Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Apr 1914, p. 1

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-~Wt; WTBY, ONTAIO* A FilELOFFER!T. W. give free, wihiie they lasi Tk1a kê PativeSap with eacb-jar of PALM OLIVIIl'CREÂM or each-bottle o! PALM OLIVE SHAMPOO >gt 50e each. Palm Olive prepratîons have ,,, world wide reputation for quality and pýriIy. It wiIIpay' 0u Àt.o ake -ad- *vantage of tii pqpportunîty. *Drmgglst, and Optikian MEDIÇAL HALL Brock St. Whltby. - tNO@ Es FAREWELL9 K.C. Bar mte, County Croire Attemnty and Coua ty Solicitor. Office south wing Court House. Whitbv. A.E. CHRISTIANI Ssriltur, s@ucssr; Notarv Public, Etc.N Office, ilrock St., Opp. Standard Bank, - one eLoan. JAMES RUTrLEDGOiuriste., Etc. r Money te Lean oni easy ternis. Offace immedîitly' sQuth Royal 4iotel, * - Whitby, Ont. Cou 0i. YOUNG IU R THo LL.. Issuer of, -MARRIAGE LICENSES - art Heuse, Whitby, or residence. B. A. J. SWANSON l"seer, Soiicilor, Ncary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, --Ontaneo e- No. :2King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew St. ines-Office,.321; Residence, 326. *DEINTAL W. ADAMIS, Dentist, Office,. Dundasi S treet, Residenée ko. A, the Terrace, Byron St.-, Whitby. Phone No. 122. ACuO i1UN.EERS * Osawa,. Lioensed Auctioneer. Sue- oeuorto L.Fairbanks. For ternis md dates apply-to sel! or G. Robb, WIR. MAW LICENSEb AUCTIONEER 1 AN[) VALUATOR.' AUl kinds of sales promptly attend- ed te._Arrangemaents for ailes can bc QAd at-he Gagette office. Terzns reasonable. Oeil and Independent phones. WIIITBY, ONT. Farrn Property Weseit large and small' fanms, and ail Clasues 'of town and country real estate. Every day we have buyers fôr some kind of property. If you have. property to sel], we may. have,-the buyer for it. JOHN FISHER & eo. 40-9 Lumsden Building TORONTO ~n. tsa~ &sonl Gon oral tivory Bus'i-nd Dray Business Bus Le al trains. &ATOMOBILe, FOR IIIRE; valoo Ilaeks,i,éaîriages, and -Rige- oÈ ail kiads DAY OR NIGIIT. Bell phoes-39, 14 and 74. Stables sud Office: loi . ilpp unie W~~'C £ m ~a ~u5 w nt4unue to reuise in, wmithy, lVg BROCKST EETI,,5$UTH pl apoe t'T1 .* Katepaycrs A dfssCon in b ta taI.ORMISTON-OLTJMN. *fSt. MSttbOWs Anglican CIIurObji T~he residents along Brook Street Clr wsase o conimunlct oOlo a h cn !temr south, between the town park, and, wlth bïmz, te. theê 4.of tI.t a~ cou- 146ge of Miss Aice Margaret Cluma, the Q.T.R. bridge, are very, anxiouosisderable abatement tu ýthe accouat la' daugbter of 'the lâte Capt. - H. M. to have the streetu watered 'during .eteul. . *Cuu !st. Jol1n'u, Newfo.uzrdland, the summer menthe. Therè lu Jittie Befâre Îjurun Mr. Lai'dlaw and irs. Wm.. Sparkball, ta W. s. Wonder te o b o-xpremsdover 11118,.read 111e copy, lue1 dprpard 1orOtfmihtoS, B.A., LL.B., Esq., son of- according ýtp the> factu presented by en illustr ted 0 o f~o the town the late Mr. and Mrs. David r s Reveral of tliem at the Councul meet- of Wiitby. Ail th eaidentfiai and ton, Of Whituby, on Thursday sUter-.- in nMidyniglt. ',rownsýpeople industrial advantage0s. o! the tôwn floon last, the Rev. J.11.R. Warren who haveoccasion to walk south on are set forth, and ta, large number of offlating. The bride was attended Brook Street can;' testify te the ilustrations will b6.- ncluded. lt lis by Miss Edna L. Lash, -and thie> truth *o! thé sOtatements. Last sum- proposed ta finance ,,the booiet by groomn by T. Rutherford Dewar, Eeq. trer tËlie'ýùst Ïýipance- was at , i tB advertising, and'proI.ably .by maing The bride was given away by Noël height.L", 'i esidents *- along the sonne sales. There lu -no oeyt ar0 l A. Mr. Freeman, the street-éotild -nâ-t i ot on their ver-l b made out oi t] . le heme, and an3 organist, played the wedding march andahis <. witbout bei ng covered with surplus wýl be turnM over to the ani recossionai. On the conclusion dust, _Wsé 'y-psaing' moto r cars Public Library. lniproject is pure- O! the. ceremony, as the bride *and andc ie;~~or ol not be ]y for'theý purpos 4ft publicity for groom returned to the residence oi_ left open without'the duat pervading the tow.n. TeClnu gv -hath le bride's nuother ia the Winchester, the whoie Iower"j porUon. of the approval. **-ia recePtiôh: was heid and the trâdi- I bouse. Washi ngs hung out to dry . -- -_ tional bride's cake ceremonlal per- were soiled, utndaws werc encrusted formed with congratulations and and- lawns spoiled. In f act, the Lt.r toasts. The bride and Kroom attend- householders werr in despair. edPW8B.m by the bridesmiaid and groonimman In ariSer, therelore, to avoid a re- - lot by the 41 'lock train for Chi- Pition .of thise occurrence, several DECA rH OF ALEX.. JTýpFREY. * cagot Washington, and New York. On 6f'-bea tok te-,biiby ~1 their return Mr. and Mrs. Ormiston as t ere ~d fflWedu ii On Sunday, April 19, 1914, thie wilI reside In Uxbridge. titpa y apeain la'a odyai hecommunity was uurprised ta Iearný Council meeting. 'ljiey_.urgedý thatj of the desth o! Mr. Ale«. Jeffrey, of the maLter be favorabiy considered, h ingston ROIK, Whitby. AI- îîPLES W-ITHOUT PLOWING. net only because of their ow diffi- though lie had been fil a short trne,1 That it-As qulte uanecessary te cuities, but on account o! the; un- it was gelieraiiy be 1eved lie was on Pîow an orchard te get the best re- favorable impression crcated on new- the road te reover ', when ho took suits la shown concluulvely in un ar- corners to town who might stroil assdde .±na r11ewre n 1c wt the above titIs in at alog ha sret romn the station ase way. Mr-. Jef!reY was a week's Country Gentleman. TheO'th- aong s thy rged the towns- mian. of retiring, disposition, with a er way is the sod-mulch system. The people in generai used that portion gentie, kindiy manner. He was barn latter lsaise5 admlrably adapted to of the stieet, and would aiso ho bene- a Oshawa in .June, 1835. When quite hili-side lapids planted ta apple orch- fited. There is flot a particle o! ùu1i his parents moved te Cold- ards, land that If cultivated would doubt as ta the sincerity and- truth otream farm, now ôccp1ed by hie suffer from washfn.g away ofoii.I OU their remnarka. brothers, Messrs. Win. and Robt. je!-; This subject la one o! the frot Ie-' The diff'îculty, however, aJ>peaiLed te !rey. He lo survlved by a wisiow, portance te tnany farmers In Ontario 1 be in the matter o! ceet. Ratepayers four sons and one daugluter. He was County wlth hMly portions of their whose propenties are adjacent te the a tifis long1 Conmevgtlve, -and a mem-, land well sugted for appie growtng,f strets.watredin he ental or-ber cO! St.1 Andrew'. ohurch, Wbltby. except for the plowlngz. No need-for tion of! the town, pay for this Ber- Th fuiie,a, whlçh wae held On that. Sod-mulch Io lnflntly botter. vice bY a special rate, which amountsesdy fron,*5cdut b t<ï .8 milt. The Couacil bail estîmat- Itev. Dr. Abrahami. A large numnber tén c'a the cost, o! watering Brock street of frionds followed taie fuseraI car,- O~o SahnErl south once a day, and had struck a toe te Union eenietey, wlere inter_-nment Act bas been recelved aIthéb raeof4-mlswic eas$4prment took plc' Gazette snd Chroutcle office, where rte o! 4 asemils, h eas $4the it may hé seen by horsemen. This' -ateuscae smeng wt. heas onsi-thé -F S.C W SII-. Act hould be perused before havlng :atecam sehigl wa tht a onud- EATH0F RS.C. W SMTH. any prlntlng dons, asu new regulationa onBrock street la assessed as !afm bckoe eeayan, utwthfcebiyar ladand a special rate canno et au e<i a serlous aspecbt wîastoce - -yar ptupon it. The residences arc well wek l izasu aePll J6aspet ie ONTACOR scattered, and hv oddeal o! _________________- 6iés wle ON RATO S* -rudwith-,thein, with the resulinorth, passed away 'On Moaday rnorn- that these few- must bear the full1 ing. Mrs. Smith had been la deiCate Je JlOW ELL JAMES hurden o! the cost. Tience the pro- lieaith for a long time, but was as Carf4enter, Builder and Contractor.> Iportionately high figure. Some of Weil as usual until laSt Rriday when laîsdanadetiae unsi the delegation' consîdered it much a doctor had te be summoned. Froi Plai rsAltrtn and Jobbte fringed À New Wriafkle for jtoo higli, and thought e sewV then tilli Monday she lingered8 te- Rflg s, Alforatr and obing Pclr fasr.ail.,tthe t9,wnspeople would be Part-, weaker outil the end finally came. f Bou 467 WHITý'V Phoue 14' tially benefiteui. Others claimed that îtlwaVeoly hidoI Ta the iliter.- te rate should he no Iilgher than1 the late -John «Jones, bf Whitby. >She JOHN Tr.' HORN9RV=1 115ir-En closed ind. a cutting wlt.eh tbat which prevails lu the centre of wasbarn in Wales, .!nd wenî to e w tUILDER and CONTRACTOR witl be o1 vital Intereet to the marîy the loivà.l York with her .pgrents when eniv two, Plans Made and Ertirnaics Given. agricultural and poultrt-cul- 1%1r. Laidlaw pointed out tbat the y ears of age. From, there silo camp Ail Kinds of 1Brick aîld ConcreeW ork, tural"' reador eof your valuable jour- strL-et was te be draggod and other- te Canada and settled in Whithy Tp. Repairs te Chimney Sîacks and Botera, gal.' Sucli a gem o! puresi ray ser- 5.15e improited, and there would prob- la 1859 she înarried C.W. Smith. Shei a spc cia ly. ene shouid no e h d under a bushet abty not be as mucil dust-ofl the road-, lit-ed in flarlungten Township for 31i Whltby, (Box 93) QOntarlo i (or even hlai a bushel). jbe'd 1hs year as there was la"t sum- 'yeans, and, then movéd haek ta ber ________________ Yours for whatiti is worth. mer. The intereated residentsaeto alerhm inW ti. asOcoe A FRIEND. meet with the Rire andS £ight Coin- the famityl. moved into town. She Marriage Litienses. Rochester, N. Y. ', April 13.- At miLice at an eaLty date, and an eni- eav.!ià ahiishand and four chfldren, A. H. &LLIi. leasi one e!f ltoche.ser's gentlemen 1doavor will be made te arrive at. a .J. .1. mith, on the homestead in lesuer of h[srriage l's -ençe. faniers who bas' take.a up the f ad .aifatr arrangement. artgonr Elizabeth and MarY at wiuen ,eq51ulredru..oeWi o! poultry raising thinks that he sees A by-law was passed appointing -J.holme, and Mme. 1R, F. Downey, of a way to make a success of bis ave- IL James a member of the lBoard o! peterboro. Ail were with hem when cation. During the receni epidemie Education ln place o! .1.11. -Jamr-s, she died. ofchckn talng h prhaed arsine, Tr 1 mp, wngtotle;Te unra as hel n IVP:JnesIay W A L L . P A P E R ln his poultry yard to waid off Schoot Trusteos Act, had feltit tne- Grovesidr'ereer-. rfflh a i W the limne to corne thieves. Net eniy did the dog keep cessary t" wil.hdraw, but ne-apint- weN knnxu hthatt te oldr resderut àway thieves, but the owner of the ment was quite ln accordance with oti s icit_ ,_an-ther-m-nvfruendu i n and hav ago-l k R8DÂY, APRIL 2-~14 GLenwod M..,fo SndejadinCommission, -eé-h-was e! the ë- oino, i niize ta lisbm eaWhrit-r_______________ au patfheesabismet________-- -- the British House o! Commons. The thai the proposai te huiid île elec- by e! the greai pîýovincia1 hospital grocin was Mr. George Fmederick tric ailway would Prohably ho siih-,- on the lalce front o!f the town, are ~ Cross, of Calgary. The bride was iitted te îhe vanieus municlpalltiesi but modern instances ef ibis, ageld -' ~ oav S o e igiven away by Mm. Harry Moore, andl at a date lu îhe noar future, net yet movemeut i o! -wealthy ciiy men and , 1-Road . tr was aitended as matron of honor by decided Ppon. He lad aise called >oen yintttes akt h liber sister, Mis. Moore. Mr. Will. upen Dr,~ McCullough, e! tle Prov«n- country and îhe simpler life o!fagi- I ýCross, o! Toronto, was groomarean. cial Health Dopi., and made inquirloes cutural albtivity. ,'rhe Ontario' The ceremony was conducicd by the as to mothods o! asseSsing. In ordër Ladies' Colge, alsp',, le eowing this lng île Rev. R. W. Allen. Dur- to piepare foi onsier and more ac- samne tendency ef" expansion along ing he ervce M. RbinNicholso41 curate prepaiation ef data as te as- agricultural lunes In - anîning over1 coutributed appropriate music on the! cesinent, Mi. Laidlaw made a sug- twe hiundred acres as they now aie ergan. The bride was attired la al gestion tînt te rail sboul« ho gene sinCe acquÙýing a long terre lease o!f -UR L1NE ý white satin wlth shadow lace over-lover and the properbies lisied ac Col. 5'w1 dress a.nd parls. The chu.h w ascodîtytn1.1É.,r - o-. A _# 4- 1 . -arewell's farun. whlch adjoins e..itR v... .i . 1Kan4-.2- Ibea uti!ul-iy decorabed for the occasý- Ion. A receptien iras beld after- wards at Burr Louige, the residence of Mr'. Rrank B. Moiure. The guesis irore a very feir a! île ol i riends o! the biLide and relatives - of!tIl' groom. Miss May Hlamar Greeawood, Suporintendent of Jeirish' Mespiltal, Cincinnatti, Ohlo, came over for thé wodding. The honeymoon wil ho spentinla île easi. A shoereto! tole. grams and cables frein a widely ex- tcnded circle, cenveyed bearty wedl-1 mishes. Mis. Cross spent the early yedrs o! her Ilîfe la WhitbyT and lu consequemtly meli knewn lier.. uuu.~aslilicai Ci fi i- t theeasward he original hold- 4 phabetical eideri as now. ,By thi ingseofîle Celleg MrI. a la a In4a meas, nfemalenceud o oiaiedpromînent Torntô business man, 1 quickly reganding îhe total aigsess- anwis tresènt:,avelling a-j ment la any particular sectiien ofîhe. brQad, It ie pro le tît ultireate- teiri. y asummnçr bomne aMleast wtll ho 4 Mi. Maîsb, o! Oakvllle, '.wbo acted mie o! îhlatîraàtire features %o! the'4 as valuater Inut yrar, sent a requestI inrovemiejýis b hérmado at, <'Twin tibrough Mayot Willle that bis '- se- Streamn Paiia.. 1fMiJ. J. tynde, a ceunI o! 8250, for 4the lwork, ho pald. grandsen of the founder of Iis flue! In vîie! o the fact ' that Bir. Mais's faim properiy on the northwestei& wark wa a t frore satls!actory, - and limits o! thé towl,,,liai been engagêd Iliat he fafled te abide by snoo as manager, and . 1slnow actIvély em-. Ite artilesof !the agreement -be- ployed l i~up:nlntending tbe @vp Ceuncll doclded tînt ie 'Was noe n- Farm," as wi as hegInning on a tltled b lite full amount, and tue Prograznrne !oft up-to-ate methods In' O *", r lUUcot'u,1.00 Io$3.ou 'Irousers lu order 84.50 te $8.00 Made to your measure ini 7 day. Me'.suits or overeoats -re- paired or dyed. We dye men's clothing brown, nav y or black. Ladies' .tailor made suit. and dresses. Kid *gIoves French cleanedto teck tikenew. Notb- iàg teedainty for nsta dry dean iratis!acterily.- We aise dye ladies'esnfts, etc., many shades. Buttons covered. 8 styles and lOuizes, from your cm mateniat. MAURICE MURPHY, Tallor 1 doop South ReiyMikWoaI,- WHITBY q 4 -4 4 O.Â. Pýending the: appointrnent -et an 11éleica1 npet r rhei Towlîi o! Whitby, public notie isàlereby giveut. that in the euee o!new Premiseis beinig wired, tuat service Convlctions5 willi he1 refusLed - (a> (b> awitehes or r4>'ceptnCiéS. (d) Wtere flexible tubing is net used strict atico- with the ,]Hydre, Eh-ct ric" reguilatio the iuse lihereof. Where "sold code" wire is used. Wh'ûne propen meter hoards are neit pro'y GEO. W. P. EVI J' with flush 4 )iIS'gOVerning i ST4 0F q AND WHITBYBR-AN'3H C.A. MoCiOILan0, Mmaepr. ~~éosabeBoeawiùe - rokila(C. A. Mellas. rMàna#oe.;<cas"l Now -Mapis Syrm Pure, and Highest Grade that that Ican be made, Gallon -Tun - $I.38 A. Te. LAWLER WVHITBY, ONT. Phones: Bel], No. 47*- Jndependent, No. 47 Windsor Sait is one of!-the puý,est brands of sait in the worId. We have junt received a canload of this âine Brand. We suppiy ordinary fine in :barrels. Extra fine' for butter making, in cottoli bags, and Counse mait in sacks, for stock. Wlien sait, is fresh, it hande freely like gand. We have constantiy _on hand, choice, fresh, Hatlibut, White Fiab, Salmon Trout, Ciscoes and Haddies, at close prices. Fresh- Meats! Choice Young Beef, Pork, Veal and lamb, at r'aionable pnicea. Our Sausage, Spare Ribs and Tenderloins are of such a higli graàde,' ai shouid please the most fastidions Epicurean. wu B. PRINGLE, & 006 IWRIIERS DECLARE HEN RICHI IPAPER, PEN ANDJNI( I3OUGHT AT Wu J. H. RJCIIARDSONs BROCK 5T. WIiITE I5TATIONERY 0F ALL KJNDS'ý M>AG'AZINES -,ND B0OKS 'Y- iobr - i f. -i,.- - ARCHIIVES'0F ONTARNO is ai- advaaaage so<netiis't. Ikep a bmmk accounti theDam. o! two peron, so tha er orne "mY mae withdrawdis.Su&h au- cuntià called a "jouut aeooL WC &hanlbape «" uighm Aý Àk AL .1 ý q ýiý Lm, ý#4 1 , l l' u-L:.TITION- FC

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