Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1914, p. 1

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waITBY, ')NTÂRIÃ" r3847,MAY 7t 1914 they laa ~»wth sch jar of PII-OLIVE OREAM ac bottle of PÂLM OLIVE SHAMPOO.- _t50c each. Pàlm Olive preparations have a world wide reputation for quiaity and purity., It wilI pay you to take ad- -vaIltage o£ this- opportunity. J. 1. WILLIS Drgg9lst and Opticlan SMEDICAL -HALL BSrock St. a Whltby. Proesioul ard LEGÂL. rNO. E. FAREWELL., K. C. Brrster, County Crown Attorney ai County Solicitor., Office south wing-Court-House, Whitb: A. E. CHRAISTIAN Sarristers oui(or, NoseIv Public, Etc# Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard BRank ,Money to Loan. JAMES RLTLEDGE, Barriste,', Etc Money to Loan on'easy terms. Ofice Immediacely south Royal lMotel Whitby, Ont. 64o YO1PGSMITH, LLi. -lsuer of - MARRIAGE LIC ENSES * Court House, Whitb4 or residence. De A. J. SWANSON * Bauister, So licitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario Office-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Bloc] Residence-52 Drew Sl DENTAL W. ADAMS* Dentist, Office, Dunda. Street, Residence No. 4, the Terrace Byron St.,: Whltby. Phono No. 122. AuarioNBERs JAS. BISHOP Oobâwa, Lioensed Auctioneer. Suc, essior to L.. Fairbanks. For termâ sud dates appl y to 'self or G. Robb Wbi'tbT. WM. MAW LICENSED -AICTIONEER =AND VALUATOR. Alil icnds of sales ptomptly attend. ad te. -Arrangements for sales cou be made at the Gazette o11ice.ý Tiprrmereasonable. WIITBY. ONT. FARMS ANO FRUIT LAND WANtEOU *We solial classes of suburban and coQuutry real estate. Every day we have enqui*riesi for some class & pprty ini Ontario, and wu _'iayhave thepurçhaser wlo use an 409, Lunisden Buil-ding TORONTO EhIS.k II&ISORS, NE W CArseti ieteatmeoac ha o tOi w0" 8>10 ahst WO h he pO r eoplre er f tit ear oF- onunt. tio nie < fv 8ot snie$.000atnents ot Viii) p-- Wfd su»ru'o14 igconr wt preare todoailMcd e i>ii~d amni8-L~ay as pn~bok a a-ure ma '--drawn. . ment païd- onW- $1.60., The streets Iaunidry work.- Famlly orders given ed wltk saitablO eremouiy; The ad- Theo library wi i aur omte vi etaco4iteo speeal attention. Ai1 work guianteec. nision to the op0nlg was by lnvl9 day to, pemit t-,- PMel*ag y ratepayer.u this, (Thursday> een g Board thought'that owing te iited wag open on MondayZ .and wilil be Mr. Estoen ga4ve-notice of a by- Charles War WhtbyaOnt nthb.building, a geneal la-' opematuftmpon a4d-ý nn-~evr a mend y-Iw re bowling al- would be no great as- to prevent the -I Wiin be iùterestlüÎ_at. this time les, etc. Mr. A. W. Bell, desires te ROYAL THq EATRE proper carrylng out - of the prograni. to recil the events ileadlng up ýto ereot a bowling alley; oý the vacant T-his procedure Lesulted in less than the securlng -6f thé zýÏeseAt buildilg, lot south of the Peel Biock,. but the HIH LAS10110 'O1RE. onie hundred persons. belng present, Thftsmoewsjd bMarPretbyaw obds The Counicil - Open every eWàiing. and also resuited In somne ili-feellng Downey- early- in 1911, wlen he coin- promised to amend, so Mr. Bell rnay We have Instaged a 'new Simplex on the part. of -those who did not re- munlcated Wifth the CÙneiie t'onrpor- proceed with his building. mnachihe1 which lu absoluteiy fickerless celve Invitations.- ation Iooking towardiL ,securing a glft The Toronto.Eastern Rallway ask-, and easy on the eyes.' The programme orened with Presuf- for a building, Alter titis preliminary ed the Ceuncil to grant an, extenspion Saturday night, 10c to ail, dent J.B. Mitchell requesting Rev«. movement, the next :.step was the o! time fOtl4he conipletion o! theiri BAIN PERRIN, Manager. Dr. Abrahami to offer the dedicatoryi presenting of a petiticin 10 o ;Uneil railway through the town froîn June1 prayer - on Apri 17, 1011, sî,4ned by sixty 2Ist te October 21s-. Granted. The Streets, Committee brought In a report wliiich Included a number o! 77 7 - temsî properlv belonging to other I jon2nlttees. They were passed as Didyou liear wlat I said te you Jh aCal ok 800 4 - -weekPlaskett, work......... 23.00 ioaw itwee furi25C.i-ars.eii eard &.Son,. teaming 5.00 ~ sgi,-JAS. : : Son, t :aning 48o: $ DYOUGET - PW. M. Pringie, paint, ... .3.45 - $ Agaiiî foi teiî cents extra 1 wiîî C. Todbead foelilef ...7.3 rail for ami retturii ir to yen. -$ 1; %; itlh Our ul.'-to.dIate mîachine, we* U E cat Vaugive spilendid satisfactioiî. nd Scisoors, Knives, etc. sharpened. - -L G m atc em n rain no Ho.Il QUINTON Inth *l -- ymasueon Sat- lhitby, Ent§ 7. que demionstration of the uses of the gym apparatus and the physical cul-j UC C ture exercises made possible by» the I k . compietion o! the splendid new wing recently added to the College. * NOTICE TO STUDENTS iertidrtIao MssFr-j ece O'Brien, herseifa graduate o! The anaemet o filaw' Busi-the Emerson College of Physicai le nte managemeornto eg of a sesiCulture, a class of 26- young women &lnosicho ubli T ool begstoadiseentbertained for two hours a groùpo! 8ehool studehte, chat it in prepared Ivtdfinsfo h on h to mail a oopy of its curriculum te demronstration wns one of great in- an-Y One who desires to qualify in a terest, showing as it did the posai- short period Of :6 or 8 inonths for a, WHITBY'S NEW CAR NEGIE LIBRARY. ites fphialtain wic good salaried position. Address ithis cosffords.cltann hc Sbw'a S hoAis, Toronto Ontario. The- President then rend a docu-, ratepayers, asking that a by-iaw be ti oreafrs Head Offlue, Yonge & (jerrard te, ment which formaliy con-veyed to the submltted to the electors. Tlhe Coun- The program conessted of S citizens of the town, tèrough Mayor cil aoqiiesced, and on ,June 5th, the 2. GFrestandl ginexferes. - Willis, the beautiful li-brary building, Ivote was'ts.ken, their being 312 for, 2. amuesCrlgane.frcid O S equipped aud ready for the use of the 197 against-a niajority for of 125. . hsclutredi. 61 EE P M M S citizens.. Mr. Mitchell han-dcd toth On July 10, Messis. J.' B. Mt 4.Es Physica ulture" t ED.u u dretMayor the iey of thue building, as an chell, llobt. Thorpson and A. H. Ess y, "Phy i c ltu e," byh kSecially selected for seed, diec iliz en o!te las Ifrom New Brunswick. Mayor Willis iïplied, thankîng the, Lîbrary Board by Vihe' ,îtiýl . he 5pnîze essa'!dteriasl. meneîberrà of, -.e Liuirary Board for 1Boàîd o! Education;-,'it,ted 'ElR.~ Om eldii. , B luy thé' Beet their patient and persistent labors - Blow, W. A-dains and L.T. - Barclay. 0. Apparatus work-ParaIiel bars, Bue Tiuph agO be.$l40i-n the erection o! so fine a structure vý The Separate School Board appoint- horse rings, iadder,, horizontal. bar, - ls Early Co Bbler 0 - - - $1.30 thanked the Oid Girls' Association'ed T. McCann and J.' A.- O'Connor. chest welghts. Earl Cobiers1.3- fori their paLt lu the realization of1 The Mayor was ex-officlo a member. 7. Folk dances- Sweedisb .lap 6sDwrs or Green Moun tain 1.20 the splendid institution, and thanked Mr. .Jos. White was appointcdl Sec- dance and reap the flax. We have a few Bags Delawares Mr. C'arnegie for bts Munificent git.' retary Treasurer. -8 acig -and Cobblers for table use, good His orshîp then spolie o! the value j Upon the passing o! the by-law the Filteen o! those taking part in the quality, per Bag $l'Io of education, andi eferred to Mr. Car- Oid Girls' Association preseuted thejexercises received honorable mention negie's interest in the subjeet. The lot, corner Dundas and Byron Sts., f or reguiarity In attefîaance and p)re- CGN ibrarv building was an ornarent to to the Librari' Board, as a site, the vision in moi'ement, as foli.ows : Earl vacanit lot, we noiw have this2 placqI 'lheCrgi Corporation at first iDarch, Ruth Day, Claribel 1licks, > Comptons Ear$1l8 which. the citizens can look upon offered $5,750 with wbich to erect a18j reCrei Olive Hollidai', Leta LeGear, Cath- WC.E. Dent 1.60 with pride. I-is Worship hoped every 1 buildirW, but when plans were pro- 1 armne McCormick, Gertrude Relyea, Impt. Leaming I1.40 citizen w.%outd avail hinisel! or herself cured it was ceeu that the sum was Mary Valentine, Canada Whiteside, -Main. Su. White 1.40 o! the privileges o! the librari'. toO sMall, and a furtier gif t Of A!ternou Ciasa-Ethel R-are, Ada Prics ae fo unroke Bas, jl Col. .J. L. Farewell, for îîîany $4,250 was secured. Ei-eu tis e i Jacques, Constance Kilborn, Cora Prce ae orubrke Bge alyears associated with the education- Of $10,000 has been exceeded in eceet- Kilborr. Mabel Sharpe, Canada Seeds have been te8ted bY ai development o! the town, was ing and equipping the building. The -WlÀteside. Goverument Analyst, called upori. to declare the liiraîyl tender for erecting thle budlding was The author o! tle prize-winning es- --Goopen for use. Col. Farewell is thle let on October 8, 1912, -Jas. Bogue,! say, Miss Hicks, read the essay dur- J.H ow e ,towu histo'rian, and bc interested bis of Peterboro, being the succesaful ing the eveuing. Miss Hicks Js a je H Do ney Co, hearers with a resurne o! some an- tenderer at $8;.775. Mr. Mahoney. of student in Oratory, and the- çubject L'Lont cient tîbrari' history. lt %vas in 1847 Guelph, was the architect. The cor- natter of the essay, as well as. the W ii Ly,Di that the flrst library %vas oltened tlier'Stoneo!fth4 new building, 'as reading thereof, wan oôta higli order, boeasaMehnisInttue Telid n-ue9,11 b-M.Jms Adwsgetyapeitdb Repairs to Chimney Stacks and Boîlers - a specialty. . Whltby, (Box 91) Ontario »sel f arriageLcnes Corner drgstore, Whithy I Semi"Ready loueraiý ivory udoray Business ýBui to ail trains. AUTOQMOBILE FOR RIRE; slo fHacke, Qarritiges aud -Bige of ail kinds DAY OR NIGET. Bell' phons-S9, 14 and 74. 8tables amd Office: Suitsor Ovsrcoata 15.4 Trousr. te order $4-9 M9 OYOurînmasure paired or dyed. We c1tigbrown, navy Ladies' tailor made dresses.' Kid glovc cleaned Lo look like ne ing too dainti' for us t( satiufaetorily. Wo ladies, suite, etc., mal lOsize., from yonr 0wr MAURICE IURPHI 1 doov South fRUoyal Hto Dto$ 35.00 ,50to f.04 ýein 7days.4 eTcoats re- dye men'u ror black. suite and res French ew. Noth. todry ciesu4 Salmo dye ni' ahades.. styles and rn mateniai. ýTo Tillor Major Harper, George Coixmack, Jas.j Shaw, Rev. Kenneth McClellan,Thos. 1 Kirkiand, Wm. McCabe, Capt. Beni- gough, G. Ham, Andrew MoPherson, G. Y. SMith, Coi. O'Donovan. Col. Farewell, at the conclusion of bhiS interOsliing and inýforming address, declared the ibrary open, and Mayor Willis swung openthe door. Rev. Jos. Fletcher pronounced the benledîction, and the ceremony was ended. Those present greatly ndmired thie beautîful straoture, with Its bMfd-i some- interlor expensiveliy fitted up. The building la o! red pressed brick Wlt Roman Stone pillars -supporting the portico, and window and door caps and Bil are o! the sanie arti- Siciai atone, Tho tôUndation la of quarrled atone, aund cornes tup about seven foot' abov'e tbe surface __of -the ground. The building ln -89 x 44 reet outs-de measurenient. The iiiterlor lo handsomely f8nisbed ln oak, with the -plastered walls amdi lîl- tinted a creamny shade. -,,. There in a readlng room eaclb for both Men alid women, also on. for -lulîdrea, a reference room, -and s room, contalnlng the efght book etacks. - Euh stack wll hold about 700 books, or s total for the elght stacks of 5,600 volumes. The latent approvedý card systeni or redord fi uned, whieh witt jettI sIniplîty and make thle llbranlaa's vont modre aecurate. 'Oro obtIiIu à WUL kUne bas $0 811 oi a blau appileatItn ead mihave ft atimeà by nome respousIble ttIzen. This lis for tii. Proteetion of the library a- *gabzei strangers or persons wbo migit lie debJared tonîi dean-up dIay. The, ,Councll, at the meeting on Mon- day evenlng, very gia-dly granted the request, snd - it is So deciared. The use of the town team is to be given, and all those -having Cetuse that can- not Die lurnvd may bave the saie le- moved by leaving word wlth the Town Clerit or tue Secretary of the' .Hortirultural Sceti'. j Mesurs. Sith, and Fraser, tepre- MARRlIED. WILKINSON-JOH-NSON-- At the- hoine o! the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (Samiuel Johnson, Cedar Dale, on Wednesday, April 29tb, by Rev. S. C. Moore, Miss Lena M"e John5on, to Nt. John Wlklnson, son of Mr. J. Wilidnson, of thle Base Linet wbitby. COME TO THE. BAZAAR To be held under the Augpices of The ParlSb 6uuid 0of Ail Saint&' Cburch ON- TUES5DAY, 'MAY At 3 P-. Tea will be served from 5 pa.. PRUVE TWE 'NTY'fIVE VENT5. MuRlC Ail ThtéTiml l2th SLaie 0Ç Une(ul and 1~ricca. r Ornamental Articles at Poputlar WC arc rççtiving Iergo shipmcnts of the Iaat s tylo footw ear. Our stock is more comiplete than ever before. We have shoes thait satisfy pai ticular ,people. - - ai -EXTRA. SPECIALS Caland inspect our extra specal in ýMen,.'and Boys' Work bhoes. P.eel's,'Slioe Store.ýl Brock St., South,. Whithy, 01%f. - - Phone l'il THE - ESTAMWID tais BANK Ilsa.tb8mouaerpededprov;des oppequise a largà deposit to bepcn TORONTO14 â WHITBY BRANCH C. A. McClelLwan, Manager. BtDwavleBrooklin (C. A, M90cla.fang e tectle. K ZEEPINO a bmnk account- for IN."household expenses" »mnd payns auil sby choque bas oeany No8w MpsSyrupI Pùre, that can and Highest Grade that- be- made, Gallon Tins $m38 Au T. LAWLER WHITBY, ONT. Phones: Bell, No. 47; Jndependent,-No. 47 Seed l.ARLY For earl we have, OHI0 EARLY SIX WEks - and IRISZHCOBBLERS DELAWARES -For late GREEN MOIJNTAINSý Garden' S.eeds'ý New and choice .Our Bulk Seeds are the finest obtainable. W. B.PRINGLE &C0u WIIIBY e4NTXRIO SWRTERSDCLARE TUERIH WAPRPEN AND JNK ýw. Je -Un RJGHARDSON S I3ROCK 6T. MAC WHIITE IQNEftY OF ALL -KIND3S &ZINES ?AND: BOOKS BY- i - - ~ I i y-,; ARCHIVES'0F ONTARlOi TOR ONTO ci A. -4 t-t .à ----------------- blr le ., 1 BOUGHT AT î Patat.oes williii-P uni..

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