A Capahe Empre sud the Wlorld tu Geuer-ai Befoe.Tour -Bratfords hydro-el.ctrie depai-t- partunOeXit is beng fIoodd with oý'- dors. -Miss Ether Joues o! Bannia, Ont., ima-a been ,ppoint,d city elerk fxtrhbridgee AbVa. From t-s-o te three million doUars wvil b. speut un cicVa-nsics w V tie T-ht Winnipcg pcultry -show open- ed witb ctver 1,500 anties, cxhibi- t<rx renging f roin Fort Arthur te Reginia.- - "hsoeitims4es cf thée Torcnto W-orks& Coirnneauier ca for on ex- -peudit-ure o! over $50q,000We lo- cal îîniderV.kngs, includIng eight uefw bridges. Tho Ne~i1y of Audrew Wetbury, Nom-tiiCobalt, liai!te get cul of their'burnin; bonso .iM mWdaight. in idglut attire In- 30 balow zero wes-- Thie lorgoib *.pcl wf»r towor lu Canadas adi the naoime!largest ia -morcv lmheon ooîpl-etcdat 8V. Thonia-., with s. eapacity oft l aa Expouditures a-ppuoxiîns-lig bha' tweatwýo a-ad titfrea îiltioil dollar* aure invoived luthe conetruction programmne cf t-ho Ountro Hydro- Eiectrio Powor Commission Io tais Ma-o. Dr4e, thirten nvths old, ia Brantford, a-ni!t-ha two- inoîîths'-old -da uglter of Fred andi - -Mms. ioachlinbu.Ha-milton, 'ver. 4wiothered in bed by pulling the. Iisdclothes over tlieir face. AU i >ftue- Grand Tranli employesi who 'vent ont on trike on t-le Lon- don division iu 1911 are now b-ack On dîîty, 'witii ta. exception o!fc-na .orid uctor, -wwl1 iiib. ta-kenu ý_ngùinu tîia 'veeli. Gi-est BEta-m. S eve-a militant suffragettes wene utntnced tic jail lunLcndcii on a tcharge o! obstruction. Tii. - Mi.iM'ippi, t-h: frst ût,,)tr Ihuer-o! 5,000 tons, built for taie At- la-ruileTransport Lime, was le.uinel ed a&t (laagow, - 'Iuttise finst divisien on tihoein rule 1h1] -anthe iiriVi-ih -House <)f Comnions to OýGovcrnunaxub wa-n sua;- I aille.-d by e.! majty -of 7S. Ceneral, K okovioff, t-haeJusuhaîti Premier, lias resign-ed. ,-- 1 A French avietor felltan à para,. ùIlit. a distance otf 000 teetwithicut a rnihap. -Dr. Koru tiandtwo ctonpanioae from Berln hlav. muade a- record bajoôon. isht o! 1,848 miletu. Three thciua sa-niîdente aaai-rod -tiuc Kilts o! BwedCîî of'tlieir sut'- porI Vue*ho F*litmntTb-y oppis. Relqoua-1dieturlmneg have cp- - urrai! in conmîeet.ioit with lime a-gi- - taltion agiust t-lueMinmt.-yetOs- akIa, Ja-pan,. M-abs e thte- t-m- Sar. aad he revenuue buildîig., Tihe dîstrbane-arte lu part t-he, cot- CMvaeOlf &su agit-afion for liwivr P remtier Says Bihalut I1 Nu Part - - i tipa-te la- IL le îIVI Ti Es OF xWOUN1 Ili owsiniGeirnany huve Colorado is , eegt women CUty treasurers. êhwpberd.,girls in Switoeriaad wear mon'a ithe Won of AlI&"ka hve ful sut. frage without oppoeition. Engliulh women, are rapidly tïk- il, thetAIS&ma etcfla.crosse. ~rma.n wômniflhava e pê1ttod the. imp.rial p*rli&meut for tiie franc"i. employ -woxnen a& gateinen abt its Ab the aM of8I,. Mmne. Dayn.- Gramwt 'là playing leutlng Par ûWo t1i. Parie stage. The, rnjorlty ci the wombn <>f the Roman aristoorao-y hao decided to banMs' thi. tngo. T aiiRd" in th. sliôocs of France are'tawed very hieruy to keep, th.arpen#ion !fuiid lèing. Ljondon -han a, club whouojt it iâ to help working w0 ;Z ha.ketlnt for writing.' Tue-dg#r factoaioe of New York ernploy nearly twm' a many men as they do ina. C Wyomen aro, not perenttd to work mx>-e tà azi six da.ýy» or 54 heur 8 weôk in~ any fiwtory in New York. The. number of women voting in1 eew Zoanknd h"e inceoasd troen e0,29O in 1893 ta 221,851 i 1911. SAroadia, 111, , not only hbu a wo- man mnayor, but ail 1the. other off- moea f importance mr fil] ed by WC- men. Tho Berlin 'Woin'â Banik ià said to be the'only one in.the world ruii for and by women exclusively. Every person eniployi gfémaiee in &. factory in New York, muet pro- vide and maintain smuitah1e eatg for such elnployees. Ring Gustave of Suieden is ini fa- ver-of woman suf rage, andc will ask parliarnent to grant thenb the rigb-t to election to -office. In rnoat of the Japanosecities thore ifs a public oven where for a emall ilmm hoitewivè8 may have- their brealrfastg dinnere -or sutppers *5oked foi- tlin*). Queen Mary -of Englauci has or- dered that no. lady of thQ royal hougehoIci-rny bave stny direct cen- neetic>u with- bu*iness cof any Oort, thereby puttimg a&É end to "grait."1 lThe flrst wona-n to tuaice np thie dipknPiai-!t ervice ne, a profeeion hae jlt.tà beoil Apptiîîted in ClîriEk- tfiai. She ini M ïicss enrietta Hoeg à sud 1, to he firbt secrçtary oif th1e N<crwegin egatioin inIiMaxico. ThO average Wages of kitehen1 inaids ini England la *98.60 a'y«'i, whuile hole cf governuoq ÃŽ4 $97.50. Next in order ar'e nlrges, at $10J.-.1 75; parlor rais at $117.75; ladies' maici, a.t,$1W5, anad cooki. at $5. 50.: Mrs. Harn*et O. Adaria is proba- I>ly More vermed o-n an-rr- eari affair 'la iry te OfA ithe Utitcd S&te,.%, - he Ihaiing1 (eovere4 o 40~,000 rniIeý4in cf ltrei1 ançl Sqttci Amercre achin-g ev r Y >«-en v i wn e VçhlI Not Vis tsnOv r.Se 9 oun- Ci i-Nîa. AOpitdI tv ill ni -BîcnganPlae deuspatcii. ficr ei Lon escy e 'fon tesuie Yînof OWales te pan a- ii' Aînqiituh on Tlîursds.y ugain visit to tlue ovek-eaa-doa-unk-o wd Brhti>.UoffiWa partxcipatiexi thi year, andl tiiet the prescrIt 11- Paiýa-m*-Picifio Fxpoiiitiôn ffixtur e-s preclude the o peauibilty ç)f &n F Irancisco. Whten aokeà ' îUd a i fOr- amo t-mme t-o corne.- 0u.e Conimt>ns by Wadr r t-o rebonaidmr t-e, Inater Mr. Ith Maii!:<"Tihe British QCv, AÀ1'eor Argumaent. - cnt rceent4 reoDaniuidereud the>Vie pois-est argument a ma-n can bôù -o! c a-in mithe ex- ut up for a- îaise of sala-y i ,tiat ion a-t-! Sama Frznolso, tut ri- i0me lasl5eufive or siX yeam's on- ttut it does iiot feel à el-t<? more ia the sa-me Place -witaoiut! St.pe-hoadcxn 'eting one.. S No. 2, saI 9 t7aî 2 1-2e for iNo. Bay ports. - peau--No, 2 ah 95C te SiroQutalde. wltl trtug ial ",rey- le.otie Co n-ewNO. a Arîrcan, 700. ail il. Toronto.i Rye--No.,-2 at 62 to 62e. outaide. Suckwheat-No. 2 a-t 75 ho 76c',out- Bran-Manttoba bran, $22.60 a ton, bas-sTeronto fretgbt Shorts. $24 $24.5b, Toronato. Buher-Choice da-try, 22 te 286: ln- lor, 19 to, 20e, faruneru' meparator 'nts,. 22 te 2%e; -reamery prints, 80 030 1-2c; so 9d. 27 to 29c; Iutanage 'its, 27 te 2 as"a 2 to 260. Nugs-Caue lt !new-ad 5tii pen-dozen*. storage, s ci:cta.- o 0 n sora3e to 32e per dozen. lihes e eowlleese, 1 404efor large, id 15o fertwli,. -, Beans-an-piCltOd, 2.10 te 52.20 er busbel puies, $2 ho $2.10. Reeyixtactmd, in tins, il te 12a ar lb. for No. 1: combe. $8 to $8.25 Per nen for No. 1 . ansi 82.40 to $2.50 for 0.2. Poulhry-FwI,12 te 18e per lb.:, tolcene, 1Il to 18e; duceu.là to 15c: bes. 14 ho 16e: turitey.. 19 te 22c, Pota-toes-Onitarn u at n85te 9oc per ig, on, trac#, a-nd Delawarcs a-t 90 tu ;. on iraoIc, in ca-r lots. Po In * lpa yds11 'CI *was. nea&rly heplese witi r heunmtism for two -- srs$' di poes.staî-as. -*-II g<eV modem, romth- An hereditary baron ci thse Aus- déOctr,, and tried i*veral 'Othe; tri ax empire >and *ne of Ithie etremdebtntinghp .e kuown m» c ti.- ritlh aiat- Ti.» o-n f my neiighbors advisec eraeywlio offels ta tbuy thei. Bancof metic ýtry Dedlc's Kidney Pille. I Der by o oi otate et the. lat-' o letfor boxes, and thc« eLpe, ter' valatin <> ~>><>,>~* almoet f rom thie Br-t. I have usc' - nearlytwo dozoa boxes a-ad ar.- Th 1e Worfd ln ReVIew iiarly <iired.". _____That nheumatism le one on-e o' A i.p-ulata ti Somes, t-be resmlte o-t dîseasecikidneys i, Geneal 8ute as iven some ex- again ahown in Mre. Bald,.vin'! -planationen t ÃŽei ceenta wbieh led te case. 8.he adhea.ca.eh e taffa-e-s' the. declarationi of martial la-w ands the9 deponta-tion et secrota-ry B3ain andi bis -otf the' joints a-nd baekaà he, Ru-o companiofla Item Southi ArInca. lie sepwsbrknÃdurfehn utated Ãhat sécretary kbain was one etof - a eae tc urfehn the mont deepera-te men he lia-c ever a-ad ehe was alwa-ys tireci aud uer- enceuntered. He bad knowru hlm wheui howas amiongyd as a secret aient ln vous. 'Her Jiùnbs swelIed and a-Ru' th mmpoaft-t 15r Govenuxuent -e was al-ways Viirety. Theze a-re a,] wbich Uenerai Sunutu was a prominent member. il ibis le' irue thon It sbanss VmTptoms of dise-ased kifieys certaini that Becrets.ry lain, as the lsad- When se. ured her kidueys wit'- mn o1 the La-bon part&i,,would be ln communication with Jerai Herzog as Dcdd's Kidney Pills the. symptoim, leader a! the olsi Duteli Party, both lte Vauiahed.-.andsedihereu - Lxibon and Ilutchatny beins- desirouo ith reua o ettn -lUi tUFo!BothiL. -Wietherthibs tiam, eventualiy pi-oves. te be truie or neoe-__________ mains to b.e rien, but It le more titan a Ilkely that,- behinsi the drania of ibé tOLD STORC IL eh-lice la-ythe ira-il cf a political intri- OR EBLL guic wbth-si asauIts motive thebm mImr- a-ion 'of Cieneral lBotha- and t ha subai- Quantlty of Provisiora on Rand to -tution o! Genaral Herzog. Apparently Secreiasy Bain was to do the wonhc of Be Beported On. tforcung out**the grovernmeni by a gen- erah trIke a-ad Generai Herzog would A de&pa-teli rom Ottawa &&ay% - 'have the buerevat lits back lu case Generai Botita- triesi ho use force. aemm- The. bill re-pecting colci etorag- tu>sly titat la u isi where tbm caloula-tionwhhere.ty nixa'd th Went wrong. (louerai Botha cailesi outIlih arcn1 niifd h ,the citizen arlun. andilte but s-hor amGov-rr nt will brinc down tie 'Wetl as the Britisht réapondes!ersma- 4iatâeiy. The wbole mebillsatidn o!f thessio, la ncw i» course of prepar. troopu waa. accordins- te reporU now atie'n, afteor he-ing be-en uadei dribblins- Ibnoughi. mont adirbl. Ie-to There was net a- iitcb anywhere. 'Vror 000.8 o o Hon. Martin But- 100.000 men were under armsaad afier i-ci for nome tinie. Genierali the. P--st o! the atrike leaders te- mevemanit eoiiapeed. Thene waq one ap'akilig thi> messura ,will pr<o-s-c- outbrma-k at lie Jagrere!iontein mInes5for a sotrietar inâpec« nadcn where 8.000 .nativen tried te s-et _Oui cfdeo the compouund anad would bhave mue- trol of coud storagapp1nteD and for teedmi but fol' thée nerve oe thtécMan- returna owYiithe xatqUanti- as-ér whe wrItitfort white onm hold Wng, lte natives at ban, avlas- te shoot lu- lies 01 provisons - which fromi tini te them ibrea lime. ortuna-hey. tatirme thuy e nt i. da- trosarriv4s! mut InLuite te sa-ve they cna.Thid&ý enai aWdto -proteot thé publie a a , . oornering o! marliets te und ulyOn Llton lg tbis tale gr Wag frouaa-lan c.pie i.dtisc i Amerîcan caCha-ns-e: "Asitio - n ad riu.iio h ata&rtling tenttmnony before a- Beuata bill are ueo-w' under adv-ieinent. I' comnxittée shows ltow Canadien gevera- mmnt moncy hI-s been1 used te itité will e»ibody the remulta of an in, -Amnican tai-mens ovor the border. with vsiaîaiad nti rnie American rural newopapeas as tRie 4. go-o ae nteprnia betweea. &À Dress associa-tien wlth Aunerican cities by iDiiry Commis. hoadqua-rter-lu Omna-ha. bn the, admis-sonr ucdeira-in ti.cd Mon o et l.prpoident, wa-s gIrting #44,- inr udck egdn te01 000 a near frein the Dominion 4oven- umtýra«o sytem gea>erahIy. ment te fa-unihteho amail cuntry soots_____ ".bolier plate" articles ettias- forth te superiorlty of, Caba-da over'Ibis country a-s a- place for farmoers te mia-k monon. BOTEPE .DL RZN This" ta one o! the rmetieaby which' OHFE ADYFOEN $00,000 Americaam bave been dra-wn ho Canada- wilhiu the past deca-de. À Ca-a-'oung LumberJatik ad Trylng El. a-dia-n officia-I owifs ut' te au annuai a%- ndttureo f, $7ý0.00a- yoar te Induce prec nNrhr itit Mmi.grathon, but thie Americauu autheni- peecafNrterDirt. ies ptothibmfis-une s bii au " 266,000. A msth Tii. ahsvmeful thins- I& that hundred A . et hfrom Kingsan maya Ameonîcan -Publishers ca-n bc found IfwtU Frank Cllas1 ayouag luniber1ack lin teammlithétnuel veantea aforelga doiil woe 1en tan" ve ynadmite that Itpays te whs Lu eininthia eity,wass %retis, at uot etadvmloont brogtVo te Rob iu or, 2f l s recel ved are tRi thoii- tult te RtlD sanu«et m~iua1 et ha-crit¶iy -a- ThiIUyIlOmi. Ha id both filsfed nettedra te their olsi homes adVIs- feel hbey fio-a-n, suid it .s feaur.d lut thoir'-frioonste commeaud eharm thoir ProgP*rity, ' -Vbth sy ina-y haro Vo eho pitt mo* t s« vrte&* ad. ewas working "at »tr Sinon tis'e a-u69t reation nature Ia-- m, buto - unrdz1e oaeul ocae-thé e ëeet ol radium &Oon uded 'fe ,in the innenunost racess"& or ber wexas> north of. North B.ay, and sait eut te unt1l'at las i Polia- woman. -Ma-dame -1 i nt Curie. dincovOrecI t. Science cees net w ktoa tet cmp&t Cahe fullyunimrati-nd or appnmsiate the pos- Ba a distance of 30 miles. Aftanr sibtiîlaof, radum. Scieniste knew ta-t 'th.lanthe monti w&nieriuit o!f &Ul oveSifg atout 24 mil«s ho was inerais yet discoecr04. Then kuow IL@ o beuei¶cial posbilities are preobby ilie-e. omwith Vhe, coi-i-dt à being It>css. But the cosi 1e very great andi about 30 degree bêlow zero, sud tbe scarcity et- radium ina-les expeni-ba!Vdrgim if. ethouI ment.- aimaut fmpoosntbe. " da islasbehcod lu London, -Pai - ad ]Berlin cxpmu'b- fou?- mit fau'tRer te tee-eh tRue mental collages have been enta-blished, stapportesi by the govetummat. wbere ns- neare4b farra. Part o!fVthe way Re dium lu belus-testosi by emîinent minao! ha t-o make on hisRanda . snd science. A practical cindy e! ita uses aud possibilii esle bing ma-dm under kues, and ho suiffeai tenrily. gevOrnmant supervision.Ha-aa-n-adiehmtCch There 1,4 net the neinotest chance forRehdamn rieh tCce te aicliemist te finsi radium. It is tee Bay, a-ad liera hoietarteci on his, caret uliy concoaloi. a-fier te piitb- or home. blonde le coiiecied il aven now requites 3>re monthe for- hIe extraction andI purifiea- J tien o!fithe radium sa-iK ~AU l e b skill o! themomnt expert obamists, aided S80H00L TEACHERS by thm aanîn perfect apparatus* o!f tweuhtit cernlury science, muet bue cx- rted te *%tract a-n almemitaninitesîmai Aise Have Thînga te Leara. amount e!f-radium front a coasidera-ble mon o! ma-tenta-i. - "For inany years 1 ha-e! -soi! cel- But if u-adiurn eau cure-tat imeet ma'- tee a-ad ref useci Vo be èooviaced of lilg-na-ni dinsem. canceor. snd Ih bas pnov- et tuai! rorarka-bly ce-p'a-bie la tis is xm ad effeot upon the. huma-a sys- respeet, a-lu tlïe W6!ld will watoh tIbm YiWte i sources o! production wth sucb Inieraut yi, wrte a veterein school ansi ca-eto tat ra-diumi will becorne au Ia- teacher, (Tea- i- just a-s h-a-rful toi-national ward tunthe. cianconn courtbea.1V onaiscfan,-te Vro sme u îaThs. «ame dx-ug faune! ia cOflee) Tite evoluhion e! eutr industrial sys- "Ten ye'ars a-go Iý wau obli-ged te teom la certain te wotti ut te a- ouen-e deibmwenc-pla -14 l-ber. T tue ir. iup my muoih-loved work in taie 1acoa-IAneg-c lOu-, IAu SU erio ln case lots. P'ork-Sbort cul. 12860, do0.. -menss. 54.80. Hame-Medium t o light, i6 to 16 1-2e; breakfast. bacon, 18 tole c 19eihcks, 22 té 24c. -Lard--- Tierces, 14 1-4e; tubs. 14 1-2o; palle. 14 3-4c. aulmS Na-y"d at rw. Baied iay-No. i at $14.50 te $te a ton on ira-c is;e:No. à quotesi a-i$13 to ïl2.[0. aad mfxmd at$10 te ý$12,50. Balad mra-w-Ca-t lots, 18.50 te $8.75, on Ira-ck. Toronto. Wno1J e-th,r 17 l.--Cait - Wheat- -.88 1-4c; Ne. 2 Northi- e.41-4, No. 3 Nortitemu.'84 1-4ce. 1-;N' , 73e; No, A 6T 1.3; feadsi 1 1-le:-Ne. 1 - reed i seede. sa 1-2... Ne. 2 rejeeted sed.79 1-a-e; Ne. 1 emety1 sa1-se; No. 2 srnulty. fi 1-20- 0 maWiutmr. SI 1-40: No. a ted ÃVlintm. se 1-éq. No a readWin- tor. 94 1-4c. 0ato-No. 2 aih 3e; Ne a C- W. Can-extra No. i1fend. 1-40: No. 1 aed,9a-1-4c-, No. 3 ee s3e. Ilarléy-NO.3,-41c: No. &4, 40 4: te- 5ecte s3-e ' 1.54, a-S. Pax-Ne. I N. W. 4J51.9; -Ne. 3aC.W.,i ý.36 No. No. 2 yeiidw, 710, Qato, Cana-dia-a West-. era. Ne. 2. 42 1-2 le 4W.:- Ca-na-dia-a Wematonî No. a. 42o. Barlen.Mfa-n., f..d. 43 to -609. Barley, ialtItas04 te $dc. nuekwimat, fNo. à gole i1c, lu?', Ma-rn Bprirus-wbeahpatenta, Blrutso. 5.40; de., seConds, $4.90~; mirons- baitors', 1 4.10; ,Witar p a-lents. ehoie $4 l,75 l b,' sra-iti relior@, $4.45 te iÃ4.46- de., bae.- I.05- 32. 15. RoUesI cats, har- a ael-$4.3' 9PoIb. 2'.105. -ran, mouillie, $81 le$32.lia-y,0. 2, pr ton cat ltoa *1.1e-t 1.50-' Cheese. Iducat weetoruîs la,74 -8le,c; uet, easeruus , 8I-ïptelis &.à .Butter, choie- gaie area=inwy. zte 28 1-2e scad.27 te 27 -le. -Cga frest, 36 -a -37c; se- lute, 9-tc è :No. 11 stock 10 te c; No. 2 stoèk, i, 4te 2ie. 0 1atemS. vet bas-. car lots, 59e. Milnes a 1 et i.- ta-may. 51 I-e - sutei; m ,-.e2 83-Se-b4; No, I brd 94-l-iNo. 1 Nortlge Il. 1.8 to 92s-Se: No 2 o4ie2r, -01-8 te No. .1. yellow r.m -4tle icNo<. whité 0.1. fa- te -84 1-lc. - ler. -ta-non patente, $*.45; fis-st cîaraSI 83 .O8 se- oasis caea-tp, 2.5Si. Bran, 52 to 1h,.50,, Daluth , eb, 17.-I4us1d. ash, $111 .4; Ma-y, 81.88 8;Jin.$1.66. -4. Cloes. *beat. No. ihard.S 1-Cc, No. 1 Nertitena,90 1-2ç; Ne. 2 Northt- cru, Si le2C; No. à hard Montaua. 8Site os 1-Cc:1Ma-y. 9e Ji.927- Toronto Fab. 17,»-Ca-tte---Clieice but- checr, 8 te 88.50:;sceod metf1uin, Il 10 $76;common cowc, $4.50 ho Ir0 buicherA' bulle,$45,SOto $l- canner* ansi cutters,1.0t $4 'oim f- cows $4 75 $7, Ca-ves-Goosi veai, h-à o $11; common, $475 ho $55.10. Stockersana-d feederom-teers. 910 te 1 - 060 pounda, $7.40 te 87.76: s-ced uai- lIn. 800- pouidu,1.90 le 87.20: ilis-h ewcs;, $5,50 te 8; heavn, $8 10 ç3,60: bhckse5l let $8 go* ping la-nit, $9 te $9,5 0, but, wltK .7de par tead deductesi f et milI bm bueit hambm.Heno .19 10 19.40 fes anad watermd: 59.40 106 $9. 50 -02cars andi$88.55 f.o.b. Mouhreat, ideb. 17.-SBales e! prime beeves wcre nma-dm st over i i-Cc, a-ad from lia-t iown le 4 1-2o for ttc ponet ots. MlehcieoWe sois at train 840 te $75 ca-ch: valves, bc te 7c; sheet'. about Ce: la-eu..8e ho 8 .i-2c: begu. 9 U-4 te AI)ULTRATI('. 0F FOOD. The, Proportion Preralent, la Cati e a-a le Smali. - A 41ospateli freinOttawa. says:- The. anna report of thie DomInio>n ânalyot, ta-bled o-n Wedbe.tday, a}unwa- thà t food adulte-ration le bUll11 preva-lent lu C&nada,ý aithoughu the -*proportion o! impure tfood le mina-l. 0f '208 nanplîes of lard, two were t oune!'a-dulte-rated -, cf 157 EMiapico! o butter, t-aur adulte-rat- 1 i!; 69 a-amples ut cider, 29 s-dulter-' ated 150 samplea of b-aking pow- de-r, 35 aihlterated; 138 stock feeds, 22 heiow gut.aratiteo; 80 fia&- '.or-ing ext-r-ctt, 40 adnlterate; 280 caî'ice-, 'i45aduilIerateci; wxi 273 roampic-lie lpe sowdso-dl teaat-cd - SUFFERED F111011<011D. AvisilOr Parmeha- Flew Fro;U file- noéva- te Aosts. i h rvince of -Quebec,- With, 173.508, Me compa-red i wth 271.456 a 12-01, when it al-so helci the pre~ nier pogitn. The lowest pi»por- ý'ion is-found inl Britis- Columibia, ;vith 1686à 45, fol>wed by Ontario, ýith 20U.-316 per 1,000; these two -roviae,Éoc>cupieci tse tme -rela- ive porti1ns ain, 1901, ifi.former -a-ving 169.374 an-d t1ÃŽe lattr 203. - '93 per 1,000. The provines which -how a b-tterment ait this a"e are' N;Ova Scot,*a. lNew Brunswick aad luebee. Thegratetf--ingo l qbown by Maniltoba, which, ha- dropp'd trou-n 270 094 *te 248.6'77, rd by Prince E dward Islanci, which has faîka f rom 232,080 V -14.450 per 1,000. - The Western Provincea are -the regions cf young -io~n and womeu, as ies shown by the, arge por cent. cf the. population' >v'tween the ages of 20 and 45. Iti -is an int-'r--sting fa-ct that tdie high- est proportion for- this age pericd. hs Vo te found inl British Columbia, tnd.!thait a-a we corne eastward the 1'rop;ortion artumes a. consta.ntly -lccreasiug figure. The provinces sà howing the larg- n-t Proportion over 70 yea-rs are Prince Edward Ia-nd, Nova Sc- -la, New Brunswick aud Ontario, vrith 52.9, 46.6, 38.1 and. 34.7 te- epectively per 1,000, whil-e thc>ae 3howing the. lowest are Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia~ maried, and r.31 widowied. -Oune ma-a. and à fteea womneni -cof under 14 years are marrieci. Prom- là to -19 ycare 1.20 per' cea-t.-of niales and 6.10 percent. femates are mnirrïed. .Taie inâuience'o! iunrnigration oa the. reaitivè stAiaai'io! Vhe sexes le shown t'y tii.fa-et thati in 911 t-lera were neaniy 13amnte evemry 10<1 womens conmpared ivitii 105 te 100 in .1901. F-ar t-h. population undor 15 yeara of- aÈ. the propor- tioin o!fruales to feniaies le fairly levrl, with t-i. former Iuaving butb a- slight acivanta-ge. ,n thie popula- tio>n betwee-n the, ages et 20 sund 46 th,.. influence lestrniluly -show»,- tIhe aggregate for' tuis priod gir- ing 124 ina-les- te 100 fleus. AM the agé of 70 tie ra-iô of maies0 te female's assumes a-ain- lt-snol'mal pro-portion.- Froni 80 y.ars of age a-ni! pwa-rd the e toai. opuétion_, ex-hibiti;a- greate.r ten-acity Of 1~fe titand hei.males. lar ail Eastern citiex-taie fV-ma-ie population outnumubers the iale lin very xlearly aoorrespondîp-@ly ratio Vo t-h. extent tiat-tliiaiem prepos.- denate ever rfetnslee i»tii.West. liontrea,s the oniy Canadiucity where ,tlu. umb-ers cf mai-es'a", feu.wiaisra in fairly t-rîe..por- tiens. Our London Lattei U 2t tIeai@aumer6kit hos' 'v'y .toa tes cane of royalty. 11'nere te not aulte muct-ia format sun- ring Emou .*»oeu Vair5. tem oï emquette nowaaaym at court as Tho King bals put himbeit ut the head In the day. 0or(lueen -Victoria, but there Of& a ew mbvemnent jor the upUlf t of la an leven maore -mpiattec estre for- cil- - uarcutuallaor' wos porUtIvoic nity. 1f- .f nlere had'led tou 00 ruatf -_- fl igreà Aemarkabla ogD* don te Canada in recent years. - Vie, a mnons-rel terrier. 18credited. . 0Ali who are empioyed on the royal Al.ii JnarNeituus powerç.* Aithouga ine farni ln Norfolk and elaêwhare are flow Ioauite à dutler at the ordlnry pet aasured a minimum waîce 0f.1G shilinTgs dosgy tricks. such as -"»itting no. weekly, plus Ssturday hait-holiday, b«eggtngW or extendinç- a lmp paw, be plus continuity of employrnent, plui' huew îne extraolrditnarY faculty of baing security of tenure of cottagea. This able to *peli the- namnes- fu tireats -andI -meanu a rime varîyng f rom 1 tu 3 shil- do eniall arithînatie ouuml, nuch au< wi- lins Weekly. re -eto d ing1 brclnand' multiplication.- T ho g n al i.by rdcin n Viec belengorfbr. C. -B. Letgh. rent, Indûceld bis tenant. tu offer scenia artiat Bt the~ Nottingham Theatre equai termm te their laberers Royal, and ho declares-thut'te hlm Xlc'n j4.e trIcs ar -inxpliableanduncanny. Oeatu ~~7 ~ lie han owned Vic minice a puppy. andI The romantic ýcareer of- the Coata the -dos- le now nine yearn o ld. Rie ban famtly. thé thread iftlliional-em, bas neyer attemr>ted to tfiain ,hlm ln thé> been runnins- to Ite end wtth the .death sUs-litest degree. ret *Ill 'simple artth- of no fewsr tbs.n Bye members during 1 metic and apellins- Vic never niakeg a laft a large fortune through whtch the swers. Questtonis for any stratxer.' If Blritish -exechequer han been enrIlched by Vic in aaked top add any two figure.q 5io a total of nome $6,000.000. brsth oal oseisay odu -The death of James Coata lunJtarch, 'mme bv barkiîig thle number of jettero. 1012. lef t a'fortune of nearly $10.000.- T ionapeueo n nm)h 000 without any'provielons for It," dis- ]Wl» .h.îî EL P ctueof3rrectly. Tho a =oiton; isix months later Archibald, gaien of, tlie -lunciîî a iaicuitge haeve (0o oasPa"sed away lIdaing a Sn 01o1 difficplties 1for Vie. Ile never* eils neariy 4J.~000000; tiJanuary. 1913. Sir; "elenhanVt Wlth an "f' 3y rain e James Cnats died leavins- neariy 0- namne plate hoe cen epeil the naime *of 1zç 00,0;and in à faw wae et-r .stret.addlnir six barks for "otreet" au M. -loats. a son of Sir James died leav- I oui- or 1"road/v I $1.00.00. VOla i.fond of lookinir thxlougih tpicture - hoe f th- death which wau that Of books andI barks four tlmes if ho thlnks Peter Coats in septemnber la-ut, lot ail- O0118400d. but If bad lia a ierst anphitC. other fortune of $12.000000, m4idng leefaduiation ready. the. totalfortune of the deceaied ov-C? l<3T. Leitb naye h, ran 51. e x- 140,000,000. None ofthtRe Coats loft IlY, planation of the oiêt-rlny thini t t ehaîritv. but durini their 11f e-.; time they hIxasIbeen senerous xt%,erai. London. -e.6 i4 Wsr OUi. m ksmtb.£6. 1D14.r The War Office, like nmre other Brt-> lib Intitutions. han at lu-t realized the i 11 I nm s iim aavaniage of newspaper Pubicity. 0 1 i~M lE nl LII course. there hau aiwaYs beau a4vertiUe- IIgU I lfV~fL VI Ini of a sort ln connection wlth our n- ,%al andI miiitary forces, but It han been GIN P!LLB co~El ?NLTOUEND badiy done. 014 fashioned colored -ic- tures depitini the'"delighta oft mltary Mîr. B. C.- DaVId, Of. CorrîWallle, N.8., life have been huns- outaide prisions, re.- ays. -.About a yeur aso. i wax suffering cruitlng quartera and the lilia. Im Pou- B nu80 wt ible, obuolete pictures, whose lifelike- îuhwti a dreadfui Lame Bac- nosIf they ever had nny,-;havlns- ions- and, lipea, that I -could flot stand up since vantnlîed. strats-ht. I wac Infornîed by n friendI But ail this la te be altered andi the about GIN PILLS. I rot a boir. it -t least progressive of the Goveiimnt. helped me linxediatcly. - 1 have lton -n departments bas. to the a-mazernent of about tWelve boxes auit the pains ,lI the public. made a notable eten forward. MxY bacl and bJpu are al; ont. 1 cen" The front*rao-e of tho.Dely Mail the not à pmak tOo h11911-of-e your GIN other day bore tInterestinil testtmony' tù PILL8.11 Sec a Box,.ô -for $2. 60. thcm- the fa-ct tbat the War Office te no long- p le free If you -M'rite Nà tional I)rugc&- or living In-the 'a-st wIth the Ideas-o! hioIcal CO. Olt Caîîada, Ltruîlt-a, Tu- a prehimiorie as-e. Ils pvlan of 'asvertis- rente. . - inir tbe attractlons and conditionu Of service In the Bitishx ai-myle a new de-,I parture for whlcb ci-erythins- ean bhIa said.FO 10LU .t Ttuly It le a novcly and It wIll beha DROS1 USRA Intereotins- to know w-bat the vine. retir-= cd colonela, colonels who do not love Bakerica Ralded i tl'lireail Distril. noveitIes. wIll thinkof ItL But. atteî- ail. the advertiolement dues not a-durs-s bUted to the Uungry. - iteel! to scolonel« retired: It et al Plos-le menofo!n-od cbaracter ewii Adpaht -1 Ln uI>iy 18 andi 26 nears a! a-gsi" that t.e a.rmv - h o i&Lodn a offers ."goosi war-e.s, ood food and j Mail f rei Viennei~ay- that fodc unicue opportunities for eportn anti i-lots; gro-iing out of laok 0cf cm- s-amas.1 In addition to the pas-e an'rose- ployliment liave brokenoîît in1 Onu- inentm ln the iewoçpoeroc the War 0f- fiie i l leuini- an attraitive litîs bIock CWa.Tiie unell ployed ;iullewbbý-ri callil 'I"The Àrmv andi Wbat IhOffer.. î-aide-d bakeries' antid ýistribuved Toast Offioler of Zigixi -Mriwae. bread to thie hu-ngry on W'eklnemda- 8fr Georxe WombWeil, thée la-ut tur-Y vivins- officor -n the chargem of the IVAs-ht - and afteruvards lield a demon8tra-. Bigsade at 1laiaclmva. wha died OCt. 16, tien in front ofet rn11{a, o aned 80, left estate o! the s-ros value o!fIOTWi O 1R27,155. I Thuroday . mon cf the balte shops The testator lefi thp caddie iVldie ee loed u c-uci i,-cn pistole and haleter- fûirmnivbly g à wr lwd u rwd l'ae tu Jelin, tord Belaersse 0f Woriabyt an a-nd l-ooted themn. Fighting bet-ween- bv tradition uned b.y Oliver Croniwell.' the -tter a-icl the police as i the tatoemlry. statuary. three Chippen- ausume dalle looking gslasses, certain furniture. serispo>(rios fl o the 1114$,and bocks ln bis libary. îwe u poorins 1ii -rre4a- water-colors o! Yorkighlre scenes andi poUdent inys Sîrnilar troubles are the i'nuconbera plate to devolve as beir- reported train Stanialau. bne. Ille iirectos thai lits romains onnîld , be buriesi a-t C->xwold wtbout a ieatieu coffin and tha-t ne htearse Ior conciVosi i4hnuisibe usai t nithiefunerpi. bis lxbudy -l'O EPREtMENT 'FriiuKING. beinor borne by tenants or laborerts on- hie esta-te. . P. Lttlulo-Xemory Amaziii. South AfrieRas would Wek'ome Thle death-of C. P. Little deprivee the Prinîce Arthur -et Connaught. .ournalis;Ic worid of lis -ooelmry report- or" lniieesç-.gr -cA lespat i .fi 'n-o a.ye 1.uttle- hewan caiea aamonis hIe feiiowe> kt -ivafi famous ln hie ci-att for hie ro- BJoenf>tein <Xlrrpne- c'h niarkable mp.mfory, fol' ujames, TOU ljjj Mail ra-u ue oiini wouid-seo bhitfor Instance. sitttuir ln .. ý1ts leel ini ona o! the coveteci chairs on the rno.4 gain ing grotînci hat it isIs igh.y de- exclusive lawn Ili the world nh Cowes.- - . apparentiy not "takins- partieular notice" sîî-able that tlue Kîng alicuilc ho rc- as the>' sar, but ail the came nmeiorIzi- pflsep-*a.c ir Soutl - Africa ;by a ni naines wth sreat-accuu-acyv. t This faculîn te nuite essential ta the mernber of i'-'iom]Ho-use, as i soclety reporter, Who bas te do hie werk hes fCacî-I P-îoAr -- wtthout'-a notobok. To show a- nota-th a ofCicl.Irio- - bookt In the Royal Yacht 13qua-dron ithur cf Conna-ughit atitoud be np- clubhouse would 1bc fatal. Society re- -iti a t porters muet not be known as Journal- ptmînted Vce i. -if4,i J2ai;. Alwayx a emal and oppcel1zr- îj-ad u take a strog appeà ' k' thte clams, eociety ,-erOterm are fs'we-i tha"î cvii- since It. besua-une nmno- o r a -~-~ n- îîî-îlioît eh ae îd _ bitieus ptniç usIn -susloety ti- enî,lot**ý' ist.îîd ho a.grea.t serviet-e i-,tlle "*social set*r-eti-sisq." 'r ez m'ons are' usquxlly wonîen, and lai-re tnjg>ted to iee) linptî-ia.lniti.. thie neweî,arioi-e Inforînei thte doînge___________________ - of-their employons.- Th Qaena Xk te sadrsofaTudy." plan comxuany. fe obluse-gi have eun B "lunderstudyle one -who te.: o! courseTeQ.n etesaso!aT a- L pereonage o! some importance. to repu-o- sent lier a-t social affaire whi-lis ste cannot pemuotially attend. Theooie " mi aporlary relief.' If i -of rheira-tlism on cnyri yusl your tlocd nleii- a y in this way ca-n rheuma-ti.tiui hi- stxa. Dr. Williau ive cuîred- morec lieni thaix any ct-ha aaseinia-, jumt-t becs nflimaÃŽ.g5in - Oti CaI5 55De w 'hqp your bcloM ha impure, the toýrsé begin cunsng y-aur i-ieamal t-" with TIr. is P Tic fellowiag a-no thier tiuas cf-,one ecf theýmamy th fflada -c cres ttc t-he credit o-f1 beaita-i gîrng piedicine: ' - Mr. Jeremicý Nadou,,-St. Jenti - a !U-- few years ag -- wa-s seizecd wfti a severe a-ta-e' nh,îîma-tîsm Thue pains ini my 1e amIe ýa-ne! legs - were terrible. trCUtC9k with aavera-7 doctors, -thcy did not halp me., a-ad a8 -- weut on liwas uniabiote work, ,-a-n ta tRini taet I-wùuld b - crpple- ton lita. Wle W ~-this ing condition: afrieni! who been cureci of rheuîmatiem -, by »e ocf lDr. Williama-' Pink Pille 'vieed me , o try this, remedcy, a gE;V a auippiy -of thePIS. I tak-linthlicPills for several 'w4 Wfc-- a-ny, impro<r'.Oneià t was tueed. but once aigus 0o f r!ief de thle imprcývémnut f rom thnt tiai ný" apidkanc iDlcy-fuiuly c<ntin takin-g the rFîî-s Un-tii everY Ve etf the trouble dîs-appa-areci. No <but. a sîimUlir sufferer can im the 'gratitude 1 -feel, for thus«ýr fromn pain, e.nd becatsel have --en1oéycd-pereot Iiltih I aurgmtd m-eclicine a ra.- Von can ge r.,t'I Wilieis'i 1 Pils f rom a-ny Medicine deetl by -à e t 50 Ceà uVsa boxtoe boxes f-ar 82.50fren The Dr. - a-ms' Medicino Co., BroAk À Modern TortoLie. IClile5a purChze, thie iorse - -Hnday aften'.îo«On dia- fe -ing m-orning ha -s et out, in a--sta -- gre-at indignation, tW >the'houS taie'vendor-n t-hrifty Sceit- "And. te think that vcu toid 'tae ie hrs-ae- won liail a--c mat1ce a8ainzt 0eieO! tue. hioraeun'thie county. Oh, -sh -on yýou--shauie !" The * fa-r; Sobcetra-ilaeff.£Jnto somethiaj a-sba -he conchidaif hie- angry triib;e.-'ut- S&ndyremaiued un tu rbed. "Ani -oho -mou," wa 'Bn-t he caui't even trot a mi - iglît mîiuîte-s,'bplutteret!. thé - And wlv, sa-id -hçý could 7"m Sauidy. - It wa--ha- pieug matches t-bat leho Vooksazprz No Resembllaucf. N 4 1, .At a -chuirch faitr eceuitiyv ieinn-Iooklirug, ele.l -ge ilt remanked tlu a- voulag mraxi:n. attend a ehu-rcéhf-iirelike thipi out ýt-hiinkllg -sef t1he monley tirýh iu the. ternple.'" "I 11don't ýee -!ithesen sgir," - repflici the youi-nig "iThere's ucnotieS- c;1un'îlgxuî,g wahaftir Yotu1 give 'emheiu' i Mlna-rd's Lin ment. curas Dimiem n. m- r DROP PEUD * Skin -Beueath LUfeless, - Fi Painful. Sleepless Nïghts, --Cuticura Sonp and Cuticu'r: Ment. - Complaifit Gone. lime as-o nsy ÃŽins-e&naC-e i.txno_ d- ise râflilt sa-a belb' td ef Iad pal ,J'be nalsihcxeo "M wrebrIt tif. a te skIa Ixeuath bei-la-hireloubieIî Rnabrare 'ss-ecxeeely painfixi -1 .loepeem nshta.- I as trei-tesI ft - - Ilrme montl:-çandîsi l e -lsgtew a- - aâvy (rom Ihe-liceb o! the -nà rem ki ticarsbed a great dem otf 0 1S4at' a-nd initment 1 seat--for a- s -bot-h: ntuuhi ié o êfirlcaifi- wasling suy tisSu wel ititta ie0 snU.'l r a-hod thea Cu,îckra Oint. N Pet Muicitles teaom oeail do il udsrowi rosi ana ]thea m troulehle sfor using lui '-ý.neil iad gr - - i - ------ - ---j:-- -Xi- --'- 't No qpa-mnih overAigu han s-et '.istffl taI greet r"i'tre ltai Spai<iscoventai '«Thle t-hue, however, Mny fie-nd a-nd c-nquen'i-ianud hebor onover lbreeindutePtnm accrng o cent xnie--the nsimsant o! wblch, luinaeteIoun Srigb fa-c-. mttf 4 uiC ont loge uxtti 1898. Butt directionj- on t-he pa.cke.e-y and! it abiove .111 4yoilà bi-r pliticai posseaLWc 8101Nu,1 th -i sl jineof! SualIditen ha-a n olme-..Soon I fo-und nuy'self in-. bec-u 1iui]t aoii, rci empire far more pu-ving In -a uMot decided tarshion. vahuaffl- us %niuem ans moasuxed i tihe 'e "i.oo fbilnecfe modem 'i nyt a-ui n s regards bothhvrac.- Te o o'bln offcn tical and oseutinental ntlva-ntageix. Spa-nla km r -teMp nie. 1 arn -o gel te stiti a- naine te conjure wllh Ii Siouth r-.m ge'v aunt <2nîAl 'nerlce.. If l"e-duia-dq suc- - hefltted by Pos-tum tha-t if 1 -easortiliulnsi limer ti1he teat lu vlieil>tinuetjÎïfie a ivv 1 t-ho atuci-it oniinliit iliivere onlce 10t0ilrv i r ..,iI tho ui'r-oi ttc- worisl. ncler-n Sp-u.n begin to thlik I have founci tho ailorlut ms-titi11 a new glti-rdon lI the F Nov Wox-hd isd'teko In peaucoful tu-a-de iutain of Perpetuiai Ydu-t-hTliie fai nrea reà snre than ber galleonn ileo ney c'latter but at-ubboru bore homeo o ad acros ma he Sanit tc- hchIangai i-k MaIn. - .fca -ihIa la o.mk .Greati Bnita-in andi Germa-ny are fuly lnov.l aliv. te the s-test commercial 0ootuni- lies lta-t a-etS 10be openes upt' wthIe Naine giron by. Canadl-an Pos-tum, coimpletton o! thé Panama- Ca-na-i There Cc ,Whndsor, Ont. Write fou' a- Iu ne reason witn Spa-lu. -the moteibr country e! ailt tese beuliful.la-nds thal eopy -of "Tii he ad ticWellvile." lie soutof thie Rie Grande. stould net otmn c e itwfra a-mo hta-nein lte profitesaad newards O!f Reg, cresl tcfoas their pea4e! n1 exploitation. A greaahr -oular Postun» - nxu&t te wel Sp&-tu tua-n Sun a-lu aever been mis-ht well core neta-is own foliowing sn4chbobileci. a voyagre aus Aifouso XlIi. ls reportes! te Icitant Posturn - in- a soluible bave fil inisi -powder. A tbaqxponful dissolve <'But is-te-n a.me-men, Metilda.. quickly iu.&a cup of lbot wattr and, ,Don't you rthink a- goot!hneband wi.li cremsu îgamae nu ght to, ti-I hie wife of li-r fa-ults 1,"jd-eouio'bversge fiîstant1y. -G-- "Ti<masa, ' goo.dhuebane! doeen'* censs oll boti ki-nds, ü-ink hui wife haany fa-lta." - 'T1ere sitaô" for Pectum,