Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Apr 1914, p. 5

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repcal by-law callcd at a wofking- Mlivc $48510 ;IW. m. l'ringle.- Foolish to Suifer fron Stom-î mnan's bouse to askh' int to vote in $ 143.!9- Geo. M. pie C7ft.r.ahj . favor of a returu Lu tle licenso sys- Utce's trîder, bctie lo17.6. t ., h -11s toto. It %vas evening and in the cariy arcepted, anti he was awarded the lVhat's the uSe of suffering f roM faîl, T-f i'h liidows o! a glotuîîd lo contract for the supplies. - erbc adLt thrdsg e b edrooit' n-are open, and as ha watited . things cauiseti wy Spepsia andl In- ite, lie idnitted he hieard tno snîai l uni or sa3's that 'Mc. A. Ve digestion, when wve oller von t.he fchidrert sayîng -their cvening pray- son, acting aS executor o!)f .c prîileg o!îîsng Rxal DyPePsia~ ers, and the prayer ran itis son PeState, bas Pfected-a sale o-f the -tl'ahets entirely at our risk, nith "Oh, Lord, lont let the bar-rooms 1fa%% 1r, ljoi.s Flos., Willis anti Watt- the distinct ilnterstnnding that if heotpeneti here again, for fatîter bas echtt0u. stresal a fgure eonsiic-- -thei dont celieve votîr stotmach bten so -g ooti Vo Us antI to nittîer alî over $18,010, t-aking infto ac- frouhle an(]nik vour gsto asvheyom since thev n-ece clttsed, IVe aie a- tottpt rerent saales of comtiti Lceai tral îî ttîrdgsii avte fraiti of liquor.' estafe in Whithy. thé ahto e higutre tailI tost v on ntdlting. If tîtev(loront, WeIi thcy tnight hi', for their ftth- tJt]lap-rttiindlicate ht'tt'er tt I t xet11mlt v vn cr -hati heen a spasrnodic tictnkactl, tiînea forc ownPo f c o tntrteriil pr YOtl Mtel! litqandi let tis gin-e hack aniwc iul 11 antIbrut l cv in this towýn._____ l)uring the thr-e vears of local op-- - - tinn he bath lîcen soîî<r eontinîoilsîv IlIIN;tjO f)MX WHITBY MARKETS and when soher -vas a bard -,oriiing "t1 .i li t lt, e OCting of slîrtts a griodr Ouir 'lîa antd CoR e le- -p-rttnieit is coînpiete wýi1îî aIl grtades and blends. 6 bars Surprise Soatp, 25c. Ainîonia Powleî-, 3 p~ackages l'or 25c. Goo ilettt for Clîicenîs Piîck les Mwitl, Lte loine- Titatie taste. iuitiotkindlv rMan, (eIf biilliz tn siii 'tiitliitff-t- i Wheat, fail--------------.10n t-o1.001 - 'l'ite iaw i-r-p; liItnor antay (min hlmi tsn -Mr.. I A - is(Ilitit.Iubirh- Vhat, goose---------------to 095 I Your 1Ittîsilif .'t h îuîli nithuis kppt liii a soher, kintliy School îstîîo is lneaut aly--------- o05 iad ie oe ylw-h oîit ît InsilIotsîr 111g iii etî-î w a a fl'------------------- 0750 to 07055 fathet. Still oten say that v<tu catit lot ffto King strt<-t, 1pitit he Ieans-------------------......1.00 to 1.25 I atcewttttrisaer1 ie sidene ttepreoni. iTha loran Peas--------------------.090 to 1.00 Phone 94, - WHITBY - iatholic l'bîrc-h wil l an oerect a fluckiwbeat--------------.....070 Vo 0.,75' residencv iwtast a f S -'ohtsOas---------0 0. 47 -om 0 ebr~che. Sc-eripr reosiilc-nees , are lRed f'Ioner ....... ...90) o 9.50' Lo0 l0Deig alsn proiccctld. 1 rLOUR A NI)FERD. - .0ur pr0w.-----2 50to2.5 Train Time 1 able@ Sl-N'l'i.N(-l-;SS1'END E-D . ('hopped bcd, cwt -.....1.50 to 1.50 Wu ' Ctttict nt owr ornmeai ..........-------..2.00to 2.50't-i SIuvi l'itfec r 50 1Whitr, twvo young boys f rom Port Bran, per ton--------.25.00 to250 Éveryhody iii weaéing beatis. We Pcccy, %- lid hava been in the County ÀSotprtn 2 .0 o2.0 ir- bave just recêiveâl Borne beautiful gapl ftr a wee.k awaiting trial, w8re, MEAT, POULTRI, AND PRODUCE ontes from the 1i-S-A. at'. acraignr-d on T*uasday niorning on a Beef, cwt., dressed-..1225 to 18.100 WJIITBY JTTT ON'Pni charge o eUg two pis. of (tl, kvêe 00 -..-..tant7On iat..&7-an t ( .5 t . oîngW ý..4 in Fat..&20 . Cranarthr Siastat G. boots. Tticyv had in their favor a - Lamnbs, each---------------...6.00 to 8.00 35 .nl,.... 3,05 P.n M.rti stItie', A s i js eev rvoî dcaac-$et àand alter! logg, dressed.. ....100 to 12.60 -6.U19.np J-. m a new stock of garden toots. re'cvng sotîe good advice tiney Hoga, select---------------...8.25 to 8.50 .... .6 Pn. I wcre alhowedl go on suslpen-ded Chiekens, per lb ....... ... 616to 0.1-8 Sunday tr'ains heave for Toronto Set orpecitosat eie'sentence.- Ducks, per lb .-----------0....18 Vo 0.20' 4.52 a.m. anti 7M6 P.M. Prom Tor- Se ofu prerptionsaJ. E illis, 'S4îT Geese, dressed, par lb.... 0.18 Vo 0.20 onto-trains stop at Whitby Jnction t 4 t h e ýM ediE R IA H allL DorO C L ,A .L.eT urd ! 6 d ressed , p e r lb . 0 .2 0 Vo 0 .25 a t 8 .15 an ti 9 .5 5 a .rn ., a n 9 . 0 p m léruggist andi optlciaa. The Young IPeoples Gujld of the 1Buterperil)N0.8StA0.IO-Nt9.30pm - ~ .Proabytertan churcin heldth Ie third Liggs, ae, per tioz.... 0.27 te o.3o0 PO NSAIN Th ais o h ais ul fin their series ut monthly socil& at Lard, per lb.-----------....o .18 to 0.20 (ioing 4orth..8.3o a.. Coing South, -.7.18aT The Saits' Cuc ilhîiter- the homne of Ars. George Ross, on, Potatocs per bag ....00 to.1.20 . ).I a. -.0% i. ~na bzaro 'usta, a lt.Motiaay. A ne-cv pleasant evenîng Appies, per bacrel-.....1.50 to 3.00o STAGES.- mnuapth ate i n Tmmday a 2. was spent by tihosé who attendetl, a Onions, per bag--------. _1.00 Vo 1.25 Lean-es whithy for Oshawa at 10 »aep' he da e in M nd.- goodîn' number, in îîstening Vo an lay, per Loti--------...1 4 0 0 Vo 15 00 arn. anti .4 p-m. Jos. l e , p o 'ru Wity Pes'~toy mL n heexcellent prograin, anti in other i 'i IIIDES. prietor.Hodn pr- kebtra cuc ee t-'is!yjoyable pastimes. Thosýe Who coun- Wooh, unwashed--------...0.141 to 0.17 Leaves for Brouihrban at 10 a.rn. A rber wsîîu apper aonexTUweCSda.trb Vd t hs programme wers- aitss -C ait skins, per lb-.....0.15 to 0.16 .lrEdasporit, A~u reo! t.-ill par siezlty ek' .iohpst<n andi Miss Allaway, il i',amb skins, each .. - 070 to 0.75 Ed AS proprEtor piano dueil-lMas. Prench ni Minislut-les, per an-t-------------O1.00to I£5.oo - MAL CO .xperienrpd in obhtaining sarne froin tarnes wett-inoMi s Prtjeh -ir ,ndCsin--------0T5toi1 ~~~~~~~~t W.ek ~~o b rc nrnînnî sheeacons--------------- 0 .75 to 1,15- - or 1î.t-t Whby Io 6., 1 t- Y-.-. agrfSPlan lrebides 2.150t-it. 6.3.00 W .luk(e & Son have installed af11,11,readinis. Re- T' W 1rn e-Taîlow ed.,ptib..,0.6_ o lo -n ows er au.tto fîîîrg tîn 0 rontsponded hcie<fly Vo -,j tti îfor a A.tc ivr e u. 4 O -o-63i.î of -thelt 'hop on Dîîndas StrTet, and speech, anti his teniarks tere liqten- 800o590Soas. li\'rh-.îot çan nonv serve inotocists with- facil- Pd Vo nit-h appre-ciation. ity. Thec new station bas ail the ý latestco)nvt-îîienu-s. The tank bats a TfIE TAB3ERNACLE. ' .lapacity fo 00galions. Api26t for Sunay, pril26.Our Styles Are New ntfln.. -. i n rini, nwinS.nie,- Morniar servilce Il o'clock. Sîîhisct s t- *-5iU tiJJ -i ue >11 tIUVLU p,. ic>t- t- '-Imres in the music bail on V<rit!aY àdternoon andi evenitig of ibis week, Xàder. thea auspices of the Provincial ffeahth- Department. The afternoofl sslon wilil be devoteti speclally to - le uehpol chiidran. andi the eïrening wlll beifgor the adulte. ttSteadfastness.si Evening service, 7 o'clock. S1ubject - >Procrastination."y In the morning à reception service will be held, to recelve Into fui, membersbip- with tbe cburch ail wbo desire to joln, ant! aIl who îavel Tailored shapes, and dressy bats for EVERYONE. BIJY NOWO E ~ock THE MISSES POWELL 13 ro________whitbrj i..L ( J I > C INI TO -MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHIEWAN Eacii Tiesday Match 3 to October 27. inclusive. Winnipeg and Return -' $35 00 EUmonton ansd Return - 43.00 From Toronto. and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proporttonate fates from Stations Fast of Toron to. Return Lirit two nicnths. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARE-S (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACI TUESDAY. MARC1 ANI APRIL Settl-rs travelling witli-live stock and effects should tak,- SETT7LERSI SPECIAL- ;E,<AINwIicli leaîve% iAt tTorontcadi /Tùý-sdayîI uting MARÇ11 and tAPRIL aftt"rartiv.it ri-gular tt).251 p . .trin i rn Toronto Unliott Siint. should usec RFGUI.AR TRAINS,. Itvitg Toronto 10.20 Pmn. DAILY. Ttîrongt. Çolonigt and Totxtitt Sicepers. 1 Through trains Toron-to to Winoiry-g anîl West. COLON[ST CARS ON AL TRAINS. No chargte for Bertlis. Particitirti front Cati.di.îiîPaific Agents or wtt M. G. Mxirphy. D.PA, Toronto. British American Business College Vongl e il a ll r ade ii e o n j .1 A MoQ U-.'I E()nAt. Iou t'11a 1îîî loer îîew tîatittgt-uit-ilt i i 10x393 V.hitby, Ont., lPhone 129 TontO. i-t tîg utut-t-o,îr tht-, t-s-r tiX tI i so i tIîiuitIta lins the habit of doiqg 1 t- 1 ot a liLt t reutaret t'r a gooti posit ton. l t gl v C W l î t î. îP r i n c ip a l. - - - - - - - --aS ca s s o f w o r k t h a t b e a r s t h e s ta m p o f NIH LOI DD N cr ,J. Eflott. NICH LSON& SE DO'NHOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Lo.ogen . Principal je'E ] ton niltrip tîdu ts to pintm in M antnila, AI hert a 'Ilt.riigh PullinanTiulitrit. Sîcîpert4 ta ii ttipeg dtItl____ -shîts.dte~t-, ain'~igTîîîIlp-in. N--but, RE-AL ESTÀTÉ RETURN LIMIT,_TWO MONTHS. IYoughlogheny Steam Voal."1 TRANI< E. AONES' LIST. SETTLERS' FARÉS B1118 Grass Cannel Coal." Several bouses and building lots fer Fritin stations n>ntario,~ Kingtitoni, Renfrew tt"GogeCek mthnGa. west td, points in Alberta andtji tk.'t-iewat. i-tii No Coal to -equai Îhese. sale in Whitby. TUI-I:DAN'îluring April. Farms for sale in the Township of Srno o agshaesadfm Whitby nd Ptc ej'.lee Gtîand Tunnk PaCifIe Railwty<s tînt Shtrtsî Sc Tanîon for r an , bhea t a d dfu WhtyadPceig ndi 1tjkeit routet-hetween M innipîtg, Sask.ttn aces. Teba-labih n t' F R A N K E . J O N E S . a ntdti E li tnt n . i lh iexe lle t-tthr tttttdt ti.t- (dt C a n n e ! fo r ire p hi-ces a n d g ra te s. Itegi naL. rrainis nîw rtfnng <iti (algary. ogihnyfrsèm'Noeal WHITBY. Fu!! partienlars tt Grnd Trunk Ticket Yogoheyorsem.Neay - - - itees or write C. E. IIORN 1ING, 1). P..,beoge r. c o l id fsih ,Toronto,i On L..f geworge Creekfoli lkinds f mi N I N u àNiE N 1'r S and ee E. Stephenson, 1hitby'8_ inuwor. Fcsl OuflDetgis&id aLeîaI~p inSLok twnticket office. Phone 36. We lead in quality. and quantity. .wvorks and inspect for yourseîr ilti ri 14fn JIhITJ Iloine ~Tel.. ii Dan't be misled by agents. We do Liv@I ), Uni iuge not employ lthem, cconsequently we can and do allow the agcnt's commissbon. ZE " The' Ladies' Âfd Sco f st. mnr W& kww ai W e Atr0'. Churchi nterné -holding thelr h ave du fr'thet, î%wit lie MlI. ural a F urtertîcu l D atr I ou ar ýM4d of.. This le why vs have la HTOPA flhIV '.4c- Àmlitr. ong hciolth thingu ~UDI VIV HUY Tiree cakes of Palm Olive soap e~ eh n imtIoa Iw" glvu Irec with ofte jar of Palm Olive f0111 s 'rnwnuiO ete ft u . reamn, or one bottie or Pa1Tn olive9 esst'dgtieis »nt< a uiamonoSharnpoo at 50C. each. J. E. Willis, rimme istw soah I Drig - '"have them, and cretion of gastric juice, and . help t con î n tl o s sing the Pant week the new autos male lihe bowels regular. -Wé -beiievie< com if.- ndtal tous sOd ýtotownspeôplt have been buz- 'Will'bè pleased i thmbt o.e by l odds the best rem-I The i'alue o a dia- zlag about town, thefr owners busy M; orindigestion or dyspepela ever learning the ims andi outs of driving. lceac ihyou mde.W for ouwllsy o Miotujdepenfls fot',oni>W1bya o -ot25ats r -Oltil 1 1. ei1iev 0uwiis 1 o Whty a owabot2 atso i ti, to , once you have uset! thmr. tf you on. 1ss ca-at weight 11at one to every one hundrèt!*of the PoP î wîîpa 'don't, the. wiii cost you notliing. on the qualîty of- the ulatiosi. Soit oWat th mor than7,0y steneý and theeway it is -4,- to caîl and sec us Rlexali stores, and in this town onIy c~~it - !All he ,lfotear déigniio be g bfr suc."' at oôur store. Thîe sizes, 25c., 50C. fA»hoinhueltea deignhads - 5'e-1 ;ý nd!$1. A. Il. Allun, druggist, Wht- et! at M.W. (Collis' Shoe store on amcie ,,Ot ih ishi ghl1y importa-nt Friday'and Saturday of t - You . amachie.----ont that YOu -have expert ad-o!thi weu.kIow the aie.»we'cooil WALL PApEý,R AND PAINTING. S IN GE R has a Persona] Mention stone, and the nanie of Weiyuwn orbuepprt reputation of itd Prof. J. B. Rynoidi, of Guelph, I' or any Painting donc, see our samplo1ea enliligwt L at r a reputable house back hooks. P. R. Blradbury, Mary 59t.,1 OWfl. ba . sorne.stfgwt M:'n .M on ,f i ts v e as a g a . or b x i_ _ _ _ _-__ _ _ _ _ M iss M a rjo rie C o n lin a n d l elen ; ane fit onsY. - - 7, hty.- rwin, of Toronto, who avdbe We have been buying iMossrsan.auo. & Son hava Go. y. Iquion tpending Easter weok with AMr. andi right"Si an eln inoa~ ment, and are preparet! to Go 1ailonswertemod a uvrynCt andded anlauto to theirin alv ry l q rs.T Ded m Mnd Tvry t. fre ya Ili onuiiyfryâg cails to conneet with aIl trains by1 phoogIp ihisConmntlityfor ear. iauto. Rapid and! pleasant service1( htgahr ~ ~ 1reunt oeç ody .-We know Values and we will now -be assured. Attention is Whitby Miscellaneous Adlverts - caidto the ailvertisement of this I C 6ae er y p n se ement tO lrmon page one.I C[jRETAKER WANTED. bacc U ay slewe ake-. -_____________________ For Wb[tby bowlinlg green. tApply In buying shoos tMw. Collins -- ------ at once te Thos. Taaker. YiNO remember yu etO 1i- St n PITIG N for cash. yugtl"g icut f brought the.u letter ofrecommenda- PITN N PAPE RHANGÎNGtWas n toton with them. Dene by the day or contract. Whou' Wedig in s t TS~reors t S.~ S. and A. B. Classes at 31 p.m. You want .a-ny work done drop a line-beutifl Areception service wiil be hedIt tai C. c MacDonald, Port Whitby, or 1bad p exetdt aeteLake 'Shore Aînont!s at 2.30 p.m phone 123, ring 6.--45.' l (e fih anadian Paeific Railway 1f 'a'quality above criti.- in operation by .Juîy îst. The C.N. WePndORfr~ls obsare SALE OR RENT. We an o afist-las jb sarpn-Sumer cottage at Heydenshorel cism, correct in color, up- R. wiil profbably open its through ing your lawn rnower, price only 25c. Park, five roomns and! kitchen. &pplyl to-date in design, and a lUno to Ottawa by that time also. R. 1-. Quinton. V .Bnbx16 4.I prpe fi, areth ins The passenger service -is now in op- 0-th -W. ÉGGS Fox SAL. 4.1 proer fit ae te knd. eratîon only between Toronto and A MODEL MEETING. FrhaÈigG FrOmRe redE. lack O u sr . u he b s Napanee. e f om lho RY .l>U, of the Baptisc church. rphingtons, - $1 peaL settng of 15 O rpie rnefoi Mr. Chas. Peacock, of Oshawa, bas wilI conduc-t a -model meeting- on Barrot! rocks, 50c. per setting.' A. %'$3'.oo to $io (>0 and over, - had tue pliiiiîCge of tuning pianos blonday evening noxt ai their regulax l3rowl, Port Whitby.-43S._ and are gi aded according for Friedheim. Kathleen ParlowLs ac- wel ahrn.Tepormwi weîgit. d Tl a B urgt' ewe en at the recent Y. P. Conven- 5j p gasoline egn. I goot! Your oder a1Rasset'snjwwlryr,,nning order. Cheap for cash. 4.p- The Iates-t iii -leads, store or Mailed to Box 55, Oshawa, 1in n odon. -hi is sure to be ln. ply J.14. James, phonel149, Whib cooe o lin nCoa, will have prompt attention. trsin, and there wili be plenty o! -tbr Poe r!, etai-nd Gold j mys-ri 0 snusiç.Everyone invitet!. The meet- Pear, Jt ad Gld myterouscharacter was in ing Lvll commence at 7.30, -and will Piano Glioss Furniture Poliah keeps toWnon aturay aSt n te ppsonbc over within thé hour. At its con- new things bright and brightens ol-d it pas toget ut pice o a otng Mura, h ast a bncthe prsnclusion te Union Teacher Tramning, thlngs--the best for furnituro, pianos, peo e b y n l e h r ce s fa d oîq' gu n , wt h h a d a be i c y cle 'of a ss w i îî m o e . .e tc .; 2 5 C . il d 5 0 . p r o tt le a t I *. l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ befoe buing lseh hee bndcycle taPh- f~lesose f WIllits', druggist andi opticlan. fr sto, ant! on (lot t Sunday departeti fotr fte itortît along fo ieyur lawn mower sharpened EG FOR SALE -SLE. tihe raiiway t.rack. it 15 bel ie for esummer work. 25e. ai R, H. Prom pu ORed SAteLEhrs Iu~rkids of field seeds. lRed tha h my av ben eonnete uinton's. Filinder Twine as usual.ng. $ thth a aebe on-e per stn. Jamesa mihPort1 vrTniothv seeod, Mangoids, etc. U I early -Sunday morning. MAIL COLLECTION. p-l'to Whitby.-2 The mail boxes througbout the WANTED. M'oto!Whtb R.. N. asserstuan tw my o b ue fr otg A capable malt! for gnr Aoue Jwelr ad Oaduto ptilan has been opened on l3rock .s tn ail. (olcinws omne!ti oko sallr.N lkn t. ouhl olectonwas cmmece tis'wOk O asmal arm N mikig, WIRE PENCE FOR SALE. Opposite Post Offiei ieawell-finic9hed place, and 1week by Mr dadwho bas fno eblîdren. Comfortale bose Ea gtwrs 8tihs'ih n 2 Presents a verv attractive appear- [charge o the Whitby-Brougham churches aii village. Per"mnet P E-iht o,2c e o wires, 48 nhshghad12 ance. The fiihigto)uches were puti stage. For thne past week or more stn for sultable person. Apyat: hert,2cprro!9ies41 WÉL 1 in.o hs ~ doittePo -eboe aesilnl , 12 to rot!, 29c. Both No.9 Jliuiqelt iltcwngolptoaebcas oepoh oeuigte,' wire. Poultry wire, 4 test high, 18 1 etYwil ra agoo ptrnae.beaus smepepl uere______mýby strands, 40c. E. Storv, Base Lino, The store formeciy ocetîpiet! bv ýý.W. butt the cegulai service dit! not comn-- - -WstWhbyagntf 1 I 'ac-ksonn is aio heing renovte icati, nece tînt-il fuis week. Two coller-- -- _______________________it <s iniesoolthta t P'a Ir thtaIaroorîî i tionq are matde taily, at 11.30 1a.-m.'FE_________________ XV. C. 1-. 'Ipîp -,ili and5.30 î.TFS - ~ T U. b i oea. ni5:0 ne i.epXCfl tttid;x-, ulten -SEEDmw 'TNJY W.C.i Mde n heI s SOI3Eil hi LAWA I).ilp ig oftîîeWat-r 'and DENt- m l S )AIY.li ît.sf mte L otit tt11îlssion l1-twcek tendersk andi -rpam. Mor(ning and lu Orillia, alLer Local Option had %vcce recr-lvîd foi, stjpllvling Pipe and t "i n, PrV. nide lro,,., Phînne 7 l 'or25c.g s Ioî 2 c en in force for thrce years ' a Man littintgs for certain work. Three es- ue Stt nns17-.-É1IT»L-' - XT- t, e.nvassinir fnr vatt-, tn tus ir tif !titrinfpz -.- ý . ___ . - . )îCt S-t n1t P~'l ~Tdh X : Koop an Eyo ro yeur eyes, Don't lose sigit of the great importance. of good 'tîglit. At the fir'tt intima- ion of eye trouble you thould j on'tult îne. ERG14 F. E. LUKE9 TII. 69Yoî--. L t.TORONTO 'Ne islî w2 acqu int the people oi Whitby and surrounîing cotinr) %wh the act that we have opened tp a fir5t- tass laundry on Jrock St., Whiby, iin 1-lewis Bros.' 1olcstore. We are prepared to do al! kinds of tundry work. Fanily orders -givén special attettion, Ai! work guarantced. Parcels called for and delivered. Charles War- Whitby, Ont,' ROYAL THEATRE HIGH CLASS-MOVING PICTURES. Open e'ey eveniîîg. \Va bave instalieti a netv Siîpîex i --t -- o the eyes. .aturday n.ght, oc tb ii. IIINPRRIN, Manager. INSU RANCE Fîce,' Life, Live Stock, Platea (lass, Accident andi Autoînob îles.t Agent foc the hast Canadian, Englit-h XlAIfo~ ALBEiRTA SA A TCH EMWAN TI IesL' tîttt It.î tititîtdî 27111, irtilîsi y . W in n ip g nd I.etu rn - - $3 .5 -0 Edmonton nd Return - 43 00 î-xî~t 14 Ilit M eONe YOU 84e-400ok Ahead P-li fi- vt lSup ont liu'iiles. 6~L-1- ITT, 1' have recentlyadt y well- î ulpJ in reu e equi:ppeti livery stable a eavy tea il Sho~ r, n KeSidence, undon -Street. - a ti dray (r AIlkinds! of cartage anti W IITBV teamning work, andi will be pleasedti 0 Three dloors we.st of Withy Jlou@. ut e c e iv e o rd e rs, %V' h ic h 4111 h a v e p ro m p t W a e p e a e i V n t î o d o - anti careful attention. I? Iiron pumnps on short notice, ae« IPHONE 65. attend to ahi kinds o! re- j < pairink. blàtAgent for the Ontario wind ill, &W, j John- W m W et gaoline ngines andi the square-Mm ed Magnet reani Separator. DVNDAS ST., WESTJ W BI.Y Ploe No. b0, residence. A 4.al Soîr-teti. Office and Works Oppouite Standard Bank, Whtby, On Shaw's Business Sohools I Toronto, agsiua e i uie e eCentral iIuoi- I e ce.'ollege wIlh Five Cly -ara ncis Paehio ie. IGrduatem are niverseiy ueeeifu. Eter i n y tEre. Viýite for entilo . W. H. haw. jpres. Hlead Offices. 391 vouge St. ~i ~-t-a-'~ - s..,, -t-at-.- Y i. t- i s' i I t J fi-.- t- 2? 4 $ 'i -~ s T' ARCHIVES 0F ONTARUOi t )RFIISHS STANTE SCUFF are four ways of finishingi a floor--Paining, ishing, Staining and Waxing. - No matter h met 'hod you prefer, you wihl find here the' and Span" Finish for every purpose Four Kinda of Be8st >Ur Beat of 7heir kindav IR'S FLOOR PAINT-the -old reliable-it wears, and wcars. )-LAC- VARNISH S TAIN produces the Pearance of hard wood on soit wood. BLE-ITE".-the floor varmsh that stands the scufi-heci-proof, waterproof, almost wearproof. LJQUJD WAX -the. new and easy method of applying wax to1 floors. Retein its polish and is economicai. Let us teil you more about it. Wu Me PRINGLE 'I ot r Experiencia oe DISNEY 15R9S. Funeral Directors and EmbaIn"rs Everson Si10à, 4e Simcoe St. N.. 'Oshawa Firat excluqive Fnnera! i'arlors and ('haîtel to be estab!islte' in te Cotîy of Oritariù. PR11V ATE MORTUARY. Privai e amtblinlance iteadîj tari crs. eda iglittlsîrîîit.a tx Phine t 47 i r 2han7rg~ trii iit - i i t' t I tt-~ - 1 1 -iii i - i e - -i ,-- i - J im a"

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