Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 4

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* WHITEVALE.. WIlson, et 'l'oronlo, la ;t~r IselI4a>'s. - homeo -Wai ter JL. Clatre, o!f Ottawa, la - Oin ol a afew days bhres ilth his -R". P., K. Dayfoot le te coîduot a Suaday Sciioci Inotitute ln lb. Bap- Met clsurcb bore next Suuday alter- muon atai2p.m. Everybody weicore. Wlioeplug coUghpM9116îstu mai>' familIes, 'tbougb 10w are very M1 witaItI - The boys and StrIs from tiht bigi méoli 'are hôme ruiticating duning vacation. (Toc late for lait 18812) A i.Daniels,-froan Brookhiur.>- cenby purchasai "lthe (3atIeo 0aa" Utî ~ewP in t b. çaeiste forsomebodY and s!ea.bllsh a hereY Mr. Tipper, Distict Ropreslilaive et te Depariomt 0! Agd iturel pald a vieit 10oOur echool lasti Tues- day aid arranges! for lue orgaulrlng of a Board o1 Directors for te sec- tien, ans!a gave Instruetion ne 'b the berne gardmlng supplies, etc, Mr. Pluueck bas Itled up bis store and if opouiiis out ~utevk ot:grevr- les Ibis week. is, Curtatu Was burled on 1Wed- needay last aller mnany weeks of su!- tailns. [AWTER WIPaE A table deljght (or olâd and young, is tc' taste of the good meats we seil. Meats Mild Sugar Curcd Hams, 'Back Bacon, B Bacon, Cooked J-anis,- and RoIls nie ai 20c lb. Fruit Fresh Lettuce, Grape Fruit, California C 1juicy 'and Sweet, 'Bananas foi your Easter' Farm Produce Dairy Butter and Fresh Eggs daily, from t that you can depend upon. Try Ours. J1no. E. WATERI1OU 14 H1IT B Y 'Phono h11, Promlpt I)elivi '1 * THE DOMINION BAN #IR ROMUNDU OSLE R, MP. PRISIDENT. W. 0. MATTMEW5, VIOE-PIESIC C. A. BOGERT. 'G.neral Menager. This Bank Offers Farmers scmplote idgatlsfactory baidng tervIco.- galt-its collected on favorable terme, and advançes made en suchb nc ressonable rm'es. The SavIngs Departr-n.nt ! a zaf. and co'werlont depository for money. Interest ai ourrent r.tcs iz paij on deposits of ane dollar and upw fWHITBY BRANCH: A. A. ATINSON, Manager. OSHAW. H, BLACK, I FarnsFor Sale -4 Upwaids of f orty Lfarme from 26 actes -up, and 30au acre,,guaranheed ho show- satisfactory resul investment, Ioeated in Wbitby >and Pickering 'Poç Every conceivable requirement of soil, buildingo, and other improvements can ho met ln the varied liai Es 1.WINN, Bell phoe'. 109. -wul, P. 0. Bol 394 Reçlidence, Dundae St. West. NEW ,SPINOF'OTI - We are receiving, large shipments of the fOot,%ear. Our stock is more complete thanc We have shocs tliat - atisfy paîticular people. ~~:YEXTRA SPECIALS Boy' W rk.Shues. F-,lu KI*liODI St ~k St., S wth hit.byg Ont. A»4 and Laura, are vlslting ln Pe- h - )4r. Goron Hodgsou; of 'Toronto, farD entiI a Tlhe egg social on F'riday evenig was well at.tended, and al -report -a Haîr o fteni continues toi live and good lime. grow lng aftertheb dealli of - the Mr. David- Thomp&on,**bo basbeen body. ý3ut it is otten killod $brougJi alck ,for mrne iae, in -slowly im- meecti or mnlause. . Almoët «always Piov165. 'tue wqman or mai wbose Jzar le The 'scariet lever ýpatieate are con- Ialllg ui or là strlngy,_ 11f aleseand, vaIoePIug~ 4uIl U, in5 " tirçly tg blame be- Miss Fleda Drlig, of 'Poronte o, cause:<s!not glvlng Il the proper viulttng with ber parents. cie. > t lu easy bt tke care o!f11elj ,The marriage o! -Miss LiUlaa l>Pfls àlr. Use 1flarmoay loir Beautilier Yononly daugliterof is. M, A. t1, me il glossy, solit and slky,andt 'Young, te Mr. Géorge R. W#air4, fbisd -Harmd ambn4oo Ip keep hair -and son of Mr. J09.eI1 Wai,.'ôf l1aian, scalp 6hrô.ughiy édean. It ifguloliûht- Ont., took place, at hait-pa-itI cveu fuly- perfumed ,w1th true rose. o'cloek '1'ùeedav eveêg - laat. ini thse prlnkle a Uitile on your hait each L4atter Day Saints' church( 50110 St., 1lime betore brut4hins it. centàiune n TPoronto. The ceremony was perform- on, zrwacanne celer of hair ed by Blishvp R, C. Evans, î;s'uîo r ularkeu gre>' bair, by Eider A.F'. Mcteau. lises Elsje 1'To 1keep your Lbair and -scalp dan- 1Hi11 preslded st thlbrgan. The, drulff4îee adýla use Harmiony bride looked chaxmIng In a, gowa 'of! Shampoo. Thtu Pure llrquid, ubaMpgo whitê ebatniîeum-oiîtift, trlmni4 ¶.ith 11 Mo t mônenêt tà o un, girng an pani cornaurn e asnd!ehaaow lace, i suslttansouz rxch; £-oamiits ather with trai. lier vel .wag caught Up' luit îmmediately pentratea têeévery wlt, -orange -blossoians- and ah. c ar- jpart0f rtbe bair-andsclp csuring a id a bouquet of bridai tost,î aid 4UIck, , é6rough cleansing. Washed off Ililes -of the Valley. 1l'le brldesmaid just aý quickly, th1e en't'ire operation 'n'as Miss Violet Thelma- Gray,. who takes puly a fe+L moments. Con tains *was gowned in pink silk, trimmod' nothunk that 4Oa4l iarm he hair, and ,with shadc>w lace, 'and wore a be- laveslno harshhess or st4ckiness. coming littie Jullet cap. trimmed Botîli prepardtioeîscornein niod. with, pearis, and carried a bouguet, of shaped, very ornamental- bottles,with. 'plnk rôgég. Mr. M.P. Young attend- einkler tops. 11a!mony unir Bieu- "d tint groom. After tint ceremony ai tiller, #. Har=tony Shampoo r-0c. reception was held ai thO home ô! 4he Both guaranteed to satîisufy you lui bride's mother, 66 Langley Ave. The'every tvay, or your money back. ré«ld drawing roomn was turned int a ban- Oflly al the more than -7,000 Rexaîl 'quel room, and was prettlly decorat- stores, and in jais lown onby by us. cwibeectrical festonaand floralA H. AllEn, druggist. decorations, about sizty guestesîst- - tlng down to supper. Mr. and lire. PARTIAL ECLbIPSiE O' P E SUN. - a. ~Ward lai t for ans exleuded t~rip I 'Ubpe ob wk hS8 through tihe Wstarnnand Southen ris. next Tuesday, Aprl219t, walch ___________ 3have a 1 May, when they will take up their which iElîl take place at that lime. Ieiecel heir new 'home En theIf.clojais itveuf hOlR p tsfrM h City. eclipse wlll not be visible. - -HONOR ROLL, MODEL sCHOOL. KEPIALD L IARRIAGES. . Jr. IV.-Harold IliohatldilouNill8 rR"kfst "f ASOUTEL O KENT-COOK-At Myrtie, 'on Wed- Rose, Flossie Augu9lus. WakfSt "S ASOLUELYMARVELOUS nesday, Aptil 8, Ruby Florence sr. i1.-John Robertson, Mary nd mild AS A PAIN KILLER." Cook Ite Mn. G. Percy Kent,- boh i Mtchell, Goldie Jennifga., Mrs. Beatnice Cassey, of SwaIecliff, 0'LMy III.HARDSON - Att .,Duncan ga, now wbt Etmeas 1 h. Whttby, on Wedueeday, Aprîl 8,1 bednidden- with pain. She aIso knows io leei,-GO nOw ow anly 1. trtues t reu- Greeta Louise, second daughter S.1-oay hputUo malism andi lumbago may be over- Mr.1 and _Mrs.. Geo. P. RichardsonHaeM ie ron corn. Se eys,"My xpeienel Mr. R. J. Goldring, of Port int. 1.-Mande Brown, Gertrude :)ran'ges, v$th KEPHALDOL as a pain-kileWy er1 SON-iWAD On edes1Jr, Normai n one. (lay TabIe jes absolutely marvellous. I had a1OBR -H WAD On eds T 1-eln Bnei (lay Table. laarfubly acute attack last year o1, day, April 8, Mary .Iane, eldest E aton, Allen Trirnne equal, Clifford neuritis, sciatica and lumbago, and' daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bruce. suffered in bed for many days. Fin- Howland, Base LEne West, to Mr.!1 Sr. Primer-Edgar 'Bonneil, (Non- all Ihead ! ephldlwhib id Cephasà.tI. Osborne. mats Cormack, I'I-enry Rodd> eq.ual,l - wonders for, nie. J shahl always feel j lvi' Ward.- he frm eet ratfulfor haîil ua due, )-lee's~jcod N ws ~r 1 Int. Primer-Edward Sleenman,Lb the arm mos grtefu fo wht i hasdon, )cres God N ws o r vin Sturgees, Vers Johinson. and I arn meet happy tb let others DvSpeptics. IJr. Primer-HI-arold Rlice, Banhie kuow of ilts wonderful effecîs as aM ay rlSegtom pain destroyer."t ---M ayErlSghoIn KEPHALDOL le the oniy pain, te-,1 We have good news for every per- HENRY ST. SCHOOL. liever thisaIdoes flot affect thse heant. IlsOn in Ibis tewn wbcv as ani' forrn Clase IV.-Dorothy Bradbury,-iad- S , It acte directly o n the jierve ceuters, o! stomacis trouble. It le about ai lnmtLreRvn *eaeiag and quiettng tIse pain. KF4PH-1 remedy for indiýeslion aud dyspepsia teiS tI .lis, t Eai. k)eul *ALDOL le the favorite combinalioni thal we have se much failh in as toi S W I .HBrowlne. Ok)qu, of nerve stimulants and honics pre- effet W le oyeu wiîb our personal oe .Bon ?6rye scribed by the fainous Doctor Stohr, guarantea thal if il doa nol- relleve- _______- of Vienna, the great-nerve .specialist, yeu and salie!' you in every way. , ~ f . KEPHALDOL le now soid in Can- we will refund .éthé monci' you psid W omnn Who IBLO ada bi' ruggists in 50vý tubes or mai' for il wlthout question or aLgument be ,Isad by eending 50e direct to KepIs- of any kiud. You riek nothing, eitis- this universaily popular homne aldol, Limited, .31 Latour St., Mon- er Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets wil ne- remiedy-at times, when there Ireal. lie ve your stornacli ailmcnle or theise ne-r prdmn or ______ î~~ncsney veju paid for tlîem will be ~ne-r prdmn or i Whirby blck-jto "Îu.hThere is;Po e ed' of ifnnecessary sféiý --just -whut itsaýs. X'our vwnrtl jeon- ('ounLii met on Monday, XAprii 6 eli. 'lIf Rexaîl D%'s,,,ppsii abalets Menbér ai prsen. Reveln Ihe don't satisfi' you, tLhe money s chair. Minutes of last niecfîng read yoîîrs and we weint yoîî te have t p fI antd Confirmed. Ilexail Dyspékeia Tablets soothe Co'ncainYer ed1ej. the inflameci stomach, check Iseart- dro-Eiectic with schedule A aii'd B humn and distress, stimulate n Soad .,.,-whore. In baa.. 2S cents. r. reîerred te in draft agreemnent Aise Isealîhi' serretion of gasîrlo, juice, aid :ftem C. M. Willcox, accepting order~ food, and'hlp le quickly restore thé, - "" oofare plank. Frorn "Toronto ln rapid an'd corfeifrlable digestion dl' -Ganeral Trusta Corporation, re te- ttomach .te a conifortable, easy-act- moval of limber and fence on lot 30, tmg bealîhi' state. Tbey aise aid > concesston 8. greatiy Ein promnoting regular bowei - -- -- - -A numben of accounts were paesed action. Rexail Dyspepsia Tablets arele for paymeuî. * sold onl' at the 7,000 Rexali stores, bMr. A. Ketchexn'as heard re doua- aud lu lit towu euly by us'. '1hreel l1 ion to Public Lilxnary'. sizes, 25c., 50c.. and $b. '. Batty and Wm. Hatris ware heard hi' Council, re grant t0 Brook- MILITIA 'MINISTE R IWREAVED. liniSprin"'~air. at rom 'Phe toiiowing wire feuce bouuses Aller an illnesof several months' [te romat 5 cntsperrod duration in thIsearkdale hospital, wnships. Miss' E. A. 'Brown, cal side lot 19, Ont., slst4n of Col. tIse Hou. Sai orchard com. 4, 70 rode: Iaines White, Pick- uhs Âse fMlta n wid- T u s d y tofferd. ering lI.; con. 7, 200i laeodabcr;.JRbobert c Duif, west ideloi 24, con. 8, 80rode. g aArl1,in hrlfysxt Ils was moved and seconded tisat naApl 2 nbrtfl-ll Clek rpiyleyean. 1!She had'beei an invald for ste C rpl oTron toGoeral the p ast lwo-yeare. 5he was boni r BY Trusth oratio lmuiain statug he emmuieatonnear Blackstock, Ont."; aid la enrvlv- ed by two 8son6, R. «Jobb, o! the onîzes! anyone toecul down any trams Custèms Deparîment, Port Lambton, whatsoever, adjolnin>g thse Nichol Oni n 'ec ob ! icsok Dnepnty no dl aiToffcia cfIheDr. J. L. Hughes, et Toronto,,- andA Toawsbipntee,.atit bor f r. William Hughies, Dominion lu- L A -i noeybe aagdb ro pector of Penitentianies, are brotis-___ les ne oayteeiTdwnahip hi'porton ers. 5he wae a memben of Biacb- mir ehah e!VIseTewshipCororaton.stock Methodiet church. NEA bRDon't Grow Hair.i ________THlE 110' USE PAIjISIAN SAGE. - NoFr.iends If Your hair is gettiug thin, lesing s latest st> le Ults nalur,,l Colror hae tisat Mat. 'ik h eover before e, i dbe siecraggy appearance, th eso scvîdcnh..daudruff and ; I e fn s1 fg F 1- th, hait r.otlspropcr- ¶ the- For the encrior of ycmu:home there Es no better paint tIlia SboewWWUlaS Paint (Prepared) SWP. It lu made of thse pusrest of materiais, combines! ia correct, scientific proportone.wth the aidofspecialmachinery. hreiMltIifaigspf@cadiî55, long wearing paint l iuid; forzm, aU readly to apply. Por «oréý, th easiielàg to a PpWly, à.-W tusîcle Ploor Paint and t itikve* particularly good rciultî yno l çüg ielrdfoyQ w ad, floor the hast finish in S-W Mar-no, a hard-drying wia±arproof floot ýVarnzsh-. For the- wýalls cf yourhomýe,_ while watelr patInts, sdhas §B-W 'floostint, g!ive pieasing effects, they have Dlot the'durabity, which melàans :nreucowDQy, 5bhrwia- WlliansFlat-tonc is uuquestIouably tine bqst paint -for walIs. It làanis olpasut'tliat- deies with'a eoit" ftat ie>'etV iis.Itisa vory durable and eau be wsilse4 with n *oapsii wat, ~jY luç-onççeiÇpinwçz>'-Our beaetifuîl Ora, the scecetioos -Of expert dacorators, Porthtie varn 'ihsng ýot ihtorsor- worlc sucit as winitettàfg, docte, lurniture, etc., WC recommcrid 5-W Exceilo Varnish, or 5-W Kopai, au oid4 faebiened,- ecncral' Purpose vaynieh, which, can bo used 1 Inide an'd outside and le .1usît the tlsîngfor varnished woodwork lu, kitchens, bathroomuo, or, for- front ýdoors, poNch eilings, etc. For floors use S-W Mar-not, a- sp=cla waterproIloor VaruIsb,'wllUanot turi white when water is spilled on Ik menr dm ea ihow. scratches and hlIcol marks$roadity. W.e au taka c'are of your.averyj paint and varuish zseed. Drop iu and discuss your-- p 'nt an&'Yarnith problema with us. 'one Gg GEOSMe RICEýl: EVERYTHING IN - HARDWARE' 20 WHITBY Jr. 11.-H. Jackson, H. Ricbaid- Class'11.-R.- Hall, G. Grahamn, W. ou, P. Shepberd. Gallinger. Primary Porri, Clase 11.-R. Is"sac. M. Wlas Ciase V.-J. 'Podd, J. Bryck, L. o. Sénft,. Cas IV.-F. Conrel, R. Hall-, T. Ciase -.-C. .Ifeard, -R, Gailinger, ammon. H. Seldon. - I - - 4 ---1 Fridaéyand -Baturday 1THIS WEEK CQUEýRE'T" USEHOLD LACQUER' -FOR ý irniture, Linolecum, Qil;oth, Souvenir fa each Lady. Irawing Book to eaclh Cbild.- H ard waid - - 3 wwvvvvvvwvvvyvvvvyvvvvvvww~ -J I 4: < I - I j t n 7 f t, EMONSTRATION rée9s etç. 1.4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 to our fitting of Spectac We, e mpl0y th late st Mn you -the adva y the use ofýrRoyal Baking Powder a- reat maniy more articles of food may be ý4fily made at home, ail healthful., de. mious, and, economical,, adding mucb ariety-and attractiveness to the -menu. -The"" Royal Baker and Pastry Cook containfng. fivehundred practica -recelpto -for ail klnds ô£ baklng and cookery, frec. Address RoyalJ Baklng Powder Co., New York. s w/cc.' FORWARD. -TIse watchwotd for the us is "ADVANCE." - ti of our cause wete neyerj isin'g or thse outlook brig have a Pro-vincial Goven i& f ttendly le eutcause, purpose blndin.g thée Tmn eu w hich le unsurpasSeE a mensure o! re-al uuity soàan Catholie and Protes ans!- Englisis, thal rmust -bearl o! .God ; an enemi' * iscredited. Close up Take your riglil place, il -esPons and -be f aithrii 'Along-eut hie sosa No blootl-neu colôns wa *Our banner lbrars, omfsý 'Our -Mission, is to Save .-Easter Mon-day was Il as a holiday in town by men, but the lîanks wr in customari'. Mnr. .11pun Gîînblet w * lrm lhel.'public VIsaI he apasser service conN 1i traie -t Whitbv .Ju iIlbu made at. any nesi For $6.25 inslead _'of -sent's watch, -guaraulee. - MORE NEW FO] Tkrcc >mono pensons Ibisweek te the liaI of autou ln t wn, wieaW. 3on sold Ford çars - b lvray and M1r. .IoiuTh il.. Dudley aise made a._ lire. Ofo. {Cormack ha' l*own a!fter spending 'the ?few York. The Womnen's Institute tise Agrlcultutal rorne ar .tenni, Aprîl-171n, aut demnonifra-tlon wil b. gi nII]ixs', by six younig SaÀ mecn did girls wlCOrne. Ross, Pre'-rdeni Miss *Cledflic'31' ' ledThe ri3r L awn Bwîn'C.1ub1) %isc AgnsCIfdturaI ('I'urltda1) ut 8 p M. -necs5a4y, of a, qa exami-ation-. -NE -what your trouD cannot err in cei usWe wiil g' frame and a corre return.,your mone TORIC -LE> or wide aýngle ler th>e vogue..W -tbempintbe new Eyeglass.. Yes! wear thîs eyeglas have. any nose Cali and-see us. facti.on guarantee Oppolile Poéi Ofi evw% log m'ri 1% qMMA ------------------ ---- W ýwwww Vw V W 4*t^OOWWOWWVVW w JL L À V'W V'W v v Vv"" 1 -à 1

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