Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 May 1914, p. 5

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Mr.M. Ma:noy- Parker I 'I 3 j 41 i -.41- * * * lit lit 4k 4, lit * 4,i OPTOMETRI$T WILL BE AT ' RASSETS JIEL STORE WIIITBY, ONT. ON 1 ~ATIRDVMAY' 3Oth, 191.4- MR. M. 'M. PARKER Piu C0NNLECTE[) \XITH TIIE TUE- CULVERHOUSE OPTICAL G OI TORONTO and Is an Experot. Do fot miss this opportunity to consuit MF. Parker about your eyes, R. N. BÂSSETT 'JEWELER AND OPTICIAN WHITBY .L'. PAINTING AND PAPERHASGING -7--'ý-- '- -P.-"R.-' B- db1r1..Mary Stn cr L Whitby, will be pleased to receive or IAILO Nt'Rl;A.SE. does for aIl kinds of!. painting, pa -rhrcit of iaiilto ths yerl er-hanging, graunung' and signwrit <'omies itader chaliged conditions le- éng. See our sample books. P. 0 caulse of an ncrease inIiî.% puipuin- box 176.-tf. 'hri andiuul nllhereafter he jin tire-4 W. C.T. 3188 0 b t cmore umed oue.Somev thing should c@rUW~iy b. ion.,,, and -mutRial quickly, t put tbis, Importut BYTHE AY h jhW ç7 ie Rng'tn ua, n:a HaVe you £ny pictures l* ' towns; put for 1thrme b,#fl &long around that need 9 thie lakSe- shore *and. the munlcipalitse wliose duty it is tW" attend 10 tha rnamhmunmatter should not, mn, thegr own in- IflhIIflUest, let tRie matter remaim unattend- ed to,- for even a£ short ini.. Il n fo, brin5 thern to us and we 4 will attend te Tour wants. ALÇUEO USN On Monday evening thie iembers of t You bad also better -msle an.i -the Younig people's Union of thei appointment for those Baptist churecbhail tue'pleasure et'o listenlng to an addrese by Rev. E-E. PHOTOS Sayles,,of0Oshawa, tes b .lt eng S you have been prornîsîng 80 long.' in a mont Interlesting and- impressive manner tie utory of the lité and Leave a cail, and we wilI corne work of this great. Baptist mission- any time and tuake a nice ary, "the Apostie ofBurniah."1 He photo' of your house and the told of the early life of Judson, and lawn. then followed on w1Vth* the* man's great hardships and sufferings for nearly forty. years -in Endia, of bis Et DEVELOPINO and PRINTINO Indoritable courage, and of the final Sth 3for amateurs success which lias muade of Adoniramj pain attended to rmty Judson, one of the grestest mission-y prrntl. aries o! al ages. Mr. Sayles leld o bi s audience in wrapt attention "Vcoi throughotit the whole o! iis- interest- everybodyý W ilson Studio ing lecture, and at its conclusion î omsatr udio bheartv> vote of thanks was passed forho e tr tihe Çplenàid treat lie lad given the the porches B.Y.Pu. jand span. cwal elered afly limne hen requir- summner goods is cermPiete. The ('lassie Muher lluhhard and îîtherî Ob ~well-knî,wn mnakes to chomse from., T lhe schooi room of the lvthjc,jjjst SENTENCE .f. S'SPFNDIî) O.N Iantdo on the t T'jalernacle wa, filled last Sun<(lav ')-Aof Painting, *b aftrrnoon on the uceasion îof the 'd' Jaes Silligdaliam i"thev se rtation O f "Mot ber's l)af"'l he alssillg Rm ee 1»j!eua lOssbfl iAas dispenil %titi Inidîan, lias heen iu the Uountv gaol d hshlr ecirdaporn here for a short time -awaiting trial ; o!apora e ISeaî rcttoî on a charge ô! theft lHecame up * prPit Solos weandre ciaisse s. before Judge McGillivray on Tuesday Paget.Magoipen ; ada ougat-ternoon. Shilling had been in the l adgetmthe aroiegeossad tae'oen- gaol for drunkenness previous to Vins tade frogrm te ('ofaege ate cii- rtiible, and on li~s return - to the tnsire porm W facaa ter o Reserve he again gc>t hiseif tangled ipiedeeper revereiice and respect U e ftelw i a for the name of mother. UPi tenefor he laey, Hend ao Mr R,10,tePplrWib priated t0 binîseif nomne xnoney and a K M, m.Ma~' te opla Wiibywatdh which Haley had le!ft in the Ni aUCtioneer, expects to make a trip hUe JdeNGllr a n *to Ilrarehrîdge at the, end of the bs,~ug etllryws li jMonth to conduet the sale of a farm. clined to be lenieait wlth the Indiair, farm ettects, and lbas been approach- mnost-placed in his .way, lIateY leav- - fuia aout coflOuctlflg tili flother sali in that vicunitv. This is a long dis- tance to corneefor an auctioneer. Mr. MNaw has evidently estalarished a naine for himself in this Part o! the country whicii las *pread to distant parts. fH@ wag engagéd to gssiIlasi fail at a farm north of Orillia, and bis trip there bas been the means nf jetting this business, S'PRINTFRS AND PI'BLISIIERS On Friday last Messrs.(' Nl un- dv and A-S. Meleese, of the OshaWa S' eformner ;C. A.- Gooïdfello%% <if S'Whitby; George lamnes, of the lBow- manvilie Statesman, ani S. Far- mer, of the Port Pf'rrv Star, mnotir- -. ed to Lindsayv Vo meeét in confereîwer %vith prunters and publishers of the i ('ouruties çof Victoria, Peterhoro, On- r tario, Durham and Northumberland. An organizat ion tri he kno-wýn as tle ),ldland District Precss Association, was (-arîplt-ted, anci maxic niattrs of interesi fo thc craftivn re îkscUsSpc c'lass - <'f cities having a1 populatliun Mn. Chas. IPeacock, o! Oshawa, has ec'iîg100,000, andiniiiwhii' I a l pîiee'fîuon ins A (Nl:1îî.O'IATION, fco"_foi a f avgrn is $120qnd the for Friedheim, Kathleen Parlow's ac' Ross Allen, son o f NMr and M 1rs fe-ý r -4n a shop license ik $1000. < 'omn- Companist, and I4amburg necently. <CragC e n f h - n, s'îîlic înentirig on the change tIcelHamîilton, Your order IPf at. Bassets jewelrv discharged fonm-St. 'John's Hospital, Jiceraid savs:'"If îV svere truc that' store (Jr mailed to Box 55, Oshaw, , al îieMd.. be-forp the cnlofIlle Ille Wlîdnev ornîrt and thc Il-! will have pronmpt attention,-17. mrioth. wîth prac'tîcaliiv a nom faee. dur -nors are in a]li~c as 1q The story o! how Bossi felu on a saw teb.irged 1-1 I- tIc oppnsti uon, tlle lil- Victoria Day, Mav 2,11hfifýirg 1nI n a muili1 and had Its riose «Ind lips, iliu-r nt.èrest' woulîl have <ause 10 Sundas' hs 'ear, %will le celebratpil ci I i ns Ioalhepoeo n'oiiijtluiofutihIir aliv. 7M1r.11faiifiîaon Mma ex a 51.' j ua iiibti.andIltle CiiiiOCpiîfl !a doe,)sm,.t helieve In bani.shinz 1111- '!;- hy attrac*tions are the Mav aa-c-,srusc îîrîuîs0 u l ien )~î~p(l'V .<'ent o lV t sqiecz tI , reises ai thle ('oliege, t he ',-pringe 110%%il-als ionlp r i~ li itior i 1r0le o eath Aift er ibis rFai r at Hirookî in, and tle îpening ()f iris saI~ 'rn< led l i s fr croîs sfket îrv I lamil bon 'Itel kerper the new (ios'ernmnent U" 11 uri91 Ld VO lPart, lIaI the' ast of 1si Ila v r o pa' r 1,20f) a ear for Ushawa. the oPraltloris bas been perforneul, fi 1 'io. riuinp o!f5111atnd l evey -andl lIat %lien lrssI5recos ered bolter f asiiip lcene wll ayeto SLE ALLD (FF, frouail. li e -w iii go ouIlo!fhII. ospi_ Tuli o so iens ( iif ha t$S7L';("L.E1OF. I al i hîî<iv a fo' san lios las $ <11 istadif$711"'The sale oîf lots forrnenlv owne.d Is for -bat lie l -as goiie ilrougi. Pr.M, Matncy 1-a'ker, t ptoniet- *~ îisV, o! the ('ulverhouse liptîcai Co., ~ta Ie ai 'liassetta s ein>' ystore on Saturdav, May àOth. Mr. James Long las 1îiUrehIa.,eJ the brick building at the rftr of ('4mh- 11it's l'ery stable, formniely owned loy îlos. conlin. * ,lie. Iathen Ryan, oaItheIe1. C. n')îîreh, îow has charge also o!f hie 1'kering parish, and holds one ser- '¶ri'e. there each îSunday. Rev. Father outiloD, after being pastor ai Pick: <"iln for a year, is beiîîg stationcdl ut i lxbridge. * \r. J, Mclntvre bas puiclias'.U fromî - 'l Wat Pr and Light Commission t-lie YdI ,jlI! o!fbthe lot on lirock sitreet - ., u'u'th-.fortnerlv occupied by Vhe cr14 "ii'oujuan, nMot ()Ver 55't, i -. '.r î'.îukng anid gencral houiscwonk. vo v ii ea grandil i indter ll iri tue ries'.5 Nrnuotir- -'~ ~ ~~o ' ~Tl u"cii !flic uulJuiing on 'V ~ 2iiî îlT ai8,130 Pr.1, Ït-lC 1»e, unslc lyFra- 'S i-(.'-straToronto. Pîu'st s.1111V be liad uiMîaiei rsuc Stîre sl oraan at he, Ar-i :tl4 iu' rIu be rîgîl <'f I cll ariî'î' (-il' A îs. 'liun's-, W'lih hi. - 'l'i'ktsC(;c'itleuîîî.n I., ladies 50c. .41 at, Ill l' V1 i ',)il, caiviru ru! .Suîiturdav -aft.ennO)n iast, n'as not4 held, owung bto ,e lots having been <isposed (if 1)y private sale on the pres'îousdav. 'lic nanieof the nuir-ý. 1t1).D IN BAD) SHAPI:. Those ssho travel on tle Kingston 1 oad b etween Whitily andl Oshawa. sas' that the raad is1 in thle s. chaen vaanoVdisl0sd.condition it bas heen lin for y7 'îl anualnel(Jt o îl PrncialInlu many cases large bouldens, Theannalreprtof he ricipliStîewed os'er the ' roadîed, 'w aîîd Directors o! Ontario Ladies' Col- mae Ivr agru o o lege, is just off the presses of the In fact last week a horse from Gazette and ('Ironicle office. 1V oc- o! Vhs Oshawa liveries was seve voîpies cigît pages o! light bhue pa- ijrdb tpigo ag o per and has a bhue cox-er. The mat-Sined by rasteppndonre r ter is printed ini two shades o! blue, fste otrbas iers ndmotch and the caver gs cmbossed. The ford ile ae lue vand ny much o whiole makes a vcry attractive book- for ta eligancelu pte o! two towns is very matenialîy creased by bile use o!fbiis route, Tiiere (lied 'ai flacbester on Thur,- day, Mav 14, 1914, 13ridget Mary, . .- helos'ed dialghier of the laie Andrew1 - -___ and Mnr. Sheelan, of Whiby. The funeraltok place on Saturday mora- D oi ing from îthe nesidence o! ber -both- t Pr, to St . John's R.('. chunch, and To get your N, hence to the Rt. ('cmetery. THE TABERNACLE, Sýuiida3-, Mav 24, Noraing serv'ice il a'clock. A pa- Iniof lu service -n'lll le heid in the nuannung. Suibject - "ThIe Eternal' King.' Suitable nîtîsie liv the choir. 1~idonî'or l'es- anud spidrs. ýsconie.s, .ocusts __________ spiders.AT LASI A heants- ss'eloine ta ail.' .S.and'organized <lattes at , WHITBY MAS A REAL LIVE PAINTER' STUART (ADNR Oni Saiurdav nighit last Mr. ER:. Fo'smeni finishiiel oiscîarging-. fifOoPAINYTEIRS, EtR T touis o! coal froua the large steamer and S IGN WIRITE'R.S. Sait* JrSeph ' on Tuiesday mroningt I)t steamier rctîîncu front Oswega. Country orders receive immediate attention.- Dustanc.e-no object. N.Y.. with Vtre second cargo in1 Vis-a (la. S-Mr. lIoi bas now' recciveil Box 6539 WIRITgY 2500) tans oif tuis celelrateui Scran- tomn m'al, Itd is prep,,retl 1n sîupply rybo'Iysainting lis ie going to bc the big paint day-a regular it holiday and dlean-up celebration.- Prom v on, ""the 24th"' wiIl be known flot only as Day" but also as "Paint Day",' when will take advantage of th e holiday to, make active and beautiful-to freshen and brghten ýs and fences-to make the whole place spic We have Senour'9S V100%Y Pure" Paint thcr good zMartin-S,;mour products forevery, kind Staining, Varrishing and Finishirig tlîat you warit 24th"l (which this year falis on the 25th.) Payeour-Paint Department a visit and hâve us show you' ail the new colors and the- new inishes- for n'aking homes spi-- and span. 22 W. M. PRINGLE' 'and nnakung no atitempt Vo conceal past. We Ç<.e ail classes of Insurc-. The azînuai meeting of thec Wonîcn's -VU"II1N ' -jthe valuables. Shilling was allowed atîce, and will be pleased to quote Insttutte was held lfast Friday af Ver- M .L E T to ga on suspeuded sentence, and was rates to you. nçJ~wi odbtnlneo i !ii >3gi n aoli~p o&G ýbound over in his own recognizance Office open evenings as well a5 dur. mnembers. The f.11lowîng crft'cens 'ciene Iiiwiîî pay y -to cali at our ocf $100 ta, keep tle peace for one ing the day. elcedfrrhesi- ok àdlnpttry14 sel lea b ee ratîn a lad ae fo j s-'Nrs.. 1"letcher, Airs. - M. ' Don't be misled by agents. We do hais e!, w a ienga baw arn oris Mi5çcJJaflcouâ Adverts Thonion, Mrs. 'Jas clel nt employthem, consequently we can i l b i l i s e l , w s g i e n a à r n i g b y 1 4 1 gP r e s i d e t , M n s . 0 - e o - A . R o s e ; ' ; Ce - a n d d o a i ci w t e a g e n t ' s c o M r i s s t o n , DENTSDArr. Presîdents, MfS. . 13. MitcbeIl, 1Mrs 10 per cent., which You will certain-, DENr' JAIY.Geo. NI. Rice, Mirs. D. Wilson ; sec-I ly save by purchasiug from us. ISRNC.Pure milk and crearn. WIoning and T Ms . iemn ietr INURNC. evening delivery'. Order now. Phno res., Mss . L teMa. L.Duey.r Messrs. Richardson & Richardson, i 177.-tf. Mrs. AT. Lawle, Mrs. Lm. Dulv, lictd w'ho have for the -lasi 'six y'ears heen LSi IIlhi*M.Vhsuel,'Ms-' j conducting -am insurance business in OTkelugMis.V.Pel, is'. Vie To n o W itb,~ hav, n O- n Dundas street west a gold tie Galr th. Iitriet Dirpeto, Niss caunt of the large increase in Vîcur pin with a stttng of peanis. Itewand. j udO5'iS fiem îusnes, eencopeleito ecne ine lase retuirt Io1<the Oa-j Pnungle, Miss Ida NlcilelIan. Del>u'l-)pnoste Standard Banik, Wbttby, Ont beVier accommodation in the way o zette oflluce. ae-uDsrc nîa îetn office sP5c.' FOR SALE. N Nd.nns Tbey have succeeded iu securing ac- Funnished summier cottage ati ly- ,,, _____________________1 commodation.fram The Greater ('an' denshore Park, Whitby Beach. ApJplýc1tP C1F ada Improvernent and ILand Comnpany, to Mrs. W.S. (bld, 50. Vermort Ave.1' Bring 'motir friends tal the Niaple GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION one donir nortb of VIe Standard Blank Tononto.-4à. Leaf Teariu rocin for afternuorn tea, on Brack Street narbil. and wilI 'In luncheons or ice creaiuî. Iorne ruade. future le able ta nenden their many FOR SA1.nu rirdu',Filmaii"uU customers better servteilan lin bthe 5ý1 lh'p.- gasoline engine. In goodida1. ' -.à'S .IMAt1E.14 l %I jj111 -runnuing order.. Cbeap fan cash. Ap- w 'ilFiý i ' 1 1. 1 - 'tIl'W' 1- 11'VI-SION 1914. - ~s1 ". STEAN1SIP EXPRESS 1wteBVNoiceiL's ^erfetl ~gien i at tbbc uiiuiui. Siîrst siti.ings rt i le iti' ' ir oft e-i E u v p.D , T r vuisio n foir W î ot'~ uuislip. n îi t'F.E, L1« k < t D ol'Ai.ii I ' i Fgll, C e a lye idd l u'!,,t da- ofof tos ab le <IP i CIcia ln j ti o î u s It ~', i ce o nuiy oinril rruon. Hlrklîn . lo har rîud îlî'iig stret \ ît ,'u tr ', u. <~i ii<~ r~ I11î3~i lp(as gist h as- youîr eyes titîîrj. o Ii . ii<lV f I . t tities whirh dur nlitif-0 ~~~lias heeriFn , u gi hliemt s A- prî'usluas ing hi-sness at saud te(.] (ou w ili li fc lsav' f * <AUr ar rieuîîiicuî Ti uvro b-eNt-, . c u r t a r e r il l ii r e ( l g o v r i 1 , e ýi - , t' o ii r t- n u ko ' g h G ra d e Pem pi o , in110 i' rtl ori ), a aiei1p < rird 1.111E , U KEYC.ICIAIs h 3u ii cxiii naIgh -Grade Pempy eo Toi tto)eq and i lau ' y D.fI O ,J ý169 Yonire St. TO RONTO to O, î umr iuruas ll 'er.Wi u'Tisîshp'______________________________ lr'uiuut tiiî' t1in 'l1-rIrtly tie laf (o e i l uiuz l'irocukiin. 'cfav l 1, 191,1. 47 Puirei'irur tn tuiiirg ia h cats ans d y ou wiîl linilthe 14-UR NE47W c o l v e l i e n e w r t l w h l e .- F u r e , L i t e , L iv e S t o c k , P l'c tc G li s s , $ Is Rllel (uts 2%. Train Time ¶ able. Accident and Automobiles. 24 Ils Famîly Flour 65c 1 and American companies. <ir~itdàate.-4 of rhrrira..rendi tn Surprise Soap 6 fur 25e JAMES MCCLELLAN employ ment hecioruse t here.rril,' tAra4 130tfu e 4cBx 393 W hitby, Ont. phone i129 a calillp", if ir-hn wcasr: Steele Briggs Seeds WHITI3Y .UNCTION. j- ~ tr îo, îlg ;,rtiJ'u 5c per lb. selling 7 for 25e GîJiror l vit...4 %2a.un 1Goinug 'Fat ... 8208 ~ ICor. Voge.an 1 W. J. ïBalt, 10.08 yf2...~ 9p ..la .:.6'53 P-111uu uJ Your business fricnd, Sunday trains leave for 'Toronto i cr o-o 4.52 ar. and 7,56 p.m. rom Tor- HO I A A E___ WM. MEEKER ot tr5ains stop m.at htynd tîopn of e a taisin Canada cst CEKSTNUT SI £SIZE, 1.0< AND PEA 1 Phone ý4, WHITBY f PTW TTO. o otAtu and te Detroit and Port COAL FOR NlAC-S, RANGES AIND Going North.. o m Gin ot .7îag Huron, Mich., Buffalo, BlacktRock, HIATERS. CANNgL COAL FOR GRATIS '8.30 a-i. Goin South .. 7.18a-m . iAND TiRE-PL C S 5 0 O . _____ '-4.ISP.m. y5.,» Niagara Fails and suspension Bridge, PAE.20 OS ______________________.6.40il N Y. Buy your ne .xt urnter coal now and -~___STAGES. SIGE-R AR- N NE have deliverv made at your ceunrenieuce ~~ i f IABVBs Whltby for Oahawaa 25 'li SINGLE FARE FAR MayI N26 Fe e~I latacntr ehv 8.m Bfd ~.. o..H - My -Ousrsla he buiestsedrviinta ies M inimum F anre, 25cents'i tIe strongest testi mionial ve can offer o ! Tickts ow o sae atGrad Trnk Our succesinIi iiis respect and of the ticket s wonfic s alf rn Tuk quaîiry anîd ereparatiou of our coaI. - ---- - Ef.R. BLOW, 'Whiiby Livery, Gartage Bell Tel, 9. Home tel. L4. and Teaming. E. Wu EVANIS 1 have recently added to uy well. Pumip Manuacturo equipped liuvery stable a hcavy tearnu and dray for al kinds et catage md SbOP and ReudenCe, undaa .qdft4 teanuung work, and wili bc pleaîed t WeiiITBY are vhich )rses. ons ,re1y lling ýcles the ths it "yt SE!! OUR SPECIALS THE, MISSES POWELL BroekSt., a -whltby.4 îjae or tBroughiamn ai 0arn Mr. Edwards, proprietor. MAILS CLOSE." For W'est- S3.11s'. iFor Prrt whitiy- -î~ P - _- - - 6.30 P-11, For.m - - .0î.î 9.30 P.flM LNDERTIURES Phon 5WmiiTBy REAL ESTATE andN E.ldn loNES'ferST Farnus for sale ln the Towniship cf Whttby and Pickering. FRANXK E. JONES. .WHITBY. Several bouses ) t-i 't' 'J. .7.' .-.1 receive orders, which wiii hai and careful attention. PHONE. 65. CARRIACE TO MEET ALI J)DUNDAS ST.-, WEST ive pioriir TRAINS. lIe t Tîrse doori weat of.-Whithy llcu. We are prepared Vo Instail 'wood iron pumps on short notice, am attend to ail kinds of r- palring. Agent for the Ontarie wknd mli, Am gasoline *enoInesand the sqtawp ed Mdagnet Cream Soparalor. Phone No. 50, rosidencp. 1' j t'. %VP nifen.." p 0 Il ew Hat Tor Nf ay :24th Il

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