~~~~~n168 ýoorCtilschina, kmiro Silveérware you. will find ul tbe.m onth'e birtbstone. It indicates courage and ýtruth- fuinoas, and should be woro te a' emblem. by ail born in the msonth of, March. Bloodetone rings, liand- noullirgotteo up for effiher N4OTICE TO'THE PUBL[(,,. W. vlUh to aimouce tuat wc avé iscreused -our Dairy' business, enabl- lag un tb douter promptly ordersifor puremilli antd ceam <guà ranté,)d>. DEN'S 8DÂIRY. Pe ad« Chestnut Sta. pCA. box The"Caadin Currr" '! ast ýweek, containa an' article on the Women'a Institutes of the Duminiou% and amýong other pictures publied fi(m of c Miss M.V. Powell, of thts towu, whoso wolk lu orgaulzzing Wo- Ment1' natitutest 1n the Maritime Provinces laet fal iras mentioned in tlspaper uat thaitth-me. nissPow- ell iras choses from amon3 a large. nuiober to carry out tle sPioneer- A35IZE5 NUIT WUEKO Tlhe 5prdug Assizes open ut tihe Court Hose it week; and thé Gambie case mll agalu be heard of. It wili be remernbered that the jury disagreed laot li, !and Stead M. &amble was allowed ]out on bail a- gala. Théecase nexi, week- wmll be in- teresting, especially as it mail be another attempt by the. Crown te idx the guilt of the; crime ou Gamble. Nee.enr :at.We have them, u will be "pleased, to plaçe qui wfth* you On trial. k - will par YOIu, to cail mad sec iun Toi ,kRow the SINGER: has reputation of its own. Geo. 1. Wilson Photographer Whitby concera in' aldlng, farmn - sto> lseaper mioney. Ib soems Mr. iould, who lias beçorne a distlngushed resi dent of Boston, Massl.,,and Ila nowm work- tng on a plan .te secuure.,,or farmers and, woriugmemi money Ilet reason- long talk wlth Mr. carneg c, theil latter, 'aya, g0f t hlm alngsoo f ar, that ho has offered toasls$, for,- as the great'lurary'giver says-"I am oppoae to uruýry aid always have brou." But I5f Ithe. boon of.,peuce tuat Mr. Carnegle Il M0tjy stilvlng for -nom. Ho believes that -universal péaeswauid h. tthe greaà tet b1eaégot that cculd boV bestowed upon te 6aic htlduoiryet i uan-ll ties--faxmiung, The Baraca Clu4b of tho Daptilst Ch.urch beld a socalIn the sebool- roorn on 'Wednosday*, Theoevening mas apeut lu games, etc. REMOVAL 0F BUSINESS. P. J. Sullvan lis removed bis tinsmithlng business to the Smith Bllock, Broclc Street, miiere ho wilI b.e pleased ta receive orders. OWKE.-At 'Glad awa. an i,ýThuredi sioit villa, OBI ,y, March 51 .1911 te M~r. and lira;P. L.Fwle a * MARRIÂGES., SONLEY-SONLMEY- On Wcdneeday, M'arch 11','1014, at -the manse, ' s Ordo st, ,tbyc th, ROY. Jas. ur- .ray,. ItrÈ. Eli2tab)eth Séuiey, 87r, Crawford st., Toronto, to AI! red Souley, Whltby, Ont. DUfILnvi VAt l1>orne,,' Ontario, on ;5m4*70 rMarÇi a, 19à JOli e. Dudley, inu 1dmà 7Ii eaxr. Mrt. sud Ms.' Gea. ïWaltjers, of T6ronto, apett fhe eked wt 1fr.. Geo. Southireil. YOU Can't Earn Money WJien You're Laid Up.i There are a lot of people in thuisM bown who- cannot afford to4bé iek. Pcrhaps noue of you feel tS.at you cas, but certainly smre -of you mant, for as soon as you are sick your. Iwigsuto., à M Aworry anid debta b&s butbermilk, etc., at the home e! E. Mijority for Whitbv 19. vr much interestod in agriculture,,I WANTED. W-'. vane, on Pnida,', Mardi 20, aI . if the statements, contained tun S-he I 7.80 o'clook. Admission 15 cents. NO CHANGE lIAS BEE-.N NMADE,. lieuchg article of the Countrv Ie- Ym Vior lbin rid A capable maid for genenal houee- -4-The !ollowinS letton bam been ne- tleman arp Sa he believed. That ,hliewor n. smlfora l Nouenga COMING. ceivod hi' Princip-il W. L.. Elvidge -(s Shoneyughly melI iu!ormed about *l &f&l cbildesnd voifrabg e buer nea i P. ME. Là re, Opt. D., 150 Venge 1fraun !îspector IHutchison.: farmîug ini the great republia o! utonrchssud illae.Peranent pe a Gl,, Toronto's able optîcian, aS A. Reports lu msny o!, aur riemîpa- Whlcb lie lase oenthusiastic a citizen, Phone 94., WHITSY G-stt n d or suta le ron.Aly n W i 'U. muai drug store, Whitby, Tues-'pe h ave gîven the Impression that but taxho keepaan eye on Canada'h an Craice fieW with$ large9 Morec WhltbY IOUmIlWitbY.roma Btou Road meut? u5vn p ii M farm, and han. declded ta halda grat dispersion sale on Tuemlay, liaxch Sint. Mr. Caruthers has 'aFe E. LUKE, large l18t 'fs tock and lMplcmmts, ,,ed the fsale Vmlii ho one t.0 ioteo geat cf the ycar. s i- 19Tge5 EX CURSIQN5s '1ro MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Bach TuusdayMarch 3 to October 27, lncIulive. Wln n 1pe 9a:nd Return - $35 00 EdmontOzu-nd Return - 43.00 Prom Troato, mad Stations West end North of Toronto. Proportionate for«, front Stations East of Tôronlo. Reture Limidt two monthe. REDUCED SETTLERS'FARES (ONU.WAY SECONb CLASS>j ]EACH TUESDAY. MARCEL AND APRIL Scttlers travelling w1tlî livé stock tint! effets shOuid tale, SETTLERS' SPECIAL rRiN which luceraWcrt Toronto eaçh dunlng MARCH u PI vlrei4ular 10.20 p.m. train fromn Toronto Union Station. I Scttlers andl familles witllout live Stock % horid se REGULAR TRAINS, icsing IToronto 10.20 pin. DAILY. Through Ce.Inniet and Tourist Siecipers. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and WVest. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS.. No charge for Berthe. Parefrîîlars f ront Canadiin Pacifie Agents or' write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. IUARANTEED ADVANTAGE$I - The advantages guaranteed to its policybolders, mian for man, tbrougboui Its entire business by The Equity Life Assiurance Company are mucli greater for the premniumas paid -titan they are iu any othcr Company doing bu&iness in Canada. This la stated as a fuet which cannot be sUCcess!ully disputed. ExAMPLE-At sge o! twenty-three next -birthday The Equity Life charges $4320 for $2,000-.0 insurunce on the jTwenty Payrnent Life Plan with eveey-. thing definitely guaranteed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exactly the samne amount sud similar terms for a Twenty-,five Paymont Life Policy., At the end of twenty years the Equity poliey 'uly puid or and has a Cash va ue af ~898 oo, while the usual cash value for the other poliey ut the same trne is $720. The nisu Who 8tudies hi. owo Inîtereste wlI patronize 1h.e quity 1.1!- Aâsîrauce Conîpany wiil e .wsnta 1 ife lsurance. L. W. DUDLEY, H. SU TIIIRLANIi, Agelît, Preaildent & Ouenal .ilanager IWhîtby. Ont. Toronto. ladies or'gentlemen. rangang wrlli be hourd. - - AnM TO RENT. gin 50 pile up. The sensible thiug I fôi> £40 o ù0..-4- - o -- -- -- - 100 acres, moth à hail' of lot 14ô. 11, ft or auto do, ailsmon aà von 461 A AMeeti g of the Wonen's mnati- the Entrauce Examikation hbs lef Broken Front, Fickerring. Good build- riu-dowu and moru out, 210o Vil viibe hall ithé Towft[[al droppèd, und that Pnirunce to the.11i 9 tone 8 tà bM. ÀAPplY to Albrt iiter What the CAusl l tlcêà om Tuesday a! ternoon, March l7th, Hil n otnainSb olslatRichardsn, -whit6y P.O.-88. sometliug just as quick As you can at 8 p.mn. A paper miii b. given on depend ulpon a Principui's certificat.te buii p strengbh and heaith. Sig. Patrick, and «,,table demonstra-~ This i tth case. For reaesons 1A, rngo bMuke- youruelf more comfortabie and tdoa for l7th March i.mmeso t cr vdu nogit i h od m y Wliltby people b provide agaiinit seriaus sickness. Plekrigbraneh.ndTrepmbres otht v a reedet ecanohto l ethuserved ivf h. lutereat thie eclipse of We %don't belleve Shere l0 any other Picerng raditin rereentties roose sste, ap'otbe ntodu-'the meon laRtt ulght. A PueÃ"MMmedmicîne made th tw4lldo as mucA d other branches miii ho present and cd very mldeiy lun the tomns aud of nature such as this neyer loses t. oad aigyu elhadtu cas150 mth the program. Ail mcm- counties for some tîrno tlit ai *Interest. htomardusavgyur mhealth 0 d thu Meso h n GueareBoss d t raebenncteladso tidedby the PEn-j - ail Olive 011 EmullsiOn. It is a med- proient. Ms ..R5 President; tac orso h Inspectorate o! cn htgt igtA h rul MsP.Buteman, Socretary. South Ontario that the Entrance1 Personia] MentionIciehagtsrgtutt.tobl Examination wiIl be held as usual and reieveu It b,' tonlang the nLervi HOUS TOREN. tia yar.Mrs Alx. ruce o!Toruto ~ enrichiug 5h. biood, and giving nem HOUS TOREN: tis ear Mr. Alx. ruc, o Toont, sentstrengtii and beailith t te W11010 Dr. [Tare bas recently puircha-tad Wili YOU kiftdlY aeCePt this notice, the Week-end with Miss Evanis. - body. it doenu't do this by meass the Hoiden or Doverelli property <on and sec that the studeuts coucerned Mns. Arthur Howard has returned o lchlor lit-omn dus [lundis St. Thore are ýflno outhu%îd- aie le! t under fano igundenstau'ding. after spending a- week with ber o!aeitcoliol 1s norn drugea, - ings, gardon, etc., in canuection w.t;h I aml, Youra aîincerely, .daughter in Belleville. casei votin noeits dhealth Ahe property'. The presen cri A ITCiSN iss isy .Joîtes, o! TarantO, ha. and strength.gvnpoe auet expupats to.baveIInTa feSwNckMseekapnutre hclh.~Olive 011 and Hypophosphites, Anyc o e na ents a p ee Sety. Eutrance Boards been et her home:, here for the past lopur endorsed by suecessful physie Oa reasonablo terms sliould apply g Mr. V. M. Smith' agent at te s h u o t odvle h Haro a the ou.HORSE BlA DLY IN.JUIIED. ï- ~f~ f the other for Its tonic val Ilere, for g.tSna vnigM.Fe the first time, thoy are cmblned, y 1D IIIIa TABERoiCLE. Rà w:'s driver sustained a seftous ipaistAle ordnd Miss Ci. Cassa- und the resuit is a realZneve, biood "Eclipsie," "Jowcl,"P"Fayor-TETA RAC . injur,' returuing home frprn churcli dy of Part Perry, bave bec Istad body-building medicîne-a real " ud"Ladr"ar te I Sunday, March 15. tWib.Wemanga hotîgwhMn ndM joj strengthener that me are praud to fole i' yt u arservices woil be andued -turn &round the corner of Centre St. Mr. and Mrs. Crag, of! jnt, tel] yu about. You dont ned to fou 1adi~machines on thie b b atrbtim gadee nato Dundas St., the horse stepped %pntthe week-end, mith the atter' 1desn'ate do ani m e s t ifii u market to-day. Tliese nma- ~O . Into A. haie made for 1the carryins, off; parents, Mr. and -Mis. Gen. B'\i i hdestuted l sigAt eaueif itn MornLing service 11Il c. Suojoct Of surfuce mater. The animal ma s WmRho daiset satisfy yau in every may, lb mii chines, along with hundreda -"Lave and Hatred.i" thrown on ail fours, and "almout Rb W osonhaeru nd Meiss' aftry~.es o ohn. f1 os' a eft he la'teat records, Alwaym _Evelng service 7 o'clock. Subject turoe aahcump oomral. Rbo ertu Suree fer vieou strong and Wmol ugain, corne 'The Word ta Ftotrnal." 1 o cmltesmr-ut The îtiug ut various points for somo - road St ygur moucy. It i mii 00dMgea ohsrie..Àgouge out of a front log und put a M.Bodh!ooeicha en glron to you wlthout word or hearty melconne to ail. -deep cut, into the foot of the saine vis'.lng her of s er Mr a. e eMen question, -Sold only at the more * 8. ~.And OrgAniled Classes at f leg. The hors. mus sa budly hurt Leun, mith mhom ah. returned, a! dtha ,0 euistrs nrut BA S T S P.rn. that it mas with difiiculty ho got'the latter hIl bo vstigff towu onlv by us. $1. A. H. Allin, Jewle . . home, aud lhe ha nt been able So makd u eeOtai stnor.sixdruggist, Whitby. sud ptîcan 3APTST HURC. Aeave bis stuil since. Mr. BerS Smith, of Moase Jaw, - HIB Sunday, Murch 15. .. formerly o! Whitby, was lu town thisi SALE REGISTER. WHTB ericay-S usuoandBil.Case RIS11 CANADIAN BANQt-'I'. -1week loolcng up.old frieuda. Mr. ______________________ t 10 o'clock. ,On Tuesday evening next, lu the' Smith ha.4 jus't returned from atrp j Monday, March 1.-A uction sale _ Moruing service il o'clock. Short diuiug hall o! the Windsor Ilotel! ta Eugiand, wiree h as been in o! farm stock and impienwnts,prop-! Wv. C. T . .. f sermon for tihe ohildreu. Subjt Whitby, the ahove association wilil the lutersa-of the real estate firm et !teett ltelt hs "AIiamond anud a Plece o! Coa." hi t it nuibnut hr !wihh 5anebr J. Wilson, lot 30, con. 7, Whithy Tp. Sermon subject-"The te st a! and -will lie thnee toasts an the progranij Sale aS anc o'clack sharp. Wm. WILL NOT HAVE BO0ZUERS. hum ta obtain future greatuesa." -that to "The King;" " (Canada and L aw, auctioneer. One hundrcd and twenty-six men Evening service 7 o'élock. Subject ber Irish Citizens," ta bo praposed T estr e ftvav arh1.-ra ce employed on a division o! the 1>-tVa-j -"The Crpution. as au expression of by Nia Honor .ludge NMcGillivray and A K g: 'usaMae 7-ret cei burg and- Lake Erie nailroud have EGod'a mili." iesponded to, by Mn.Il. 1B. Monphy, auctione sal r e a a ofsto nig bocu discharged on account of drn- A ouotae bigt M..freth i o d2 lh jae n ude edo odai mekrg h ain-Ad fui s rvic e, dscat, a licithp- A* o eth,"Ieadand te I I nals, also all the larm implements, lag. ýSomo ek g h aloa u evcgo singing, and a day we Celebrate." propased by R ev. hei stthig do is te Cor- hay, grain, roots, etc., the property. efficiais servod notice that al cm- hearty wv.Iconîe await any and ai, Father M1an, and %responded tobhy TefrttigOof J1as. lEndeÊil lo23cn.61 ployeca muatceuse drnkiug at once, who wish to worship with ur,. Mn. A. E. Donovai, 1M.1P. 11. for reet the minor ailmentsceaused 1 ickeihiI Sl ot 23. con. 6 o pano! dismissal. Inuftie meau- 13I rockville. If tÀme permits it la ci- by defective or irregular action Pcein Tp Saet1.0. Wm Mime pnivatie dtectives have heen in- BIIOKE U-TS COLLARIIONE. pected that short speeches wiIl be of the organs baf digestion and TMday Ma rc 7uctioneeale -mtgfnwihrsle in the That's wlîat happenecl ta Mn. TG md by Mr. Wnî. Smith, M.P., Mr.n into. A rTucs r- ffmstok, Mandh 17.-Auctnsalte dischurges. montiouod. These empioy-i Coîwiîîo Stray stTe W .E.N. Sinclair, M.l.P., and others.eiiain Atrte or- o amsok n mlmns h n Sturaylas. he c-Thene milI be solos !)y several prom1 gans have been put in good propenty cf James Moore, forth O! esa Include men Who have grown old ,cident occunred sonîcwlîcre between inent vocaltsts, and instrumental mu- working order by timnely use of Whitby townu. Sale at one o'cloekl An the service unot employees in the Whthy and Montreal. Mn. ('olwill hr.Js lshp utoer positions o! engiuFvnrs, firemen, cou- mus an bas way to ithe hig city with si b 'avrlys rcetr.Fry gin e for the purpose o! looking out. ductorsanad brakesm-en. 15 s said a -hpef a! cattle. At sonme point present appearancea this annual Irish W A Mnh1.Getds that. betmeen three hundned and four the an boe'Cw pee. Te(anadian social gathpring will ho B E C R ednesday, Mrh1.Getds hunrç me ae h dschngd frtuhenrapicatoein to the emngeyahove the average li iterest and en- pension sale o! high grade shanthan .te ýsaune reasonc--Clean Polities. îî " hc îr ',îvî gn te .oyment. The executiie commîttee nl ate oss hebgipe end o! thew cub oosewh snciolenche wauts it ta be widely known that PI Smeute, grain, roots, etc., the prop- that his ight shoulder bla de was lte publie are corliall.v i nvited t fltSl ifMy UeM1IoWPI) Wtby. Sroale uo.lt 2.30 on.c frcue,.-eddtn elz t the banqet. While invitations have (ILisIusiyelhhot f rxî rslt2.cn fractred. ic di! tîn realze aSthe hen sent ott opeo ude better digestion resuits, sud thon sharp. W-m. Mum, auctioneer. t ime that it Itas broken, and 1iWt --'-1 i lt naîcantl ofhat hos ed fod elyaonshs d Tusdy ach 1-Cet u 0 oS bil ho returnrid home Tiesday ILPep,,if-i otmat , ths trengthens the' body.e The firet TusaMrh .Ceiie..c $ Locali îappmedical o diSt ndt t one onitd vge ief udsoude îep :n sale o! farun stock ::doImpoe- mesâ attention. sadta hyaentivtd v quieter nenves, anid improvcd action monts, the praperty o!f red C. DEATU OF -.J. G. DIJ1D L E Y. MTay ho, la hercby extruded an Imvi- by an ocas orus arBe èaaued Lyie, lt 26, coue , one oile orh The Irish Canadian banquet ut theo There died in (Coiborne on Sundav, fation ta ho prc'sent. Pilla. They give universai satisfac- Sharp. Jas. Bishap, auctieucer. ,Wndsor on March 17 will be wontb Mac , on0.Ddey nhi 8 tion sud ini safety, surgnese and ,Saturday, Manch 21.-Auction sale Manh , Joh G Ddle, u i. 55 MH for speciai cheap colonisttick- quickness of action Beechamn'a Pilla à ; houaehoid funiture, the property 9 euin.year, fathen o! Mn., Levi Dudley,, o!ft oAbna ..adChfri,- tM.Jh .GlAhitet -'4-- Ibis town. Mn. Dudley. habeen iigdgig !no-Abetam M.an arcb if *itbf yr. JSale . aSe, 'çlock. Wm. HURRICANE BUSINESS. a short tme, and bis sans wene cal- nil l5thinclusre. i arc h tto Ap- 111 tMamSc tone r.c. m Par'Metul Rooflng or Ready Roof- cd home a couple o! meeksaugo. lie rl1tinusvAs Homeseek- aactoer lo ot E.M IE ale n emdt ai-teghors' tickets So Western Canada,-each 110V uii ac ..Acinsl fi o 0GO.M IC.rlle ndseedt ai tentiTuesday tilt Octoben 27th, via - ail KITdJEuà ensdy arh2.-ut'nsl Yo r nitdt h rfhCn-tor aim e utat wmoe e his'çndi-routes. Alsuoue-way tickets to B.ld evamwhero. hbxsh5 st. lold furniture, the property o! Robt. 'la ar lvitd e te nls Cs- ten gan bcae mre.scias, udManitoba, Saskatchewani and Alber- The direco tioDvit ot1,co.5«PYei.Sl allas banuet 4t the Windsor neomS-the Iamily mere agaîn suffnmoned. He ta. Sec or write Stephienson, oppo- hmIreveWYvhu.Dvtlt14 o.5 ikrn.Sl Tuesday . evenlng-lf you'reofo the lassed away on Suriday. The f uner- st tnad Bn- hty o toeocoksap m Mw maepr" f.aI took place on Wednesduy, at tSmo those sud ail reqilred tickets, local 'aMac 2.-ution sale o'clock, aud interment took place in hurada, , o 6-Acinsl PLe, G.. A. aud Mrs. MicLea n Coîborne o n .iiii Ç Th fam or foroigu, aue-way, round trip- or of household furulture, the property tsttà lmed about fort,' frieids (rom l,' lias the deepegt sympathy ef the prepaid, to ci ro anywbore, Climap AormfliÃŽ9~i e Croxaîl Bres., lot 22,, con. 7, *e Broohlia Baptiot Churci on Fnl- communlty lu thein bereavemn e ikets to England, Irelaud, Scot-, o pt Déiep htUJ 'aeetoeocok -4ay ýe idu lut. land. Clice ail ocean S.S. linos. Wm. Msm, auctloneer. 4 ~WHITBY GUNq CLUB AGAIN WINS Buy your Toronto on Riverdale tick- ets t Sephaiso's S yur lisue. vyrder us carefully Tuosday, Mardi 31. - Disp)ersion "Experienicia Docetl qualit7 .in >eol r IL TORONTO To Manitoba, Alberta, s1aa , each Tuesday uni! Oçtober 327* Iu- clusive, via Chiîcago, St. Paul or De"wt. Wimnipeg and Rtr$1 Edmontom and, Rdato«LOI Froro Torontd and Stations* mosé -«-d West of Toronto.- Proportions" f1pw fares trom stations eait of To<us.t. Return limit two monthsi.. P)à e r rt .ul particulars ut Grand Tuak oIet Toronto, Oi. Z, islkbisoa, Aisi ,plM Livery, _Cartago and, Teami ng. 1 have recerfl'y added to my Weil- equipped livery stable 'a heavy team and dray for ail kinds of cartage and tearning work,,and will be pleased to receive orders, which will have-promnpt and careful attention. 1 PHO-NE 6 John'Gimb/ei DUNDAS ST,p WEST, WHII FOUR LEADERS--- 6"6Soranton Goal. "i "'Youghlogheny Steam Coal." "Blue Grass Cannel Goal." "George Creek Smithing -Ceai."ý No Coul to cquai these. Scranton fèr rangcs, heaters and furat- aces. TheU.est-cleanbnigbt and dry,. Cannel for; fine places and grates. Yougbiogbeuy for steaun. None arty better. George Creek .for ail kindéi of umith.* *~ ~ ~ ~~~~~n wgrk F ~yD1 ,~ u oj resu mine. * Fuineral Direcloransd Enhalmerls We lead in qualîty and quantlty. IEversod Block, 44- Simce St. N., Oshawa E .RO , W i~ Firaqt exclutsive Fuiîeral Ilarlors anîd Cliajîc o blie csab!ished in Bell Tel. 9- Home Tel. 14. thie Counity o! Onîtario. _________________________ i'RIVArE MOPRTUAItY. I'iaeamblaniîce lieaitilaiiters. Irpe / L. ta No extra eliirge for dimtanue. Phones 41 r 2 snd 47 r 3..<S trengt h New -~Maximum NwLaundry. NVe wish to acqu-tini lihe people ci Whitby sud surrounding country with thc fact that we have cîpencd up a first- ciass iauudry on Brock St., Whitbq, in Hewis Brus.' old store. We are prepared to do al l knds af laundry work, Family orders given special attention. Ail work guarauteed. Parcels called for and delivered. >UtluliLe Incompa rab/e Dividends Charles War- Whitby, Ont . Minimum Net Cost,- Forrates and f ull information apply 50 -MR.A. E. DONOYAJI, queen A& Vietoeh St o.- Toronté, , part on nîs turne to M16 uusin onu. J@NFISHER 4-09 Lumnsden Building TORONTO R 1OYAL THEATREI HIGH GLASS MOVING PICTURES. Open every evellinig We huýe installel a new im"plex machine, wbrch is absolutely flic keniess aud csy on the ov.s s Saturday nigl. toc teaiLu BAIN PERRIN, \laomagcr. speois! Rop. myrt] The Mutual Life E. W. EVANS. u i. Manu!aturer jShop andl éeîidence, Dundais S*.u.t Tbree deors meï.t of Wbltby Hois vvo are prepareoi togema w. I N suRA N cE'Ton u putpaoushort not'ie attend to, ail kinda O! e Fine, Laie. Live Stock, plýj, tGlaS3i - plig Accidient and Automobiles. -arig Agent for th, heçt ( anadian, EnL.lish- Agent fortbo Ontario wlnd mil and Americaro co, punies . gasohine engluies andti te- squam JAMES MOCLIELiAN 1 ed Maguet Creani Séparator. BOc 393 -îhitby, Ont. - Phono 129, Phone No,. -50 rudn le ou Iý OnTuC#4&y, botwen Brooklii ud 4andl's Motel, Whftby, a leather club bag,oontaIlg ladies' wel'ig uPppal. Flnder piease louve &t Site *1> rBY i 4 Farm: Sales5man Wanted Gentleman wthgood knomledge of farin land values, residing in this district, who ean give aIl or 1 b -je &:- é^lL.'mI........ iF.. DUFF, -1 r, L- ý-0-f bést-,ý-4 s fil