Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 May 1914, p. 1

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.~1-I~o46 eW{ *~ FREEOFFR IBOAI> AIS OUNILFOR $ s O nfy i~oty <Treas3urer Mclay FR E F E I.To BufJd South Ward School and Repair the., town scae, ih are nowo» Ps sOeroMa riy Woja aidDr.rMi, whiyieathe let . - ____ W.gie rewhletey iset, _ Jigh School. - ti.Stet$,b& IJmPVOd into t 0 %V1~ yard. Under , ïfxl reeflt CUZ O Wednesday eventng last, at a- _____________________ ii. oard of gDr. arrenatteded ii. uffei,~ sagne, wiem CttIuto bOiig veigi- but eare ocloo, Doaîw cKay Ih hcksPli lv p A deputatajon from ath Boadnof1 Drela ea-o ý te Coeet 1 5 9 ù @ $ P al O l v e u p .W a r e n ttoded tteD u.é r5 tre h oy . tu e , o v e r th e t e With eachjar of «lnî >lTed>êelg n,1o a Oly -reolently, whiCh led 2411p 1 stroyitigtheni, -andi4cauulnS JDUcli.aa- .jority, aftér a eiithyiie.tenFor PAL OLVEOREM tbrugl J H.Jares chiriam etto riar in a v.ry decided mainer nI a 5eIâe tnonthes it has been known thnt PAL OLVE HAN thie Property Coniittee, asked the. that there shgiadbe a new sohool a i Tiies -CO mnimuni#tiens were ailer. Mr. Mo01çgy wat aicted with -an ia- or a~hbetieofCouZLcil'fer thie auni of$12, 000, to b. Port Witby. The present. oan e oot1 e oti aiosCnnlaes t Ocrbeds ase hc utrs n V trais d on 30-year debentures, for the'fit for a ch uld te attend. He also a p- deait wlth., at 50e each. 'ed sehool at Port WhIltby, te cost High School. SIay 25titewas aCelre-d to b. cel Pal prpartins ave $-7,500, and for repaire te the High A joint visit te the àîhols well brated in, toWn1.as Victoria Day, The limerai okpaefo h PamOliv rproshve Sehool to the. extent et $4,M0. Mr. suggested ýby Mr. Laidlaw. fl en bevda eealild auyrsdneon thleafroonto! a warld wide rejiutation for James ezplained that taie proposai1 thougit the Coun.cil eiould under- TeSresCîmte eomnl atulrsd lstonduted byte Rev.o Iuaity and purity. was te purchase 'a< new site at Port stand the. conditions iltthey were te ed several« acccunýs for payrrent. DrAJraxe tAdw'orci Whitby and iiistàIl nflw appliances, tae the responsitality of gatDr.Js Swen......bra0QIwic hemeof St.Aedw a emlr. IwilI pay you to take ad- $7,500 te couer the wheie cest. linthie 'money, and he teit that the. best Jh acal.......77éTc aV etatste tuna em w vantage of this opportunity. tie- High Sehool a new heatinf, andj way te get informnation was fThe g ia* 220 n niathionget the. unîerîews VOlIatiiig systein muet Ibe installed, SholBard and the Counecillors to (' 'oiket.7 an n fthe. caseros weuld be visit the achools together. -i. oedfelloV So'&-1.8 chordseOfsYMPoAtahy and friendslip an n e vari........ ...... 1550 whîcix ra'diated from a nature like equ1PPod as a science room, at a to, Mr. liarper aaid that the School 13e1TeehneC J 1.WILLIS tai cost of- $4,500. D.McGllivray Board was just as capable of cou- Wtaan........ Mr, iys ene 15 wien SUeii a and 1ýiss l'eWehl Pprtd Mr. éilgthe bsneso! the sohôoîs SretLght n .... 3. j Cruaglst and Optielan James ln the application,.jlas the Couracil was to carry on the Stee Lghin......13.5 th t esre 01 hi$e u'o MEIA ALMayor Willis started the discussioD! tOwji's affairs 'l'heY undertood the Town# hall, lighf._ .42 1oundy trasure et his r by expressing the opinion that the school situation and the require -b-a a nrdcadps- was a very largt attonulanceofo!coun- Brock St. Wbltb.yo community at Fort Whltby WaS dest~. Ments. However, he believed the ed thro*gh tS Va 11198adng, a!> yolcasad xCucîos' ine&to grow. and a. twe-room school Ccuncil should know what they wer, peinting Angus Canieron, of Oshawa, pafl bearers were chesen fren a-' woul beinaçq.ate n aShot tme, oin, ad h appoveofNl. L as ellectrical inspecteor for the toWn. niongst his townsnien, as follows woulisDr.e ina ja l epl shotatire. d uggetid eaon ,e 5r ad-Tn y-a iecudled the rules J udge McGillivray, Judgc 1bl1ntyre, li_ t his Dpr. Med conll r re li t te Mr, Sugetiow n i f v r f and regulations wiih m ust be tol- Dr. hascoi, Sheriff Paxton, J. D. etwnPoee ocntuttc M.Hhetia e nlvre lowed by electricians, te conforin to Howden, .Jas. Rutledge. Pi~'of,.sio»,i Carda wals and leundatalens strongiy ù Putting 80 much iôney into repairs. ticrqieet tVeHdoEed r ca n oai i e ough te permit et an addition o He saidth town çught te-ae(wti 'riso..87in hecty&Gegry e scn ty taytm. esat80108bu httectzn he lengrrn LEGÂL tsecod sto at any tine ui-le sait foras, but tindthe czes hould Mr. Laidlaw brcougt up the 'natter was educated -at tTpper CanadaCol- _ _ _ _ _ _f_ t i o r o uld bf ph e a y sd t bu id al t for a W. Hle tan 5ug h a te u e t th e 'p ro po sed b o o k e t a d v ertiain g lege, T o ro n to , an d t au gh t schv e l ln ,5NO. E. FAREWELLO K. le reo m a If - he My as forgt-IC realld hve aH.oteughtthe uitUs the town. Ile said tint the support Mark-ham Township fer seme years. B seCounty Crewn Attorney and that In view ofthtae act tijat the p e d hav a voteoo the(ls- nZ business men culd net b. de- Laer b.e entered mercantile ie In çonw olcto.Pt ha xpe, jtese esaaîî I a ialy d ddt ak ed upon, and that Vhe town the norti part ef tis ('ounty,luwhore Cfi - ou * n t oct o r. W h t y. apie md erpresste id 'ems l s , oan sit t h s dcl dedn te mp a k l"lt, u ld have to ta kte tihe atter up if he rem a ned until appointed te the Cuttwo previous occasions, is was the members et the Board îf Ed u- te project was te ecredot f) fColyTeaurinheYr f ITe pr posed selling 2000 copis et 1890, wh lh office he conscientousl A. E. CHRISTIAN IlereIY a request te grant new what cation. The -question can tien - betic bookiet, te the town fer, between illed until bis death. Dereü ,s lct r oa l u le t. had b e eu e p e i u , .thoigh d a t wîhm r nt lligently. $ 5 n 2 0 e b ltu u e - a r c a d n un r t s the request uwas imade In a sOmewhat The watering et l3rock street »oii h $15 oaîn d. lub ConvibuentionteMrbe ÃŽcnsany had n tison ad-j Oiôe. Brock St., Opp. -Standard Bank. different Iorm. Ile asked tor figures, nexta caused n lengthy discussion. Tic ntheaotein du CMrveLiown lecment le retaiingi vad- Mee e er tc., to-sh$ow what repaira had been MUayrsai.. he understood tit the as anxius, te have an opinion frin ces; heeas etnaileu o areac done, andnd Vie wiple did net sem deciiehi was tatnrtiing couldbc;h anoaxiut trW rME -ORITLEDOE* Barrmistor, Etc. t0 laver the application. donc ths yenr. -Mr. Lailaw, îo- the flenibers at tle !ýmeeting, as tic public attention ; there was ne cant Moc oLean en easy terms. ee, Th the awa a et nsw Hde ao mc Offie imedîaely outhRoyl Hoel, vertheuht <he aterng soulî bework, if approved, Ïhould be pro- in ils character.I-enste uc 9 Soul beceeded wlth at once. The natter. interested la a score of ideale n Whty n.CONTRAOTORS la the centre et tie town, and 4vOUl" ho~Vever, was reterred te tie Finance Ideas la the Il tVit surrounded kum a('emmittee te be reportedl on at the te keep is eye fixed on the main - G VSJG MIT LL j JeWE L AM S t reqirue asmuch water. next meeting. chance, as it le called. The main Issuer of Carpeater, Builder aadContracter. [{C ,Snld everyene uses the roa and sd halnessfor him as o lîvnite et MARRIAGE LICENSES Plans drawn and est images furnished. would dérive benerlt. ïMr. Halirper, hc ispltse bs ie a CourtHua., hitbyor jdRepaira, Alteraticns and jebbin ,tg ,cencurred la this opinion. ()th-'Wiaid $200O O .0Wh itby wlbhalt te cmuiy l Z_ erpa 1 ndwas àfgeebt for 1Bran.tford RooflIng watering aise, but none need it as ful oJteli ut-jos f .00ind D. A. J. SWANSON 3oX 467 WIIIT. y PhenRe 149 urgentlY as Brock street sou th. triendships. lie leaves a widew and Buitr oiîoNotary Pubic Mr. Ilalletat and Mr. Meere had a BoardI Acknowledges G.ft. famil,' the meniory of a wonderful Baiae, elcto, uli, JORN T. ORN 1V gentie tilt at this junictur lr gonade. osocp~gin Conveyanccr, etc., etc. -eH'%OR. e ieSt sehV aml Ohawa, - Ontario IBALDER and CONTRACTOR Hallett saidthat tee mluch tiîîe was, T ii.late W. W. ranboy, of lov,-- oe d hace s la th r cheeprj ote- - OMe.LNo. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block.4 Plans Madle and Ei-tîmates Given. Put on streets work, and ilot le nough inanvj'p t r. I'-nea l-rliv &pal o et si aens i -erconprfs Rcaidence-52 Drew St. .%11 Kids oet-Brick h~nd -urCretc '%4 erk.On strert-,, watPring. H-e ;ugge.,;ed tice'Viitby (-'llegate Institute, be-ûRavndnns.e iedt Pfiosxs-Office, 321; Residence,- 326. Repaira te Chituney Stacks and -Boliers certain changes. Gis-e Brock .S-tieet l igravi Si e 20)ef and onor c ed 91d a a.....-.......p eýi t y l c- a 1y O n t a r o ut l o orwat r oi i n i m e a. I n o t e W hitiy i-igh S c io o l for t e A Il th o se w h n knew bi aittno u r n for ____DENTAL sysofivsiit yteBadth - - - - W hthy, (i)x 9) On aa'o sy tlat r dd îlt op 3e t eti interest on is sum te i. n dictated to b v tile ire anali .ag;K l py voire and lhie gay spirit w-ýhi-ha W*-ADAMS, Dentiste Office, Dundas- Mgarriage Ltqjenses, ('em1niittee as to howt tîhe annîîînaturrîgevforlreading, ciocutîc Street, Resideace No. 4, the Terracieadseku-s-obekindiv natsure gave liiiiii Dyi~ t.,Whtb. Pon No 12'A. H. ork %,,as te lac (on-iucted. if itr n paagvî ekon a e-nyrls nthe strain Ã"* living Byron __St., __________PhoneNo._122.I isuer ofMNarriage H eauaes fM aicrin igsho"ild 1w loTine the treets tic Tailyza itprize. Or(olipinof >--g C0rn1er lraidhtore, Wtili1i ((Ii artttee shouid have lis grai tat dtc oielorla omncto ~'Plie abo ve info r mîation %a.s -o i e ATJO 17IONE.ER3 -1:11 i t have tlat'u rai-re and -lit Col s <>o-tliai areîdîtinXîaoî ot caio' r L --. - --_ _ - .U, ilitt i a ntl is)l t5- l ilal. ,i ve r ntM .("il'ilrso u d o et r f'-o c BI~H l~ d tti tet' t ~s ile [utret-aa fitii--kig Osawa, Licensed Alictioneer. Suc-eui . b-i aI Tl'liehoari, b% resolutaon aacepted Mi al I l.learda- asuat (mgo> ttL'iirbnktiForaarna, lt îa essage r atSa adi-aarîng, an w iacli Nlr, - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ii cforr F i b n s .' r V nn ~~a- a, va aî-r n liai e w gift and expresse cl su italî , .1u g an-aeapl osl rG.Rb p n t tiaanks toi-tht' s,,aac. Ihics.Tliasteli, of iL xidg(- Was and ate aplv o sI o G.ROb , 'e wilî te lcqu-aaaiî the peopl ie tsta1ws lu lccouaitnet attend tî a 15 iiaaJi i îtlr Wblthy. Whitby and surrounding ce unt-y %'iil, t, i liaaîae anfl Schtjot M7ariage- 1litf "i 1 jle1l fl[l. - - ~~~~~-- ~the tact that we have Opciîed up a fitst- 'l lie M1avor saîid ail tîte c-tst sijoulîl atme t t aaîati i-ees iyes-euted thlea r re- at, ela'tt- .gîa 1xas dfud WM.MBA W - ci.ass iauodry oaî Brock ,lt., W-hibt ai 1,Whomne I)v tile residents altîg rt s rult ei ittc la LICENSEÃŽ> ALCTIONEER Hewis Hreos.' olci stere. tireets watered lia lari' caulal - VI NA Nt 1%, Paa îlt're rît191tl'.tat dat' tat tla - A N D ) V A L U A T O RZ . w . ar c p rep ared te d e al I k nd s O et Ibee n o bto n ln-.vie. I - A li , supliIes$ Iî i lt i ro a i M r ea a, ' i e w a bjectio bI ai),. ai hroug i 1M1r. M r -lali,I asli AI l tslspentyatn-laundry work. Famnily orders given Reeî-e fatenaan ft'ored u. att-r ig <- îauai-v (at,prerunii 60.0 <itii gn orGog irfto t 'ed to. Arrangements 'fer sales can sialat inBi wr urned hroc'k street Sîaath once a (la.%tta*i' cAaraia ioaksGo ltatati-orge losiasktaitot-, ~madeal GaetteParceisralled tor and delivered. tis surnnier. Oiehaxtia-îl' I . ie.5 =4 tthe Gzteoffice. 1.2: fr i unof$o.Tecahrnv - - . eaenbl.t L Aihaap a., I..-t- - i -a. -- - - -f rhi-ua-f 101'h pt,.,. iIlndIndependent phones. LIlarles W ar --Whitbyt Ont couîd be res-ised. schoeol > magea-nt and laeciiiewi)ch Mr. -'-O;--"- 'as toi saeaua gtttatd'at f-WrC o cici naaa"( '(n t ca $20, alcl'a re ýýelin WlIIBY, NT. - - -Ifer.Oihl'vsdcitaivoifoî. lga. u atr arir. 15 un-steli 'as given thelrile t ~A M R Y L~ EATRE lien on d ut tuere .1.11i. DTuu n & ('o., c<îal 2856- evokoing the sale witifn a.Zeriod o gt-e hn leksret soulthfi it luouId Scilutl. al\GIM-;six nionilis. This vas suibsequentlv R O A Hcost Vie town a ver). large sufia f llar Tc t anieîtt a vuii-a sderc ex tentîed o a year, by Mr. Keutti, on FA M N H UL U HG LS OICPCUE. the balance of tie castwia-ih ilia api-toao 1 Belfor an lis ou-n atirhorit>-. 'buvards the enîd Open every evening. e in wsjs.iltrai1c sir, reroiîîuoenol that O! tie year MnI. Tunsteli, tirotigb mahne hANisa ces1b ad rEO$1.00t apWe have insaled anew Sirnplex Finaiiv, the Fi-<.a(] igiat oai- an ÃŽceae b radefieaus: ofiaeUxbridge, cn WA TE I outlyflceres nite Wa ake o naand easyth sin o ah e onale dthe eotatoeyes.tbac hs We ou ilelaous o sburan and aothedayegs,. c eai, arrangements for x'aterinig the Street N iateraiher 1i îiaorîeV, 9giang back tic ýots, accord-1 We .5llal ca4gs f ubrbn ad atrdy igh, octoai. an question, anti-hy next tounctil ()n nîotion(ta!NMi.ss ltwei the, ing te tic agreemient. Ile did net coutry reatl catate. E very day BAIN PERRIN, Manager. meeting a peaaea iaa cudScrtive -eHîii a i sîrtsacceetî in seciaring bias nonet., and h..w 'a" e elquirleat for omne claat-- -prebabiy be'vomlccd eut toîr tte i- e cto>write tira liatait of li' iBoarad, t-anseqaenti a suit W-as Vhe resuit. of preperty in Ontario, anti we mainder et tic scason. toi Principal i-xilE ,altet!ctt r hasra.e Ti-nto insay have thmpurchaser whousecan Mm. T. Aird MuFray and Mi-. 0w-es dtîlene onlis iati eraeaua Keiti, toratended thnt icertaîin letters vnwd yo.u have t-o seîî NOTICE iu STUDENTS j werc present and presented blue priait Mr.-- îauoc.s Iasil)l(iitîaetl Chiair-f that bila been written -by Tuisteli plans wiici it ýu-as pi-otosed te sub- niani of tie c Slitul l1raihei-r1 oti i-e [lii in the nature et annotice te Thte riaraueiet of 8b~ a isBui.- nit tri the tenijerers for w6rh-on thle illiiter. revoke the ngrf-icntt hut %vere mere- vJOl-N FISH-ER & eo20 l q C10RTrnobg tsIie seçverage systein. Tiese plans were, Imo-cal itne%-iaaaavdtai si)(-]vinq-><,<i fabpot tre'nots.Ie d net g -i l IIigl w r e ut o i h in l d af i a ' 4 lame s- i al e v a p ir.i-l ' ( l t l' io-ait ricsl a i e n otic l t le a Ise 409 Lurn-sden Builiding .'-loo tatllaerittq, tia«t tis preparet by the Couricil som-e weeks ago. uintcCtiad ax ar-a.'lilbe ien lt-un t(tir tine mention- TORON-I--Ooaa itita c(i[y of ils curiiint T R N Oauay o u a io eires t te ajalify ii a So'me 'aarrmdiscuonutoa eekplace as te ask for a sîaîîî atr aonev for tt'cril, and tIant e-en aftcrwxaro thti ne- .iotrt.iteriotl att6 ar s811o0a101q for a te sugges tea changes iaa thli' westemn enection of a iltwvscboý latha thtt J Cssai- rca-iircuucnts wcre faot fui- a'J)( alauaf1l)ita i oli.iiAdJi-î'ats Part et.tice teo-n, but fie out-corue senti i-i ardad ho lestai iia'ating fille(]. waVieapoviotepasnsub and ventalat ion ssteisiua thet' igfi l~ji aiSap rs-xri iIY.l a lcî 'iag & Gera-iaia Stat. itd i ao."onSlctrSbe.Mi- Keiti. h-o show tint he hnd (le- and Mnr. Lowes ae osubtit t-hem Affer smpcesidrrabit' jlttacussierai itierntel 'v fied te w'tiield frein I I . s f t e ti P ro v in c ia l B o a rd o ! H e a t i s th c m o tio n c a r i-e -J. a , an ne n d uîe n t T u n s te l t ie p -o p et a d ire ss ef B a - Jus. ieaH8 &319$ eo1asposibesetint tic ap- eedb ettiowtn i ee--rett, and that he endeavomed -te de- s E D P TAT ES fac~v-l t tc Bart mx' ic btnn ece eH~~c xeningant xentiation, Iay the pra-iectings until tic year SEIPMS -Purthler stSleCual for scoil eiecthv hrfing beenj dcfeatr tiThe moyen of tint notice had been given withlnthe nra Liey -fi-tli Ne'w Brunswick Was a t l eied tint Mm. Ma- the reqttirett imprevements te the had béen carniet on tewrards tie end Ellate Besto,. solia>itom flice specifcations, onait- making 'ttwo bites of a cherry," by Mient, lildgnient for piaintitI. Dra1Buine ilBs i Triaiopi 1Bag 90 lUs. $1,40 ting tie tecînicai parts~ and aIse deing -thie eating anid vcntilatingt-- Eaulyand - - s 1.a0tic draft fomrs et advertising fer now, an4 the remainden at anotier We have n few Bagli Delawares tenders. If was- desircd that cen- ine.- Bus te aIl train. and COIbbier4 fer table use, gooci tain clauses, suci as amounts e! Tic property ('ommittee waas in- bonds asked, ine witiin wlicî werk structed te -present tic requet oet quality, pier Bag $1.10 l9-to be finshed, etc., sieuîd be pass- tic Board te Council. At the meet-- ATO-MOBILE FO'R HIRE; erd no by Vhe solicitor before being dcfl- ing of tic committe beld on Mo-n- 0eyappnnvcd and incerporatet! an- day night e t Vils weekit was r.gled Rigs of all kindat Comnptoîns Ear]y -$1.80 Misses Pewcll aPpealed freinth-- tax permanent improvements te nilia igi tAYO NI T, W.CE- Deint 1. 6() laccd on 1 their brick bouses on Eut'-.Sehool, whih includcd san*'fnrv cen-f DA O huT. Ipi. Leamîng 1.40 street. The. Cierk ndmitted tiat veniences and ncw science romo-i. Sec Mari. Sou. white 1.40 a leical errer hmd eccurncd la Ccaan- report of Counicil meeting in miiiotierý Bell1 phones-39, 14 and 74.1 Prices are for Unîbroken- Bags, ail tie Council tierefore erdereti tint A representative o! tic Pense Fur- Seeds a vlne been tested b y 810 be remtitted on Vils account. naue Co. waited upon tic '3<and an-d StbeQn fie overamentAnls. The Old Girls' Association wmte prescntcd plans tor tic ieating of Stab es nd ffi e: nal st.ask ng tit garbage cans and waste the Iig i Scpoaol, whii e i i ien iers paper baskets be provlded on the of Me Board caretully obsenvcd. i.l ep1 N Wfitbig ont. A, H, Oowney & Co. atreets, se tint thie town may b. Mm. Scott, caretaker et the 1-11gb keptafil neater and cleaner cendi. and Henry Street Scionîs, askcd for- Whlby On. ieF. 4VanV 1fnerease f per w la insaiary. wh-t, Piv --tdets ivig- -r he to - oPoet Cmnte.0 0..GOoDnR IEW SPAINI fait aisiypiiua e je EXTRA, SPECIALS 130ys Wor Sho SI, o e Pels he Str i4se revivng large shîpments oft-the latest S't 3TÂNDARnmicl D «Pupmw wo di B " ~ RONTO ' ,cu TOI C. A. MeClojla, aagr * ~u6.s a BowmaniileBpookfln <C. A. cci:ln OZL14 Manager)..PPkerin g ad pSpl Nsw Mpis yrup Pure, ýand Highest Grade tbat - Ghall cans ae A- Tu LALER WHITB3YF ONT. Phones; Bel], No. 47; Jndependent, Ncs. 47 EARLY 01-110 Garden Seeds New and choice Our Bulk Seeds are the llnest obtainable. Wu Bu PRINGLE &CGO, WMITBY eNTURie i~ - - -m - -- Ibo% WRIJER DECARE. THEM ONT PAPER, PEN. AND- JNJ< BOUGHT'4\T- Wu J.efH.RIGHARDSON'S_ BROCK ST. ITü STATJONERY 0F ALL KINDS MAGAZINES .AND BOOKS EARLY SIX WEEKS and IRISH -COBBL ERS For late - - - -- >- -- -- ~ a ARCII11V *u.f~ U!IENLITfl I I - <'t ~ -<t A- fi -T' h t. -v. - footweàr. Wé hav"e SI 1 ýBoys? L MAY Seed Potatoes 1 For early we have

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