WHJTBY, f ILE Ol GaNNOT IL TOO -Our p ure "Olive 0111e palat- able, his1 a -ricir- fiavor and délicate aroma, andjeh pôrted direct from tire pro- ducers. It>s purity im guarantced. INW BOTILES AND BULK.- J. E. WILLIS Dèmgt and E3ptieCIMn MEDICAL HALL a Whisbyo ud iiMollit s..Toroto, Ont. dlgbtter work than ever W eu if Yeu ewanlto uprepre <tFr a goo position. [d H~c. Ward, PrincipaL L'C1@sO3L~gardoe _ LIIGÂL JNo. _E, FAEWEL*L ci Barriwter, County Crown Attorney and County Solichor. Office souÃŽth wini Court H-ouse, Whitby. AI . £CHRISTIAN BarorIt, Soilcitor, Notery Publie, Etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to loan. JAMES RIiTLEDGE, Bara'ister, Etc.' >Moa.ey to. Loan on easy terms. Oce immediately soufth Royal Hotel, Whitpy, Ont. -6. YOUJNG SUIWT0 LL.B. Issuero 'lA RRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Whitby, orresidence. DeO.A. J. SWANSON Barrister,, Soli citôr, Notary Public, Conveyaner, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario Office-NO. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residenct-52 Drew St. PhOnes-Ofice, 321; Residence,- 326. DENTAL W. *DAMS, Dentist, Office, Dunidas Stree t, Residence No. 4, the Terrace, Byron St., Whtby. Phone 'No. 122. ÂUOTiONEERS JAS. BISHop * Oshawa, Llcensed Auctioneer. suc-- eqor- to L, lFairbanks. For terms sng; dites apply to self or G. Robb, WItb. IIIAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'AIl kiads or sales prornptly attend- - j té. Arrangements' ean be Made 9« suales .1 the Gazette office. Ter» reasonable. Bell and Independent 'phone$. *WHITBY, ONT. CONTRA.CTORS J. HEWELLO!JAMES Carpenter, l3uilder and Cortractor. À--- -s-ctmraqwnrnaned Repairs, Alterations anti Jobbing. Agent for Brantlor4 Roolag BOX 467 WHIIT13Y Phone145 Usirage Licenses. £misuer o! Miarriage LAcecses Corner drugstore. Whitby No Wttumes required. -MONUMENTS I MANY APPEALS'I1EARD','" tidts-o-lIupetor a, - Io AGAINST ASrSESSMENT EonFo 4.Boaes n tCoe fer.i j iboc L, i~MIl .put in à Tho Board of Elduotfoý beld _____________ 0v41cnw Wi a .~~ de44*show -~mho ftbp OO0SIeiS O n TIIurda4y 'eeigw %oc d 0 é* iea ~ LI1000i ItA3SO eU~ig the R AND LIOHI COIWNISSU(I POWE.R.DEPARTMENT' a PHASEu, 60 CYCLE, 4000 VOL.TS. whiWLUAM5 ubin5tte defil1t ofsWcllo0911, sud Judg'S ....urror ICVIIW7 ~ wbce, asubmIvato4 et i i o aa OD0 WDhUD b improve We are offering power in, sny quantity fur matnufacturing piroe Appeals from the'.deciston of -the- erty le sttuated--onu 'Dundas Street iue~~ ~ O1 oî edu at thre foliowing rates 5bssbi l--ý 1.0prya e ..adi diinj.cn e ... n court oi RevIaton w ere atred blote easti nix bJà . lIowdcg'5 Mi-501D1n1 lii. S Waà ! hdl Ibent. a$1.O pr ea pu h.,an i aditone en pr .p..,su nn t JugeMontreaIl. ude' Cur oue.co~recswere mae.with benahrettj _U atwul .iHboionwscald p guarantee that Inn 0o ae>Nil] bill for o!dg Ieintyrwhich ceed orthne. SSOmUSJllO U$1 dSO.bbV en;46.Ti 8 figure exçprenssbis views, but 'instead ut ex- for each b p. of ma-xitrum dernand used, WeeetitO~~fP50 Wedneday ozntg. Tenyhoe oe aen loadsf poer s aufed bedo etùn CoW discovered pressing * lits own indepeildent opin- ' se le guuranteet i iMaintaineti, a discouint ut .0 per cent. in oaloia appeau~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wooo u ii u i u i.JcaofrM.Ftpttk ieewsa rregularity, and notai- ions regarding the Henky Street - osideration of sd ofpa"ue audenc wa l atendaio. ho was not piment, submtted that Ing oould lbc donc $0 change 1it $0 buldiig refi bcrupon tire let- $ InW eruaqpr actcfrad ton he dytiscote forifir eon i ou torest. -4M 14.40. Tis rate conipares favorably with rates for elctie p AE.Christian represn r. Mr. Ftptgag rilt hol b hgrrfiues tr rvîu e s o rcetwho ladben n- $1wher h.p. pube y earlni wtlhe ie unt fr he l A. ilI. Allia ln an appea fom tiebe placed tio iigirer than $100 au acre, court. gage, onetoor tiiree cars ao îee a bîîyor aelectrsi oe t ass5smui~~n ir.bulngownd tre smeas treRi9ad.flpr r M. Geo. Rob>did not thInk - the to lnspect the building. 4Mr. Hutol- power, and you wiIi be helîizîg your own municipal eleotric plantbypt thre latter at -tire corner of Brook and 'ty. The Board -tirought tirat thui Ross lros. 1 building couid be put up isofl apppared to base hos suggest- ronizingit, Aiy iniformiation eliecrfuliy furiahled by unsThorinlssess- property was worth more than the for $155 a foot frontage. Tihe Board ions to the B3oard upon what these )O-.P..isy1 Dds sreets. TeGriinlaswat-W.h asesP. pt pEonaVacRYet sidastutepeft.o nient as fixed by Mr- Marsh was -adjacent tcado aibcuewne teasamn u'uo rhe cte saîd at tire defecis o et WA AA AAAOA $550 on- thre land and $3.100 on thre aome of!-il fronts on Brook street, equal baste wlth the other business t'W soool rtnrr-tranup-n -iso-n.- building, exclusive of the second flat, a.nd could Die used fer building pur- properties.i Jud~e Montyre ruied observation and kinowledgý. In iris _________________________________ which ~ ~ ~ ~ o isasee atenm !poses. hMr. Geo. Robb, chairman o!fh thed4do aleetblse tr judgmeâtt Henry .Street building Dr.~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0isn I$~ n'h udadtieAsnmn omsinra actual value of tire building, and ho should be abandoiÃed and ýa new bid $1,240 on the building.- Mr. Allin'a thought the land was worth more wmild hâte to Le ,ôund b , thà t. m îgTrhéd shoddno n Vr1ThS119D lRA I,Ç A A l apuiwa -n i5obrc wlç w5 la te djo.lgs roery. statute expreasly aaya lbat the as- the present building could be made Li J A A appeal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ppa wa nii btwrviwaIlu ieajifn rpryessment must Le flxed t the'maket batafactory to Vire liduQation ve- - 3TAT3MILN1 raised by the Court of Appeal to!The Board introduced en apPal oz. n xvR $800 on tire land andi $3,71Q on $110 againat tire assessment et Mir,, Flz- value or the property. partment. building. ïDir. Christian endeavored patrick's bouse,, which they thoeslit S690 on land ami £4950 on building Thre Inopeotbr WaS a8ied If Dy tire From Reiori b Dominion -gwirnment, Rit & Jan,, 91 to shw tratthéasssemut as oo 0w- W.A. ~rogiron as a swa the figure against whtcb G . M. expenditure of aay $1,600 or $2,000 too, btgb, when compared, with that ed, H1e te a neighibor of tMr. PIrqz- flice appealed, as, being a rP ie o!i*tir cro cudlesoiurvtiý~. pIaoed on thé Doîîinion Bank.-and patrick, and thougirt tire latter'5 so -nie$o(IO oinkr-bstpo oYM rsitéen eaeremencthisQtor io say ldmyeWNUd wURCud,3 LADfolits Standard lBank corners. Mr. AUin's land wort.h about 25 per cent. more 1eddntthn i rperty ahould ot i eya frablTo this questio ire G of-"«.andN .$79155.9 ad ~Fnd, eba$2of lu40.O0o - Ho bu assesuedby a fronl.aSe rate, but dP"n- tea avr&be epy. r Billsdiseounwd. e O,37 property bas -#bout oaa-hall -of-- the than the Ritchardison propetty. eD asse consldered I t would be an unwse ex- Culg......1OO0 iJ0I..... 923.2 area ,of the Standard Bank corner, thought the bouse could not le Put on a -block baie. He à was asseused atD byBpen61,230 NditnClujao .. an yt h lndl asesd orolyupfr ès ra 8,00$0theUn t i ne rate- as proportion on Brock penditure0.63.2 om n icuifo andyetth lad I asesedforenl ýp fr lsstitn 1,20 t $,50,9 street soütit, although h lte aeiAs the discussion proceeded *iV le- GOvmmn.Municipal ad epi $150 lese. .Mr. Allun coneidered the -the barn for, say, $400. The butld- c otrbsns thatter ae lrthtare Depoilti.........55,OlS.592.lO52 De oBank ntqie hg nuh ig r 1wassessed. for $1,000. mcr ~ bu~ssad. requiredinlathe soutir Ward tire old Cd Lies..on BW4 w<l65,645» * pcu unde1.115.535.5 are îîowse an Mr. A. M' Rous appa on iris aeceta ew ahol-ouseta diWCbCl6wbflaU ..$.32.560237; Det B Mayor Willis contended tint ' thre R. J. Goldring contended Viala e t r t one being beyond repair. A toAst meial vlai I,5.9.5 Celt...... 1ê63 bidn wa woh $100,and error was mnade tu figuritg -out iis store asmme. The buses ta roomed building would do at tire pre- . .ad jà .. -30»4507.4 that tire assessmnt was not at ai bubliness tax, on tire grocery business wsas ujc.o otnin r sent, if erected se as $0 be enlarged t. . 16983 asin he out wad. he roprtyas-Chttian for Mr. Bosu examined Mr.Go , lm10fl 7 toc high. The Board fixed the tlas-eo obad etrien thesuirwr. ih poetya-in ftue f eqird.Pwiid osnentatpartly om à froatage raté eSCUMentls $1,25D, al ld, Tire Gc. anbh, su "extracte' lite cp and artly n a onsdertiono! usiessta is s250. Mayor Willis ioný that the valué of the property farsndirometVoir *FadOica4Dach wht thébilding woUld brtng In saidthlie hard usrîived It thre used as a dry goods store sbould bec ig colwr ple f n t.rae ,fj 579927 the open market. amnouat by taking a5 per cent. 'On about hall il what- thé lhosu gras. Vibee emtl 10 b le.feig à ,7?9Z7 .lugé .i1at~é êefvé hi dcte. $00 în vaue~i ire»uînes prtpaid for their building,, sînce the emutonbe ad- -- VQthVauuttçDovoipr rntowgà tÀ.M he Inspoolor adit evral i rers _________________________________ iodesiring to compare asseeS- o! the preperty. A.W.'-Jacksoe for fRosts uses b ~Mr ~ o! the Board urged that two new - mots u té vtiau caés.bis Mr. Golclring, showed that only a- Rn 18 the f1154 floor and the buildings sireuld be' erected, one'luIn' W.. A.Bogro iog osbout one-third oethtie building thWSuth basednheient. o e- Wn A.e notir -th t hi e cwn wereused foi business purposes, 'and tint Josephr Vaselesky asked for an a-ace 4h. Southwrendt biredireo. * ~ assesse ti to-aof threa$t$2,00. r. tire 60 per. cent. taken by tire Board jourument -tit ire might get facto lc er tetbidn.M ~ i Brougsir toowns 26 lts ,80c.Mr. n a a e area îcac. regardtng his cam. Adjourned to Wtir tire Board lu comnittee of tire Il *18 - I I U L about ~ ~ ~ wa f8 ceadiecnedt aar tWila rge a$0 how ta Fia a eronaItbreoclc. whole, tMr. Jones in tie chair, le abont $100anacre, sa mple. Ru tmde tabol us ed patyfe siness i lJulien Vaselesky.was also glinted situation was 'long antiearnestly i ted $0 seeaul-cr aseswae mp larHepurposes was wortir [rom $250 o tan adjourument. fco sred.Tie for peco ldantd To find tbe connection between FISH and MAR pltds o!.. al wrpase hat $100 ar $300. He contended that tire part 1 Mr. Bailey Weatherill appealed a- up- a s uggie soor a conolidated MALADE, but as both -are in, season just now w acre. o ont eece t $0iris useil for business purposffl was worh gainst bis icorne lax. He bas lte ward scliools were preferabe. I aep higbh nsfrl-tyaewoth wa l n bttr octin irn irsemore in proportion tiran tire remain- mvdotjt ie onii,,d l order to get sente expression o! Here are some prices that make a break i h Mayor Willis tirougirt tint tirelt der efthtie buildings. since ire ia taxed, elsewhere. opinion trom thre members upon tire high cotof living sbould be .worti $100 eacb, w RiEisEoner in tliis case expressed 1tir Jh Bgoard admlted tire uestio!ofnew achools, a motirag Zbich' Ris Dr.JohnteaugJh, pppealba.a....ques.ion cos wôuld niake théeness8mént $300 legsehie very strong disapproval of tir M50_enhie irou" was wthdrawa. WaS Presented 10 tire effeettiraIt DecdWreFirerl. .....1» than the maLlcet value,.tMr. Brougir- attbempts o! witnesses to baggle over Wbitby Fruit- and 'Vinegar coi comnilîlue recommend that lie Board Freair Haddock, pur lb--------------- --------- e 1oiý himself thought their value putting a price on buildings. lie pry a lj laé.to igr'asi thte Town Council [or a sum of Cod Steaks, per lb.... ... 9........ i $ would bu about $100 each, but in made bis position plain, so thnt .f u- crigt .M os h iu money sufficient to erecl lwo new Cod, whole or hali fih, per lb---------------.... coprsnwii tes r iculd net ture wltnesses mgit take warange ulding-n accorthe A M. Roa.hThefigur SalmoenSteaks, pur lb.... ................. 150 bce assesed more than $1,800. and net injure their cases by * at- was. $850.ossland &. 1800o btl tutîrepl ne iM r en ti, St tire hotieSalmon, whole etlialt isir, per lb- - ..*13 tempts te bent down estu mates a few . Tire ciairnuan declared! tire motion Foe e erns e o.e....... 0 Two apponte were euteroti by IN.-1dllr.i useti for about six weèks tantire las-t on tire follewing dlvion-yeas, Smelts, No. i, pcr lb................... 150 Bassett on iris two preperties, oee Hewis Bros. appealed against the eaabout inentis.ndir blings Jme, edtellow, Powell, Brough-. Oysters, .per plut.................... 0 on On busiret ndteosheron ....abtonututedg. Navs, ewi, Co-Therima pr plt------------- --------oc Brekstre. O hebsiesplace asseesment-on 16 acre on cet Gar- wudntblic s o ayohrtns, Rte* MARMALADEol himp, e pn. ........ occupied, iy 31r. Bassetthmcclitiden stieet, tire figure hcing.$1-6i00. - 11uJose t le ach uefor any ter l ins cClelan, Piilp, Whitney.-- there is au assesent of$4,00,"ho property is used for puettire. a now used. Tieccs-t cf reproductio nmtion ofG delo-eith A MAD whieh is $100 more than tire first as cri'ek' running through it froux endoftebidnsw arlwl s-PpryCmttewsreutd sessnaent. The building in- its paa bIocuti. 'lho laut i s flat aud o!ten <if Vire bdings beween$bf anrd eî ,s- Popebig art pormit t thse etred- Seville Oagethe raoranges frraraa sent condition cost. Sîlr. lassett $1,- floodeti, and soinetinies is taliied atbewef $000ad, ular meeting tecommnending suci- act- ag ie edzn... 750 four years ago. Ile thouglît it inc s nprs r V'm ei lire appeul o! J.E. Wterhouse on wonrasiprn the scirosol buildiengso WE LOAN YOU A'SLICER. The nt worew sore o n $roc 00 said hie wne offered $50> an acre ru- his :residence and landl, $1,800 alto- ordsercc ng e s.hobidns Th w'a newrt ore ti run $;3,St. - Itî le thought that was a ra- getireL, was deali with by Mr. Christ-orectn woes sotl replctiut$35. th ier low1price, but tint $100 an acre -a ie Acmaione ses-ATL1 sot r pacda 635) .% s tooe.far tire other way. lHe be- mntasoetween-tlis ottae tn C ud eissPas uV A Z Bnssett eaid he would seli for $45,- lipve'd that the propert? 'ý-as worth o inet ewC. F. S cteatasandua orclReig ln.A u . L L E 000, and i ie tieugit it ivas worth approximately tire sanie as tire farm bu theMr . RFbtwagrt wtir e,~ac-II IT V (~I tintmont W Mnînount.tfid f ho.W.rywM.etMaoPringutMrle tcstifihcdte- O Tesay M.P.A.Daly, 1 HI BY O T that hie at one time oflered -to payOl ios ardy, ieîl re M a id Wî ouse property was wrtî more Vian Oth e sdovn, ia br. f A.allyn, o!d $400 frti biligbu wud iscaltiConclorMore iesadtire other. Judge Meintyre saititrd rvnilBrr tHatat Phones: Bel], Ne. 47; Independent, No.4 noV give more tinu 5,000 for ilt Mr. Hardy wns asking $120- an acre, it would bé a waste o! time te con- tiMr. Lowes, of the Murray firm, Wete new a tr avnglerntiti cn-andti tit in consequence of this Mr. in town consultiug witi tire-Council now' fter avin leared te con, Ilwis' and houldbc wrth $00,ýtinue tire case, as tire assessment was rgrigtepooe eeaess ditions. lei- a1sioi bcwrir$0,notetxcessive.-"ndngtr rooe ewrg - 1even tlîoigh i-ardy's land was a lit- i.trDaynasirvxoerie DA.J wnooOsaa p, lbotrThre Court adjournet a!lter sitting' teowMr. anti exprssei rimseti as ellhe, D.A.J.SwnsncfOsnw, p- tc uter Mtr. Ilewis, o! course, frui1oamwtn.3 .m a ndi'edit re repoiet wi tl!l, a peareti fer Mr. Bassett, anti matie a -coîtendedti t Mtr. Hnrdv's landi was foi1 .,t .0pm aiie ihtepooe lgsan 9 cltt comparison o! floor space witir etier fitteti up witi frst-claes buildings,-- as fat as ire coulti juilge rom tire Windsor Salt le one of tire purest brande of sait in tr wrd buildings, to show tint tire ussesa- anti was ticrefore mucir mgre valtu- ST. PATRICK'S SOCIAL. progress that lii been 'mad~e, Wo have-lust received a carload of this fine Brand. .~pi ment was tea higir in -tins cose. able thun iris ewn witirout a buili- 'lThe Ladies' Aid- ef tire Baptiet Intire atterneon tire Council met lu -Mayor Willis later blew up Vhis ar- -ng on it. Hic lati, lie saiti, was 'Ciîrchh icîtia.very enjoyable Irishr Clerk Wiite's office, andi, wt iMr. ordinary fine imp barrele. e gument, irowever, by sirwing aa îs mi ymus-eu unnt Eotxttiracil t ir hmeefMroErW Lwutter ovr ir pai 0 i. atrafinefo bttr nuin, a etenbaean cureaai take lii been madie by Mir. Swan- nenrly as muci nes other landi in tire Evans on Friday evening tast. Tire town, suggesting changes Ianlire o- It a nka, for stock. son luniris comparison. Mr. Swan- ,suie location tirat was'not spoileti number in attendance tuxedth ie ca- cation o! sewers andi in 8oi cSs Wirea sait is feii ade reylJe.ad so ase orM.MaerItr alu-inuci n manner. paci ty of tire bouse te tire utmost. completely revlsing tire'original plan. ator, but ire was not boere, a tact eoft MrChristinteck up tire appeal (alverley's , orchestra was presenttWîxn completedth ie revîceti eystem e iris~~~~~~~ aruetoucntnelVn f Dr. C. F. MoGillivray, wlioe was and gave a very enjovable prograni 1apparrntlv gave as mueir service as F is o n iris ireuH ese a n ti b u ild in g s.-- - T ir_ _ - _ _ -9 e - g a i s««- s' -i p o v- - -4-- .4n-1pi g . S- 1o-T r u t, is c e s n d- d d ie a t c e r e s . a i u L uurB ouà K mu-uPu"'lu»every year for 8sete ntby 91,Uvv. 0191 DWISandlaéri LOt l SOckni'yiLtoerprêse tire opinion tirat theHo, aIse objecteil b tire troatage es-I jt$ ,w pay y« ou - e&eU ai our holding o! lad for higi prices hati seesment on hie picture show, mi' ,vur» Md ast pec for yourself. - been a detrainent bo Vhe tovu, and campare wi tnt c f Vire property, omi @ misli by agents, wo do wus drlvlng, away prospective rosi- to tire ortir, owned by. T. G. Col- Mt> mpîoy thom, eonsequenlly vse au dents. He lirougit Il vas a ourse to will. The Board admltted havlng u~d do Allov th@ a&Mt'$ COMmiss1on, ietw ru e riProet o madie a aistako on thre computation M6 por cent., vhich' you vill certinl- speculation, to--tire inderauce o! tire o! tire business asseesment, and a 1v mags by pirebeaslng Item us. interests of the town. proper reducioit, $10 pet foot on 18 a lli ollClted. Mr. A. Baudet appealeti on tire as- teet wlîîlibe madie. ý_ h seesment Ofthtie Wiitby House. Moe tr. Jeromne Scott thougiri hie Whthn fl5 - original assesement vair 83,900, iteuso ai dland vas' votir$1.700, lii iicir vas ralsedti t $5.000. Ho toit wirereas ii asseesment -isle$1,600 On E III WII t tint IVas toc irigh. Tire tand ln-thre irouse and $400 on 1the land. The MfieS ad Wrsconneetion le two lots, 66fot front- figue a been ralsed ove? h s sppoeu S$andard Banik, WhtbY. Ont age, assesseil at $300. Hie appeuleti sesemeat ot last year. Tirelaild0oc- agaluet lite assessment on 'tire builti- cupies an ares o! 2 "-5acrets alto- lag, viticir ias a frontage o! 45 gehe. HoeiUd ofieredth ie lots for Sba 's usies SThel building oo:t $8,500,. but $240 soetime ago and eôuld MMt ougit l couor b $5t,-.gel it. -Quetloneil, ho voulti icI detu enrl ni.~ 000. -lis business assessment wouidiertriie olltie$0 ov. col irâ Ffe cy eachftlools. be toc, higir for lte volume o! ui di iealIb etpsl r di a.. rt foc>t*Ien O ug. esdone. bti Iinhr h tiers1atr b eyset fors. 'W- 9.5 iScoit. ie thougiri tire auéIflel à Wî To»"mveSt. A. D. Yraer's total uB55ell1iwaa aileaio 100to i Igit.tr 7 - 1,600, came up for appeal. Mir. Fra- Robit said ire sud tr. iOsth d 9«r objeted becase iis building vas loched overtii pope!ty a second NWNOL8ON £ SELDONtha F. N. Butai', lime sud MI t ter eould nol l@W 6EL 0ký à yt w u udfor the Ume he .fite. DNI>IRTAKDKSJ. J, Fftzpatrik appeio son d aWeaflid, but'Nr. CbrItII ,,.. - wmsrrsv 4jmores, smmes ut $675, aud lte ssidthe» ms 'e e eua.df~ hoeaau"la 1,6.Ttpo. Rm osBi., peu M-,@tel IMd ~~eaaaaoez 4 I10O Mo n Wantod 1 o -lckam at the Whitby Baptist Churcis under Baraca Club auspices Sundey, Marcb 29th, 1914 To hear Rev. S. E. Grigg, Toronto Subject-" The Cal! of the New Daywý' YOU ARS CORDIALLY INVITED COME Q WRIIERS DECLAR1t TIIVIRIGH I. 4PAPER, PEN AND' INK BOUGHT AT wu J.ý He.RIGHARDSON'S 1 BROCK S.T. ISIrATIO NERY 0 F ALL KIND3. MAoAZINE5-ANDBOK ÇroçI St. y, .1 l WHITBY