Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 May 1914, p. 3

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kI*ésinetS Of No AvaIl--MUSt ç~ird Through the Blooci ~Why are there emaniy taiu-ures re.getof rheumnatismi ilàY re g o .y suffererg re.igned *p ~ o!pain, epiigo f (j-rheU naÉ -d'eeaa.y frettneirt thoet m ceanot bulld up dPur fythe blSod. hepoisonso Otr URifm &r' , i-i the b'd, kànd Çb is oiiiy thrçýugh ' the bload th~t 'thi dift C . î'a u b-3 f ou.gr-t. suc- oCea.fuli'y. Unleeste b!od, fis wea.k S And !tmpur'e rheuraaftmm Ca-nut g ,tùo,tk , Wheirn it'does th& th' bind in.puro bi!,oc-z is not st-onýjg .sog eoverrc.nie 'the pmian aIIS It nibat bit etren#thenc4d *Cd purified. Dr. Williacai3' Pink Nle' for. PMe Peéple arethe best blod-buldbsg me-dic4is you Sen àgàaJae They ma-ke new bI;c-ad wfth 10.ry dme &nd prom-pvly chec-k fur- bthe-r progretm. of th2 diczase. They mke thle blood 9) purem d ctrcng th"4 not thie lea-ýt tracDe of r.heuia,- tiom rem.a«--ue, Mr. IL. J. sinc-a.ir, - Garien ..ganys- "About two 1cr g was laid up Mith r-heu- nxsie.,For iio inonths I could nQll walk and luad to etay in ac f.nvafld's ehair. My <oc--t wcre bad- ] y ewolle-naîd muy arms Eîenid tô be paýre-.lyz'dci. h-ad been usig doctor's l --3fer a long time, but it d:I!<11 at -e-zi-nt-ohelp me, and lfite dorto-r finallJy told me that the only -ting that %wul-d viure m-e wiouud be a dihaxge of climate. Ait titis tirine 1 d-2-cidcd .1to give Dr. Wii- - Hiixsa Pink Pille a. tria-l and got -a Aùvp1ý' Afte-r I, hait ta-ken thiem for-a while I foux-d th-ey were -lie] Inn ie, a, mld I gota furither SîîPPly Y andI they coonpl-etcly cured ime, and 1II&îave not beetn sick c-ne day Si-nCe. 1Ir-trongly recmnend Dr. XViI- lialivi -\Piiîk Pis for t-hi-s trouble. " You -van SeVt-habse Pille f rani any' deaier - îiîmedicizies o-r -by mail, potpai-d, at-50 -cr iLsa. box or six boxes for $2.50 by wr-;timng The Dr. Ont. (.IVI CIIILD IIEAItT DISEUSE. Rhesuiaalle Microbe Cimme.s 350ouOt of 500 Cases. _Rlicmuratisi% -ta preîventible dis- *e-ase, ace.ording te Dr. Poyn-tion, w-ho Ietured, rccently at the Institut-e -. of Hygiene, London. By rheu:ma- ticum lie not <niy unes-n-thiie erribly pa*nfur dieuse ini the joint-s, but uITtp}ýdisease ;f -tn a saîd$ "I -ook tîpon as, essen-tal l - - An infeetiOni wîLh a micro -organism -a minuta'streptococcus or dI-Io- ocuSe" ls -lowed -antern sud-es to prav6 his c-dtte-n-tjo-n. Tlhen he wve-Ut o-a to pot -ut thiat, hoelit- - tie uSe-cisof futuir-0 trOul11le wee ,/ýwn Wf ier-'whez ai1u aur great aitles, and .1hat tlie firgt effe'cfs th.ey pro- duced-were on qw«ite younug children, miottinla hé fo-rn of lieart disease. 0f, course, riteuiuatiF,-m is-ot te j aniy caus.- of h-cut trouble in chul- tiren w-ho are lest than twelve years of age, but Dr. J'oynton's iuotèbook e.h-o.ws d -of 500 caises in wh1--i a hi-art wa-s afectetl 350 coudd be ti-at(et i tarheum-t %tran. -Tho infettion se-m.î to lue î'veryý.- where, but tii-e-rtare certain cni t-omis that lnaJvC achild veî'y re-c-c- ii-ve. First of ail, D)r. 10-nton I muîch. moàre f-querit ii e arly-h! eI amugst .the po-i-t-m- lass2 Nexl contes hoead-iLy, and after flînt cli- miat-e. Me do-)es no-cithink that diet ha-s a-ny bèarirt -tipan tlic cattrati-on cf uisase in c-hcI dh-ood, thatg-h pas- tai-bly laVer in Hie il. ra>- pi-oduco onm ait-aration i-n lue beliavioîr (i! thii-nfecti-on. LIVING ADI,«Elt'rI8E.1IýNT ti how- of Ileatlt u'ksfrl>ostumî. It requires no -o txientiaic tranuingi bd icoe wlietlî-er tea amîd'oouf!e-e disagree. Siniply gtop h-otu foir a tinte anud uee P-ustiu-m îlus-te-ad, then note the Uciieficial efftcts. The trutis wii "Six years agcu 1 ;;as in a ici-y -I was then an iniveterite coffea driuker, butit -î- long before fi could te pers-uadî-d titat it nas co-)f - fe Vha.t hu rt ni e. Eî -lh 1y 1([PCci-d-ed to icýavo ib off s few days and fluti it uit trut-h." (Tea isî,4jmitt as îiii- jiurlousq because it contailethle saine deug, o-fan. - -rXh fi-rat- morning 1 left ,off coffea I lieda ragL*ng iteadavite, s-, I de-4 cided I mnlýs!t lisse coin-et-ing t ta-ke the-plaeof coffèe. " (Thte heat- ache was cauaed-bythe reamicu oif tihe.c'offee dug--caýffeine.) -"Having - ie-rd of Pc;&tuum - trough a- friend wito îîeu-- iti1 bouglit a packageasud Vried it. I did not iike i-t-a-tfinýt, but after I leanneal hon' Vo rueke it riglut, se- oerd-iag 'te directions on.p-kg., Il -w>ltCh ange1) lek t o 1caffe («h)r auîj'th ug. "1When I began t-a - ePoyueVoa1 ueighd enly 117 hitsý. Now 1 we-ig-h 1,70, &asa I have nut tek-rn a'uy lonio Ifa tim VllI31J an o'uly at-,tri- butte nuy pr-eent grl-od ieaith tu,- the lime, -o! Pc"Stt icilplace Of Ooffe-cl. '"My hus-band says I am a, living ivert-isenuent for Rtet-ua.' Neame - given. b>- ' t-leCaaai P-oetum C'a., W-inàdEur, Ont - pot-týui-tuDow collu -nw-i f r m-: 'Regiîlat' Pottîtît - mustt e -l -de'c. A ferýuconfiîl disgolve-4 quîck- ly lu a ciup uf Jhot %vat-x and, with cri-e-aland -ugar. makci a à,dilic"iîs beverage îmsttuly; 30e antci'50e -Tule c-ast c-r cup -if bot-h kinid- i - -otte -saueI. - "The-c' a Rascn~"for Preti. --&o6d- by- Grooers. - 11 Bad Tiret!h -soft Water Areas. Proba.hly itwii<libe newà te most people ItlÏý-b the condition 'of tlhe t8eetit-epecàiy of ohUldren,-ie gpverned tqo a, latrge exkent, by -the eharacter o! the 'watmei habit.ualty drunir. In I ra'taes wverfl the wa- ter îs 'h2,rcl"--1tha , eooinin a high pa-r*c&-e A ~<limie,-.thre Iuhl-es- de4macd -pr the. Ie SSce'1 ply'o o! ri:ý-Xmg water &ë "Sioft." This -1 lt, hvebeen euspzsoted, ara lime enters a 1rgely in-bothe com- pc-siv-on aofeth burt it is only re-, o-.ntiy titatibte matter has bee-n st- tled by .e-e-tifie iinestigation. T<he inu-ry gnew out oo bieervtio f t-h- wdr.read prev&lemue of "de)-- - aLare -decuy'ed ispote i-n t-eeth --among sehool children n a-, land. There, as in ýtit-î .,courntry, more-sad more attention la be-lng given to th~e contRition of eclhoci- ohiddrem's teet-h beca.use of the dis- ant-roue effece o f bad -teet'h upon the geneuraihealth. - -bCiiren w-ho appe.ar bad-ly nour- ished, rsrely have-ound teeth. Bad, tee-th mes-ny ilwaye cause digestive disturbances, and lan the'course oi tirne sasy be reeponsible for defec- tive eycâight, which so often maires backws.r-d pù.piIe cof chiîdren who are normally briglit and' eapabk et titeir IessK>n-. - The suspicion thart the character ef t-ie water hambitus-lly drunk lins mucit to do with the condition of the teetFli was a-nply ju-sgtified. The in- quîry was very titorougli, being con- duct-ed În loalities euupplying waber o-f total haxruesse, of temporary haiîdneesa and of pc-rnianeîî- ha-rd- neFie. tîîder en-cii o4. these conditions thle c!hi]dire-a examnin-ed numbe-red eiglîty. The per-ceinta-ge of tisose hayiug four c-r more d-eca-yed Veeth varied in a mno-st oonvincing-uin.ner a-ccoiding ta the hardness of the w-ste-r sup~plied i-n theîr lorality, thie remark of the inver-t-igator being enîmhui,.tic that: -.1i "The h-a-do-r t-he w-ate-r tlie belter the teet-.<<. It wae al-sýo fou-nd that "-the 1kwer the infant mor-ali-y' '-t-lie sinaler t-h-e pe-rcr.n tage-o! deaths in in fart-cy WHAT MOTHERS SAY 0F BABY'S OWN TABLETS Thocusa.iid-s of muoth-ers use no other inedicine for their little ones; bu-t4 Baby's Own Tabletg. Once -a mth-er Las used -the Ta-ble-te eue wi]i us-a nu fillier inedicinle. ()nerning thPm Mr'. Gea. M. Binn-s, Clifford, Ont., 1 writci' -:c1î-efind Vwenty-IIve1 cents f-or amother box aif Baby'-s1 Own Ta1Ects, &a; I would riot bc 3Nvithoiit t-hiem. Whe-n baby is croiEs an-- ailiug 1 give hini a tablet or1 ti-o and lie is s<.,rrnu well a-nd hîappy . again. I ku-o ai -no otho,- ine-di-cine 1 t-o 'qîîai thein <'inUflnd t-hein f ai' supeitiar ta Castor aoil." The Tab- le-t-s are goldi by-medicinotîta-en krsr b.v mail at 25 enmts a box frà-m Thua Dr. Willia-ms' Medicine (io. Brd'r-c'k-i ville, Ont. aCO.OPEIIATIION I N BUSSIA. Great l)eveloî,nent oa i Mtîmai Soc,.i- - eties of AiU hinds. It is probahly -pot geucrally kn-ow-,,that l1u-shuàrank-s-itecon-cij luioixg the oîîntries of the wo.rld wvîaî respeàto th -le ninnber 4A co- openri-tive s.ocieties withiu its UVer-1 ritrory, being surpaissed &nly by Gernîany. The ca-ocpe r&tive ruave - tte use of agricultitrai runchinery, e-tc. Altog«eîcr, tiierefore, I he-re are at the presettday in Ilu!.si a s01T19- 30,500 co-operative socicties. Thiýs ie ry ccnsiderablle dev-el-îp- menit i4 due ta a numbér -of causes. 'Fler-e lias withou-t doubt been ant âw akeningeof tl ie w-irking lsss andi 'specia!ly of t-he agricultutral el-ass-es. tj ia co--ci)u4,-ne-es o! tiieir c42iTnmon intereE.te and a re-aliza-tiun of the value of! ealf-heip. 'There are in -the couitry d--triets rnany peuple cf Ru-peri-ir înteliîgmé-e, an-d it is Übraugli their efforts that ma-ny dif- fere nt.co-cilerative iwm-titiit-iîîs havé been foundeti. "il- - IA omEOI"oE C(UWÈJV BY D0DD'S RIDNEY PILLS. -Mri. E.- Handke Tells , New They Sent IlimBack to Work 'and Saved Hlm Kuch Money,. Vanbrugb, -Ont.,. May, 18-(Sfpe- oeal).-On.s mort nmuhî h.proyed V ou rs ti re foîre b"i'aek is odd's kidney P-llre. Thatt mi i. Mr. E. Haudke, a woldl-kncwn reqidgrt cof thie place, and .he- late-llinrgh1. friends,thas Dedd's Kidîney' Pîll> zaved him much lest tinie, aaid suf- eeiu s well. "I Wsae laid -up wibh .ooe-barek,'- Mr. Haaxdke faye. "At timtee I waa ntable to geV Up- la Vhs ,ncruug; But'byte ime I itud Vakon one box of Dodds KidneyPleI found titat te Pain was gettiaig leua, sad by teimie I had taIe-n six boxes 1 -was nil rigitt and s-ble ta go te work agairi. '"I wa-nV tae-ay t<>any imnw-ha suffe-r from tore back thrat Dodd's Ki4d;ney Pill a-r-e thbe on-iy rexnedy 1 wo-i-ld reom-mend. They saved m-e a large dootor's bil-a-nd muai lbat tirne." So-re back la one of Vhe eym-ptes1ýs cf Kidney lDiseas. > The natural way to cure it la Vo cure t-he sick Kidmîcys. Dodd's Kidney Pis cure sick Kidneys'. If you have't Vried tiýen yoursclf, ask your neighbors. Every neighbo-rlood in, Canada lis soe man or woman who bas been- cuirad by Dodd's Kidney Pille. Swinburnîe iIad Narrow Emcape Fromu Drowivîng. Enuglisli poet, se-emne-d -mun-ue fraru #1l t-he maladie-s that pursute îînfo-r. tunaVe- ma-nkind. Wnitîng of Swin- burne, in "Portra.its and Sketche%, " Mr. F.doenud Gosse says that he did [lot know faigue; hie agility and b-rightnesr, were îîntiring. Mis vomir- a-go and zest as a batîto--r were su- pert. Whe-n he was a very little clild, hie fa-ti-e-r, the admirai, hîad taîîglut Iîim ta be feai-lees i-n ite Na- ter, by taking lirnm up in -hie ari-u- and flurging lujîn amnu-ig t-he wavee. At E-t-ou. sai-'- bis cousit>. - Algernum coild sw-iiiîî forever.."Vet, i qa youung ma-n, i' ha-d a verv nn-rr4ow eseap.efri di'oviing. ,Swinbu-rne w-as a daiig bauffeî, anîd lie love-d ta, go to Eti-etat ha- cnîîoo t-lie -io PO it i i 'vsfur Hwim- ming i-n the s:s, were ro -axeelteut tilere. On ài certain IFrkla-y h tkthe late summner. 1868, about ten 'clock iu the îuîcmrning, the püet -went alo-ne ta a s-litai-y puint on t-he estte-ru -s-de af 0u epiag2, thz Porte i'Amunon]t (for lUcre is ie real liai-bon at Etrz-tat). t-jk off hie çloîlies5, anud piunged in as was hi$s w<rnt. A few ii-nte,> la-ter a ruam çailed Coqise-re1l, wlîo was on th-e out-l-)ook a t thie sema-phono, ae-t Vie ~foot ouf tihe cliffs tonithe atst-ern side o! te bay, Iteard cries foi- lIp a-nd pieucing escreainîs. I-e chinubot up ain a -takrock. anti %aw tt au.swirnînen. who adi beau ca-uglit by lt-e tid-e, whliclm -su, vei-,y swiftiy at that plaee, wa-s Ite- ing lurri-ed olt to tS-ta, iin Spite tof - b--,s violent vti-uggleq. As i- wa-s im- poess'ible foi'.('oquerel tu do aýny- thing aise t-o lieupe ttcdnrôwn;*nug m'n, lie stnrted to race &long tii-e3 .s-bo"re to Et-ne-ta-t, whem lhe saw the Mn-re-Mert--e, n-e cf the fialiiu-g sruacks o!fte village, conte rotund j-lic point-. Coquerai caliedti t the bort-tuait, and -direectcd Itir a iie drifting and srdoutiug tua-n. Thte captain - f fthe sma-c- v ci-y q t'ickly itnden-st-od t-héesi tuation, sud foliowed -the p-oct. wiiunau long- t-r struggled, -but mupprrted him. self by flotî-tiiig ou t-lie, sfdfae a! t-le tide. Tlue %iva-tet- as liitiryiug ii along so jwiftl> tha-t the' buat comlt no-t 1iük hi-m up ntil i-V lid- neacli- cc a point a uileWt t îrtliva-çt ,,4 the emnoieru poin-t (if 1E;rtat. UThe fisherma-n, w-base n-utcw-as Vattixu. du-î'w the 1pue-t ot- f tâhe wiater. (suptain Vallin w-as fot miwh- le-s astu-ihet ab is c uatine ihan thit, Icatians w--re ut iirs, foi- Swinbiinne disple3-ed Li5 sue-,,il vive- ei-y. 'Te weatbct wns glouius; Oire re-mciteîs îîî hed thle pa)et's body Siî th loeirt -ici-ty uahn us. a nd i ti? 'i theîy urapped -Iiru ir, a spair s.ail, aven wlucl, his rmane 4! ,raugle- rttddy heur wtt-e eý pl-e,,IIti t dry. He b-grtn ta pi-cadi ta the -aptai'u and bis ni-r, whi mirri-iitîîded him in t-aVt ii-omis approval. t--le doct-in-esi o!f Reptiblir, anti -titan lie reited t-o t-le-nu - by tht bouir filer' -be pciems uf VWýtoÈ ilugo. Thay gave hlm ,s<,me food, sud in t-h-a oîtrsc ouf Pi1e nurning the Marie-Martite, with h-ar singular stipercargo, ta.ek- cd ;nto flue harb-,r of Ypoft- WilII Quickly Cure Aiy Sour 8tOMa64h l)uriug t-le la-st- feu yeJirs, alac, Relleves Full 4se After *Meals. j ie ruling easrshave -een -alea.rly t-be uece&»ily for tneuia¶gfhae 'Whan I waa workiag around the tieve!opmeu-tofthffle' co-operat-ive fs-im lest wint-ar. 1 had an atteck afInla mov-i-ment. Recenîslaws sud inea flamma-tion - riteer~. E. P. Dawkius, stre, reatng > c-(jer.ti)tiw i fPort Richmoud, - was wesk for a hav'-e u retin t-o e-êeit atitiufojlong îirnf, but well enauglu ta woi-l bave.ng coa) Fn-t -o;ffe- rai fi-unti pri ng. But aomet-hing weat- Iowîtg: (a laW5<n ct-apeiative witlu my baweus fan t baC ta use cî-J-: o t'e yar 1t95,191 ,ndsaits - or physhe aIl the turne. My 1910; <t) ruade- idnes ao i te year stamnacit kefit saur. anC atwaye after 1907 for dietribut-i'e W-(tciis an-deastIng ltaie tvaë pain aud fuineasand foi- ogripultural 'co-operativ&- socl.e- all the symptoma afIintestinalI mdi- fies for purchase and sale; (c) m-o- gestion. Not-iig iuelpad me untIl 1 used Dr. Hs-mlton's Pilla. Inslesd af de-I rtile-e of 1908 for socie-ties for hurling, jîke at-ier pilla, t-ity act-ad agriciiltui-al impi-ovemet; (d) thc ver>' uîiîy, anC eeemed ta heai lte laws% o! 1902 on co-aperatrlve ocle- boweîs. 1 did net raquira large doses ties for production; <e) -medel1 rulea t-agel resuitswit-h Dr. Hs-milîon's Pilla,. ço! j»3 for agriculturai co-operalive sud feel so glad that 1 have found a c-trImes.mili yet certain remedy. Ta-day I a-m ~, wel-na pain, no sour otIclach 4' - good appet-ite, gbi ç ta diges- ayhiag. Titis te a wbaîe lot 0f good for oane IjNPIICUC. -medicine to do, and I cen say Dm.: IPs-ýt. wlieun as ,kyoafr-at ma-r- Harnitton*s Putes are lte best pitte, and ried 1" Mike -ase. my letter, 1 amn sure, proves 1t, "At nineteeýn yes-rs lit n'.as,"7Pal Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- repled and,ýbeorr,, Id nvertans& Pilla af-Mandrate anad Butteraul, repled, and begrra- I' uuee~ old lnayplw baxes, 25c. Ail dealérs4- 'mari-y s-gain--So young if I ehould or Tite, Cat-arthozoner Ce., Kingston, liVe t bethe -ge- 0fXeVihuteral." - Ont. Ontaxiinj1912thie efficeency of isd *àîs 94y2'per 1cenbo. --From Vie r-e- Day -icind fsthat î- everY -203 )fs-mi bbOWm'-gs cur',49-were rodlerd w-ýiiie 5,21 -pcFcent., but u0"o! eve-ry 2910fa'm buil_<Ungssc'biruek by rode werë o--n gtd. Liihti1ng T-ode in 'iowa are re-' cord1ed s-a - hewlng s-a efficieacy of - 98.7 per cent., and,"i,-acpeted rode i - Michigan eito-w an efficiency o! é9per ce-nb. Recorde in Iowa Ehwthatfor te eight y-ea-r 1905- 1912 thi average nitiübe-r o! insur- &acse, ompwni-es dsrryi-ng ni5ke cen rodded buildings w-as 55. The u&gh-- e-et a-iisber o!foimpa&niieareporiýVng ia a-ny en-e year wae 68 sad ge 14w- est 46. Tite -otai -llghtning claims ps-id by s-l1 thefe coenpanied1 for te wh-ode ci-glt years on rod-d'eâd build- Ilngs wa-e cinly. f84,464.0--an ave-r- age a!f $10.15-ýpc-r ompany pa r year. Oia unrodd -buildi-ngs tliey ps-id iig-h&ni-ng dIaims anioun-ting t-o the large ýu-m o! $341,065.32, wWhh-l is an avurage cýf $775.15 per co-mpany per year, a-nd t-le nunîber o! unrod- d-ed bailtlings was the same as tha r-ddtl one. In Michigan iviere a vompany ln- bures vuiy roddaed buildings wi-ivi have bren -ineDected s- risk of 855,- 172,Q75'-was oa-r.ried during four years, and da.mage disariýsi-ng frvom Jgbf-lgduri-lg tt t-mue V-otaLled -ny$32.1 Thesa &M otiter proofs subaui-t- -ted by Prof. Day are practical d-emn-tratio-us tof the 8cien-tifie fact ilt t igitnin-g racle pro-p&nly « in- Etal-led as a -Protwtion. la givi-ug dira-ctions for te proper ro)din-g o-f biiildiiiga tte reader is re-mi-ndcd t-bat lighVninÉ le elcetricity. Prof. .1Day ar-soLerts tat i-ad-s E-ould b i-n miet-allie con-nection with the build- ing wnd_hat nu insulator-s. shoul be u-scd., This method (4 attnebi- ment is dire-ctly oypposite Vo that adopted when lightning rode wg-re iret used. L'very giIF Jont Uimbered, - heumatism ûCured That OId Fa!mIIy Remedy "Nervillnt" la Guarantecd for the Woret CURES Cases. NEURALGIA, BACKACME, LU M AGO. llleuatienu imitù-diy bu- uuîaecesery. ILte su welt ,inderstood and 50 read-_ Iîy curable that avary day we have re- parts afi aid chronies being freed ai ta!- tai-menter. 'il Cati speak confideutly aofltae Nar- viline treaiment, for lte simple rasoit .tal lu cured me,*" wrlt-es Albert B. Corneliue, fi-arn Kingst-on. "Yau csn't Imagine luow stiff sud lame sud sora 1 was. Nîghte et a lime 1 couldîît sieep weii. I faîiôwed t-ha Nervilina dlrec. tions carefuly-had it rubbed t th le sou-e reglans four or five times evei-y day. Evar- rmtbbing helped ta reduce te paitn. Tite swellng weut dô)wn. I gtai nfaim- neasure ai relief iln a week. I also took two Ferrozomie Tablets with my meals. They - ncreased my appatite sud spirite, pîtrified my blooti and toîmeti up rny systein generahiy. *' arn as weil ta-day as a mau coutti be-lu perfect good healtit. I gîte Nerviline ail thme credit.'. A large family size bot-t-le of Nervi- -tUne Caste uuiy 50c., or thte triai siza 25c., sud Is useful lu a ltundi-ed fis lu thie famlly. Wliether It's toot-iache, eaahe eadaclue, tieuralia, lamîe back or a coid, Nerviline w-I cure just as readily as Il wili cure rheuma- tism. For famiîy use netltlug equals Narviline. BRIDAI, P.AI'1 'A Il'Il N G. WVitt ih'eauue orthe 11Bm4idegîooul Tweut-y vears agi),in -one 4f ai d Sliet,!fiad Isliatid,ia ,bri<ial trty wasL aîuxiouýSly waitiîug t-heat-rival 4À die br'idegroam ud lis fripuds. TUe hWr Ur arrived and -passd, but, nu buidegrooïu came. He n-as coiti- ing by boat f-loin an island at mille dis-tance, bu-t atbouglh brigh-t oye-s scauaed t-li e.calu îno aigri of the boat cottld betei-en. Afier waititug for tourte* fi-m-e it- party broke up wii-a good deal ouf anxitty. Tite bride. w-itlu a sad hear-t, put off lier brida-i dree.e, and b er itrotiers set sail fior 1te bnidegroom's home, Vo flnd omitlte eassn o!f-lis o-ap- pearauce. WVien tluey gat te-ne t-bey wera tuld t-bat tI-Èie wedding party lied 1lefIt-luhe island i-n good Vime, that te son thad been smooth -S glass, and fluet mua danger could be a.ppreliendeti. Wêekg, went by, a-ad mon-thqanad ytai-s-, and neyer a word or tsigru of the Ioet bridegr00m. TUe event wQs forgotten -by all but a few intimately coucerneèd, un-tia short- Vii-e ago. A party P o aiiists went to expledie a ak,-barmen ikihet, ead as they walked Wu-ong Vhey camre upcxu a number of ho-n-e in s- -hollow'i-n the island. Fi-ea certain signs tiie-ie comld be îno doubt flua-ettiswae ail t-bat rem'amned o! Vhs-t bnidraiparty. FI-nding tieniselves toc> soon for tihe ce-re-mony <sad it le bs-d Vasbete >ai- rive ta abon) Vliey -bs-clgene as'hcre on t¶bia Ëocky'islig~, ad their boat- lied drifted far f-rom dic u-sual course. Thiret and -itunger hac don-e thie: .reet. i-91afe te A8sL î "Dà yý>uthk calnflv sI pour 4e&igltertu Marty me " - "I aml aune o! it. Site told me âhe would-n't marry yemî if you were te lest ms-n on ertit." CT ICURA SOAP And. Cuticuri Oihtment. They afford a purew.,sweet and economni- cal method of preserving, purify-- Ing and beautifying the àkln, ecaIp and hair. For distressing eczemas, rashes, itch ings,: Inflammations and chafings of Infants, children and aduits Cutieura Soap and Cuti- cura Ointment are most effective, CuticurasOmoap OItme . it are sflld throuibout thle worid. AÀliberaisl moe a oscli.. lî32-pago boakiet on the caro and troitment .g! the skla and *raip, ont Doit-tree. Addrc4s Paner DruîàéCbeu Corji., Depg. 7E. Booton, U.S&.A. WATTO BEtHEALTIIYI Tiien rat LObS1tk NoveI Advle Peptonized. ik ~ca.nd pancrea-tizedl cereais for cIiiLron and gréen vege- tables a.nd fruit for people with over-active stom.lachs have 3ust been rounidiy denounced. by a fanîous Briih officer naxne'JW'., S<it-au Fenwick in a iectu'te oindigestion at tue Ingtitute.p of Hygiene. lie put in a good word for the lobater, and rexnarked thaît the <ver-active sto- mach, apt to prod uc-e an Qver- seoretion of acid, ivas a mserious cause of idgst>,andi' wa.s pos- be~c y na.ny lindonert3. Dr. Fenwick gave the following advive to busy and, ienergetieic en who suifer from this cause : "The substances whieh almosat nvariably disatçree are green vegetablei, ane. fruits, thoughALtk. s4areky vartet.ies, such as. potato, cau]fl-ower, s-e-a.- kai-e, and asparagus are nut eooh jeotionable. Ail forms of animal food, with the possible Eingle excep- tion of Oai-t-beef, v-ail and pork. are easiiy digested by thle over-active "toma-ch., and'the b'niernay be said i-? bread, biscuit-s, porri-dge and the %aiusinaterials stih as rice, tapi- oca, sago(. Fresh che-ee t easiiv dimso1ved by the Reid gagtrie jilce, andI the iuçuh maligned oibFster. f r-m s a n agreeable and wholc-some variation in t-h-c 'ietary." The us'e o! t-o-t-ts and, stinmulants was iltrong- Iy condemneti for ail o%-ver-p-owcrfuil stoinachs suchi as are t-u be found aniong city nmen. Piano Makêr Praisêst BEST FOR STIFFNESS AND SPRAINS. As an embrocation for stllfened- muscles, eprains, ritoumatiem, etc., titane taçotitngIlîke Zan-Bu. lit penet-îallug powars are se gi-ast Ihat il gîtes almast instant relief. Mr. D. R. Gourlay, af Masorg., Gouriay, Win- t-cm & Laaming, t-lia ell-knowa plana manufacturera ai Toîonto, uaed Zam- Buk, and titis la hie exparience: " I lisva much pies-sure la 'st-ting that t-we applications of Zam-Buk entlraly cured me cf a very severe straîn of t-he back. Whlle net givea te t-be la-- discrimlnaie use of, an beltef tn, patent mediclues, II cen copacien- tlouaîy nccommend Zam-Buk." zam-Bulç la uted by t-he world'a foremoat aihîctea. Why not give fita triai. Price 510e. per box, et all dru - ggte and et-ores. Zem-Iiuk l is %C besi for ezema, cut-s, soi-es, bruises, ulcers, piles, sud ail skIa inJuries and 1'rinûeLed 'BlInul. Apropos o! the, 'receentancaotel or (.-ne 4f the, Britiali Cabinet Min- iFt4,1s4ieaýiing a hiind inan acros,ýga crowded tet it mnay be recalleti that the late Ring, whien Prinee 6! Wales, ionce perfor-mcd - the like cha&ritable action for a blind fiddler in Pal] Mail. Perceiving that the man was desirous of getting Vo tille other side, the Pt:ince, whu was about Vo. cross fron4 the Marbor- ough Clu-b to his own residenoe, iuiebly tüok him by the aru a-nd convoyed i hm safely ta the pave- mentf opposite, begtowing a coin bie- fo.re parting with hie>. ýMlnard'iq Linfimelit (Co., Limiteui, Yarmouth.. N.S. Gelutlemen,-Itn January Iatst, Franâ. Leelare. one (ifte men employed ýb ne, wortig in the lumber woodo, had a tree fail on hlmn, cruahfnç hlm <car- f uity. -4e w"5. When foun . .paced on a aled and takon homo, whcre gravýe fcarx were entertahted for hiq rccoYerY# il' hips bettig- badly bruiseil -and hie body turned black irom bis- ribx ta hl» foot. %%,e used MI-ARD'8 14INIMEN~T on him freely ta cleaden the pafn and j wtth the use af thrce botten he wafl completelY cured an&f able ta return to 1111 wol-t.t SAUiVEUR DUVAL. Elgin Road. L,'Inlet Co., Que. 'Not Long@« "IIs youir wifé ýoing to bc o.way for Bsore titne 71' 'II don't think she'11 be gone for miore 'than a week or two. glie to.k only Vhree truinks andla couple of suitcases." Xinaide Linment unlbe!flaniPon ind-ýice l, n ýA!fnick-,st , es Orin!aen ,war,18M4-86, - Se ýyirnuimy,1857. -I{J Z.rand rireage a-gaiwat A'izi,- Mxico iavâded ity-Austria end Allies, 1861-67. -0- P.ruÉ-is- und Austris aaiut Dm~-' martk,184 Saevon weeke' ws-r, Auatrl&Pu. Frs-nco-Prusiarn1870. Ruecî-Turkeh, 1877-78. - Ser-vo-Bulgariaul, 1885, JTaP&nese-C*hlnemec, 1894-95. Greco.-Turkjishf, 1897. Spanioh--Amnericn-, 189s. Filtipinc--Anue-ican, 1899. China egainst the Allies, 1900. Boa-r wwr, 1899-18,02. Rudf!o,4pance, 1004.- flin Sttee igaiinaiTurkey, 1912. lha.ka-n States s-gai-ast Bulgarie, Mexi;oan war, 1914. Titi, as lias been o-aid, îs. oaîy a partia*«l lip.t. Fngland lis had s-e- eral 8saall wars, indluding tise iia- portant conqute"t of hs Suda.n, which are not in-lud-d, a-ndthore hav~e been nunserous tninor dietur- bances o! cue sa-rt ad aniuher. But the let'includes 20 f atr'-sned was, or one êvery tlree yeai'. of - Theh-bbeen no fsiling ofi recent ye-ars. Talcs t-e lasb two de-ca-des, f-o>- instance, and there have been 10 ivars,. orcone every tw-o Perliapri tîhere is so-e esucouragiýng les-son for t-he pleace soceeies te be drawn f rom titis fairiy blo-od-y re- cord. Pc-ritaps it monss tat ware are vàuisliag from the e.ardh. But it wauîd Valve s-pretty incorrigible optinuîst to ze-ad tIi-le prediction in the history o! Vhs est is-Ihaf century. Apparent-yte wou'bd isn'a going t-o be able te geVt on for some time tW corne witliaut figlitpi. By applylnig Puinam's Çorn sud Wart Extractor. Ct. cureig corna, Warts and lwnIIODO pfrmaaentlîy lpaînluîoey and murety. Every druggist -in Amnerica re- qrç)mertileania selle PutnasmO Extractar; 1t's the beet. 25c. Per bottle. No niatter huw long a woman bal been married ta a nman, site keaps right an expacting titat lha will even-tually reforr. Amietôt itlard#$ eand tae .neo thui?. TIhe T101ow Pl'el. - A schoolmaster, 'wieihing Vo im- pi-estý upn lui-s clats the great pa-p-. lation a! China, said:- "The popula- tion tÏf China is 4o gi-est t-bat two Chlinamen -dia ave-iy timua youtake a breatit." Titis ituformation ruade a deep imipression îuîxn h-je yoling pmîpils, partictlarîy one smalî boy at the feot cf the ûla-s. His face flu-slîed and he was puffiug furiously. 'hba-t ià the iatterî1 -e îîqîîired the -,-hoolmaster with i ai-rm. - -Wbat on eurîli are vf)it dom-g, Tommvl 7" -Killing Chinsman,;sir-," - was thue ans wer. Ile 'Wsî.s ('urious. I Iuad my fortune tolti.lest niglit . ' *- Did y-omt ? How rucl i s it 1" Fiîst Trarup-' It's no good c-ai-- ing at tat bouse. Titer peopîe's ivegtarians." Second Tr-amp-j 1 chose Which Grain yau like best iar yaur white Sugair and buy St. -Lawrence1 Pure Cane Granuiated white, in original baga -Fine grain, medium or coarse. Eacb the chaiceut luger. As* .vour Grocer. - ST. LAWRENCE sIIAà# REFINERIES, LU41TID MONTRE'tL.____u.oî OtIA<p FOR ADA.NS CA-%TARR-L FPEVER Cures the sick an~d acte t a preveuitative-for >,t bero. Li4uid ven on ste tçngu a S0ltoi ro iirtm l mei \À\A~ 7 Let kidhey rtlnd, sold by £il drupifto t and barnc&a hanses. Ditributors >LL % OTJE-4YA te.1 tjUGtSf4., SPOHN ME0ICAL 0 hmsaLc'In, d., WU. S.A. VOUR SUNAY R[ATLêU Its, -Seady, e-yen lies-t'preeerves thse ricli, naturel flavor of thse ateat. And y ou can regulate the hieat just as you want ii-iuleal for bakiag, broil. iag, toasfing-oà-very kindl of cooldng.- Madle with 1, Z 3 and 4 Lumersalec new stove-wiilu Fire. iea Coktn Ove.ArailsihardJware a eand meut *tore*. 'Reyfute 011 Cim..BDt Rasait# THE IMPÉRIAL OIL CO., Limited To t.oJe Q Win.pe s' l'e las Vancouver .Montreal "'ut, i -/ pqMf " v mI r - - - f j" t 'Cil Coek-stove, Sf.4il AW.ON, tfloà,,BrmoIS6 Srs tAs1bipne of.. roionte. w- W. AWSON, Coloorne sirl.oronté. NESPPSRS FRSALB. fi<OD WEEKLY IN LIVE*TOWN IN Y ork Coueaty. Stationory-anci D@@k 1gs1ness lnconriection. prias ,onul 14,000.1 Terms libéral. Wilson Ptibltihsm Inir Corpany. 72 West J,4elslde Stree?. Toronto. c àI4czR. TruMiGU. LUMPà. . r'?1 iat.wnal sud axterual. oured WIz: @ut pa by our ,bome treatment, WrIté De -belore 100 laie, Dr. l3ellmau Medicià cc.. Limited. rellInewood. ont. rllakjng Âdvantagèe "Have yoù coune to an under- standing with My daugliter V, "1Whatý do you mean, then, -by asking me tu voamentt to yo0ur Mar- "Ibi& 4a.ppened to be euch a go-oc -chance that 1 though't I'd ask -y-ou and get thet murcb out of the way. I eilways hate 1-o hâve thin-gs on niy mind whien.they can 'be disposed of a.s w e 1las Try Murine Eye-Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes - or Granulated Eyalids. Doesn't Smiart -Soothes Ey e 'Pain. Druggists - SelI, Murine Eye Remedy, Liqu id, 25c, 50c. Munine Eyva. Sa1veè in Aseptie Tubes, 25c, 50c.' Eye Books Free by Mail. Au Eye Toa.o Gond fer Ail Ryese f tN..d Cer* Miutine Eye Rftemody Co.. Chicago 0f Coîli-me Not. "I can't find my wrenchtribawl- eA the plumhLer. "YOU waate a 6e<oa deal of time ioolding for yýour ~ c~i4e thie bookkeeper of the establish- ment. "Ni)w,"Ialwav-.-knejw where to find rny peu.' '"Wc1i, a fellow ùan't stick M5t monkey wreuch be'hind bis ear. Mrizat&'e Lini4ment uned by lhysicians. - A girl egi :ha.ve go many reaàons for loving ji yo-ung mnan thakt it does. n't matter wheffher any o!f theniar logical or flot. - lý i '

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