Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Apr 1914, p. 3

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i 'v 1' TId.Uit*o évery statmuat b. bé*e4o0:1 z dû*~ ~i~sg>uip, gieWea iutrpy.~~tin i reods 4ddustyi LArd IHi1dane oontends tNiat is- tory ia -a combina*on OfFeienO- a:rId art. The hiutorian' canu-ci negléet ",otinents, but hoeu a.y hies the- e«e ea d spirit of, a great change cir ,evenit il lie'relies un ducusments *l'ône. Re.:must know how t.o re- preate a situaion "and atm4ospjhere. 'Ie mies, like an artiet, huld up the iirror to niature end inidermtand event-à and leading.figures a.s a con- tempýorary of insigh't and acumen imderstands them. The truth o! h iistry is the truth oUxpetry and art, flot bhe bruùth, of îinere éýiexrce. Yarioue theories ouncerning 0ue wribing of 'listory have been lheld, Ancd pr.ýctieed. R«manc48 have been~ ~written aend calle.d ist,-jry. an.d very gocc "atieie"history ha.3 hen "\told in "mere" romane". Iu;s 3 4ikeiy that' any particular the<>ry willprevail and Id cthte field per- rnanently.. In lnst4.ry, a nfci) and draina, there are t ,od encie:i and fasilons. There, i'ino dispoii- tion, however, to challenge the sitant;il corre2tnesa of Lord 1131- dane'eý" view.. But how difficuit it mîakets the -art of writing rteal'hi.s- tor'y If the true 1iF.torian iuest be a carerufl rnd exac-V thinker and -àt the samne time an ar*tL:-.t, poiyu,,holo- gist ,ind i aond genelalizer, it js casy to.see -that , erýy few i&-al his-- wuin~~i]1 be jrruduce-d ici IUIy geueitiojn. The conebirari is ex- ce ptiu ual. Whlai, tlhrn, are thce gpieierîlty ot iintîlligent men tu do wit.h r'eg,11rd t,.,,lhiitury 7,Iiu~w are rhey Vo il as- ter iLs ""î sEti&'and get at ita.tru? *inwarôness? Thre roughi anwér je thart they mnust du WiLi t he past what they do, if tJrey are wise, with i jresen1- --hear all side.i worth ,he h~ring, compare anid weig!i cvi- dence,,allow for bia3 anid point o! 'i, and form a sort of ýyntheiic Swin o!, thîngp. Higtory in past pltce, paet economics, pamt con- itC t4fr- eolora. Hsha!In2d of-but somlehinfg to- DO W._ It may bea sort ô! color blind- 1 ness an.d aic<lnet be nece-ssarily a, -L ack of taste. BIavk and wibie are alway"r sure to harmonize witrh euch, other, and, D.>,ies, hey are alwayc 'im&rt when used togetiier. On-e o! thêý intereating develop- - mente o.! t-lie rpring styles 'le *he jb blouse o! chiffon orcrepe de chine o whioh show-s a littie'tucked vetof 'i organdy or linon with a foling or îp fiaring organdy or line» co-unr. The use of'hsndkerchief linen with ouif- fon ',trike-s one iM.a Iî ltle heavy atn I1rst4but the combinatie-n is really attractive. Fruits are used on some of the now hats. A certain re& and yellow apple îe especially popular. It ap- pears' on many amart hats of- simple shape.- Sometirnes itii,»piaced cn a band of. ribbon about thd crown, sometimes it stands aboye the crown o1ýn a wired stem. Sdrall fruit5 like t.he tiny chiffon and satin fie we-re can now be. bought in those fsbi'ics by the yard., Like the ribbon fiowers, tîcese fruits are e:sed tu trim eve nirrg frocks, negli, gees,- boudoir caps and thin blou-see. The linoen collar 'and cuff ise'a feature :if.màny of the et-reet suits o! taffeta, gabhardine, serge andt other heavy fabricti. The coliar sa muade in many facîions, so that on1eC becoming Lu every type of face can be fouril. For the .young girl nothing p-ret- tier for ýsummner wear could be fuun-d than a hst rmade o! fliured chiffon mounted uver a wire frame- Tie etrings of velvet that go ei-herE ur.der th2 chin or under the hair- give character Lo such a hat. Net ernbroidered wit-h heads o! colored glas, rhinestune, jet beads a.nd tiny sequins of metal ise much -used. Some-times it forms the -svioio bodice of. a fruck, 8soînetimfes itlai intradiierc- t.j give an interrtting Lcruclc to t-le hdice. A g-d many -of!the new skirts hiave,-- rhown a , silhouettt Whiclc etr'ongiy csrggests thse Ttrki;li trou- ser. Bttutpon exeminaticra the cf-' feet is sh-wn to ha produced byý, gathersi, c-everly minipula'teJ. andl fold-.i f material abrout thse ankles. , The hip ycke on ýsome of the rrewJ skirtà- is a* mrake-d featuye. This- yoke ie not tiglît. IL realv euggest&î thce immne linp given by t-h raLlier 1 louse hip girdle., But it duete servef' 1-j hold in the fulîness of! the skirt att the - waiâline and it je qirite rc.Is- factory. This ms3c o! vir'on, the e td&a n ~atn;fI1Di) of pet ooelHstn Prforme 'diffienkr was baorn b jtccfheser, Eing- àoieratson e amt Isnd. Mtr a> Oourve. a4 Keatad nrteia Rouee'Gra-nimar &co and Kirngis coiraging cêinditiý CoPiege, ho 4trneà to AuElt-ralia, t6 ances and heip. - ariculture,, a.nd to jouruaiam. In U"S"nokfskth Lii éscterpriv*z-he Prosplered , se. eh1r thr -reatiy tbat at cle, tims he -'coul 4,~eMP1ztsug boa-et that h-.>heM $15,000,MOie hie e -e*h ilr own nvaine. and- sevrerainew ePel"- t ,nae EU nrTaewittil1 Mi» "Be nett eluIsy ancd terril perpetiTa etes hilec ù.otoei wth tWe im beause there ~utainPrets, for lier fauxilyYV eoteiav fOnnided.nd Makir ai agrett yd-1. Therefo're,- whe: ney ôrga-n., aredserions Operc Thc , great évent happencd un July dértaken in a'cleE .2,: 1898. ImpÃ"ÈalI Pcr..ay P.Civ"%ge nu one nee.d t was earried by s3voen votes to ByveWlnneurec at the London OCe-rlerence on tisat gecn will say whi iay On ofthedeate ixadeof ail he needs a4 er.ight fo>r the Hous,-, o!Conmý6o,3 ný î èsà-,ane- c ou to tell, Hea±om ilhee newstihat lha W saç cmu ~io~c. 1 h~d~aet -~ ih"anv-thoieê in thf heremer.n.ber, a'icladat five o'clcok gondi plan not W ,a copy of theMTine, the rfirmiag thth hews, was r.-:.t o frcm Priitiýng kept, but in an arC Flouse squar~e *t bs bdsd At better; ti-t a sur lunohec-' at thse Cairlton Ckh h- not see 011l-the pi Euke, -f of i.who hrcd pr.evzDug- >operabcrn, andi i [y been officially oppx>rcd tu lc'i,criefaafr creascd thse fie-or to shake hardis Light'-ie a vei-y csithi thse ecaqueror. ()w. that d-y sideration; the « too, the e cceived a popul&r, à,% w.eîîail hec'an get. 1 &3s -ducal, recgniltieà. . Wâ&ha e ha-s to ha turned ca-lcda cab t tke lvan ho'me, all table, put it nea: waa aboutto give Iris addreee .te tli e Ce Hnees . t driver" that worthy iciterrupt?d 4 eaecatL him with-' "Il know, Sir; camne naine the>rdiary doe L e éyutlf JEaia n Sqeia X-3 a.'i yolmvèa verY differeni Thie Man of Letters. ci anlinees. Be9 By ailt ii"y o! fa't?, -Au -afia, eonutant supply Sir Jch-iis oiwn continent, held out for &terilizing inf cotira èversy ine theoiogv and science. Tîe wiistcoat le in line ton mitAiT1 Tirie isr'a reconciiet-, hoaler aend do- tise. Tite waistceat beit i-e n featý1 I-tsetle oiacy eietiemline of somne cf the suimmer frot-ks é;tros'ar-. efls ait baetosn and a iart corrforable feature iL Sir John Henniker Heatonl, M.IP. 'it )1l4t ail. QllestiOîcs i (ýV8 n 1'i-esimply thesotLom o!f, __________________ settllad cach student encrer daeter-mine a wais4 cest, with thse faoints t-bat for- Ihmef as lre dues a ciarrenit, extendý below t-he waistline, eauL off ann-t tIse peuny rate, bit u)n -unn usin Ntamnl and fastened Lu a hait. Marori- 25, 1905, Lord S-tatiey bia-ren gqeieton. Nrr a imp<- It ile odd' by Vihe way, t-uaL t-ho wr-ete "Dean Henniker ic-aton,- t a 9k, tiis, buat a fsa-c iirairrg orme -- t tterfly peràisbs. it stili appe-ars I canne-t allow ithe bas-I tatement makes -listory thie more eKCitiîng in ornaments fuortIse hair, in lace wihichi will appoar- ine Mondays pa-_ said et-imi.lating. - iea -o- on underwear and pers, te t-ie effect tIs-t a penny blcrttes, aed -iredesigne in ei'lk and prz-t-Se rate -r iL Corne i-nto force - crolce. tLi Austa-al-in (>n April 1, to he the T1i 'lit" IEN(CE. r .fir-t et Lunnuarncemen-t Luyoe o! t-h-e fulfilment- o-fc-neo ef voiîr-pc-tLai J-%InliI-O lie îrcîrleRefeed s'roiii 6OF, iIKENNV ('AIS, dreameu. You have wcurked for t-iis Ili@Qii-o-i 1, Reft-tereforn witia arrtirinîg enargy, and I on the, Vhole ('uIiiiiiiiiil<Y. Barrh'um Jet(iof ('ru<'t>'o 0f4-'thinkViraL I a-m thse fint. thioiglai1 I-t 1_8 welile-hat Soiety elrald have clir Soldier4 cer-tainly irail not he the lart, te 4,-ï reli-d-eoff :nîsiècetuý,iCrr It ÃŽ Dtri-ng taIserebellicr whrie-ir ceeu-r- congratirla-te oer-T-ber-e wa-s nu itrdergoing one jic-L now. W-len red in Ineland in 1797 Kiîkenny wae April fooliig about tiret aned Sir- w-e-speak o! the moral condition orf garnison-rd by a rogiment o! H-es-, John -t once ent drwn be!cr- aa Muciety at -lhe proscrit day iL- eia1oeld Fia-n soldions, wlrose cti-ate-nqitiLwa-s rlh.e-.t of tOiea fa-milus-r Heure of i>' remfrmsored Visat ritYw.pfi eLi utbrVcii-ne c t-hei ban-Commonisquarto note-pa-pièn te P-dc-f aIl sorté and conditions o! rack roc-mq tise ceste by 1tîseir re- mnake àainc,,.,,cmo rotarni of curir- pe (-ple-sew1i'oly differe-rt as t-ho sperctri als, and timon tbrow timerinp1iin enits. Yotir hat-e fongcd the Il'oes, Eue-r the Gemln-Ucunan. Fin-st face t- fare acrocs a uine genenally Inet links in thIe chaire o! Empi-e," ofiilthre' lsth Lu-rtcie e imcc-for dryi-ng c!oi--.TIse ca-s ir- wnrte; '3e-ar 1-avet-a t-,wn tirie anrd, lie-ce thse enxasnmclue *of thse natu-i-alIy beca-ae irferiat-ed, anrd ma-n-le o! Imperirul iniLy cri-r tIs" Quieti ca-rerot bfharvIrte a go.ud in- ,cathed eacirine the abdomnen ire- shOarîde n' cf tire Suvereign. Yen Ileunc -ci il -reimimeUat- cntat tiI deatir c-ns.-ure-cIto oeeor botlao! have etrîack thse 'l et Chior'lth wiL-l 1ieci. TIsen tirer-e arO neanvý thain Thise fficer% were mnada a-c- Imper-jal Symphore.aid te-e grand. zaeto- on o ciiw inee thY.we. 5quinted with thse barbaroars acte o! perfect clirr'rs ascandàr e-r ]and in.l- fo-e ccnn- eed wir.--îcl apwenu - crc-'tyv, aird reselt-ed te spedily and --?a. " Therese-snt o--es llais- atl apm i Is Ir'oe w th nefeet-epaît e-n ened to t-hemn. For thi pair- ina-Le a clrar-a-cteistic nia-rier, burt etist lx)tioras a-e.t- etîn eta-ne ne aan-n ffacer- wa-e -ordered t-oire- Si' Jo;hn lias ucý-ad thse Penny Pat o! iif~~~s spe-ct eaz.h barnnack on c daily a1-jOet-on Lettiadnae.N d-- iVAlc - dIicr istle eei f týh-o ;rep-or-t iLs c-tl. Thle soldiens, areents ire h-e world es'ake friendlier- %vilccmmeuiiite..Iret-Ire cidening doltea r e U nlt- ediyt- r eading than Sir Jo-ln'ýs percncj-al cir-a- ! -'ey we t-IrL t n i'earh a -lyic cirees of p-eniceyhe ta-ne s-aca'anxia teaof t-ezle- ', gen,-rallîyempi.o.- cor'm--espu-rdence. clas o peplewhoa.r- eer nxise-clone' o! t-hein Cemnýades t-o wakmr In'1e cye-ar fuiowing LIha ind-li te iairetlie-q-Iveq enalidt-irt at- tlîepproacii o! tIse officer. (.r on3!sa-un o! Air-tra-a in tie Imperial m'eirefo!thee lergies, band aret e.aefu reutlaudu nytiin-gt-Ia-t ilcaa--n he negîected lis duty, &anti -c- litû- rextr-nded hi$ itiia oeerttneiottxsdo nc f nom tli ra ia-otheofficer was ireardasm eengtlie lt-o I hi-ltersai Penny lr-g. At wbcl he is te culeen. Si ,,tairi w hile tirees-te were cînder- t-ha- t lanc il wae Mr. 8>d-rey Bix whM bhy w,-. tocnter.Si)we going them estornary tcr-t-emre. 011.0to-n mlhorece-oic% ed fi:s rtt ernticrns a ud find'tbattaie influence o! .ti- eCourt < i--tac-essizei -aod f r'omn %viogitan n-oo j'uocf c-ae.s le f'tecd aow, and wa' eailie-he atirnnrack. and wtlra ingle In prucp.ûing I-h? pa--ncy ate ha- î-eponz-biîtywhit'h a-tfacîies Lu tIse î,îsw -çivideci tiae t-aile o! tiire at e wcaEngland a, -d A,-ci-ira- Sir 1t0'aIcmn-l. W see he'w1df,-.y tîis TIse catsesecarced tlicruguWiethIe open- John was able t-o î.!lit-ho C-laiet-cher inftieaecce, nfe'It an-cla-ct-ad upon tiuduws o!f tlaereim, tviici wa.% en- of iVue- Excheqiien trat fire wo-tr!d - wbn. s i Vis cae e 'mii- ~cnterod -in7etaret.liyafter'wsrds by t-be place i-a -hie bandes a barek guaran- m -êL!gt,th-arrn.ditte nds k to - aise ttoffiter wlro inqeiiied wIsaL was t-le tee, 'ba-ringnamf- -ona-enc ti oi-eS nitorsk o'sI t-Ia-t-tsmisof-tIse two hieeling cals' tails ave-ny Exchange,"' f&or t-le a-'Mutai-ct i.4 pnr'ett rand- boat imi life. I being eespe-nded on thse line, aio! tIse pnot-ed leoss during tise fi-s-t t - - -,-------4'was teld inre rply, t-leat "two cas,slead i t-nea yoars' c-oking e-f t-I re duc-ad Hosiital o! 1,1c liae. Ieen fighting in t-bhe,o», tIsa-t itiatirag. Heant on. ieareover, hadth Ie was fotund irepsible te sep4,xkaî-e Aine-rta oti-îe-Gnrîan il4opital1 patients o!fto-a&y a-te tieifi and t-bey fetegitsfo desperaite-J-purble cpi-ni-n ba-hind hi-m. Mn. beter off than tiroir a.-neeeli-re o! îy that VleY ind clevoaîned c ehe -ýYdnieY flui5t'icî nd VIse 'hancellw- ~j't1sc g-od od tines."Mn. Ia-ei ler up wilh tlie excepation cft4 leir- cf lIse Exdh.equer -did noet, at tIs-e j y ~j nhie lbko it uer "l4on, 't a' lime, "ee their way ho nceept h-3 qîuo'Lteg .frem aa oti aIraet o! pai-' __ .* -fer." *But witIsdes w4e yeýar»-a te e-fy r-an380 igto ti-e fer taket 'lie Oyster 1ellned. tlaiig was -do-no,; sudnow Si-r Jo-n fý'9f oy ma brngls-tothe iaretin ail latent e-n Francýe. What Pont- < sn wije- or salitn-d t-o be Thse teacîaer wau instructing tihe master-Citnerai ca-n evade him i étauld, they sali ho takcen by tice younget.ers in nat-urai bistory. "C-an E:vasion alrways fails, though aiways baihlil, a-ad fîcootin-onat, eibticol-t a»y littie boy or gir1," snid fshe, trieci.- If iL sicceedo lai the Houae cny <question, aalJ be rie-rt tee til t-oi'-nie ewisat an èyster iâiL it e away ic private. -I have - ser!tlc;aad i f fiare lie no The email hand of Jimmy Jones know-,," tays Sir John, au Admin- lreperstticengqndy 1"sal tbieyhe de- sîret la-to t-ho air. istrative Vicie! e 'eLif ic opiecimpi gtroyed tutterlie.1" 11r.8 namge ea- "I kalow, Mids Mary à' I know I Rda3,s ia Vice w'o»g,' at hie cîec wit o1ti obtaseinîdl Oxford in An oyater," tiumpharc-tly announe- prove Vice mest reaeonshle of mon tic. itfteonthic enVias-y, wlIeero &al'pu- ad Jimniy, ii a fish built like a e-ver a bot-tle e-f Me-et and, Chauîden trid meat and fis -'isore by stttîto nut." e- r a~n a-ter-din-aer ceap o! coffee andi e-ont to st o.iopts.- -age-nu-lae Havana7' s- - 1Wy e gioomy iooking, Mndgo Ho0wevor isucli of a Suffragette a dean ?g"" Ja-ek hias t.rewn me over 1 .fil~ybuh'l~iiw~ e a girl WiV,more moaoy." "Oh, Occasionally a man Win& a â,ght üitero was a r aI ahome when a there. oheot upi That'e ne- saga bas-use haIsn't thie nerve to rua tramp cornes Icithe door,. - thatV ;he doesII't oeYOU."- iwiy* ter cannot be-hoi ing rocini, yen * lamp in thse bat-4 sterîizig pa!i or bruelies, an-d liner and iL Ciw-l te that is Lu o e se iren, juest ch-'rt c ten -heets to thce table witic glaE3 Pl tise roo-in o! furi mente, and pictui ,end à.mak., use ofthecO fid4 çreople round s eoticer -help. èà -s ý pamien.t., - en- an inciedia-te -atio Musit be unc- %n1y private home, c0 panie--Stricec. - r:-c b hIai, VIse sur- et -ha needs. MpoL quiet, self-zontrol- sen9Ése. If there is ie matter,à iLjea o ole-rato if Vice pst-lent je t-o be Ajoining one. IL le- rgeul-patient shall repa-rat-bons for an ce thouid not ho i-t îs-over. yifriportant -con- surgeon muet -have If the-kit.c-hn table 1 in-i an operating r the beet lighLtet t-he freaL -t-ing for keep in mlnd,-not tic cleanlincss, but ù ticing,-sergical suare tsat thÈereis a o! bÂjling water strumnts. If wa- jil-ed in tIse operat- -an -set an aleohol i-tuib, and put the n it. Bacins, nail n ehould ho b-uiled, aironi ail tice 1inen ed wili a. very hiot o! sco-rchig. Fas- Wall 2ail îurnd thse piwh pins, and cle-r mituire, rgorna- res, as far as iy>cs- 2ompanion. Ris-imrg îand inlue-n7î.i If yout are o! a warm and affec- tionato nature, if yen have tIse in- vetorate habit -of brenking ;nLo os-1 culntory expressfion o! y-xrýr j- y and- dntiesiaqm.-you mue-t make a e heroic eff-or-t lu conquer t-bat prac,- t'ce during t:iieae dgz, o!fîrneert.ain weatier-o-ne day cu1âi "nd tlie îext AS miid as milk. i If OU don't exer'eise t-he muet 4ýgid self-control ire thse-mater , o! "Lrlai-4 abominableirabi.t. of!m-die- crimi.nate kising,- yoîa Willtimer infect with o)r be infeeted by tIse heorrnd little gerru o! cold in thse bead. An eninont Lonîdoni doctor- raveî ise, and -Liis dootor knows. -'isin, ays Lime ductur, "je une 4-f t-ha mo-st freqrent causes aof infection in cases o! codid l Is iread. tiWomen with a bad cold think ncthing orf kissing tiroir owre or ariy- horfdy elee's ebidrera . TIsey think niothing o! tIs echances o! infccting tire ehilti with thein ewn ailment. al-thouglr they krecw that tliera is nothinginore nnggiug and d%',agreeo- able than a cold ini thse bond, wliclr iowcrc t-ho systeru a.ad make! a per- *OD ssceptible t-u utiri mure saeri- It i, te sme ithinflureenza, this drîctor affirme. A wcsnan Whoc is >neffernrg wit:l influnrza wiIl aek ber frierad te come ine and eheer'lir ap, in spite o! tine fa-ct tIsa-t influ- eneza 15 crie o! Ilice most highly ine- footiotis disenses known. Apropos o! influrenza, it ie qaite Creue that nohody likes it. Iv lias not a !î'iend ire lie worid and ever% corîýtnt ry trios te ïmrke -out tIsa-t iL is a native o! somý other country. -Ire Ru-seii IL lecnlied Sibera-nefe- ver, and ine Siberia ('-h-maeso foyer. Ine Franyce il le-s been ealled Spen- l-h catarrhe, anid Spain raetirro' the com pl in t l vy-calling t R ircean facer'. 111.4 lei 4)f iee 1jil- sasetiIl le Mata- Iropiîii leirrg iîd WlIsirl-a- a biriidineg waa reirn u4.r4 i---r-t-oaa-t Newlc-']R Itw. Bir- tninghai. ,Eticg1and. part o! theue r- p--r 114,4r gave way. Oiea mare, uctk- ýji., gut cemi-, bei-t twu fa1ýed tireo cape,ae-ncue -c! t-h--rn at.-.d ver tlie kneeli-ng foi-ni o! ti-ri4,re1, anti eurppeated as mercIs cf t-h-e-tango Maa-S- bf rriaaEw-nry ae h.e on-c-i fr-cm !faIiig orn teuli=. If he h-ad net 1lied t-ho presence cf mind to do -tIis bis ms-te wouxld h-av-e been'killed at )nce. Thisn, wl-t-a t-hies tupeecouens weight con iis ei-ould-e-rs. witls bleod tricking iretcrhie eyee-frein -a Sec-ere wound on Visa ferelme-d,t1h2 br-ave mare grasped tise wiredow-s--ill wt-r - bis ha-nde and waite-d asaistance. This weaa one tanneecrning, fer thse work o! rescues wu d-ifficerlt atic danigenous, and- ticere wae aise tise danger e-fthe hecmogiving way under t-ihe t-eribde »traini. But emenbualy lie was reie&ased, andl direcaby t-he rescuers f reed bsm - e. f-sint-ad f rom she-en exbausatioxr, andi anexamineaion revealed, noit - enly hi1 icead we-und, but s- disl-c tDubbtieigh-Mi-es Sharp es-lied me a feol. Do 'I lok like a follIDaw-: son-àN.o, yen de- net. Sire ce-uidn't have jndged ycpu nbyï»rur icoke, ,dishonest,-demàn*d too much moneyj and keep the balance for thoin- selvs t'baisee-Memer'of the 're- ligious-patriotic seet dý.tng ý!bacc? in -their engin te' the Macaben period or,>stilli earlie.r. They wer8- stricti» tice-literai observance of the Jewish-.Iaw ancd rfiual, bitter in'th'eir iàtred o! thé Romans, and' telf-rightous and- oppressive -i theirattiýtudé toward Vthe commoe people wh49 knew n-t Vice law.,' 2. This man receiveï.h: sinners-j How mucli hope for tice woxkl lies1 in Viiefactl 1 Eatetic wit.icthem-M re ssocia- tien with thse scially 'ou-t t, re-, gArdiesse-o! Vice Motive ýprmpti-nig te sucli association, wa ie9oug'h. 'te bar Jesus .f rom feilow hiPkithie, Pharisees; according «V-ýo their- standards to ont with fi.týeh e ut- caste invoived social ostracism.11 3. Unto tlcem-To thé Phe'risees who found fault witAh J-e»s for as- sociating witic publican ,s and uc- ners. 4. Wh-at man cf you-Jesus ap- peals to ticeir personal. experience. T-be wealt-h o!f -any o!i them ffmny have consisted in fiocks and herds. One o! theni-Just -one je lost and a.o many remairi, yet t-he utrnost concera is feIt. Thus le the love cf Cod- for ecd individuai siccwn. . - Leave the nincty and nine-The ninity and nine are nerit ncglecked, but ieft in their usuni. summer pasturage, Isat is, t-ho wiidernees, or the unin-habiteci regiens among t-ho hi] where tlcey ai-e properly tendod and staffer no0 want-. And go after that whieh,,je les-t, until lie find jtý-T4e search je con- tinued tîntil the loet je found. 5., Layethic i on bis shoulders- Thero le no upbraiding nor mur- muring at the trouble-. TIse shep- icerd returns rejoicing that the le-et one lesnved. Note Lice contrast between tIse tender feeling o! the ýhepherd and tice cold indifference otIePhariseos. 7.lsay uto you-This note of ~-etborsty s presen t n ail the teaching o! Je-eus.- joy in Iceaven-Tce intere-ets of benven and eart-b meet in 4-he indi- vidual. Repenteth-Bothi n 'thse literai sense o!faciing about f rometie wrong te thse right and in the.sense of regret and sorrow for wrong- 8. WVhat womanii havinug ton pieces of ilver-The silver coin is I tIe Greek drachrun, wort-h - ibout 1 sixteen cents. Weomen cf Palestine wear etringq o! thesoe ilver coins hanging from the head as orna- mente, Pcrhapsi the lout coin hnd been worn in ttus way. LighL a lamp-A pe-asant's lent icas ne window.- Until ris find it-As 111- the case of the loet r-beep, the enrne-st, ver- severing activity o! the owner is emphasized. 9. A eharming pfietuire o! simpfle village life ini whicli 't.he joys and sorrows o! one- person- are shnrod by al . 10. Even so-In like manner not aione Lice angels, but tice hoavenly Father himself rejoices over one0 siffer that repenteth. ( 1 Fi'k[1N(à ('A N'4' A('CE P'I. Molliriof PearlIDon of Lord's Siappa-r-,'Sent Frontr Abla. A motîrer of- peani ikon, o!fVice "Lords briet Saipper," nîmoit iderîtical te tIsatitprsaentad Vo t-hoe Emperon o! Buesia by tIse Sualtana of Tai keyàsr a pence offor.irg on tIse ccithneak crf-Lice late wac with Itmly, ie ire London await-ing a claimant. iL wac de.4ineed fur King George, hait het-irse iL is reot an officiai gif t iL crinnot ho presantad to hialî,rnd, s lu e ne cisc hIa--sa nigliat o Us-- cept it. lIse ikon r'emains wiîbhoet a. master. - T-hoeiistory o! tIse ikon - hagan begari wlrn Italy crast covetoxas cyes on Tarrkey- - r, iipoli-an posea-i'. Tira Sultan, ir eîaed .6! friande;, de- tonmined tL) -teririe t-o irispcwex-fal nei.ghhon aon tire n-recî-î- and i:î true Oriental fnt-sghion d-ecid'ýd-ho acco- pany' ir e t-tneres w-i-Li a g-ft. He Of-dereii t'ire uhi, an rm?'abiaîa trihe celabralad for itýs indier- cf ppa- wor'k, teo inake an ikea of Vice 'Lcrd'is last Sepper" fon preseret- aticrn to the RUeSiRai Emperer. IL w'as no f anl onder, fur tIse mot1iec o! peani hati te ho caî'nied a twelve- d-ay camai joerney into the laite-ion froni the seashore. W-hile the tribe was -t wen-k on tho ikon one o! ifs members,- wha bnci serveciin tIse Bnitisi amy, -psid a c-lit.Le his eld Iceome, and wben lie saw what was being dvnr-r ho insisted that iL would ho tthe gro&Sst diecourte-sy te bis royalI master if a siminr gift wau nimt made for King Ge orge. Tiseoiy differanco botweea tà 'e Vwe ru Vhs-t time Rusgsai gift je au rmounted by ti-e Impenial arme o! Rusein, w-ile t-ho EngirA image bears the royal arase of Great Biitain. Whlsn VIse Russian gift wa-s finish- ed tice agente o! Licee uilan paid <e-n 1t and carriedit away, but theKo- bi tribeasinn dîi net know icow te aend tice replca te 1Kiag George. It wa-&Waliy, t-ken t-o i5ir JOhu0GZa ,ýý UÇ tC#U m IarkeDr w it scc3 qem' U emf1ood deô i &ud faine. Hlercwe-re peo$ýe gather- eI <roým-al the- Oui q'tartrs- Ã"! Pa-lestine,' and some of themi un- do-ubtedly f r-m foreiga Ian4ý, t., Weebrete-the -great. feast .cýf 'ehe; ý taus 'ur rd -Ch ey - wreal lu-ehng dt,-ci-in c héldW gr M'entas to bid welebme to Hiýi who peihaps ins ite long promised Mes- 4ah, and cre-wds o! them accompany Hlm before and behind ,a4 he made Hie wayý into the city, with'dancing and singing andi ringi-ng !whouts of Ifecanna ! Hosanna 1la nIhe )Jghest. Iisiriùg ndewa 8hi ppu- ta-r triumphý in',the Holy City.ýAnd ýYet, if we can, judge f rom 1t Qie mes,- gre, reports which haive been- le!t us o ths -reatday 3eùs oesnot aee Lelîaeben -t all latSd'y Hi rècepti-oci.' On the .conrary, Luke. teile s s pecifccally te at ,as "H]e. d 'rew nigh" hlokoke4-acroe to the valley to thie city. gleaming w-hite as, alàbaster in t-he blazing sun, icand wept over it!" ln thse Vvery inidst of ail this enthusiaasm Hill. - o!f Liverpool, wbo maintainz a winter hcome c-a t-ho Mouilt o! Olives in Jerusaiern. Ladv 'll paid the tribe.ncen foi' tlei' work and hrought tIse ikcon to London. - TIse ikon ie ma-de in tice farrn of a hlnf rouru with the. front el-eva- tion surmourcted by tlice coyal arm3. Thse figurea o! the Saviour a-nd Hi3 disciple-s aboùt thlè table are do-nc irn fuli relief, in solid motirer o! peari. Thse cvrk ii very complote, even tIese eaileet table ute.nsils in é mother o! penn occupving their o r- dinary place -on the table. Thce workmne-ip île exquaisi-te and ithe design exceilently donc.. ij s rp- hable tient if nemoanos crin ho fouùd- f-or deiivering the ikon Vo t-he King, it wiil fi nd a resting place in wsome- Lon-don musêuns. ARE PRAIRIES PERMANENT? Sigi o!f'I'leir inper nc-lutihe W'est. TIsa> dictiunary defin'es a prairie au "a level or' rulling t-ra-ct o! treee- lesis land ëovered with.- coarse gra-~."St-icty seakig, Liaen, tiie prairies noie lnger ex-st in Canadàl-: exeep-t localiy, for there are n-o longer any lar-ge ai-ea-s exempt f rnm "ettiement and t-be seLiers t.brcnglr- out Lice West have a.lready, beers a-uppiied by th', Dominion Furest-ry Branch wi-ils crer 24,000,000 trees, euti -c! whiçb have be-e-n plan-ted and me-st c-f w-hiir are growing up in t-be foran of woodlcts aesd r-helLor- boîte. Se succesful ha'Ve been t-hase pl-ant.a-tione s ad rie great lias Lice deamanc f or treffs grown, t-bat thse Indian Head Nurse.ry Station,' w-hie-bhlis an an-nu-aicapaoit3' o! ap- proximate-ly iti-ecsill,.-on t-ree-, c'a.îi ne longe r supply t-bis& demand, and it ha-s been neceFfary t-o eRtabIith i I lrrantic snur-cry at Sa;ekate--. The copini;on waq occcwidé-spîi-ei-d that the prairie". we-re nIâtura-Ily treeless, and many ingeni-oustb eo- rie-s we-re adva-nced t-o ne-ou-t for- thIs treele-snoes. On-e wa,-LIra-t tho s-Il was te fin-e; a second tula-tthLie ccii was a-ilright, but that 'heca-lice o! VIse tbick eod the tVic -ceds could net reaci iL; anctber theory wa-s tîrat tirere was in-suffloierît ratnfail,. and stili a.notihier that Ise dry win- ter winds kilied thse hud- a-nd twige. But if a-ny o!f4hese factors lhave bec-n drtrimeint.lte tree-grvw th on the Iprâiriesin the pant. the- Fore-- try B ranch -lias ince serccecded -ii pr-oduciîig trees whieh are se ada-pt- ed t- C limat.ic oonditiolis -tIent growthIîie as-su-red -if t-ie ire-els are geven a brrûper MLart. The m-oc:t probable eause -of tIse treerrcness o! t.he prairies is pla-n, flot Nature. The fact thaIthIi-I' dianis long ago wcre i-aitlie'-habit o! setting fire te tire fore»ts and grass- lande- in ordPrr c fford better g-at- iîîg, and tViraite sefati wcer i-e-,e fire were uinlyset, lIhe r'ai- ing winci wcre wet-erly, sraiste prove t-ll-ritfrn-m Uiearr-d pI-airieo! eutleere Albpi,-ta .nsd th-d 'it-ezd 1Sta-tes5, t-lie art-n <cf tre-elef's la-rd was gi-aduelly ext' 2rLd-ed by fire. haîn- dredis o! mil-es aterly. 13irt ine Manit-oba. &ine-e these fires have c,i-ird, tire we»tc-raa frin.go o! foreet- lira-s begean toreove-r b-sit greîrn'L ,and, aidedi by arbificiai ne-ferrets- tien under tire stimulits o! tlh. For- eFetay Brancdi,. Li-oe-g-rDWtLIiwill rOOn be a-s cemrnon on ilire onree s r the farina e! EasternCMdL Ev'er avrtie how aicl e-ai'er 1-t t -o buiy nvripinio- thaîr4tià j e sl ruciefy 'Hil.m! wýhioh*fell upon Hie earsaen Vtce4' 3Qwipîg Fridýky. -In the p~:~ao. id~~ -whè-tflèi ,5-ay Wýýh .~i hs~' fied oWc~gioat ~d heur of succes and 'q T ce up above Vice equai perdls o!fppu - lar ic.tred bhtheîsteaidfast purpose whic bund H15 soul tV odc. Ia thà' spii;tual aioofness, -or ra- tIser freedoin, !rom -ice pamsing L-ac cidentsolf ea.#Mry,.- <rtune do we - ind tIse secrët st ofice-of iecward pencé and <ouLw.ard coasecration. And in thie eltendtast fixity -o! mid- 'd het ipn God's purpopses, aa - cotatdwith -mon's desires, do wre frad Vice c-ondition..of -t-Jis !ree-j dom. To 1k,gp seimfaa'lypon tIse w:agy el seirveie, .uaspoiled b*v fia- tory, and undaunted by hoestiiity, tii, do Vice work o! -God wth a sou1Punc- Lempteci b. appiause-this le "the imtain -Clhri-e."--Iev. Jýuhn Haynee Horuri.- ýYoung FiJ Thie Fat Little Birds. Once up<.n a imé ,thorý were six: littie fat birds, -and they sat on tIse sicore o! a big blue sea. One -o! the fat littie hirds said -te thse ot-eera, -L usl go o',er t-o Africa tO l - fie i r the o wrrms- tIser. waik righ-t in-to your mou-tii as soon- ne vot open iL, -and that thoy ha-ve a %tery- fine fiavor." ~ The tIser fat littie bird-. s 'gad, "XVe wo-îld giadly go, buat our wiiîgs are sosm-ait, nnd it's se farct4 A! nica thnt wo shoîald drown in thme sea ýlong hefore wo got.there." Si) they tnlked it over and decided thiat tlcey wcuki -have to wait*unLil sonùcrn one e-ane aiong to carry t-hem et-or. After n wbiie a 'big fi5h caitnev swimming by. "-Vilt you carry us- t-o Afi-icaî' cried tice six. littie fat;ý birds. "I -w111 carry yeu te the !-i very bottom of the -ea," said t-hoi ieu, and he daried down tbrongi t-lie water as swifit as an a-ro. '-My ' sid the littIe fat- bir d. "Isow glati we are blhnt 'e did n-ot1 go wit.h him?" 'Soun a sheep came aiens tise shore and tire biads, asked if ha would car'ry -thom over- -o Africa.1 But Lime sheep toid them thiat Ji. coîrld not sjwim, beit wait until thé~ cranes came., Bu-t tise hirds did not know abourt t-ho cranes, so thee shea p' teld tbem ticat itibey'wrehbig birdsq witli long bille, long loge, and i ili ilonger necke. '-"Once -everyý- yes-r t-he, cemne frein t-ho nortic and.fiy Lo Afnicn, and they aiway-9 carry, emaîl birds like you." Se Lice birds waited and soen they ilîard a gront rit-shing -noise, over- sesad, and, loeking up, tiîey saw a flot-k o! cranes fiying very iow over Ltce beache,. Anti on every back were liu-le lairds lsanging on tiglit wlt-li beurks aand claws. Thse fat- littie hirdi politely a-sked te ho' tal;er withie iern; and on e o!fVise -caanej said, "AIl right, hold on tight," sad sou tIey were on and off fi,1 Af rie-a. Now, tiis part -of tic( qtory i t-rire, cildren, for crane - do reaily cà-r'y emnail bird.s over Vlî - Medterranean -Se-a every year- but l'ii-fot- go ertain tîa t thî Nvorns walk rigbt imL-o lit-t-le hairdsl mouthe. lat do y-oiîa h-ink 1 >liai Great Britahia111Ill peîad 1Ti - r Bn tain' s natbional expondita-re ftor- thie yen-r. 1913-14 inrvot4ces a sit nrnoulrti-ng ii n &lVo natre Ilien £195,600,000 ($978,000,006). Once litiandcred ad n-inety-five mil-- lions! Suaci a figure is almnsot inr comprehieneible, a-nd one ens-y Wall weonder how it e oes ilenuL on-W to lird cjbt te spend se&omercI mcnry ire a isangle -ca-r.- After a-il, coýr siderably le-se rb-r oeqîarre c il; accoîinted for by t1he oC-et of t N avy ahb ouat "w h î o nie icears 1 Ine add-ion te iblois, tho Arrny dow-n fer twcnty-eighit and a quart4 r million potuncl. Perbapi it ira-nr~ v'er occu-rred te ou mticat Brîtarcfe Im forS l5one exlpe-nrsive te mai - tairn, eor Vtbat ie enrnu e Aly Cî <x5taon-Yi-y4l-f as much la -n i as Brita.in'a snaisaI f,,rce. Thî* -ho-Cvil&- 3orv4e0,-a. i-h4 ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO ~: i 1 --

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