Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 8

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BROOKLIN,' Mef. ad Mrs.W. ,B, Robsoli snd grandsoni, of Hamilton, Opeut a f ow 4sys lnAthe vilae tieu week. 1 Mr. Gordon liall, o!Braat*ord,was in t0wn over Eaýter. The pit socol .., on Monday *voiiig taier the uspices of tho W. F.M.S. of thei Me hodst churcli,,was a sccessu (evçr 'way. The pies' were »merous.. ad of a great var- ety. Dainty'm.tdwiohes were aisol u.e'o4. 'The literary, part o! the prograsu ragd from celestial to cou songe, Mesrs. Mackie and Spears, amateur comed ians, did very welI. The singing. by' Mr.. Chamber- lmain, who is a stXanger to Broolin, was- thoroughly -e njoyedby all, and he wli li e welcomed a'gaiW Misa -HollUday is becOnling a favorite read- mý and lier selectionts- were choice aý4 -excelietly-rendered.'.' 1 At a publie meetUng held on- Wed- scaday evening last It was decided tliat a big SPrifig FMlr would be held here on May lUth In Vlpond's field. A,'cwnmmttee was- appointed to look after gettlng a slow ring, etc: A *grand concert will be held ini the *vumlng. A committee was also ap- po1ntedto interview W.E.N. Sicar Serotary Oshawa Pair. Fuller par- ticulars Iter. Anothor meeting will behoItld la the T@Époranoe flouse on Satudal eveinS Ve firther arrange mnatters.- Mr. John KOtchen, o9 Toronto, ie the guest of Mr dM. Alex. Ket- Ail kiads - o! garden and fIeld seeds for sale at Uriali Jones'- hardware, at ioweat prices.î Mr. and Mrs. Wolirldge, ýof Son- grave ; Mrs. Martin abid daugliter,i and Miss Florence Chantier alt R. Chantier, of! Lindsay, have been vis- Iting .with Mr.,and Mrs. Jas.- Broad., CAIRNS- At, Brooklil, on friday, .4prill Vh, to Mr.i and Mrs '-'Frank Calmao,.a.non. Mfr. Jack-FIotop and Miss Laura . i{ortop, of Torontoi, and Mr. Reubeni Hortop, O! Oshawa, spent Eater ,wtth 'thir parents. 1 Miss Winnie- McBrien, -of Toronto, DYOu Wén I F Now is the time 'tc CÇaIlI and, get aur pri speut thé hlildSy WlVh ber mothier~ A ~ a~nua1- was thé.guet of bis niother laut here.. wek. Miss .Cora Stevena, of indsaYlw88 isLtu Dwoo!Trno a guest at the lhome of Mr. W. M. sp t the week endt willi Miss A. Lawrence thluo-mli. -Broches. Miss Vema Ree'i sonluvlsltlng li er Mips Doris Ostertogg,, o! Toronto, âîster in Toronto.' e livisited at Dirais HouslasV weelc. Mr. Wm. LowtÇ or Toronto, SPOnIl We reý pleased to se Oliver; Gr- several daYS at the home o! 4Mr. Wm- ham out againas ater an attack of Brown. pneumonaa., Mz.'Doble^and'Ut. -Uihas. Hollymusu Mr. and Mrs. J.- E. Webster and acd Miss Ntt, 'of Toronito, wcre famuly, of Whitby, speiit Sunday at. Eaiter visiýor9, with Mr.. and Mrs. ri W. Tarv1si., A. C., Ellott. Mr. Roy Tarvis and- Miss Ivy Tam- Mrs.. Brown, of Port Perry, andu vis are spending Vhe Easter-vacation Miss Burroughs, of Collingwood, vib with their parents-. iVed with Mrs. John Mayiard, sr., .SchooI oloe--n. Tbursd -y for Vhs on Tuesday. Easter liolidays, and will re-opea on Mr. and, Mis. George MeGill, spent the a'0th. Easter with frienda lan Toronto. Spring. lias eturned, so alo lias Mr. and Mms. Chas. Morrison and Madam Gossip, with bem budget o! chuîdmren,- of Toronto, visitçd with vlslonary tales. c Mr. and Mrs. Reeson oveir the holi- A very pretty wedding took place day. at Vhe homeofo!Mr. andI ?Mrs. James Mrs. Fred Morrisflh and' chuld, o! Cook, o! Myrtle, on Wednesday, April Toronto, spent the holiday witli Mr. thoi gieRuyFlrne antiMrs.Wm.FowIe. eing marrif Vo Mr. G. Pereyy Ket, Mmm. Knlght lias been qulte .111 for of -Myrtle. A largonme !Ivt several days. - c usa gatee Vo se Vhs- cee- Miss Jones, o! Picton, vlsited wlth mcey perfommeci by Rev. Mr. Haig, Mr. and- Mrs. Uriah Jones hsd week. of Columibus. Mes, Ethel Brighit, a Mr. and Mrs. Love, of Toronto, cousi o lite bride, played Vhs wed- spent the holiday, with Mfr. and Mm.. ding mardi. -The bride looked very Boyce. - charming as, She eatered the, drawlng Miss Sings lefV on Monday morning room onIite arm of lier father. She Vo visit in Toronto. was very prettlly gowned lu white Dr. Lou Sebert, o! New Yorkc, pa4d 'silk, trimnied wlVh pearls, -and car- a short visit, Vo the village durlng rieci a bouquet o! white roses. She Easter. Was unattended. Miss Bell1 Fowlie is visiting la. To. The groom's gifV Vo Vhs br .ide was ronto for a Vume, a. gold watch 1l11a, gold extension Dr. and Mrs. James Moore attend- bracelet case, 'and Vo Vhs pianist a ed the fumerai o! Mms. Jobb InD'dainty gold crescent wlth peami set- Blackstock on Tuesday. ting. Mrs. 'Toniuinson ls spending a Alter Vhs ceremony, Vhe gues, month In Toronto.W,_ aboutbeighty in nuinher, sat dowa Vo Mms, Walker entertatned Vhe Il a sumptuous weddîag supper. The. Ing, Womkérso! St. Thomnas' Churcli Young couple le! t on Vte 5.55 C. P.R. on Wednesday. e train for a short honeyinoen. The 1Mm. -sud Mrs. John Warren, o! To- bride~s traveling suit was alice blue, ronto, speut Easter wlVh Mr. B. F witi bat Vo match. Tii. bride and Campbiell. groom -are hlghly respecteti, ,oth Mr. and Mms. Ford Wells andi chulti- having spent their lîfetime la Myrtle. tca, o! Toronto, Mm. M.S. Wells, o! Tiie bride is very musical, and al- Souya, and 1Mr. John Wells, of Lind- ways willing Vo ielp fi any good say, spent Easter with Mr. aad Mrs. cause, wÈhh las made hem very pop.. RobV. Wells. ular In titis section. We -are glad that on their retura they will settie - - _____-- down amongst us. mr, Kent will SfArm as Ugual on the honteatead laVe- Iy vacated by hus father, Mm. Wm. Kent. Tic popularity and esteem fI which Vhe Young couple are held was cxpressed vemy !orcl'bly by Vhe nuni- s 0 Otawa, Dakota, Toronto, Hamilton, Whitby, î fawa, Port Perry, Brook- linand"Rand ,ier points. a An lnteresfiag feature of Vth.eévent leeadwau the presence of titres enean on either side of Vhe bride and groom. leaveyour rder. RHETJMO CURES RHEUMATISM. icese. No matter itow long Standing you;1~ case may be, don't despair, geV a hrattle A m 4 .. T V171; No UOther Wheel Just As Good u'i"sZsowcituhm guaaat Ee'o 1- fit you. Ri1eumo i fa flln t Lquick action, Vie pain ceases, Vie muscles arnd bones are riti of someitess n ~ ] andi stiffness, and vcmy soôn a Rheu- vi'.-M e. L aw ren ce Mo aten~t d vîalet have teîcm mo uils- loo sorlch and * thlck BROOKLI-N, ONTr. that urie aciti cannot possibly exlst. AgentFo bottîs from . . illîis, or direct, 'Forail charges prepali, !rom B.V. Mat- 'THE 'CLEVELAND BICYCLE' inC. mdgbmOt BASE LUNE WEST. A------ - --- ----i- -wa-sol emnizeti at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Howland, on Wednesday even- lng, Aprf tt at 6.30 o'clock, wienj GARD N F OR PR O I Ttheir eldcst daughter, Mary Jane, GA -RDE S F R PR FITWasunite in marriage Vo Mr. Cepit- Arc made with modemn tools. No hand weeding, no baclcache, no doubto as R. Osborne, son of Mr. anti Mmm. about cloîng iL aain next year. The workilueasy, intcrestng-lots more GUI1 Tho$, Osbtorne. tbe- ceremony was andi the resuits mçore satisfactory whea you use performfd .d by Rer. Mý' E. Sex- smith. Te bride, wito -w.as unat- -Gàr en Efl stended, was given away by itemfatit- er, and ivas charmingly dresued in À4 C an W h el oes white embroidere<j voile, and carieti The drills open their own furrow, 80w ia drills or his 4 Vo 24 inches tions ant ilily o! the valley. The apar, cverpac th ail and mar-k the next row. With a Whecl lloe you can hoe, cultvate, ride, wed, levcl ad fine the m ny ea u te mifu rn' w s h e ow Vhs soul, open or cover furrows, etc. On a combined tool gratLec nwih h on you can change fromn drill to wheel hoe or back couple are iteld by their rnany .. again îa three minutes. 38 combinations. friends. The hest wishea and con- D.n&aCall an.d 8ee them and al for bookiet. Garden..grtuaonso!fte community are be 1ing witrh Modemn Toolu " o.1 ertulaetiste HaDouble and Mr. anti Mme, Frank Maddtatord SIaWL,.IWcre in Toronto over Easter. Mis. Martin Les was In Toronto -fat week.' Mr. andi Mme. Funter Baince and children spent Easter with their couisin, Mm.. T.E. Pbilp. Up-To- Date Carniages MsRhel Remmer l pnig Hfigh-cl ass H arness, Trunks, Club Bags, toner, i rnerokvlle.Mm. WiII Rem- Mitts an Gloves.Parsons, et Dalington, spexit The Frost &WôodCultivato)rs are lVad r MelmePcmn Baternan Wilkinson Sprayers for every GUARANTEEO ADVANTAGES The ;advantages guaranteed to Ils purpose. Al1so 'VIlkinson Ploxv. hlccs, man for man, throughout p i t s e n t h b u s n e s s b y T h e E q u îty L ite Assurance Comnpany are much greatei ir Success Manure Spreader reg. $13,5 for the prernîuuns paid than they are in -1()W - -$ 100.00 any other Cornpany cloing business in Canda.WWi is s;t. td as a fict which iNo. i12 De Lavai Cream Separ- carinot he succesfully dispeteui. - aXA to :At âge of! îivnty-the * tr regular $8o flOw $60.0 ext birthday The Equit-y Life charges Pagewire Fene, Fll h. 9 uage $43.20 for $2,oo0.34) insurance on the Pagewir FeceFuilno.9 Gage Twenty Payment Life Plan with cvery- per rod - - 23c tiing definitely guaranteed. Most other Columbia Graphophone. Deinon- - sa iounadmlar terms for a straor Mchin re. $6. $4.o0Twenty.,fve I'ayment Life Poiicy. At straor Mchin re. $6. $4.00the end of twenty years the Equity policy je fully pâid for andi bas a Cash vaue of $898 00, while the usual cash value for W . F.! ISN E Y le other poliey at the came.time is $720. W , F l ýîD 15 N E YThe nma who studues hi* own interens wili patronîze The 9qultY 1.1! Afils'ace ConuPauZy WH TBO NTARIe0. when lie wanvstà f tcinrsnce$ WH T Y L. W. DUJDLEY@ ti UltRA, Belland InaependentPhones. tridet*UoeaMsao YCA151-No42 thle bo' clause t .r oril T ~-.-a gentie laxative li the formn of a chocolate-tasting tablet. One of Ohie Hu nd rod beinie.,temwdiine can do i8 besf wor7c. As aresuit. Oflaigllon We orsy w, fyorca s s 0b * fè stinate),ypur bowels8 will move easily and naturally in the morning. The use of ]Rexali Orderlies S 'Id Last Y'a r for a few days-afterward wiil restore nor- Sis eno rmous quantity was ti bCotdbthdRis h used wt good- eulgby b£y en ntoln eesaij db cohemnd If IRexal1 Oré who uffeed rom onstpaton, ue reatment/or a long lime, lue- ** your bowels act to laàck of exercise, or indigestion * cause, tn8tead of dricing we'll give back3 cauied by qverwork-by chldren whose Natur#, theij éimply hep asking a single qi parents realize the haxnuful effeet of com- her <o lielp heref. red .yipe Vo#Î9s monpurgatives-by old people -Wlose 83T8- SoId afly at the More Just what it says. terns cannoj stand anytlung hamh-by Dlal700RXI We won't hesitate, or womiendurng reganc, ad aterchid- Storues and In ibisl iýoýin' urig peganc, ad aterchid- town onljfby u& tions. Your word is. birtir when any medicine with a violent metpue Orderlies do flot do al action would be particularly dangerous. Many in bOXes,, -if you don't feel betterj of "~Ie people are yu neiglibors and friends. 164 20 find tht they are the pleasa As ynewho hasuever used them-theylU50 laxative you have ever usi telyou RLexali Orderlies satisfied and'helped themn. tell us and get your money i Thi là Ou r- îua rantee-ý You, derlies do, not niaa 't right, teill us go anl your money wit, ou gestion. -There la ni quarantee. .['t zkieax You Sign ,noting >r ask you any que ,enougli.- If Iýexa] yâou expeet'them t afer usinig them an4 anteut-acting: and bes sed, we wantyou t ýack.- A.A HALLIN, -WHITBY WOMENS FINE SHOFS oar's Specia[1Valuo $3.50 Nwstylés for 1 prirîg are unpacked wîth differences that ~ ake for style and beautj in eneli model. Blc nd uan Are correct for wear to-day, with long and short am, nàrrow ani round tocs, andi Caban and low Iteels. It i. safe Lo as Ber th womnen s fet nover looked prettier than they do in these newer mode a. They are lparticularly easy for women who aré' much onttheir feet, and Iare buit- with à view Vo coinfort as well as seivice. Hundredgi cf business women prefer- thom. PRICE $5.50 THE PAIR R. B. OR I TWO DOORS SOUTH 0F STANDARD BANK Broo St.Whltby, Ont. -This Store Rlecaltmmends because it gluves a *@âniho" to any houaehold article that ne me.var- nish can give, JÂP-A-LÂC- the. Furniture-Saver HEN you start on your campaiga of home-beautifyiag titis Spring, don't just ask for "varaish" - ask for S JAP-A-LAC;, and dont be content with anything but JAP-A-LAC. Always 'Put up in GreinTins, beariag the name "*GLID- DEN." Macle in 21 beautiful colors, provicling for -every possible requirement of the housewife, JAF- A-LACOojs indeed a wondcr-working aid in keeping furnirure, floors and woodwork "spic and span.>" .No matter liow, badly scratched or msrred a Piece of furniture May b; a coat of JAP-A.LAC wil Malte it look liÉue qew. It covers up the scratches and produces a beau- tiful, brilliant durable finish. Quickly and easily applicd. No experiene reguireci. ,Akourloa adwr tre for die. JAP-A-LAC color card andLook enitled "A .Thouaand and One Uses of In, Whitby jap-a-Iac is sold by GEO. M. RC p Vol ,modeby -- -' Th. Giýe V"aishC.. Lmioai. T.n.t. r i1 szail- N UU555 R EAL EST ATE 19 Acres Vo let or for sae-East Élidéeof Brock St. in th; Tow n of Whitby. Small cottage, gooti orchard,- landi plowed- - eady for crop. Would lease for a term o! years. 164 Acres on the Lake Shore in Pickering Towvnship'. Large frame bouse, gooti barns, about 5 acres o! woodland. This is afirst dlass grain and st5ck farm, well fenced and well draietcd. Large Brick DwellIng on Byron St., Whitby. Good stablie, -, large lot. This property- wili be sold forless than it le worth if taken' at once. Oroater Canada lmprve il & Land Gou- RICHARDSON & RICHARDSON, SALES MANAGERS- WHITRV9 - - 1. ONTARMO FREE( Wegive free, 'm .with eachjar of ýPALM> 1LIyf ORE or snob botule of PALK-OLIVE SHAàà at .50e eaclh.r Palm Olive preparation, a world wide, reputatfi quality and purity. Itwill pay'you to t vantage: of!7tiis. opport Draggist and Epý MEDICAL- HALL Brock St. Whlt Prlofessional O LEGAL JNO. E. ýFAREWELL, K. Barrister, 'County Crown Attor County Solicitor. Office South wing -Courti Èouse, A. , e (IRISTIAN OmrrIUSr. Solflelor. Notauçy Public. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standar -Moriey to Loan. JAMES BRILEOGE, ai*rirt Money to Loan'on easy ter Offce immediately South Royal 'Whitby, ûiu. 0. YOUJNG SMITH, LL. surof r MARRIAGE LICENSE Colart House, Whitby, or resi O. A4. J. SWANSON -/flawfter, Sol icitor, Nocary P .Conveyancer, 'etc.,. etc.- Oshawa, -Ontario Office-No. 2 XingS t. E, Nlacki * Residence-5z, Drew S t. 'ý?Ines-OffiCe, 321;~ Residence. DE NTAL W. ADAMS, Denfisat, Office,. Street, Residence No. 4 the ' Byron St;, Whitby. Phone N Oakawa, Lioensed Auctioneet tuor o.Li Fairbanks. Fo ati dates -apply to self or G. WM. MAW LICENSED AUCTIONFE AND VALLIATOR.. AI- kinda -of sales promptly @à to. Arrangements -foi saý hhe at, the Gazette -office. Terms reasonàble. MI land. Independent 1>honèý WIIITBY, ONT. F~rmProper We seli lârge-ami mall fartr ail lasses f town- and cg * ea1 estate. Every day %vi buyrs -for âoine kind of pri If-you have proýperty to s( myhave the buyer for it.. JOHN PISIIER& 409 Lums.den B ui J TORONTO 1U Bus and Dray Sosie --,Bus to all trais.. Pi&UTOMOBILb, FOR1 RE , alsc Uneks, Carnîages ai Bi9b*ail kinds DÂAY--OR -NIGRT. i IRE COLUýMBIA "JEWEL *45.00 Complote With cabinet $55.00 The April is- sue of Column- bia Record'cs now on sale in- cluding of the som e latest popular dances Owners of Disc machines send me your name for the Month-- Ily Supplemen- tary record Iist ,which will be mai led you free of charge each month. . Bell phone&--391 14 Stables aad Offii ROJ Keith Lawrence l'Brook lin, u - g ont. r-- 1 à .àà

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