Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Apr 1914, p. 6

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isidearlite o<f the sinter Mqxitt- Tio e ,is ct-ber seiscon wheà.,t-hoa bbo-cd i9, 1 il i a~ f uiy ingn-- enricfing, sad every doz. of thetse ýiItS heIPe teD ma-ko noýw, rhred blCod InLa t-e apr!n-g cIl-O feela weak sad tired-Dr. Williamns, Pink Pi-lse -ive trtu-gbh. lu the spring the :ie i»-oft.en poor- D>r.W-iia-s Pi-nk Pilla devedZp t-ho appeti-te.t-o--e tîhe 4atoats-ch s-n,-i aîd weak digestion . Itis ia th-o prl-ng tIsa4Ipoiiiînss- la the bbo-od fut- an eutlet in djsfliraTlrgpimplesj erup- tios. -a bols-r.WilJians' Pink l'i-Nrp~rdiyclcýur t-he ekin becaus3 tbiey go t t-ho rot cf t-e trouble lin fha bo -c.In thse Spning a-ns-mis-, nieliintisnm, inidigestion, neuna-a,I ryîean rd lmany cUer troubles arr Il9tpeniEkteant becs-use cf pitor, <skblood, nad- it;-- Ï6at this t-jae when alas-Luné takeis on new 111eo - -hellie b!o-zd'sost-*3î4ousty needs tttoatÎon. Sn epe oethm & cl'eg -with purgatives st t-hi-s sea- 4oi, buit tiie-se o-ly furtiier weaken JJ!emel-es -A, purgative-, inerely -gailiopg thirutiglî ,th2 ss)rte'nempty- -ing tlie buweî, bu-t it do-es -t cure anlyt-1i-iig. On tht' ot-he# -ond l)ri Wi11;i-rm' Pial;,Puis a-ct-îally makce netu biur-dwhîich, reacs. cvc-nv nerveard orgi-n in thbe bcdy, bring- ing new~ r'n. -î new haith a-ad -igor toi we-ak, easily tired nmen, -womien an'yAihiren. Try 1Dr. Wil- -Ilm'Pink Pila&titis spring-they -Soi-cl by all medicine dnesor sent by mail a-t 50 ce-ttis s- box or six- lioxem for $2.50 b3'The Dr. Vil- lia-ms' Me<l«eine C-o, Brockviiîe, ('uio ,us (½ee I)etwrlbed ,y Austrian Sauvanut. A liectiiia.r case of benzine ma-ni-a WaM dtiecribid Lt-e uther diayby Dr. Seîuo- l b >tle Medicai eoiutc cfVVtnAutri. .Vaite ictii a s- tut' 12.year-old ds-uglitenof a wideo sofIt ept a -eoLbes cleaning estat- ai--i'antd n-ho, is t-be "olttyhe'of -ler bwie.m, îîed a greuat qitu-tit-y Of ben-zi-te. The c'lid alsonys shwuIn great- partinlit> to tise ,lîenziiu iti î~le4, sad wssfrequently sinîeiing titiî; buit- t-be nto-tberdid no-t- Puy -ny par'Lieuls-r attetion t-o tItis st'nIIuge taste. --- Whýc-n- t-e girl -was s-bout- 10t-e mot-ber gave up tilt. busines, a-ad' tite be-nrlnu,,, stîpply sosag stopped. A y arsïewrrst-be-mo-t-henbegan ,~.,~I~ht~c3t.bpt siten t-hogirl ne-- titra-ocif notaerrainds s-bout-thi to-sn FI ielit ied a pculialiook about tise eyes, lier-!aýDè sos-s flushecl a-ad sise - smeI[of benzine. t ss- then feund ts-at-the child epetit- aH ien poeket înor,!-ey ton t-be eEt-ut!., niticli sio pur- ed ca lWl*?r lr-ndkcvlief a-nd t-hon isuiaéd. She said t-hait soin under - t-lu tý jiuît-neao! benzine e ase --w brattt-i!i Jah<iscaples peeopie sad -saima-l sa! bard loveiy voices. -Medieults-ît-mtent prived tîn- a v à Ïi-ing, but l)r. Sehîinoîz soss able te cuire liei-4n as--vory shorit- ime by iring bypr.-tic influence. Ho de- Reribed lie ca.-tes-s a variant o! etlten-nianiia. slieîu suminte asgo wWSa v iorra ice among Yoliag -gi1-. At-ra Tl'ils Bitnrd t7nlque. Tri, -- c-ca-I givel'ilini1t board -tft-be BrîstCutinet-. soiereIHe.risert - suct'ted Jo-ln Burns' as pre-sidýeunit, dates vly, frcans1871, sohen iL sos- erîtted t-o take rjver tise s-upe.rvs- si-un ti'f aliai-try laws, local gove-ra- ment, anîd t-le pouùr laso, previousl>' eidnui n-i-stei'e hy pxivy coun-il, ibe homie ffîe, s-nd t-be puer la-who-s-rd. 'rFie- bus-d cielst ofexalbec f une- tiun.aries aadsecreutaries cf atate, hut -eyer ine-etu, .and s-Il t-e busi- e8se 5is raactcd hy the-president- s-ad lits!pýrarlsiueat,&r>'secrets-ny. dmies Usually show up wft-h -PostToasties. And why nct-, when the farnous "toastie" fiavor begins opera- tions Th ee's a des-I of silul re- --quire4, in cooking and toast- I ng these thin bits cf corn so that every one of t-ho millionseoft crinkly flakes bs -the delicious Tos-stiès t-sste -that- invrites on~e to eall for more. -- Pot Tosaties corne in - ealed packages - fresh, crisp and a-ppetizing- Y Ready -to eat- with cream or qqod rnllk, and a sprinlc- iing ef sugar if you 1k.. oasties a.-old 4y Grocers., tPoatunt Ceroal Co- Ltd. Wfadmor. Ontario. and -ColeWètefr 4Juiiraget b' In more tvarlike- timme thnr 0üw-a, tinpro-yoked.mur.deSs 'cf 4- t-iab eub jmte i- foeign ýIao domex wen.L ai.c-ng unputihed. When; fer. nbaet-osChineeso offi. CaiSls bos-ride-d the British veisse'1 Ar- row, hauled dowa fils.nràioual &sg, ad'killed lier capta-la for 44r'n tua proteset,'Sir J, Bowring, Govïr- non cf - Uonjg Ko-ni, d-ila.red W-ar t-ber and the,--s, practicslly on hies own . ilLiativue, mad withim>a flew -wekS the Oinese feet hbs- tben dauitroycd sad Canton bo-mbar-cidý sad burinoc. Thtis' happened in ln 1862,-sgain, imilar sit ruii bùurtiovertoek tise murcerr cf Mnr. R-eisardson, an Englia'si mei- chaut living in Japan. Becaite h-e refused to prostra.te imaefifnlaa ptret i-n Yckyh-a-na when the,1 Prrince of Satsumna happened t-o be I passiag with his suite he wa& bru- taily -boaten to des-t- by thle ?nince's axvmed- rets-irers. 'Whêre- sio uni-' twn o! Ks-gotnma.r4ed a lîpea% orws-rofrip onim b red a- bhis pala-ce, sad stînk li-fi s tarers. It la oily fair tuo add t.hst Ij.alater ye-ars (h-eJal'ane-se î-oiunt.aiiy c.x- pretised'regret for Mr. Richardsecns tint-der, anad la 1884 a JapanOs? geo- ticîrsan, Mr. Ksîrokawa ci-ect/rd a nto)nuiner-t t-u bis m--icrv - on the bite wh?re h-e wa-s, killed. WM'ar of Jeiukiiîsî Ear; If so cacre t-o go bs-ck a ilti-tu fuir- (ber iany si-zîilan instuanceu inigh-t be eclted. Bri-tons9 ocre qurick lto dra w tho swcrrd nlue-n the' Br.;tish mpr euas a-bnilding. l~ Some- &%s-' e-von, outragos fslli-ng short o! the actutal toking cf huan lif, liav-e been foiiowed by hcs^tiitiesJeI The-re soas, for instance. ilIe con- flict wlhi-ceh w-n-; knewa in ae-si-deri- SIon "- thi- ~"WNar -of Je-aides' E-r.*' Jer.-kias wab a meroba.n-L reapta-in n b ot-e ves-el ws o xardtid by a Sps-niâ guardsi.p, s-aM la t-le course o! a scimnîsge that easuied Joenkin-rî' eaî' sons cuit off. '~Yull bear more-cf thii 2' yeli-ed it'he an- gry maater nmariner, sad heÈc cauued t-be scvc'red ear to eb 'snoke.dri-ed a-nd citued, mu-h at- if iL h-d been a kipper or a -haddock. In thiî stage it- was exb-ibit-ed te t-ho merîrberaso-f t-beHoue'e o on- moin, whe) patc-ed it fron ulind t-o b.ar-ci sit-Isa gre.att- abo ofo!gravià- and many expreuiions of syrnpa-t-hy. ind-ntnttiIj ertf In-ded, and, aelti)jer being fort.hcoxnng, war en- sead. Not-i4requently, however,"#"mon- cy tal-ks" inthces internnatic>nal di- putes, as in pniv-at&on"10. W-hen, during one ,of Gnate-niala'» peniMi. cal revolutions, John Mage'e, our Consul ast-San Jo-se, waa &elzed and brtrtaily flogged by order cf thse commandant, Colonel Goaza-lez, -se sent a Wars-hip there and thre-atened te lay t-he town un aéhes unles, withias 24 houei;, an indemnity cof £60,000 WaS paid, being at the rate of £î,000 for e",h Whtî inflict-ed. Ofered a ('omiproiiSe. Thse Guatemalan Government was; unable a4r sueil short notice to ra-&a 1 the inoney, but 'offered, lnstend, to gant- Mage. cert-ain conéessions, including thse riglit to establisita bank sad build -wharves -t- San Jo-se. Thiis offer was aceepted, and Mage., by virtue of bis ntonopoly,i becs-mo int-ie enorntoualy weathY. Ho died ini 1900, les-ving behind him1 a fortune cf £10,000,000. Tisons-gain, thora waë t-le case o! Major Lot-haire sad Mr. Stokes, wisich crcated gmîoh tremendOus ex- ciennt- in tih-e spning cf 1896. Stokes was au Ewglishmxam -engaged i-n 4radiag forivry- in thse Conago Freo St-ste, and he was arrested by Maor Lothaire, a Belgimn officer, o-n a charge cf gunl-runingsad ih- citirg.t-be natives t-o rebol. and, al- Ler a suimmary t-nia.l by dnum-he-nd and court-.mrt!a-l, wa-s ha-ged. The Britis Governuiont i-< îted on Lot-haire b-eing brought t-e trial, aind titis ws-s déine. i-n act, Ite was tried twice, Onceoat Born amd a&gain at Bnsîssela, and ene-time lie was acquittec. Wheréat pu.i ndga tilu-a ln Britain blazu' a/adsitlt tot-fold for Huowe%2r,s- sosr soitl ing unti-kable-it w ail Eut-epe by tihe pucrnriised lusttprs; ýncaey indeuunity ta-si £6,000 bei-ag handed s-lian Goverrnent1 kitsof t-he des-ctia-n. Cenit-t Makes $5, Pore la Capi-aettae msaiss- jeaicua ps-t of s- oertury s&go. ia Fant toc Neso Caledoni slon soss recnuti>' cea-i the couviet- prison a- tise (overune-nt Ian itted teO conviots wi for good coducut. TI la Capilsette,-w-hte-I laIand yewabs-he, ty yeare, Oeuu'-ude- wlwrn-behs-d l-rou#1 Hi .hcoed tise conm t-he coiffes plantatb: > bad es-tled s-St-r -is ms-kilsg $5,00s- yea plainec, sad t-bon iv Isg ,"if OnIy I ha-c murder t.weuît-y ye ,leuld have tee-naa 41J pa.uad >our bu ig" "Thankî." pia , a.s ia -âe i ltr~ s to w t- Driefodd'a Kid-y.ilaeh>] Rer à is in h er 'wm words. - aufred very mueh.froismMY -Kid leysP"*- mes. Bourbonerress-yai. rI was t.!-red and nervoussadmy zne-ni-ry Y snsfiit.-Ihd -e-r fhtteringsa, tiy ha-oitwas acre a-nd I wasj tnucublied wsth hed-aches. RàcIî,matiefl w-a-s ffns-Uy adde te zayr suiferings sad I ws- a s-bad sos- indeod. "Itneci ou-edielue, bu-t I id ni - f god, a-nd .then. I was ad-- vise à - toa -t-y Dodd's Aridney IilIS_ý J--srt vemfryglsd that- 1 did, for n-ow af te taki-ngfour boxes I, s-ms-&so-l soc a-n 'aga-in. D ct-tUs Kiduey îPi.lis-cured Mrs. Baurbenierre becs-Use-l bler trou- bles cime f to-rnsick Kidneysý' Sick Kiýdpeyg es-n-t do . "' work cr - stai t--g tho impùtrities out cf t-h- hI -~.stht-e result is aiokne's, d-ep sicýona a-d lauittuce ail ove>' t-e b-ociy. Dodd's -Kidney Pilla cuired t-ho Kidneys: thle purified blK d*îd tise reat. - TuIE IIOPER DîNNER '1131E. j1 r n c I s- il -v c I 'k-îsavante Says 7.,N) O'Clotek A.31. Is is ght Tinte. T-e Lancet, the- farnous medicail erýsdicaI, upseta Londen by de- luning through the mao-utit o!its Parlis orîespond3nt titat 1eaîned ,ci cltitts lis-ve proved tha.t th-s pro- oer j lie foir dinner isle Iaf-p-at se- ven~ o'clock ia t-hemonning. Ift sens tîat Profeësion Iansonval oonýnuunicntatet be' Academie des Scie ncês t ently tlie re-nult-S of M. Be iýgon-ie's studîo-s o-n t-he suibjeet, whidob, lie said,' pr-oved that "thse en st suitable 'buin for meulsara-e bé,twee-incne -it s-d 1 o'clock and, be-' tw e-n 7 and Sla tie ev-ening." Thl :se Are preci£-ely itue iours ts-ît E~u 'ope b-as -r-et a-part for une-Is. 14Aoording te M. Bergonie, t-be mei -heurs b n. aySptc-in (fraitionai iy i>ne wotild te as f-otiows -Tise prricipaI isa-I !te day ut 7.30 a. o' a-e-cm alto-r that tim? as 8 . aile. -o as tl» obta«n s-l tbe ne- 4 "-cary -ene rg:fo0r tilt- day'e sori a4l1 restoe-2h liver, o-m-ptied by t h! nigbt'-s s-bitesc-e; a seCond méal e! 300--to 400 calories. consist- ia g o! milik, sugan, and cakes, ai 4;30 ; s- liglit repao.wtof 700 (o 8t00 ca4erie5 st 8.30 o-r 9 p.rn. ~f.ergniegives dett-ils s-how- in-he, excellent meu-it-s o! ie regi- îà~f -l a f Pniily 44iW f ti! 0'oed ir foýr six - IfNerviline -18Used I CAN YOU SEAT THIS CASE? - No ordinary liniment wili oven ne- IIýve Sciatica. Nothlng but the mont powerful ind of a remedy can'-pene- trate through tho tissues and flnally reit(ho Sciatle Nerve. You can ai' wsy depend on thse old'tImo *"Nervi- hune." Notbing madle to-day le as good for' Scitca as Nerviline was when fitat praduced, about forty yeani ago. Ail (bis tintete samo old '-Nervillne- has been curing Sciatica. Lumbago, Rlieumatisnt and 15 considered ta be wlthout an equal la relleving pain or sness anywhere. "'.Nertrlline' c9ld't be madle stronger or better." ,rites James E. Edwards. "The way lý cures Sciatica la ta ame 'sImply a -iý 1jrce For years 1 suffered fnlgitt- fIlIy. 1uIaed aiy stontach i wth Ia' tý ra-dosing. 1 rubboed la gallons oa. oilî and linirnents-JOlle wero stroag etuongi. On. gQod*ýbbiug wtth Ner- vliline relleved. 1 kept on rubbing and ýtortly was cured. My father cured heumatism la hie nlgitt arm and souldýex wlth Nervit4e,~o and my ~sother cured herself of chroale lum' ago with Nerviline. Our family siu.- j ly swears by Nervîline and we are never witout a 50C. famlly sfio bot- t1 ta an ur homo. We find that for elt- t o)rnaI pain, for coughs, colds. oarache, mucis minor .111l It la a veitabie famlly ROYL (lltiIESLAC'K O IULS. nIulers oT Europe A laristed ut l)aghters Eîliîaneipatioll. Ma WIl ,'ýrled to End Lite Suvs'd Iby C irionîs )ptrtti lt A bulle lt n he lie-art- la no longer a neeoexsa.riïy M;ontaileio.Thi.i bas been piroived by Dr. Finisterer, twhu presented t-le other day ta the Vierna* Medica4t Society Lhe ca-se of1 a mian whý at6.mpted suicide allni wha- w&% fcoind sehot in t-he stret. filroîght (c the nêa-rn±t police sta- tion, te ma-n. was froin ail appear- ances in a iliopeleeas condition, the. puiseeliaviag aIl but et-opped. Dr. Finitterer firat injeeted ca- ph-or and týiean piaced thbe patient under thse loLntÉeoi rayis te ascer- tain the pxa..-t, ocëtcnonf the wound. It iwas found that the hul- let had Icdged in the right vm-tricle atnd moved asbout f reeiy with eh expansiotyn and ceontraction of the major orga-il. After aisfying '1imeif thet the extraction 'cd the bulle-t woilid me-a-n aImost certain death tu the patient. Dr. I.inisterer sewed up the heart externally,~ with the resuIt tiat after a f-rtnigb-t Lihe opera42cm, was iPron-otnced a coin- plet-- uceess. Fouir weeks later the bullet lîad be-corne flrmly fixai in ie tissues i f thu' lower part of the ventricles, wiiere it-is eftuftLng no. dii'com fort worth nientioning to te patient, wlîe will carry the memenîto for t-he reFt. of ialife. Mnards Linimtent Retleves Nour8lga& rîheir Origin. Wiiiie-Pà,w, where du jailbirds corne f rom 1 P aw -Th 1y are, raised by larks, buts, and- Mio~sry Son. CHIDS HEAD 1d n [es The birth f a son to the Du heasr7 » fe ÉrunEwick, the oaly daiugh.ter of ln Severai Places. - Blister Raised fi Bgul av bet- ha lea Emperor, reca!s thse ,SwO lien and. Scaly. flair Fell earsBitintaet t i fiphase of .OciztY Out. Cîticura Soap and Ointment on tîîe t'sa. Tisereful -and Y to-o fewCured liFour Weeks. la. -tse um T tmte of th>ngs is bý the raaks of the ovwer by the. la~es of Eàroe.Lorn, Qiý&, M y littie son, agod nai to trhe n-ext c 'ee neuo pu f eiv-u-or. aajMiced wfl lngworin sey"OVf llàere is n equaA sabouil cyiutigi1i"6"0"The ingworm began ýj1e prnos, whv are u-,nab!e te find with a few pimlm as it grew worie t ,wivc-s-Euothey teay. Be t-sa as it waa* one da:ik cotared blitWate nsed up and ,'OU, a Year. "nY it is a f a-cV that bot-h thse yollflg @weld. IL wyas ktad of scaly. The woret meru and woasen -f rayai cictsplace wa.ibblnd hia rlght ea'. It waa about eur rdaso itic iicia.ol- tho size of asilivedollar. Cari' and mwelled, "'-o-» a quar9er w a dintd isn . io-to he wou'st lnd laver saw. ltuaed tapain Pais te ardmand , rt-inxvny te order. Prince,"s's obcouldiotro t. Iookdverybadly. Pari and wasi>atnicia <Pat). it i,,,wêli known, is l ihar fe41 -out gradually. La. A comni,-s- the despain of many s-itors. *1Finati> I mot fur a samplo aIý Cutlcurs 1Ot o tinspect jIt. iq Jaid t-bat imuch a1arm is fle!t SoBs ad > attit. ,-1.umd odta (ki real ad nqure-ljitoamo-ng loyal parenrlt,à et heir dau-gh. atwtrndhiCiçtaopan ta lès (hat arc ai- tesr&, êc~>t<t~. A o h uaad $ to 1 WILcY. Then i would put the bo are réle-a!-e-d ."t-oc fetw,,pin, Umm(iii in ltimetil t fiaffocted pant. 'hey found Pere n.r-Vheeueý en ~the, COnt-Therwu us ~la the ores snd thi CUticura bai-re be-ne - ant -t- iy rdaughter ci trie Oittent drew Lilat out and beated at ttîc whaiesvn- Czartia t hétseGrmid DuchesssamndLm. Wesaw the Cuticura boap and wihhi aenr Ttàatebeau-ty of th-, jiiY, t iuto nfIve Cr7good go 1 got mre j .bymore eSdL asfur vesafrointhL@î ime n ybs~ and Prinoe» Elizabeth coi Rurn-a-aà , ~i;thie Cuticur oeandOa it f nom I-race. are cOnsidered the moMt interesting. muts tili » wu saaP Cl anCOit Tisesospleelys red.' Telatter ia a really bea&utifu1 girl. teigne)i n.Tho& Basle>'. Ma>' 28, 1913. -n on whieh he Any delbutanLe mighit envy ber per- '~ 'rel'ease. ", am lect features, ho-r cloud of kt-vely FRRD QG A -r fllWe"ehl' har and thle deep, ecpreaaive eye&, Obpe nbedisadavtlit. e ,ddedt itih a holding so-metlsin-g o! a ragic laten- Ing, bu .8 1oshples ilai dl*lil t niilliocnaire by ejter tatseam#e arie, haheyonerte - ferou .in hownraond- gCutieurap.t Cobur eleÊme a d iv. a WbIwisI Cuitilrs OitLment and - linebosdes soe~b -e w ~emt olIlmm glovec dun-Ing ths nighL. >ude tisamorfi- 9SY, hall "ea, Charm oci their native- livbere.inleo " Vt 'hhanks for 1811<. The citizens cf ýwîîchre.t are =-p. iiî. odPOmiscad Vt1oottonrus k juatly prond of their Pricemeg, O . O P. -I .,üL ;, ly.' And thils medicine 'W "Uataeri- -ozone." --- --Thse gern-killing -baisante vs-par iileIs wiwth the bres-ti, descende' through the thros-t. dawa the bran- Chiai tube s ad -finil>' reaches - the deepeajt- air celle fln tise Iunge. Al parts,- are soothed'sth rîcis, bure, medicinal essences, sohereas wtth a syrup the affected parts cou14 - fot ho res-ched, and' harut- wauld resuit (brougis benumbing (ho atoutsch sotis druga. 'Il havi bien a'- chronfia uffrir from Catarrh ln the nase and throat for over elgili yîare. 1 thlnic i hava epent four jhund redý dollarsl trylng te- gît relief. - havi upent but six dol- lars on Catàrrhozone,,- and: have been camlltély >curned, and, ln fact, have bien well for some time. ta- tanrhazone ia thesa onty medtctne. I .have been able to flnd that would, not onty give tempanary relief, but *wttt aiways curi 'perrnanintly. Youra esia- cerel>' (Si-gned),-WILLIAM RAGÂN,. Brockville, Ont.'! For absolute; permnent cure use Catarrhoaoae. Two menthe' -outflt coots $1,00; simallen size, 60c., s-t ali deniers, or tle Catarrisozone Ceom- pany, Buffalo, N.. sad Kingston, Canada. tiogs isitrllmute ietase. tor ' CWper,, of thie .'UJ4and Sergt.Bast", w.rT inveetigatig s- otet-r esse ià ù e disocvered thle Margent fs-n4loccuapying one ted- poons. lI41- cfcers, eon, entoriîng,ý féuadl- ,fouir hxlro, -s-ed _roýpoc-' tivjfely ëgt isvna ve e y-as, aeid t-wo yeý rsa d ,ojlaven month-s, hîîddied toîether on -s- dirt-y bed-, The,.ebhlideenwere --psle sad 1-1- j-- Iei'Th !ilIé.giirl was un- a.ble opep4' iereyes frnsever3 a-nd neg'lec ed - inflammnation, a-id thea boys w ext-re-nsely tiai-M and nerveus. T e ker lad' eaid that- le hia-c net be-e b*tted fora yea-r, sad the parent&-j -adniâted that tise t-wc eIder beys I*ad net been eut of thes mercn o are Vhsai Lwo mnat-hs. Thore wss iot- s scra4p off dot-bing, àt ws-sst-atéd sad tise chiidre-n had te be remo,-edt-o t-ho wcrkhou-se ia ItorEe rugs. The parents ' sid tha.t tise chiid, -hlid net be-on able- te go o-ut do-5 t-lioit-ticbeause t-bey ba-cl ne cl4thes. Dr. Green, t-he ,orklîoute neilios-l officer, Fa-id hat aucil tneataont soss lik-ly tO na-ke- the cbjîdrn i i-nid and even de- nen-ted. - - CHILDH90OD CONSTIPATION Coamstipat-on is o-ne of the m<wat commun ailijaen-t-s ofe!liood, sad n-o child s4 fferiag front it tItnive,5 well. To b3inùb it n-o o-ter niedi- cine acta sea promptly sad sirrnely a-s Baby'ýs Osont Ta-bîd. Thev nonver failt' tebiag relier Coucenning t-hem 1Mrs Domiaiqute Ferlandr St. Micisel, Que., w-rites: "I coniider Baby'i4 OwitîTabie-ts a minirveilioîts remedy for'ýittle ones. 1 gave t-hem te -my baby 'foi- constipation a-ad t-bey sooninasde bim scli s-gin." -The TalAc4 are sold- by me-diine des-lors or Y 'Mail tt 25 cents a box f ro-n The ljr. Willia-ms' Medicine Gu, Br(>ekýi1e, Ont. -S--g'- V% THE N 11lE ARi'. do,b Azpeeitru, s 1Mhi".& £onable,aweewthearti" he imeplGred I h-ncldysEpepsia -so ba-dqy tisaI - d~-te arioty forbade Myrsn yeîu.""Pokrthing ! ieawr Iof-iy~"Aa shywns Ino-ttol»e- 'Ee-a, PraY I'-"- l aebko - sway f romas-B we-z-t tiiga; ,dan- ingl" ho' schocd.- --R DutGet. Angry, Neile.ý Silo wss aagry,sad hon face re- vos-led t-ofa,6t. "W-bs-t is the ms-t- te, dear?" Said her-husband s-s h. cntered t-he' kitchen. -"You -se t-bat7"' sho replied vehemneatly, -s site raised s-m=xngbowl ita whîoh sIte hqAjust boknan egg. I"Thit ix -tise second bad egg I have found to-day. - 1 helieve Jini Fleteher keepsallahtie bad ones -hog-stz in hi-s shop for nme !" ' "Weil, yýoîî shouldn't- get-angry about it, Nlleiie," sa-id b-r husband ooberly. ",Yo)u Ought te have more sym- patity ....Symp-tsy !" ase echoed. "Weliat do yoîu mean? Sympat-hy for Jim Fletc-her " "'No, for tise egg*,e'lie, replitd. "Think hcw long tbey rnust have been trying to be gixmod. " 1 Neiv Bruiisivick Lady{ Was Rîstcred to Hîr- Anxjoum Fami-ly 'Whn Hope Haci Gne. Si. John, N.B., Dec. l5th.-At oaa tino ut wsafeaned Lts-t Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 Whfte St., soould succunb (o the deadiy ravagea af adva-nced kfdaey trouble. "~My firet attacks of baclu- s-cite anC kidney trouble began yearo s-go. For six yeans titat duil gns-siug pain bsabeen present. Witen 1 ex- erted inyseif St sous terrtbly-lntensifled.. Ir 1 cs-ught cold tise pain soss unen- durable. 1 uaed most every(hfng, but notbiag gave lts-t certain grateful re- lief (bat carne fren, Dr.' Hamilton's -Pills of Màndrike sad Butternut. lu' stead of being baoed deon sitit pain, to-day I ani ,strong, eajoy splendid appetite. sieep soundi>'. Lost prop.er- (des bave been Ilastilled Iato ny bleod -oboeks are, rasy wsi ti colon, sad I thanis that day tbs-t I beard of 50 grand a mnedicine as Dr. Hanilton!s' Every sooman should- use these PIS reguis-ni> becs-use good itealth pays, sad f('e good, vigoreus bes-ltlî (bs- cames ta alsoho use Dr. Hamiitan'a Mgnadrs-ke and l3uttennut Pille. Giuss ('ookiîtg Utensils.» A N esoYrk gla.2sratfl.ir i-s expe-ni-menting sith t-be n'akiag tif coek,ng utusiusi!-a o! glaisa. AI- re:ady glas* pencolaitores-mai teso- pa.nei have.-tees-ms-de w-hic-b, a- theugi t Le>'reat on the famc give' no evidence of eaebar.d have-proved best-nesisting a-ad non- expaýnsive. -Thiede' ttenis axne ap- parentl>'nuL affe-cted inas-nv -y uy the int-e-ne ltetttnde-r t-iem or by tise cotttr*aitinig t-ernpenature44 c--f tite article-s soiiîthe>' containr. Gla- isl for ms-ny ressons supeniûr te -ozit-hen etiarnel or alui-iiniîti, ho'ig affectoc bv no-ne cff t-e s-cds 'or aikalis ~fotuied or uwcd la c- ,kirîg and mot - bee O 1 Inaauîusruplit.'.-1 n-ici L u-ra -eisii'o!f -.tena- melled sos-e. ttentieietiiu,-i had ny tu-m ladiy iuurt L aaB> the pain soam îery severe andtia Iarx. »MO Cure s a ld u010a mwelllig c-uie a buwe tige kileé. Talcs LAXATIVEI 13ROMO QUIÀNINB i expecteci ih woulii ie erfouuu-t rub- 'iablets. l>ruggiste netund îauney lif it beul ot thbl INARtiS LIIMEINT. ICails t-o cure. E. -%V. ciHOViC;ti signa- sohit-li toied the pain and nosiuced Ilun uoieii o.2e the uwelIng vory quicktyi 1irannot impeakttiu. biguti>-ort MuE- AniYoîu GeL'laukeu I-a. AMuiS-T, SMITH4. '-Wbat la tl0s kieptomnania 1 rend Port. i-iad Island. s iîbaoti li u-es l it catchingV" - NoU, àI latahking." Apples Good Dentlfrlc-t. j If you soil es--t sa apple every da.,y sad cleais your teetis every morning witb goed swe-t appie eider yiou-n te-th soll alsosys se hea--Iy, au de- clan~san oid vsou,-tlîeirn mammy, Sciea-tieta dclare thte acldia tise' apple citane-s t-ho teeth of ai- im- pur-ties, a--ad alto aide i-n te pre- vontic-n o! tiba accuimula-tion otf'Vitel dead-l-y tartan sohi-cIt îs t the bot-- to-ni uf nasni a!-l den'ts- ilis. Es-t. tuje spp!e jur' before yen go t-o 1bd, esoiag IL tic'iotghly se ts-t t-he s-cid n-il-i bave au opporti-t-y tu s-et in",,O al] t-le ia>' Cnes-i-ces between t-be Leeth. Then. iLat-lue -rjiig uu-se tht' eider. H-svo a ver>' ti-ny butfle o! ài totyo-tin neuta-sbe juîst eaouigh tu ldabolit a n-e-ek, anrd 1 ien get a n-o-s- ulippîy, go t-ha-t it null surni-y bho sweet. Pnovided v<>utr d,2ci-on-Lt h-as ms-de autre tîhat thiere arnuv iac-overed c-iiks ln Slotir tcee-tIit-tu tanrt with, voii soilIlibe trî,uiled ru more tnth tuntît Iai. Botm Corer Mlittkrt. A potapoîta phic.vi;an shu s- inciined tu cniticize- otheniî was woabing s-a ïonemaffon bîîild s-a feac'e for - ha neigisor. " Jini," lie "sid,66 "monts-rcovera îîp a goo.d nany inistakea, doei6n9tit " '1Yes, doctur," calnily,- replied t-be man, "sad su doè t-eies-pacte." "Ihetor, Isosat to thsak voit for yourvs-lus-ble niedicine." '1l hel-p- ed you,' did it - said t-be doctor. "LIt helped me n'onderfully." "How, snany boUtles did vou find iL neces- sary te t-sko V' "Oh, 1 didn't take aay of it. My uncle book one bot- (le, and I amn lii soie heir." Mîinardse Liniment fer sme evor»wntre w g.:- 2f OODWOELNI LIVEtOW E '8, York County. StationerY, and'3o 1luilneagiln connection. Price On1P, $4,000. ?Terms. libaral- Wilson -Publith4 ngCmpany. '73 Wemt Adelaldae rer NION GROWERS, GET LITERA- ~Pture r. onlon weedero. IR, G. BrunOr. Olinda. Ont. uJ1tviii suAd ý 2emil. 'adTié Wu ry'It& Lu ont gain r b omne tt.atrnant. Wrt la balaieto at« . r. Bkelrmc Se"fl Used* by succea fui planters- for over baif- a centwr Ourlargeaad bîs-utffullYillustîl CATALOGUE FREB J A. SMMERS, m Choose which Grain you liko e bît foý,r .i-whito Sugar and buy SL Laworence Purte Cae Gr 'utuls-Ldwb toi la Original bags- Fin éï gralo, mnediutu or cearmE uh the cisoiciat suiar. - The,~ Ojr CHAPTEI'(VîîI.-L - r ~1 wiuis that ln unY tnu4eý côutd for a manient pfeieux agination half the natuna "-s ~- - daintinens, andc <bsrm ai vreaturc, Mer, beauty-t 'w and negularitS' Of ber fiail cati aoftaBSSsu ad fairnes the- abioltte - syrntit1 mtenden- as any falny dan hunc lftes uP ruooffutîgi 'ln shape aa 8 CuiptOrs num 0 ItractLions soarobIvnm e' liai.tuWtihe chau- that bound ne ta ber. - iouieth effable joyousçnelq» and >beartedils.. tInthe frail Lchjjdjikè-chmtter. autd i i coalliitg ti'ickiç uf mat ne goau sboitelYthat 0ve saeo ie, i cau ha soi-leabout hon tinno- titnln mi cojidiiet st-rf extravalZant or abuurd.1 ~lidyou Seen itt hon. and 1laed han as I'l tbiuig and evenythina dot 1votile-aunpear te o o HapplV. no, dou-bt -OU wil -thini' but intusi dis1 t'onmtdened l t- tthat. mo of Lady Ibadge L.ontter me and- tii5 ioçelv cbid, have posed as -te bero - - <jneett poets: laiee t J' of ove. il- er fa:e C;hou(IddZalit, awa-ssoty ber s-uggestiufa -not engage thenmelveg t- 4no t rt toff mc be-moine ld -.Of i wî s ear e sIweut tto thé $uiit'liW iteSle or ne niyi'uisl Moge-a.4tu"k 13cuidJ how ouid lI (.-il(td tat-!WIt u 9 tr litC!Hî'n5sousmol for me. vwblch wcul d ia3 pasdto log( gwns P-olffundts.. oIangued --whiié aioud I iaugtted - (of Isc.hoot-iite, 1111(s-t bc' _ martliisç Protun't t-ton tsl Ur itto -wYi 50 Sertfi, as -V'm nut ta-, yourngfoc - irotetedý ."AnC. If 1 o4ehool and nde a Young- -ut eoreasod sobY 1 aht > mouet. Agirl I1lenes in l'ne superinteéndent of ýaBud ediûol waï illuIStrating1for tedid -ren the text, ".Arise end take thie youing child and i nother, 'and- fiee into Egypt," howing tihem a large pictitre. sIte -aaked:- iNw isnt that i;plendid? 'Here' is the mather.- Here is the young cbild.- There's Egypt in the distance." The.- dhildren, Ihowever, looked dii-au pointed. and finally a liftie boy pip- ed out -,-'Tea«lîer, where's the flea"' PU49es Galat0ite 24 pay-e' Drugglos aretunci monhr Ar PAZO OIN rMENT <ails to dtsre Itching, Btind, or Protrudins Piles. Virit appliittolb ciis..relief. &Oc. h is fauIt by advertising' the- makes a mistake. <LTIi.e Dye that cc of Clatis Perl w 0 eCiun5 tMli o u).au ofI~r Try Murine Eye Kemedy If yu. bave Red, WVaak,. %*atery Eyes gr Grsaulated Lyelids. Doesa't Sasrt --Soutes Eye Pain. Druggists Soul Mîîninee Roaiedy. Lfquld, 25c, 50c. Mutiine E>-e Salve la Aseptie Tubes, '25c, SOC. Eye mEnir Free by- Msil. Au Eye TasSe GeeS fer AiULye Cat tNe"Cara mutine £ys Bemedy Ce., Chicago - witat- the; Wise& t-of umc s-y is o! ifs-r bais impor-tance ths-n soat soe beave uinsaid. . . S~djng Feyer pitOli.lnk cyOPIZ@»tic,. .utetupr andatt -pc. an trotdiaeuGes eitrad, sud all itera, no -mate4r bo "et. iise et front hivint auy of theeêdis«uewith SPONNi IQUIDDIesTEMPEUR.Vrct'i b case. Ou.e bottle guaranteed ta do ýa..Bot> thing ftox brood Aco n hèbtood. 'Drugg is ;t Ram m £0 ~iDCAL Co. heitCahh în. UA. A cent la RAMSAY PAT1NT yu -tàenôta&t ü d ltàiuorËh combination of ampoved raw maeil aater P*aitere wIIi set you no beteer mutenlala exiot. Your awa £oOd i mit-u tnyout tat lie àcachwinemlls imasupaior ta giaemawortt and C ua" b edfyb-ourt for tUobn d Job$ y o ou do sourdf ut thle lsht À.RAMSA O4co(L, MUe-1842),%IONtI~L p Wfou T o EUT on 89LL à .Aý iltck.grain. me Daivw Y&Mt Write IL. W. Dawmon, ,UralnptlorQ Er<lborne Ill.. Toronto, 14 W DWSON#ERI OtR SALe, T. Y Minarde LlnllknL Cure& Surfe, it&. Lots of men w'uld rather have à political ,job tItan earn an'hoaiest 1 1 1, prosof lie Pst ernatitîFrenc hafý.ve, ofue theseur oIng w-ring:t "Beware ýùf your pet dog." Street. doýgs of Marseilles have been found sîîfferinig f rom thie dre-adfîî Irdiam" "black Pest." In India this diseuase lustially attack# dogs, and ais masny. es n4netyv-eight per cent. die frcpuf its ravages. -'The sout-hlern ports <f l-t.a.ly and Algeria know the dis.ease îînder the naine of the "Mediter- ranean peet." This disease does n'.t confine it.seif to thi' d-ogs thein- selves, but ia carried by pýaraisites t,-o inan Ieinge, .nd, singularly enotigh,-nc'arly alwas aitit-acks chiu- dren f rom -the ages of *ix ino.nths tLu three ye-ars. The ohild beconies fev- cri'Iî and nervous, gues ioto a, de- clIint', and gradually watte away. Out uf three hundred cases undvr iq-ecial Yttidy only two per cent. 1i<'re,veied. At the prement fiie0 Great Bn-,tainn 3-r.-'nune frcrn any danger in thiim, direction,-and su ifieienfl3' prutected agaiuîst a iy stie.l likelihooJ I)y the' conpiete pro- Iihiition cof the itp-onta-tiieî cýf dugs, DON'T U.5E THE KNIFE Tia't's the barbarolis v.ay of trcntttmg carns-dijgerous toO-dII% 'cori eau b:e iemovpt ibaileàoMIy by i'utnamn's li-' lems Cons Extractor fil twenty -iour hourm. Use omnly i'utnamna Extractor, 25~C. ut ali dealers. A kissabIe girl always pretends that site douesn't want Lu. Minard'e Liniment Cures Dandruif. Biard Liitk for l'a.r "'Ma, ha-s your Longue g-Jt legs?"' "Got w-bat, child F' "Legs, nmal" * Cer-tainly not; but why do you a9'k t-bat silly question ?- "Well, I heard, Pa say youn tongule W" running f rom rorning tili night V , t- Aok yoar-Groým, 1

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