.~1-I~o46 eW{ *~ FREEOFFR IBOAI> AIS OUNILFOR $ s O nfy i~oty <Treas3urer Mclay FR E F E I.To BufJd South Ward School and Repair the., town scae, ih are nowo» Ps sOeroMa riy Woja aidDr.rMi, whiyieathe let . - ____ W.gie rewhletey iset, _ Jigh School. - ti.Stet$,b& IJmPVOd into t 0 %V1~ yard. Under , ïfxl reeflt CUZ O Wednesday eventng last, at a- _____________________ ii. oard of gDr. arrenatteded ii. uffei,~ sagne, wiem CttIuto bOiig veigi- but eare ocloo, Doaîw cKay Ih hcksPli lv p A deputatajon from ath Boadnof1 Drela ea-o ý te Coeet 1 5 9 ù @ $ P al O l v e u p .W a r e n ttoded tteD u.é r5 tre h oy . tu e , o v e r th e t e With eachjar of «lnî >lTed>êelg n,1o a Oly -reolently, whiCh led 2411p 1 stroyitigtheni, -andi4cauulnS JDUcli.aa- .jority, aftér a eiithyiie.tenFor PAL OLVEOREM tbrugl J H.Jares chiriam etto riar in a v.ry decided mainer nI a 5eIâe tnonthes it has been known thnt PAL OLVE HAN thie Property Coniittee, asked the. that there shgiadbe a new sohool a i Tiies -CO mnimuni#tiens were ailer. Mr. Mo01çgy wat aicted with -an ia- or a~hbetieofCouZLcil'fer thie auni of$12, 000, to b. Port Witby. The present. oan e oot1 e oti aiosCnnlaes t Ocrbeds ase hc utrs n V trais d on 30-year debentures, for the'fit for a ch uld te attend. He also a p- deait wlth., at 50e each. 'ed sehool at Port WhIltby, te cost High School. SIay 25titewas aCelre-d to b. cel Pal prpartins ave $-7,500, and for repaire te the High A joint visit te the à îhols well brated in, toWn1.as Victoria Day, The limerai okpaefo h PamOliv rproshve Sehool to the. extent et $4,M0. Mr. suggested ýby Mr. Laidlaw. fl en bevda eealild auyrsdneon thleafroonto! a warld wide rejiutation for James ezplained that taie proposai1 thougit the Coun.cil eiould under- TeSresCîmte eomnl atulrsd lstonduted byte Rev.o Iuaity and purity. was te purchase 'a< new site at Port stand the. conditions iltthey were te ed several« acccunýs for payrrent. DrAJraxe tAdw'orci Whitby and iiistà Il nflw appliances, tae the responsitality of gatDr.Js Swen......bra0QIwic hemeof St.Aedw a emlr. IwilI pay you to take ad- $7,500 te couer the wheie cest. linthie 'money, and he teit that the. best Jh acal.......77éTc aV etatste tuna em w vantage of this opportunity. tie- High Sehool a new heatinf, andj way te get informnation was fThe g ia* 220 n niathionget the. unîerîews VOlIatiiig systein muet Ibe installed, SholBard and the Counecillors to (' 'oiket.7 an n fthe. caseros weuld be visit the achools together. -i. oedfelloV So'&-1.8 chordseOfsYMPoAtahy and friendslip an n e vari........ ...... 1550 whîcix ra'diated from a nature like equ1PPod as a science room, at a to, Mr. liarper aaid that the School 13e1TeehneC J 1.WILLIS tai cost of- $4,500. D.McGllivray Board was just as capable of cou- Wtaan........ Mr, iys ene 15 wien SUeii a and 1ýiss l'eWehl Pprtd Mr. éilgthe bsneso! the sohôoîs SretLght n .... 3. j Cruaglst and Optielan James ln the application,.jlas the Couracil was to carry on the Stee Lghin......13.5 th t esre 01 hi$e u'o MEIA ALMayor Willis started the discussioD! tOwji's affairs 'l'heY undertood the Town# hall, lighf._ .42 1oundy trasure et his r by expressing the opinion that the school situation and the require -b-a a nrdcadps- was a very largt attonulanceofo!coun- Brock St. Wbltb.yo community at Fort Whltby WaS dest~. Ments. However, he believed the ed thro*gh tS Va 11198adng, a!> yolcasad xCucîos' ine&to grow. and a. twe-room school Ccuncil should know what they wer, peinting Angus Canieron, of Oshawa, pafl bearers were chesen fren a-' woul beinaçq.ate n aShot tme, oin, ad h appoveofNl. L as ellectrical inspecteor for the toWn. niongst his townsnien, as follows woulisDr.e ina ja l epl shotatire. d uggetid eaon ,e 5r ad-Tn y-a iecudled the rules J udge McGillivray, Judgc 1bl1ntyre, li_ t his Dpr. Med conll r re li t te Mr, Sugetiow n i f v r f and regulations wiih m ust be tol- Dr. hascoi, Sheriff Paxton, J. D. etwnPoee ocntuttc M.Hhetia e nlvre lowed by electricians, te conforin to Howden, .Jas. Rutledge. Pi~'of,.sio»,i Carda wals and leundatalens strongiy ù Putting 80 much iôney into repairs. ticrqieet tVeHdoEed r ca n oai i e ough te permit et an addition o He saidth town çught te-ae(wti 'riso..87in hecty&Gegry e scn ty taytm. esat80108bu httectzn he lengrrn LEGÂL tsecod sto at any tine ui-le sait foras, but tindthe czes hould Mr. Laidlaw brcougt up the 'natter was educated -at tTpper CanadaCol- _ _ _ _ _ _f_ t i o r o uld bf ph e a y sd t bu id al t for a W. Hle tan 5ug h a te u e t th e 'p ro po sed b o o k e t a d v ertiain g lege, T o ro n to , an d t au gh t schv e l ln ,5NO. E. FAREWELLO K. le reo m a If - he My as forgt-IC realld hve aH.oteughtthe uitUs the town. Ile said tint the support Mark-ham Township fer seme years. B seCounty Crewn Attorney and that In view ofthtae act tijat the p e d hav a voteoo the(ls- nZ business men culd net b. de- Laer b.e entered mercantile ie In çonw olcto.Pt ha xpe, jtese esaaîî I a ialy d ddt ak ed upon, and that Vhe town the norti part ef tis ('ounty,luwhore Cfi - ou * n t oct o r. W h t y. apie md erpresste id 'ems l s , oan sit t h s dcl dedn te mp a k l"lt, u ld have to ta kte tihe atter up if he rem a ned until appointed te the Cuttwo previous occasions, is was the members et the Board îf Ed u- te project was te ecredot f) fColyTeaurinheYr f ITe pr posed selling 2000 copis et 1890, wh lh office he conscientousl A. E. CHRISTIAN IlereIY a request te grant new what cation. The -question can tien - betic bookiet, te the town fer, between illed until bis death. Dereü ,s lct r oa l u le t. had b e eu e p e i u , .thoigh d a t wîhm r nt lligently. $ 5 n 2 0 e b ltu u e - a r c a d n un r t s the request uwas imade In a sOmewhat The watering et l3rock street »oii h $15 oaîn d. lub ConvibuentionteMrbe ÃŽcnsany had n tison ad-j Oiôe. Brock St., Opp. -Standard Bank. different Iorm. Ile asked tor figures, nexta caused n lengthy discussion. Tic ntheaotein du CMrveLiown lecment le retaiingi vad- Mee e er tc., to-sh$ow what repaira had been MUayrsai.. he understood tit the as anxius, te have an opinion frin ces; heeas etnaileu o areac done, andnd Vie wiple did net sem deciiehi was tatnrtiing couldbc;h anoaxiut trW rME -ORITLEDOE* Barrmistor, Etc. t0 laver the application. donc ths yenr. -Mr. Lailaw, îo- the flenibers at tle !ýmeeting, as tic public attention ; there was ne cant Moc oLean en easy terms. ee, Th the awa a et nsw Hde ao mc Offie imedîaely outhRoyl Hoel, vertheuht <he aterng soulî bework, if approved, Ãhould be pro- in ils character.I-enste uc 9 Soul beceeded wlth at once. The natter. interested la a score of ideale n Whty n.CONTRAOTORS la the centre et tie town, and 4vOUl" ho~Vever, was reterred te tie Finance Ideas la the Il tVit surrounded kum a('emmittee te be reportedl on at the te keep is eye fixed on the main - G VSJG MIT LL j JeWE L AM S t reqirue asmuch water. next meeting. chance, as it le called. The main Issuer of Carpeater, Builder aadContracter. [{C ,Snld everyene uses the roa and sd halnessfor him as o lîvnite et MARRIAGE LICENSES Plans drawn and est images furnished. would dérive benerlt. ïMr. Halirper, hc ispltse bs ie a CourtHua., hitbyor jdRepaira, Alteraticns and jebbin ,tg ,cencurred la this opinion. ()th-'Wiaid $200O O .0Wh itby wlbhalt te cmuiy l Z_ erpa 1 ndwas à fgeebt for 1Bran.tford RooflIng watering aise, but none need it as ful oJteli ut-jos f .00ind D. A. J. SWANSON 3oX 467 WIIIT. y PhenRe 149 urgentlY as Brock street sou th. triendships. lie leaves a widew and Buitr oiîoNotary Pubic Mr. Ilalletat and Mr. Meere had a BoardI Acknowledges G.ft. famil,' the meniory of a wonderful Baiae, elcto, uli, JORN T. ORN 1V gentie tilt at this junictur lr gonade. osocp~gin Conveyanccr, etc., etc. -eH'%OR. e ieSt sehV aml Ohawa, - Ontario IBALDER and CONTRACTOR Hallett saidthat tee mluch tiîîe was, T ii.late W. W. ranboy, of lov,-- oe d hace s la th r cheeprj ote- - OMe.LNo. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block.4 Plans Madle and Ei-tîmates Given. Put on streets work, and ilot le nough inanvj'p t r. I'-nea l-rliv &pal o et si aens i -erconprfs Rcaidence-52 Drew St. .%11 Kids oet-Brick h~nd -urCretc '%4 erk.On strert-,, watPring. H-e ;ugge.,;ed tice'Viitby (-'llegate Institute, be-ûRavndnns.e iedt Pfiosxs-Office, 321; Residence,- 326. Repaira te Chituney Stacks and -Boliers certain changes. Gis-e Brock .S-tieet l igravi Si e 20)ef and onor c ed 91d a a.....-.......p eýi t y l c- a 1y O n t a r o ut l o orwat r oi i n i m e a. I n o t e W hitiy i-igh S c io o l for t e A Il th o se w h n knew bi aittno u r n for ____DENTAL sysofivsiit yteBadth - - - - W hthy, (i)x 9) On aa'o sy tlat r dd îlt op 3e t eti interest on is sum te i. n dictated to b v tile ire anali .ag;K l py voire and lhie gay spirit w-ýhi-ha W*-ADAMS, Dentiste Office, Dundas- Mgarriage Ltqjenses, ('em1niittee as to howt tîhe annîîînaturrîgevforlreading, ciocutîc Street, Resideace No. 4, the Terracieadseku-s-obekindiv natsure gave liiiiii Dyi~ t.,Whtb. Pon No 12'A. H. ork %,,as te lac (on-iucted. if itr n paagvî ekon a e-nyrls nthe strain Ã"* living Byron __St., __________PhoneNo._122.I isuer ofMNarriage H eauaes fM aicrin igsho"ild 1w loTine the treets tic Tailyza itprize. Or(olipinof >--g C0rn1er lraidhtore, Wtili1i ((Ii artttee shouid have lis grai tat dtc oielorla omncto ~'Plie abo ve info r mîation %a.s -o i e ATJO 17IONE.ER3 -1:11 i t have tlat'u rai-re and -lit Col s <>o-tliai areîdîtinXîaoî ot caio' r L --. - --_ _ - .U, ilitt i a ntl is)l t5- l ilal. ,i ve r ntM .("il'ilrso u d o et r f'-o c BI~H l~ d tti tet' t ~s ile [utret-aa fitii--kig Osawa, Licensed Alictioneer. Suc-eui . b-i aI Tl'liehoari, b% resolutaon aacepted Mi al I l.learda- asuat (mgo> ttL'iirbnktiForaarna, lt îa essage r atSa adi-aarîng, an w iacli Nlr, - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ii cforr F i b n s .' r V nn ~~a- a, va aî-r n liai e w gift and expresse cl su italî , .1u g an-aeapl osl rG.Rb p n t tiaanks toi-tht' s,,aac. Ihics.Tliasteli, of iL xidg(- Was and ate aplv o sI o G.ROb , 'e wilî te lcqu-aaaiî the peopl ie tsta1ws lu lccouaitnet attend tî a 15 iiaaJi i îtlr Wblthy. Whitby and surrounding ce unt-y %'iil, t, i liaaîae anfl Schtjot M7ariage- 1litf "i 1 jle1l fl[l. - - ~~~~~-- ~the tact that we have Opciîed up a fitst- 'l lie M1avor saîid ail tîte c-tst sijoulîl atme t t aaîati i-ees iyes-euted thlea r re- at, ela'tt- .gîa 1xas dfud WM.MBA W - ci.ass iauodry oaî Brock ,lt., W-hibt ai 1,Whomne I)v tile residents altîg rt s rult ei ittc la LICENSEÃŽ> ALCTIONEER Hewis Hreos.' olci stere. tireets watered lia lari' caulal - VI NA Nt 1%, Paa îlt're rît191tl'.tat dat' tat tla - A N D ) V A L U A T O RZ . w . ar c p rep ared te d e al I k nd s O et Ibee n o bto n ln-.vie. I - A li , supliIes$ Iî i lt i ro a i M r ea a, ' i e w a bjectio bI ai),. ai hroug i 1M1r. M r -lali,I asli AI l tslspentyatn-laundry work. Famnily orders given Reeî-e fatenaan ft'ored u. att-r ig <- îauai-v (at,prerunii 60.0 <itii gn orGog irfto t 'ed to. Arrangements 'fer sales can sialat inBi wr urned hroc'k street Sîaath once a (la.%tta*i' cAaraia ioaksGo ltatati-orge losiasktaitot-, ~madeal GaetteParceisralled tor and delivered. tis surnnier. Oiehaxtia-îl' I . ie.5 =4 tthe Gzteoffice. 1.2: fr i unof$o.Tecahrnv - - . eaenbl.t L Aihaap a., I..-t- - i -a. -- - - -f rhi-ua-f 101'h pt,.,. iIlndIndependent phones. LIlarles W ar --Whitbyt Ont couîd be res-ised. schoeol > magea-nt and laeciiiewi)ch Mr. -'-O;--"- 'as toi saeaua gtttatd'at f-WrC o cici naaa"( '(n t ca $20, alcl'a re ýýelin WlIIBY, NT. - - -Ifer.Oihl'vsdcitaivoifoî. lga. u atr arir. 15 un-steli 'as given thelrile t ~A M R Y L~ EATRE lien on d ut tuere .1.11i. DTuu n & ('o., c<îal 2856- evokoing the sale witifn a.Zeriod o gt-e hn leksret soulthfi it luouId Scilutl. al\GIM-;six nionilis. This vas suibsequentlv R O A Hcost Vie town a ver). large sufia f llar Tc t anieîtt a vuii-a sderc ex tentîed o a year, by Mr. Keutti, on FA M N H UL U HG LS OICPCUE. the balance of tie castwia-ih ilia api-toao 1 Belfor an lis ou-n atirhorit>-. 'buvards the enîd Open every evening. e in wsjs.iltrai1c sir, reroiîîuoenol that O! tie year MnI. Tunsteli, tirotigb mahne hANisa ces1b ad rEO$1.00t apWe have insaled anew Sirnplex Finaiiv, the Fi-<.a(] igiat oai- an ÃŽceae b radefieaus: ofiaeUxbridge, cn WA TE I outlyflceres nite Wa ake o naand easyth sin o ah e onale dthe eotatoeyes.tbac hs We ou ilelaous o sburan and aothedayegs,. c eai, arrangements for x'aterinig the Street N iateraiher 1i îiaorîeV, 9giang back tic ýots, accord-1 We .5llal ca4gs f ubrbn ad atrdy igh, octoai. an question, anti-hy next tounctil ()n nîotion(ta!NMi.ss ltwei the, ing te tic agreemient. Ile did net coutry reatl catate. E very day BAIN PERRIN, Manager. meeting a peaaea iaa cudScrtive -eHîii a i sîrtsacceetî in seciaring bias nonet., and h..w 'a" e elquirleat for omne claat-- -prebabiy be'vomlccd eut toîr tte i- e cto>write tira liatait of li' iBoarad, t-anseqaenti a suit W-as Vhe resuit. of preperty in Ontario, anti we mainder et tic scason. toi Principal i-xilE ,altet!ctt r hasra.e Ti-nto insay have thmpurchaser whousecan Mm. T. Aird MuFray and Mi-. 0w-es dtîlene onlis iati eraeaua Keiti, toratended thnt icertaîin letters vnwd yo.u have t-o seîî NOTICE iu STUDENTS j werc present and presented blue priait Mr.-- îauoc.s Iasil)l(iitîaetl Chiair-f that bila been written -by Tuisteli plans wiici it ýu-as pi-otosed te sub- niani of tie c Slitul l1raihei-r1 oti i-e [lii in the nature et annotice te Thte riaraueiet of 8b~ a isBui.- nit tri the tenijerers for w6rh-on thle illiiter. revoke the ngrf-icntt hut %vere mere- vJOl-N FISH-ER & eo20 l q C10RTrnobg tsIie seçverage systein. Tiese plans were, Imo-cal itne%-iaaaavdtai si)(-]vinq-><,<i fabpot tre'nots.Ie d net g -i l IIigl w r e ut o i h in l d af i a ' 4 lame s- i al e v a p ir.i-l ' ( l t l' io-ait ricsl a i e n otic l t le a Ise 409 Lurn-sden Builiding .'-loo tatllaerittq, tia«t tis preparet by the Couricil som-e weeks ago. uintcCtiad ax ar-a.'lilbe ien lt-un t(tir tine mention- TORON-I--Ooaa itita c(i[y of ils curiiint T R N Oauay o u a io eires t te ajalify ii a So'me 'aarrmdiscuonutoa eekplace as te ask for a sîaîîî atr aonev for tt'cril, and tIant e-en aftcrwxaro thti ne- .iotrt.iteriotl att6 ar s811o0a101q for a te sugges tea changes iaa thli' westemn enection of a iltwvscboý latha thtt J Cssai- rca-iircuucnts wcre faot fui- a'J)( alauaf1l)ita i oli.iiAdJi-î'ats Part et.tice teo-n, but fie out-corue senti i-i ardad ho lestai iia'ating fille(]. waVieapoviotepasnsub and ventalat ion ssteisiua thet' igfi l~ji aiSap rs-xri iIY.l a lcî 'iag & Gera-iaia Stat. itd i ao."onSlctrSbe.Mi- Keiti. h-o show tint he hnd (le- and Mnr. Lowes ae osubtit t-hem Affer smpcesidrrabit' jlttacussierai itierntel 'v fied te w'tiield frein I I . s f t e ti P ro v in c ia l B o a rd o ! H e a t i s th c m o tio n c a r i-e -J. a , an ne n d uîe n t T u n s te l t ie p -o p et a d ire ss ef B a - Jus. ieaH8 &319$ eo1asposibesetint tic ap- eedb ettiowtn i ee--rett, and that he endeavomed -te de- s E D P TAT ES fac~v-l t tc Bart mx' ic btnn ece eH~~c xeningant xentiation, Iay the pra-iectings until tic year SEIPMS -Purthler stSleCual for scoil eiecthv hrfing beenj dcfeatr tiThe moyen of tint notice had been given withlnthe nra Liey -fi-tli Ne'w Brunswick Was a t l eied tint Mm. Ma- the reqttirett imprevements te the had béen carniet on tewrards tie end Ellate Besto,. solia>itom flice specifcations, onait- making 'ttwo bites of a cherry," by Mient, lildgnient for piaintitI. Dra1Buine ilBs i Triaiopi 1Bag 90 lUs. $1,40 ting tie tecînicai parts~ and aIse deing -thie eating anid vcntilatingt-- Eaulyand - - s 1.a0tic draft fomrs et advertising fer now, an4 the remainden at anotier We have n few Bagli Delawares tenders. If was- desircd that cen- ine.- Bus te aIl train. and COIbbier4 fer table use, gooci tain clauses, suci as amounts e! Tic property ('ommittee waas in- bonds asked, ine witiin wlicî werk structed te -present tic requet oet quality, pier Bag $1.10 l9-to be finshed, etc., sieuîd be pass- tic Board te Council. At the meet-- ATO-MOBILE FO'R HIRE; erd no by Vhe solicitor before being dcfl- ing of tic committe beld on Mo-n- 0eyappnnvcd and incerporatet! an- day night e t Vils weekit was r.gled Rigs of all kindat Comnptoîns Ear]y -$1.80 Misses Pewcll aPpealed freinth-- tax permanent improvements te nilia igi tAYO NI T, W.CE- Deint 1. 6() laccd on 1 their brick bouses on Eut'-.Sehool, whih includcd san*'fnrv cen-f DA O huT. Ipi. Leamîng 1.40 street. The. Cierk ndmitted tiat veniences and ncw science romo-i. Sec Mari. Sou. white 1.40 a leical errer hmd eccurncd la Ccaan- report of Counicil meeting in miiiotierý Bell1 phones-39, 14 and 74.1 Prices are for Unîbroken- Bags, ail tie Council tierefore erdereti tint A representative o! tic Pense Fur- Seeds a vlne been tested b y 810 be remtitted on Vils account. naue Co. waited upon tic '3<and an-d StbeQn fie overamentAnls. The Old Girls' Association wmte prescntcd plans tor tic ieating of Stab es nd ffi e: nal st.ask ng tit garbage cans and waste the Iig i Scpoaol, whii e i i ien iers paper baskets be provlded on the of Me Board caretully obsenvcd. i.l ep1 N Wfitbig ont. A, H, Oowney & Co. atreets, se tint thie town may b. Mm. Scott, caretaker et the 1-11gb keptafil neater and cleaner cendi. and Henry Street Scionîs, askcd for- Whlby On. ieF. 4VanV 1fnerease f per w la insaiary. wh-t, Piv --tdets ivig- -r he to - oPoet Cmnte.0 0..GOoDnR IEW SPAINI fait aisiypiiua e je EXTRA, SPECIALS 130ys Wor Sho SI, o e Pels he Str i4se revivng large shîpments oft-the latest S't 3TÂNDARnmicl D «Pupmw wo di B " ~ RONTO ' ,cu TOI C. A. MeClojla, aagr * ~u6.s a BowmaniileBpookfln <C. A. cci:ln OZL14 Manager)..PPkerin g ad pSpl Nsw Mpis yrup Pure, ýand Highest Grade tbat - Ghall cans ae A- Tu LALER WHITB3YF ONT. Phones; Bel], No. 47; Jndependent, Ncs. 47 EARLY 01-110 Garden Seeds New and choice Our Bulk Seeds are the llnest obtainable. Wu Bu PRINGLE &CGO, WMITBY eNTURie i~ - - -m - -- Ibo% WRIJER DECARE. THEM ONT PAPER, PEN. AND- JNJ< BOUGHT'4\T- Wu J.efH.RIGHARDSON'S_ BROCK ST. ITü STATJONERY 0F ALL KINDS MAGAZINES .AND BOOKS EARLY SIX WEEKS and IRISH -COBBL ERS For late - - - -- >- -- -- ~ a ARCII11V *u.f~ U!IENLITfl I I - <'t ~ -<t A- fi -T' h t. -v. - footweà r. Wé hav"e SI 1 ýBoys? L MAY Seed Potatoes 1 For early we have