I Exoel-ail Washlng. Machine, OI1I1 vashing done- the right way wIt eExcel-aliý washer is easier tiis> sooner ,finished and more and plishes le ne operatibo,$1.50 pleasing in final resuke,"than.-Wheii done- iciany other.way. That's why 1 he Excel-,ali ia getting into so maùny homes. rrice $10.00 Delivered anywhee FREE * THE DETROIT VAPOR We have found the Detroit Vapor, col and gasoli ne stoves to be the most- satisfactory wickless stove on the market, C onsumes less oil with greater heat and no wick trouble iCALL AND SEE, THIS STOVE. Lacqueret A Varnish and Stain combined, especially adapted for -beau tif> ing apd pi eserving ail kindsof fui niture and wookwork , linoleums, etc. A pint can wil cover 8 kitchench airs. It dries bard over night., Any- one cari' appl y it.Pit 1-4 Pinta 180; 1-2 Pintea t ine50c; Quarta 90c. ASK FOR COLOR CARD AND BOOKLET. Vil tyr' HARDWARE- ROOFING RO IFING' AMATITE ROOFINO A minerai surfictý roofing which needs no painting. Th'ree inch. smooth lap supplies a itraight edge ta work bv. Large headed nail-, requires no tin caps. Easily applied, directi-mnq with each roll., Price per roll of wo6 sq. feet - -$2o20 EIJREKA ROOFINO Ready to lay, with, special lap cernent and nails. Thte best alein a low priced ready roof- ing on the mar ket. Pi ce per roll pof co8 sq-feet $ 5 We are aise Agents for RU--raid footing Goal 011 Stovl ad -Oyons The _Ne 'Perfectionwick d stove will do y nur 'cooking and bak- ing as good as any stove, or- range,, without heating, your' kitchen to..a temperature injurious to health and cnmfort. Comein and have us deminstrate the convenience and simplicity of this stove. We have, them lIn1 2, 8 and 4 Burornr WITH Netling niakes a Mc nig gzft to a bride tbl, some piece of Eilverwal fashion centreý this sem ware le the approved th -We carr a comple both solia silver flatwai finest of cliver plate, very large'ranlge of oti SOME SPECI. Pierced Desig Silver PiePla te Silver Sandwitch Plà tl Silver Bread ?ray NEW1 No. i SPECIAL WPEIA El GIotvoý-a glowing electrie stove, sold in the regular way at $6.50, hot puint week special at $3 2.5. Corna and have'us demonstrate it HOT POINT WEEK, MAY il to 15, Irons, Toasters, Heating Pads, etc., etc. Screen Doors and. Window Screens We have just received a large shiprnent of sereen doors and, window.s, have on display 10 different patterns. We have been fortunate énough in ing our sereen doors thie spring aL such a price that will enable us to offer to you at lower prices than in previdus years. Prices 95e up, compiete hinges, hook, eye and pull. and- buy - thern with WINDOW SCREENS Our stock of window screens le most complete, and prices are as zisual, lQW on thie uine. 1he followlng la a lust.of spring naeds for theIawn and garden. POULTRY METTIING oiselleFOUS -SHOVELS RAKES GARDEN ROSE' HuSE REELI ROSE MOULES LAW% SPRAYS LAW%. MOWER WHEEL SARRGWS- GRASS MHARS SPRINKLINO CANS I ____________________________________ I __________________________________________________ Hardwavre SPORTING GOODS! Sto-re, PLUMBING -w' TINSMITHING 16THE STORE THAT SAVES VOIJ MONEV99 ~- ~- ~. - -- - - - - -w w w - *Wo'dding R Whatever the size you m; -we have it in stoci PRUCE: -Irom $3.00 to $14 M& N.Bas -Jeweler and Oraduate* ýOppoite Potfi ce Whiiby A W. C.Ti.L WATER AND LIGHT COIWMISSIONERS I "DO Il ELECTRICALLV" Hornes that are usîing,, eleetricity fQr light rnay have the added convenitnce of using the following articles, at a cost for curren as set out opposite eacb individual item. Le&- The'!White' Goal" Do The, Work For You Wi-atling Machine &Wringer Electrie Iron - - Tea Samovar . - Clzaflng Difh - Toaster Stoves . - Six Inch Disc St oves - CoffecePorcolator - Hoatirîg Pads ~ liectrie F ans, 1 iueis 4îîd lest -of ail, the 10 m now a commercial success. U3 any place you' wouid appreciat of 1 cent for 15 jlhou" u'se of 1 je~ts Pl - 3cts - lt t Sjei jet watt ttlngsten larnp, W 'se iL for halls, verand te long hour burning, at )f 8 candie power., GEO. W. -P. evE]Ry, ,)er hiour Jaiso lits or 4 tacoue. Planting Time Tro get the best resuits use the best seeds. We ha-ve thèm. -Cheap priced seeds are dear at any price. Try us. GARDE3N S13DS By the package or by bulk. Onions -15c pet quart. Seed Potatoes Dutch Set Presh Mangle Seed A nice lot of' flowers and plants just in. mo. J E WATERHOUSE phone il WH ITBY Prompt Délivery. Division Court. Miss Ruth Downey visited lier par- CU ________enss Èere this week. MaeGROTTY VS. CROXALL BROS M1E rmtog, 0 orno D 'Only two cases were scbeduied for wasa visitor in town this week. Vie the Division Court on Monday morn-, Mr.Wi, -Newport, o! Toronto, was tb' ing, the flrsi of which, Heard vs. i toiwii'qn business this week. ca Blow wasagai adjurne,, a at Miss A.: Walters, of Toronto, à pent a last ittig. 4 1 1 te week-end .wiVb bier inother here. teri The other- case was a dlaim of C. Mrs. George Huntley bas been tice F. MacGrotty, Chie! Constable o! the ute serlously >ilI for thc past two T Town 'o! Whitby, against Croxali weeks' e Bios., o! I3rooklin, for the return Mr. I-Iarold -Stainton lias heen suc-an o! $15 on a purchase of some hay ai cessful in pasriung the second yelar ex- paii their sale held on Match 23rd. aminations at' McMaster University, Wtl 1). A. J. Swanson, o!f(Oshawa, Torontto. froe argtied for the *plaintifi, and A. E. Dr. IL. Ia.scom lias returned a! ter Nei Christian, o! Whitby, for de! endants. a three week's trip'to Cuba, wbere wit inadt oMr. M,6 a cGrotiv wt. ss he greatly enjoyed the sumnmer wea- di ff er adlÀ testat.ed t tth. ev- tler that is prevailing there. The 50C era ofthee satd tat t te tmetemperature was SO degrees F. dur- will of the sale Mn. Croxali said theno;1 ing his stay, and a gond deal o! dri"- larý was -btweea three. and' four tonso! ng gave hlm a nîce coat o! tan. Lat hay in the pile, which was sold in _________________ bulk. Evidence showed that It was on this hasis, that Mtr. MacGrottyf bid 830 for the pile.I Wben the hay wae being teazned ta Witby it was found that a ýgood T H E ON deal of it was unfit for use as fod-iv MUDI LE APSIN. der, and- that under the pile was a G. AMUO . eSEMM PEIO enT good. deal o! straw. Clief MacGrotu. ao.i a us- tC. A. BOGERT, Guer Fn t>' oaly recpived 21. tons.I On the other hand Mr. ChriotianI You. Can Start a Sa' cailed witnesses who testified that [ w1th $1.00. it is flot necessary fory Mr. Croxaîl had stated that there l$re suni of money. An account cai was, -u ie i opinion, between two and more on whlch irrierest la compounded tbree tons iu tbe pile. Mr. Croxal - WHITBY BRANCH: A. A.A imeelf said the ha>' bad been piled OSHAWA " A&. H. 0 Up lu the course o! baling, and bad had not been. ,Intended to deceive. j __________________ was there to 'be a=e and ta brngu just what it rnight. Mr. Christian arglled that in aiiy event Mn.-Crozall'a statemeut au ta quantit>' waa oni>' au opinion, and not a warranty. The purchAser took the chance, an«. on that account Mr. MaeGnottye was net entitled to sny refund. Mr- Swanson contended that te. hay 'was bought on thte tacit under- 'tanding tliat it was aâIl o! as good ici quality as tbat on the top o!f te Pile, and aiea that the heap was al j composed o! ha>', and ual parti>' o! straw. M>kingdomn for a Ris Ronor Judge Molntyne, toak erd a ef td m Mr. Swauson's viéw of the case. MeHo f dfatd m allowed 88 a ton for 21, tons, makigth mde mngt 818.. The plaintIff wae therefore taoi receive a rebate O! $12, Oacli part>' taI better.rmeans of trans pay their owu costs. rows ot- en e -.----- - iéot- hn i Peirsonal Mention Ford. The economic made the horse an Mi e Dae Jones, o! Toronto, - at nv rî- -Dr. and - Mrs. Corahmm lW it Mn. aud Mrs. Peel over the week-end. Messrs. Cullen and Johni Penny spent lte week-end with their uxoth- en bere. Miss Bengougli, Toron-to, han been te guest O! QCViteà sssWilson, DUn- das street. M.and Mra.. Robt. flice, Of Van- couver, B., C., speult a fews daye ne- Centl>' with Mn. aMd Mr.. JobIn Rice, at "Lakevtew." JRED BY AUSTRIAN DO CTOW'S r. PRESCRIPTION. D.Stohr, a famous specialist of ienfla, discovered a precritio tt bas been endorsed'by the med- al profession, the world over, sa, irmless and quick relief for those ýrible affliCtions, lumbago and sria- This unfaiiing reniedy le callcd ephaldol, and ha? proved to thous- id, that; in cases of severe nervous in, no matter wbat the cause, It ll afford qulck relief. SuiTercrs om Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuraigia, ervous Headache, will find relief Lbh the first tablet. If you find ffculty in obtaining looally, send cdirect to the manufacturers,who 11 imxhediatcly forward., you a rge tube. Kephalidol, Llmited, i tour St., Montreai. SI MaInagerMnaer W aCdKdd r, t-$710»O hor se," prof- onarch. But ts an infinitely iportation-at buys a -sturdy ical Ford bas extravaganîce Six bundred dollars is the--pnice of the Ford run-about ; the touring car le six fîfty ; the town car nine hundred-f. a. b. Ford, Ont., comnplete with equipmnent.. Get catalog and partitulars frem W. J. Luire & Son, or L. W. Dudley, Whitby, Ont.,or Uriah joncs, Blrook- lin, Ont. Fénce Vén cex fuGAN I am prepared to'erect ail wire fence-,sold to, inte.nding4 purebasers, at 5 cents per rod. Brace wire and etaples. supplied free of charge. A firat clama job guaranteed... Buy your farm fence-here and get what you pay for. Caîl and- see our Istck of poultzr feýncee. -TSýéy-wil please you. Sow Simnrer's Mangel and Turnip-Seeds o aehr t lowest ps. Brooll& - . - - Ontario. Bell and Ind. Ph-one' * DRAWING JItOOM MEE -TI IiraWing-room mâeetin, in ai Flower, Frt tanid 'lcc 't1e homie o! M1obert Tl o« Thunsday,, May 1lit h4at deock. Realizing that thig i oar w.6rlçhas- been smueh )aPI Ib> the siek and- shut-in orle, %4wn e ask the hearty a u oar friends. Solos uîll- bc. Mrs. MeLean and M,s 1Be1 nus meeting at 3.M0 oco sorved at 4.30. Admigsio-n 1 member the date,Thrdy et 3.30) o'clock, *Read M\Irtyrels .rtyh bulletin for y-our pin meeds. The Regal and -Derbv Si el Mon. The finest in the- h.,a rl FOR -SA LÉ. Thprotuglbred JEhode. Isla * .Apply b -Clifford Quint * Read,- Mclntyrels -montly h bulletin- for your, spring ,b Miss Annie Howden, -who -1 lu Toronto undergoing an ai in improving nicely-. the ladies -of fte Ontario C'ollege will receiyo au M 1r. Walter B.unn- bas sold uier cottage at, Heydenshore _'-'ýtglneer Charles ýo! the C. r * laà ies' cloth4~oýpr-d, B"* s -are the Ieading style shloe store. The cèhoir o! the.-Bapist chý * a few' other f iends were en t *aitb te home, o! .nl. E.W, a l'aura Evans on Fridal-evenÈ: IffiPe occasion was _tuebý.irthda, elo!T leader, Mr- Evans. *Remember Ail ,;Iùts' Baz, le beld la the. Music.1Hall, 'I -May l2tb. -Tea' served fraxn idoek, untilail -are 57erved- - RAGS WANTED. -- A pinting office is'-a voraci oumer of clotbs .'for wasbji -wlplng ik rollerg... We are of a considerable" supply- eiotlis, preferabI>' cotton or .-anythlng Suitabie for the.- We wM* pay the usuisalpric g. end for thxe goods.' Appily and Chronicle. 3 .4 * 4 * 4 * .4 * 4 14 -4 ~44 4 -4 * 4 '4 .4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 * .4 J .4 4 .4 v- 4ýe à - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 7 - -- L >Àk A ý&