Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 7

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Sye od -. IVM~I irvii;~ii .wzW.s. uwvIB~~~II Cr Peter, Peter, PumnpiiRsater, - Had a wife and coulcln't keep her. Better food ini vain, they sought, Til Crown Brand *Syrtip Peter bought. Now they cat it ai tise time- Thirsk it great and say it's finel1 'own Brand Corn Sru This 8uefoica.otti dg. 0 fert that ft. me-it. ahýoWUceld . towtlev.y ue.PEIER hold. SFread t' on bcdwen-the klddesPUPIîNPI want a êje.11 Sere t iith pancakes and 1 Pint sIk frttrs -vèecitto sweeten puc ng,-as try - 3 Cp Straln.d and and cakes. ¶ Most deliclous taff y and-Candice. drt4Pumpkin. can be macle with Crowrs Brarsat Corn SYrup. i pLgr (Our Free ReCiPe Book tells Of 'C «.'Of Bii nu eonom ies «its use fru. willl effect in thekitchen. Send for s(batn n:r a copy. Addareas Montreal Off6e Oe hall anitmineM Ut~I The Canada Starch Co. Limited Manufacturera of The Edwardiburgh Brand& MONTRAL CARDINAL TORONTO BRANTFORD VANCOUJVER WaIuIt tn iéIssie un, yu w1l". day her. like at good i grl. wlth Mrs. Nokea. white I go IIp ta town andti t a lnd out your OrtIfather lMr. IPritchard. the clergy- man." "M randratbcr! Why do you want dear. whle mou are finlshilng your edu- cation." "But he bas bsu'lyever beard of me. andti1 have neyer seen him. And be was Or. M ericdto a airy.very. very angryv with mother for rn * nIigavay wlth gather. Suppose he wori't O r , M a r i e d t o F a r yh lfe "n u st lnd o u m o n t e J ~home for yaur bolitisys;" "Woîi t you even bave me witb You. then ?" CIITEIS VII.-(Contnuei>, 1 own I was conslieîably startiet bY '*Of rous-se liot.' 1 answereci. laugh- '1 wuuld do auiythIng to pleatie you. the suggestion. But before 1 coult Iing. "larn a bachelor, Lilltb. living ail N'hstt do yopî want me ho do?." î,eak sie iîd broken Intt a torrent Of by myself. 1 don't keep a boartilng- 'You told me,' 1 saisi, tryîng to apeak wrtis. echool<iof 3'outig ladies under m,.% roof." witha fine bIeiig of the judîilsi anti "iJecause. though l'ni not gooi at ',lhe wsss slent for a few minutesç. as tbc paternal, and to forget the bloôd of learnlîîg, 1 will try. so bard 10 îîieaae you. If IPdecting.' Then mhe asked squddenly: me,^en-andcl4wetity î'loting ln niy velus, 1 kncîw 3ou wili ll 1e me better wheslyU '11-oW 1lon9 mIllILi take ta wbat mou "that-your mnother wasc a lady. îend tlutt have matie me a lady--ant ild earn any ral finsh my educitîlon?" you wvouid lîke to bc one, boo." Ihing mo as you wuld 1111e me better. "Bý' the time you aie eigbteen." I 1,moppd t cosidr hw IshÃ"ld ear der M. Hrve.-saltistMI In the sarnie balf-bantering I sappd h coîsiierhow I soul dc,, earMr.l-Ii'vy"toie. 'i shalh expect to find mou a bigb- malte my plan s4ounti attractive to ber. 'She slppeti ber arm r'ound my neck l ccoplbe ongld. 141b lanitibah eu amsA bnd Oi îî gve nme a balf-childish hug of af- , Lighteen! Twvo wbole yearg! Andi Ily Sluouiýdcî' andt watced my face, a fectlan. Tien mite sprang ho lieu -feet. will 3'oi conte anti take me away f rom ,dawsiing delîglit clearly >sbowr lu ber asnd executeti a littie Pas seuu of ,heer school whess 1 arn elit-te en?" shilling eyes and plarted. miling lips. JayoUssi on the fii-m sand Jluet iii front "I ujposse $0," " M>lu l se wlIisîîëtsîsd strftly. cOf nie. In the mididle Isue stopuiet. anîd, 'And what wvlil become of me then?" %'Wel, dear-," 1 caid -mou would notI hung her head Inl suddi p enitent re- This wac .luet the ituestion wtslch lIke, shen you are oltiat, to feel ait a dis- iibrance. that klndly, WeilI-niîlling 01>1-' gasîip, sudt'antige Me ottliîssîluidussa. 'oui "f'oo-. fihes'!" seefalterpâ *'cil"cl ean tise dactoi'fi from auîtditiie. hati asket Would 151<e ta sî,eak correct Engliih. anri lorgcotteliaal about hini.' But when I me. anîd whiich 1 hadl not been able -ta tai Play thace tdance tues yoa 111e 5tOheauti mou tell ?dî's. Nokem yestei'taY as anssver. Ths'ra souldl ie, or cou l'me. cau' I)uî-Iuh, îUnd ts siigthe sauge yil ad-1i- i siouId aiwa -P;have a frieud ln 'Nou.talis overutocked' asduti sîeraid 1so-c'aii- lise, anti undeistundti orneting or -the andi vau ioulti uooik aft.4'r me in future, ed "geiiteei" oct'upatlonîs apen toa it aif- Iscoîle Who wl'sse theliu andti Ierliapî s toI uutms o deighted i ctsuld have scs'canî -ediicatedl womaîî or Vagabondti Parent- SPéeak a littie i'rench anti terîuaii. andti cdi-rjoy Fli-st. 1 thougzht you'd -kg,. wai'd <o a man eieven vears her undtretanti how ta manage a hommesandi ,nke sas'er ai e. anr ia Idt-i ismy cenlcr. But 1 could nat fint ILutlu my Io M5e lifter'cook'î>'ati needWewoi'it." iliix; bt Va oua ln osecd- iî<ut tsimnutinilflvof theme and No 1 elsnlehatlc'-ally. at ho<h, nt ta go (ithe stage, whyl'riu 4 îîap- Pim1e, anditiamketi ber abatfshe nealit. 'i HhoUlint like tlitt!" seemuî'muv'ccI D-"1I Cll'etpted ta be soir a bcout ' Il iiHwcl er oud11Y tao eXîîici-t. "Pus, of couree, Id do It for :-ou. %ny- father- liecause. mou ecee. If he laduit -"imean." mite saisi wit4tful.."*shah I tisig elme?" 'dieu, you anoultli't have afl'ercdtiuta1do eee youi eVer3' day aliter thuit? If 1 work ' 1Vel,' aIs, raclcing my în'aliîs t'Os1ail,tiieso sflos' ne.'" 1s%'e%. veu'liîar'd, andputsuot)nswlbh ,the renimbér -,hft-tc- iris. o ni t)vn he own il i-ot o mein he atelul Iliseanti learu the siorriti books. renss'mu>e? what tdknohe girls Io î,wein th uet lw i fota'mei h'ansd gussaail stifi' andtinslîn anti voung ric esl li îtsbî ad,"ui a Theflcseti lsl, anti raîstplaiol'eneuît ii-like-miîslîI 1 be aiwavs wlth sOu af- tuierea; oulti 1<. spellnx anti bistory sUntilied iarught a brlgbt carnîlue ta Ilirt ia goi'asîiiv, a. nti Icihals sa littlt, tiawing shee-Ir Sh1e luati talçen nrf uer blatck- itîuvaws'Iscgite Twa <ni pîiîi1lug. îî i4sin îîecsy, 'csilîg tîa 1ud. nt be' mlb cuts 'e llahing. andti. rhslng ta my .'eet. 1I helpet g.ti-asti Ianu-tennis. ans] slcung, anti blcswlrng 1looely out esount iber face andiurt ieto "mahr h ui ssiI lioor-ti nig s al. ucof course, sl'lIerslb sas cimin tlifut talook ura tasîuîiîîg btune liit Vit altogether beau-l builccnisîucîg, lti ltcst clsngthtl1i1e dcrvtide'iug s'as'. 'lheu 1 took lber lîttIe bauds 'fliat Je the onlm part r. liise the rase'P--pd iii'ut5i whl'h iied up) at me lu cprie or musse, anti lavIng the other on sloujli ni" she msccît'a%'el.'. "Anti arc' igo îugi B ut it im<s<hoolet iv- lbtlt'ti tat be mole fuitbisilYthuin t5vtr. 3i15hgcing fa teitc'h niaail these tilge I to<a certain line aofconducb s'lth se- 1"'oaudont uidersîsticî, dear." 1 saisi. mausiseit'?" gad t)mm lîttie serti, anati w s're- 'ulsatlnluire worti- Icamte froni young _______________________________________ tsclei non I cts e leniteti tut oril 1. 1gs'llennetî cIa0fict asic Votunig ladies 10 'lutilîig 1i(tasîtOpromise %mou" 1 suInlutire bouse anti sweep oui the saiti. wlth matter-oi'-iact chee-rfuine.es,,tiion' oîntîn sbut f1m aillClusi s1 n] îr u 'aunuîmeli', Huit mcrtt Thes' just sec thenu sometîmes ah I UarIterltaxisi<ln niscmuwiatea -or dînnes et 0ather <'copies bouses. mo-A e t sebol" or tbey meet theni uit halls or parties, or "lr at u s'husofl" su dert ture tlie,re,1o'lstbe Park. IlbJis on- Smvl vieeg/ ierfc 'iaus i1 udr-li1p trein- 13' sarriesi Peuple ahosceh tr -thon imeili esd Inunli.4gulsed iesnàa. eves's' dam." e ac te Mû joap illee Oilslulig sîool Y wl ibisJeap Sd (for >ynîs." 1 sent on I Pt'l'Nml5velý. "svilir( cl,' ovnecvllu bc momt Iin t t ssii. andtif)i'aise wiiI Scolaivou; where YOU si ah ve girls ni' sous' as'nsaga ta Insits' ru ensis sit,".- "I toist s'eut <hemn,$lhe c'riect, su.d--D"4 La tie * de'ustvbutistiug lita tears. -I otilm sauit YOU!" U ~~~Na-r- axtvs A îrsug sah hunglims ieaî ua I are especially good for aw ber evideit grief ,ar "Ill5tl, ticar." 1i as beglnnin,-. hen chiltiren because tilc are mhP . ilIe slpîe foi'wars tomassi me, stjll, h er lfsses anti sauglit ivnus ad. j pleasasît to take, gentie lu scltend e to echoot.s'lIes'vev piuedais t esîinu, seuse eti pas-ion, do not irritae thie y, 'atil ~know abat sc'chool 1,.andi bowela 11or develop a need 3'uhave a studio lut bondon. weil. R; for contisiuai or inereased 35f 'Itis mts lt ln iug osmet w alIt dustsug; anti s'ersnsng, anti, doses. 25C. a box, a it your to o ietcsansi mou must have a servant l)ruggist's. srïeh weet violets .1fCad 177c) e ad ai restaMoe Its. Ir dou ' ît a 1e ialady a1is National Deug and CholulcaiCo. lb lîlme drieadlsîg asis' 0 lut <51 ---the first thingyouthink an iled downUpo - andsesre t of xvhen you sneill this gos1e'rld seer bi ail ln ~î~~~______________________ <lie ce cuti U. 8oap. te'l au evn is O!îs i 5ey 11011't Rendseu l %iue s'uau' * in î, ler s As soon as you use t you wilîi than s,, thz'mlneit ul!j ,f delight in the sweet elustue per- Witîi11Nlis'it. ir lei,l 0isgsItf fume ihat is'icfc'ciungînig ta your swee c>ut 30ir I SUdhio50115'sib<a vouR face, your hands 'and hair, and On"I: rare hvîtîs v(1su. antiF I CAM4 ini the softening, Wienn eoct "u. ur. ilrves'an, 1 s' 1 oe- whînngefec sb]PIe f mou sentimei, ishiaill] e miser athe glyccrine on ygur skî'R. kliti nd a b anîleoie. anti Yo ase hiee m ou 9 vi(1le'mou îsiay the] sheen as ta me, Andtibnk how I1I Oct a caiçe today. Shiusîmse v 5011, iieao gSiatisce Antv iffmaue u th e io, ta en Ybhcre buây and dtitîtwant TEERRCLOTHËS :ý (Muet 1Iceau keep, " eeî. o bit aOf tro,'ube If on mou let me *a tSilo wats olurni ivj VU w Wih blg Parti gathhrigIn %h er reath ~'blue cYes. 1111e a ec'a-ny),mph un tiitresse.b CIycerifte 56&p with the. lmcamrrk tuase. fraru wPhlcb bbce îîîsbbcdlîlei, aknga backîgroun for lier lusierl, face ,a uitfloattniz bale. Te lYse that colore N KUJ INOD loir a cae.. 3 eakiez for 25eCIeit' rou-ti tf mv sifcoti rushu io nci sl n lo out'o. or CU Coth Pcrfeobîy, With tho È0 oL' lut y Canaduso, druggîîs from cmo alo snd uvît Iiibolirs' !cnaîl5g es as I1 ' tc'IEDV'1Z (ca i, sncl.sding 2 ruscfssdsssd stnsws'ued ber. 5C5kenf isu. auu n adSiple. li gns, Co. 1-0.56 Shcbsssk SrVrt, on akeic. csie lismawould mou li' ais a cervans lit r.aicCo your ai. andiwt ormi tsci ence of Iouàebolti work? If Yo reaîilj Sise ogadely di aengaized her bands. and xtre ched them up round my neck. *'YOU' are Verv fonîd of me. aren't Yeu?" sibe aakced, very seriously. '0f course. Joud have neiyer done so much for me il; -tou hadn't been. But You are. arelit ydu?"- "0f course 1 arn fond of N'ou, dear.' .. Vell, then.' ahe asked triumphantiy, her face. radiant, witt; miles affain, -when lcani educated, Ywhy dont You marry nie?" C11APTER Viii. The question shle hati asked me was again o rke I could nelt ansswer. W'lhy Vul lo ry ber, as she PUt it.ihen ahe was educateti? 1 could flot frame so obv loua a lie as that 1 didt slo uf!icientiy care for ber. .Already I cberished for thiaIlittie un- tauxbt éreature a passion whicii ai- tbough istili to aome extent Ideal and romantic, partook alreadv of the char- acterof that love which cornes to a mais once ln is life "nd once only-tbe love wbich by nome la callet f olly and Infatuation, but whicb «miakes of our lves on'earth a heaven or. a hll. As to ber humble birtti andi vagabond traitiingz. ber obvious lack of ail hichcr moirality, her unconventional ideas. and the rillfqteiice between our relative so- cial îîOE4Itios-for ail Jiiese things I cared nothing at ail. At that moment. as I lookedto li er liqulid blue eyes, andi as i behelt i nv soula Ideali standing there before nie. éonstralnlniz me wlth gentle Ue4irek5feq to accept the frasik andi Innocent! offering of ber love nnd life. 'I îvould have gtlven my mioul to bie able to a( el, roffer andto bsay: "Yes: ltay ai ;ebol utIl you have oained the ur- face î,letNti the world ecteems so highlv; 1 wifl sée you cohstîîntIv ln encour'age ynu to %Vork liard for miv cake. And re- member ialwitym that you are mine, and Maît Ili à short su ilme 1Il'hall take you away and miake -vou MY adored -wlfe.' Trîîat wal; hue imPilse. lissionately Itrong. hich surgc.d us) within me at ber wori"dm and toucli, and lio man but a vi1liain. iovitng lier. could have feit other- wime. <To be coiltifueti.) AIISÉNT-13IINDED SCIIOLAI. -ln &iiiiiuig ng îidént l'bat Iliuîîî pelled a Frenchl Selîiar. A mo>nument was recently unveil- ed to tlîe memory of Henri Poin care, th 'e famous mathematician and physiejît, who was a, cousin of the Presidetit of France. The occasion recalîs a tory or two of his remark- ýble absent-mindcdness, snys thîe Youith's Compaîion. Ahnost c'vcry -day Poincare lef t bi$ 1 oney lying about omewhere. Ë n a.]ly his mother sewed bis purs-' into tl e pocket of lîja coat. But one lay, when he had dressed in a ho- tel, lie put on his, overcoat without the coat, and left that lying on a ehair. Needleas te say, he neyer aw the pîlîse again. One evening he 'vas l-ooking in a I sed bookease for&maurit N urîng the search he set the Ivmp >na sheif in the Case' and in a mo- nent of abstraction ýcýre the door f the -cabinet, and sab down ia tarkness.' After lie ad ponclered for a time On the disappearance of the liglît, lie -ame to the conclusion hat hie hacl suddenly become blind. 'hat secmed to him quite possible, Rince lus eyes were weak, 'anyway, ,ndhe groaned at the thouglît of his leplorable condition. Suddenly, to h4 surprise, a strearn of light ap- peared, coming froni the adjoining ad lie rerrarked, with mutsch eatien, "y sight seems Vo ave corne back again." Not even he'n dcld he think of the lamp in the M'is t.hir.gs we do not possese ar rîhàd1 inakes life woçrth living., À m~an usuaily gets the short ,end )e it after cutting his wife's allow- nianner in which fowl.'is uerved at thig home table îe, boiled - with a 4Ç'h4~ su --,The coIlowl so fr8- quen un hop ouso, railway xres- taurante 4111(1tea shàps là the bciled fowl'raîther. thrn tu-e rese,_t. There is areaîonfo, thifi, aun ex. cellent oué.in ihes-e dayS of high préces.* The boiîng of a chicken is probaibly the Ieast wasteful ,inanneS in which it çan -be prepare<I, Every drop,<of fat and grayy goes' into tihe liquor in whieh tîhe chicken is bhou- ed, forming the baslà for a ýgoci &oupu, wki'h the addition ci vegeta- hIe, bariey, rice, etc. The Sciled chicken separates cleanly '4flc eêbiIy from the, bones, wit1ý no' waste whatever. For the purposes of salad, for hashing,' for croèluettes <>r -paptties, f<xr boning or esandwiches no botter Wa&y of cook- ing can be tried. Yet the average- Canadhan houskeeper always roaats the chicken. It maltes a better ap- peaî'iince, it i^4rùe, wiffi its brown, crisp- akîn, and, the fleah may have a more piquant lavor than that of the beilcd fowi, but on the other ha nd a great deai oi the j uice of the chieken la lest in the roastdng proý cens. For bôiling the chicken is eléan- ed, fituffed and trussed as for roest- ing. The stuffing niay-be aniy olithe unany kînde th-at-make a good cern- bination with ehieken oer turkey, oysters and chestnuts be.ing1 among the popular dre uing$2. ' Smal1 youing chiekens mx'ay be uei if a very deliciate disli is 'preferrcd, bùtý the Iarger' bird(s and the capons ayre more desirable and substantial. The chicken &hild be firmiy wrapped in a floured 1l'inen cioth, and the water should hte well houl- ing before ài i put i the Poaucepan. Thi8S cks the ekin immediatelY, svhic)ieconserves anti hols tie juices. The bî'oth will cf co)urse be less rich than when the chieken ie put into celd water, but the flesh of the fowl will be far richer in taste. The broth wil always serve, however, wi'th the addition of vege- tables, rie or any o! the varieus pastes, nuidels, %etc. Freneh house- keepers aiways 'cOok the feet o! the j fowl,-as they cont.ain valuable gela- tinous unatter. Fer the firet ialflîour of boiling the chicken it must cojk slowly. Smali chiekens wiii cook through in an hour. A fine sauce for boHed fowl lu nmade f rom'oyeters,. one pint with haif a leinôn, two tablespoonfuls of butter, a tablespiuonful o! fleur, a teacuipful ef cream, and some caY- enne pepper and -nutmeg. Cook the- oysters in their own jîlice for a- few minutes and add the nîilk. Strain when it boius and puqt the liquor back in the pan. Thicken it with mnoothly blended flouir or cornstarch, stirrinig in cZ'refully te avoid luunping. Then add the but- ter, the pepper, . the lemen jui-ce. ,Cook up foi' a ýminute or twe, stir- ring ut weil, and pour over the chieken. Some cûoke chop the ùy.sters, but this doe-s-not mnake us inviting a sauce ro far as appearance le con- NATIONAL Olue ANS CNcuscÀs. Ce. o~ CANADA. LIMsCS.1221 * ïII~ '~ ~ - f c' iH AT I O f A iU IjýN A QR - S O D,0 -1A!U M JI ce rneld. Freshpar.sley spimay dùbhthe "fowl béing'-cooked in, 8 Aneg sedauc s adcratn j cr fthe dishl'I.-<eep-dish lined with piecrmet.'-h An ggsace'sm~isby chopping chieèken je euit up free ,from bQflOw tpt-hree har<l b<41ed, eggs -and a&1a- and placed in the pie- with plltyý ing~ to a rich druwn -butiter sauce. Of gravy Vo rmoisten, a "d sliced I'~. Mushr-ooma and chestnuts aise or kitinays are fre.quectly added. Make good. Sau DRte ffrve wîEh bdi.l- But there £s harýdlY any3th{ng.th cd fowl. Large perfectly ahaped real English, cô'ok-wi1l not. pUt in a br àe pl'0tL£& PIaCed1 about t1e pie. M o're ccu.servative taste woulAl' fowl ii a lairgeclish, their fresh col- cul] for the ýchJ;keix akne. - Chickenj or preçlerved by a pineh of soda'nl r ae oofditure. Theo the wat.er in which th:ey are boiied, .top crust shouid be raised by ýmoan, are decorative, and when cold the of an -inve'r.ted cu.p place.d in thx combination às an excellent supper. pie, which preet i >o fl~g French dressing may b. pýa.secl sep- and -becoming so6ggy. arately for the' brusseifs aprout... These pies, often madle in indivi-j Whe-n oold. hum a.nd -fowl, are duel sizee, practisalý unknown in18 served both nxay be sliced asnd pass- this country, a few yc&rs ago, arel ed, with lettuce leaves as as garnish. now a stapie erder wit4x clîtrer fô Pickles, red or green peppers, cold the lunches nh!éeh re tae in o aseparagus, and al the - arious tor caris un country jaunts.. greesn salade a.î'e goocI with thiî dish. Brow n Lread and butter and- cheeee go weli, with it;'also eeiery and olivets. IIisait4te JIi>iîuit'lVIye- A farnihar and*excellent way ini To remc>ve the enieli -of paint plac, which to serve c?ýhicken ijt-he f rica.. a few elices of onion in a pail <f see, which in misît househ-oids ba. water andi leave it in the room fori Arneicanzc~d~ts 11Wino aSOrt Of a few hours. glorifled chieken' stew, j.ometimnes, When crocheting wear a piec w ith d îm p ilgs added. -T her c are, u t p a te ' o h i es a s aie clever cooks who c4n ake a' porotcc lti p o n hep ing te ne.cias fo*l long pa<t itis prim e;' uîft o ro m tipie kii t e i.i h e d e roasting, and by careful, slow cook- Caen. p'*isxclnto ing, with saIt pork, turn it otut de- aen perleclento lîgh.fuiiy tender. rîd cupboards of niice. The floorjl For fricasse-edng the chiken is should ýb. gonee ov r caîefully, and, ut up preferably in sixths, cove red cd ol tept pwt ic with cold wâter and put on a verv -of ag- dipped in water and then l slow fire te simîer. Haf a po cdayenne pepper. of sat pork in -strips, is adiàed, and AlvýaYs oiu a new clothes line be-i- the chicken, i iîereri cîosely cov- fore usi ng it,' as it prevents the line - ered. The "sliuris kmie a f rom stretching and-makes i a~ salted nd an nion a d hopedlonger. New propa ahoulId be soaký parsley adced. Soie thiken the ed ini cold imter for a few hurs, a, gravy of the chicken when it cooks tis- prevents them f rom splitting. se thut the flesh softens n the Every woman who cuts ut f roîu bnes. A great deal of butter <an a paper pattern knows of the bother be. added to advantage. Then tie of pinning it fla t' t the cloth. Take pieces of chiken are-arranged on a bIt i run and-*smtoth the tisie a platter andi the gravy is pou reti ppr pv~noer the Cloth, andt over. it will remain fat withot pins, T)umplings may be madie of self- To - de-an 'a mackintosh -or dark{ raising foéur and butter rubbed weli ciotîe.s- from i 4ud, stains,,brîîsh '0f logethé.r, moisteed with mlk and al the iud and rub al stains with? beaten egg, epoonied f rom tih. bowl,1 the eut surfae of a raw pot'ato,~ roled in flour and droppeti into the then sponge witlî cler water, using~ chioken pot. Then the cover is a"piece of dark material for spong-1 closey adjusted and in t-en te twen- ang. ty minutes the du mnpling, accord- Before bla kn h tv, r b ing to their si ze, will b. found, de- saps.uds on theý'hands, allowjng the' lighfully light and feathery, doncscsap to dry in. -Wen washing the, tlîî'eîgh, te b,% eerved n the dish hands after the wrk- is dnc the with the chicken. This makes an blacking and "p ore off easily economical anmd appet.izing dièh. together, leaving o stain. on the Chicken pie le anether English handa. Why DR -C doesn't sheitalc. NlysophA-dRUChepOmplHe doche Wnalersy o the daingerous drugscommnon lu headache tblets. Ask your, Druggsî about tem. 25ç. a box. if VV 'JEUTOE'ÂL T HERE Is no home decoratuon more pleasingly simple than-wails of plain, soft color tints.. And there is noWal covèring more sanitary than the washable, durable "Neu-Tone" Fiat Paint. "N4EU-TONE" is the modern finish for halls, stairways, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens- or in fact, for zany Plastered Wall, Ceiling, Burlap, Wood or Metal Surface. "'NEUsTONE" is easy to apply, as it takes care of itself-works' wcl under the brushý-f1ats perfccly without a trace of laps or brueli marks-producing a subduied flat.ý finish of a soft velvety efl'ect and with great depth of tone that is piasing and restfui te the eye. "NUTOE is alse most -econom-ical because it giys you~ walls that. are easily cleaned. When a "NEU.TONE" Wall becoines soiled, a spnge o r soft çloth anti lukewar'm water,, wilremve -dirt and iner inarks and re ew the* sof t velvety appeau-once of this finish. Write fr ur beautful book, "HfreyI Neu.Tone", one of -tie most elaborate books- on' homne decoration ever issued-free for the asking. The MarlinSeno RUr Co. Limited MONTREAL~ ARCHIVYES 0F ONTA.RNO 1 Tabloepoon each Gin- ger and Cinneamon. Beat ail togethet umil thoroughl mixed,; and bake gunder 'crus oniy. Why doesn't she take 1 1 i

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