Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 May 1914, p. 6

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ulot 'need &4._wàc ie ua ' isseason. disfigui4ng eruptlons.. Te Ébte, am ênç oqiýopi#dil uoat1 e f1îu-in&twaas sd lumbago ; the "amit ar'tabing papýr a.pof'tit éu êdeire to ovold o,.rtion. Ycu van. noft cure *thevetrn-biee. by..t-l use of purgrtrîvo Medisnss--»-yýsU îeed a tonle, andti'a. tonio ,eiy,âd --armong ali m&licimes ttuhre la s ioni c an eqtua )Dr. WilllaMns' Plink Pillui for t-hein tonie, tifegivir'g, nerve'- regtcm,>-ng power-s. Every.-Acdofo - thisrnrdicino uxakes aew, 'riehble<x whieh 4urivce out inrpuri'era, sUt-u - - arta evey oran-d.bringsa a eel- in of n e-w ba-lt-h anti energ' tc werrk, tirud, lailing en, w<nmena andl <hildron. Il you ère eut of aortis give thc,;sr r-.iie trial and set hçrw (IliUkly i-I will reis>rat-he ap. petit-e, revivýe ds-o'opbng apiriýte, ani v i our veina wrth ne-w, I.tealtli-giv- ilig blooti. You can get'thebuse puIl f rem any -riredicine dealer oùr b.y mail a-t 50 ccnts a bo>x or bix boxes for Iý2.5C f iunr Tihe Dr. WVilliamsa' Me-dicine Co., BokilOnt. -- - We ai-i know t-bat seifii-bness iivikeýilsusink'nti, but have we evei '61spc-t'e-d t-bat it aise makep lisain- cQxflpelen-tl~ Thoe r"dwiidicd charac- tel% wbich we rere an aIl sites -oftus we eaisa4t aiwhys eeau-at for hi kner.wn or even imuspcteti evil-doing. ( ' ' Liar-acters -Jirivél be-ore our eyes. and wc-sn-tune'er&taýnd why. 1ý corne4 t-oh caonepree -te sc 1ives rhts ta-rt off vwithr qvery prouei-e e f bffilia.acy antipo.wer an< ti -en af tu-r a- nuruber of yestrî hav-e g-omisby teA re.lkze slowly thai Vise pro'rnis o st-tbeicg redeerraeti We' resiga ourSelves to t-hosupýerfi- oea-I expLansu4ion t-bat'lit,, ar r andi tirat fdrW mais caa suaead a-I best, but wvs do not rualias t-heu - iil 4- u bl e ofa.iùre- o!f mwn's.live is due tu t-be steatiy, subtie, aic - -- respectable scîfli-ness wbidh lone- not&dc, itswerk a-t a stroke, bal A.toe it surel1- ,noisee -bu sa. N-c douibt- nfnny of ris nover*.stispected ail t1ài, simpl-y beccause we have believed bhat sciuci was even a 8soure f efficiertcy. The soul illighit b u hat by selfiaisncss,- tise - in-n'se ifelé argbt atfer, but t-bal al-iry wa-is d2creas dt by ti-lie -. l-t tbing we imargine. -A gentl~ema-n was Ã"ric-e walking besid-c a w-u1-resRscrd girl, a.n tllughlt t-o ri msecf, "I wrrnder if sfic taket'-nbalf.! -s îîuuichpà,iitr-wit-iliher -heitrt as r-,h-e cloersr itît lier- cloit-rcs 7' AXpo 0M14-1- rn-anVîs wrn- cCrnI)irg Il)thet-i tuai lt i tni.-d wheellrarnrw, u1uîd jiost- befi e lie- î-caclied -tle girl luv mrade t-woatteIrIpt'ý u o int-oftIre yard 4! a lc-mlaIl huIIRuse, burt tire gite N-a Iicctvy, andi worulrlswing ha c-k bF4 Ire iîf3coulti g.> tt, nrgr 'WaL" aid the girl, slippingj li~hiiy - orwai-d. f ill hlrflictli - gntc' rîpen." She titi -o, anti ru- <-r'iveà - tIr-anksL-. 'Sire tiserves t- biive ireautifuil liis iru t th utu îîtle-na, furr sire -las a beauti- IIIIINOW lay.doin egp fîQr iint tLSOU Sli- poeang tbey have acooleaace. fe-r keeýinKtheîm. Th fee " ÃŽ li Whe'n t-be e,11pare botet they1 .O&ndli cld belose bekng pre- »e:rve-c, ;A 'oadlig ehiuuney cuti Sveryltt. - - As iuuost pae-pIe- know, eggshèll5 arc pe-rcu8, t-ho i-ny fbobes - gliei eair fer the chick te bi;6&atihe. Ali 'the egg evaporte, thr<'uh Vbê sanie anmaa, ant tmh.i.rreuaIlbsis-a ,-empty sae hiehfld vLhar -Thie us always ait t-ho broati-sud,srt f or tho reagn't-be poiartb shoui4,bo- dow-werd wheas storlýag ego. To test eggs look t-hrou.gbtir-a :lstzu-, -ment (al tecr putti-ng Wiiitbe egg). If' net quit-e f aU-tihe egg is net-j pe rf-ept- ly f rosi,. andi, xi coutrse, t-h -arge r the emnptï apace Vise Ider éhe eggi. -The- yoik sliould be penfediylý round anti Whrw perfeotiy diean. if theru 1 alira-ze or thse wbrtolooks a -littie cîoudy t-hoe-gg i-s b-ad. Tire o.bje-et to be obiaieisnlupre- -eeigeggie, is, o!fcourse, ta pre- vent evapo-ration. If the air i. ex- onrýe, feggs-will ke-cýp pi2rfe6ot-ly at hoefrnroîtbs. Ti-e pr-ocess i vtry simple. In f aeti I hava known cget-o kee-p by >ust pI-aci-ng salteid butter i-n t-le palime cdthbe handtt andti -irning thie eggs about une.i every bit of tiie surface wa-s cover- cd. A ce-anlyiy rthot iiste dip Vise reggs into liquiti glass, which <lais bu boug-'rt t a-any drug storeP. Another -way is Vo dip t-be egge- into boili:g -wat2r f-c-rscast-ba a minute-fust slong enougb t-cc form 'ýa thin con t-ing of alb4me-n inside the seel, a-ad. -then puit t-hem t-h rougir a vcry trhin b syru-p made by di-t4uivingç sugar in wat-er. h A iumbar ofe ggsca.n be clone a-t -b sauete m-e quitie convenie-ntly if t-bey arepuît ilesto a c-ander or f ry- *ing baalcet atnti then dippeti intro t-be t liquida, bu- it e lruld bu seun t-bat cvery bit of t-ho sh1 - ira veret. - oa persons do net know tha-t1 t egp go huns oesbut thiey do quite as mue-h as butter does, au for t-bis bte-son thcy sIrouitibucplaceti by themselves until -a sufficiant quan- tity s-s gathefuti fer preserving. Otrherwise tbey -may have a qiteur b haver ibe-n cooketi, wbicb t-be houseke eper uray attribut-e to eorne fauit ini preise-rvissg. A Woode-n peu la hshnty foi- pck- ingt-bu eggs away un, ueing dry bran te prevent breaka-g -. BABY'S QWN TA BLETS GUARANTEED SAPE ,Baby 's Own Tabi-ats are t-be oaly medcine for lit-tle o;nceë-t-bat are alimultite-ly gtiara-téd te ot rictly f re-e froi iapmtes, 'narcotics anti otîîer -harrîrful irtiga. Tbey carry tire gîraran-teeof a gavurnîr 1nnt ftn,.iylgt-to-this e!fe--t, c e-mutl-- e-s -ics littie unes ar-2 ailing neeti have iire fear in îrsing tire Tabla-t-,. The,-,-cannot fpossibly tiu ia-rm, a-ad iee! faI te do gosý. Tire Tabiets cure ail citiltibooti ailm-erit- -such a s cunstipatî-luiantmd igsIn woýrm., cuidas, c.ulic, simple foyers. etc-. Tlrousand-s (A mot-ierts thtrougir- ouit Canada za-y t-bey would rie noting ai.se for their Iraîctem. They are -t-tldItiy mudicine derlers or by maIi at 2-5 crens a box f rom Tire Dir. Wiliams' Medicine ('.,bXse-k- ville. Ont. l'fiEFI PORT O F LONDON. Iýii iIy of '['rel tikIloe-t-îî,s. 1 It Ra1 ~is dAlOthior British "It certaialy bas been a bl-essi-rg in trtr home,"writ-ci a ycrîtg Lady Ili regard to Po-turn. rI.1 atur> ofnu -u-a faqmily of t-welve, w-cbefcire using Pcrstum, w-cii-l make a4L Ieal-tiiy Iraicn uitccm!or- table bhy iti.eir cri-np,iriing o! is eati- a1che; tizzine.Lra, tour st--o;mac4r, et-e., f ruoinmîr dining of!ce Tu-a a sjirt .n- injviriorts be-caie-4e it cuntains the -un cadrUg, caffeine.) "Fer yuars rotheretuufretif rom -paliitat-iu- cf t-behua-t. icrk -b-at- I ta"lie nt it-i at a n ud at timers wýcuIld be tuken v cn ll 1. About a yca ago krbe qutit cc'ffi-e andi be- "My brutier uas tio-i i iwt-li he-adaclue anti dizzmincsr ail tire time h+e drank ooffee. Al tfirose trulules -otry ïic-tIrer o-nd brother Ir-e dis- ---appeaireti ince P litun as takea th,11-2lacc o! ofau. 9- ,sistr wmas ii ieui-l al I lier i"witltheai4a-cbe ant ibcarttrt- -,-bIl. andi abouit- ail chu caruti for wu-s rrffcc, wai-l t-e-n. The -uctue. told lten -dire nru&t leuve üt-lem aloîrýie, a-e- n-r dno d,d-lieu' no lpernianent F utti. "Site tiroug-ht notiîing w-ouid take tlie place o-f coffe tint-il w-e itiicat-, ber w-ot-ny -ogtum. Ncw Ire-r t-rôti- --bics are ail gun-eand she le- a htappy Ut-tle w6ma-r ejoying -lfu as peuple fhejulti." -' Naine given by t-h-e Canadian Pc.- *- t-arn Co., WintirOn-t.- -Pe-tam now camuas in two forrus: Rugular Postii- must b-e weli roiled. ibc. anti 25e. paokages. - Instanit Pootum-is a soluble periw- dex. A 6cea.ponfui dissoe-l-s quiek- ly in &a cuip- of brtater an-d, wiib creini andi sugar, urakes a deliic-a JÉera.' Ilistaitl>'. 30c, anti 50e. tes.x The oe-àt per up.ofati ît ddais AbburoâeS&M9o, -1 <'I11iea's ga 1Rearoa" for Pouaiti. '-.ld by Groori. Seatiort Towse. -Aurid t-he musliroom chties uf t-li mrodern w-unît Lontion, the meLiro)-- polis o! tIre -Biitie-h Empire andtihie chie! port of -tire Unit-ed Kingdom, sitauds like an aucient- cak with lt-c î'outs deep-la t-be sui of byeguone ages. There is, perbaps, ne glainor -of legeadary i nturest .at-tend,iiig its erigin, sueh as'st-bîl inveasts the de- cadence o! Raome, At-heu.'anti Car- thage w-t-b a halo of veneratiunr;huit on t-be ct-lez hanti, despit-e its age- gâing experiences, t--e seain o!fVine anti t-be scars o! hietoi-y, it prusses- eesail t-be attrihute.'rof a conirnanr- ity insýtinct w-bth life -anrd vigorous growtb, ts record tViî- igi the cen- tutries lias been onre o! steady aad graduai'1accret-loIrcf porwer anti n- fluene One by one A uutstLripçri,, its early cumpetitonr, and' iniier-r depart-ment o!f the natiJnal life (,f t-lire counrtryit lhas actiii - nawl maint-a-met<r stirrremacy whidhii. recognîzet ab indispittble. As th- ueat of the uxecutive pow-er it has teposet inhist-bere anti York. -lni w-uit-h anti influence lt s.mrpa>'eip- t-lie inditstizl areare-o! t-be Midlanuds anti ihe not-th .ln learniag and scientifie reeearcb It-rivais 'the citer universitbes. Finully, as the centre of maritime t-rnde, it bas eclipsti ail et-ber Brbtish seaport towna. The Claque Porta have long disappuaret lut-o oblivion. Brist-ol anti Plymoutis, t-be homes cf Eliza- but-han'ativenturere- anti-the start-- ing pointe- frou whici t-bey set out- on great- com=rencial unt-erprises acroas t-be hi-gb suas, have fallen batik inte relative insignificance. Alone o! ail t-he corigenies of ports nsot-able lu metiiaeval time b-ondon Iras pursuet tIre aven tuner of ita ways t-o cent-muet buigbta cf pro- spunit-y anti success, The Test. "-C-naI trust you, Surithi" vu se. Tr.y de with $102" ,hbt appens is, that by law .a namne muçt be i ogw4tred a& tht-t Sible_,4ýocr," antiit i. qaý'st týhç l'persc= £.o egieetd tbat a-ny actionm iý taýej by ýihe oauhriies. Now ara itwudob-.iouisly flot be convýenkîi evtý t>rI the ,actual ediW>r týi be im- prieaed, eitrhér in non-pîsort o the Ire 'fi eî. evifd .6o-as,àreên- sUlte!ý a direct sentee by w,Yef pun.ishmient, a d'u'mmny is e muployedi. - colrefor an apprcopriate con- idrartiionu. In thé pr-ovi-ni, rv the JI*L'-en edror" la a a reçoglzed ýinstitrtien. It isb undiexrtood lu thie cèase o! tbe prison editor thàt if tiie noli- be mprisonsneîat without the ýopt.io f a fLiin- bis hoesor-arum i-a Serarretirarateiy larrer týiin il ut b-e ordinary arreet i-n 4 guarîd-houîse. In t-ha latter csa e takes bis "eiit- tming" very co«fortaîbly and wmtrit, edly, being aupplriatifrein cutaide witb his necaîrs, drrinksa, tobaoco0, andi rcakliug matbter art hI-S euployex's A, Noya Scotia CaseO0f Iiterest to Ail Womei HaIifa"% Seîîds Ouît a Messageof A10ep to Maîîy People. Hali!ax, N.S., Dec. 15.-+-Whén ini- tervieweti at hier home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite wiil- ing te taik of ber peculiariy unfortun- ate case. III was aiways 'blue' and tiepresseti, fuit -weak, languiti anti ut- terny unit fer any werk. My stem- ach waase disordereti that I bad no1 appetite. What I titi eat disagreeti. I suffereti greatiy from dizziness and sick headache andi feareti a nerveus breakdown. Upen my druggist's re- commendation I usati Dr. H1amiiton's PIl. 'II felt botter at once. Every day I improveti. Ia six weuks 1 was a ivel wo "' crd complotai>' aftor differ- e0an- phyielan had failed ta hoip me. Ii.or this reasan that I strongl>' urge sufferers with stemacli or diges- tive troubles te use Dr. Hamilten's 'Dr. Hamilten's Pilla strengthen the stemacli, improve digestion,' strengtb- en the nervos anti restoeodobilitateti systemate bo ealth. By cleansing the bleeti cf long-standing impuritios, by bringing thse system te a high peint af vigor, they effactually dbase away wearineas, cepressten anti diseuse. Geed for yeung or eid, fer men, fer women,,fer chltiren. Ail -dealers sel] Dr. Hamilton's Pilla cf Mandralio and Butternut. Frozen Lonidon.t Not foür o-ne huindrcd yenrs li as tire Tham-crs bcen completely frozea w-tbin the Lundon (Englanti) a-rua. The yen-r 18314 was ushereti intc tihe metr<polia bhy a fog of exceptionai dlenaity andi blaokne4A<. TýfS fog laste-t for suvon days. TI e-n cirme tlie f ror ýt. Be-t-we-un London Bridge and Blackfrirars Bridge t-le Thain-eî sq,,ün becanre onu.n large shcet-of ice, and rîmaaineçd a,-' sut-h for nearly ten weeks. The (1o;(15dnot finally break îîp unitil ttrencd of Marc-h. On tlit, be were ervc-ted tents andi boothis in whiich rufr-cslimenits '(r toi t' tlie t-Iîotî-'andrn o! Lrrn--oners wlîo enjoy-et the novelty o!frma nading i-n midsLreairn. Printers - et up prceres on the ici' andi pria ted varie-us atem-ýtoe a oSthe occ.asi4.n; wbiisrti-n the miti-die o! February the River Tii-ures be-carne t-be sdte of a great fait-. Durin:g recent ycares, t-hie neaîc-st appi-vac'h Vo a fro(-zen .fiNADRU-CO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Proved of Great Value to Me" Tlsere la cruly one ctjlanation for tihe nuranbers of eathusiastic letters that we rcceivc prmiing Na-DrLI-CO -D.yspepsia Tabiets, and tirat'i. that these tabîcts certaialy do cure any kiad o! stomacli trouble. Here is a typical letter freni Mise Eliza Ararswortily, Caisse, N.S.: "It is -ltIr pleasure I write ta iaform r tiat yoîîr Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia ~ablets have proved o! great value te sue. 1 tried remedy after renredy but wlthou± any iasting geod. Having huard of yeur tablets curing sucis cases as Mine I decided te give them a fuir trial. The proved satisfactery ia my case." gie remaîkable success ef Na-Drrr-Co Dyspepsia lhblets '1a sucli a auccesa as caa ouiy cerne te anuIrenest reniedy, caipounded according te an exception. slly goed fonnila, fomn pure ingre- dienta, b>' expert chemito. If you are tfonbied with your stemacir just ssk your D rulgglt about Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, conrpounded by the ya aneal Drug and Chemicai Co. af Canada, Liînited, an4 sold tirrougisQut the. Dominion at4Soe. a box. 1 4 ED. 4., ISSUE -14 Lal 0oi- i - art Incisd Ueeu MAIlmng for Six et U.vea cisene Ye, ~i~1~r k ~e~bbw' ier'aa4~ç#~JIOU àpI -I k Mrns. 1E.i ,.nM.sr - i+Jn 'd ba mipl,ý gti ý mh ra~p ie4, ï.re e, hed Kid- nley Ia~ t-oo'k DocId's Iid- Éney P3i théîy çuied. hihn-.ÉBurt let "fýy baclc wiaaao sore -Ic-urnr get eout -4i be.I in tée mornings. I tric-4 iedieins, but theyr dud me no good. Then I1 met a neigh-bor, and he, adviraed m,ý to try DQdd's *Kidn-uy Pis. He said ho hard urud t-hem ini-u'i famnn& .fc'r a. longtrime amnd tihey we a . rcë&t Miedicine. "I « b.ubsxboxera <of rbhem, and by th~e, dm. [ba ai threse o them 1I*was ëing muc-h be-ter. Nrow I a= qx it.e %wei, audi I thinac the beRt mn 5uiyt I ever Soit in My tifle was 'w laaý I paAlfefr 'Doddt Kidney PISr D.odd'a kidruey Pilla are ne6 cure- all. -,,They sipplyý cure uLck Kird- neye.- But th-ey do sI-i that ls claiiued frtet Royal Childrcn Well Informiei. The Qursen is rmrnensely interest- ed in e 'ryýtihiug bstcorical, and w'h-n goâing on a visit tota new place invariab'ly reards everyithing c-re>n- tnecLeti. with $ùs pait-. This plan of kn.o-wing ali about 'places3 of intýere.9t, buf oreh a-nd eusnwend& iteelf E0 gr-uatly te ber that she encourages be r chiId ren te do the saute, a nt the yung rinces andi Princesare cnizeqiently extremiely w-ell k:- formeti. Only 6,000, Seen at One Titîte. Dr. Sydauey (}happmr, lecturing to the Victoria Institut ini th-e thIeatre ef tile Royàl Society Arts, London, gav- - gernerai cernaîa of t-le étru. ,lHe eaid that under - the beet possiblecondition.e ntmore tban, six tlioused ivere Visible to the human :ye, se that, àakhough tbuy liard isen cemparcd to tne isands of th-e'se~a for multitude, ne enuee ver have see-n more t-h-n ha-if of the visible orne-4ha.t i. te, say, 'hree thousuamnt-at One time. 1%Inardas Liniment Co,, Llrnlted. her-i irs,Your MINARDA LINT- ML4INT k&i our remcriy for sore t-broat. coidrr andi al erdilnary alimenta. ,it neyer fa$liq tp ralieveansd cure CH1-ARLES WHOOTEN. Port Muigrave. Said 11Itb a Regretful Sigh. Miss Young--Wliat ia vour'opin- ion la the best time for, a girl to mnarrv 7 Mis-s Elder-Whenever the muan i. willing. Ta Cure a Cola lu Ou@ fln7 Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININEM 1Tabtets. Drugglsts refuci mnaey If IL fails te curs. E. W. GROVES signa- ture ta on each box. 25p. Ethel-Jack tried t-o ki-ss me. -Marie-How impudent! Ethel-But he. was interrupted. Marie-H-ow énîoyiag? Try Murine Eye Kemnedy If you have Red, W'eak, Warrtery'Eyes or Granulated 19yeiids. Doesn't Smuart -Soothus Eye Pain. Druggists SeUl Mirrine Eye Réemedy, Liqîrid, 25c, -Sec. Murine Eye l4alve'-in Aeeptic "TUbes, 25c, 50c. Eye - Books Firee by -,NMail. An cya Tenge iieod for At, !Yed% that N.d OsAo Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicaga Ilard (Case. "Site bas a huait cf atone."y "Pcrhaps not.-' "'She bas! 1 eau make ne im- pressi-on upon.it." "H-ave ,;utrieti a diamond 'V" Warden (ta nuw prisoner>--What mork ean youdol What svas your occupation?1 - Prisoner-I was a 'cellist in au, orchestra. Warden .-Well, then, we'11 set you t.(- saw- ing wood. SinalilPortionîs. "IloW did y:<rt finti that'piece of steak. -sir 'l aiked the sntiiing vait- er ilu nitieip)atjoi of a liberal tip. -1I realiy dr'a*t 1kaow." eaid the laere mant, gazing at bis, plate; "I just lîappened to move that little piece cf potato andtihebu teak was mnder it." Aagry Cistoiner. -"Se-iere, waitur," exclaimed thte indignant. custorner, "-ber's a _piecu o!fivoot in amy sausa.ge !" 'Yes, six,," .-repliedthetbuwaite-r, "but I'm sure-ur ' "Sure no- thing 1 14ori't mind eating the dog, but I'm blowud if l'ut going to uat the kennel tee!" Keeps Itim Up to Time. "What laFlyppe's wif-e's first namel"- "Crystal. And it s'it-s her.'>- 1 rHow so?" "S-b's aiways on t-be watoh." Nisard'.linimnt uaOd by Plygîiaîno. When a -nmi fail-s'la business ho begin-. to look arcuno for a politi- cal job. I'5 raadfUpln iol 4f etirteeveiulng aadouic! mot sleep fluaiz4nlgOi4 'IWe trled -- M, sd flues se,0,m ô 6jbiri sy fôèr pain. 1i<toàl= r»Yiu"11r n abeut -Cuticima Oluimeut sud wegOôt ,a lbox lm- snediately -andl bandage4 rd è.fo1; * 'd leg. Two applicatlous mAiàe q4te, a dff- fereuesud we hepf an. udlngitsud Jlaa shuorit Mme ber ieg anclloot wero ompietely cured.' (Slgued) lia U. È>rks; Mary 17, TO REgMOVE DANDRUFF Iravent dry, thin and ffling bair, aflay ftch- -p ap sd Irrtation, and promiot iho growtll &and beautyof tho hIür. fmequeut hampffl *wlth Ocuticura Boap,,azalted by Occasional dreuuinge %wlthiïuttcuram a~n.aruu 03i7v effectivde wuen &o'-n rd ail. CuticÙûra SP MadOuticîraOItuent arm uoid bY druguistu and doeler rirere. A IMC '76ésxfl1~lr alberl rs ample'«of eacb. wltË 8ý- . ock. end poot-crd tetr Drug & Obem.Corp.. Fcwer Births in Gcrnîiany. The preliinnairy -st.atii;ties o!f Prussian birtjis arnd dreat'hs f-o-r 1913 thow thut'ther. we re raýtlî c.r more than 15,000 fewer birtirs than in 1912, Init t.h.at the exe f birth-s ovcr dc-alt.,s ias 550,7", t-he cxc'e.S beIng 824 above thait ii) 1919. Th3 nuumber of hirt.hs iný Pruissia ini 1913' wsabout 100,000 fe'w-er- tha-n in 1906. As Pruùsia is about tw-o- thirds -of Gcrnaany the Pruissian re- f-urnis arm a faý,r guide to the posi- tion t'hroughcut- the empire, A kindergarten teacher, after<ex- plaining týo ber much interest-ed class that birds have feathers, bearia .1heve f ur, sheep àave wool, etc., arsked t.he quesýtion: "Now, whocan tell me what -oy- stere bave?1" A hright littie girl. very Pa.ger-to recite, answered, "CTackers." Liinited Rnoivlcdge. "Hlave you any 'experience wit-h eidren C' "No, ma'am, I always werked in the best families." Warts 11sf IgUre the, Hands Blut can bc palnlessIy removed ln twenty-four hours by the utie of Put- narna Wart and Corn Ektractor. F'ifty years ln use jund Mt111 thp bnst>. Insist on gettng "Putnani's" Extractor, 2Gc. at ail dealeris. Oranges In England. Onangeii first wenrtto 'En-gland about the ýbeginning of the sixteenth century, and fou-ad ready favor wýth thoEe who e-ould a-fford t-hem. Curi- dus use waa s&ometimes madie cf th-e fruit soonu after lt-s lntrodiutn. Cavendishdscie Cardinal Worl- sey as crtering a cr-owdcd chainhur "h.clding in hi. hia-n-d a vcry! fair oranuge, whereof the nmeat or sub- &tance within was ta-ken out and filled up again wit-h jVe part ùf a sponge. aei v~as vinegar and othter confertjions agairnigt Vite pest:- lent airs; the mwhich i le comnlinnly smelt unttn, pnasin-g amo<ng the preï,s, or clsi, wlien hu as pew t,?ied wxit h tany stniiùrs. "I may hgve bragged about rny children abit." -Tîat's true, you liae." "And i1 may have referred ut times to thec fact that my ancesturs were celebrated people." "VYes, I have huard you do that." "But I stilI think T amn entitled to somne credit for màdesty. 1 have nèver el-aimed that my employers3 could flot gct along without me"' EVERI ('ASE 18 ('[HAB.11' What Nerviline can do in a case like this it can do for you toe. For nuarly forty years Nerviline ha.- been recommendeti for Rbeumatlsm, Lum- bago andi Sciatica and Lame Back. It is the oe remedy that neyer dis- appoints. ___ I'vrs. Thompson--My htlsland iz; serieualy ill. He's having a. consult- ation now. Laundres-Poor mn, do you think il hurt Ilim bad. Aux for MXl ad 4taxe a» other. -ool4dtQ eathee oue- -m."' OuW a o>l ~wlislet hie family Aln O 'Ll-lyO d s c ie cf etis vreryfcw--aiimtnrktimiod-orn phy,, sýiaan hais ben-,wilirng t-ridàr-take '1 /Y Wltbut a ,ngioa orpera- Litile- Brother Dlsgug.ted. "Duoes t-be baby talk yet 1" a-sked a frienti of t-bu family of t-be, little brothier. "Nawv," replie-t the iltle brothe-r, disgitstedly."udo' aeed te t-aik. Ail hu -bas -t-en do i3 te yell, and -ho gits everylhing in t-eho use worbh h-ving."- Sister's Request. Sizter (who wants te -ble lit alonu for a moment with lier siuitor)-- Friltzi, it's coid bu the hourue; go ini t-ho uext neens anticlose -the win-- Frit-zi-But it's oloseti. --fister Well,,t-han, open it. terrible Scalding Accident ZÂM.BUK gAVE QUICK RELIEF. For taking tire pain eut of a buru or sand t-hure 15 nethlng uqual ta Zamn-Buk. Mis. Eugene Demers, ef Pembroe, Ont-, who was thre victins ofa a paintai scniding accident, proveti tis. Sluu asys: -"I was carrylag a boiler o! st-eamlng ,water from the ttovu e tirte wazh-tub, virea auddenly -my strength -failed. As tihe bolier vas falilug Inu spîte of my effortsI Luard my bables dry, andti t avolti tcaldiag t-hem I gave t-ho vessel a ' qulck turn,- The effectof t-irs was t-bat evary drop of thé bollilng watur poureci over my faut andti 1mbe, scalding me from.,m ni>'vlt down. "1As senens I-- saw tire cildren hai -esciaped, I telti my aidest boy to, bring tire. Zam-Buk (irlh --e always ksop ln t-heo uhe) I'1 pleil -Zam--1 Bsuk freey, mi thre tisn waS sea eraseti. >I1cantinuei usIng Zam-Buk, and Ia a wenderlully short time t-h. soyas vere cemple' 1jy iealed" Zam-Buk Io eqrrally goed for- eut-s; bruimes, eczenu - uIeis, pilies, plmpilesMý etc. Pnîce 60c. pur box, ut ail drue- gists sud stores, or posttfrue fromt tire Zam.-Buk Ce., Tarento, on rocelpt ef pirce. Refuse substitutes sud lml-ý fat-Ions. Thons Is net-bing "Just as' good 1 The Dise-emblters. -Gibbs-I'd re-ally1 like -to krsow t-be sec-net of social sueces. Dibbs-4-My b,."-.t-bure are mny secret-s of-social succe3s, but one cf t-be rsf important i. te be able t-o prete-nt yoîî are baving a, goot time w-heuyou're net. topent& TP TOU WAWT TO 9BUT OR UELL A pr&-stock; drain. or, Dairf. -Parts. et , W.- OAWIONM, coibornï,etSi..Top*"lIt& NUWSPAPÈ09 FORSALU. G (OD WUNICL Y IN LIVE iOW N. York.County. Stationery and -?*Ol ilnes 111nCônneotion. 'Prire:',anil $4,000. TeTznu liberal. Wilson Publtmb- Ing Company, 73 Weut Adelaide Stretc. G7NO ROWEiS;. GET LI'1ERA- 'Y ture re. olon weeders. R. 0. lrnor, Olinda. ont. C AXCEIL TUMOuad. Luit KrI~u- JIntenai sud esterual;, crai vIiI.' on Ipaln b7aOur homne iresticsnt -Wrie ce belote too atos1> Dr. ne1mBi. Ud10A on., LmIt.d. Col1tngwèr'flt Ea.ting Vermué Talen't. Conneotiun btenfe~ &.,.~ latera.rygenius i» mlefteol y Ro.bert 'SWeérardin--WJ3~ li~ Paris." Z<da., 1-5eï~a2PS , ,Vrote be.st When hie was verv 6tocut, and thrnt w$Ien hi. bulk 4iclds lc i talent,. Theophile Ga.utier,-.himiseif eiormrous, maintained Vha.t uian camf genlus shouid bu fart, amd.for proof pointed ito "Fhit more baorel, thia an"Balzac, to exAlëndre D-- mais, "al-ways-fa4, and jly"te the "hippoporta-muB in breeohees," R sini, anid the'plump.uîîd well Led job- pearanco f Yictocr IHugo anid 8.ertM What 1840 Did For Us.' The coîd winter cf .1340 gave-ue tbe blanket. Ité inven;1»r, Th«ua se'bbled, n Rité, and f&Un-frffi afihseoe W Twamntý Re andi~ew rerascon ofsca4t bedding-ia.d lack &>f fuel, 'he searched for rsonerthing tro put on the lied, to inceafe the warmtrh, andi biton a .piéS* çof- rougli unflnirshed clûth tihcrt bad b.e.ern thrrown to waste. Its succeEs as s warinth-giver -suggeDted Vhe manu- factuLre of specia.t hed ovcrrs of t.he saine nateriai, ancd tiese arnies, to which he gave huis ewn rnm, won hirn aina and inMirta$Vty.- London Chronicle. Keoz, tUnartisLinimnt lu the«bous. Notilhing looks mure pitiful t'h,%, an oid womari arrayed A ber dauigl tier's cast-u.9 filery. Catarrhal Pever, '~9'>'1'~s L.~U.aU.aflPinkeye, Shipping o ~~ nd ail d ic -o<f t rhe hm <,ectiiî g iis tiroat, seedfly i ured ;<cxii irdionrm,,cri nc.iratarmbie kci)*îfrom haviug therm, tii'b Iv ein.- SPOHN S DISTEMPER AND ceueH CURE. 3 tO 4 - 4. .> des, ofieir cure.- c )o ît ie icît-iran <'cd to cure oee case. Sal for tro<r)d meires. baby rolts ,ti or-alages and Don* mj~ 's- KITCHEN ECONOMY One burner, or feur- low flan-le or lsgh-a slow fire or a hot one. No- ceai coot or aches. Cil Cook-stove méans better cooking at bea cot-and a cool, cenkitchen.- In 1, 2, 3 and 4 hurner sizes, -with cabinet tap. drop chelves, towel. racks, etc. Alco a new -steve with Fineles CookingOven. At aIl dealers sud general storcs. Roya&. 011 l CeBesI Resuites THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Iàiited - Toronto ii uchee alis Mertreai *- & 8st, hala Wiup.g Vancauver BROOKLI miss Bell Fowio kas, et late.' Theo sales of Croxall. geat iuccoa. ' 'i lir..Tomlilaonbas *w& for a trime.- >11*.ý Agnes Boyas, ol home fora àrest. Mnk. Samùel Manrning aIr. E- Laà~ismq MeW borne thiàéek. Mr. and lira. Ath for Nerth Br4Y ont Mon Mis'. jeiiûOrmiston- the sick liat for a few Mr. -Thos.Routte y spi witb iris sons lu Peterb Mra. Norman Colwi]i Miss Heivis in whitby, Mr. Keith l-aiýiunce -'-of new recorda. Drop Miss Olive HlollÏdayý, %peut a rceat Sunday Mir. Uriah Jones' ba5 lottmSlmce. tr 1t Robinuon. Mr. Hawie>' bas mo te tàe housal lately va Miss Isabel Waiker;, Hospital,- visited - bpr lait -week. Mrs. Ballsanèad ber si Currair,' et Tor6nta, friends bohre lrast week. Miss Violet Dickie, Lino, Whitby, La vi Ciarla and Roase Woodiç Mr.AÀrthur*PoolsW] -past twa ýyears -beea Mir. T-irs. Hall, ie[t .I Mns. James -foutle>', moved frein-hors te Tý a private 'hospital in Monda>' iast. W. Jos. Crammond property; belenging t-o -tt, and wili move t( tire near future.,- ïirs., Gibbons and Brisa, e-t- Torontô,' au - b-. 1- --t f T -' .New styles for spi i f ors& Blsck'aad t-s:iare narrow and round tees women'is feat never be Tley are- particals fet andi are built Hundreds of basin TWO Brook St. Tlhe Rigi Ii tire eue tiraiv work-tirat basq lu kecpfug witir =as e bult ub -crosse. TiratisI -No. x10in u i attacirmerit for Po on truck witlr or, Vertlcai Fuma and -may re utt reruteci. witirha easy tiausportgtic - Cait and seec for ueW !"SVi funiânie of ni -et, Barrai, Sprayemu wo WHITBY MR L'q'

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