Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 3

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Ruti Outlook £EN~TRS OP IARI The eeerns ttfieç tfQfg Capfr Hugh lkdmaii .SN~V~aSrp otel 1~C tfSEIIOPp wsop 1t \'Fa91,aThe Sena w obY ill be the real hou of the big Pa- lnOntario- out s6o.oo, CAlf. I'0, al coartee tBor na mo. sluiceway, when it is open for Q ujèt 1 Kn ftsus aiNos u5 bra~~00snndiIg'aout5 awn smo 10.omeeiahippinxg nexL Jtuly, oand tvrSig!>1M ____________ Ureadatufi. 000 Amet~ifOlover 'ber'borer*11te iihave enie1ar calthd- lntô no urn'shed by teO-seale and tetent cb llrare .86 1or, 09V Oti, o009. ,xulnin;z r.ilfrêd _Washiton of ad.[ie ships through. eptvIogns o th ,at<, borand ~a-T5 a $4,Toronto. v"Yto ee ng m Yanager; Qel . nSrn cnl"PO Svn udrdSplih xle i,(iiwer;udo eaySu.Js~ ~ ý01ebten of Agritculture more to be fea.red th&in audden cips baranioairt patents. injute v*. e ir er; soltap re ll4>W5. n-Al esl nern h aal 'svnhuAndrSpn E P'.osay 4ud n te ieraturê. The CloVer out- $6.60: do.. ueconlds. 5.1o; strng 'Dax,- me nt ta do nI ct of dl Y0'~" ve a< n i io w o w tk h ê ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l o is *dig grcuiiraL 4a>t lie a 1a rts- 'Nlo. 1 r.wasblu tnrsIlid tht ho ddian e hp to aù-&nchorage, fropL whiell Trreon have eiterd T cxsW t bl-hdi nerAri rp ul- w-Atr e yunýa kx h~Pro ine s W th ef~o wntein cf1i~estok ausec rthern, 97c and - 'à~ c odrCtb~fink It U IWrleîO in<u orOf he may not mo,%'e wthout permis- he, eioVlN rh n Meco ' te ef es isin arvd.21 th onnsi, inmaty ferPerovinncto istatowhth-eO Z a 95e tO i' The New Nor o~1 r, e. and add5 ion f C pt. d ia ro e h .pacticlly , strpped f ia eni! h «n n an h i r 3 ~ ~ ew ~s ularing Ap il ifi th no er c 4d, bu m ny lani outfld e. acc rg tfe ight - a d 1" On that lif ns, V roulh b po ur6ina tl, which a few -y a e ag a e n rd~ g iie ti o r the lbt bbàeS- ciof éirr nisnc bt»ort captai - nmhrd hoe.ns.Te xieofgiei uatr'ii oxc&oaid f outide ad a 41to42e o trek.Te, nw ob.s"dnaa."renar'l in Ne theti. ffcias wc isi ul.iththep.na.rs a bc 'elt o he thos.pnohpuhliation, he g Apnnkfaorontn. ~ ~ ~ e sfA c odtixiii hch tat the. rather igteady coldweither Oat-No. 2 Ontarie cati 39 to 31<'c hî It uilgbtauweiireport and PIt aS piIed th ust.. entered the winter, having re- emv otrCV'1-rente. Western Canada oats. 411e for Yoric Telegra b.0ant~'s ouj ns eott Capt. Rodman oth eive%1 litft1einury from. te low mals through tbn in the caae f a N. 2 ad at 49 o r No S. Bay port. s m teUitdEae»i wmsêeory f h rt;at o a e socaleMidwne.loYfwt reaB-,Ab u'G.otle a nneX ça a d ltfn nOat 1 us bad. -of h - - etofLana1ter ho lod captured Tk>rei h tainadrm.ie hr »i ÈMk erttùre of thbe firt quarter f E -ald id w n.e. H re'i I as,>1yT Goed niilu bariey. 57 tatehave, àfew ufl red 4Iheuea d f y -our f oI.rn b tree c o-nte rfg e h d ld i u hëycar he preserit appekreane-the exception cf seine caf!« of dis- sic. ulde. aceerdlug .te. uality. ewuvpeple al 'ady in nie 1Ioi" Taecorp ofs cdlearhing frte atcrihne*iteyadafsdt ~a~1 A~ wllNo.Ll hve ia 63 toi-6:4C.- 4utade. Telegraph as atefisitO e ComG11 a most êneouragiflg. M -r 1ucwhý- i7 e06c ot' i -on w9.Y ahUlae eea taglr a o dbe ev bctaniibcrblbre 0 fruit treea, dea'pite ibhc coil wea- dou-e wel and are reuimrkably-f rea Corn-New Ne. 9 Americ9.l 7e. all ieveral moe hnr**OWflo teFdelerageê a Cci-frindi~ae.Fode hverail. Toronto. Canadienl at 69 to 70e. e coznWOýpleted befr h re'xc-tw idered satisfactory. The Bani Jose beén ample to fi'ppiyal needà. $ton. in bacs. Turnt reet.Uhra.lu e oerr w11.1if ___________ __________ ___6__t-.-e27.__adsu at preneik twe r ________ outry ]VrotdUbS. saanider -the work cf s-kldin hLa wcertewaliethea- "Bte-hiedalry, 22 te 23c, lu-, The i.uîgoeE0on thait tacadarn -guna district cf Spaniardtn tbtsse /e orros i uhWY [HUAI :RE "DEAIH-AOUHY's SA MY-111ferler. 18 te 19c' farruerl' geparSLtot'be net ic()oen ë'nweéRd ht IAIEILIigrAGRO OAI ON"1 Y it2ta25c,;0creamery prints * fremh. bick paved hiKhwaVSnZiamde.thýia.nle21huswsgvnt ratgec;do, 2torie p2e. making a brick PaVed 1road lCS108 4ZW Dàt.to secure meagre 1rea e-fgesaedsiue - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~~~ollste3C o atorag 25 ita, 2 e2e u uht 'nmn t '.ce o E lggu 0e per dezen, lu cage lots. much per mile as, that ef inacadami, but large, sud 16 te 161e for twlIn. flgared nt twentv tîmew s u uha year - -- - ýCS IITOtI SENI. HI S R8. Iieanoa-HandiPICkeOl. $2,20 to $2.25 an the uptçeP of a breke rend. ±CES TilINK per buahel; prîmes. $2.16 te $2.20. JO)e Macaduli r<,ds ddwel eoeulgb - tiOûr London ete RM RN' REJIL uis'roiuc 8CENE. ~~~Hone)«-EX7tracted. lu tins, il tu) ntîi ctrwt;l lh.bt- 4 per Ilb. for No. 1 obs$3t$.2 pr charaCttlr of the eiteular tramal ha» 2.Ouetlmacam eds -fAut~tomobleswaosrCg~îuEj~4b oO dezen for Nu. 1 . and 82.40 tu $2.60 'lgrtyched AtobleWO' LuelTilnes iî Cas for a Ile,4cUeWhl.at NuIsem of IWel.Knoin iIoM4pj. 1'oultry-Fowa. 15 te 18e per lb', chlck ou.dîcianti ronde pavee t or aonileCglar ee sv n dsîe e e 4ES RYKÂL RO I nn- es19 to, 20e;cks.17 e 1c tand îel'i avmentbottr al'h.ilcelt--<eru ftecget ai.ClnC d uta eckxOlar e . 10 te 8 0 . a bag. tr a m e l i ,I 1 .-s e u h v e u O C le a A e l a f rL . D c u lî litt e o ( o serv e aeSy J a - Ç us d1 a 1 e u lc Y . 2 o 2 e d ce t eof th e brick ro nd u l the end l e- u e f t e i i é t u cn o tedtea neltrckfeînile20ba<tevIe23c.E potold Suaffering. ou tracl<, and 1elawares at 90 tu 95c'. tu Teo 1rOn ofl > u Obtus. Fa1lrareSy lonatun- te oci"esheetrWament ofpnngaIiheEorlflO Ftîîu $ unJt -track, car lota. mandate exnt nlflZ hXba lu u e arlblni areho ot e mId airemtn N ex t ear ih th e cen tena >r'Y of th eTr s c e t u a 1 h <LI b s ii O A no t.er pop ular bsgperstitio n exc eoî e au. TlaceuLongelear 15 theOeeruesabdate lu in at whooicIi - eeve, inttelgaitt hbi Ba te-o a e l , t e g e t s e o no dthe w rl ' l)Pt confluclus lhe dées net -e t London doctr. "W me m k bat e i V ai ht e B tli g rate s uffewh ich has bee n t c is exfBucon -Long, lar t a I e p r etbi. -tf c " s a h fiil ut i.o e atlru arl whlc the Btiislî Amy suffruu te ulTlliiy is expode 11lb. lu caae lots. Hauno- Ditdin. 18 ta euo eshpfrtep o fe thel'l ro ii. w- men.tth ce o prby attement's mode by medicazl au- 1111e: de.. Ileav>y. 17 ta 18C.. relis. 15 tu religions. '*The cholre et religionsO lu gip' eructevii. vloaot J i e ; b r e a k fa t b a c o n , 1 8 t e 1 0 e ; b a e k ". , s ll u r t t a t h i e o p lc ,' a n ti d v e.r u l t I e e t i e r s tth e a v a uIo m ofe t/thfei, hteercus part...= . wt There, ýs uno need, for the moment, thorities thtat there is no sucli. thing 22 ta 24e. e at ri h-ee as llb e (rcul the çharacterq affdsiguifi- asthe "dcsath agouy." adTere..t: ua 2 al.spAced. j than entregsptabl'Oe fmxli sbr-benwu$luSyr)eOCO a 4Mne f ta e vn i beb .that themanges ot nid shalbav-e due heu-heintmoY n "etbl f e i" T-a rioiY ofEur6pe. Junti 18, 1915, J. Cçuk-Wiisoii, who, in a letter te oue.er and- tint polî'tîcal changea shall net ntsoàeý» w ill 4 uuýi b tleâ% a v e its i fitt . rg -c e le - th e Li n lo n T im e s, d e ttrib e s h o w I e W h lena e eed m erch a n ts a re se n - d ep rive t lin o t th eir ' w eru it p . T h e -C pt i R 4 m .a e r u e t ed e t t e w a m o e u m r .M o e e i fC e k bratiuns, nnd the field itself will be stec-c by ths bedside of lis 'dyingtie10-bbsi-ldclvr- oî Emperer upou-the bighcit terrace efthle ar rqNewrye t u the O enti nVA s-nas .s pmoe8 plce dea ie retrCtOn lIge, m str t un al Saton 111 r11ë than ever an object of p îl- father. S ta 10$21; do. 0. 2. $ 7. 0 t e $18.60; A ltar et le;îen u.trni l'y r puted t e n-ti u t d O l n N o u t l oto . 1 .r$2 0h eo , $ 2 1,-. d o . . N o . 2 a n7 ec t h eece n teefoe ttten tn- thr sw.m ena t l i eG e o rge sLdw r enth e ,o u n grc f C u l - grimag -"1 ile last stages," a aid Mr.. tee818iTîmohh,',Ne. , ten5.50' ina,'liers inleceds altlithe Ddt,' nquirlesataIWest E.ndtacni do.. t o.$28; 7 6 te 57o $.50 atalfa, behisît here ie teilu iloowoeth ogsnc ast i tg hnte aihsbc wr shg hn TIhé questifis, Whatwrt-of field Wilson, '41here began the rapid l- d i. ,te$7 a.5 No .5~ 1 0: 513.60. No,5litl tucheed b,' thémillions w xe t ail sigalearangemets wielebu un-d emaned "e a c neteu. -cthhCutyc ongl ual, orit3ies013.T.eInengieesansfeab theo ine paimoet h tica itra bealrebid willihu, find who go ïthlere hopîng bored breathing which is a faluiliaXî tcunfhut.1 aut nembrandel as-nu. a sita usteiig those old order Itwua4q. nrhueticiuilat no deteimaocntrol seveVue ca- kn§oWn 'ehntCmoiSted titu(la t o r p i c t u r e . t u t h e m s e l v e s ' t h e h i s t o r i c f e t u r e f s u ic I u C a s e s . I t w a s n u c a tW i m u l p S g G r a i n . a s a( d rlh e mne h u e d î e t / offt e a ,as i e n y e aa c c n i t o l d incidenits- cf that treiiiendous day 1 distreseing to hean and wautch, but Winnipeg, Aprl 14-Cah- prices- aga tuat requred formât venierationofnlatriesTh mnsof"bnd s-e.Ahsi tha-N.1Noten.89,et Cnulu n theshes wrd,pbut ste hap in off imia-la y led f amedrooa arudt eeini '<uitdSml Tesîde et ekpaea A t pi týesct,.- quite apaxt f ro mt the the physicin assured m e tla I.the N ortert. 87c; No. 3 N orther , sol; w ors ip on ad sea.ling de>'icofc. Tlui profat on h e es de ce S ot h tl Bt c laig9c n po uli e1c oonsideratons, the patient kn w ohing of it. On . No. 4, 82c; No. , 79c;: No. '6, 74 e; fee i. anti ea -tli 1uan S iK is e it e - t e t n l ofcae b -a s o e ron - n h t I field lias a hjcial attraction. for the did nt dobt that bb-ee was.ao>42ceîed sede, aI; No. 1smutty.butc: cuples i with le enuncattento gndr iio.9onud for thc medical optiiltbîî No.2 xutt. 3j; N. rtiW'iuOl, retiaealm t tieStonuncuwntolok il b unerth cnaa LteI rtls SbmrlnstGergeMFconstant~osmatC aSe: o 2 reti s7Inte. No. 3 reil bigotiaxcu.I auJ-nWh watch cf a canal gitard and an cn- In the uew s aubinttli5lm mra opiiodut on'ite.ie,( Stcumr.tlaln place, i~ le o si ll e c uld net belp reflecling tîma t W .- W lntcr, aIle. O ts-N . 2 c .W. 3411e; lis <oucluItory tttu de tca'ard -fi shp u tl afer ea- a b Idng an b ut w t'î a I Ilu the filst,âc i sla ascepae-No. 3. 441c; No. 4. 426e; raejeeteti, whieîh ConftuclniIsin h s snpny poinuts 'w îdéni on aeerecY lamainta~C.a~er- Te oa oennu er ~'s,l . dngbttles, that it mayand the-t. the oui' decisive proof -41e: ;feed 411e. Flax-NO. 1 of-.e resemblaice.I lis ,acItuioninou-dan ing the ock.-,wfl lîS rcmova- Wlulle ha been madie, foi'ti 15lmahv nciec aane$1,0 comlhudÈg n -l ls er-cui . a epnuY.wici in$1.362; No . 2 e.W., $1.33ï; Na.o V'. tiat "tic sacriica ofeinx g-te ieaveu be orcered by the ca-nul pilt i i bs countr'y. <mintht'}o1rdIP' ho c û p -h n e ,i l t e r ol e-n e p re c h i M $125à. simili be a Univeu"jal ce.'einofl" Wlll bu aboai'd. - The 8 1, now bulilt i l g 'eoe-.l r th enciu f a ne c u t ings, as aglaiC£. the nature cf thle c&se, il- seemed -a het unauthyrtZad mersomm$. but The Depaofment cf Agnicultvr5 1 i at _Icte rnia mosbeWhae otra akt.on one aide sud angustlclièu an tie The pilots have beau selecled by cuin were taken Iol eet lfen - Lmvdy bý tb e. dpae tepicplt av.M i ~ Nrol other. whlc'h mev o»peh te,ýwsy ta al pt. Rodixnan ndfeltr e h a ewnoft la ut une'rlcns l goidaelittle "Howeven, my fathue-n bing ex- MnrelApi 4.-Aminan nNo. 2'wide aseplanmea of Chrlstiauilty. nonhihlasbcuatfrctg ant Iorenon Itlm i citi, ein'î fettîres f the ge n Tic.7J t p. an-Crala onh eh sb e n-tutn n rm a cIl tnturesarct heirvselK la chauged À:ronmwhat they wene 100 ceptienlilY strong, survived the estru. o,46t 44c; du.,, Ne. 3. TnnIUY1ýs Gonst4tutiblI. tniget wnteblrgt ceniatlà. , c lu m rn n l . ta n iey- 6 anilo b a fead. 60 t acigeîîneyec ie en u es a dreceul igt. lit b'ta 61c; minglii. 68 10 70e. Feu- Evpn Tunke,' le sufferittirconstlll -_____ ~CCIf. s î1uîebrea-biug beca-me much quieter ,;, aîoa$p'n ha atna isotional painsa. The gencrelertionfind ne place ilicthedase e ,a.OC Ld apbrc-lSt ec $560; do.. seconds. $5.10;. -oabak: wilhln<>k rpluce reeitly resulte I luio'iUMES i. $5,50; bt u-alansed b,' tiondon board eheuld Balliudalthh, dicd as the nesultac Chagît- rcoere coxsiOutieS sd ec--mecr', 4.%; inter patents. cela n erwlelminiCmajrtre 'ti cof ont he es' i49Q;chi.e a. Tlw cher vaselS et ia nedsg în acil~i . - 'ic' positins. af the lwo cnfrn- able te spcak a lit-Ie. Knowiug a $.2 dO.t $ .6lusta. 82.20lles, .25.,e70 eYou urka. ufoTueniatel onn, a-lsof) thec'e a m le apnt, bb ndg - ahnd 1< sa-y qîite cîeairy, "Tell thc dc- Ibo..,15.th Milîtefiti nu-ohth rels ae now on au-de. and wilb kuwia A vey agey ten c m eig mile a'art, the y ridgre-qua112.16hysc.n asc.mlniemaes-Bran. 823, shorts.AIleesgerleetinicet- &atet BcefL helWelntnsredIl dd1tuni $281: mouille. $21 ta tara were tiioge useti for 115 lteinte pre- lîy Foresters. 8 2 an 83. ludinSgefrbepps ! w l i c î e l îî g t o f s r e u e b s to r I h a v e h a d a v r c o n f o r t b le q 2 .t -guards veny tee .,ryweele8 t $4 CeseFnetwetrn.14 ash n7, ad lqu lu tan ntuehe ant o f the suo-w;-ead axparesheimel îitrigacop fte hVln until. 10 yrdscwa .v e wnlessng-h'te 15c: de., casers, 14 1a 141c. Butter 1S77 untllthi, resolution of. 1908,, and tlRo;ekies. liu-ndredg f« lowcmtcfle nutetigexuehn ieblgtesfrSio t/h-an 100 yard awny th s ae, oîolLiUfCS îîrelS nde, 27 te 27he. EgKs-F-euiu,21 10 teniel,' duiug lie wa-r or sinre. Edmronton, lies a lake wbose waters eondtieted onu amumalei a a wil hFuuumewliutngrewun5 -asthe sub- 2c eleti, 25e. 1taoe-1'er bag. Tiarelu eue meunier toeaven,'60,000 anec wystroubled, jute ii aboratory. This di'ug aotle g h de onCnms'ol 'd.. "Somewbat t 3,00 menflung*, carlots,72b ta 80c. îniablîanîs, anti evar,'600 vî-ees are aî-Cs hicb, coinbining urea wIti aicl sdl d aedcddt nietne o into- confusion the 13,000 bayonets et mn seen at finit sîglît, sF g d ' -eutltled lnealeet a daiegate: lieue deîe- large river flows bu-t out cf wh,*,ch innstéedethlipotiaîint'll.hl o-th lcnlgîigo h oni Enln;th svp-'dcn hî-baun m-uTLLodnanliCuM1 a e rostiîuentvv. ad letth atulthore i uvisible exit. Teleatl-e-n Tie gremit atvantage t rlni 5fîsiuinfrgi D'Elo ; hes1lpes- ow wich' Untm semgaers-Thus neti at hece4tage t'of nfi pillvypat sn utb a. t ba lmyre. iIha' alr e e aua atîl.GL ~ L A ,, J,~ Iay mate "t L wil e hveil autt- ta 11e N. iNerhm'rm. 55 e gle;Ne ivthaleal iîîbo-ltst4 ati iiee avetheu oeuu- wuenI1 a ,u'ic-l o ed.rf d e re d hie " U n io n > ' a n d h o u se - W h o- !.e o p in io n w ss ssk e d ' o n thM i nea ol s. p r N e1 . i hYi~ . ot c a e 'i n l h b e- e n l e c d flic D o m in io nF ne t ry B ren t o b s ieu lti alie th g e g V n n afa e - w ycav ec u ch 'et b .ln lýw, 65 1te 19je; lo o. whitei 3.L 6 dlanlu-cuatio a ve coma op tor l i l- -,bt- d, I.tot!giima teisiamimuc in i' duringon lâ ,ieh au fminls f ra-tl c" 1 hatet e mins lxeribetîedfoe!tsan t imaIs-!dofedroh iilD fte legion, oniy 400 strenM;N.iNoten 8i. o ot-I g, field iRfor t-banrmal, îînconsciou5fle-smerci- Dlu8 Arl 14c; N arn, eu-lb- d. rogiy,îz orilsh wuc.qi nderfts lau a, teacdenofce Vo t-bts ou male nesounet el talm.Vinhv eie ealwn bpnn Ma,'ng i h v it m - r 6. r e i me eWrs C nYounga i tsn u'aiin rnt lm tnie- bî-ctiîng atolh s IuindteîtY dci bin Gea lîu rs l a g inis t rep e a ted . a hîse k, u n - f lly ,-su î e v ui l n hîlet m - eu n 6e; M onatan a N . 2 ba rd, 8 i ; t e c r u n t n e o n p f r t e d - r t , a d i i e c e e c o t i u , a t e r s l f h tii thein ahmnunihit aid og-jnh fcss i ugol J t-ai. 1.6: e ,$111:lI,.mot be;opield nmt miii codsseven In edrmuig iaybeba.dwhr neateai -n îîait asu-dBiaiunifutenoc. Mont, 1 ith its scarred and frop- awa.re. o! the mauner in which $1.59è; eplembeu-. $1.691; lidtaben, e uTuu-kev.cher wèe nethte tca lioled ivaîl, ils orchard, ils chape1, certain type cf patient albolttw-obc -ortaîlîy iFront wn.îumnina. far bcluw the surface th2 wmviý!en again iv mitifleIil uesprlf.~Ia' I igteV y ich in memories o! the anaethetized - stN&ggies sud LIve tck arket. c u vbou seoret 115 naclln a n tre "herivetr tint etera ic tl e 'iab Tdoe- asuraeat ln w uî i tett fili-a - these' rem ain, 'spots lia - sera-ams, o uI,' :40 an oulce on"- e- T ronto. Aprl 14- C mttlte .'Chice 1lae of thle lng at once, la eueofth ie "i i e h te t r h a e rih O e h ra hn iowd.by ret.deei f rms ln-covening co1nscousness that lie lia.-,huc7s. $inatin$8.40: 10 3 7.35 76nta osofa-yeta-aeuuto- ln-di-mls lw inV-IyàtcpuIelob>efetlt er-a 1.- 7.0;mVu . 6.40to $735 m ti atal e 1nmiînoa htran a-sey a-ec. onc e nI se to esit miî bia tuni o'R.J M MOd , M?, desecraed vt b th actviteB -f n reèýmbanc ofmon. $5.10 to $5.711; chaîce eowia, $a.7 vhe rute luon mhetilcal science. Tusi tien deec'ae yt ~yte ! -orM a -nc !a'ny sufferîug.'9t 4A; good, $5.75 te $6.36; co in eat îdv reln ii siecefTi m ou, b~em - le an ter tau- limr te TIt ckefm 'Tie -m aze0r' U veity-O lv l Y'o in a ro a n o i it i y a r u c s i n tile mu-da et'eMedicatlite-aThecio, and ii1n or sisîlmelle OftmenDo$4.50-uoFou-c-;-uttermaatmîmantu-uctî.ote ner.edliel o fo ner " lna be-nounnanimoatslYeselecla.dste T h a r n a d s n o i t n ti rs , .2 0 te 5 .6 0 : c o c u l r a . 0 s u dli h c h I O c l s d u b liri'u*(!Is O verfow a Mtîc - w c of the leadi g Lcnd ou boapi a s o ns,$8 .2 0 le .$3,50; co $ ..c bulh . 5 d~ oin u h roo tiserivce lu t e w ar Th s um n r t e D -ni, F cs ha t e t u 1o d t agreed that deM a agofly night Well $4 tue51.40). Stockeras and teedeut- th tpiolti serluinanth iteotrBac st,.gtsu y-at-sde utltréKn 1" h--cl ýne a1:)oplar y lee 5.s0te $6.40; iigit. $3:60 te 5$4;75' anlîloxin the-unew remneti,'stiad along it h ofr cs-adcsenw ned iut oe mtne paiat the fieidb -n1, bd - 1n-i 5.0-hlc.8.5 t5.5;goiei , fdt$ dpte-lt hle trat flc anW.sa- cs av.Itofm eteta leIo-tahe îndb Snîe - bs ben îhrotecd i3u'sls je he uetio isdieîîî~d in Sm Jrru~rs. te $90 mîilro, ~ lsikin tet efea i ws e'-andstoy f la-l- xpeienasretesttm CanlvConel pîeîes lua ionf-î vesîs 58.5 te ~ fi'ctite te î,ubhe as e cue. Tlurcc ' eu-a a-e livInglanger. îlia 'daitîlca et .The scoch miii- everiowig ad a usioonigroth A-bu e'sfamos bck, adîm~G~dîo s. siad sd lamis ,'em'set apanimen ut ia natiuleluki ficion Oîu paty ientt-beolt t'aIta ucuemit liI1li caitalliteesbtt o tb Dowy. ondnea '(if the-- - -a- . ia àns v e y c o diti n . M - _ d.». -- v n -- r, l e a-s t i s c f u- tîua n d' l im anC c f i n e s ~ ~ 1 - ~ b i g o p t Bî'Iisl CuiiiiittC W îîtd. o rfî. heh r I d eae , Tic police bave beenu onabie fo aud fell wit-h hum t-o theground7 tinîb r. %.fjng rp-dltti :u e.IîuiS a-anem m î ie i Tih l3elgian Goeennnut is under- couid lus tougu e ebooxseued. woîîld ftud auy trace o! the expioded cati, Eoo -obe w'tliing, if stîfficient'lluol- nernembel' anythiiug ait a-Il about bt wbich sein.s te have been blewn t t-'-prairiesansd tice barren land,; in the cy h fçanlhcomuFu-g fu-em abroad, to matten. . _. 1 am well eoen,%ince'd atoms, a.nd su are soîîîcwhat 11V a ILL1NG (lIlISTIANS. grest Nanrti-W e-st. HlmBrl give t ile sche i ts assistance and that if the ewly-born infant sd loes feu-a- the or,' of t-e accident.Th'm eo on spot;--teman who bad juat dieti cauid Theythbink it likeiy, bowever, that Mussulîifl Aîbaîîian.9 Are ACAusi- (.JI. (AlITLZTI urgiars for pic',u oniain TeKnal îriCu,î a The ftust stop ho beticVken il the compare, their eTheiecmicrophoneit iais nowne dynascde, ndbyd Ratîeîytht endrmes speaker.rni forimatin ci- s British- comumittee, me-m would have pmeîed o be the been et tiere utinkingly hý ti n twîb u neee o oe su d i a e % Vo c-opeate ith he -Beigan sife-er."cc-m cf be fmeig worrnenlivig AiensApni 8,-n oficia cc-n- m noVwithuît uteîthe o noe sond i mate whn th preer ngftitiell wili h itilihmyo, committecansd te ceilet.subscrip- in thie aeighbou-hood wlîe are em- ntunication gays that Mllîssîlman C.P. R. par mlle is greatIy below the iug point, and tis a vnboigFr adhvtî-ae r insThtbhatnot be-e oie The Nuniber "evid"-ploycd on consitruction in t-be cihy. Albarilans yestenday -entenred Kor- acaewihote i ytm iudb est cin.Tan itb en ouhed .nit'.. in uthoUitd tae.Th tisiprcpibeh ms enos 11 Blat oprainlusg aled a ol b trbte o A gnlmn ws lking a DinOR.E.BY......... isan ~wthe id et Vos - oau-- r, t,,,,iapprente'iStte.'hLii f4pecetil fa'ulure te realize tbe urgeney o! t-be,sida o! a- canai anc eveuing sud Dmn, wbo he d o thicî,sbydiamdr $800e i' ueu-hi yuiga icohn t îa l --i a th c se aIV R C B W R E E S . ixed cpr e r il t e , P . as ga u nt -n bueas y um alte ro le u- h e ou d . A t e t/e as.saw a title-boy interit on fi-an. ie ho ba'pegan lyamsen e ,0 e r 00 er milanone. icsiaer eu-ni o i- eebu e-mn-5îbnz Thheatrna-humai forlandHemand, Mfort inannd In ef;oe askedtie "Myi litthtIeabiantma-nana eïsareOn=g, f te.00Frranle..eTeApiieulefoB o oiradybedhntOput u pnce, muy'fiilhe yu augbî 7" Illip awailan liîress. te Chnietianil. ueseGcmpaired are the Attluis-on, coiver is emplcoadi.iyp-$500o dihca aplfl o A epthfo.Sa rnic tbsiuefrMn. Topeka, One-t Nortbern, Nonrtherni pied ng4linst th ae( cttobc etc i't elWleGres poe h ihrwjlb- he uti- bpromotlwhen ve ktheedmaisgans mated otehghrwilh bcuti-bihti;l'Il-he nI'ek bda- aiy> bbyVefii.wmn In Bîi'-Pe wbere t/le problein e! balance-lhcei.-value o! Vie rail- are lis--* witb -stlpon.l ï,n vl bethubn adw ma-be coit - î ct-len, III -ave oaa."whre eve s r gb aieecfiogce aysecturng sufficieut food is imors îîa-y sud equipmnieltper mile 1the this w-y1, e soun.ihlvn u Icac.T r ____________________________ wîlea is Mrs. Miani eïe K. Kng, inpressing 14an in t/bu countrny, long average for the ines iudicated for aibow o! eôpeniug bcbc.DnSeia f(emgBii W yN t7P rC n n e e t uolobu. Mrs. King, ricb in ber Iss in thein efforts le preduce foodl Vie C.p.R. iV nusc-ny $25,000 per -' ~ itM.Shîdnwole1. lcown îigh n e b ro! theawaî,uicefrllasC R h akn aso au u > i talo tBîai> M nse~lv i'eioneie earnulIsu han 7%, wrIte tb us te-day. Ie twPio naily ebeiiHawaiiie 1qu.lthenîetsOut@Joeh yne yu%1aer a yôrý hmatýn !ans Efrnngap et yed at wWlî t/eagec lelem. féua, ebel las betdWtxgi-takdb h are offeriluWthe Bodet a suceaouf , wel-orgatàezd coin- eieparated f rom ir lu band, -& oal teeure aa elI Yur Iivetent na,' be wlhhdl'5wu an,' tioet el a ense n-ofau dtIeivodfr pellwa rcne yd ilerioUtde reak-wbat/ i deciared te be a satis!aetory thbe rdina.ry of $300, per ordiel i eespeill 'wen OAIg IIE, lnan eundt e sade- stîhititute for m eot' He bas ne.med $100 ibare wâthut allcwiiig BMY, day ha sto(pped asuet atb adcet-bfr .cudtcm AINLSOXIISGB atad an retul tehe ss.das hisartificial meubt "Viandine, '>aad thing a-V aIl for lannd. middle cf -a- -readiugwt:"o ocid wea-ltby 'e &itisdscibd svery similar t/o .'~ e rnuc od u lrin ri eietoc LI7~SmWZG - ONOea. ChyA-man, wbcse namne is with- fi s ied-' j"u edn Dbln bc a ane ou ibid by b-er att.erneys. They d- 'eah, but mueb less expansive. Ho-w coula saf.- "Woond," ae hn hr ekdtama et-leriso ______________________________........______ cided ho wed, but ait the lait minute "-ifG- -Do yc ehjYj18k i av eyr oed iten asflg - ~f Cn e iadithvey-auhy Kngreneubre tba tbe-Neatly Turned. T e J'r-r- jo u i o T C O LT DI E M PE RMrs. Kd nr med'ore d t a - theitb neais? - i a4 i vî g i.Ita e- ae 1ol nîtc ~i<twm dlits diasae> y caulr i esc arei O I d , adî auEMP e rs ifne Msa-4tci5dvorc fh!Kin th e iae sef y. oli ar N la ie o bli 0 Rm C UNU I h db a d n e e e nge r b e e nh e R e g n a n te d.O u r teSh er , isen to kebe aT hnd: " O u rt d o oea c h e rr- nis 3a ire eiu-Acteontable 110d aad î Epl OIT-@cteontliteMlotd 5A , , g 'wireless anessages ho lber attoneys The other boys anticipa-ted rcin 5tZ' bl"o i ae apnL fore and a resuit Judge Doa /e be scbooimasOr arrived; but Th~e Man-Not a c1haW-itepý te-Io ho11tglr ue, o! Oakla-nd, signsd the final de-t-bers nere none. Hoeunerely wroteprosa fi ineresla fol. DruSgtBO ari'mamusu du na. Or tro ber ,Ias DonaUwhen t aOadpleeIY -reeke. -. -- IST. *om Al-ce. ChomatenulEsce r e-, wtih.wasat once wire1c,sed the word "rve"At1r"dnY," I yu ntayihing avertised 1"BaeueIrfsdhmtefrtrptte eta h aee toHonlulu - adopanad echool as usuak Lwia.hut cotteân , of course.' hw uxutuiei rtolO1lilii tel %on, md. U.ARCHIVES IlOF.a gNTARIO.i e ~t. r a y- or a- * of'- n-t o! fe ls a ,n, ýas md- ars, ne-

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