Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 5

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'Oui t&tion, ffor having evcrythiug Ujust right, applies also - ýto Our fittng of S-pectacles lEye*G lasses We employ the very .iatest methods, giving you the advantage, if necessary, of a dark room examinationý No mattel' what youz' trouble, you c annot err' in- corisulting us We wiII give you a coi1rrect glass, a cors ect framne and a correct fit, or returri your money. "aces l requmeSd.Evjeroenlteut. 84 hla anbowlia& - h huvioI. fFor. Canada Portlsnd Ceément go 'to George M. Rices. Everything la hardware. - - A eigtroed otage. Apply to Ail the lâtest designs of sping fashionailu footwear wll be ýdsplay- cd atl M.W. *Collins' soe ostore on Frlday sud, Saturday oa tis .week. -The Toronto Chapter ef Trafalgar Daugbtters will bold tbeir lunebomn -Toront0oen Tuesday nert. ln buying shoes ait M.W. Colline' remember you get large discounts onf for cash. We have somegood second-hauil wheels cbeap for cash. W..J. Luke l Son. -6 The new mail boxes for the mail collection service bas been put up ln t$ieir places. Tbhey are o! the regular ,ktze seen ln the cities, and are of the Iusual red color. The service willi probabiy commence ehortly, but na Intimation bas beeui reccived at the Post off1dé as Yet. NOTICE. W. J. (;Rit & son, of Oshawa# bave secured a uice roorny paint ahop -,nd are propared tW do ail kindu of car- niage panting on' short notice. Bazn- bridge's oid stand north .o< the towu dlock, Oshawa. -45. TORIL LENSES MISSION BAND The Mission Band of tbe Baptiat Church provided a most enjoyable or wide angle lenses aie hour for the grown-ups of the con- the vogue., We hav-e gregation on Monday evening. Untder the piesidency o!f Mrs. -.H.1. James thern ini the new the youngstsrs had bçen splendidly trained, and gave a prograni largely FIWGER PIECEmissionary in character. Whetvher ia ILIVIsingin.g,-reciting on in t elling the iitory o! the MissionaTy work of ths denomination, the cblîdren acquittedi Eyegiass. \ýe's! you can themselves very cneditabiy. wear this eyeglass if you We have a nice line of new bicycles, have any nose at ail our own make,' guaranteed, trom $28 up te $40. W. J: Luke &,'Son,. Cai an se us Saîs- The roads hvedried up splendidlyt factin gîaranridng the past few dai's, and auto-.t mobiles bave ben rttarting ihir c ea- son's runa gaia. Work bas hein coni- msnced on tbe to'wn streets, level-e llag and gradiag bsiag thé irst re- R. N.. Bassçtt quirements. rn$2up Joweler and raduate OPtian No need Vo go te thé city for s wheel when you eau get nue 5t home;C OppositePott Moeguaoanteed ight bene fo 2 p Opposte Pît OflOSW. .1. Luke & Son. whitbyq Ont. rl aHEndIRACE MoalRefofm Anniversary. An cIer-' -' . -- . ing wili hbe taken towards the sup- ' ~v -r u iport of this most iniportant depart-I W-. U ment o!f<tir chr.rch work. Kermons' --.- -- - - - ---- ill lie prpac'hed hb' the R1-e-, Sofford - FORWARD. F. Dixon. I 000(1sinc)ing, rond çert ires, ail iIf Yom Want'a Singer Smwlng achil R.meznber that ii have; thom, au will be pleased it placeo0ne with yc on tial,- to-cal and se. lu i. main udc-i ýh r,.D. Fni - Wr. Jawe.t tÃ"wr, Toroatto, iwit Mr. " . as. 'Smith, ai port - Wbtbt. IM lislsee. aphruo pen; pot- er atih ome of Re«. W, aMd lira - West, i< .Port Ferry. Mir..Livesy mmd Mis u s189Md r.Master Aibano, 0<ofsavma, 5P5i id flday 'siith lira.'T.!>. Iedosn WIr, sud s'Mr. eo. Wallire M to 'Roy. Walters, and llas Myrtle tWalb bu ors, sudWr. llcginald Soutbwoll, ol Torouto, - with lira. Gee. Southwell. bu I La befere purchasng a machine. You ,know the SINGER has a. reputation of its owu- Geo. 1. Wilson Photographer Whitby Mimilletrle lVrâm, ! Toront0e, at Mr. Frank Goldrlng's. Miss DaIsy -Jones, ofT 'oronto with her parents. Miss A. Paquette, of Bowmanville, with ber parents. Miss Tina Ravin, o! Toronto, with her mother. iss Ruth Downey, of Toronto, at ber bomne here. Mus Helen Long, o! Peterboro, witb ber parente. The Misses Robertson, of Toronto, with their parents. Misses Emnma and Ethel Goldring, of Toronto, w'ith their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Downey, Peterboro, wlth Mr. C. Smith, B3yron Street. .Mrs. Grey and Miss Lou Calverley, of Toronto, at Mr. Wm. ('alverley's. Miss Lula Macpherson, of Hastings, is with her parents bere for thxe holi- clays. Mrs. Norman Notter and chlld, o! Toronto, with Sherlif and Mrs. Pax- ton. Miss Marguerite and Mr. Durner Neill, of Toronto, wlth their par- ent%. Miss Mclnnls, o! Toronto, wasi with her sister. Mrs. Frank Math-I The N o! Toroi Lawler. Fsh ov -The watchword fon the }ear before' welcome. Broc us is 'ADVANCE." The prospects .. nd>rnie <tqt.a 3 ol our cause wers nover more prom- . anOrnieclssa ising or the outlook brighter. We 0.0-0 Thê off ering f or the Tie.mperance and have a Provincial Governme'nt wbichMraRerifui'ilhtknt is friendly teo un cause, aud unity o o almeonds. n vilbetke puros bidig te emprace or'Aions cerpswheh iiuthe. urpaseanyie or-DRN H O C~ c enhc usur ra unity bstwreeno GODIN baiRDO. Y e ea Cathofiealud Prty etnt, Ron Aquebutparywdin man ad E lic,1tatd muoet gadet tlFr oe nmAqizet tuthpetthome et nMr s ha n o! Qed an emtgldv-dndhe s.eorgze F. ithabrdesofWht.land leareteGd; anieernup thedrandn on GeoredF. ARi hdo, Whentheir T.krde or igtCle usthe ringhtson Wdnedagt, Areeta Louisawas Nc weapons and be faithful unto death. united in marniage to Richard -John "Along our 'Une no sabres shine, Cioîdrin g, eldest ton of Mr. aond Mrs.1 Tov No blood-red' colons wave, Richard Coldring, Port W'hithv. IRcv. Our banner henni one single line, M. E. S.ýexsmitb, et Wbth)v, officia.- * 'Ottn1 mission is to caVe.' "ted. The bride, wthe was gîven a- the - way y h er fatlier, worer a g<mwn Oft * . , '.tite chiffon cîvrr satin, witlî eha- f (1W ber' ind prarl ri rrn zia, iI~ailenn~s' $ ,anr'est.rai vt.î carrht at iltorange lt rr'. hittSSIti, and rarrieil a bouqut o!, b I . - , .li'ly o!ftIlle '.alley anti wiife rss ~ ~ .se'-le iss Olive (lolîring, sister oif the' - Eater onda wasnet bsered Igroom, renderc<l the wedulirg riarch, Eastr Mndaywasnot bsevedanti tt'as tiiP.il r;n iit tgrpern 501< a&»a holiday in town by the business wilh pink tnrimruing-."bc, tz'oom'5 f ,men, but the itanks were clôsed, as gft bIo he brievas a gold watcb s in customary. rnd_ (hain, andIrto tht' pianist a cres- 1 - 1 cent o! pearis. Afler Itîncheon, the' 14Mn. .John Gimblet' wishe.s to lu- happy coruple lett arnid showens cfý ferm Vhs public that hé has started confetti and gond wishes on thfÉir & passenger service connecting with honéymoon to Indiana, the bride ail trains at Whitby .IunetÀon. (lalis travelling in a navy serge suit with wili be made at any residence. ['bons bat to match. Atter their return they wili neside at Pont Whitby, and 0 wil he ut home" to- théin many R For $6.25 instead o! $8, Rl. N. fiends affpr' Ma! Ist. B Iagseétt is sell ing a good knock-about, - - - g.nt's. watcb, guaranteed for thres esnl eto ysmns. Save $1.7e. PersonaMentiI MORE NEW FORI2S. Mliss lPauline Waugh spent the hol.' ffThree moroe pensons, wene &dded day witth trisdu ru Toronto. tkis week te ths Iret o! ownns, of Mrs. -John Mac Carl spexît ths auto£ lu towa, rheu W. J. u..O & Haster holiday with ber daught.er lu safe Mon aoid Ford cana to Judge MeQil-. Cauningtoa. Ba lvnay and Mn. .John 'rhompson. Mn 'f Dr. Lou J. Sebent, o! New York, in. Bra 13. Dudley aIse rmade a sais to_'.. homp fôr s week visiting his psrentes, h UtheI.M nad Mme. O. Sebent. finei 6 rDr. rnnett and two daughters, of long K rs. (leo. C'ormack bas ribturnmd ta Toronto, spent 'Sunday with tbe fer- po ib.wn ntten. spending the winter iu mers mother, Mrs. Emmett. i*w York. . - MF (' .ira7er and iAlrs. *L. S. Herr'on spent (4ood Friday with thein sister, Mrs. C.A. Goodtsliow. Trhe Wbmne's Instituts will meet in M.rn r.P LSep !T- ths Agnlcultural rooms on Fniday ronto, visîted i thl their parents inl al ternoon, Apnil l7th, at 1 o'clock. A tonîî ovr tht'e rosate-r ol.tdaýs. demonstration wvll be given lun caudy Mr. .1. F. (inoilto'linw, pr'(poietor making, by six young ladies. MI wo- .îlinlre"acrta - Presirient 1is F. liaternan, s ;oîîîlt'îîa rMen and girls welcomne. NMrs. (j. A. 1.a la',s tri 1î. i v. i riis brothier, Ros, lreqrr l; Mss . ilttil'os rii lîn e til'i'iii 'ITal, Crtofli<ri,t, uIt ' ' ve on a t' ' i) i if fi . i la., t ii tT e. ' "in t 't e of- i.awnlfri.ltnf itutuw ilI bc'held in 'the Agi1t1trl otle 'týo-nlght (T*htîr'tîlay) at 8 1).M. A full attend- SEPARATE SCHOOL REPORT' WMater - term, endlng Wednesdy, April S, 1»14, Css IV.--Gertrude Melntyre, C. Stewart, Anuie Devin, LUs Tallon, Mary GiIby, Geo. O'onner. Ciais 41i-Elffie Togarty, MaryI Dewau, Arthur Pa'quett, !>sil O'-I Counor, Majgaret, Gflby.j Claasii.-Bert 13rown, Mary Vasel- esky, Wul. Lothy, Kato Divan, -Jas. Connors,, Johns Giiby, Margaret Gaies, Nbrine 0'Coimor. Part 1.-?Mary Foiey, Maud Talion James (Oalderone, Kathleen O'Con- nor, Besuie Forrester, Mary Calder- (OIe Pt. 1. Sr.-Nellie Connors, Jean Stewart, iCyrîl Gates, Loretta Deo- wan, .Yoseph Vaseleaky, Annie Vas, lesky, Geb. Forrester, Irena Anden- mev, Cecil Stewart. Part 1. r.- Peter Pôléy. Charles ]Bryck, Denuts Comoore, Helon O1- Connôr, lHenry Vàoelesky, May HRach, Chas. Gllby, Wiù. Long,Agnes Foiey, Edward Dewan. M. Sullivan, Teacher. S. S. NO. 2, WHITBY. Report for March. This report is ba5ed on ;weekiy tests, punetualihy and general proficleacy. 60 per cent. o! total required. Sr. IV.J-Willie O'Connor 65, Jr. IV.-Wlllie Sonley 60, Clhaton Pascoe 54. Sr. III1-Annle O'Connor 75, Grace' O'Connor and Roy Dingman68, Ellj Pascoe 63. .Jr. Il-Dorothy Souley 55, Ed- ward Pascoe 38. Sr. IL -Helen Arksey 78, Erlei Dingmazt 60, Hlarold Pascoe 58. Primer 'A. - Rachel Arlcsey OS, Luthen Pascoe 84, Leta Paàcoe 83. Primer B-Violet Parker. '.1. R. PETHICK. Teaceer. S. S.,NO. 13. PICKERING. School kieport for January, Febru- aryT .a Mrch. NaInes ln orden o! menit. Sr. IV.-Grant Joues, Stanley Wal- ker. i1IEIILITlAJACKIULT We have a book about the rliymes, That you enj oyed in nursery tâmes. It's "Mother Goose"-the modern way- Made for the children of today. It's full ofjirigles, and a plan To make your'house look "Spic and Span". 'The kiddies like it.-old folks too- Asic us about it-free, to you. Tf-J OFcoure, you remucber Your "Mother Gooc"--ancl ail the old Nursery Rhymes. ibat you liked so we.U wlen you were a kid. The Martin-5enour Co. Limited, makers. of 100% Pure Paint "'I<he paint for wear and weather" and "Spie and Span" Fin.ishes for improving -,the new and reaewing the old, have gotten up a unique book of výerses which they cali' "The House That Jack Built." Thc pictures are fine-and the Youngstcrs certainly will enjoy the=. Corne in and get a copy of hs book-it's abixoliitely free of charge.- Vou doa't have to buy anything, but oui supply ie limited so conic in today.; w. 'm. PRINGLE Jones, Violet Cottreil, Verna Cot- treli, Ralph Jones, E41een Walker. Primer- Murlal Spears, Gladys .Jones, Perey Jone, Willie Lee. ALMA P. NUTTING, Teacher. J r. IV.-Eraie Jones, Walter Car-'- - - fisses Law]&r and Miss Gnrose,'son, .Fnanlk Carson, Cora Lee SALE REGI STER. sito, with Mn. sud Mrs-. A. T.' Sr. I1.-Allan Joues.1 Clase II. - Lorne .Joues, AIma Mouday, Apnil 20th.-Great auction isale o! Clydeedale herses, choice -Idairy cows, nllk wagons, etc., the ____- -------- -property o! .John Forgie, lot 19, and illbe peasd ~ con, 9, Pickering, jMile tram Claie- XVehav acomlee lxe mont station. Sale at one o'clock v NOU i hr.W.Maaitoer ISaturday, Apnil 2.. -Miction sale ~HE E 4E~ lO A S IN EA Wi4)f ~household tnrniture, etc., the prop- TH4E MISSES POWELL k st., - -aWhitbY' Improved N-!w Perfection Coal C)il Stoves, Llysiop, Bi-l dies, Ayinîer Sprayers, and 1900 Gravity Waýliers ju6t to nd fer spring dellvery. 1 HAVE FOR SALÉ Second hand ruiler, good as new Craven gang piow, in gond shape ew wbecebarrows regutar $4 00, eaýcb $160o0 1 2.00 3.50 1 have the best lne of %vire fence, andît ,âtes, evrir shiliped itîto the wnahip, Cail and see our cortibired field Cu,. cmarket. dor. Tihe newest thing on URIAlI Jt :ES rooklin -- Bell and Ind. Pîrone Ontarijo Lnd remember, John use nothing but krandram's *B. Genuine White Lead on that job." Brandram's B. B. Genuine White Lad ià the one - white Iead te use because it is corroded by the farnous .ndramn process, which makes it penetrate further -into Swood ou accouat of its wonderful s moothness and eness. It cati be depended upon to protect the wood iger. against deterioration than -lead made by any other Il NMiss l'illron1Iltorripson -vndMn Victor M-iFv. of Toronto, 4'itisMn. and Mns. W. Tbempson.' Misses Annie Johuiston, Cd Fenelon Falls, and jean, JohnstoB, of Suin- merberry, spent the EDaster vacation' wIth thedr mother. keep au Eye To your eyes. Don't ]ose sîght of the great importance of good sight. At te tirst intima- tion of- eye trouble 3 ou 8slould Consu1t me.i FE. LUKE, REP1RACTL1NG G P'r 1lclMA . Sale at one o'clock. WVr. Maw, auC- 159 Yonze St. TO RONTO tioneer. M iscelaàneous Admerts -_ PAINING.REAL ESTATE I arn prepared to do paintinig on FRANK -E. JQNES' LIST. contract or time work. Whcnreiriur- Svrlhue n uliglt e tng painting donc drop a card to W. Soea oue n bidn lt e 14 tevenson, Whitby. sar fo ine a'th Tonslp<> 5~h FOR SALE. i Whitby and Pickering. Ago -ýh.. gasoline engine. In good GLEN DHU -209 acres. Àgo running order. ('heap for cash. 4p-look ri adtri am1à v plyJ-1--JinP;,ph.nl49 Witr.Whl-tby. 16 acres orchard ; godd Edi -tf. « buidings and a gdod farm ai a rea- 1 rEGOS FOR SALE. sonable price. Apply to For hatching, B3lack Orpingtons, $11FRtANK E. .JONES. per setting o! I. B larredRcs,5i.WHITBY. Pper setl ing. A.T-,,. iBrown, I'ort Whit-! u b OCSFOR ALE. ROYAL THEATRE! EGGSFOR ALE.HIGH-GLASS MOVINO PIOTURES. jFrom pu.re1bred Whte Leghorns. si Open every evcn*tngl per setting. James. Smith, Port bcs~Ie. c îpo Whithy-42. machinc, which is absoltitely flickerlc.s6 WANTED. î1nd easy on the cycs. Àcapable maid for general bouse- 1 .Saturday nighit, toc te ail. work on a smali farm. No milklng, BAIN PF1,RIIN, Manager. no chilIdren. ("omfertable bouse near_________________ churches and village. Pormnent poj sîtion for suitable person. Apply at INS R Gazette and Chroutele Ofles, Wl-î byr. Fire, Life, Live Stock, Plate Glass, 11OLSE TORN Accident and Automobiles. Agent for the best Canaàdian, English Two story brick cottage. Oppositei and American conipanies. Postmaster Howden's residence. JAMES McCLELLAN 7 Beautiful grounds, good garden,! BOc 393 W hitby, Ont. Phone 129 plenty of fruit. Possession at once.j fApply John Rire, Secretary Ontario. - j Ladies' College.-41.I WIRE FENCE F'OR SALE. Elght wires, 48 (iaches high, and 1,3 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS to the rod, 27c. per rod ; 9 wireui 48 pHonnd trip tickets te pointe in' Manitoba, Alberta in., 12 to rod, 20c. Botio No.9 an" saskatÂ,hewan Via Chicago; 0.. PautarDninth, on @&le .ach Tunsday until October 27, Inclusive, vire. Poultry wire, 4 foot high, 18 st Jow lares. strade 4e. E Stoy, Bie ' ins lh oghPuin&nTôonnstfliesp e Wi'spon strads,4ft E.Stoy, au nebove dteos, leasing Tteront. lpai. No n 9ge West, Whitby', agea.-Ui. of cars. RETLJRN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS. SETTLERS' FARES F SFront stations in Ontario. K.ingston , enlreW awi f ý8ýýMi- .fia'y Sore west tco pointa ji, Àiberta ani8askfttehilwan. rtaF The Grand Trnnk Pai1c;taiy es. horte('$t andl .jici<est route ,tweflWlnniPegtl553v'.ot andti .lnonton, Wlth e xceient throISh1r1ICfTI xegina. Trains now rttraning irtit',%ngtify. IEilparticullars rnt Grari 'i'raîri< rîT<etT Oillesfor write C. E. ilOKN FN<G, D. P.A. an e .Toronto, (O't.. ads E Stephenson, Witby'5 up- ~O RLINESE=72. town ticket ofrIce. phone Sil.E l'r<os tu.' oij -it t8. 'SAttefore You Step ... LOCk Aheadz Act pimiand Ait palit-. Ioi llivill. Olte toront, ont t:f ~ thi tbt uf do'ng; Vit "i i aof ' J n ,5 h" - b"-'i n bxr~ the st of o IfW.'t1. E11'o-tI ~jMjît~c1~U~r~YTa lor . .r .. .0,. -..t" t~ii. fat f;, Phi1 "Experiencia Doce:" DI1SNEY ýBR-OS@ EvmSocsk isi, 44 Simoos et. N., O*s Fir,,t exclusive Funeral Parlora' aî,d Chapel tu be establithed in the (2oluuîly 01 Oltario. PRIVATE MORTUARY.. Private ambulance, headquiarters. Dayor nigtt ails prrnyi T,1Y a't,,d- ed to. No extra ejarge for dimta11'.e.- Phones 47 r 2 and 47-r 3. IX-eU R s1ON-S MAN~ITOBA, ALBERTA SASATCHEWA in1peg and eturn $. - 500 dmonton asud Returs 43 o. tfl is Eiqt of 'rot a It.turi, I oit t wç ths 't (uar a' iti , fi 'il' ttns' 'tS rnpregnab/e Max/m um ocompa rab/e -Dividende' Minimum Net Cost 'or rates.and full info'matim apply tu SaeýciAi Rep. Mdyrtle. MR. A. 9. D<>NOVÂN, e. Toronto, Mgr. le Miitual Life O Pt!qmp' Manuacturer ho'ý ar.4d !.ýtsidencç. FoItndas Street, brec u4i v'.West #o! Whttby 1-ousi. eare, pncpared te, instail weo4 e [ron m npa on shirt r'outice, ai"e a tend * aIli kilids of ne- - pairingu. gen't fý'?r tbeQrîtario WA' iÂ4 aa m.4oline engines and the itqua*mubue 1Magnet Creani Sepamator. 10115 -No. 00 reuN..oe j ARCHIVES 0OF ONTrARio nis, -4 t 'j t. t t t t' t tt t t t t t'."' t- t t. r I '4; ai" 1 1

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