sII.I "fDvSePeîaPwt romote WATER AND LUGHT COR "Do IT ELECTRI< I-Ioine.4 tîat are uiîng cectr icity a.dded convenience ol' usingt!îe folios fot cuî'rent ais <et otnt opposite ecdi ic WMISSION IERS 1 CALLYO rfor liit ray have ti wlig articles, at a co nlividual item. Lot The "~Wh/t e Coal" Do The Wo k For Yo, Waslting Machin 1e & Wîituger Electrie lî'oîî - Tlea Samovsar - ch-afitg îgI)ilu 'toaster Stovvsm Six ici Dise S-toves - -('olffe Peolator - -f eatti'îîg Fils Electrie Fans, 12 ituclu i il 16 i - - jel4ts 3 ets 3, -2ets 4' to 'l ct je~t per 11o id tg ýur Aîîtl best of ail, the 10 watt tungsten lamp, w-iich is now a commercial success. Use it for halls, veraîdahs, or aniy place you would appreciate long hour burning, at a cost cof 1 ,cent for 1 5j hours use of 8 candle power. GEO. W. P. EVERY, 'Supt. PJ DEDING IT NOW Planting Time To get the' best resuits use the best seeds. We havé them. CIieap priced seeds are dear at auiy _purce. Try us. GARDENSBED)S' By the package or by buik. LDutch Set Onions 1, 5c per quart.- Seed Potatoes Fresh Mangle Seed A nice lot of flowers and plants just in. Jmo. E. WATERHOUSFS Phone il WH-fITBY . Prompt.Delivbry, use ~eur vnwn5 pes ptvnw ePLU Limllîd, Wcîeleu auUnÀtair- Mv2tefra ,i ce - Lin osB-,ok8mt.urd . i- Mr1MI n.XIdz r Iooo t.asbNavigation Co.-,NiagjaaNaviga- t 9tha.. ston Sewage disposei returuae.,alter tP«1d14 the iuite "tu ou Line, lUbuon«-IsladSteam- pat o0at 11,30 a.m., foi. Engsnd H.vlstedMn.à d us bot Ln.,St. Lawreà Soe iuamboat 1,ow;ed by a dinnes i'en by tlhe ni TD I!dersoo bore on bis reluira. Une, One-way and round 'trip-lares vpilty te the Juviteod guo*eo. Tbve Mr, Lki rdRuttaur, 4tGelert, 4. (rom 1ponts on -Canada Ste.nishil Kayor .ýand membn of the Whitby spedig k~rekat B home beïand, Unes, te the Principal mummen tour- Co nîd thie editor of. the Gazette - tu Toronto, . - ts resorts ln United States aniand, Chronicle ,were Javtue t b Mn.. Roy7ParllenieÃœt, of Huatoivlle, Canada. Cail or write for ticketsý pressa-t. - vittd hbr ant, Mrs. C.A'. .GoodIel- andi allnformatlon. Office. oppoulte,- The Weston sewerage and sewage Iowov.r .Sllay .PootOffie., Dundas< St., Whtbv.' pu«ffIeatlýn, ystem - colkt a' total of en'i oifâ hepaf-let - - - 1484.. lepatl ,vz las been h tw o I 9tlwC S Ec > - Icmpoeau 'perfeçt-wiklaj'one, weeks visîttflg frlends. Th iso Cu renwpln lit. ad Mn.- Jams HowIl o! The inquest held- upon the deatha oWso onilaenwpar ng ,tç pave titeir 'streets. T o Ga, Montreal, are visiting wlih their Pof . tw < nien i anaccdentBon e C.zette and Ciroinicléexeutends thanks daughter, Mrs.. Wesley DeMille. m- R. a, waschryoncld setwo to te Mr. Murray for -the -kind Invita- Mr. Jeflrey Gimblett is spentiung ,a' oilsao cnldt atSt tion te be present, whici unfortu- few - durys ah ils honme here ,atter! urday 'evening. The jury. foun-t that nately could. not be accepted. compîeting a year at thme Oitario the-(Vo.- hati been negligont or cen- Callege o! Pharnmacy in 'Torontto. - 1iturable in- three particulars, and se Mrs. Barbara B3rown, sister o! the' stated in .theïr verdict. 1.r RTHS. late Agnes Dean (7ameron, antid""S'r13iI'IENSON-là Toronîto, on Fri- daughter, of Victoria, li.C., have Amongst those wlo have recentl *y day, May 8, 1914, te Mr. anti Mrs. been visiting wit.h Mr. and AMrs. S. purchase- McLaughlin automnobiles (.e. Stephenson, a son. L. Brown, Kin-g&ton Road. are Dr. '. F. McGillivray andI 51er- I)EATIIS, Mr. Stanley Morrow is on a ifi Paxton, Mr. A. H. Allin, Dr. month*s tisit with fripnt!s 'n Gren- Bascoun, aîîd Mr. .1. IL Mclaren FIT'IIETT-In Manchester, on Vi feil, Sask. Miss Liliian BIrown, cf have exehangeti their cars for briînd day, Nlay StIî. 1914, Mary E. )loore- s-Brooklin, is relieving Mr. Morrow. new McNleaughlin's. reiict 'of the late l osephi ititchett. witb bis worl< at Uic station.e-j McKAY- ., on Wedniesday, Mr. anti Mrg. ('harles Y1. Grass, SENTEîNCF'D F(>ý R 'Al ai' 13, 191-4, Donald!blcKay, eBrooklil, announce the engagement of ' t'nîntv Treasurrr. their daughter, -Jennie Irene, te Mr. - George E. TIhibbeau, who on April'- - J (or-icmilaiu, Brampton. son of Mr. lat, plaved an April fool Soke On the andi Mrs. Thomas W. Hll!, Brooklin, authorities at the Asyluni Fanm W'ESTDIHAMlBE.I. >the marriage to take place in:June. had bile jo:ie returned to hlm on liowmanville, 'Mas' 18.-At a well- Mr. Frampten Pliyce, 1l'olicc ('lerk, Monday înorning. fle recently took attendet! meeting o! bbe Lihuerals of' o! Tloledo, Ohilo, an oit! employee o! bhis leave wit-hout permission, wasWetDrai eiinhflo al the Gazette staff, was in town one re-c'aptured, and! was hr'nmlut hefore esDutatllliîth ton al t!ay last syeek. It is 30o years since ilagistruite l-aria-r a tti' (Court Satu day aflernoon, these officers Mr. I'rice leitIWhiths', andti iis w as h buse. lr. (Iiliuuîur, tWartiu futhe wr.eetd l-iet rn b is flit visit buto be oit! town. Con- ('eniral Prison, is prt'!st'ttt. Thili - tequentîs le .sai- mans' changes. iil eau haud onlv four ttontlls fo serve cousin, Nirs, S. F. Sinclair, o! To- at the tiuue he es.'apvd'l. e'is weak- ron to,- acc<ii partiit'd hini. - îîtiuded, alli1 iîui %jeu'ol this ftau't lae- Quit D sn istrate hlarper tmposritl a senten-e ofD sig ! glDruggiste ér direct ire= [25. a bOXCOLÉMAN MZDICIee CO I'rM TiieySugeton. cows tied on, the east sido and Wuyig 4 - ion the west sîde of titis stre6t, their Te te Edtor May 19, 1914. chains stretched acroes the toadway Deà rSirM'hle radin yor vau-I cro said the first -chain witli no Mif, DerSrWie edngyu alu . The cow attaclhed to the sec:- able paper a short time ago, 1 wasg ond chain arose, pulling the chai pleased to notice an editori-al, re- taut between the front and back qnesting drivers- of vehlicles to driveý wheels ýo! loy rig. Fortunately 1 in the centre of the streets, (a re- iv:diigsowyadn lmg ýjuest that ail drivers generally à r none htteeI y would be plgased to grant). -The rpsi-, law prohibiting the practice ct al- dents havîng V$en the trouble or' lowing cattie to graze on the tiwr pleasure te put sides of streets into streets, loose or tied. It is certain- such shape -as to beautify them. ;1y ignored both bv lthe cattie c.t,.îîers- There ,is, howevcr, a more danger-; that tether the caws and the- oflic- oui <a.nd--as destructive) pract(ce in îals who are supposed to enforce it. vogue on t he sîcles of streets, naine-I If such a by-law exists it sh . 1.îbe ly,. that of tetherîng cattle. Ylou wil! enforced, ther eby averting a.îv 'aîîl- observe cattle grazîng anywbere teth- age and expense to 'tlie tw.~ut ered on oneside of the street that îng that this Nwill îîeet with the ap- will stretvh across the driveway j provai of the touneîllors and the over sidew nUis, anvwhere' s th4 I community at large, and thaikin they ati btaît gras or îc)tOvLou for this space in %iîr ..',Iabl wbat thevy de ni)t cat. WhilIe dri%-inS aper sotitlî ot liroli. si rvvt on \Nlondav ol tu, -morning o!' this week Iî(,hservf'd 31l'l'A. EST. W.i.UKES-ON- GARAGE Auto Livery Gars for Hire Bicycles and Repairing r New and Second liand Wlieels For Sale. w-~ ?Y , niri The Bowmanville Reviesv says that Whitby las organizeti a Booster's Club. Il so, it must lave been done [n t-he deati of the niglit, so tint only t-le meznbers would know anything of State of Oio, City of Toeo. as. Lue.. Connty. i F'rank J. CTieney malte. oath that i enla ora rrtuer of the rm of P. J. Cheuney & Co. ding 1usine'u lu fluéCiy of Toledn. Clounty anti siate aforesa Id. andt gus saiti fit m wit1 pay thue sum ai ONIt HUNDRED DOLLARS for ecdi uJ every case o' Catarrh tbtat cannot becureti by ftle use o! "SIS O -tprria Cure. PFRA Nit J. CîtiiNRY. Sworu tobeforenme anti subseriluetilun y pres- ecfle, fui!. 6th day of Decembes, A.D . M8. (Seat> A. W. GLP.45ON. NOTAR9Y PUBLIC- Ha'l'sCatarrlu Cure lî taketi Interna]I$y, and acta dlrectly on the Ilooti atidinucous surfaces ofthlle aY.temn. Send for testimonial. free li.J. CIflNEY à CO., Toledo, o. - Soit bY altiruggist% -75c Talte tial.Pautiyiii.sfor constipation. E .3 I ttîr"e moîthils i n liii' i ltario lefor-" niatory, and a firther indeterminate sentence of l u n months. Ilad the man heen of average intelligence the full! sentence %% ould doubtless have been irnnsedl, without any con- ditional ternis. MILS. Wà . 1100l'EII, 0F CAWRT WRIGHT, .SIITRICKEN WITII PiARALYSIS. Last Thursday about noon, Mrs. Wm. Hooper and her daughter, Irene were in Port Perry, and fpalled in1 et the home of Mr. Chas. A . Rundle,, where they had been invited te take ilinner. Shortly alter their arriva] Mrs. Ilooper was taken sudilenly ili, being, stricken with paralysis. In a few hours sfie lad passed away in kpite of-ail tînt medical skill could do. This is the second bereavement within a tew -weeks. On the iOth of March, Miss .IMddred Hooper died, andi now the mother lias gone. The f uneral took place on Sunday last, interment being madie at Pine Grove cemetery, Prince Albert.-Beaverton Express. Matchless helf p" ta women's comfort, physical well-being, and beauty-snre to pro- moto healthy, -natural action of the organs of digestion and elimination -the tonie, safe andi ever reliable BEECNAMYS PILLS ne, Laroeat Salef Ansà MedWin diaa tA. -%Oud .vywlhere. In b". .5cenft.. A'1TEMPI'lS TU S lL An epideniîc of attettipts to escape seenus to have btruck the Central Prison Camp at the Hospital for the Insane. ThIe strict nueasures taketu by the tioverameuit, however, are calcuiated to ho an excellent pre- ventative for the dusease. Peter .IackaîOn ad Mal (Uinmings, two men who attempted to escape on Mlotday, D1ay 11, but were caught shôrtly after tbey-left, werebrodght before Magistrate Harper on Tuesday af ternoon. kEach oft Vlem'pleaded guiîty., His Worship, on a, pion for leniency, modie by - Dr. Gilînore, sen- tenceti oaci to a terni of two years -lessi one day, tluus avoiding Vhe ne- neoessity of their gig teo King- stan Penitentiary. 'J1ýackson bas nearly -a year of lis sentence ta serve betore - the two year sentence will commence, anti Cummings bas a- bout tour mon Vhs. 1h would seem that thc prospeet of a similar peu- aity wo ul not be a very attractive outlook for prisoners, andi vol some are foolsh enough to break f aith Iwith tie authorities anti seek their Itberty. No doubt they will soon realize that the wise plaît is Vo serve the f ull terni. The Laiues' Aid of St. Andrev,'s ('hurch will hoît! their annual hazaar in tbe ntsie hall oui' Wednes-tay, - .1une ]Ot-b, conmnmclng at 3 o'chock. There wil! be thc usîjal attractive bootis, including -useful ani fartcy articles,, 1hortuemade candy, and! ice' creaun. 'à he - 1orange tree, mwhich is alwas's the cen-, Jt re of attraction, wII occup> î i91ii. rai position, alto a booth, tht' ar- icIes o! which lia' e heen cool ributedi by the 3Mi.îomt lBand,. Supper scrvî'ul front !) to 8 o'clock for 25'. -E vers-- tbodi' welcoltte. Met'srs. I. i.f)île'anlWil liattu î-:îs i t l tuuu,i t"t parts tinknown i(mu IMWiuday aftc'rnoiiti <o iiia 1itiufor t r t- J1tta liat t ick t iu( u- iadis i f fat excvkiowfl- tOne sbOry 15s thl thelue 'liaufleur" got three nih-j1 bles and Ilite"Apple N ing" live. An- other is to th-efiect Ithe car sva- s buheavilv laîleuton the reburn .jotrney as to groan benrath its hiati, anti stili others tai' they liat!a 'blow out,"_ which may tueau auy- thing. .Xgain it is sait! that a dis- pute arose as to tIe om-nership o! certain lisI Saidt!etobave been caugil-, andi that bu settle tbe disputte arbi- trators were calleti in. 1Be these Vhings as they mav, the taen are a- bout town as natural as lite, anti as though they had neyer experienceti the adiventures they are creditedl with. ; t; ~ ; itî; îîisî~ i i i il 1111f BROOKLIN, SPRI in VII'0N1'S GRO', MIONDAV, M-AV 2Lt -Big Prize List. -Big1 fFootball Match between T,. Eaton Co. Your Children wîlh sîrong Cathartîcu- Chmehi's 'rI'aets are mos cffective ina regula.. ting stomach troubles andi con- stipation for thec little fok-one tabiet going to bcd Ineans a aunny face in the iorning. Pirausant ta take, they muver fail. 25c. a boulte. Druggists andi dealers or by mail. ELEC.TRICAL WIRING AND SUPPLIES. 1Having purcbased the "Electrical B3usiness" from Jas. S., Finu, I beg to announce to -the publÃc that we are prepared to do.ail house wlring, installîng of motois, alterations and repairlng of ali lnds, electrical sup-- plies, fixtures, etc., and will warrant lirst clais work în strict complianice wlth umdewriters' rules. WVe will carry-a complete line-of fixtures, and invite Inspection by all lntendlng purchasers, when you will find our prices are as jow as in any city ln the Dominion. We buy in the closest rash market, and wlll only be too pleased to-Iurnish like lixtures at ad- vertised cut prices by city dealers to atîtract our people away f rom their own town. Special prices quoted on q1uantity lots. We are just now put- ting on a special campaign in elec- trie flat Irons, and combiflatîon hot plate and toasters, at very attractý- ive prices, and would advise all in terestod to investigate., We use our, very best talent to secre for our rustouners the best in the market- a tact that should interest al] whol will stop to consider. Note a com- parimon of our wiTC drawn tungsten lampg wlth other makes. We handie and control the hest Vo he lird. and in return sn~lîet your support -and patronage. Open Wednesday and Sat- urda, evenings. Marshail S. Soules,> T)undai St... Whitby. GUARANTEEO ADVANTAOE8 poiTholdranfogran etroghots Toichoertianfgsoran eed fa ifs ientire business by The Equity Life Assurance Company are much grenIer for the premniunis paid than tiey are in any other Company doing business in Canada. This is stateti as a fact wh.ih cannot be successfily disputeti. EXAMI>Lr-Af age of twenty-three next birthday lie Equity Lite cha rges $43.20 for $2, insurance an the Twenty Payment Lufe Plan with evew- thing definîîehy guaranfeed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exacfly thue sanie amount anti similar termi for a Twenty)five Payment Life Policy. At tie endioai twenty yearu tic Equity po!icy is fully paià for and bas a Cash vane aof $898 00 wfibile tle usual cash value for tlhe other policy at the saine fime lu $720. Thue munwI e tudues hie ow 'luteresta wilI paf ronfre Tue iiquity Lifp Asrasse Conlpsny .wlen lue wanta l Ite Insurance.- L, W. DUDLEY, -11i. SrlJTERLAND, Agent. Preident & Oestral Manapef Wluîtby. Ont. Toronto. sas aMI as a t sast t 8-a"i t ii*Mmasà NG FAIR- VE on 5.»TH, 1914I D.ay 6f Sports. ý_nd Brooklin Teams. fl Jsadr-.l'.k of-the H athieSoeVSTnwoo Floors finishe d with JAP.A-LAC aie, healthful, beautifl and easily kept dean. Sîmply wiping occaalonally Wà t a jam lfl oitil will kcep thetn frec from dust and germe., Harci wood or aoft-it'à &Il the sanie to JAP-A-LAC. lt "tin» and varnishes in ane operation. proclucing a br'lliaiit laatij: and durable finish wbich will flot mar white, and ws not a«fectO d ly moîatuic. Batbroom woodwork. wbcn given a -coating. of JAP-A-LAC., na:y be washcd wiîh ajand water. Eal plcib DOI -n eperience require Made in 21 beautiful colora. Put up inG~!.~ ban thne naine ,GLIDDEN.".. oo ad Call at your local hardware store for JAP-kAC clorca -and a copy of, the litde book, #'A ThousaflM and One Uses of JAP.A-L-Ac." Un Whltby ap-a-lac Is soWd by Gieo. 'Mie Rîce Tke Glidden Vernîah Co..Lamtil . 'oaio Allin, Newca&tle; ic-rsdt, Au inspiring address. was gien by [Id. Werry, Enn4skillen W. J.lie- bMr. W. L Smith, editor of nei .Gui re, Oronoîr, Richard Phip, Nestie- Farnxer's Sun. it was -decided 'Jo ton Station ; J, C. Dudley, Bow- hold a convention at Bowrnauvilre on manville ' John Allun, Newcastle ; Tueeday,-dîme 2, at 2 p.m., to sel- -Secretary-Tieasurer, W. R. Allun, ect a candidate. Mr. C. M. Bownian Hlampton ; Auditors, S. Trewin, Iay- M.P.P., Liberal Whip, lias been ix- -don, and .John Baker, Solina. vited to speak. Cicanflors, doorsywoQd-'wok wfth GOLDDUST Gold Dust is such a marvelous cleaner that a littie of the product sprinkled in your scrubbing water will save you most of the back work-and éean mucF more quickly and thoroughly than any other way. For anything and everyfn bu the house Gold Dust is the best known The GOTJDDUST TWINS cleanser. Try it Neyer "BreaxA Date-- once and you'11 -use it always. Sold'in 5é' and .~. i BSSEI Sk -MR T4E!U *a Dontmisti JEsL g -j' r i ~ 't s t, 'i *W.C.,T. U 'The' city of Ilarilton il comes under'chanîged rtt cause- o! -à n re rea-, ?! i i tion, and ii]» h ér f-,. iý bre gIlass o! cities lhavi n i tee for.a taverzi 1iN $1.2i tee, for a shop liîenisw . nlenting on th-cîIIoîne Herald. savs -1!l"If I ro tlle Wh i beyver LP quor.i.fiîres ii;r u ail. charge-t! b)y tht- opp- quoritres o! compiain o im.a doesnl't helierel ' liS policV SeejrI. , - 4 week Cverv L. Wl!have to pi' bis licens5' holder of A N-.*14, pay $11100 un s"' Locafth (lverhvupuenijt ,J11be aut iassett's &cr Saturday, fay 30îh- mir. James Long bas pure] brick building aýt -he rear 1étt's livery- stable. formieri by Thos-. Conl in. Rey.- Father RyAn; oft ,luurch, now- bas chag-as Pickeiig parish, and Iholds vice th«îe each teundiav. Rei -Cantillo)n,ý after lît-ng pastôr ýexing for a -yar, us biu Bt Uxbrida, the -Water ont!I ,.rot On-miro south forr . o, tyre's -lot r-' ire . f to Gree n îî,'&i:e A - cleai. Plain oii. 4 bridge, çn 1 j i1 There- w!i-c':. the auspires ( e'it les' On the û(",<"< ' q Musîr .'iIl le"r ]îcks ercheStra.. Tuck-ets TiauV f, Drug Store.Ohu iÂt -ifouries n,,the Iru"'. atMrs Ur M' IES5 OF ONTARIOI 9T^n^&19m^sr a------------------------------------- t, -4 '4 '4 4 4 4 I 4 __ I 4 4 4 4 4 4 -'i -I r - i 1' L large packages Buy the lage package for econ- omy's sake. - ý ýw ÀLý& ýý ýý_ - - fil i SI1ufl08 ûf 'uUfI LiI COUNTY OP-'ONTAItO. 1914. 1. Wl lITE Y-Miss E. L. Macdonuelt, Clerk, Whitby- Jan. 13, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, Apnil 3, May 4, June 3, July 3, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 4, .Jan., 7, 1915. OSHAWA-Miss M. L. Macdonneil Clerk-Jan. 14, Feb. 6, Mat. 5, Apr. 4, May 5, June 4, J uly 4, Sept. 4, Oct. 3, Nov.* 9, Dec. 5, Jan. 8, 1915 2. BROUGHAM-M. Glee'son, Groulî- wood, Clerk->an. 15, Mat. 6, May O, July 7, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Jan. il, 1915. 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. Burnhani, Clenk- Jan. 17, Mar. 7, May 7, .July 8, Seqt. 0, Nov. 12. Jan. 12, 1915. 4. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Moore, Uz- bridge, Clark- Jan. 10, Mar. 14, May 18, July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, Jan. 16, 1915. 5. CANNINGTON-Thou. lR. Pauter, Canlngton, Clerk-Jan. 0, Mar. 18, May 14, July 5i Sept. 0, Nov. 19, Jan. 15, 1915. 8. BEAVERTON-Chas. A. Pater- son, Beavortan, Clark-Jan. 8, Mau. 12, May 15, July le, sept. 10, Nol. 18, Jan. 14, 1915. 7. UPTERGU:OVPE- Daniel Leonard Atherley, Clark- Jan 7, Mar. 11, May le, July 17, sept. 11, Nov. 1-'i, a;u1915. By Order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Penc.i >ated a Whlby, NOV. 28, 1913. &.&à lit 1 1 1